Whitby Chronicle, 12 Nov 1868, p. 4

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,a e soulboia ,a llan .ule s cowd, sud 27ziSS Péopk -À 1evér aboutu-to pop tb. qcstiout as ma Who dos*net 1k te b. sbot st, sud the tewbostcoempuny .ltb *àeu# or Cholet£r. .DW M jW M-Àa.biv ln *à0county t0wnq à mldaibipmu n à sqaîrier.deck, sud acbool comit.. on ,zaminatioa'dsyo PersUd Peopl - Womsu by IbsI tyrant Min, boy& by their parenta sud tescharo, sud a&H poor peope b7 10010175st Voappy Peaplo-OId baceolors and eld usid. Humble Person-Tho baaband Who do.. bis wifeVs churufug, ,the wifs vho, blicks ber buasadls boots, and' the* man whotbinks yoa do hita mach honor. M", Peope-Th. min wbo kick$ Po e1.vis hsby are down, and the. mb- m8Pid wbo refuses b psy for i piper, enible eople-Yo ansd 1. "Pt lu ela pbiiomopby mtmd ap. Dvown, wht le lie 71 "'Lite consiste .of meney, a boise, Pl.utY of ýwin. sud ,cigîrs, sud s fashiouableë "Whst l0 polorty 74 "The rewsrd of menit wich geulus te- etives front s discrlminting public." "0olng regalaril te e burch la good w ettber, end doug uto others su yon pise vithout aiiosing a returu oftbte compliment," *'What le tamne 2" 64A mix-line puif in a nevîpaper."' isremamber Lot'# wiff," repliesi ibat hoj Ws trouble eaougb with lis. own vithoat rememberiugt other man' s vives. À STITCIIlxTsiutIM-Tbe lateul uovelty lu ewiug.mschiuem lu one that wili totiou the îhread of an argument. à Paé always growing. The Page ci Histoqy. CHANCÉÏRY SALE. Or Cii(siîcerY l MILcua I rTrIl u.SMITII, enid witIl tise approbtion of Qorgo sIlasnry Dartuali, Esqivte, tisa Mater of tu.e .csd (Couit ut Wlitby, on ged Work made to orderb eTLlFX Jpairs neatly exutdReemèrtu stand -next door North of -RoyalUanadiau BgitkMOMillan'sl Block, Brooýki-st.. Whîiby.- Heny' Rfl. artridges Fo U BIE,1RY HEAP. R.J.YÀRNOLDy' i Whitby, Septem»ber. 24id' 88 5 BOOTS'&'sIIE 0f tme -Right F4tan4d69Mal DEGS to nfr bis frieuda and customers, that hic, bas Ie<deiv-, J.) d a ver>' large stock Of Fai& Winter Boots & So OF THE I3EST STYLEAND MAKEI. Also ou hand'a larg;e Stock of HIOME -MADE Boots and $hoes ,which caunot be surpassed- fo r qi4ity orprices. , Cff AIl Orders pnnctually attended to. - Repaira neatly'dlu Remomber-bbc pl aes nearly opposite tbe Bauk of montrea,- Brook Street, Whitby. - Whitbyj, September 32, 1808.. T0BLCSMTS.Agoodassortmetit. -o f th e- jIWý ands ofIron, Steel, &o., &o., now on han'i, and at prices usualiy paià for a much inferior quality; also Horse nals, raî;ps, filgo, boita, apriuga, te. Co- OladLapeepr ta the, cheàpest, Coal 01Oly 35 cents per gallon. TO PAINTERS.-JamSS' English gronnd legdEügr1sh boiled and raw Ohp ver>' low, -fBouse furnishing uand Hlouse Building HaTdware,-a complete assortiflgft. w Note the faut- ai " Afln aTE iin"s~Bf RU% Wlit.v. gant. 23t 1868. IIAT-Uti C oe-UN8 WATIHES &--JEEL LEIIY. .rFe la N Vi I T lES JOIINSTON beg.9 to cibbth attention -of intcnding' Invites the attention of customners to hus pre- dPurchasers to bis NEW STOCK 0F senit spiendeci stock of choiceand wel seleeted GROCERIE~S, AND î~W~ILIiY embracilig everythilg in the )roceryY une, that-ean be cnquired GOLD AND S VYER WATÇIIES, JE WELLER for. Housekeepers wiIl finid it to, their advanbage tocallland Clooks, &c., ail of which will be sold at the lowest prices,_ cou- examine. sîstnt wth god ualiy. -V\T T IfIT(I ~ onprisinglBrandies, Port, Sherry, sisten w.uth goodhi q banda - WÂTOHES, OLOCES & EWELLLiRY, CarefullY Ropaireud. SWhitbyq May 4, 1868. Tuesday, lot day of Dec. next, At cleven -o'loeklu thse forenoosi, et tisaON-. H L D S L A TARltO) AOTEL, ilroeak troot, lu tliseTown L . certaiIre, ssold proIiisus, Sing eompoimed i T UEJIJ. O LST A 1 ) I' ! l'AUCET, 1.-Tis eEnt liit of Lot Ntim-n lier Ttiréea,lu th i îftiîeoiieeioiiof thea towu- ughip of icottslu tise Cossity of Ontaro, coiu- tiult Visa lusrdrad Aere, motr o ba. PAICEL 12.-Vilitzra Lot Number 285, ln BlocktY. Y. lu tige Village of' Uxbidge ce.- erdiug to i aneumcdo by Johin Stiser, V. L. . PÂRCEL 3.-Villange Lot N'umbos' 12, lu Bllsîek E,itthegsisi Village of Uriige, âce- vstiouiareapCotingttame otd ily tii 'tI of tise 1lto fisiill SinuS, wbieh is i hopro- ducesi nt tlise aile. PA1WEls 4.-Lot Na mber Nia., lun Se- tien 1). trontlisg ou Break itreel, lis thselvi ETown$ HD1 8 3 Tise -Imsudu rtly înoutioned wlll b lmos ouni'ot to a morteugo mado I)y Llise lote1> iill ginitls, atîsi îow tseid hp cleisset Dawes, iYAq., ln refereuce to au anniouncement of dissolutioni of the copartner- et tise TLowsî of Wliithý', mipoi wiilî tisera s ship horetotore exssting between TILL & 131, tlite-undëWra lgnuldesîrei tW inform bis reported diao for prnipal isteoean sd criaIs, sat îmr tisa aiisin ot $1,476-1>V upoîs whielî a hiil nr frienand n s eoti& aron that lie still continues thebuatîseasestublisoledby his lite foroceiuure lias Sec n ld, asnd tise tîsue for fat'ncriln 1883, at tue 'IL» STAND, Nos. 3 andi 4, TILT.2S BLOCK, T3B890Ê STRIEET, tqsysuet expilrea ona tie. ovetit day of Diwein -- %'s? HITBY. wlere hé will be lvays fosind ready tW attend teo, éwants etofcîistomere. olia Ssit. An entire new stock cf thé bout manufactsurod Puritsiro. -UPU*OLSTE11Y AS Upen parceci oaa uIo roatei a leg houas, osud USUAL, fraîsse Sarns, ciao c goosidrivlng lhonse lis goosi ore adtlcfaml la ause teofouil UNDIERTAItING AND:'FUNEKALS Supplied as heretofore. vallon and ssarly asil cared. Tucre laq a gousd orahard on the promaIsescisi auwett of gsiod ~sf-ome splendid specimens of Picture Friaines, and Gilding. Thé remcliing loasisre vacant îots.-rcel Remember the Old Stand. Nuon4ber Twowtli 5e saisi anhjcttocaimort-- V T U '3 X E.L lZage te Jouepîsi Goulsi, tise mosigt- duo ipps W X miihvh umd not tieLm te Wbitby, May 4e 1868.-- 18-1y sale of $10, for oery 15>o'tiejurelssss mon uessd tisa baaesawthln ouneinontîs thoressfer, witls lutarout. i tloueti, tisee cniionslcn omie wil lie tise T Stnding (Jesiitns of Maie et thé Coutet T u OS. ,-L'ilW LI #-J " '1h.Conditldu a le sund ftrther psstleu. lare may bu cbtshed at thé Ciasbera et thé WHOLESALE & RET 'AILe sid blcter, t Whithy. ani t tue offieet ' - oi C* A. Jouesi ansi W. Il. Billigiiga, Fquircu, sud of liciuol I. Cghref, Esquire, Ven- (190Boleto. B. DARTNEL4 E E A R G R Master.WXNE JASI)-SPIRIT LV ER 41 m ~ iLÇ 11 A51! _TMr. ~OOKERY & GLABSWAEE. -TuE CflEQ1IEREIY'STORE. r- r. - . - .4 4 i - BROCk g'*1M9T~ W*UTIJII. .- ---4- 4~4 i.1~~.s44 - x~xe~- BOTTLED ALE & rORTR rilavelso Keepers and Cou ntry Merchants cau suit themselves as well, if not better than by goiug te, To- route, or elsewhere. Reëmember the place. Do. A N outh oner. Qo 11L.>y 3 1 Ci- 6J, Carnlage3 Factory. coniplete St6ek,,of rce 4le 'As ebuy our gooda, for cash, you will fin a d d éxàmine pn mS befiôrerflrobsaing èls6 'Phe'highest prie i&n as1h paid for IWHÂ ail inde of Formera' -Prodae. Ossawa, sept. 22, 1868. SPEIÂLINIUÇIEMENTS 1 AT LP0 [~1 eSm- by asil P. 0. ry 5~4 Y G.would kindly solicit lhe attention of ýOJ omt9f1.F8and the Pblctohie new ýauJvaried Stock of seasonable DRY GOQUS, on which will be ali d (6. ercent disco'uut;) for ýalL CASH 'PURQCIASES 'of $1 0qj, auJ over. Ju'st to hand a fresh supply- 0Ç choie GUOCERIES, the highest CASH price paid for any quantity of .GOOD BUTTER, AÂTýý OLD NO. 1. Hardware, Ians is adD eStuifsi al- ways on hand, at reasouable prices,,ut- OLD NO- la 509, 0 " W he a t: 105000 Oats. ~' the discount offered for Cash ou Dry Goods. YEOMAN G1t~SON. Y. G., would res-pectfùlly inflbîm parties having accotints ýfallingý due 1lÛbf -October that, unlespaid wheu due, 10 per cent will be cbarged irom that date. -Y. CGB]SON. Whitby Sept. 9, 1868. CE E LRT L WTRS BE Subaoiberhegu teo l lie ttention of. T tîsosiabilit pisrehiisng te tisa folôwing, freminug lrbiuv Teatiiueuirlii ho hit*. ca-'r eeived froisa parties. wisd havoélcou ecrheig --lThé Subi4cniber iserîly certifles that tho vssùtchelie ucpurebasesifrtrmJames- Johlîateu, taia'ufaturesi hý'Thor ,,.! dinel&Son, are sl% zepresuetesi, thoretugliiy uclableuie keeperu. -- wlitby.-- CJARRIA CES&BUCES O'f esverv description kept on baud aundunade to rder,from the, execuite ah ordert proisy114 th bc iem be iavored. - - ssassfssei-red lsy Tisas MsissAll &iSon, 'i. - -- ,.goute ai ord- repromaàuted.th.a tlshroisgnly reliable lunckeeper., me . O. D)ONOYAN - ---TWA Brook St., Whitby, Juilo 9,18S68. Ur A falIt msaortmesst lu Golti simd Sfver DiVISION CO-URTUS IN THE - bty, tismaker, Brook Strçet. C U NTY dOF 0ONT ARI O, ---- et280. *- - - ~FOU THE YB"R 1868. --- 66 ' Mkle ng ........ ..... .. î 8.... .. .. ..8 66 8, Baisai siter&iPrince Albert. 18 3 go ..14 29 ... ...... 4...4 0 'I~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~2 ...a .- .. 2.,,2 6*9 7, Atborlel. .....8 ...... ~'~ Z, DI13TRNA' Whltby, Januuay lth, 1868. $ 1,00 NPR ESEN'U - AT -W 01ver1 ar1 ~ i avYS E IIOTOGROaPII GAIttERY V $ A CORNR 0 RIG kSIKOP, 5T]RET, 1198? FLOOE 4~~~9 .7.- , c~s 9ONETION-KRYY I'Eadrsga esetalnforma tihé Lpublie tthat lie lg u oulitty prepsreéd te fill wetlî rrompitude alilordorslutbi 5skerY aud (Joufeatiomsyitne.Fruit, Oois , n alother klids etCakeTartoand Bsuts of tls,1lient qui*lty. Io' Fruit 0 701kirds lu senson. 'g1»> $tors, siaines, Cocon Nait$, (Osrger feer, ttc. 'Bker, Coufectouer, &o., Broci et, '9l'iitby, anî, 16, 1867. ,28> PROTECTIOJN FOR ?Farmers &- Owners- of Stock TIIE IIÂETFO1ID LIVE STOCK IIAUTFORD, COPN. IN,%COPORATED BY TB-£ Leglilature of COnnectictlt Wtt1 aprpeualCharter.' 9iF*100,000, de- oudwi tl ther '. 'omptrolloi ais securiy Ï Tutu Urnpa"ylow prepari to issue pe- lhcies- onLiVZ sTOCK, aigast bt 1DEATH AND THEFT.- At moderete Uatem of 1'reoeium bused on a Etigish, expersîence of over FJ1'HXY IABS. Thse Pi oueer ,Ctpmpati? e1Amenr' en HOME OFFICE.-No 258 Masin Street, Birrtford; conu. tg BEÂANCI1OFICS.-96 Wsbn Street, Bouton, Sr'MEx & WÀaBaiuw ans ges100 .,Brosdwisy, New Yor~k, doons a Mo&LxA,,Mausprd; 480 Wàlbutstree% ,Phi- ladeiptaa . &E. À.Côusur, Managera; 49 Li Salle Street, Chicago, MAmSH &BosTRKxIOK Managers.- Apply to', L. FAIRBANKS, Jr., Pebruary 2W,1887. NEWLY. IPORTED IIANGINGS. JAPEI Seloaeliciaori ale aft Very I Whitby, Apnil S -NEW, c Wag ý bu lby 14-tf ~TCH &: to Cau attention-ofpersons re ui i ioigPrQ, nd~ 13oë Stovesl , teir new -patternsoIi, hiuh they are~pfrn t~xednl .0w prices tv ieEbw,&. IsHthmPtn itbSoé. If. & B., having enlarged their premisos, 'hà-Ve ddedllartgielY to:their former Stock, making one if the largest and best asorted Stockà in the cônuuty. k t VAI ply st thse sucbSWl £*Gusi U.J liciter la Gi ty of oi oidi. -il IBok WlYP -Woiy GR-0 '0No.I1o te orner, CIicaper aund Better than ever. 't i t Cii s I3roç Ul~ V L01aa e i nvi A Ti Dut is1 Foi CoIL t $!Mc Wll e'cl T *e i fi e .44 18-ly 1 1.1 QUALITYO Ne. il on the corner..1 -1 1 1 OF SUPERIOR

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