Whitby Chronicle, 10 Dec 1868, p. 1

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MOAI CANADIIÇ ý >AIZ ONTARIO ]BA.NK WIrITiY BEATICI. - 1. iFe»LOCKII&RtTe s, tA AND, NACIJouNELLAT *~ ~ v ho dfiu orporistiosi of Ù16ebCulist" u mtrlo - iJ'1omsy toton a apomi goosi a.emrity. Ap- pli; eh$ 01500010414 isfrai, Cours lousy- B ARMTERSAttorney», tioliiitors i&o. Bê,FIri--Wuotrui Ammrsue uI'lr Uharoiîtriot,'orouto,C. w. ' Torouto, Ssy ii> 21@41. 28 - ~ ~~~e S. IlCOCUIIANI14 . . p g CÇl(UN4TY019OWX eA'TUENItI FUitON- Jtorio, Barrinter -sland rsymt1wSci iiior ln Cliisery, No'try ll'ulc. d&a.- Sftret,2"hitbv. 31 IAiIgUlTiDhATTUUUl'l~,OU14VEYAN k. or, Dolouty i.sistrsr, blaister Extraordl' tory,si& tmuin Cucieri)for dhetjos±- ty 0o, tsutarlo. Office Brook-st., Wlsitby. IRODEET J. WilSON. doUitýsuhnci, o-Wiby .ÀRSTSà TOU4YAT LAW, %ide. soit IRhSTElAt--LÂW AND>SOLICITOR ,oDiti.Risoiry. (iamies-ITrii4. 'leomt. .2 >As B CITII GOJRDOIN4 & tSA~i iAT'tOILNYlY-AT-LA W 1 R iatt suer liavyasee, c- Um Notdoor t theStaor B .& tJ. -Csmplueii, Droek dSt, Wiifby, Oit. W!iltiiy, Nov. 1, 1867., 46 S. B. pAIRBnANxSi. s 01CITR NOABYPUBLIC,&o&a W. il, BILLIN GO, $OLICJTroJ, &C., &c. WibyJ.28, 1862. àïIlLE» C. KELLER, STTO1LMEY AT£LAW, SOLICIIOIIIN ôBrock,tXj;W. -J. IL&E ULEN OOI .A .TTI>1NEYATf1,AW. SQICO U N tLos »c0ery,'Notryl'iie omrmre, ho,, PwIltl' i.W. touas, InVictorias lllosk, tixtt oio teser t'Mao. on Brook trwit. 49 J"Es LAION, ýA Tî>RNET.AT-LAW, SOLICîTOI. IN ..Cimsuoery, &o., d&o.,&,o.. Dunas Strmet. gir hreedouoaWest ut - te Pest ofhoce. - CtoCIIAE d&COCIIiANL>. BA UItITERis. AT)t YCON VEY- Becoerssiud Ncdares Puliie, d&. &c, pare. ALonJ-fJusiros -oppoilde Town RILi Pou? i Psnr-Orrtoc-Biieln1o"aBlockt. à IL tlioiistais, LL.IlB., 1 W. M. CetîmttAllC. tiemut>' Crovu Attorneay. P'ort Perry, 26db Dîcem ber, 1865. 61 LYBIAN ENGLISTII, L L B.. j3 tIitfSt3KItAT LAW,eliitor ins Ulisu- J', Comvyamaer, &C., d&c. * meo6lt.-epposite tb e j'est Office, 0('ssaa. 40 valis. CAMBON &e LAWV, OFOc-URON WTRT, Consultatlin of Pimmtlersiipracoof ceugc. t. l. CA"0eR, y. D., 1 W. B. LAW', a. A.,X. D., Wliitby, Jul>' 20, 1h5. 2 9 DR'. HANCOOK9 (cause IRoLARs i i oiT.) kIJRGEOr, ACCOUCHIEUR, d&c.9 Biususiicut& di cz-st IC-milr. tI, udge. byrsiumet. 8 a. J. GUNN, »M. I). SUR)Ef44 TO 1E CUUýNTY (JAUL, Byro $trctW hiby.4 D,-W. FERIIIEn, X. 1V. g orrime. icuns-5 do 1(f m. M., sud o'lcP. i. ô ta 8 s1 TIIOMAS iIUNIO, rpw ~ Li~K i MIAtV tEiWHiITBY VICTORIA BibOTkL. VV Wmmn. loysatoii's.> 2 JOhN ItoBiMysON's - Hair Dressing and Shaýiig Sorcaro, uE BARX OC IloRniac...I Wlsitb.V, Jans. 92,1'68. BL OTISTON boe g o uform dth. lu- bablitaetsdhu (Joisiu t fVletmrisiaud uudlug fi oute, thuglie Fui opelme tio 1 etou filaii treet lsf*l>' -i pied b>' et a dli bon ad saiflts*c assiurtihsit- linroat e la, itors viiihliu' e oure- laso*Wrlse, Liquors sbud' Cigsrs ef1ithe o asiotduir oti.s aias'. luia ttend Lndsy ab. 14.18 64- COMMERCIAL HOTrEL9 T H1E smborbrlomgmits auonuel fi bis frInde sud tise pobleici t i baima e- samed posseson of the saboya veilu#»aise!à- vometly isuovu hoffl, vbleh i»nov f ttei mp lai s iupstior imetster,wliaer'osem- eues for tsa.eptou ùo! ofguasta aud iha tua- v.ilmmg publie., W B iai coomm dti nsd supation ns, lqisorA ad olgara.0Go tablilusg vlthi-soeoudd yards, nud4t l ve aler,. si wsyseau tbe pramisea à& - sa odermte. WVlsibv, Jais. 14, 198.. -> VAIR1& 6bEVUIN@ slseodathird 3 ioaïtof thé Qitarléo gr IXPRUBS AGSNT, di.., IsAgent 0 AeIdm$ asai îsndrd ugwaep os27 99 ubwie io M fon lbT4ï mmUS y -T, paov.tnsudetlv. rtsmtu., wbu bm.tke usvy turmisid aud fitteil p, le thé Mot, troimbb auJ coïliiortabIe Mannar. Ad wbers bu 1 csa frusistlm* uesd e lla s a d m t IVs. gv.tr sstlsfsmetloù m i ,m lisudb ettor *tiabed fo xiurt the ru quirem.uts uf b tii.tsv.llitmg ccmmnnuiy. JAMES CttJCKER. A&Iblos bol, tout mirbket Sq cire, IWDAsS TB EXT, WJWIIJ,C.W. r1ya b« brbega W s nsioauê. that bu ,au er1Iptitre9o Motel, whieb bai beeu raoivat- thase st«f tyle. Thse premises.mw*piea»usnUy- situated, otpossce tht P'ost 0:lice. simd lu tie. 'ri alltmiway ijubs al tthe Ilot.iand the xtstapa fur uxbridge sud iBeavssrtosi lesve "Csefo io,.Lsalwaya iunUudî GEBORGE CORMACK. L UMBEUIt IERCILANT', carpeutor, sm Joluu er.Groos St. Whtliy. A lajqss tityof 'li klneluiof 1 uý.bcsoo.kut, nlh ou bad. U N DIERT A IN G. F4UNZICALF fuli>' sssppll.d sand sttesudcd stsutictê. Cufàsms, bej.t c0us.I.tl liamil. - WA Iieursto hire ontlberssitsruis WhItby, Feb. aits, 1862. Ilrooklin Drug Store. HAELEitin Drugsisanmt Mo.lie C Pl iUls, 1)>'. tuifs, coufectto- *ry. &o.. Wl,. inoânL.quorsoftbe bestquality for Madicaii purpom.... Oforse fOauité àkddWneealvas osand roiiuC.W., 182 b (0r00ani1di USaint#' Ciurek, JI'imitS.) I8 prepared to give MSo ansd Simgiùg les asobm, te a s limited outreber of pupils. Application Io b. made et the office of Johu L. Wmitkin, Surgimsi Dtimt-t, aomer Jimes Byrsie', Medicul 11.1, Brock st. Wli*tby. CROCJ(ER'IS HOTEL, NELSO>N ST. TORONTOt NIIETIL OP KING MT BASSETT & KEEBLE, .Pittbraiztoits, 9 ~ gproprietorg respeetrmmlly annoureg lto i mt'isuilmd4, uta dis4mssce, su wcl ii mens wisieis mirolu m r railect fibuvesmlesmtts' su oinifmribly ltéu irtise eoisdmom ofsgiiefs mo imd ise trtel img publie. Tiey wili fie Yosmad lis cotià»,msit pesomii attendat ce, aud sîllov otimmg sîmmiole ou dlieu part,to aire smtisiactimm tu iil wimo Meayfavor thmuswitls a Calil. 86. YIEOMAN GIBBONÇ. CO0MMI>SSION MER CHAŽ<VI INtiU1IANCE, & GEN EIAL AGE.NT. 'mViithy, Jani., 1otit 1868. 2 REVERE BOUSE, màcâloBgck, o. *. B. PLANK,- - -- - - Proprictor. nS6tmges to afimlt rom WlitbT osil daili. Erer>' mttcitîsrs pi gito mms aimeful miod adieu - tire omdimrs. - 9 TIIE LIVERlPOOL AND LONDON INSUIIANCE U()MP'NY. lias heesulfil ealmtence tiirty-is'o yemrs, sud dmrissg thât i'oriod lia& pssid Lmmete'cpedsmg Ilite anmd m hall million pound* sterling. 'Vise dlburetisit <t tils esommous isus orer a vile mres, billes, witIsost douih, inir huisd dms tise c,,.iulilinieatitmîtthis IimsmCtisiou, ifil ui ellec sc ci lLimi Cessron.4Tseaae. liait. UlsAriTs, IiorBmdi(iitlxaiid butsstms men gels. erssfly, vblerer n itIsreprtseuici.-' ln ite firét yemi, 1826, dii, lire Prémnuuma s ilous ammesitei do.,......... ........£9,970 Iu Its lotis year, 1846, ...... ...... £47,7 '13 4* 2dtit ycur, 18,56-i.......... ...£222,2ii7t 66 itilî ear, 'Noid6...........£739832 one yesr imtr, 1867........... :::£81,Cbb Tho Pire Reerre Futîd ln nos' $4.727.464 'fVie i.ife ecmervo Fuui.1 Inos'$9.28!,"4c8 'flic Cumuissy la ergî'm lrmiio u dune utmd l'y mec, i.> Seritil AKgeimto Io aiu i ppicutioit for Iumuaicc may 0e umade. C. y. (". 51,11fil, Aearî, Wiîrsr, CLU EZOusTnir ùCI. Feiruuiry 1lth, 1869. 7 ONTARIO FARIXERS' MUTUAL, INSURANCE COMP'Y. rj-His compmmy luamov fouli>orgauszed. asud JL le piepiired teuneCCpt ritka con 'Fariu 1iuidicj»,s tul tîser coîstemts, Country' Scîsool lloiiis,'asid Chsirceu. Tiise vlulirg telus- sunre antd timreby aupport as iomcuis msurance Cvmupemi>'. imeoir Devai oepprtumityof domst Ds, by i ppl1îmg files»a fet g icehd offiee, or to amy0ti>' oit fmeleiaget.Oun rades *fi b. (ciud on lewsà t55sdliceo ay reasomssble Mutuel lu- Durauce ('dbspaty lu Camids. L. FAIRBANKS, Ja., IMIAD OFFCE-Tu Old igiâtry Cfiee Buildminmg. Brok Street, Wiitby, IIOTEL, & PREÉMISeEoiS FOR S"LE- T B9AT old eotabliahed sud s'.11 knowvu o- tel, tue CENKTRAL ]HOUSE, EXPLON, Splendid room iz> tablilg, sud divlyg shed, together, ii i one or tve acres ucadisettacis id, mu mua> b.c lea.lredl, au o mayosiigbar- lmoig9ehmrd. Tisere are tvo veili iti good pumni al ecollient Wer. fe rewhole viii b c ou aIet birgalu, smli;uomue oftihet b suce91061ai uh ouuo tor au sa Iva busitueseu.as WiI bu .xelusugîd 1cr tortu prepisit>. For termesd&a., appt>' (fid b iettcr, pros-pold) 8i ý.-No Tinder viii be s.eptsd for lexib tisou 1,000Tiis. d4 FOIR SALE, -jçQ1jx PALA#5A u BOTEL PROPEIRTYl AT 1DEAVERITON. T RFBUIMLMINGaore 0ail-'nev sud Weil eidntid istém ntceentrail part of d1ke Town, dîe sorthermi derusunus. et tue Port Hope, Limia>' audl BIkvertomisUtmiy. ou Lett SImca., nov lu ce-uraî, cf eommtrutlou. go-lmmeoiato pmouloi gven; Appi>'toi J. C,Âkxôlw, >Asverton, 201 Ofitoher, 18681 tf-43 QueryI Wliy la luthalit tuii la stich s ru for pîctares AT CLAIRK'S GALLERY?~ It la bocause holis tmsa ti st Galicery lits thé Cunty-, ud lissu usoro il'udleuee vithu chu iresu thuon mmm>' efler Ai duet lu tbe Contt, sud au do quiun s.gol crk as ssiy odier mais lastise coustry- W Thot'u whtVo t1e matter, se io't li' ba<kvard absout ecu.lg fors'snd. BROCK ST., WUITBY. Wiltby, NÇor. 12, 1807. - 45 JOHN CARTER, LICENSED AUCTIONB!EB. COUilSt umitSaOC ONTARIO, YORK& PFEL. MrEnsIDENvcE,-Lot S t o. iNarkhom.-Font Office-Uuiouvile. SAL ES ates:icd ou théi lsortest motice, sud ou ressouable terua%.. Terme cati hbcruade s.d blis prlmted attbe Chroulele offie for b1r. 'Carter. 17 WELLINGTON MOTEL, MARU14IAM. J. IIUF.DOTTOB, - -Psoprlieor. 19 1>' IIRITISII AJIERICAN ASSUJRANCE- COMPANY capital, $400,000. f 'i£ uuierslkncd bavlhg hein aPpoimîteil J.Aieit ur <rise above Company', l,.)w ,zeareite Imiisître p roeet y sgmssiL'Dits BY ues theéuscst lavoratie te.rumu. Appi>' to, LEVI FAIRBANKS, Jr.. 2-Ittnog. Agent Whitby FAIIEWEILL &àc EGE, B ABRISTERtS, ATTGItN KYS, IPI- TroRS,(oKf C, AIND Nu)- TAIRIES PUBLIC. Ornas :-<)ue c<ornuortlm cf tii l'o.t Office, (ims'sw; sund teFeeer'm. Bok, opposîto Towuit lmiu, Iiowmnmsivile. J. ~ ~ ~ ~ I E.murcKL.I.l. 18 JOHN L. WATKISI SURO VON DFIÇTIST. OMCP..-.Orisr JAS. BUINE'S hMeiicmliîsmll. Broci Strict5 Wlitby. O lkwIIsork vtrriisted. Fausilica tdcuded ut prirmide realdcfmces. TEJETII EXTRACTED BY TME USE oF NLTROUS OXIDE LAUG}IING GAS, OR TUIE INEW LOC0AL ANzSTHETIC, AT «vw, z. daXL Y DENTAL BOOMS, DUNDAS STIREET, IIITDY,-C. W. RCtJII-or'M. Il. Coebeiinieastone. Wi!tu>, Joîme 26, 861, 25 SH0E 1bOLS & FINDINGS. A comnplet. afflrimrn on et site st asttfern@aomilloe 'ori, ch. sdlicbm isesmidAa.me 14mW. l5h. i'egm,Shoe Ruilebs trs, Heel isind ViiiPlaet, 0W1OLESALE AND RETAIIL. RYAN & OLIVERI, 12-1>' 114 Yeaes SîmitàkrTesmerre. lm A& x miC> XL de Am ucuiti- r ...nsuer1 Aui ollli f aIri-.2 m WILLIAU B(LiCTNRAN&OIYR C ~ ~ rev & .Ayer - 0 r s ùdatmts n band n m eUn Iguwd#StCa. biba U&wy9&, wd UpùW«« s i énsalo.;ba <IBS..PZE *OEHOBL, ND n- *i w obe ps , *~DJ unêdoI DIiNA*STEET.Cor!-!Pd , alêm Wblby 1, 887 S-1R 'TeaIeQwt4US'- U TOWN OR C( AT EEAS9JNABLE SAraigaments for oa eltier at the Caùvscaa 'yfi 011eirek ast, W bkitby !hltiy, Sepr.1ý5; U rry1 11r. 9 nueast. Mes tosit reibpoctti 11 to1luform tbelusobl. taute.n ot ,t ituty of outaîlo, thot h. bas laod tii he hie jreuuisii.licol>' oecpied lby Sudy Parrîs,, wfiacb lia-bas -rrwly f'amrqab. ad dmiireisorpted, aisi iela prepoire.] f< amiiunodate thi e travellmi isguloe.;Thse Bar itocked witis thme bept iiqssors suonlcgae, imd sr. attenltive ote iîr uminsu tteudaiotie. Brioklln. sApril, 1866. 19 1>' Grand Trunk Railway Hotel. AT WUITUY STATIOli. w M. ONIIL licring purchased the. 1ofÀ.l aud premies hsuowu atise Grammid Trunit Ilocci, Witsi tation, isega tiiisforni hi frienilu sud cmth ieii bc5ietth lia* fitedtop thieibout0meui o iibles lis flrrt- casstyle, osud hy atbliou 10 the Wants cio tuas. wloio fuor îMois wiuh tseir patrums-g truts teu mrit àa 00L ntlmissssc of thiel!àgsm. W IPartIes tskiug the toSanduIbn% loir horseas wiii have thomu viii tken carte ofiii their returu. Wlsthy,Seti6.8 A MILLION AND& QUARTER OF m oN EY r o1.OAIJ. TIIE Subacrtir litSriceired lutrudlouim or mosi lmvi'ted lis EsorIsiis Aeeuiile,.. to l'os- remt the smo ror Iisu, ; l isandm ijuadmolllîg couutieas, on good 1'sro lreptrty, or Dmbeîi- turc,§. 1 stili continuie to ri'preaur't iree of <lis laruit Mammecur>' isititmiitoim the Demimisii,t tliîst lesmi moue>' ciu the tost advsisgcois ternis. W Aiso s letrge tsiutuer cf vdi culsiviated Essaisis, amd au>' quasitit>' or Wild Lans fo ~r msic ciicap. For furtiier psrticulsr, appi>' <o JAMSES IItJLDF.*, <ffiiul Apolgui'e. iuey Brokir,7 Cosxmia- simieer, Notery ' l'Ic, &., &0.. OFFICE-geeoud Fisor, MllMlau's Block, Brock ftreet, Wliiit. Auguat t4th, 185p. 84 N. B.-Issun siso prepated tb lurisat luailE kîmms ofDeimse. (*ueeubsetts bouglit andso <ld; aiumo a large quaummîty of siivrr 5r sale. JAS. 110LDEX.. IMPROVED BUOK -EVE GRAIN DRILL -o-- WB DESI5tE TO CALL AITENTION TO 0UR BUCK EYE GR"-EAIN DRILL. WB WARRANT IT TO i0W WIIEAT, IIYF', DAI1Lgty, - OÀT$s, Ér GiusàS ktÊt) ,i1EîU TMÂx x<Ar TÈrstIirasi>rILLlAD. lt liq uow t tdtiimilcsmdmîo11the ,Utiied States, (4,100,) four iiimuamiml c f tt lui Iirs hopms b-ut lisoee Emdtiils)nsent li Quis, fur thuis meamse'Ii true. Qhilsif' mowmm reghisstêd l'y ma Screw instead of Gear Wheels. Coni be cbanupd Li a momernt, sud jimsst motel or 11111e diiierer.ce iisie olm it thé wliig, nesusay hc ieireî. go-Wu con m.isit once, upon reccipd or Aunas, F. 'August 19fli, 188. Wb GLEN, C81Aums.vu R. $si LandI Landt! T lE Subsenther offire the foliovimg lins cf T aiimimi, vhiel i l £Iii li ut a 0:J-FAIR VALUATION,.ÇO S. M, No. 3, Il u md concessioni et Rouch, 70 acres*sîies.ed. E. U, No. 19. ln the $rd Cocesasiou Of Beach 10 at es clesrd, No. 29. u ine lotuscorcisiou of Darllulgton, 60i acres tseured. No. ,i 1, c dl on,IMars, à nerea lem,,rei. . E. M. No. 27, lis 2usd ceucessiosi W litby, ai l cemtil. 1000 acres lu Soseriie-li00 aces lu peeu>. 200 acre, liti lexies-4o0 acres ;n Bîîrii'mst. Appi>' persouaity, or b>' ietier, pom-paid, tc R. E. IPElitY, Prof. J. -Post H yAS thé ionor eofcsuoacunig iiibit muai J:L cal trIendo, lu Whithti, diat be là pra- pered do recolvo pnpls. for lu trb.tlou ons dhe flvng hai tou yesre experleuce, heteee]& comMen-t of belng sbletIo promutes a mildad- rsîigmceet of *hopis, ay e>'hiplaieda uer Istrmtiou iveuýLu, tiiorotufis Bas., li- mn, Couter-peli, Po e, Tieor>' of Mi. 1 mrposmititab'usfmul eliîab ateutiou 'mlii î: kiez 'to tha cutltlvatiou of the Voici. , W RtIMS':-Ised#ucItlof m the Piano, $10, tiseror fmasleâc eompesitlou, d&o.,,extra P 8, W iby, Sapicuibr 25186 liss reinusesdblU' sssj CavAIO B*é tums lot au 0r ýo S 40 ENCOURMAGE CANÂDIAN GENIlS!, The Greaée Lalor-saving Machine cf the Day! To the Ladiesàcf' W4itby and -Connty cf Ontario!1 lhe New Dominion Steam Washîng 3Machinie t Can be used in any Boilier! Only Pour Doiiakh. T Ili MAClhINE operats omisupurely ,>t-ien-tfli rimmmplex. It la§elfrmmtisslc and dp enss mtirmly vitis labor mand thm, wear of c' tiie sTb Lot sud. muid stem, i.>'these m- tiemi or lire, mreIriveis Up dirolee' iti bei'a, Pnnr'imiponMe tielodiies, s d forci <bromîgn the nfiibri Ii ..emsimgrpddoemmi it per<ectly withbbt 5lbbuiug. t lius teemi thorobmgisl>' tatted, ansI kriîmouiieed asîeqmai!ed soi a cotlmeo wimaer hy tisomo s auived"It. AIl fsbritu, f roistheiisefî9tiest Iothie best bluokimb-entsu ho woisscid ptrfeetl>' and witlî case, witimout t ha #imibomfJ. Fur flauiesit is Iidi5Jlul, ast duo rubbitug, îoliiiuand prcaslug grtesA mut tsi ceemmrily "f iîl lsr more tir Is. Id 1.1trtdly a ia5or unmit limea uarfimg invemtloss. Waabussg wiliiuo longer h. a bhaidohip, and wammiisgiF ls>' sterror mamd mresus to hinselfiri4m; Tise lrimticuiti le usedIn lu imy hUler, sud ch.elus' pree Ut the article, $4 placen t uiti iiihé resëh of eues>' îsmusiy. Tisiiemmuiime hî:mmi beemucred amud clsorugl Iy lteld i.> différeut pate., freiu Wemn e hâvussssimie htu rreteti. ?a'rohm I.. louck, lin. Jas%. iissillou, Mss'. W. H. Iiwglmu, lins. Il. J. Maedoimcl, i, Mm. J. Il. <Jrnsirood, lun.. M,. O'Douorati, Mrss. M. Il. Cocisrssuns'r. . Byrne, lins..J. [i, Perry, bi .m. Fsirbuusikm, lins. J. Agisew, -ira.. S.Il. Cochsranse. Mrm. bi.l. arper Mss,. Dr. Essecwood; M k3. E. Cuidweli, Mn. it.. SU. CAUTION. Ait âl elnaa mode or smugilu tJisa Comnt>' of <)tisuaô sid Durhîam uuuit bave tliseproprlet- tora' asaup, beariig date 0f pateum sudfilsa iims.ountise bottoîn, mis emeli tsud ever>' lu- isigmgest wili iii prostecsiedto tise fail ex 'eut ofthtie law. Hl. PEDLAII, Unlsawa, Soie .f«eât for the mauufaeture sud salie ini tise Cousit> of Onstario mmii Durhams. O*hawa, sept. 28, 1868. 88 PUNDS FOR Investment! -o_- T II TPrUT AND ViAN COSIPAN't T hsave fusidufor nsetmmi t thprnouas rsitP. M5 iltotreit, 'ois tilese acisit> of loiproiel Reali Etiible. Loimagemms tor fixeci periodis, or repayabie b>' aliîsuil iueîaimsmcuus. Fu iser aud <mllIniformsation con hi had b>' lester, ddreptsed to tise Cmissi uer mt Kis-gstun, or frifi L. FAIRBANKS, Jr., Ressi Estate & Gancral Agent. Ceira-Bs ocis Street, îViihy, sept 15, 1888- 86 OMOMERCIAL HOTEL, OSHAWA. JAMES FRINGLE, a Proprietor. Land for Sale. T~~~ ~~~ hé et Wutqate tdi Enalt ic lot O, lit cum. ii mme o'mun 0110cf Boschl, coisimii lissc25 ICeres., 18mml oneil,psid o! dise es- fuSe of tii.atIesi lmr> Bell. Tiser, ore no buldilsroion tic immId. Fr prcllenhsra ppi>'ttélieEui'custorg, GErORGE iICKI14GPO'ITOMf, IrtoMij.4S IICDGSOIJ, %aO. Or Ragami W. Hl. BILLINCS, Slilciton, tvi'ithv. 9rhitliîy, Àugns.t scli, 1868. tif83. TO FARMERSa TuIE CANADA FARDMERS' INSUIIANCE COip'Y, (OF J7AIILTO1I) Paya ths fuli amÙounut o01luuraneo. goTIie Premium Modee ysttem bas beau beois doue ave>' vitis b>' cils Cmpamy. GEO, fK. JIAJI4 Ageut, cmronlcl ofice, Wiiitb'. Ocet. 98, 16.4 IMPROVED FARM l'OoSeil, kemt, or lit oa shanis. F Altbita elI rînt; t et tdu Sae~iet .Uhlf lot ?À, ilad ceiasioa of- Jxbnudge, 100 scnes, 70 s eclu are À. NOTICE-iAAl- pautlMs se, 'forbigi duttlug or rfuolng lio'q-or Wood 0f say khidhst-ý er, front tlue sOve lot, sud mmc>' perspu<oued, dot s, fteT 'tbladate, aites tsasesér- anmd AUCTION BUSINESS temr LICZNORD» AUCTIONBELfor glus Cislut LofOntsio. desiras t. -Infermu hLm.fricî'f lTd Anid the publie tismt lii le resdy As bîretofOre teO moclys orians for sieo! tock, termýni i>i niautsho., s d týIoedrm lft et tis O TIEhbr Concas c-4d e ûtya tenijed t. IClà islIas Dsya 0 rsa uIl 1 N CtliAm5tlIStiX k.o Aoa.p sk tisé CaCZ Ofices, eresth e D"»ca or at Blick' visse leoboks 'with esltri4*à ara ktanosi, T o.M E.- - FWlittlf AffustUti, 1868 *86 Oitis O.. 15 S FUI 1868. fICE sb>' gitefs tistrapi le te tha Vssas 15 WhbttisaiRe liste 1 A poauilýg frovu, A hicrimisnoce lu na mgl'.sgonsg - A imummes'iclougi,'that mil ï t ilosi liigliîned by cambssi'mi Apssuiou that feure hstb fi pat And wiat i.its despoir A deep Feror, chaut leaves no teara to weep; A s'ch iat works witir Pient pver, Au ciimker-s'ortudeusry as foyer; A viper that shows siot it wakeas - lstil tise liet i preysou. brisita A ule isittt rgbu.a cirof liglut,' And *veap» -t up lu diarkitetsgt.'- Thon, wisat lawomnisu's heurt I1. Ibiug W bere miii timo deoptsst feoitwgai.psg A hsrp viiose ctnedreiordasop y'gi Utodetise tucîs munhsrmey ; ý A worhd vmose fais>' s@memre f'rugist Wili ail dise colouried dresîmei of theugt; A bssrqîme siat stîiîvaii bliudly morve- ULpes dlisetreucéhermissese t Tove. A Broadoldeantfthe Foles of tsho Dur -The Greciua IendmiThe Puco le Puy wîth flueWoue-' Mar. Boîtier, oùhTbankog 'iuiug moruing, touk for bis fuzt tise followîug pasnage of Ses lpînre - " leeing chat Aistuba"Ibal autel>' iseffls a grenu snd mlgtss>muiims,, 'and ail dscit atim.is ofcitse casis §hall Le bimisedl lu hlm. For i kuow immutih.bc 'lii comnmaud ibis iuilren umsd hi. itmebold asOr hmm,isud mhey aiali iserp thse wa( mitmhe lord mie do amie .asd lodameni obit uhe Lordi usa>' hnuit> Aira iuham misag whicb iBuhalls spulac o hsuet -O.xrii, Afler c fé* wordâ explhsutoty of thie passsge, lbe remsrked that, ofr fadbesce. jected the hbildays tif tise Churcis, nd the>' diS rigit. Wb aide, do rigbt lune- asimoug theib. Alil ors sud cutosl timo maturalil gather to theuuivi the abuses of tulieevo nuse ulieu. Reformers baro cubher te vait for thé clesusing- of c'ome or olse reject them. - Herelo. forei lb tise Churci s ud State, ruien, bave soughf uo vlthdraw public îhongbt fromu Oovaruuueuî. Tbqy-wvoeasiîlimtg pro. vide social banqueta'; if the People vould refria froncu votiug flue>'migbt dance le their haari'a coutent; if the>' vould çniy gi've pewer to the ruier lie voulgi give pleasure tiste pensantl. Thi. the people are led like caddie Io tis eiughier, bousid wvth wrestboansd riblions. This *sé wliad set the. puritaus agait pleasures. Tii.7 digi riglif. There are cimes viesh ealîh requiresans abstineuce from food, sibeit food is oëdiusIlý betéààary ici Leaidi. Wbeu.pleasune ruus rinceanad forgeta mer suit>, tiiere wiii lie a riactiou azafuas plesure. Aaceticism sud self.iudulgeuce are tinus aitersmefely pareat and chili. Afier a time thie oid pcsure may lie taken baek and promQte the. public good. If la met safo te rejecf pleasures lu one a go because t4e>'bai lieeu productive of cvitinl aocher. At the. preserit day iere wus lilîle danger of su overdose of pies. sure. If the descendant of the Pilgrima bas a meiaphy sicai religion, lie bas a pliysical morality. Ho do't believe iu Heaveu oriaiuîed povonmy or sainme in rage. As mont of ibose preseni ver. partI>' Yankees, aud the speaker s'as vlioliy no, aud as Tlisukogiving was a New Engiend boliday, the New' Englaud characier ,vas lu aider. New' Engiasîd, then, bieudesi the. Haires' and theGneek elaracter. Iu ifs intense individualismi, li deep moral force sumd its househoîd life, it la pre- eminentily Jewiali. lu ifs admiration of tbetpb .ysiti ils deitication of argumeut sud ici *ortbip of idems, if le pre.emineut. ly Greek..'io Frenchi imagine themsel. ves Greekr, 4nd tii.> are so the sstluom as svalov ila îà agle. (liauglder.) We imitaie the Greîkr et one end, aud that tise lover eud. Frencl art id mongrei, isàýing clin Greek forcu ishiifPompeisu tante, New EmîglansI ià net Oneek in is. tasse isut love ef beaumy, but inilis pasflob i foi reason, <iic dies.goiahcd tise' Greek tien more thonsu Mulote of art. TIse de- velopmnenfcht iidis jet f0 cime lu Nori'- ern secial life ilailu joyousuess,, sud, às 1 thinlu, the joyousuesof home lite.' Tie famil>', alvaya ricihl social virtues, la te beceme irot riciser. Tise civilizing centra 1, j'Ti îfrnc eve genie'aud tise >dspioîed Qnîîa pIS$pain 1s tbat ouei'as-à tbille ou a tismone sud the. ouler Isabelle -jWisatever ma>"be the -ed of ssan, tiseme esaeefoill>'sveeping, the doors &se inu, &uSt te sd!we'e ..iss.r- -h n fion ý-ýüt gitesuon tl isayilltj.sid -pierto do viii., Inlu the 'future v. sialI -have stronger aind. porer isomsebld#4ý->_b "<muit>' cf tisa faim aee" viiiéeeah'ise a thýeme -foýr deérlding pace, wieu-ý vomau ,leama tt-strength -femiulà. -_ W bile vo baite ittii to fier ranmtisa-shppcoed 'dangetro, thoma are niai dangers visicis - v should font. Thés. 'srîext s a nmd luu>,selt.iudalgence aid. ostentation. Tb yecrusiug for approbatiomLlancies vo- aeui t'tese vies. Weme eh. omadqýfr.er botter, emptoyed samd bitter educctedl, s wcul bisatisfied, sud vould 1udfier isap. pineas in More, atsonal tbingsa, Bn>'l jeu, cicr>' year la k becomiiqg, more diffi. cuit fotyouîfg men to enter tat mste viich is thie best gusmd over'their . tintai. The. fter nit upublia opinion, wiichad mita pimwou into vliat in calëd' sociel>', on~~~~ tbntshm u1 coding ta bis ezter- nal circumutaucesa apecuniar>'coundition., Society' is bai vison two cannet uve. ciseatper tissa oue, cd -ycun'g men are un-ý der ba ilusences viien tii>' are kîpe ouf, of matrimon>' for jeans fron 1ýpodentiai -I& s.'h is aeid, btis whsue Man marriea et to*rfy lie mettes a prudent *se. hicîlon. Hie deys of romance sme peut, Ais 1 for tise vife ,visovas not flrat a aivoutiesart. Prudence la good, but ia theri no prudence lu ,,getume lave 1 ,Woe i. to the societ>' tit' pute off affimic'ing itili etter tiie poriod of nomaucing; , : 'The girl iafected vithiispuuuii'apirit, valua for oioetawvoo bonrvlio cen put benin the. lame poalt.ibu ah. occupied - vi s'h. -left ber psient'a baffs. he wvasliebonbus- baud la tise beginuiug to have aà muci as ber ftdbr bad et the- end, Irtiai of goiug vlsh hem hesbul -toaflue: beginuinu, hai vorkiug their vsé mop tagether loiaiug and loved. Al vedlock ns adlulteious, 'jat la is at iuspired <rom thi e -tnt. Bîeesd, b. uhe girl viioso Inanu ions roanluug, bas ouI, tise botten fltted lier for liogiuuimig lilte heiilottomi. And, aboie ail, lit n8vlj-msrlsd psoAPln berea f tiiet sO» »dom sud Gomorrali-the bosrding ionsé.. >This la no place to tesn a famnil>' aud. 'es- r illlia i bonseboid like ft stont faubin badi - À log cabin la betior for a fmmily tIliut ie Fil dlaenui Hotelotbongb tise>' ga 1liheviiole estabiisiieut for notlixg. TIse Ltenieuciea of modern iifo lu ci ties afe rot. tan. It la-liete tisat the attentions Of v-*' meu shouli lis cailed before the), bold- canventsions»t get sud'rage, tisougli bat la veli enonghinluifs sesmi. ÏThe speàker lion gave aoma lime!>' censel viclu regard ta She manuer af goveruiug chiîdren,, ad- Visiug parents do teecli thismu.nesacon as possible ta govern tlemselveia, ni ticu hold dlim reapousibie for tise use tSi>' matse of <lueur privilmgi-. Matte home plmnufb>'. iunoceut ganses, music sud fdancing. Parents whlivili not" aiiosv their ebildrnu ta dance ibaui d -r ougtt tbemselis be made to dance a differeuf toue. (LaugIster)- If the>' go- to tluq theaine lit tie parents go vitlu îiem ; aud so witis neference ta ail publie places "of amusement - it vas bitter ta go lu partie' tii vhole tamil>' togetisen. Wou!i ta God the Gorman beergardens cosid h.eaîéablisli led atuong na--ail except iliebeor. (Laugli t er.) But if yan muat arlnk, k v as bolttin to drink gand Germeu beer slisu peisomious Soutiieru vines. The beut va>', howvsvr, ia te drink veter. 0O-fien isad lie'(tlie speaker) vitnessid tise gatberings -et thie fGermen people la tlieir ov counutry, tsaraeinsos as mau>' as t<vo binuiri familiis in su iscr beet gardent, isteuiug ta ânme munic, and going homo at thse gaad Puri- tan isout of 9 o'clock- soidom Iater thon s 10-sud viabed iliet tise custom coutil- b. s iutrodueed luS o bis ovu couutry. Clseap sud Innocent amuets l li--tbsýe of tleimauty, *Sure *'hélé fam ilies canid go j tagîthîn, vire wvi sai e ededbers.Not r Oubli couli bis one here to popularijte kthe tante for -<uslc. But lie had detaineai - dIemu too long-tae edar of -the oaruing fautensi hU-tIse air, Go tien, andrevient- lier Gad'i honI>' trougli. tise eanr. (lite s thé dc>'td thibstdo jo>', te agttittndi, and ) nemiember amid your feastiugs do <orgue eyour euemies, panit>' your- heents aud aug-, s meut yonr ebanidios ta the pon.sud 'desiii- emifempa, citet i,d , - ýI - SLER. - tf-S? a ~1lostioms for salie ta Cliy rid do 0, anmd ilte of e L»b. iok au, s-s hieo bus ou Giszingo lu a t- 14-Sf ,ail klis ROI &a psousptiT 's, Duudse ont$ for 1 9 1 sùck,,to ult fun sztent 01 tiset fai banÀçen it voul ýai smed oun o! u tUe geixisebill of ex-, eliauge. Tiser. e eb *eui' .t'o unea 0 oeo 0r*tL'rmu s6iam'& on Smlies' -fatLier.. pool, oue -t Halifax -Wo lu GIs'v, one ai Huddersfleldi to t Wolverhampton, tvlw on r, :wo et Bradford, tvb lu Mas. ebèseer, onein.lu- Sderlsud, tvo' ia Lelis, four in Eiîbsurgli, 'tue gt 'a efii!-dl tire.e t Sheuffield, ôr. ' 'i'téëis,' one et Selford, orme nat Peisey-and cue'e t 'Bi- mingiamu. ' - Iu tie roomu <'BerS' theise 1nouri er. thse officers (aunai fitty four- dies,' vitIsthe. uDames upon tisemu o! varins rsmms. Tii.> aIese -founi 'acivers!i udreds o t iul forma of bilîlà, purportiug jinaine biock, ta beihosi cfie Pbiladilpliia_ Union -Bankr. Tii, other baok cootaîned feomaof bills ai- the Mercstile Bank :ot-Sydney.' ?mora the surronualiug-circumatauc"es ch.nu vse reaàou co lielieve,,tii. pnisoners - hai bien do-ig a large business. The. Lord Mavorremauded tise pritoil- ers. À stoly is toil of a ýScotch. dcg 'vieib; s'hencven apenny s'as givenhlm, usea to go at once dg a baker Iwîtluthe-,eoiunu in.sA muutbi, hen, 01, dnepping. it the baker Wosild glve lin a penny roil On one ec-ý cusion the baker cheuuteel lmtaàkiug bià penny but anly gilving hlm 1aîf poînu raul-In i thon theo dog vert and fcdchei"n policeman 1 Itlbshamildbe retucmbened4 however, that it 'sa'cth dog.; Another cuteetfczwiusi instinct ma>' 'h gilèn. A lady iui London haLl a tavounite 'poodie, wlsich carnricedlier letters trom tlié postnamintôa c em in the 'ladys parler. On aime occasion the lady, ta ber astoni4h.- meut obspr'vsd iar fuivnrite dag put tinut thie on i>'letton lW cariled juta the fitr, lu- Steodoetputtiug it an ie couacis.Atuazecl - sho nîssidfonseari and rescued the letter slilsaugh isçanly SuIf burneel; ani, 0sand beololi lb as a. dog ix-t eaa d A-néw idor>'o! Robe ri Hall lgaiug thé raua!di-*ateEng-iài pe'per.; te the effect <Su<t ar.e af Su tengnlegaticn *'takmiehlmte' tsuk foir-net preacbiu-g mare trequeuily au predemtiniatiou. Hall vas ver>' lidguant., Hi iaaked -steadil>' et ui con<or for a mo- meut, ani repliei: "Sir, I p1 ercei've' yen'ara' prelamimued ta o' u aisansd- vhat ii more, t seea you are detenmined. ta >limbe éyoue cslliiug ai elcedian sure,"l 1%uiriçR', - FuznÂÀL.-Moore l in h. eccount of the.fane.rai amited oue of tice ost îuciu- 'anecdotes conuecteai vith if. Tii. noble aetsd aelect .cosupan>' lie assembleidtoa pytii.lasitrIbut. of rea- 'pici ta tb. departÉtd genial sud thee cffiu vas abou4t talie placri in tlie iearze eui au elegaull>' iesses pirsonege visa pre. teuie'd te lié dishanti>' relatei ta 'tie do. ceased euntened buô charnier o! death. At Sus caruestt endreaties ce vies' the face af bis fn'ieugi thàe ccin lii vas umcreveai and tthile hoio nczmd surprise of the sb>'- asanders lie pnllei -onf a varre ttisud-ar.- resei tbodai' "-Mr. Canniungamd Loid~ Sininh et n a ajoiu ing roam end peu ilihe debt-wliicb id-is aaidanuounted* to Samuel Cai>'oft V'bster, Ilae, as bittýn ou thse armu,,a mentis age, by a large biacok spider, but vas nof; cozsOcious of injuy n>umtil about tvo s'ecks afiens'ard', <'heu diii pain bécame excruciating, sud deictisenanee an -tise 1lts. Ris ilIuess ro- semibled, hydrephobia ln k5. vorst stages, and pensonsatteudiDmiràsiiivere 'lucoq- adat tdanger of-beiug bjtteu,. unes. <lie>' approacliei hlm viali greaf ca-utieu. Iu isis delirium 'ho immgiuei himse[t ta b. an, immense spidEr. - Comâpsar> educetiomi, accondiag 4e a î.receul apeeI lot thse Marquisof Salasbury,..- la nUepugnant ta tii idea o! liberty',-and .teýndusa ,o ýleubes manliui'as (Irft haaeer, Ou the caotinent of Europe. bf ie â itd autioril>' vas exircisaed itihevident i- vtail'compelliv. etndlseAit 061oo, but ln <hase cauntnies -tii. polioe.. m'eu toolt charge of ch. inlia$itaus afront tise cradle tou te grave. - Ifts uosand Ontario Slip Cunsi Ca'Çmpan>' do not succeed, ilu vil! siot lie for vaut of piornsmeu 50 back tis enster-

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