Whitby Chronicle, 29 Oct 1868, p. 2

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Zrn. oa iou - Th-rot, 5yErS, Actenieer. On Tbareday, Oet. 29eis, on lot No;, 10, In tise 6tb coneesiou of Pickerilng, Paru Sgoîle, Impl.ments, ke,, tb. propert> of Mfr. Vecry MeQod.-TeuismyeUltr, Agetipucer. Ou Wednesdsy, Nov. 41bs, ai. Sydenisat Faro, Port Oshawa, Tboro9-ird Stock, 0.,thse 'poerti, cf 1Mr, Thoccas (101-1 Th mas>ysrs, Anciionceer. ce Mondayl, Nov. 2nd, on lot No. 19, _isuzie ?lth coo. off Whltby.,Parm Stock, suioens., ho, 9lb.proporty of 1Mr. lu, Brlgs-Thu. McueAuctlonssi. On Tisesdsy, Nov. 8, on lot No. 8; lit con. off Réacb, Iaris Stock, Implements, t Lieproporty cf 1Mr. Thot., Pàrrot Tho&. Mye, auctionoer. O06 Filda>, pot. 800 OR-lot No. 41 lit con. Reaeh, Tarin Stock, Implémenta, &o., prephity off Tho&, Curtiop, hot. Myers, ONLY $150O CENTS À TZAR 1lbiLbyt Thurs4a1y, Otober 29, 1868. Our New <ovenor Goueral. A. cotemporary Informe us that a cou. manulcaîlon bas been rec.lved- (rom 8Ir Ibm Yoconq Our future Ooveruole-General, 1 Io the ffet that b. viii -b. sabl. to le J£ngland to allume the daties of hâbil fice, outil affs.r the teush off néxt montbj sud thas Lord Mouc', departure bu, ln con.l sequence, Woen deferrd. n'.l ELANosaIT> las- beeu defeated ln lnverses., Nova 8<ieia,, by a majority off if fy. Whou le Io rememb.red Chat at the. luat election, te.'Union candidat. for the Roni.off Commoni vas defeated by n majorityloff about sibnndred, tbis resait1 muse b. regarded as a vey doided Union glood irrlting lb. aboie, w. icuarn <rmthe Globé'. Haliffax correspon dent that Taus<ay vas declaration day la Iniver. »es, but no candidate vua declared elected -a question bolnusaised 0as b tiiolgalit> eithtie conduit off tbe poil dent. Aun t. ecatigallon vwiii bha ld. 1Mr. Blanchard teiegrapb tisaitiahe majorlty fowr or againitt bins Viii nscb. more tban ten, anitat ho mal yet b. declared electsd. Dontis et Dr* Parker# W. dieply regret to announce that Dr. Vacher bus succumbed <o te.injurea. te. wlvred by blm Ilu bis dreadîsil<aIl, and died on gaturda> affternoon about tire. o'ciock. For. coueic laeaft.rbis removal te bis ovi bouse, le vas ised hat ho mit recover, and visen ou Thurida> be appeared toub. mmdi casier, <basebope" gr.v atrongar. On Fia> t.vr tara <or tise vons ok place, and JIs gniduali>suk'e ntil Saturday afternoon, vise. tfatb put an *ni to ii ei nu. VÏ 0#h deais of te.botor, ' 'e Boe <oras party, and loddeed thse vboble country, 1eWean activa and abi.man.- XKouses Woipted in Wbltiy. Ai an lndicaîlZa of tlis. roving pros- penley off Wbit .by,. v# us> state tisat, at - pressastiefa la o au nomepled dvell- lui boue.lu tise tovn. Sevral familles, laîeudlns to sttle lu Whib w odr, ptaiiil, ers foruod to go fan ber, not bains abio b Ld bou accodatron. This ebould mt te aseu#wh.uvs 'baie uioog o« ceks.i oviso auspoiiesed oa .aling raui.1 $99 for a gradle 'Cov; aadJ70foca gradeeov sud caLf.- Mr. Wllkent ef Pickering, porcbues.4thb. ov 141,1117 pi ,q for $100.;,u i.vst befrcaîf"Fan.>" vasu hougis by 1Mr. Calloon, etÏ Dariington, for $135. Thse bull calf 4"Blondin" vwas purcbaaad by Mr. Waddle, off Pickering, for $100; and tie 0" aissal a oered for sale vote par. cbased At lUise s Tis 0CANADA PAumis' lieiaueCs-do. -Aientlon fa dIreciel b lishe adie'rtide- ment la ether colomne orf Ibis old calish- lliiedad ealCops.Terai off lu wae iii be found véry cbcip. CoaacvrarMcsr.,Birrel k loin. iton necelved. he coned prime for a one- ypar old flIly, cardage <nr oadsîer, stthie laie County> <air, latead off Mr. loba Lepper, as appcared la tise prii4 liaI puis- isbed aI the-eite l. hax,az.L SooiL ,Pa.-A soiai dancing part> la aonouced le doncof? a*t tise National isotl, Port Whiiby, on0 Tiursday cveniug, ôSi pneuimo. Clearvatoe' Quadrilla Baud id ongagcd 10 bu preoet. Tise RoYAL Hea-sa. va foiimll' opaucd on Taesday mornlng lut,. Tirs Guara> Mumeîau, luaid off tise Congregaîloual Cisrci, la ibis toma, milI La behd àt ti. Meoiaics' -bail, on Tuaso. day oieenignesi, À Snoorxsa 'MAT-cs b.tmcan tire. oportsmen la te ceme of? aI Ashabua. oon Satanda>' nemI. Tii. match is a itvccp. aaie off7$10 cacha, Ton PLo.osaro TCH, nader tii .- spIces off tise Scott Agricultarah Society', soole place on Wodaesdîy hast, 'Ise 2.1 inst., on the famn off,1Mr. John Wigiî, lot Ne. la, lu tie 6ei concession off Scott. The vealiser vu ver>' napiciemal, bal, nevertiselcupasilarge croird vauprescat. Tii foliowing le a ist off tisa vinrst Firsi "ls, mn. -lit, lassob Tatyhon, (th. ffisî.praze mon ah the lite County pioughiig mach off Noth Ontii,) a nov plongi, givan4b> T. Paxton, Eaq., I.P.P, 2ud, loin Taylor, $4 ; W d ndrov Tan- ner, $3; 4t1h,-Manbi inaubard, $2. 8&»fldkl5 s en.-lott 0eo. Mastard, oet off coler& ; Zat, WS, Tbompaon. $4; 3ril, loin Mastard, $3; -4tis, loin Cer>, $2, In ths boyes' cha esvasoui>'oe entny, <John Bouse,) end tise prise <a bridio and nantiugisie,) wvaswarded to m a, Jaux ££iTranouoncos la otson colamons, tlt ha yl pi>' cili for pots booss, gaz soedo h0. (Sec advertisemenh.> Tas Hoir, Joux Simpsoi, cf Bomman- Vihlot and otisan., tise Ottawa correspond- ent& off tise Toronto pipera ioform es, bave givea notice et application for -àabcarter lon a compun>' for tis. purpose of mina- factoriag agicuit oral impenents at Osisa v a-t. ha calilod tlicilJoseph Hall Même, factoring Go'>." l'h. &amasnof capital Homme Pso'rzr rom SAI Ai BzIAISa vromr-Mi . Cauerou'i, veil kusomaIs otlist Beavertea la Offfferd for sais. (Se. adver. l'au Wmuzr gziAavÀ.-l'ie Port Fe'rry Standard audentauts tisbat th ratepayaeofthlb.township off Scugog are unaalnouly lufavor offpnslgtins e Port Wbltby and Fort Ferry ihilma>' compas>' Rit Lordshlp prousied Iotedeliver bis chiarge, vilisb, b d, dmuat neeessily lie very short, from the_ Meagre informa- tion tb. calendarbefore bim afford.d, IH. allnded to <i. chaýrgeaagainil lb. prisoseri la gaol; amddetlscd ibeir 'nature , as fir saieb vas ableuder ,tise cIreniutaucci.ý H.e concluded by informin# 1Ibe juron tbat tise Court vostd b. happy togiv. tbson il tic information lu their,;power; and )wonld also aid ticu. Tii. followiag civil cases vere then d4isposu.d of t Miegay tu. Mca-Ejectscnt. Ver. dict for plaintif. McKq -Vs. .ltKay,-EFjectment. Ver- dlet fox plaintiff. S. Il. Cochrane, for plaintif? s..ldso.Tu Paxtnzi jogo n.T iraws an action t evcr tb. amoant of, an ac- canal. VcrTiot for plaintifY by consent, for $855,834. W. M. Coecrano for plain- SmfJlc ce. Dean -Trempais. TieAle. fendant ovoad a mill dam, by umanu off viiicb plitiatifF'iproperi>' aswu andated. And tic action vus brongliete r ecover damairea. Verdict for ýpliintif? hy consent for $50. L. Ensilisi for plaintiff. Paaf on v» Robiuse.-Thls vas an ne tion brougil by Thos. Paxton, ncunaiuing nactber off tise firm, off Paxton k Co., aguinit Jobn Robinson, te necover the balance off au account for goode anppiied te ýdefendant te tishe an f$3.Tic defendant appeaned lu person teodefesd bis casu d calleda vilimes, vo, bovever. made bad verse. Tise jury returned a vcrdict for plotintif? for the full ameuna. S. H. Cochrane for piminuif?. The. gnd jury reîarned a truc bllI agnintJas. Allez Ion minslaagiîcr. SECOND DAY. Kersieman vs. Miler.-Tiis -au an action brougit againit tise defendant- on a promissen>' nOie fon $100, umade by anc Jolienesteman, endbrscd by the deffand. sut amd tho plaintif?. Thi &seadant de- nied the esdosemnu, and plcmded tise wat off considenation for onderoemeat. Severai viînessas vere cikld for baiL parties, mand freom tieir ntatements il ap- pcared tint t aeo Wallace, off Wiby, along vith i 0550 ennedy, parcisscd the cruahurag miii hnown as the Gilbert -ad Tariey ' Miii, in bladocand- requirisg (and$ le pay iîh, Wallace veat le Toronto mnd oiînined tise procedi of a vote, off mmii tiie ccc sued on iî a renevai te puy te Gilbert & Tunbcy an aceuont off lth pur. chai. unene>..Wallace vas tematage tie mili and eut offttic cnniîicgsihoald puY thc amenaI off the note. Is appouns t tic icheaso dad net îaccecd, and WWalce abandoned or sint up, tb. mibi, and noti- iog vas paid on the. note. When theGri note came du., Miler sigacd an ugreemuent declaring bis ovn intereit, and fiat Rer. steman soold noetbe moon an d agieeisg <oessiga Whiiîiy aad Toronto Gohd Xining Stock <oeICerstcmssn if b. voonid et the note nanevcd, Kcrstemau obtalned tise rcsauvet on the. aboie undrr- standing,, ad Miller <aileL t. carry ont is agreemesnt. Miller wrus benoued ilu tus action. Verdict for doe.naul. A. W. Lieder for plaintif?, J. K. Morgan for de- fendant. jolinston vs. Barker,.-Vendict fer plaintif? for $479. J. H. Cameron for pliti? 1. Dnggen, for dclcndant. Jas. Ayl.s, <vise pieaded not gaiity ou Taedisy eveniug> vitidrew is pîcsansd pleaded 'guihty.' Tise grand jury netarned "ne bill" againit N. Mcgregor for aisauhi, viti nt- teuipt te commit râpe; and a 'true bibi" agaisît James Tisempton, obtaiuing money cnder aiseprolence. Fairbanks vs. hepe is geing on as me go te proe. Tan oae.naraeCi; vPrevoir, 1 UiMM onu 01 Iwo5I us oiitI, secsurferred t the hi. Ccî omnse s a pettion ila nom bisu,5 irclatedat sliugit goi, lisas ne ponted inlathe Piaton Gazette. tii. aceil tttua.. aàhvla ..'pm-tiailv.u TuIr <i ~st," daing th. ealon off P&nliaent, vih hausent tb ubcrib.ns for ri1ai ii Dpruxi' Ciau-A bar, serti of Deonui' Crack, vas detroyed b>' fine ou Tueta>' nlgbt lait. .Wi noter. satudant it haosiged te a uuarr naset Magir. Thbe ipopent>' was ot insuned. id a"a theisenam.Atva IFAui efGaoss, ke.-Mr, Lors.l t l a ra iu siIsCopi talies 1 Brovar bu.2.cecelved a frcsi swsto f <mmii moue tisa b>' tise rs. Igeesies, coclen>, adgesae lot prie...Who vyil or esair isat eci ~Tha Boyle vs, Aan.-Au action brougil e cocor*r tamages ote i. mont of $2,000 ce.sequ.at apon a berme vbippiag recelant fros iii. Daffndant; g<ires Le. canusetfcertain nemarks mote ilu t ica- ton Tinte, iî tise Plaintifi-tia Defeut. mta inferring -front tise vanomue, mat viici tiie Deffendunu dit Dolt dn>'. Ibat io <tie ýPlaintif?> vau tic person, refc;néd to lu tise sait newipapen. Tuis case bus been' f11>' discuseet on tise sireti, muid tiroug ie pneu. et Platois antdlunohiset place,io0le fi oneeesar>'fqeran>' fun 'cher remnarisa la cotnncctiou viii îLe cse. Verdict for, phuf. and- $20 damsgei-sbe- daite. te pi>' onuiCouuty Court ooau. 'âl'aLnotsuTn or OXAIAO ile taneet on Toasay i net, Bralpro:. Hs:aApîEt~.-1 en An dtserson,- ex- press robbers; wers dolvereal up mud taleen eé the friver ai 7 o'cclo. onSaturda>' uvamn4 (rom Windsor <o Détroit. 1 yr oId belfer, lot Jacob Taylor; 2nd Thos& Irving, Hlcitrcàîf off 88,ltTbdo. Trving;, 2nd gco, Thoumpson ;3rd Thos Irving. 1Yole. working oxen, -lit Wàim. inclacir; 2ad'D. Turner. Faot o;i steer, cow or beifer, lit Alez. Ilusalck; 2nd Jas., Lsk. Agcd J u W.Iaran ,i;2nd, h Siir rd John Moirf. Shcaring ramn, lit and 2nd 'Wm. Bar- riss J. ,;. Srcb.i Vi. «Locie Ricnil1mb, lot and 2nd Arnold Duan; ar r, l. larrise. Jan. Two éged cwei, lut, 2nd andBrd Wm. lion ion fun. 2 mhe r1ing cwes, lit . Poster; 2nd 3rd W. tflarriss, jan. 2 cwo lambo, lit John Raiarty ; 2nd Thou, Irving; Srd iBobt. Poster. 81BP-XEDION, O8 VINE WOOLZD. Agcd ram, lot JoelI lckney, Sbcariing rom, loit John Lemon ; 2nd Wm. Thompueon; ,Srd John Kýdd. Rommiaatb, lit John Pickering; 2nd A. Turner. Tara aged oves, lgt John Ormerood; 2nd Thos. Irving; $rd T. McKnugbt. Two alucariing mena, ist Guo. Tbonip. ion; 2nd A. Turner. Two ewe lambe. lit A. Stei; 2nd Wm. Thompon ; Srd Joscph Ormcrood. PAT SUlET> ticat pair .lucarling mwes ln any cloie, $2 giron by bMr. Poster. R. Foiter. Hasot pairft ihccp, $2, ýgivon by Mr, Poster, Jas. Forrest. Pnr pig 1 yr oit and ovor, lit Adam 'liri; 2îsd John Canel. Boan pigoe1808, lit muid 2nd IWin, Breeding mear, lot Wm. larriss, Jr.; 2nd Wnra. M'urion. Sew in g 1808. lui A. Steel; 2ia Wrn. 2 buga.rfil! vIacai, lut Newton Graham; 2usd John Arnnelad. 2 lbus. spring visent, lot Johas Raflant>', 2nd Johsn Wighi. Ta.> buo&. harle>', lit A, Dunis 2nd T. 2 bis, largo pans, lot VWm. Tisompuon; 2nd i<damsBlair. 2 bus. ali pens, lot JobsnlVollard; Zisd Thss ouDms. 2 bug,. large ont%, li Rob. Ltgw.- 2 isî. unialiloui., lat JoiisPailard; 2nd John sner. 1 bus. timoihy sced, lit Tise. Bora- bain. ISeOTS. 8 turnipg, lot Gides Vernon; 2nd, J. Pickering. 12 carroIe, lot John Stevenson; 2nd R. PirI. 8mangoits, it John Stevensons. IJag off pelatoes, as>' variai>', lai Tiionîpsois; 2rid Jolis Siier. 1 Irt'LEitElTi. John1 Wnag;on, igt wVns.Oxtala>' 5 y&d fuhiat cloth, lit lins. J. Poliard, 2nt fIns. ebl. lBiock. 5 yda Biannai, lit lns. N. Gralastu; 2nd Mo,. Jas. Siey l'air bianketis, lit Mn., John Siry Cenerlet, lit lins. John IVedon ; 2sd Pair v-colles' mîti, lit Mn. RB. O'Hura, 2usd Mn., T. Irvirso. Pair voollan glorcu, lut lira. Wm., Dunikeld. Pain r ociben soaki, lot Mrs. G. Tlaemp- ion - 2nd. lna.'lIL Miller. 8Ù~ein stoeking >'arn, lot Mn:. Was. Titorrpien; 2usd ). l'uis.k Rag mug. 1 >yard square, lit Miss Con!; 2nt Mligs M.Dicleicu. enoi' sint, lit 1fr.. W. Tevasent; 2usd ins. John Kydd. Il Yts ater>'clotii, lit Mro. L. Waller, pair Wsaon>' bisiketa,la lin M. John1 Arnolt. ô ibs butter, lit lfns. i. G, . Tbomp- ion. 2usd Ira. D. Urquimrt.Knie n 8 Ibo cheexe, lit Mers. J. Kni n Mn., G. Versos. Peck osions, lot Jeohn Hebser. rp lacats cabbsge, lit John Pearson ; 2nd 'Wr. Thom pion. 12 Ioot Lecos, lut R. Ceci; 2nt Win. Tisompsos. 2 pumpiis, lit S'Mm. Merison; 2nd Jetas Ilebner. . 12 vmter apples, lot D. Tonner; 2nd John Arnlt . 12 suomcr appies, lut T. Parkini ; 2nt G. Varnn. >Twe toz. crnb apples, lst W. Thomp- son; 2usd A. 'f unuien. . Tro <lez plains, lit M. Risboro; 2nd G. Verts on. Pair Lan yard folamb, lit Gideon Vyon- non. Pair tunkeyî, lut D. 'Turner; Led 0. Vernon. Pain guie, lut Jas. Blanchard; 2nt 11. Miller. Ipiin dsacks,, lit Jas, Blacard;- Lad ti.> Tonner. 12 cars liut cnltWaaMorio, 2nd John liaffant>'. Jar prebrits, lo tu. ib iouso; 2p4 R. Co-I., Jan pickles, lst Wm. Tisonpsou; and; S.A. seagar. 0 Ibo aaplesulgar, lit Wn. Tbounpao,- 2nd Jsphsweldoa. 1 st bsid, laI Iri. 9Tbonmpson; Lasa Mr", Vawvest 1 - ' snacks ; lhe remasinder ver$e&Mailvl y s rlgged in varions vays. Of lb. 2,513 Tes- sels rc<.rced to, 1,I47did sot excecd 100 tons inrtben, 961 ver, <rom .100 te 300 tous, 286 acre from 300 tu 600 tons, aud, 190 oaty uneeabove 600 tons burtien. Tiie ico'nes off tise disauts are tbusi' giroen.*-Eaît coaaî, 1,101;eictti coul, 2,59; -,est coult, 411; norti-weit coasl off Scotland, 46 ; iIrii cosat,, 214; lei. Ioff Man, 22 ; Landyliilaudg 18 ; andý Scilly Ilsla, 19. Il viii b e observi'd tiaï,,ris ,asualo, the. greatest,.namber off wrccks - carrcd on tie enust esi, but the grenteî lous off lifte oceurrcd in thIlriaýSsn.The. lois off property, including ships, nnd car- gpei alone, cam bardlyObc ueprescnted ut 53> tie noble efforute mo ave flt t vere made, net only by îthe bonIs nt tie National Lifeboist lnsitninbut aise b>' tbe rocket apparatus utider the contre! eof tise Board off'l'rade, and by, siiore, boas. wioae creva are stimnlated hy tic iberni resards offLe National..Lifeboat Jistitu- sden to use ecv.ny exertion to are lita, tace natabsr off ivessanvet hast year, aI -soins riais off life, cas Lundi, have been leu. than 2,000 in ai; sud in tIhe grealIna-, jprit> off csaiti&'th ist Lave peishet in îisc aiance off aieeenions muicre aeed, and particlr.ly se la respect te lie services o et clUenti. Tihe ;agister itates tisai the total ama flrsmrt lit Yeun by aimeans vas 5,845. To the Edifor of/t/t WIitit-9Olronicle, DEAas Siti .-lthare becs in formaîl tIsa tisere1a ept-hues circnlidtis lureig",l tisa teins, for tlseptirpioise f hiaing theu gr-iils contîrted ho (tisa Stctarian Colla-gos. NO%-, 1 don'î oiijtct tô the [<settion, but'I udnen-. b>' abject-to tise masnea'cil circuiaiig it. Thle sunai w'.> in snc-lacaxs'ta epitiiib tisa peihion un tIsa rit-il>'or icsi Pisrsersu to d-Ku.gnssil tftismelathe pre§ts. aml Ils-n p-iss it nanu for siss.altire. Sut-h ant-ast iuts %iat-y of beuigltetilais. Clergymen ninauge tiinga in a dilt-reiut siav. OneiWaliks lnto n store, pelitehy smin te lcerk-ur-i naSflsi as Irrsiciu Ilinsik;amight Ilasinsgisan lin. lvori4os-sîind proceedintedr-ast-fs-oansa u puek6et a nutisor foriuadnle lieing alc-us' auent Chcnk begins te look pale, thiiukuu4 ila is nmarrngo license, andi commeînes- ta staismer ouut apologies. Hliqi snon conaforted, however, st-leraha ieusanlian il is onby a pétition ta da sonseiking ta sye collage, situsateti somnewlsora. 01 a!oltasc lac signa it. Ih soreti>' isb wrang. A clergymen, muid e4.pecinihy n l>ncubytcninn clergymann would neser ask you te de niant ias net the tip top off pro- priai>'. Nol Not aven if tisa situa; ion off biq friands nal tisaintaeems offliii ChatireS wiraaitstite. Wel isa>' e ai- claista 'ritis Scoîlu'. bard: - î(oeîtîcwwrriig t ausanace sakola, Its u.,rci>- ngist adiusi." 'fhit mei»lueti offgetting signatuîr"a te a péto lo i mnouug, and inraenrsiy bud inuit beise cause tsati i. etîligeal te ne- font te it. Is My yoisrgcer laye a ilt ver>' higis rehions off clenical <igeliit>'. I banc gel pi-Il>' 'aen that nov; shfil 1b ias sot preptiredt sesec a clergyman depcend frein tisadignit>' et tisapuipit ast hawk petitiana rounsd tisoe os, for tisa sigua- turcs off the cbenhs. Il liaffairs' swelh as undigniriet. 1People de net ilte te refuse thici minuster an>'tlaiug bu o ee>' Batint muko uip for thtin <equcuit refu- sai off tuaI conssodit>', tse>' arc ecs'etly milhing 10 uign nnyîisin bac prciatsU. Tise>' mil cnsgo fanthmrLite Artemusi Wand, aise moult sacrifice lise laituof lais muf's blood relations * the<accaisse off l- bert>',tise>' wilb s5acrifice tlacin aeigliiiois lait cent. fon tiese upport off the auirc-h, and lilsCollages. Lould nia>' enainforin os abat lu tise preaet-int ne ot moral pluilesaopliy, o risai a rc-lise ratcnt baxi books os -tise stabjeat. Ivout songi>' idvise yoor adutis o le 'iltoid tisair isg- nature% fer thse present. t1liane se oh- lacîseas te sec thse aiiject aliscusset, on lis asenils',btii saunderisaîsaideuling ta- serve$sesvae t-consit-tintiots. Ver>' respeatoil>' >ouns, WliiLbq.Oct. es, 1808. A BraAros Cîsu.-Thore la a imin at present living la Teronto vbo freintshie âge offilve leurs antal about tirce mentis ugo, bas becs deaf und-dub. Tise $tory Ausuppliet b>' binsaît is tinat ut the lins. vises tish ennai urne that ne- stoned te is bistva -0lest enues toek place, be vas veriing ut 7wagatea uaking vitb a umn namet McGarV, ut Banîford. Wble at merk Le ail nt once feit bis ton- gne loeseascd Ïasuit wme, andut stnng menudampnocbd bis anc. Hit -finit tbougit mus:off tome impentisg cahanit>', Ltin pceservcd 'Lis -mental equilibium tbrougbousi lia. apidt raa3sitin-,im mental1 poilera bid udergesuf, ge <irebis nmea.as OncidsaCasuelle,' sayo b. boardsi siî 164 Bs>' .treet,-and merke opposite tisa> Que" stum iavenus,. Ris story' i.sa ansakted for ils popale, as bave beecu periedicaily losI ibeir passage trou tbe utatii Offie;, or in the, opposite dit Poît 0Mb0 anenhorities arec>0 to clear up boUs casex, -Lut tiing Las beca sccrtaiucd, tic, contenmts ln the letteria yeî binovi, but muît amoaint aile u. On, grept ratait,1 mails are ban4led. ' ,Osly osVn off Iuck and ke>' is used ail bagasseute )t frein it, in~ au to tic Post reetion. The1 depariment, undu ar.censeqauce, a a &g passing tiirestih alit a dozen lbands eau eaaýijy aufFer tii leof îoi mne 'of it con-. tenti Witbosit the,.perpetrator beisg-detect-. cd. Thussa n namber off innocent- officiaisý arc laid vonder suspicon while the real cul- prit eapeis justice. 1f -r. Dpveý, lb. Pet Office luupecor, ia possesaed-off icrorat- patternsoet hock7i'tut Would obviate thie difficulîy, but the depanîsuent. îioughbeffets pru'a.cd lo duons, h"a icretofere refused'te' acbopt tshem.-Globe. MAXie ILfl) JW ANSOI-A III Tma a s IlStL.m?'tnîForest, Oct.,22.-.Aman ninei Edwtard Ceârnove. a nesibeist off Arthsur lowotlsiip. ras killeti !>' anothtr un a iciffleos lsieb t0ook plusse if) front -Off Rcsî'sa lîtel, yesterdssy nftt-nnacon.bIn lte iusvcs tigatilori bt-fora lihnm, Swii- nusutSid- neay Sinit!,. l'sqr'f8. ..P'ia,, itL apîsars isat ia difiuîsiae arase t.etween James Anderson. off Artîhusr, and Edivard Coisgriavte, conern. ing sou1e enn. souie oison Partie'san a îc.uli)tigg inquiet the'diçtutrbnncc wc-re dtir fit u tisa niw ansd niatietiade' wton-Qe. Co cgronos'-uiviil a 1.ev., trous hue p&ointd ensd Orfan utnlnailst, thianit i>' avina Ouaise is e crowd-I er o' noithsr iuîan'g uheuldisr, anteriîu tise sio f li ht-d, liiiandi:stely in frontoni his ear anti enne- i il lila te 1i uddi-nly te tho 'gronsd. ïnise off thesevisk.ncucxnnicseniid Lt-su- lily aise tha panty ana; that denit tise ilow. Tishe stsidad nm ais dicaric mbt flita istel nîu iiaieduial nid catlil dli.. bjut tu no50 asil. Afienrcnniinig isnias iinssr.r.ibio atate for 'about aiglit linons, ho lied ai cvarscuclock fîisisi. Ais ls. quast wili c ho bll at 10 o'clockaises fi-tiser evisice wilh iso takien aisd icone li6dhî throwus upon thea natter. bIn. Revend>' Joiaaoon'i caracal endeavrn ie hrirsg ahi mati-era un dispute between Great Britain nnd thse Usitpd States teaa satisactor>' conclasion, continuas te create ineasiied disatisfaction amoag the lRe- pablican parîy en tii.saide tic mater, -as vasi as îoog Reubliua ysnpaîiîer in Eisglnnd. XIt iaver>' cvident tint siese bebhicosa people desim. anytising rntsser thssu pence Letween thse Ivo contricei. If Mr. Sevurd reface. te uccopt Mr.Jeohn- sants conditional -greement viti Lord Stanloey for thse hppoiatrnenh off à nized* commission to etele oti the Englisiimnd Amenican claims vicbhart beca ao long uttadi!!;, miti a refference 10 th., Eu- parer off Bassin on is, point off Interna- ieusal Lawr, tiore cas remua ne doait in 'un> oeo'a a:ind tint England'is domine to lino du friendly tlcumm viti tie 'United Statesisaf; n greater 1tbansactates tie people off îie lattcr country tovards Great, Britain. WC $bal[ilooklc vîh sorne littie inuercat te the rciit.-ýLe4der. NEaW P.sir.sT iv ms i.-Ts o rk on tbohe nwSusîpension bridgenet Niaigara Falls, Wiîicisvas begusn Ayoar àugo bagt Joirse, will bio finitslsed in about a month. TILe bridge citand% frem a point josat bai. loin the Arsericars Pallu te n Point on tise Carsadiais ide, juitloabatise (litlois flouse. 'l'ho sp!tn la 1.264 feat and four incLes, and tise tac cabies une 1,900 <cet lonug, Is aacb callotiare ar eres urn relit-s, csc-latire and< n-hait inelses in dia. sacter. lise span i.said te bc longer titan liant off ais>' tîsar susepesion bridge in the irnt. Unilted OScitea Neuves. Nzv Yostu Oct. 24.-T-he Tribune#. New Orleans sjicciah au>'. off tisa et ut1 Gretna s -Thne bicks mccc kilied ad several wonntcd. Thie resl lied te Aigiene muid the swamps. Thia memning a large namben cf wite.mca cnossed over froin bene. Oea. BResen topped ,tic ferry., leants, and sent n compas>' off isffmntny te assis& the one handred policemnen vie vere :hanse.ein pnese.rviag tha pence. Thc Evening'- Timeriaye, the long un. peadinig, conficie msfairi>' cemuencad. Oea. [batesau bas reqîsested -'1<0 addi. thonni neginsouta. At 'anine ,o1Clock ' a ummed moboff 400 mea bave orderad tbe Maîropiubîtast police ta beave-Groînui. It is aldtt c hatven ibe 'vif, off Sulas Jam.ss ,uWOrccster,, Mlas., w ira 'iding. in good-bye.i tise pneaence off ticeIteeper, 'abeut fOve boausLefere is executiota, aie iisseii l emvissg inibis meuth.a unali plI off arsenic, vbich ho saaîovesj.But' ps-oe-can Oveîrdose, tuad on!>' 'ide laina meývËï of 4yo:r eaningi rt rores. Soa.Wellingion Squsare, Oct. 27.- On, Mondoy night sein, sacnibegiena rTu. catl& broke ite tihe tempoerance. Hall, sud hjýokaeopesn the Subdtiy School librnry desli, scatteri.% the bouli a nrcua& the hall> and cnrrkd etoffa email 'ôbonîain he i volniary eu ,ntribuion Of sthe i o1ari. T lwy wenl thetce te tic.he.'reabyterian Churci brakin mbtbc.uoary nnd earnicd off' tmre toweah.,Tiienco îhey procoeded te thse, Roman ïCathoie Charçs, buit il ii not Ikn.>wn yet wviat tbey carried -off <rom !A sot fully ksn as il vas net diacover. ed outil Ibis 'evèaoing. Swuit-ID t;FauWkTzs Loo- Waterloo, Oct. 27.-This xorsiong'nt about aine- D'clcck, an aged ,fproër b> tIco:name qf Johns Scso, livinig noar Wàtenloo, coin nmited suicide by bloving bis braills eut wis aIbatlegun. ,Deceated hi dl taken 'bis b~reakfast as Dsnat it ibbs -vifé., and. tII latter lîad gene te the bmm "ita výater tise cowîi, vben il woal id eetutig popr old mais became tifflic;e d.ouddealy vilh un at- sacis off suicidaI manis, or. bac tek ii .yis frorn it% lon,, icretofore rcahi;g pince, emdf, plsci.g Isaeniazale in bis meuibade- tsbemau.!y conf;ummated ic anct. A ver- dict won rendered by the- c6eaue:'s jury in' acco-danceit Ibo ie boie ta1fCls. A PUOrr-a îe.XGA.a AiAaxi.A atipesulîo'athe' wiiteu ci Sentis Carelins,tel dscouantenariee the pohiaicai sasnuos ignet b>'Wade, Hanipten pat six etbers, is; pab!iâbed. Tic' e>' t-Wli _cn oi> a ppeasl to yen te support tis, awbava b pro.- serve tie ponce muid te denneie tieso Crimes vicbbave lse 'centi>'been coem- mitîad lisanie pentions offotan State. W.V cîseak in isciaif er the conuervitive' mut law.abidiaag portion off'tie peaDple, visa conâtitute, va' f.el aaiared, 'nearh>' our ontire rwhite population; and la heirn ame vo expreFs mpintically"oan ahherror'.ceoff sut-b acta, andt me-pledge ourseives lu auppicia tbusm. tJ/rr oua ]BOn AT Naonr 7.-Tic. practice off ellewirsg boys ta upeadt tein eeningu li tic atrectm il enaetftho moîl ramnona, dangerena, suit mischievena s ingi possible. Notiing sîee poatinsd aunel>' marks tbii course deaumard. Tic>' ne., quis-c, annrcaver off iigil, au uniemiti>' sui.. off mind, valgar aud profane ngag9, obxone practicca, criesissal sentmme nts, and a Invlets, nsotons ba.uing. ladeed, it-is la lise sircets, afîer nigiitfili, tisai beys genonali>' taquine tie edaces anmattise capucit>' for Leceusing rend>', disaeluîc men. Parntas,<la >ou isciier, lti- Wiil >'ou iscep yor chltrea bons.off nighiu ast se tbit tiir Loue h mate pleasait and proftaable ? The Tonante Tdegrapli' un>'. bat Mn. floss, Atloee ime a meuLer off the oIt Panliaunent of Canadiat, l uied-off as & candidat. fer tic represenitatien off Wei- initon Contra. Be nasides in the cout>', anat a mal te b. a papalar mats, CLin-mo piinteru ah Houe Kong receivc $15 a nsenth mages. Tic Pekin Gazde ina Leen pslii'eet a theasant yeans. Deblin, Oas. 27.-Tic bouse off a 1r. Wtginore, nean Corkc, maseut eretlust, nigisi b>'nLd>' of mon sut a quasait>'off anm u aaimusitien carrnet mmm>. Tise Younsg lettes Wh ise ac custouse t t "eun n r lvu>'m obserred to pawsac vioniisg vayu, imoalamiable dispositions,' ilarinbi>' make god wvr, andalays select godtiuans. A mieeting off about 200>rBC. priessaîs- new 1isibsin Nev York., Tiese b. ject tiacusued finit vas tbe bolding of religions atdcharitable pic.uics. lu [à atapposodt ttisIle>' vilho côademnedana prebibited. Puil lWeat.... spîing do. wR>........... perle. . . .. ,,... . yea. ....... Docks.»....... p G RA N D IM SICA'LE -MECHANICS-' HAL.L. Tuesday Evenlng Kovcmber 3, 1868 t.. i. in astd off i CrgtihnalCLorgais Yusds î ROC-BAeUME-1'art Tirs 1. Plan-" Grad MaLc te seconcert,"9 I'nurs-r.n ilisan. -2. Sîsg-W hal vi iiaej cmy n Englond tr 3. Saoi -" ltl ilt,>tr. ver site,"1-mfs Gibis-s 1. Di--"ltsaîirl1 e set Wavd es,,lsagi" is anîatIMnl. chp-ly 2. Soas-"l hn-usuu' ite ry,tn,. Wpý ayels t. Suis-"Tluy e cc nleter,-Mc. If eiauaL 5.8i.. uGth.Sta'k 'nsî's Glp,"- IVer-and bMiss Gaie>. WWitbyOet 29,is. S. MANDtRnE--»Cpnln.iSolZTbeHoe T rfE ANLNU,%L IMEETIG off me St. .LAdre.. eIcY Off W'litablIsUd P14k- cring ni a=jcet Towobilpe viil e hbsi on Wedniesda.y, Nov. 4th, 1868 IN TUE MECtIANICS' HALL, WEflTBY, At lsslf-p-seet aip.m., fortle arproet ebectiiag -cilIc beancna ot- rtie en$stsg.ysua, euaroilig mibra mt.,atdetiinu mI be celotuateul. fg7' A lut! atteaditsccetfScotebnasii, mmd Ibis moisi off *uotgeisin srequestet. ' o >'ener,- W. W. COWELL, Whutby, Oct. 28, 184. 4 $ 20 Rewrd! A glm o mony jdsvensi notas -#if tuant, nit stlter pipera off ne value but le tise avIser, (aie Vu)meut os thse notes bsu beau - itil-it iso . TZrt'u,a, or,'1 ic cm il Mery., .. <>alebcn 24Us, 21 ODR -10LEI 1I(>TEL. AT 13j -i otlmiti THE D Te ail ujn1?"csieii Fou ON1E Pt 4cataiietmenul * ab or ise c-veîit Auuit lof I etIl , .&însjr tonpic Ladand î.the üo uairMutiicital ais d rcdent' sliulds.i 4dresed to e l'ut FARM £ONTAINING thce issgptott 1usd Ut7, In lbc2 Tiser. fi geo-1 * F ropcnîn, <ceaLLaIra * App>' te Oct. 24, ies.- WHITE lu 'Octo'bcn28, 16 - OUI, tf-i. the, Daenc J% ý-xi

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