Whitby Chronicle, 10 Dec 1868, p. 2

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w U1u M"la-- u 41T%@ Nova &tes aIsvemaliovedlite hom upderstod tisai, if îbnmm or. four co. camious s-vsmade te thon by tise Cawa. dito Govereit, îbey *listii mibltupeu tliseipao ibm teAmi cf Usne. visimi bolted iher province vust Ibo Càmdau. à fe v iie s-go ibm anti-arlnaParty lu Nova Sola vms-t qxerediegly belliome sud threaisming. Tise, deelèved thas sbey yeuld amk ibmeaid of ibm United Statet 4d break île'elaIe.tbiai bontd tion. tise .terney.Geumeral eftbe Provne.delvened a speecb htibretbed isIemo. îlikm te ugied sud ise(ft4eNda; Itise egisîstive Aatbli dioUtWIb o liseLnt-Gover- foir nhrotiug tise Attoruej-Gouevl sMd Jma,4fie bm ILeglslaîurmadjourumd, îbej ts-de an esppnopnlaîlou of *50,00 "'for buu<resen eeutlngeam," uadet elncum- siaumm i iscisled ta tise insplîcîcubaitbmh poWsbiliy of a nescnit teanr as ucou - templatmd. Up to Ibm lime of ibm adjoun. tuent oethlie Lmglature, lue tctibmAnil V3iio party saammd te bave vrjîisiug tbeir ove vay, sudonot a voice vas bourd 'Ibrougisout tise viole Province inufs-von or tise baîed and unjuit Confedenaîlen. But incestise Legelatuve sparatmd, affalres bave tobe. a turc. No insu lu ibm Pro. Vlucm seemis te bavm taso ucis Influece witb bis folo. Biue-Nous es-Mr. Howm, isnd hob ba tely advied thos to refrain l'rcm furtber agitation for disunlon, aud to give ibm Coufederaîlon a fair trial for a year or tvo. He bubas e m sted in makiug iis appeai by tbe action of ibm Canadien Goveruméni. lu viii bu remus bmred usas, vile iisq Nova Seotisa logi. lstore vau nsessiom, ibm Canadien RGev. brnuiteht eont ive cf ibeir Minisuers ta Ëalifax el mIr i péace eeuld bu nego- lised, natif spots tbm reino (thbee Ams- -ismaders ta Otava, hitvas sait biai îey Lad <ooued i quite, impossible te indues the maloconlemi Nova $cotians to listmu te *au,-'propositioaa etiser thonn ths.u based on a disonion cf tise ecufederaîlon- tI!is -port inuseoui net te b. -iînictly trnm. Tise ministers brougbt book vush thoeul aaement of ibm termes on vbicb Ibm Ifova Soiianm vould abandon tisir -opposition -to tise union; ibese terms vere cooideréd lu a cabinet counscil. sud a tuodlfiution cf (hem vu returued for ibm. conolderatlon of ibm NoQva Secotiaus, ao. cootpsuled bj au informai Dotifiestion to f4tise st isai If ibm, would bu accepied l-se Canadian Goverumeut wonld consent. This proposition vas 5 araticopble tisat ibm Canadian Cabinet s-ne nov siout te suismit ibm sans@ proposais fonmallj sud oefiiaily. sud lise probabiiity lis tahib affain vili soos bu deflnitely smtled, The demanda made by tisa NovaSecotions"e for-au equitable imposition sud divisIon of jauaticn, sanInormame of veîresuitatlur lu %in Parliamsent ertibm Coufedraticu, stsd tbm eumîrol cf tbier ovu 1041maimîlila lu lime cf poace, Tis# prcposis made by tise Canadien Cabinet eesbrâee, h ,la uader- 4ieod, a atipulaîlon tbat Nova 8etia sbshll b.oexempt (tout boaimg -aselborden cf taxation for tise payma cof tbm luicreel or principal of ou? ot tise sieSteconiraoted !b tise Canadiens prier tîo ise ults;a promis@e&the ibm uber ofrmeprsntaivea fi te Parliameet siail be iueraed ; and à prpomiofon ibot «bile tise geuceral Gov-. trumenitshah 'bu Ismd'to le sopmme lu 0# raeaimgts sund et a im eseov'pnrtisemii- :arf fors es, fail paof ethtie Confedera- lion, 19" W S oti sail Etili regehtte for iesaif tise mCai adirs of besr Ovu milhuia. Tise more, visai sSstibi of ibm tarvichia neafll laid Aitishe "W6, of the fieotent of tise Nova Soilaul, .fi' utile menifutied, ienissue megotlmlions, o'te' i'éat>i,, 1< wooiS appeair, :bat aitisth tIthée openad fivas believed ln Caétàfa ile 9 aueile Nova Sootîs-, usai an are'éb'gedsni' l'un timroeivaiof thé Relproeitl lirl'mt vib the United' Saues.vould som'bW made. Tisai muettIon Ibuionotba tohfilisd s yt;,but bold il bu, <iers -viii nomate litie or batite;ln e bwvY or a peauisetîelassent of tise ocestbratem. log quarrai bmîvma Haitat sud Ottawa. Pnoagooàsox o'r un Hovas.-Thse At- ltiatIbem mllila teorce cof ibm Dominin Aasoemted on tIbm liOeiobmr t 910 ,TheOaI*a (er"e le tbsas madea? - *t&mame mi-Ua cm""e u170:10 distimaime vus ir* Decoumeesa to- owitîte thomibese aluIbo me o e b lu,, mmd atter'i fi euer vt« "ens ate ibdeiai doue tmbsd tise grand jury. Tise esaibissleessbrougisi befor. tbm -mrt vs Regima s, *,?Anm ODonnei--for simling moomy trou MvË. James 8Sls, ff Omiava. T'ho pisent'er leaded gllt,. g. Tiliuappeaiedgi ibm Court lu ex.ý teûataîln d geltishe prneo f vihs tw0 vemk's Impisoumeus lu tbm mOOunt, flegme vs. HannnsJ- OlfJ'rd...Tbm laremu, mmplalmed cf ibis asevas u -the stmalinscf a pair pt pataloone <noém Mr. Lavis Mal cf 0Oabsva. Tise -pisoner is ou bailanduditibiiliilikl, taise place lu tise mornn. Tise Ceni, Attornemj,-Mv. S. B. Cochrane, preeted tise indicieutsmad pvouecued lu bots ae.e COUKITY1CýOtTT. Themuesaibefone thé Comt, Court Ifllu=vs. Dnnsi.Âcioa ou prom- Issory note. Vmrdict for plaiîntif, $158. Cochrane & Cochrane for plainiff. H.L. Ebbuls tes- defî. Mau va. Long, et al.-Proaisor-y note. Verdict for plûff.$208. Cocbrane & Cochrane for piî'ff. H. L. Ebbela for del., Royal Canadias Bank va.- La=ems e-al.-Action on promlssor, ots. Re- cord vihidrs-vu. Cocbrane k Coorane for lIraf. Deftt.lu persois. -7'iw<ite vu. McPail.- Promisso-> note. Verdict for piaintff. J. H. Green- vood for plaintiff. Mil/uv vi. McrëîgI.-Âctlon for &Mt. ef aceconn i. dieî-ler plaintiff for $166. S. H. Ce.srauet sud 1N. F..Paterson <or pltff.- - -Patterws:vu. aàern.-Actlon fer Attorney'& bil. of ceste. Verdict fos- piff. $13, ubjt l"s ,tIon. ;a. H. Csshi-n aue JN.3'Pâanoufor plsif. R. J. Wilmon for dfÈ~ Mia/i *-Co. ve. i«g-n-Action on note. Verdict' for pIl.- 35. 8.B Fairbanks for plîff. SECOND'D . Jo/isODonnellvbo va a the lasi Sessions ondes-ad 10 be coamiîîedl to gsol 10' find sureties <o keep ibe pence fon an assuit vas ornogbîlnio Court, and on aceontcof-bis not bing abls 10 find se. curitiea, vas discbsrged ou bis ovu s-cog. aisance. Queen vs. Hannah Ciford.-Peaded not gaili>. Verdict guilu>. Sentence, 2 montbu lu gaoI. 8. H. Cochrane fon Crowuo. G. Y. Smith for piouer. (Juen vs. Philip MOLachian - steel. hng s-o axe. Verdict guihi,. Sentence, 1 mentis ln gaoh., Kelly ve, Mia/i 4* C-Action ou an acooni for vages. Plaintiff rlied on a due bill, givon lu 1866, and bis Pesa book for tbm balance, some, 960 -thm latter cnl delta paid into Court, aud.a!ieged ibm dum bill bed buen es-mimd on in ibmeboka 10 plaietiff's credit, and ibere-fore paidi Verdict for plîf. 8126. S. I. Cochrsane sud J. E. Faeel fore plîff. S. B. Fairbanks for de'to. Fins in Ma,.-Wm regret ta les-rn usaI ounlest Tbursdaj igbît, Zrd lit., about 12 e'clock, tbe atmmSav Miii, ovueil by Mr. Win. mePise, vas complu. teiy desiroyed b>r fine., The meciiner, is Ilurid io sinchanuexint se 10 reudmn 1< -entilnaly culots, Tise building coutaineil é; ionsidmrable lot of otiser mateniali0sîi vas isnrned. Whou dlseovored, tbm Mill onteu tmaJa of Bsme, pd ôeIte te daiï aujîising. -- Tise hou""a lettiaatud at $4,à0«, oet viimis2,00'iscvred by ln- m trzôel'ite ]Mnolfuseial Iperuse Com- moiseS'doitî b, eisïg, vueS letrasts te ispvmiIu opfibibi Iar n mcxiqeuous-.Tis sav Mill vas ï'Viat dodvmblelifte itm vbëoe noigbrhobV t ê1g dsrulo le <mil by Ibthe, f ii' t lidiy. Tise orlghn of ithle, sewi tcu' tome aibibute i teWt' tbVVdt I inemu-« disn>, sUi thmr .le6-noihl'5 hegiblis vàanet Ibesoppeitiea., Esii-Mîns CtcrMe.-Goîo . Coebrnu's for. »«Wsuabegals u i i Il"s. The Shsarp uap et mld veatb@r I.I' mimd.sislmuin tu ils isi aner prfte- veat ýisMleue.e ci w ilii <mulis @I! yen vaut ai lover prites. ibs ever. Aeom .-Oan adayl Mev. NUis, tise mselamsn ef-P. Ba"mt4 Boq-o P.LS. sa araunsd providentieal sepe. Ys appaira tie litUe làad <nid a fais ofpoi~ esulte i mbeatfs etIbm iri aie, defemtiles 4ev, siIm*ai, oef - Bryron sud Dudee t siysm- oi-"ï;dcw et Mr. Draper, Mr. 13. Maedomsll viféd'ppoilnied solieftor, onho.- ba!if ethime or#*ratibu telook ater the Tovu's Iitreste. lu" elmlredlu i comiUteote mwhoea> sud seuer s»Me'discussionu tbe committeu rose wihouî ia&ting oau taoneala ibér Xv. Draper vprted. rom Itbis cens- aite., aud afiecousîderîflon lu 6e,11 uittee of tbm wbols sud, tbm adoption of a ew mineor Items, the commitie rose, reponimd progress, sud obtained Imasve to ait &galna stbp mi Mehting cf thbmconu- 011. aavuamxa oecas, sa.,9vos 1869. M. Gerrie lnîvodnced a by iaw ou this subject vib passed ibrongh aIlI, s stages appcinting Reînuing officers sud polling places sasfollova S- North, Ward-.L. HE. Scbolield, Me- Qeate Wd-G. Y. Smitb, Tou Bondi Ward-Fraucis-Clarke, at Jas. Camero's rame bouse, veut of Ricbmond Nomination ýon 21al, December, sud election oun orsiMoudaj lu Jannarj. PAMT Or ti0 gLaoTowri'sor uoao. Ou motion of Mr. Memilisa esoluîiou passedl ordering tbm Tremornre- te psy ibm Major aud Assesslor $4 mach, as amectors of jurors for 1869. Ou motion cf Mr. (Cochrane the lieunse Comminievau instrocted 1t0 report ai the uexi*meeting of the concil lu re fersuce 10 tbé btchers' pe tition in ibmeanijl part of the jear respectiig liceusea of uou.resiçieni peddlers rmaiinug mmii for sale witbin the corporation limitei. Mr. Allia aiso gave notie itbat be wonl ihe bnexi meeting of ibm council Auiroduce.&a bylaw te ameud the by.iaw having refereuce to trausimut iraders, witb thm vimv of reducing ibe amont of liceuse. Concil adjourued for one vemk. Mus CÂasLoLI.'Is Exhibition bau bemu fixed for ibis <Tbrdaj) eveang, wbeu we trust, ber friands wili tnru outinl stroug force, as ibis vil! be afareveli enteriain. ment. Great pains, we underatan.d. te make ibe occasion unueualiy attractive. The disvoverj of mauj codices of the Iloly Seriptures bas stablisbed ibm purij of ibe ted of ibm sacred 1ev; ibm discov. ry of ibm lavs of Motion and Gravitation ba saimosi perfecied Meebeanica Philos, opbj ; ibm discoverj of tbm circulation of ibe blood bus accompliibed lu Auatomy wbat la ai lait aceomplisbmd la Hygine bj tbm Great Shoàbenees R.medy, vhicb bas sno cten cbecked ibm iurosd of ibos long diseèses sud diseaces of lbe ibroat wbicb imprudence aud expoanre have united go malte no comaon. Thse Reported New Englih sCublaet. The Observer gives ibm folloving as a flot cf tbe amuabera of Gladétoue's cabinet, Lord Rigli Chancelior, Air Win. Page Wood ; Presidmut of tbm- Privy Council, Lord imberlj ; Lord Privy 5mai, Bari Russel; Obauceilor of tbe Exobequer, Robi. Love; Fire Lord of ibm Admiraliy Mr. Ohilders; Foreign Secretary, Lord Clarendon ; Rome Secretavj, Mr, Hery A. Bruce; secretr, of War, Mr. Card. .011:; Secreiarj for IndiaDPuise of Argjle, Colonfial Scrtarj, Earl Granville-'sec- rotarj for Irelaud, Mr. Chicbester Forte, eue; Presidmut cf ibm PoorLav Board, Mr, Goueben; Presidmut of tbe Beard cf Tradm, Mr. Jobn Bright; Potmaster Gen- emi, gr! DçGrm ; Chancellot of te Jiby of Lancaster, Mv. Chas. P. ,Vjlliers te somse discussionusa Io detà%çý.ut ibme.. la ihe discussions. Mr. Wood's "bill re-' opeein Tt n ,u4Sbop Liemuscu, is fl&mfjtu-ee m it , , monldrable opposi. tion.,?b Th act , eihat aitliegislation on ibis sbjeci muai mvlebmnusilsfatorj, and 10 i greaier or lss degree lueffeotuai. Thoe.arem seanmv festures iu Mv. WéWed111 kivbcb viili o cimeded bj seeand cundmmned by *thera, aud, ou tbm *'boil,ama îbr biseonutibmsaime subjeet, Wr. Wood'& billviit lsfj no. body.' lu Ibm £rit place there vii bu no appeals allovmedilu esse cf, conviction bforo tbm Police or cîber Magistrates, for viciation, 'cf ibe lavera sund licouselavs, as beretofore. Tbe reeson of %hi& cbange lo, ibat lu bardiy an, -ese of appeal ýfroa ibm conviction for violating Ibm <aven or licensm lavs vas ibe conviction suiaiued lu cties- aud sovue. Eitbmr ibe vituesses vore bribed or get.ont of ibm wsj beiveu Ibm lime of ibm original conviction and tbm trial cf ibm apptal, and ibm case broke dowu for vs.nî of evidence, -or ibe pas îies interested on bebaî f at hé tavernikoopers quasbed tbm conviction in spite of the evi- dence. lu ibm second place ibm penalties are iucreased lu severiîj, sud thie leadi osai, toquestion ibe propniety of.deujiug tbe privilege of eppeal fromib te magie- iratm's decision in iboe îsvern sud liquor cases.lIbmthe bird place, it is loftita ibm municipal counceiliors lu lovus. -townships, sud incorporaîed villages, and lu ibm po. lice commis.ionsers in citles, te determine Ibm' number of taveru licenses vhib h aol bm issued in eacb municipiitj respcitvlj, sud aise to determine ai vbat heurs the liceused taverns sball be opeud ; aise te grani licensees t0declare ibm beroes sud conditions on vbich îhej shail b. issued, sud the securiij te ha givon by au appli- cent for a sbop licence for observiugi the by-liv of -tbe municipaii-to deciare tbat in chies a numb7er not exqeediug tea pensons, sud lu to*us s numbor pot mx- ceeding four persona qnalîfied te bave a iavmrnuliceuse, maj ho nxempîed (rom ibm necessii, of bavinig ail ibm accamodations requirmd b, 1ev, sud ta rogulato the bouses or places te bm liconsed, tbeîntime ibmI ceutes are te be lu force, nual exoeediug one jear, datiug <nom ihm first dal of March lu ach jearnsd ibm uma ta be paid ibrefor. Iu point of fi, almosi ibm wbol *e management sud vorkiug of tbm licenso sjsîea iaa commiited te iownibips, villages, sud town councils, and the police magistrales lu cihien. Toronto, Dec. 7.-The nouai number sud clamu of petitions vere reeeived to. daj. Tbe Recordes cfibmhecitj of Kingston pmiîioued tbsi compensation b. made for bie*deprivation of office bj ibm aboliion of Recorder' Courts. The Attorney-General inîroduced a Bill te ameud the Act establisihing ibm Court of Repeal of Ontario. Mr. Coynm iuîroduced a Bill teuted tbm Act rclating tîohil qalifications of Justices of ibm Poe. Second reasding ou Wednesdej. Hou. Mv. Ricbarde gave notice ibat le vonld siroduce resoîniiona te lucres-se ibe iu.ounuiofibmh free grenîs of public iauds to setîlers, from oue boudred acres te two buudred acres. Hou. Mr. Cemeron iuîroduced a bihlu smend ibm Common gobools Act of Upper Caneda. Second rmaing an Wedueadaj neit. Pariisemt vii! be sdjuurned ou ibm 123rd lit. Tise Emperon Nsspoieen. Vague numons vene elruated ,dnniug Sgaturday and Sunday sud Monda>' lut, ibat tbe Empenor Napoleon bad been shot- I <urus oui se bave hoe aàYankee inven ison for tSe punpoam of infiueliciug ibm moune> mas-t. Tbm table on Toesday morgiuggaoned t:- London, Dec. 5, aiduight,-Tmieratni troma Ne. York tunomucing oneusisent in Ammica onsibmhe portsi hilling of Napo- leon wenb received, bere to-ay. Tise ru. mor vas entirel, vithoui foondationai tise hi iscaltli wve bave ibm felioviug Tbe health IsbotsFrench Baperor lba bsemu unsoisud <oribm les tlee onrtaivle jeans. Ri sudmos roin bilioonuesand' otber Internai disonders, sud bas oceuin il stiacks 'of -f tigo sbt ilarua bis'fieuda Wbeli ien a* tmon cffis illumis get ont in Paris, theu oiiijoauai proptiy con s-die u t h ie E m ia ro r m k a s b a te te rieeuad'abol# bintsilf lu publie us s oon aspoesilie! Tise recmt, report, of bis Dllues. is o! tise a mae iudàvm5b ad- f scores eft imes alreadip, and as foi, tSi "aigus of etdcaylng sinengeis aud isetési apabis>," thora hd aotblng ne. abitî D istbus frimPu"isreport ibm City ,dlom hiB4t41Il040 ~ of-wýoisipve reouf te.se, .e-CIbmreA .New#a ,-Eî.c w.. - o u wilit il adn l'ar, !bé latte *va tbese *e' doune P1"Afer ', ise 'ChsneIllg a f»nm , ohi 1 ' liad, from ua me sans. cr ,tehmr. -faliid to brio*$ op bis,,elffuiceonsonÏ imbjeci given ont,"Tb turingof vater mb ium. To ascapem6'moudîgu' mlisies aud-ibere as old Westmiusters asseri sud belimve, gvve lu mse lUne, t âlu dispute; issun vbba mure compact sud superb arj of thcugbht end dicion vas neyer penued. And foi vbicb , tbe siongou, Jobn u sforgiven, Dot as1 soma bave it, puuisbed. Sp rucs, tbe legend, sud 1 fondlj ybmiieved. ad sîlill accredit lu. ldvjnt? Taiinis 'admiied ver, -lavgeiy'linis epirituel, end pra, by mayil not be conceded ilu mattera pureij temporal? Besidais, 1 kuov is vas ibe fashion of thbm"Dçua," -to give, sy once a mouisl, a broken lise, lu Latin or lu Eugii, ou. vbich tbm Yong 'ns varm e aîrjtheir vit sud moeal. Toisa oue exampie of mau , Non paci a placent,"' (CaiiJom mb ocourt-agaiu Mr. Editor,) but as bie aay lb. vonling .otibe 6"bougi- tonde" somevberm, lI viii add for ibe benefit of sucb ai jour readers as msj bave -forgoien ibeir Latin, ibas I"nos pacla placeur'mene 'the bargîlu -doms uat please.' Good. Another idier veut op for bis baif jesnly mxamination, a proces. adopted! iÃ"-ascentain vbetbqlrlads vere fitted fer advance 10 & bigbmr ciais. Hm failed. On bis vay bacis front ibm table lim obsmrvod thc abova haîf Iune, and et, once vrote thus z '* mbhed te Horace, 1t'm carry su ,ay, Fier whieh !n the ,aderts yoï: donmot me te st.y, And stram youn tatble. 1t sarrowing vent, i said te myort4 Mnses j lm iaet' -Nov, tho' ual a paîcb upon oid J. D.'s majestic lino, iî gees 10 prove ibm custom vbicb urov forth, s vobeli.-ve, ibm linoe it dispute. Tu this bellot aId Westminsiers clisig vigoroustj. IXi 15 autevbat singular ibsu su epigram, vnitîu hj oua Crachaw in Latin, ou ibm saute subjeot, verj beauti fui, sud very identical vith Drydeu'u, la quoted to show that D. plagiadiseil. To ibis, 1 rmpij ibai ibm author cf ibe Une "1pudica lympha," lived 50 jears befere Deydens-tbat books worm acarce-ibal Dryden tvast ely 12 7mars aid vheu ihm anecdote le told of hlm, poor, sud unlkmly ta gel accuas Io vorks, sud su idler un- likeij te seok sucb. No; seaun mauj otber occasions, the samte ides occurred ta tva difi'ereuî. individuais, but eue rau inta a Latin 'grouve,' the other ir.io au Engliah. Su bairrais for old Wetminster and Dry- den. I arni, air, Yours, faitbfull, 71 O. P. Dec. 1868. Wbitby Township Conci. Brookiin, Nov. 28rd, '68. Counscil isud purstiant 10 adjetarnmont. Spours. Willisr-and Fisbor proscrit. John Willie muovcd, aoconded l'y Wr. Ficher, tisatin he h abs&ence uf ibm roovo nud deputy reove tbut J. V. Speeni take Ibm chair. The ebsairmsant rend sud laid tapon the table n lotion front 1R, J. Wilson, Es-q., re- lative to a cmtain water course tut ned oui of is natural course, by the count-ii, Imb ibm laudsofotMr. .John Hiâlop ; frontMr. Sisier, in reference lu the work donc by B3. Tupp on Mornis's bill; àalmo nm the Coususîsesner of Crowu Landi; dm1105 ihat.inslructious had boon issumd Lu John Shier. P.L.S., in survey lots number 19 and 20, lu the 4th con. of the township of WlîiLby. Mv Dryden, deputy reove, thon eutercd and leok his eaeai;echairman. Mr. Willis movmd, secouded by Mn. Fisher, thal ihm chaiinan grnnihis onder an -lthe treasurer in fnvor o! J. V. Speane, for the suin of $28.50 îe bc by lilm paid to John Rogers. for wonkC donm on sido rond bmtweon lots 20 mnd'21 su 2nd con. AIR*otan, order lu tavor of Tisuolhy Fisher* for $15, for wonk dnc opposite loi 24 un the isonîbera tolouine. Mr. Spears moved smceuded by Mr. Fisher, tsai the chairmsan grant bis erder ou tho treaeuren lu favor or lihe under- mentiaued parties for Ibm sans opposite thoir naines, respectivo!y, beiug amoait alijsdged by R. T. Harrison and L. C. Tbýomua. Euqr..to said partie for injuries doue to sbeep by smane nknowis dog or doge. John Lee, one sbcepluillmd. If badly ln- -iired 9850; ohnAlîrn,'Bs heep aésime ou mm Lýegistve .asse sittiug lueroo. Tbe Board tbea àdjouraid eemiugS' ofTucada,, 29th luit. Tise Voie cbuJ>nomnaioutîi dalegatm ibe.ee~ T, mît! îb~ Educu- ,The motion of Mn. Clarke came up for, discussion on Wedmada. Ih vas. as toi- lova S- Ruoled.-" intlhibmopinion et, ibis £[ouse, 16hinecssssry 'sud expédient lu ibm inlerteste oft-Colegiate Blecationt tisai somte coaprebesive se boume I- dvised sud adoptad for giviug affect to the objecui sud ton oxieuding ibm opeïnation of tbe of collages îo be sopponied lu connection Tissmotion vas intenÏdad'-as tbmenter- ing vedge t1,brnug -about nid, to>Smctinrsa Voucation. , : met wiîh a telling deteat, ou aunacudmeni bj Mr. -Blake. èiThsî Ibis Hans-e, Wbile raniadhering Io the view tbaî 'deno min àia i:sl colieges sbouud not bo supponsed by, State, aid, - la prmpared to give il@ beau ýCousideration ta auj sehemo vbicb h aaj ha laid beforo ilý for the improvement of supenioreducatiQu, and for the establishsment sud maintenance ibrougb thé Provincial Universitj cf a nifyranmd elevaiesi standard 'of oedueca. tien.", -Aftmr a long discussion, lasîing inb Tlsursdaj morniug. a vote vas îalzmn,vbou it vasfound ibsu ibere vere but 12 lu favor ef Mn. Clarke'& motion, and 58 sgsinst il. The lo!loviug la ibm voie.z - Yoas- Barber, Baxter, Beatty, Blake, Boulier, lloyd,, Calvin, Cameron, Carling, Carnegie, Carka, Clemens, Cockburu, Colonhan, Cook,Cojue,Crsîg.(Glengarrj), Crosbj, Cumberlasnd, Cornie, Brans, Eyre, Finîsyson, Flîzoimmoi s, Gibbons, Gov, Grabamt, Grabame, (York), Greely,Boys, Ilooper, Lauder, Lount, Lion, Macdonald, MoDongali, McGill, McKellar, MeLted,4 MeMurricb, Parslme, Fanion, Perry, Rich- ards, Sexton, Shaw, Siiiciair,Smitb (Kent), Smitb, Spriuger, Sopple, Svinartou, Ti ov, Wigle, Williams (Durbani), Williams, (Hlamilton), Wilson, Wood. Nay- Caivsî. Craig (Rusai11), Fergu- son, Galbraiths, Lonuton, > Mitchsell, Mon- toits, MeCal, MeCali. Rykeri, Scatt (Gruj), Scott, (Ottava), Springor, ePett. Mn. Oliver badl paired viîb Mn. Itrànge sasinst Mr. Clarke's resoluiion, Upon the anauncemont of tis decisive voue, Att>'. Gen. J. S. Macdonald rose sud sad <a- Ho bat! bh hgh satieraction af feeling ibat the goverument policy of lat session bâti beou sustaiued by tbmeflouse (- plaus.) Tise, bad affircred ibai tise polio>' vbicb goverument sotbiied to tho Nouàe. amaug the fis-st acta of lai semsion sud vhizb tise goves-amant bad! rmnolv'ed to stand by-vas the ight eue (Sean). Tise govrerument had bemu bandommi> suritsined, and bo desired 10 statme epiicithj ibat tbm goirnmeu iluhadbered to ibm polie> brongbi dove lait jean on ibis question applauam). Ele migbt explain ibat tbm momburs of tise government bâtd nol baken part in'ibm deba just brougbt tb a close, because îboj (let$bsu ibmhecudgels Worm vol! and ahI>' bsndied for ibea: by bon. gentlemen of visoso defence tbm Adminis- tration gladhj avaiied îhemmelvcs. fHe bad! uoîhiug moire to sj uban to thauk ibm Rouse for <bis snack of ihoir upproval (op- Plaue.) And o suds, let ne - bope for man>' jean's ta comm, ibhe siiempt to revive sectanian grants; a ase ai muc il-vill bes-to- fore, sud iikehy te carrjyvuS h , bail ih been adopted, ibm seeds of coutined dis. couafent. Bvrn tub eau nov stand upDa ilus ove boîîom. Tise goveramnt caunot Lail te gain ammeusely b, vbai bas taken -place, sseiug'ibat ibeir'policy of lait ses- sion, coetiuued mbibt ia, gave the deaîb blo. to sectanian edacation. Surpniso sud l'resemtatsen. Ou Fnidsj. eveniug, November 27, tise Rev. W. S. Wfonmy', B.A., vas inviîed 10o thbe-TovuHiall , Cauuingto!t, (Bs-ock) vbmrs ho foud eusembied a nomber of, cisurcis people cf Canulugton sudtbe ad- jacent ueigisbonisood,,sud tvblen bise good" tiige vbicb voee bere lu readies batd beau paniakén of, snàd*social conversation mnjo>'ad for atmhavspàsum u of-Wbeu ' past issior thse-cisrcis, shué ,.! ui aer.1mi utvaruly 1U\7 Ur presuuu jutiotca uu.L bave borne b'qt sympaîbise. with. me ini botb a, çifficolties aud trial-ml diffi- euflîiei, inasmucb as ibat I came amongat Juin younug lu ean, Youg l ezperience for w iob, boly sud sacied a calling, sud slorimy ministrationl inu1the ebtirltt of God àre,moboÏtiv&tilt are ibey amongot you, to-tbat-I mal traly say my amisr, Ss et caîied. JMy trial,, inesccuclI as ba tbrongb sicknes., daring the greaier .part of My sojouru vithlou I bave bren deprivedl of tbe conel an'd'comfort of berzý *bom little moie iban a jear'ago 1 led Io God's sitar and vo beame one, wbicb de. privation a buaband atone cou reaily feamY andlý i ak yen sincerely for lour hind wishes respecting ber. And, ýif inluhe midui of al, a, ministrations bave -been instrom'entfin catisiug jon tu, IiremoreC to God than bitberto you cere doing, i t <Oniy, licol, tbat ini tbm first place b, meas s 'o me, a weak, instrumrut, tbm Great Omanipotent-,bas .beeu performiiug Eli' Sovereigu vii,, sud 111iiite second, jour readinets o Ilearu ibis tý bings vbicb 'IMake vïise unie srivatiou .11" Riterating your prayer ihat if it is ýGod'a iil *allong may_ be op àred -îo mjoy -ibhesociety, au d beité the burdeu of each cîb'er, and proyink me wILmw are members, of Ris cburcb miilitant, ve may -nulouou.crselves .ble- Come but ast iaiobers in:becomiug mens- bers of Ilis cbnrch triomphant. -I1 bank1 jou beartily for jour feeling address 'aud valuable preseut.-COMNUuz CArED. About a jean ego a dispute arose lbe. tween a- man and bis wite ini Albany, about tbh nging of a.picture. The wifm wautea it oin tie ves side of im parlour, whilo the husband inasied upon thmeeait. h 'ended in adivorce.t 4hr. Oweu, principal of tbm Straiford Commun vcbool, bz.a been fiaed 85 for fiwpiug a bol.. Duncan Blair, au old man, died snddeu. Il ai Broute, baviug got.off tibmuight train of .iae Great Western RLaiivay. HOTEL AxIRIVALS. RLODSOIN JIiUSIE. p osa; J' Iln,'kisg nd1 ife. Watetwn, N.Y ; Mis Asittago, Detroit ; C. ,. Pîsiiip. IMon- treal - B. J. Robb, Torontoa 8. Migiston, Vounelisan ;IL. Walter, Greessbank ; W. A. C. Eccle.', Ts.roisto; A. Morneen., Liniday-; A. D. Weks, Uxbrsdgo ; A. William,, do; W, Hinliey, Torosiao; "X. Yalu, do ; J. Herrecotor andi wife, Caindetsî Dec. 8,-Mlrit. MoenrM sclias, - & Embery snd wi'eMytie;* G. fi. Stock, hrnssgbsus ; %V. Tlsomptiî. lRsglain; W. Betiu Colubus I A. Musais, Dullin'» Creck ; J. Aiîslrows, Pick ersssg;i W. (.L. isivrihb oitasrei; J. D. 'i»hiirîoni, e -r, iK. m ssial, do ;-W. Syk.s, Toroîgl., - Miss Docker, Pnine Aibani; G. Gs!- Dxéii.4-.Hlsn.Oiaa;W .Yug Troronito ; A. W.Co, sto,* A D William%, x- bridge ; A. D. Woeksu, TIxIrdgm; Mn. Kîsaw- loy, fouets ; Pl'r. Asnrsiîi an-i vite, ltromp- tun; 6. iiykes, Taronte; R. Dovuen, Mari- posae; j. 1Jeobil, l'art Penny. Dm.. 5.-Sinq. Terenoe, bMincheter - J. Puill-ck. Teroîto; W. 's .1., do. ; IL. erkisseq, Mlontres.!;, D. Franîkland New York -W. Syke'a. Turaito;, 31.s ylte- do - J. blair; Chiciego ; W.* D. Ehwothy, M'OutJ- v1.; Drc 7.-G. Whmeie, Uxbridlge ; J. Mon- nov,Toroute ; W. Yale, do; M. Smith, Dae!- fin'. Creok - D, Bradty, Audiey; .Smith, l;ckering ; k. ësher, Sect -,J.YCai1%u Pick- erlizg-; IL Dawsoni,. tisi ntou : P. 1ionder- - sen. Monireai . W. Itykos. Toronto-* A. 51*5v rasit. Bramnpton; B.' UGs-y, Necw 'sork ; G. Si:, p sas,, 'bronta ; J. Blgolcw, Pout Porny; C. mtarais. l'art Penn>' W. il. Sextai, do; G. il. Drydess. Brooklisa; W. Arnisatranig, <Jr- bridze - J. MeCulluis. do; J.' Boltan, Lou- (10o1; S. Blsahssw, Brook ; A. Mairkinan ; A. B. <onpheli, liroaklu; - J. Relier, Toronsto; G. Lmsssk,,6cait; W. Kennedy, do. Dio. .-R.bSpemurer, htenehi A. Rohiason, Piceroing -J. Atuxander, Wbîrby ; J. Siraob - an, PickeyLîg; H. Brent Uxbridge; T.'Cies- ian, do.; T. Wilson, Piceing; l J. Pilkim s& vifo, do.; T. Gornmly, do. ;- J.-,Gariy da.;, IJ. liais, iccteb; T. C. 1'oxtou ,PerkI erry; M. Brigi:&, Wiiîby; 01 llilkle;z e ite, iieo- isu i W. Fergosusea l'eisig *Fi llmudereot, do.': Jas, irydois,'Iireoklin; Uk. h. Fszroel,4 Bawu.suviiio;- A. Iiuup, 8Sei., A. Dunop' le. ; 0. Doid1a, Columbusa J. -Marrew, To- roîsto; W. rset, l'ontt'eerry'r TLo&ChTe- rasîto;-, IL Zilvendo . Cjý Uxbrio; L. Jouest, do.t S, . L. Boledo -'i .Bemie, do.' W fYttho. ToS.utu A. S. Canipheil,Muntreal', J adili,Sgoet * M.« Unsuplry, do.,' W.Trum-à Wrnizs*yPue 2.G. ellej, Ossiava; QC. 0.Wi;sssi, mw York;- G.,IjuLuet, do; .. W. ifeninaLocipani; 1P C. ,German, To- r.W L on barur, do; J. M. Thonudike, ldlulyr C srgsuiido. Tuusxry.Dzo 8.Q.H. Meadeti otn; C. T. WyU' b 'dje; E. Ankiaus i, soss-v; il. Foy , rgn J;. .A.lankt, Modebeter; E , CUsipbel, Beookin;J.-. Lddt., do; ' j. Tibousois. Ulosadisu; .. Tveedie,Sroadflll A.luuiisn 'isscm Albert; l.11, Iogg, do; . . LpbloroîstC., FumÂTDan. Allen.J. Mq iehlo. To- rouita; A. Minig Hd;X. -4-Tonmllissot. - PickerissliimiceV a; .. Adama <'rinoci A hei JBBiokahi Beoklia, H. D., Lusl>,Aurons; U:Boye, Port. fop.. - - îias'Duo- 5-.$V. Muliocis Toonto- ION!1 ta ou luIodant, Y.xlîisçlC Esio( a enMakoe'a os 'tinug Latb, 1 ýboci Steve sud Pipa#- 1 r rge Vio,3 e Ls(let) iltàtu, Resloieu idsY tôgettier vitb varions ai îsoles auilode1the useoOf Look amitho u aa lunisnths; n.lsoaslëtoÇlonselsold Funniture. Orj rluies wbo bave iaft sricles for repair on h o;etr e aerque-stedti 10ciii ansi daim tlthuin(faeds'a eti emc, othervimu ibm oudeunsiu-- ed viii net bc reeponetbe. -- sale to commence naIlXi oeloýkt n. iii, U, ARANS r A.uctioneer. 4 IEMO VAL RÉStTBZCRI1EPR bqe l a Ifonsu tisopub- ýT îl1e tIsi ho bas retnsvedtiftram roar cf bin. Waikey's- Cerrlage lisap t e s.hanse, net-bS ut tihe resdeuea 0 f br. Major lar, Penny Stricet, Whiby.- i bere Ise -vilii sways be fannd noady tg psint Buggi, Cutitera, <&o. ini tise hagt utle aud ehespar tbuauy cIllr person liu the ulo nuow. -T. P. IPREBBMA-. Dec. Sîiu, 186S.., -49 To the Ralepayer8 of the Ce-htre Ward. S-T-lan litdnced, at thse re- quet cf many frioid-,, tae cher myuself ua canîdidatie fur <Jossuillor, aitte outsuiig""en- If elctesi,1T hah oendener.A" .1Thave lu tihe ~eitanet (athfully, blitcely, susd 'for ylla Trutsie gfan aà cetienumnceocf ycur a" 1des.ce, 1 sjm, gentunen,. ]LEWIS ALUNe Whitby, Dcc. 8, 1868., . lb tlheRatepqyer8 of t7w Cenb-g Ward T&wn Jf Wlit,,bt. >1At thue eolicitatiau of a number of <ho iectons, Iamsinivduoed ta' offer nuy son-ices as -Cancihiar for thse Centre Ward. 1- EA.NIEL BETTS. Whitby, Dec. 8, 1868. -- 49 FA)REWELL - EXHMIBIION 1 MI.SS CARROIL Bega toa anunnce ibt iL aeelExbto vill he fgivcs by ber PP1n$i t tise ME Il AMI CS'1hA L'L, ON? Wluttby, P.eu, s . M A-RS H A L L, OPPOSITE ROYAL MIOTEL" BROOK STREIETO WHI s. 49 '4, -J, Y-. 0\ YSTERS.- neeliei - <hall? rm Taylor', i.!Balilliono Oyator Dopot, 'Tenanto. SW»,Oyeos senveti up fa cvery stylo on short notice.-- Ou basi, a large suppiy lo! Lobatce -Sardin es, amticaned Plait. GEORGE MARSHALL-, WbltbY, Dme.9 16808.- - 4-f T ST OU de8AID s Ordcr an John L5. Barris, mdx y lcno'vell, sud liay- abte isI- of mi.,1s69X for Ibmer.um ofTveuty 7Dol!mionla laver os-Bacs-gm Biard. Mhi partis. ane Iorhld.nogoelating saisi ordet as nu vaflue vs-c recoivesi for tisre b. - GERGE BALLARD, - é r m u ood, 1Y . - Picering, Dec. 9, 1868. 4-i INSOLVENT-ACT OF 1864. AND ÂMEE DMÇENS TRUEr. lu tbmemaler cf JAMES P. .8SiuTL & iCe. Vite DeemibeT ,16 XNSOLVEN AND AMEN tu the mattor of J sIgneti, ait tse t< Octavie, ou Tueusd =ber, 1868. ativu emlilltionfisc l 'ordeniiuf tihe al hated ai Whïtby, Livt of uncliten tise Whiihy P. -Ayrs, Geo. eeut, lé. lerovu. . J.A. 1¶nT'set, John E. Brumt'Wicb, tIc". tjeunwaler.>t r..M Ctst,-rce;. lhos. Caeat, es Ciarao. dr.( UsOap4.mljobisl -Cravfar', lIo6eii <large, Uesry Derrik, Mie,;$Cour Dan, Iiestry Dsy i-.As'n Partiee cttmg, for edi-orti.-ed lot Whitby,Tie. e, WA ASTRONG A tiota, ca a Imy ut low rate Whtby, Nov. 25 pr Plasi Roofng «i "Tihe exIa«toiea t rplnlfaw eto shitte fer 90650ig auluaof 31 vos-ns elbcu ffl it j w±nigugscy of best,'cbeupeat'sl tentai yet i%lcdve Xitsolidifieby s-bite egaisi vithe blond. 1A inasio-It .w Condition;. cou troat Un Iisuatu et ils 0. tisai feli de,. aime, thebm lemftrain, over tbrme yards long, vu. beld up by ivo geu. lmmen. Wh'opn 'I j ' tl ý-l

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