Whitby Chronicle, 26 Nov 1868, p. 4

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Irps e0W eelea .dbi'O.ergCOewe, bat putees~on t bofiraverp And tors lyon te 11.1h. 081etrst et3aiuury ufli.ym py- sE 5t (s.. ofbetpurabse e n no vleg -, tmis, and orsg.givon asJlrelaftt.r It riew. hro, le s ets smsu ebliti ttit RTO0 anrhsd the. szoel ont Market cf DeuiMnl Es' ok la only Pli, Miles didtant by a 4eii triveiied rond. - mmetllato possession allit noli lmenient of ons.bnrtliof purohase A deposit 0cf ons-tentb of purebsa. iuoneybto lie r aid oùi day etfsusle 0th. Veudors or their Soli itora, eîd a further agm sailaienit with iopoqit ta make one.fourti, part 'Of tii. pur- obiuseney withlit àa ,oth froi sale witlaout loterena d balance lIn e ésyarewiti lu- =ersav cait par cent., payable yeairly, to be eurdby moîrt aire. 'lit other respectselihe cos ditluni cf e ie viilibe the taudiug oundi- bleus cftlia Court cf chaucery. Feor furliier p4erbliar sud juan o property apiy;Msri. Macicinisu &Hledersusi, or M lîru elime, Sollcthcîs, Torouto te W, Il. Miohel, Clerinont. or Mrs. Powell Wood- ruff, Village cif Broughiamn. lui addition will 1w offéeod ah the sames ime èmcl place one aiidlvlded hifeof a suial tract et lan. bllegpart Pr the ilist-hoif c1 Lot fuNomber 283,lW the lBrokeni Fronh coircesson tf tihe ,.id 1'owtwlsilp of Plcesriig nov teri- ing part of h'4 Towii plot cit hie Town cf Lhe'i0.(Iarmprly îlle village ef Fuirfîînrt,) inhielli sahdimlui or tracf lanid and promises giay ho 1beter lnnwu or iictcrbed 4» follows : leiet la ho osa. thie whlocfthist block neck or ottip oh iaud cii the oul end of the sali Emetlialt ocf bue sald ichNumber23,aid cern- non"y csiied and kaiewn no ti, beach lyltg beweesîi he waters of L.aie <Oxtarlo sud the i îaroh North ci sud sdjoissing *eid look nok tir #trp cf land, toe ehier withh ont chain lia wldtl, of sAl amrs h icug Ihe violo cf the North edge or bouiidàry o i9s&iii block nok or utrlp cf Joied This. proporty ls valuable for flislalg pur- cses.ud will b cai duireseraredly for cash, ionne lot, and suejoeat lu ctier, respects te thé sisîîdliig conditions of sole cfthie mald Court. Dsted, Twaity-irl Cotoer, 1869. A. N..DIYELLI ýCIANC-ERY SALE. T ie sld b>' Publc At-incina, lu Tctsustice eot a Deerele for Baie, mule lu>'tbe Court ôf ciianeery la uuse ci $MITII v. SM ITHl, ild with tis approbationa cr (eairgoIlIer.ry Dartnelli, Esquir.. lia.Mster of tise»sanCourt àl Wlitby, ou tuosday, 1st day o! Dec. neit, stand -next doo« Plock, Brock-stk4 BOOTS & 0f the- Rigè4t, Fitan vex4 Remember the' au Bauk, -MoMillan'e sHOES ./Make, EGS 0 ifor hi frindsandcusomere that lie lias receiv- B eda very large etô'ek of FaIl& Winter.,Boots #Shoes, OF T9E BIEST STYLE AND MAKE. Also on hand a large Stock of -HOME -MADE Boots and Shoes whichÏ cannot be surpassed for quality or pries. 9& AUl Orders punctnaliy attended to. Repairs neatly done. Remember the-place, nearly opposite the Bank of Montreal, Brook Street, Whitby. Whitby, Septembor 82, 1868.3 8 WATCIIES & ýJEWE LERY T MES JOHNSTON begs t10 eau the attention of intending Jpurchasere bo hie NEW STOCK OP GOLD AND SILVElI' WATCIIES, JEWELLEIIY, Clocks, &c, ail of which will be sold at the lowest prices, con- sistent with good quality. WÂTCHESP CLOOK8 & 3EWELLY&Yt Carefuly Repaired. 1Whiîby, May 4t 1868. r TNCI M A OT t~ eleiu o'loeklu bte o e t tIhie oN- I 'r 'ÏO AOTL, Breoa"'0 tréef l'ih tise TownîLJ ,INJI I sol J Ji l c1 Withls , i lrboiiks,Jr,., Aicichoaaer ii dmi reta tousi e, eîgcoemposdo *rAILcEl.i .-Tiae Eust hall cf Lot f ni- ber Tiiree, litih. Flfth cone;iasil offlie towu- Ihlp f sot lu the 'roiauîhy or Ontaro, con- laiîîiug ue lundred Acres, more or los»a.à PAUCEL 2.-Ville g e Lt fumber 285, n Dinck F. Y. lu theVllasge cf hlîbrld g ac bording tesa piguc md. b> John Shier, et. b. . UACEL 3 .-Village let fucîher 12, lun tlui t9, lu the saliVilage of Urtriage, ta-l i 0 rlugtonboie plai,-savilsg the raserM +tlions respectlui tihe saine erates by hhe viii cf lhebh tie III mith, vhieh wl)1 le pro. dub"edet the sale. E T L S E 5 3 ]FAICEL 4.-Lot Nbumiier Nflu, lu Sec-.E TB 9 H - D - tien D. frcntlng on Brook Stteet, lu thé Town cf-Wlltby. 1'hé eiiî.ds firstly nfuentoned viii be salad In referene to an aunounCement of dissolution of the copartner- oubecttadsmo lti lote D.ntel ship heretofore existlng lietveen TILL & BRO., the undemaigned deaires te infonin bis ttliseTownut W~ Joll .PU iLD thora la friends -sud numero:s patron thst iho ::ii continues the business estabiisbed b>' bis late thp ddueo or ricpal.iutect anBihta fabrr, iu 1888, at he OLD STAND, Nos. 8 aid 4, TILL'S B3LOCS, BROCK STREET, a Z 1 $,47 ivn hicfilillofW HITBY, viiere hvýiii ue lways fu r eady tattend tce vanta ofcuahouners. foib er isbs ieLsdlt ln o An prntite nov stock cf the boit manufactured Funtio UPO TEY A muaysent expires oetatise gMet otîti >'oDcin- SU -Opou parcel eue la ereched s log Iious, ftndUN E T . N* unida transe hara, ise% a good drivlug lieuselIta gocd U D R I G AND FUNERALS upida heretofore, ooasdilli n repoîr. Thetensace tare lu gond L order sud tiie tarmilui a god stata of auli If'Somue splendid specimens of Picture Frames, and Gilding. vola aei-arly mlelearesi. Theeieà gond cur* sa ltgreate udawllcg iRemember the OU Z Stalnd. w C 3 "C .X s 1%ie romatulcg lansds are vacaiît lote.-parcel faimier ivo willl ha sld subtject le à mort. «Il 0 ta jopis tsuid, tise osuuîtt dueoun Whitby, May 4f 1868. l8.Iy winel Ill 1e amide kuowun a igeimge cf Iehn bie, ____________________________________________ Tii. parchas of oaci pa-rcel shall pas depost totdis Veudor'. s ollétor t tisetlime cf sale c$ 10, for eru" 10"oe' tise purohasle incil te> 6iudt hes buitiuii6i thii ouaeuaenth In cthe# respects aud excet asnabe smon- T i tiouei, lime conditlons tif saieiii e betTR Se LI~W L1E R, -staudig Coniltios etcfbalescfflth. Ceurt ci Ciauesr'.- The. Condition# acI fsle sud furtber partiou - WHOLrtSÂLE &RETAIL la&. isry mbc o btln@4 nt tliii Charniers-cf th seidMater, et Whlhtby. and st taie sfliloas nt c1, ci A. Jejo.sud W. Il. Biiiel,4quires snd cf Istilas H. Cochrano, Esquire, von- itÉfthisirad iater. dao cf *ries 1f8. 44 -WINE AND SPIRIT CEOOEEYkGLSWR THE, OHEQTJERED STORE-.- BEOCE STREET, WHITEY. HATCH & BERO. Beg te uatention.of persons reiring CoolrinK,« Parlor;9an BxStoves, te 'their ýew pattenea, which they are»,,Wètîng:.aIéeoeedingly kow puices. Sove Pipes, Eibows, &dm, also ateli'. Patent'Duwib Stove&. Hl. & B. having' enlarged their p)retaises. ê have added largely te their formerStockOmaking ose of the. largest anti beât assrWdeto cks m thé Cosnly. -TO BLAOKSMITHS-A good asortment offie--besf brands oflIron, Steel, &~c.9 &c, now on hand, and at prices uqnally paid for a muoh infoior quaity; aiso Horse saisraups, files, boite, apings, ko.. Ceai Oul and.Lampb, cheaper thanthe cheapeet, Coal 011 only: 35 conte per gallon., TO',,PAINTERS.-JaflCS Englieli ground lead, Engiiel boiled anti raw OUF vcry low. House fnrnishing and Honse Building Hardware, a compiete amorment, o> Note Ihe flut-at Whitby, Sept. 23, 1868. IIANTE!>IL'E& 13IC E ic.-3 No. 1,011 the Gorner, Cheaper aund Better than é.ver. lim Fct£AN%71cI1 Ilnvitcs the oittx)ntion of customers to Ilis pre- sent rsplended stock of choice and weli selected GROCEI3IES, embracing evcrything in the Grocery Une, that can be enquired for. Housekeepers will find it to their advautage to cail and examine. RSComprising Brandies, Port, Sherry, INLIQIJORS and other Winee, in wood and bot- tle, are all of the beet brande. BOT"'iLTLED ALE & PORTER 0 F SUPERIOR QUALITY. Tavern Keepers and Country Merchants eau suit theniseives as well, if sot better than by going to To- routo, or elsewhere. Cdsh for ail kiuids oUf farmers' produce. Whitby, Sept. 16, 1868. Ro FIRANCIS, No. 1, on bhe corner. w ii I r B5r Car ieage Factory.1 CARRIACES &BUGGIES 0ft e,7a escription kept on hand and made te order, fo h laetadbest designus, at tho above cari-age works. With the enorcsd facilities now at hi» disposai, the undersigned is bottor preparot thon over to execute ail orders promptiy, with which li may ho favoreti. M. O.DONOVAN Brook St., Whitby, Jue 9,,1868, DIVISION COURTS IN THE COUNTY 0F ONTKRIO, o.,llb......... 2 1 2 1Il i 1.. i 2 1 "c 2Viketilng............ ...8... 2 ....1 2 2...2.... "t 8,MnheePrince Albert, .. la80.14 29 ... ......4 8 " 4Uxbldg.............. 14 81 . 15 80..... 108 " mCsnluon............ 21.... 27...... 5 .... 21. " 6, Ilaverto................. 22.... .... 28...... . 6 .... 22 . t 1Athenle y................ .....80 . 8. S.... 2. . Wbttbyo Janusry 101h, lus. Ji>a $ 00OOON RESENTS!I -ROYTS NEW IIOTOGRÂAPII GALL ERY, OSI-AWAý COlrNEra orKIN& lDIlgoE STREETS, PIR81 FPL00R. Prizea consist of Gold and Silver Watches, Gold -Cbaino, ,Brooches ai eweiy et 5a11 kinds; aise Sewing Machine, PaintinguAlbums, an&avii, Life-iks likenemes taken in a few seconds, ina manner t en'- Bue pedf.6teaiefaction. Sàr.oft.Bille fer ,manuel of dstrbutlonbt pre. oens. Now in tthe chance for all to smene endiing ]RHOTOGRAPHS, apti valUSb1p ee6D$q, at ý» lesu prietbaa Mont photographers charge for the pic. ri bt'e , l24 ,1 everything new and novel. (D~ omlte Stock of, Groceries, Bai'dware, k-&. As we bny Our gooda for cash~, you will find it to your adl Ugoq teo Wl andi examine pricel~efore purch2sing-elsewhere. The higbest pýrice in cash paid for. WHEAT, BÂRLEY, all kindu of Farmers'Produce. IFALL TROU SPECIAL INDUCEMENTS FOR CASH AT OLPNO. 1. Y. 6. would kindly solicit the attention Of hie Cusatomers and the Public, to Ihie new and .varied ,StockoQf seasonable DRY GOODS, on wbich wiIl be allowed (5 per cent disdount,) for al CASH PURCHASAS of,$1 00, andover. Just to, hanud a fresh supply of choice GROCERIES, the highest CASH price paid for any qnantity of GOOD BUTTER, AT O DN .I --- o --.-1 Hardware, Paints, Ois, and Dye Stuifs, ai-ý N. B.-V anted-0,OOO Bush, of e' 3,000 1~10,000 's 5000 'Barley. W-at. 46 Rye. 4; Peas. 61 Oats. Remember tbe place, OLU No. 1.. ?& th discount efféred for Cash on Dry Goode. G1BsON.1 Y. G. would 1respeetfutly infoi'm parties having accounts falling due lî3tof October, that, unlese paid when due, 10 per ce nt will be charged from that date. Y.G B N- Whitby Sept. 9, 1868. ThOS. RLUSSELL & SONS' CELEBÂTED WATCIIES. fer sale UrP. O. tf-47 r E underu!igned re»p.ctfally i= the l > nipblio thât ho in coDstantiy rp.e 11 with prompitude all orders'in the Bakery- end Confeotiury lino..Fruit, Spouge, end all cther kinds of Cake, Tarte sud BIscits of the lvest qwvlvtjr. gW' Fraît of AIlkir.& in senson. AI loolob- saers, Sardines, Coom Nuts, Uniger B.er, &c J. cDOTJGALL, Ekr, Confectioner, &a., Broe t, 'W blLy, .iuiy 16, 1887. 28 PEOTEVTJOeN FOR _ Farmers I& Owners of Stock TRE HARti7CORD LIVE STOCIC HIARTFORD, CORN. Legislature of Connecicut, Wihl)a aperpetual Charter. 80000d- pceited with tue C capvoôli nsa .curlty for i'ciicy gldens. Titis Ccmpavin ov r aissuenn.ô- icdes on LIV STOCIC; agmicat both DE ATH ANID THEFT. Ah moderatoEsMtes of Preiluin biaed on sà Enghah exporleuce cf overIFiiY YEL5. The Pioneer Companay of Ameamos. BOUE OFFICZe.-No 2581 sin- Streat# Urrtford, Ceun. Sîrcet,Boston,$?sr & ~Wuaaam,laMna- gèe; -»0Brousdwjài N 1ew YiYrk docis & 31oLz"anmagers; 4W0 Wslnh gtreef, lhi- indlphi4 F.'& E. A. Cosue, Managera; 49 La Salle Shrect, Chiciago, Mussa & Boum viox, Managers. Fer Ary Ëly 188. - T 1l9 Suubscrlber bog* te cal iitie îattention cf 'Coe about psrchiîng t he i.followliig, frein moug mianTe,;tiinciiiil.q lie as re- ceîa rom parties, wiio iave heen weariuxg thee watclse, for uome t-une. The. Suibscriher iieriby certifies tisattha wiseLîes hà purelaased froin James Jchtssbn, matufictureai iy Tises. iu,.seil & Soc, are au zeprsaeuted, tlîcrougisiy jouable time keepera. MiS. H1. MBRIEN,! Wlsltby. -Tise Subocnuber berci>' certifies thi t lie wittch hc purchrsuad froin Jumes, 2lîutou, miauuifacsured b>' Tues Ibismell & Sou, i., as reprcses.teai, aharoignly roliable hitue keeper. TI{tflAS MeÂVOY, Fariner, Bluiai. JO A full' axsortieatint lu Cluand Silvcr JAMES JOHNSTON, Watchmaker, Brook Street. Wî,si,, .i elp. 1868. 85 r~ix~ w NEWLY, IMPORTED PA-PER ]IANGINGS. ,HE cnsieraign es eielrnIepb I licçht hSad be saprcmed du u ,8 e cent uts>i' u nguda lot of SPLEDD PAPE RkGINGS, Seiected 1earetuly b>' uinseif, which ho bas&cii smle ah Very Eeduced Pralose. g~PaIntzing, GratnIng, Giaaug, and Paper liangiag, ezecutes inl a work-' manlike sund expeditionu insuner, as ususi. - A. C. WILSONf, Dundas 5trloet, Wbitby Whitby, Apnil 8, 1888. 14-tf NEW CARRIAGU AND> or, ~ ! Is prepi Tes CEAF GOGOD.!CAI r FiT blE n'~rber wonid beg f0 intimafe that lie e now in re- ceipo f hie 'Fan Stock cf tion fo hie large and complete aseortnieu Croekery, GIlasg,& tEatth-t GlaasWare in sets to match, Lamps, Chimneys, -&C, heo .4detormined w el- as cheap seany house in town ; l t6 be undtensold. Casl snd ueo. e FLOLJRANI) FEED,.A$: Cash paid for a.ny quanfity of good Firkin Buttp Corner Byron & Dusdae.t«., 0Éoo i 'Whitby, Ocober 28, 186. TW. T. (iROPGI iy, ofU;itario. orces- Over Ont, &2RISTERL-. tuirv Public. &ti. *Ca.npbeil, Breek W!ilby, Nor. W. 1 SOL CMARI A TTOIINEY oBrocki C. W J. A1 te.!.%Wliii.Yt!. A TOlNE-Y-ý Dndai oStreet. the Ipost (llie?. ]B jsmersa nd 1halL Ccuuty Crow n AI Port Ferry, 26t1 LYMAN 1 B cery, Couvey ])RB. C Consuiltation ci O.A. OAffl3i, X. 1 Whilby, July DR. SITEGEON, tUIRGEON TC IByronStreet, D. W.] WOmrz loti o1clock, p. im. 'Wb.itl.y, ApriJ VICT4 Hlair Dres Wlsithy, Jman. BOYN W abantac sura'rudixag Ccii liQCIclou Wilia jewetL, Sud as fie ad tu first style, v sIiuce. botludsy .2 - -. .-* ----- i--- Honry's Rifle Oartridges, R. J. YARNO Lfl Whitby, Soptember. 2ndi "1868. 35 LIV E RY.! 1 ways on bandï a't reasonable prices, at YEOMAN 18-ly 1 1 1 ý Vobruary 20, VV DILUI, Deyk. iet jo.g. ài e OL' md ,RI

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