Whitby Chronicle, 26 Nov 1868, p. 1

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-WIITBY BRANCI!. ARTUUR I CIIA5ID$Ot ONT1&RO ZANIK WUIT14Y BRANCH. B ISITERS AN4D ATTOR<NEYS-AT- e uiL'a 1ellotors tethe Biarkot loitreal, Iotrt,, &., &a., Wlatby, 0. <V. X. (0. OÂXgioc, 4.. l.J Aenouz. SWnonyooa pngodmert.Ap- pI>' t t4. ioo ofthae danm, ourt lRbot,- lbABRI&TERtS, Attornoyo, tSalletor-, d&c. () OF cytC W &*tori Lauranc Blinlgs ANOU$bOi()ltISON. -J.AAIPO. TCoronto, Jnly 20,1881. a a.. oC0CRR&NiqEol, LeLneB ~OUNTYOROW:N &TTOINy-itiroR ON- iJtnic,garieo'sud Attorney-amt-Lam, Se tdtor lun<lhàtcery, Noeary Public, &.- olEoo-!l Slgeiom iNec àuildlng, Dtudes- - 8,0EORG E 5. DAITNEILL, B ÂltltJTElt, ATTOUN E 1 ,CulivLdAx iJ er,Dolîpllty Rgiitratr, Mliastur hxtroanidl - tuly, sud exaniluarnu CIaauceei>fer ti cou- a,'0of10L8JaîaneOffce Brnok-t., Wlmtby. RiIEl3IL.T Je WIJLZON BÂIîMIrTEl< deATrOICNZY AT L.AW, BSelicitorluchanlery ,&de. Wlitby, C. W. &RItISTEtIATLAW ANI> SOLICITO>R Toronto. -lt JAIES KElITIII D<' 1)ARRIISfER deATTlaJUNP;Y.AT-LAW' tan> PublIe, d&c. Uarîe-Nost door te lhe Stcrq et R. de J. Campbell, Blrook St, 'aVlitlîy, Oat. WatyNo.18, 187, 46 n.e .fAIRJIANKS. OLICITOR NOTAIY lPUBIjC,dea. deo. * W# il, lJJLLIINGot 8eLaci'nUi, &C-, éC. ' Oicin s'is UOt» lta.oinlrCYMEz, l3rek Strict. CILARLE CKgIER9 ATTOIINIY AT LkW, sOLICIiORIti t l. i îaier4- W.oaioyaunlvctor&.,iia Block TTtORNttY-ATtîÂAV.SOLITliN B e. hncor sedNotariesPub~l~ li &c-,i&0, Leltîy il. W. Reais, ai eoia htTownk Cotn*s LL 3, 11- KO«Az t LYMANlEoet <JIolLtlà.Il. T>AlRRCStTYUR AT AW, S, aitr uOV EYu c5>oars (,oadnoeâlctnc. ~b, de.,d, Pauss Aîmlt-01t00 -Oppsit 49km Diue. CABSON & LAW, CnuLteetPaaitnerehlp froeeliarg1 Wlmtby, Jual,' 20, 1168. 2 DR. HANCOCK, (racE ENeLAaaio Teieo.) SURCIEON, ACCOUCHEUR, &c., Rugiiose& eOrlrica-au iRir. M r. )udgeo'*, SyoaiStmt. ai Rt. J. GUNN, M. D. SURIGEtON 'NTUETlIf (UNIF GAOL, nerolM$tet, W1iitty, D. W. UEUIIAII . D M OFFrICZ llovia-O te 10 a. M,, analôSte 8 JOH~N V. HAMt INOTARîY PUBLIC* WLaitty, April lStla, 1868. - WLIITIUSTO Y 01914 fLoTtWalalenuI f te I ITBe * V»CTORIA ROTEL. w ILLIAbl $COTi, I'IiPRIETOII.(Lats VVWa. Ucyuteua'm.) 1 JOUX 19OD1NS01498 HarDressing and Shaving I SALOON, BltOCK ST., WIIITBY. Whitby, Jtun, 22, '68. Wjj BuT U.IO N begs te 'uorterIneb- VV habiltthO thCio Cimat>' or 'a'tetriâ mîad 5~~fQ~n4uagCounCee is a.os opaliedt CAn tIoiesWiliani otreet itoily ocipical by Jeceltt,or.ctseclio ha* bail ileal$[)ildhurcalà- Od nfnt tireeecfina venyeatire- nincee.W Ine, LîquoremÏati Cigarsetfthe b oa attenisceîimlel COMMERCIAL HOTEL# BRUCK OT., WHLTBY. be.au te ainomilceS 0IlaIs vorbl')&O;iit@wlï le n% om 2Usd uap ie c uperlo tn cun ivthierer>'convenu- *5tfoi' ho, Joption etguecto sud h. tra-ý Etie c.omWdCtOOala OUperler VARS à DEVLIN. »eaOUti soomns, dlrsOti> ePppe ,~Zi&0 ai SiuidrdInsulaOS* ces. t I lu lb. an b. hopes 11roith.eoole~d faeilltlem at hlm om:nmnd, te ive grose4l'.isfiel@t te hlm «ucUsu cd bubo*ter .nabled tO meust b. re. qulret0<ofth* trokoll Iiig onMluity. JA:mxs cIEUcKE. Aiolen ot.), bot morkOt Square, soptoînhîr hu, 1867. I 8 DUNDAS U'lTREE£T, WJITJIY,C.Wo rria Eseburlber befe te anpounce that hc .L >nu» luaiued th$. bu iding f6rneriy known w,uuirlturel lotoi, whtch .ba ou renovst- o,rofurnililed,>aiîd fittcd up tlrough eut, lu glsobomtetetyle. Tho promiteeereplaea.n&stly; sltuated, eppugite tht 1Peut Oflice, anîd ln the cenitra Oet th.Town. 1Theatlway Omnibus clle at the llotel,and tbthog fugs tr Uxbrldge asud Boavertot bave th.door everysaîorlig. B3ordi*l prduy. OLPORGE ROBSON. GEORGE CORMACK. Tu"F 31£UICMItIIANT,' Crpeter, aî J.ioner.Groidt. Whitty. A largequon. tltyp' -%ll kinde ut lunber.ouatantly on hand. UINDIERTAKING. J'N1AL$ oùnlly e tpîld and tteuided Fruhtroixtotiot.. 'u0itir ktpa colntottli% bond. JW'A Ilearecte litre otillberaltorme. t;FORIG E CORMACK. Whitby,Fob. 3th, 1862. 6 Brocklin Drug Store, TrEtLERit lDrugi, ?atent bMedicine J t>ints, 011, )yO Stuffe, Conf'ection- %j7Wne sud 1Lquorofthe betqnality fer Mccal pllrpomex. fioresIf4CattIeMledi fnteatlways enAand Brookllu, C. W., 186P 25 <Orgoniejl AU Sainte <Saîrch, Whftby.) I prepaired -to gieo Muie aiuîd iiging loi; A u bclatint hoîde at th le lc of tJohn i ifil, Surgeon Dentiit, over j"mes Brnc'O àMedicathalal, lBrook St. Wla;tby. CROCIK ER'S HYUEli <LAIE PLATT'$,) NELSCN ST. TO.RONTO, NOul Ot F KING> ST. BLASSETT & MEUILE, - PateaISTî'OUB. T il¶lt roprietori% rePect<aliy annrnneee Io tI. ar tred,îito a iimtaaaee, u al waieteir home, tit thé). lîtaru takec tii., îcbcvr prenliae wlicaî alre, i ec-ny reepct eolvcîiileîtlv nauj cntrifirliaily fitteci up tor tIie acconnioda.tloi or mo giiee nalthe trareliiig public-. Tii.7 ili t !ioil i etiatoit îeriloaiil tteîadurce, asd Nill louave iatiitar indiaioiaun t014:11pOtte aire gitletaietiiitu ail wh lnay farcir tdoawitl aa e -ai 1-. -8 - - -_ 6 YEOMAN GIBSON. C'OMMtISSION MER GHANI INSUIZANCE, & GEI4EJAL AGENT. Wljtby, Jan., MtI 1868.2 ]REVEUE ]HOUBE, MANCUK5T£BO, . W. B. PLANK, - - - - Prepnietor. Siigem toanîd tram Whlthb' caîl daily. Evory ettentîeîa pasid te gaesa. (..eeful uted atten- tive ontlera. I TilE LIVERPOOL AND LONDON [INSIJIANCE COMP'NY. lias been In coxtciace tlity-twc yor, andl duritig that îîeicd lioauae ajl Loua# iexcedig ile an# a hall million pounde ierling. The dfobuaaîet oit ftlia eseaoran tan) ovra eli.onrte, lamei, wîtlaaîît douit< aontrl- bnted tea itoitau)isin'eait ait hle *laatitetlon, li tieconfidlence ot"aiaa'in z'aiatnicr, 3lin- 0JaAW'nS, loi.a>tian d bieUJSe imon gen. erabiy, elie-revr nit lis repne-oted, lu ito fiit Yeaat ,8.6, tIhe FaroPrüesuaalnoe amaauritaaat C.. ................£0,070 In ts lotit yeai, lt4a........ ..£47,7f3 46 2001ti year, itse.......£22212,7tf 80thayear, 1k6...... i8,832 cae year latur, 1867............ £81s,0éb Tho Fine lervo hanadlxlenow f$6727,464 Tii. Lita liecerve Fond lenaw $9,282,468 Vrie Carîalunityl repreîeitca threuiigloat (Yn- tarie aiad 4uene, by uliuentlal A8gents, te whmiacrpplcation for linnuaaiieomay abe made. G. Y. (0. SUITII, Ruerviae Sxe irn, louT'naxà. L. FAiliIANKs.t Ju, -AGirîNT, Wiiaîor, ObiD BrigxanRYOm FeI'biiiry l7tIa, 18S.7 TUE MUTUAL INSURANCE CO MPY. T 1118 coopony luaDow flly urgaiuiled. sud ýLle prepaarec to aiept riske oaa barin Builiciua, anal ti-ir citete, (Country Oebool floueei, aid Chairchae. Tuaos e il)ihg ta ln- cure anad thereby oupport a hlome tueuraxace Caimpaaay. Iaivorow noaiî pportuiiity cfdoiti oby appbyogller ut iaieaod office, or te a '"ef'leloa fiet.Ounr rta. dili bu cuud oua 1c me tiaoee of any reîîoneible Mutuail lu- surance Companyinlai Canada. L. FAIRBANKS, Jo., IJEAD OFFICE-TIa. 014 Ilcgletry Offce Baalilinc. Brook tStreet, WhitLiy. HOTEL & PREMISES FOR SALE. TIAT od ostmblielied snd wmoU Inomu Ho0- CENTRAL 10178EEP EOL,e SplandId roemy tabling, a d nIing uheal, tctier, citi oeeor tîcece et and-ttacli- 0.nsmai>'bo eoaireal, ndoafine onn0gbeur-, lng Oneliaal. Tiere are tmo wmcl ivtl gooti pumpesud excellent mm.er. Tii he 1oIe dilho o se t c banguin, aride eueet tii. e Ift cha= nce uthie Dominion forain mctive hicînisu emeon, - Will be exeblaaged ion tarin propont>'. For torme, de., appli(l b>' eter; pro-polit) te, - - -ri u effiv SOcobe WILLIAM BC I x.N.g Oeo.A ye rs. Wiiitby, 19j 1887.. a- 41 à %masn&Oia - - o dloltrg 1 tsada19h, "al dlAàr0. BI>' A. M Mus, IlàtsAttorney, cadfUm. Wbitby. !'21iî Sept. 186g., liu4 FOR SA L E On R 0bRASE, A VALUA»LE BFOTEL PIROPERTY Tlaetuteal. liitiahetacet centril part eftbth 'Town, thas iortlîenn te.-mnmaf it the P ortope, lindmioy ond l icavertoi l Xllly, on Liao Gimoe, nowl e c.unsaetfonsnotiia. si Iimediate ossueulon gIron. Appi>' te, J. CAJIERON, Bearerton, 21t1i Octeber, 1868. tf-Il Q u er y Why ta it tuit thalîSell snc. in for picture AT 1 CLARW'S GALLERY? - I la beaunse lie liai the"bonit Gallery li the county, and has more patience with ehîl irais, thon aîîy etiier Artîat ln thoUonunty, and eau do quit. ie opoil wark ùauay miher main lu the CouatY# gW» Tlîot'i whiit'î tle itto, m don't ho bicekear about effliaîg torward. BItOCK ST., WIIITBY. Whltby, Noev. 12, 1967. 45 JOHN CARTER, LICENSED AUCTIONE ER. FORUIE OOtflTiOOY ONTARI09 YORK &»i'F»EL. 0' R ESDEPICE-lot 8, MtiCou., ifarkbam.-Poet Omile-Unionvilie. SALES attended on thi.eliorteet notice, and on neaiennîblo ternme. Terms eau bhonmaid esia.d bille prntcd at the Ch reulele office or M r. carter. 17 WELLINGTON IfOTEL, MARKHAM. J. RUJWOTTOJI,- Pioprietor. 1 19ly BRUITISH AMIERICAN ASSURANCE tCOMPANY Capital, $400,-000. TIunueiaegueclhavîi'g heci, oa'î aititdt A cent for- the aliove o tnpany, lmi aiw rpoialto hiainre JIreperay againet LOÏS BY F1115II, ca lae nhe it favormtle tternis. Apply te, LEVI FAIRBANKS, Jr., 2-12iuee. Agent Wilitby FAREWELL & IdcGEE, "AHIISTEtSATTCGIINZtYS, SOI -ICI. 13 rt),4,C*VEYANCERS, A1YN TARIES 1PUBLIC. <>mrcr. :-One door nurth cf the Il'et Office, Ombaaw; ana l eFecter'a4c llop upeitô Tuiru liili, Bowînoa.ville. J. E. FARELWELL. .MCO JOHN L. WA1KIS9 SURGEON DENTJST. Oric.-.Oror JAS. BYJLNE'S M1ecicallHall. Brook Street, Wlitby, -tj AI] work wrratited. Familles attciited st pnb vate remîdences. TEETII ZM"EXTRÂACTEI) Or WITHOUT PAIN, & DY T TE USE 0F NITROUS 01X-DE LAUGIIING CAS, OU TMlI NEW LOCAL ANlqESTHJETIC, AT DE19TAL hBOOMSt, DUNDAS SrfREET9 IUIITDY,-C. W. ltOt>MS.-0rer SI. Il. Coebrune's Store. WVlîitay, Jane 26, 1867. 2 f SBfOE TOULS & FINDINGS. l'amas Siau ils, Mion lTacia., i cei aad Te. haies, &c.. &e', U~WIOLESALE ANI RETAIL. RANAl & OLIVER,- 12-l7 114 lorex SITUir aToaox'ro- Ainertran PiiearoTrimmners, end Points etal sîzes sqaarcu, careal gaaew,. iroiglia lOa as Iauprac trolls, ttagiieliaaaSMaincsarmyia, tfanlaaraN-ii tes, Tapes, &C., $IlIle tueset quataly aMid at loesat pries. ERYAN & OLIVERZ, 12-ly Impuirurs otleadwre, Venge St., Teoeonto, TO MACHINISTSI Steel Raies, teiel Squares, Cenare ilogr., Vannier Cahiperi, Siirei Cohip« ar ols, Calaper Saars, Arines' Claaleres$qas go Slf RoegrslanaigClpers Md it-l. videra, ltîala tae1 ami Toe$sMona tier,, Seet 51col, &c., toresale tiy UYAN &OUI Rq i2-Iy ~114 Vog. t,o tne TO CABINET MAKER8 AND IJI'OLiSTEIIEES. Dowr Sastiaig, Carîedflair,_Tom, Sfa l i 14 Twiaua, Chair b, m ml ltoa,~ .,HagLc Tecks, Flint Paper, Il.e.ssoSol eea ula Trimings, Upla otrer a «dic and lteguhaors, Addils Carrer'. Toclu, Bxton" a p Auier 0%Miii îe iedoau iissdmsro, "e, for ngaxla nest price, IETAN & -OLIVER, 0ueaiaHtardwrare Marcliaos, 2-iy11 i lr egeUt., Torontoi JMpoitTErBOp? HAEDWAU, 114 YONWGE $TU-lEET, TORONTO. lHaie almayo n ow -dm snuortw.nu9af ldhaere. Ca. bmt 1akcroimend PjU=laeriI llsnrdmare. bMacls- nW d'aendesmp ulbltdgerei& S'et, Mud n iase; ilome "ifiaiig BHWWMr; 0hot rai JlhljgTmclkliebMpmarhg aaonlotlaai lu asePutt , loiiae TOWN' - AT XE 1"Armeo*ga suer ett. tiie Cc Oiiloc, »roek eti Wbltby, Sept. 15, 1888. ,BIKS, 3r.f' 0. YICKERY,. - - - proÈrletor. 1o motrspoottuily tlfr lnal *tante t the 4touinty eofOutarle, thft lhaba ieaisd the aboya promis» latoly oconpied by saindy perrno, Wb-cil ho bas nowly furnibîls- .8 sild ronovated, and hle prepmred ta momomudat. Mhe travlllng public. The Bar toked wlth flia boit tiquersandîc cigare, sud sr. ttentive estleo l*ayàin'attenduiac. C. VJCHERY, Brcoklin. April, 1864. lo.ly- Grand Trunk Railway Hotel. AT W1IITBY STATION. yMOINAIL hoviu'g plrchascd the lintel ndpremines kaîowii aethe Grand crn iettl, Vhttty sttidu, beg*Wte iforni laie friontile and the.traveling puitot hob haoiellîted up the boo sa stabluoilu irt- claie etyle, anud by attention te tho wate tso tîoge Whla avor Mnwlîh thoir patronage traNita iiiet eortinu.îinuicf thoir 011140M. W Pa'rties takiîag the train and lemit horp'o -wIll havo them Weil taken cire of tili their rotnuf, Whltlay, Sept., 1809. 3#1 A MILLION AND à QUARTER M1ONEY T0 LOAN. TrIIE Subseriliîer ias reclrcd Iustrucuions j. ronua egenilv-anuwlho salarge Anioit et aueieyivaeted ilia Egllih eoeuritleui, te lu- veut tii. saine for blina, li Vlati id aajiaîiag Counitice, on goed Yurr 'ropiarty,o e-hbei- turcs., 1 euh lcontinue to erpnut tiare.ut thîe lotrXaeroia oetary Isiîtitntioam 1fftheo Donîiiil'î, tilkliîd meney ona the meut adrantageous terime. y Alge o large îîu=ler cet iehi eîltlvatedl Faiud aimy quontity of Wlld Lande, for salea claiap. Fer further partlculare', apply te JAMES MIOLDEN, OfRlull Annignce, thaney Broker, Coami- slolier, Notairy t'ub!ie, &ec., &oc. OFFICe.-Sectisid Fluer, Mcllillau'a Block, Brock Street, Wlitby. Auguet 24ti, 180f. 34 N. BC-l amn aIge prepared te 1Invest in ail kinds of Deteijtti. U4rpeîlbackm batiglît auJ cda1o lu.ote laugo quantiay of Silvor tün sale. JAS. llt)LI)N. IMPRLOVED BUCK-m EYE GRAIN DRILL. -0- WBDS Uzoxu 'neCALL ATTENTIOI NeO R BUCK EYE GRAIN DRILL. WB WAIMIANT IT TO SOW WflEAT, RYP, DARLigy, OATS, FEAS, & GRASS SEED, DOTTEB THR ANMY TEvaiaDIILL VADE, lt linir the tendilniril inauthe Uziied Srotes, (4,000,) tour tliuîa,lu t tlafajhm laving beîai built Ili one Eltiiiaîhnaent Ili Ohme, for th!* eeaotoi'etraite. Quatitiiy eown regulatcd J'y e Beow inztead of Gear Wheelo. Cein W .choiiged hla anmomenit and jaiet aie ucîh or litti. ditfereiice itiado lei tii.e nwag, as nîmy bai deired, t;r W. eau ilaip At once, upon reeelpt ot P. W. GLE£N, Ex. eutor, OiuÀâwâ, ONT. AnguAtlMtI, 1808. $a- Land! Land! T HF Subeca-aber offkro tthe toliomiug lost e lanci,, mîh hoc iii moel et o b-J FAIR VALUIATION94:0 S. 34, No. 3, lu 2nd concession of Bleachl, 70 acres ceed. E. j4, No. 19, lu the $rd conc-essiona et Beach 10 acesecleured. Ne. 29. lu tue lOCh coucemeton et Daningten, 60 acres leared. Ne. 1, lu ôta con., Mors, 5 acres ecreai. N. E. 34. Ne. 27, lu 2LUd.Concesion lVhitby, al cereml. 1000 acres lu Soanerville-O ore Iu Bexley. 200 ace lu. Lexton-400 oare*s;»u Jlsaiat. AppI>' persoîzlly, on by latter, pet-paal, te Jouuary th, 186. Prof. J. Poi't th Ai I.bonor ofet îaua.uclug to hlie mnie cal l frleudi, Ia Whitby, tiathc Io pie. pond te reoe euil o utrnction ou the kPlman'o. flaving haël ton yeare experieuce, ho fted, eonfid.iit et beiug able te promtoa mpîd d- vancemeut of papile, che ma>' be plac.d under *bis tuithen. lasatrution given In tlaerongih Base, ua mon, Connter-polut# Vne, Th.oryoftM si- cia Copatloii, sina!pirtcclar saUeutiou mîli be girn te the eultyvatlon o<tlaé volce.. T MtS :-Inetrnctleu of th. Piano, $10t, tliem c otmaical compo*ltioti, &C', extra $8, Wlîltby, Septeunher 25,1847 AUC'rION BUSINESS THOMAS MY-EFLS. sud the publica thlae rendy aseheretotene te receive rders fer sale 'of stock, timaiImpIe mentts, "e,,sud that il codro loft1.1!et, tIi (,InwmmzaOnsode mliib. dâls Ottouaod te. Day. etiAle eppointeit and terus anssal unee'n on sop ltcttonattbo Cgzpgw ak-@ofic, orl0 akslitl hr bcoe lth entrWs Wiity Am'm 25h,18. -4 21 101,LAm The Greatoat labor-saving "Machin», of the-Bayl1 To'theê L adies of Wh!itby and County of Ontaril 1ýh. New Dbminion Steam W-icshing Machine Can be uhddAninaxy loiIer i Only Pour Dollaro. T IIJS MACHINE opcrate upon punely Xecleatiflopîrliliele. ii colt ictlng sud dispnu£'$ oiti roly witla lor and the ceaiet olatie. VTu it mui nd msteimsby ftic. ee- tiot fline, tare dal n p tiare'the cliamberts, f1onrvuu eaîthe clotlîeté, ai d force'1Ihrougi lie tabrie with estonilllng nipiaity, eieaîîalpçg It péeectiy ,withiout rublsiiig. I t lis.» been thoreuglily tebted, andl preîaouuoaed onuequislled 'à*s acetiaca macàher b>- thoe oitaure ueed it. AIl tabiiceç, trin the fitiOtst lt!ces t the hat bia.iakete, ciOeaa h mihed perctly andlmitil 4 ceae, wiiaut Iho woiabojiîrc. For fioiînels it ln lnVolulible, e theonuhbing, aeliing onîl preeumlng pnoea-ee muet r eceuarily fuit them more or les.. It 16 truly a lalîr nead elctlien sivlag Inrenition. Woi;iiiiîg miii ne longûr ha a liaidsliip, asad waslaig aiuy a terrer and1 dneend to huoeivupi The invention cati b. uied lu iaay bolIer1 an'd the. 1Cmprice. ettho arýtiole, $4. îplaces it mithin Ithe rellch oft ey îaimlly. Thiseîucliiao bhlmbeau tracaland tlacrugl ly temted biy differcut paties, trona hmlinatebtimoioim laiâve been reeired. TESTINMONIALS. Mns. Ti. lonck, li. Jai. iaiiiltou, bMie. W. 1-Il llagissa, lire. Il. J. Micdosieli, lin.s J. IL. Ge-cuwousd, tirm. M. Q*Donoîan, i, M. i Il. Coelîr.-inu, Mne. Jauo. Byrs, lire. J. if. Penny lito h. Fairbnks, lins. J. Agnew, Mno. 9. Il, Cochrane, lire.. Il hrper, lie. Dr. lHit>twood, lirai. E. Ci.ldwell, lire. Ceult- non. CAUTION. All îiiclalnesmodle on minluthoeflotiity ci (>ntmnio anad Durhiamin ni.t bavao the pro p r- tor' eta.l), beani.ag date of paientanadhfie inititis li outile loUai-m, sus e,Pli ard evr lin fiaagenaaaîe wil ho prooe:cuted ttie tuirex teu ut ci ulaw. H. PEDLAH, Ochamai, glo Agent for the miîfaettnro sud aie il, tho Ctiiiîay oft<iana anad Durhamu. Osaico, Sept. 28, 1868. 88 PUNDS POU In vestmient! T ÏIE TRUST AND LOAN OMbPAN'r hue tunsde fori aaentmelia, lit :iiAirneuab ritaetut itterept, 'an tho àeeurity or Itapirea letib- ilto. Loaine mode for fixeul periodxa, or repayobla by annauoi ingtalinetnte. Fnthfer aud tNIlinforiato in aubc lîad hy ktien, addreiiiad te theo Ccmuaisilnerm at Kingeton, un rvm . FAIRDANK99 Jr., Reai Entato de Gotiorail Agent. Ovzie-Broc.k Street, Wiiithy, sept 15, 1585. 36 OMOMERCIAL HOTEL, OSHAWA. JAMEB PRINGLE, a Froprietor. Land for Sale. T e Tartii Weît quarter etto Rt liait nt l"joti16,10ut cci, i.Itaheastomaie;laîr, t Reechi coutilriag238 acreî, ail8 aca.ld, pait cf Ithe e- taie exf mtls lte lleîary 411..There are ne buihmliligos nlthe linai. Fu r partîcaîIaarm apply inte E xccutore, GEORGE IIICKINap BOTTOM, Balaisat 1. 0. TIIOIIAS llOI>GSON, Raglan, Or te>- W.-Il. BILLINGS, Solicitor, Whithay. Prhilhy, Angur-t lab i t e 18 I a,. TO FARMERS. TRE CANADA PAUMER%$' INSURANCE COMIP'Y, (0F I!AMJLTO.A) paye the fnll amouint et Inunraaaco. W- Tiho Pre-aninm Note Pytein hot been beeu dette goy wlth by iseC(ompny. GEO . H AMl, Agent, 04ron4. Office, Whitiiy, Oct. 28, 1869. la IMPROVED FARM To Selil, lient, or lut on S1hares. F Altu te tel, rent, or latonu Shareg-West- hait lot 26, tleceeisen of hlxbidge, 100 aces, 70-acres cI' ciel. fîApply (if b>' letton, pot-pld,)to 9*.5FULLER,.ý Wigmn1 . 0. *OTICE.-AII partiesâaie forilalettlIag or removing tituber or mo6si oEUay klnd muaI- ever, <rom lhe above lot, eaaaruy pereon foued dolug Po, oft.r thle date, are tresoeeseri,aRD wdli otreatt eela , te the. fuît ,xtettoe the Ily. Wbitbr. Sept. 1, 1868. tf-SI -IC OT nCE.t Whitby, 0.. 6, tlis.L - -- 4 lier many maudoringe. And ln tnhégola ftucn Tie heulbonglaubnmti, MiYthonieo rnuu'n eee Pur yi e areeilfihali hua ret ' Aaadcarnucesandl pain. li t eloud hIk. ont oet mor,, .And av ue ne tracs or estaiur 'b fi w1 I ¶itatch tthe curving (a r.eflfhilse, Thoîr drcamy purpiai lie9. The. ehiffting flitohtelh cxioe sd go,- The tender glnum whieh S-Y Aaîd ight le tîli g deep dlilght- Âod atIli htIi hoghtýwill gome,- Ir sorth i, auho ebeantîttul. Oh 1 wlait lo heaven'our horne i A Good 8tory firgrYouing Wlves, I muet bave it, Charles, eaid the band &Ooe tule wite cf Mr. Whitmanu; go du n'& pet on tbat gober face.. 11 1 Did I puit on a gober face?7 asked1 the' husband. mihan wattempt te »mile aiiatwas anytbing but a saccebu. Ys,gober ms a men on trial fer bis lire, Wby, it'e ae long as tbe moral law., Tiere dear, clear it np, as if yen iWadet boit eue friend -in the world. What 'môey lover. yen men are 1 IDem muchbmml itilcoit ? inquired bMr. Whitmîan, Thero mau quit. anotiier effort te look cheerful and acquiscent. About tonty dollars, Èumsuwered, wih luit a litle faltering in tiie lady'. veice - tor elle kueirthe.soum would aouand extra- vagant. Ferty dellars 1 Wby, Ad&, do yen thinle I am made et meney?1 Mr. Whit- man's contenance onderwent a remark- able change of expresaicu. I deciare, Chanle, said bis ite, a little impaiently, you leok et me as tbeugh 1 more an objeet et teor iuetead et affection. 1 don't think tue les kiud et yen. Ilve only iiad thre ilk dressea cince I mai married, whule Amy Blight bas bad six or seveu dnring the came period, and every oue et bers ceet more thon mine. I1icnow yen iiiuk mo- extravagant ; but I wish yen iiad o ite like eome women I could name. I railler tbink you'd find eut the difference belon. long. Thero, titre, pet; âon'î talk te, me atter that fision. lil brlng the. money at dinner time, that i'-if-if- Ne ifs er buts if yen -pl.ase. The. sen- tence ie com;îlete witbout tbei.-Tbank yen, dear. 1111 go this afternoeu and bny tb. eilk go do't fai o ebrng th. e ney. 1 mas iu Silkikin'm yeterday, and sac oe of tii. eeeteit patterns I ever laid my eyes on ; juat smiie my style anal complex ien. Yen mon'L aliappeint me? Andi Mr. Wbitman laid ber scfttwhite bandl on the. arun etber hunbanti anal emileal citi a sceet persuasion in hies.sce. Oh, n. Yen abali bave the mo>', said Mn. Whiitman, Lunnng oS <from bis mite, as ae h iongt, a littb. aiimuptly, anal hurrying frou e br prononce. lu bis pre- cipitation bo (ergot the. usual parting kise. Thoat'c the va>' alvayc, aoid Uie.Whit. mon, ber whole mannen cban-ing sa.the sonnd oethte cleing etreet dean cames jar. lng upon ber oeas. Jest Bal' meney te Charles, andal aIonce thone is aouleinl tbe eh>'. 5h.esot domai ponlingi>' andalfitangry. Fou t>'dollars fer sa nomallk tirets.1 i-jac, ubated thle bneband et the vain, prett>', thongbtleae Mn.. Whitman, es, bo &butIb. aber afttr hua. 1 promiet te sttie Thompson'a billI teday- îiree dollars- but I do't knec ciere tbe moue>' is te coime rom. Tii.coei' le burut op anal more muit ho erdeneal. Oh, dean, 1 cm discourageti. Even>' Jean I faIt' bebinti. Tbiua cinter I aid bhe.te gel ohesal. but if ton>' dollar silk dressee ore tie order of the day, tbore is an endl te that deseutetil> te be cisbeal for consommation Debt I tiehi 1 debt I Hec I baseeeiirank freinit ; but teadily nom il is cîoeing bis Briarelan arme &rounti me, anal my conirieting chant laboureslein repiration. Ob if I onbd but tiisentaiigle myself nov, wcule I, bave the etnength et carl>' mauboôéd, sanal the boet hat holal me are ceaI. If Adaý coutl osee oas ne- if I couiti ml.eber undersiotd ightby my posiion,. Andi that ie bepeles., I feon. Aloi, Mn. Whiitman humnisal bis stops becaus. hie tbooghte more undul>' exciteit. Net o long lime atter Mn, Whitman loft hore, tbe ciL>' poîlmon telîvoreal a latter te bisudtirese. Thse vifsezamineal the cnitiag on the onveope, chici mas lje a bbi masculine bond, anal the midtie hr. self as she aid se: Ilventier mietisi cou b.tram I Sometbing more tia corliry moreti ber. Theo.intrudetio-nber miodsovague feeling et disquietp as if -tb. missive boe unplemaot noms for ber tnbod. -17s etcmp oeceti te ho a- po>'li . Àsf fev limes o et#I, snchbàbd"ooose lis addneea anal ise bcd neticedti tisah,.bcd remi tbdem bornledl>' anal tiragit tbem Wttitt rsimrk late bis pooct,.sodn4 becoesneéleaata If ithe tbougbiuof'Kru. Whitman roetr. rei svo natuioI, te tise ebegot .11k tibsofcb o sdswes te bocoe Ibos emu 024at J'. mé ise nslfel ise- urouit nes chillis 'me a> ait i dWs Irritation 8h. drew a long deep sigb. ,'ben ciii -bi aimpgtet sarilingvividuegu. camebeforo berta mmnd, in Coutragt, ber tend er1 bovin g bus- al band cf 'tirse ypars before, 'aud o e ef quiet, sibeat, seber.taeed bnsbanid oet te da semeabhing àim gg ngc iii m, *bc ebe msalalalleud, asthe feeling grec etreng- , Tii. letier cain luber bau'd.ý This'oea>'give me '1gb.. And citi carefut l fngert tie openeal' the envelepe, net breakiug tha paper, se that chie ,ceuld, eoal- it &gain iflat. requireal te do no. Tiire ca s a bill' eofixy ollrs uda thé. bill, . asa j'emelier. 1if tuis nelit'oaettlod at once,' be cr015, I ithal -put ibe accourt nlu eit. bhasbheon standiuig: for oser a pear, and, I am tireatcf- golttiug excuses itesal et Mi mone.' Tii. billcas fer the lady'm matchJ wbicbi Mrs. Winan bâilalmost compelîed ber liabana te ýpurcbsse. 'Net paid :fer 1IoI il possible?7 exelaimeal tii.little coman, in blank astouimiiment %hile tii . ieed menute t terenforeiiead. Then alie began'le îhink. Ligitbegaiu te, corne lnto ber mind. As ie sat thue tiinking. a -second letton came fer hen hue banal. She openeal il citheut hésitation. Another bill sud anoîber dnnning letton. Net paid l ie il possible?7 she repeateal the ejacuîation. IL vas a bilt for tmenîy- fise dollars for gaiters andal eippeir chici bail been standing for tiree mentie. 'Ibis mili ney er do 9 eaid tii. £cakeni*ng ite-na>', nover 1 sud aie thrust tbe tce lettoe siuto ber pockot in a resolute ma>'. Froun that heur until the returu et ior hnsband at dinner lime, lire. Whitman dial an nnunenal amecnt of etimiking for ber litile brain. She esactbo moment lie su- tereal that the meruiug elenit W lnet pies. ed fnom bis broui. I!ere'a the. moue>' for tiie nec dress, ho esial, takiug s small roll et bille frnnt hie vent peeket and liauding îliem te Ada as boa came in.lHe aid net lislber' uer emile in tiie brigit ca>'. But bis voice mac celi, if flot cheertul. A kiom sud a suaile juot then cola bave heen more preelous te the young cite than a bundred silk dresses. She took the mon.>', saying Thank yen dean ; it à kinti et yen te ne- Somoîbiaz in Ada'e veice sud manuer causeti Mn. Whitman te lift bis eye iti a look et inquir,' te han face. But tie uurned aside ce that ho ceulit net read ils expreuion. Rie as graver andi more silent thon nsuab, and oie citii scarcel>' an apposaace et appetite. Coin. home early, dean, enid lira. Whitman$ as the caîkeal tetiie deor miti ien humbanti alton dinner. 1, Are yen impatient te have me admire yonr nec eilk dress?1 Yem, il cili hoe omeihing splendid, ehe ansconed. Rie turned saa>' (om ber qnickby, anal b. left the boute. A moment eb@ et-ced ciaii a tiiongliîful face, ber mmid rame anal ber choie-manner cotipleiely cbanged Tien she menut te ber route anal cemmenceal dreuing te go eut. Tco heure bmior aud ce fSud ber luna jocelîr,' store onBroeàadma>' Con Isamy ao ed t ou en?'she addreseed the ecuor et the store, wrbe knom ber ver> celi. Cettainl>', bo repîteti, and tie>' removyC tae bo leer c teufoe etftiie long siew casea. lire. Whitmanc troc frein ber poclcet a lpdy's match anal ehain, anal lmyiarg tien ai the ahom-case, smial-at thiee smo time holding eut tlie bibi she bmd taken tru the. envoiee atdrosseal te ber buabanal1 cannot afiord te mear Ibis catcb-; un>'10u iianti's cirenmstsnces are -tee limiteal.1 tell yon iraukli> i. aboniti net have beaun purchasei, butl o tee indulgent sanâ yieided te ti. impeninnities 'of ao ieoli cite. I se>' this le tale biaeme fa-ea blue. Nec in, meet the cas if yOe con de me In Tairnesc te yeurnelt. 'yo ebook thecatch an sud ecmicin Iehb lpsy yen besitios. The jeirellor 4roppOd lbis' cycato ibh. Tii. 'case teel biEAu, lîe by surprise. He etecal fr nee4ri> a miDnes, anui king lie bill anal vs'cb, seii 'a de 'Waits M oMtnt, anti >: wente.'; dek - wiiI that do?7 Hfe came foncarda&gain aed noc presente4 îbern iti o recoipteti bill. fiis face *ors a plessel «prssion. * low maih$all I tpsyy OU asked Uns. Whitman, alraciaug ont ber purse.. 'Net bug ; tise coatl 1net detecL You'bave'don* a'klnd'«Itair, esid Ui.' I i anal love (ir eues teranai CMo1eouun , eeti'icee anmi gobas are 'poar subetttites for- smiling-,ýeace' sud be#arte uusbadoccd îb>" care.'J!-skè ithe lecen and lire 'b>' i, railier tban effer" anOtier illustratileta y'oanezpeniéec es et tie fllyc e bave beeu, trying ý to 'eiposo A STEANGE?Àssuozm-The train (roui Pristol te Kuexsila yestorday, as$apced- ing on ils wostern ma>' joyonsly., At Greaenville itl Vais reinforceit bya Coupl-- gentleman andi uife-cideutly- of 'moru degre., thougi soeocat fotiguod b>' a rude, joltiug, mail boack 'ride froue Lhq mountsais cf Vestern North (3aroliuoà The liege lr,1 ite activlty et life, bad »eblg n bi apearanor dee uer te -attract any otber - notice' thon usuaill> accorded tot a gentleman, T'he lady-antiahe vcai; evidentl>' reioiciug lu tb. vwery exuber'auce et icalti tote .dis- cerr.ing auJ -experiencoal oye,' tvas- mnai- fcutI> not atcase with herseîf, after hon dipgntiug mountaiul ride. Sh. certailua> took srie 'pains b) offect tie i"G'ecusn bend." * ii.All aboard," cries DenryLye.'Cang clang' gocs the,. bell ; 1teda., tout," Lie wbuîLle, and away; goos tic train.~ 1Now, lu that csr-we mean the - ciaaiu chicia oùr couple were aeated-u-ere ait manraer of toîka, Ctho grsud-pa, lbe grand. mu, the pa, but, botter than ail, eometëhingýý blecs than aa doacu et theuee nnplucked blousons o Oh îadetiodl tbliîo ula reabities et maitne>'er. a. the arcava cf the fates, - Net toe'W ice xuuaachioed youug productso e tatiler,-and - barber more aroundtuL catch theT-fra ince eftChe bics-somma aferesaid.' Thse train çped en-eur couple tetatee cosily bn their double seut. Th e ro'ugh tide frotn Asheville for Lb. noume .mas for- getten. Alas, il maiüs- nnly terigetten teý give mn>' to preseut mis;er>'. "Whal eau it ibou? The conducter is, called, anta Henry Ly'e, always prompt te, relieve tfh' distreseed lit on bond. Beiug a main ; quick perception anti blessed cîthal mia¾! anme experience ia mattprs matrimonial a short privat. iuterviow'determincd bit' conrse ut treatmentâ "h.Al Lie gentlemen wilI plesec0 moveto eb forwaird car," wus the gentie'ediet. 6'WhaC's tie malter r' ."la anytbing- mreng rt cnied the maidens. A abake cf lbhe ud anti a <cm ternille" fromna froue a-motherl) dame aVoti thena mbt silence. .aWhy ail this, Mn., Conducter," defcren tiaily' exclsimed tlaey et iao moustachie autd golti <bain. - t&All lie gentlemen ferr at ôn é 1, pensisteti Henry.- 6,Yoi go on i;eucicd sac f the cap Strinags, 'ýDont be etopplu,' but go 1nighl alengl Big Ilainge are. gem euo 1 now l' 3 An-d Ibey did go tonwsrd miCbmaut kuom- iug-wvia>'. A blaralot mas, bung up ov'r 1 th glis oorof that car I Henry Lyle The banishetiulemere net re-admlttcd ak t-e flint car 1 Menîc Whcn the cors got te lKnoxville, Hfenry muasecmbarrasscd te finit a panscoger aboard foi wla ea .badnô ticket. lte a boy--and Ibe>'<aIl hlm IHenry [.yl.-NKuoxvill lkra Dlublin laneXw York. The Nom York-Heraid Pays - ~' lowing&is o liaiftet bopublie efflaW li.N* Yenk at promeut-filldb>' Sio mriliy spiritoti anal patriotic sons cei014ld raa: Geti blouts tbeona --- Siaerifl, Registeil, CityChamierlaein, Prepideait ol tie Crotoni Board, Acting Mayor, sad Preisideul t oftih Beard et Alderman, Presidenft of the Board eof Ceunà'ibueai Cleik of Lii..cemmen Conucil, iltoNaoo.e jet Il tii, ofit it Cli Ai ou tho ShaI on 00Mai oui- e *l- Stock nlity foi au P& 15rietl LotJr. i tlac ub. ;NGS, a ho ho* os Glacitngb Whitbt eiâtirI Dundol If '- Il Ail ti

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