Whitby Chronicle, 29 Oct 1868, p. 1

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ONTAIO EANK. WIIITY BRA1ÇOI. » - ut P. J.CJCHART, B ARRIIBTEILB AND ATT£ORNETS-AT- Law, SoJ1o1itotheb.Batnk et IL*Otëtre and thé corporation t thé Cont fOntario, £W-90no.Jologn upon god seénrît>'.Ap- arm Bl 880# &Nous KOUISON.- J. A.BSAMFSOM. Toronto, Jal>' 20,1641. 2u fOU N TY CRU W NATTOIII4£y tJR UN- ,%Fo ,Ia"iabtei sud Attorney-t-LoW, Se GEGE E ,63Il.e IPARTRELLP ,&]%ISITZR, ATTORII, CON V]ffAN Déer?1 Deput>' igggitrir Matér Extîrsord gsry,anid xamnrin chacceei7 for tasConot- ty oratrilQ. Office Brook-t., Whitby. ROBEIRT J a w IL8ES1 BAISTER h &TItltY 'IT LAW, B ellott0aeilr.WhItby1 . W. Diflée- Victoria Btlding,lrook St. Wltby. 0. in. JARVfiS, BÂRRIÈTER-wAT-LAW AIlS1OLICITOR IL, Clinoeér>'. bbmés1iino B oaP.-9-12M JAIMES KEITU t01900110 ARStRhATTORLNIY.T-LAW, ta Publie, h0. U',o-Nacor to tîté Stori--o! S.&. Campbell, Brook lt., Whtby, tOut. WllCTbyNo 18,P1867. C, s Oshawa, 2.S, rc.Wh W# 110 DiAY PLiLt, CHAULES C. KELLER, A TTO1IKEVl AT LAW, SOLICITORIN C1 jîué>onfvé>'aceér, &c,Cauu ou, Brok, 0.- J. 1AMERGRENWOD A TUtRNICET-LTAW. SOLICITOR I» Ochsneéiy Notar>' publié Conveyattéel hé., WhitbY P1.W. Roous, Il i tor6 Blockt atio légatyOficoit Brok -tren. 4 ATogUi£Y.AT-LAW, SOLICITOR ID A - homory &a, &.,h&a. .. Dunelas treet. g» Thîcé doors Wcst c thé ponst ffice. CàIUAE CC1I[RANE. AIItISTERS, ATTOILNEYB, CONVE B - ucersansd NotatIon Publie, hé., hc, Fumes a ,uai-tt1élt pposite Towi pi ,Syfl- olwoBlock. -BI.coctgAÂîu, LL. B., I W.* K. CocunDAut OénotyrwtiAttorney'. Port Feerrry, If ti técember, 65 113ANMOIL1811Ilà L L E * il&3UWTEIIATLÂW98S1cit0r lu char > r>,Convéysuéer, &c.,he DiLUéiit CARRON & LAW, -Contsultation cf Faîtuershliptruc of charge. 0.. CASWR X , ii. .o.Lu .AK WIltli>, Jul>' 20, 186. DR. HANCOCKi BURaGEONq, ACCOUCHEUR, kar lain&E horilc-1<unt linnué, Wiitl *Wost of thé Etgliah Churéli. Wlrtby, Aug; 4,1868. - R.J. GUNN, M. De iLYRGEON 'TO THE COUNTY G.AO By>'ron Street, Wlrtby. PW. VRiERz, >M. P DIIOUGUAu. ~OnIcs llorrs-8 te 10 a. iM., sud St 0 alcali, P. JQI.N V.' HAMP 1ÇOTAIRY PUBLIC@ Wlstuhy, Aprît lîtis, 186. TIIOMAS IIJS'rON, TOWNvue -à K UR TItEAUIICIIWII1TI 01 the ta J us M*AJUEe mmuunirmp JAMES CRUCKEZ. A 10 011 Eotél ar *kt Suae TEE ROBSON KROITE, - S (r.srsoCMznuus' ilmaza, - DUNDA@ »TRBET, WBITBT'#C-We OOZ iOESoux,propuator. rrjjY, u1borber bgoto amionnee Uî b. . ha émud the. builg forrn.rY >.uéown .,"r..5..sa U. IIt l u.h» heau an,*'Dovtt cent'r thési FE hand1 0h D Br la ByA o! j Le wil o ut Coli nc 5. 40 tii T' 29 -I1 h., )L IBY 27 SALOON, IBlitiCli ST, WiITBY. Whitb>', Jan. 2, '65. WKTbL- IOYNTON baga la 'ufoin tbthélu- - Uyhbitantef th@ CoitIt>' otVttoitansd aurunltiCuntts,thai be liaepéued tho notii oun lulait tréet laid>' oéoupied b>' àisutt,and slié bas badi t itted antdurulsh- ctne ,îW at1 1, MorsAnc ig Iar 0nth- l» uaullty. - £WAaaitéhotis oatl-es iluaja in attend 'COMMERCIAL HO-TEL,' -BROCK uT., WiIITBT. -o- rrI a uheéibei begu ta s»ntonéta hls AL fndu 1sud tté pbIlýti,taihiblas e- auorsbJ>'ok n f t é,- bbnov telltunp snuitbe4 ,cwnsaaalo-'fttobeycv e ufa In l s faupe rmanuer, uilo cveryeaitrétl- suf o l réeptio! gu este sud the ira- 30mmodilata:, s l ud su t' ct-ic aed lgara. God0 éal lblit, i$, s*- ttyl~e.rt ifYAilus>'Omotibua éîll staithe HMatlij stages fur Uxhîidge unI legvertonles" oor $Vary stootntnig , oaad«Colperday>.1 Ir>Y, %&aY 148.10,1 GEonorGe .OIKACK. IMBER M IICIANT?à7 anctc,u INEALS<ai>'supîhel ailatteadel shunctéa COI i kept eonnltmurl> -GEOBGBOORMACK. Brooklin Drug U&ores PPaltt, Oila, ye tulfa, confection- r Winui; sud Liquois of thé béat qusllty ;de]purpollés. rot d4 CattileWnsalwayuonT&and Wooklu, C. NW., 186P 2b (Organift Aui ante a' wrél, Whi4by.> 8préparéd to gîvé Musie sud gBltglng lea solis, toms à llmttud uumbér orpuplie. Application to hé made atnt te. e f John Wittkls, Burgéon I)eutlst, over James r*uois Médiés ilt, Brook M. Whàtby. ROCKRER'SHOEl, (LÂTE PLATI's,> ILO>N8ST. TORON T, NKORTI! 0F RING BT. bSSETT & KEEBLE, - PiwpRitSToBS C U proprlétora réspcotfully auuouuees te thuir friénde, uatm distauce, ès wéll as Deux mie, thmt thsy havé takén theii e poie bici, are in évur>' respect cotieron~tly ana ýtnfortsbly Sfttéd Up lor thé accommodation Muasl uund thé travéling public. Théy will )round iu constant peésoul attondance, aud lt louvé nothlugundoné ou théir part,to irive Msiéetion t, maitwho utsy favor thént witb s i. -86 YEOMAN GIBBON. OM.MISSION MIER CHÂNI Iobyn Udotilt, to ho ié gls, titS ipéq fjBoOK5lEéPWhitby>. - ý b m eu mt vluabis, aM théet='mhuiti L MR KS, Y wlIl bénle or near this lot, if the urveaTmade b> ÀrtlàuarltbItise otî , P. L 8,W ', B Io, 188. - 8 The properi? nuaetlié aolp lmmeitdatélLlfll Jor a)Owétwdraappl to the lusetoras p, 51>tbié a xýIL. LAWDER, - . f !, .- - J'AMÉS MoALLAN, Beg op tresPOM tiln<crintheluhal- WiLLIAM TJIEW' m, t c rns ae oe ed,- Wr te l., ed su Bod Prtaovsted, sho hé nola nrepared Oollotor, Wbltby. ueeotnmodate thés travelling pubic, Thé Bar Whithy, sept.,0, 18.89tf. sî0oud wlttheébuat lîqucr ansd ClgarSuad ____________________________sr. attentive oatar lusys it attetadune. Queryl Eéilpi, vc~ Why laIlt that théIe la snch a rTm for plétttrea AT . (isuA~usélr~4wvWt1 CLÂRZK'S GÀLLERY T Ila ibocana. hoéu lmthébéatalléry lui tbé C.oéty, sud l'hamors patience with cIllJru Ibsu au>' ther Ardat l1n'the count>, sud éu -do quit. un good work sa su>' othér inluthé fàrThot'owiît's théenmotter, su donItîb. bgaword about eomlug forward. DRLOCK -T., WHITD-Y. Whltby, Nov. 12, 1867. 4 JOHN CARTERY LLCENSED AUCTIONEER. TyoITZtic ciRuso1 ONTARIO, YORK & PFEL. tw RESJJDENCep-LOt, iCo. markbam.-Poat OHo.-Unfonvlllé. SALES attendéd ou thé shortéat notice, sud on réssouablé turmin. Tormi; ea bucrmade sid bill* prlutod ntthe Ch ronfaiolle efor lMr. Carter. 17 WELLINGTON HOTEL, MARKHAM. 3. RUF.BOTTOX, Pioprietor. 19-1>' BIRITISH AJIERICAN ASSURANCE tCOMPANY Capital, $400,000. T R1E uudérslgned hsvlug beau appouted Agent for thé shové Coiupsu>', s aow prupmréd te lusure propérty against Le>SB BY Flux, ou thé Most fvorsbiéturxus. Apply ro, LEVI FAIRBANKS, Jr., 2-12mos. Agent Whitby FAREWELL & JIcGEE, INSURANCE, h GENEXAL AGENT. IDlRtTT.lt% A'rTr.,RNEY8, SOUICI. Wbttby, Jan., létia 1866. 2 I.> 'oR% coftEYA NRS, N 1 _____________________ iTARIES PtBLIC. NDNO 4PLANK, -- -- propruétor. Ijtagea to asud from WhitbT cmli <lmlly, Evéry teutioni pmld to gucata. Luaraful itad atton- IveGodonsr. 9 W8.- 1868. MiE LIVERPOOL AND LONDON UNSIJRANCE COMP'NY. ias beén lu existence thirty-tuo ycurs, sud duriug that period hou laid bosgsa xc'todiug dIve aun a hait millilon peuns sterling. TIhe-diabuselueut of tItis uenOrmon ut - Ovor a uldée are sa, ug ilitiot douht, cotri- buted ta te oeaulilsuilout oft tiis institotlon, lu tîte Cottidetsée cf PDIC i.aCoioToasae5, kmu.- cîtmz irrsamettttud bumiinsmo en t- croît>', uerever t la reprcscuted. lu is irai yeaî, 1886, thse Pire Fremlumssîaoné- tontel to............... £9,970 Iu Ite lotît yor, 1640.......... £47,708 ' 2001s yeur, 18568......... £222,279 8" t Sttyear, 16...... £79832 Oué year tnter, 1807....... ..£515,b Thé Fire Réservé PunI la nov $4,727,464 Tîte Lito eervé unI la nou $9,282,468 TIse Conpurtyla represeitticd thiongttot Ou- tariooioud Q e bec, b>' ltîluantlui Agentis, tô uhiet uppliattoti for lIusursîce ta>' tc mae. G. F. C. SIMTHt, L. PATIIIAN"Ktt,u Aéxu, tt-, Ã"W Escam&D ? Ornai. Fobmuar>' tha, 186. 7 THE ]ONTARUIO ]A-UMI)Rs' MUTUAIL INSURANCE COMP'Y. Hanses, uDCireé. îos l h oi- sure, sud thereby aupportas Home Insurauce C(snpany, lhâve Dow an opportunity eo!doina no, b>' mplying eltiier nt théeiHcad office, or ta snyot ltocsage * Our rtesull b. fcund as lo s tboee of anyréspnlble Mutuel Iu- surmucé (7dm m an au ITEAD OFFICE-Thé OUIi tgistry tié Btuildiug. Brook Street, Whltby.- IIOTEL & PREMISES_ FOR SALE. T IÂT old esttblibhod suail lknou'n o- Ttel, the SplendId roomy>' tabllug, sud drlvlng sliad, t1gether, wth eue or twé no téso l attuéli- éd, senia>'bée eiréd, end mEus youngbéai- lug Oîehrd. Theré are twe Wa welwt g@ pu' 4a eselieut Voter, a ou of et the éehudes lu tb# DomIonQ fer an séalve business Mn. For tarins,ka., pply (16 b>'letter, pro-psi) W-.lu? T.A1M Bc. .o 1. TE, ~ -l 188 01' Ctobe SDEVLIN- ýo ,A0TIOLLDOIltla2pŽ O î O o. AY-e r on.loisdreea," ' QENEIÂL LAOKSMIT1R, AND ira docortTh oftbe Onitario ~I8-UZ OS-IOR es AGENT, h.,aise Agtout si-il 8~E I StadArdlnausnéé Q5. 7 Wbtby,19,"6,. 41 Osu,-n eé otr'ofBthekoppffoit Ouhal;,andoUsuvitê.%Bokopst J.w E.ll FAitwn R. icO J. B ràlicwtz,.R. XG18 JOHN L. WATKS SURGEBON DENTIST. OCrc.-Oter .a As. BXRNE'S Idediemi Hall. Brook Street, Wlîitby. rW Alil ork uarrontod. Famillesastitîded ai prîvatm résIdences. TEETU ZffEXTRACTEI) ffl WITHOUT PAIN, . BYTHTE USE ()F AT WHITIIY STATION. twTm.01-NEIL bitving parcboaed thé hôtel ansd preusaknowa an thé Grand Trunk IMotel, W hitby saion, bee tu li.forui -hls fielidoa sud tMéntraelng publié that lié lime itted up thé hotuée aud tables lu lirao- cla style, and, b> attentiou to thé Wata of thésé who lavor bin with théir batroinago trustgèts w surît iloctluuauea of thoat ent. jWl Partie takug the traiu aud lenti lug horgs ewilt havé tholn WoultuxiCaré of 6111 thélr returu. Whltby, Sept., 1868. 8 À MILLION AND à QUARTER -MONEY TO LOAN. front etïan2ohaa ag mnutn cfs moe',u,;, l nbshscn In 1u Cýountilea.11oncd Farta Properi>', or eben- tuies. Isticontiué te n p asnt thraa O! thé largetlonétar à ttu lnluthé Domitnion, ttlelmono>' on thé mosi silvantugacus WD Alo slarge inunoer o! welt oulitvated Panna, and smu>'quantit>' of Wild landls, for stoe ceap.- For further pantitulirs , Apply to JAxES HOLUEN, Offlia8i agnue, Moue>' Brokér, Commis- alouer, Notai>' Publc, hé., Ace. OFFICE-second Floar, Moieluus Bocek, Brook Street, W httby. Auguat 24th, 1868. 84 N. B.-! amilse préparéd to Invéat le m1l kiuds of Déeuturea. Greénbaéka bon g lt sud sod; also a large quautit>' of Bilvor for salé. JAS. 1OLDEN. IMPROVED BUCK-w EYE IGRAIN DRILL# -0- WB DESE TO OALL ATEWTIOWII-O OUR BUCK EYE GRAIN DRILL. WB WARRANT IT TO B0W WHEAT, BARLEYo, OATS, &GRASS BEED, BlETMitTRIS Aie? OMM MIt IVADE. It 1% uow thé lladiug DIl]tu thé Uniteéd Statea, e, o,00t our îhousaud cf tbem having been u'ton n oe Estmblishbmeut lu Ohio, for thisç semsou's tradé. Qusutity sowu régulutcd b>' a NITROUJS OXIDE LAUGIIING GAS, 1 Bcrew instead of Gear Wheels.1 OR TUE NIEW LOCAL NTETC wvv DUNDAS STREET, MVIIITBYjý-C. W. EOOMs.-tive' M. Il. Coolrauc'a Store. W hituiy, J né 26, 1887. 25 SH0E TOUS & FINDINGS. A coi ptamilasortutc thé latent patterns ofahée ToooSgtoea, té sd bIncline Threauî Machine Agdk,ýShe r'egs, the SlIs, hos Tmckm, cel sud Tue mtes, SWJIOLESALE AND RETAIL. i[IYAN4 & OLIVER, 12-1>' - 114 YOOieR BiAXIT îTowNexo. Ameuièmu Shemro Tnmmers and Pointe cf mli sîzes, Bqumres, curt'ed 1hules, 15tislglt Id è Impn.ve lrets ittgltuh sud Amerteanm 1aos frtetsed les, Ïapea, l&c., ail et thé i'e.t qéshi>sama l t e-et prié- JEYAN &k OLIVER, 12.1y' Importies cfhadware, Vouge St.., Toroto. TO MACHINIOTSI Stteel Rniesatout Squares, Contre Osegea, Veinier OsipemrsgzSecaliper Rue$, Caliper Squares, Amii.s Ugllvergsl Squaes, Self Regtmtri9iC . ilipe ansd Di- vidert, tule nFiléssud Teos, Patentrues, Sheet Otéel, &c., fi RW YA - O IV R 124lY 114 Yenge 5t, Toroto. TO CABINET MAKERS Fmuir 8e ~corledHu ~TevWBu TwIste, Chiliwatt, Dunett ewhnges, B Tubit, FuiaFer lu., ia ol merews, cad If* >'114 Venge 5t i TéOéat RyÂAN & OLIVER,9 IMPCBTESSCFBAOr RD 11YONGE STREET, TORONTO. gare stu-syséon lainA masettic uldr i nis, 0 lb >esON oeph , Modge &' &moeu, sud ,e Chut Cbett ossé Pum Wig Rrdwmr; twisDum jcII flë» DIiusensd Fai T1100 , Match p t,15 .-IriU o s« orn btte hurod ac o menluthé andtuout a>' ho desired. Wé ecou jslip At once, upon reecipi cf erdors. FI W.GLEN, Exucuior, OOsnîus, tit. Land! Land! T FE S;ulbcr hroffers thé followrnlg Baof lands, wlileh hé will - soit ut s C> FAIR VALUATION941 B. X, No. 8, u cu oncesaaiouof Béach, 70 mères cérd E. X, No. 19, lu thé $rd eoucessiou of Bteach le soies eared. No. 2s, lu thé lotît concession cf Darilugtou, 60 mores etéareel. No. 1, lu Oth cou., Mars, 5 mores cleuréd. N M. N. 7,lu 2ud couession Whltby, 1000 mores lu Bornervile-500 meésl olu ey. 200 acres lu Lsxtou-400l acres iu Bélmout. Aàppi>' ersoumîl>', or by latter, poat-pald, te R. I. PERRY, Jsuusry $thi, 1868. Public Notice RAILYAit Jc*rrny ta thérovincial Paorimment of théeFPrvice af Ontarl,aet Ita nazessiouon, foi su Acti mueuding the IlAoe a itéorpenate the Poti Wblltby sud Port Fery ,Beitu-m> Compuy"9- b> 'itng <the peu-et-s Itich sad Caopssn lu thé ja 'ont and construét- ing of ier prpasdRatus'giiing snCb Comnpay tlta furithéefr poue n sd Auth?,rly te la>' out, contliue e enan sd eonioiti proposéE Rallus>', te suéh point upan thé vatêraof laeasinéce,saior néar Besieriu,- me thé>' mi> elot. -And familier 'te la y ont, ontinet sud huilE a brandi o!facleFr&Iu. ,Irots Ascihssrttlisreofaus ic esie, itt the ILLÂE 0FVXBRD"Y viathe ah irîlata, pvera sd prli . wa te * I Cama it>'tte peéhrsa ffas aetét*a Copnyhémgopathl oi f IAcoporailu sudm mIns mnétan itéAlct ' atorlkn, u fr-ton thénttthil secton ibstemftp$ iE"rons tde alutys," ud oi thaoteatea thed sal sectionde tier snia itersolihmo- thesl o t'armamnstéé tiilii uétjlt a c.attbr ROBERT J. WILSON, Béorotrv o! thé Fort Whitby and Port Pai>RyAllua>'Campée>'. tf.89 thé ér W# T tlîes, a:,d rc ai thraîmpga iurA uoits tOotu, stridirt eteuta î,earWtee'utia i;rusng i t liée It. orugly -,ietdm t rounued un tà eqau as s aîotites-uasuer blie,. u helistémîied IL. Ail tabriés, frm lIte ftlî,tIseste ihé basf blaitets, eau té uahed perdil>' Md ulth mae, Wltljout thé umslibo#ret.For flusuels h inla neiluabi e sthé, tubbiég, uohlilugsud presiug prou" smuat ircenaarlylyu t iic mocre or l0sa, Iii, trul>' s abor sd âkélee samlaîfIglutesîtton. Waslg ilo uîl e lnger lb. a liardahlp, sud uaaling day a ténour sud drWadta Itlotiswlvaa 'Thé invention eu bc usul lu au>' bolIer and thé Itu priée cf 6h. artice, $4. lacés h witiuthé réacliofe! ee,> Iamtl>. Thla machiné abit bei trted aud thotiotighl>'tésté ' différent parties, from uhin alillhaie beau recoved. TESTIJiONIALAs Mis.L. Houck Mrji.Jas.Hamlton. Vlra. W. B.liwglw btoi, ii.J. Mmcdoneil, Mlia. J IL. Greenu'oil, lIra. M. O'-Douoviiug aM. IL. Coeéu, irs.iJuso. Byruae, lita. i.H. Ferry, Unr. L.Fairbanka, lire. J. Agttéu, mm. à.Il.Cochraneé lra. M. limrpéîaMys. Dr. Eastwood, Uria. k. Culduéli, Min. êeuît- #On. diA vu m r à% w AI A UTIe mdeO N.e l h ut'e Out ao ssi tshm ai ltaîln thé poprle-o Otaro sadp, urhmgmâtdatée tptsrpioIs loltisi"s on thé bottat, as tali iud eer>' lu- fringeuzeti t l hé presncd ta, tué full ex ent cf thé lau. Sole Agent for the manufacturé end iamie in ltée Ceutsty cf Otatrio sud Durhamu. Ouhaws, sep.t., 186seo,88 NOTI CýE! T RF, udetatgud ffra ft sal thé folloi- lng valuablérFAUXM LANDS, vist - 121M< acres, being foart ef lot Ne. 11, Iu thé fonrtli concession of t té TOWNSHIP of PICKERING, Iu thée(IOUNTY tiF ONTARIO, and 20W< oceadjsolung an te rear of thé thîrd cou- cosalonid Tounship. g0 acres o! ssiI. land are léori These are suitablé buildings, sud a poil yonog Orcliard on thé premisps. For terra, appl>' (*t b>' letter, pesi-pid,) CQOLICITPcr&sl., Wurre?, tirr. Wliithy, Peti. 14,1568. 4!n41 StIRAY ED. S TUAYEDInto thé premiaues of thu sub- 6OirT WO 'Ille.Théownur eau havé thé sani b>' proviDg propéit>' sud payiug expeées.Wl.JF E, Whltby, ffl. 14, 1868. 41. To Jobbers & Teamoters. TIliE SU BICRIBER wmuta to lot, lu lots te -Lsuit ppleanta, thé cuttiug srnd lauliug dt.ring thoeusuiîîg wlutér, of a qnauntity ol ssii lega sud siînglé boîta. 3'For parilenlars oPPlytc, R9. T. HARRISON. Brooklu, Od. 1, 1868. 89-tf FUNDB FOR lnvestmnent! - TE1 TR17ST AND LOAN COMPANY havé fonéls for investmecut-, nt thalruenul rote et intereat, on thé aéenrity of Improved Rosi L44tte Losus mode for flbid period.%, or impayable by utina inîstaluients. Furthér sud fulioforuiatiou eau bhébhol by letter, ddressséd to thé commisalonérs ut Kingstou, or fromn L. FAIRBANKS, Jr., Rosi Eâtatoa & Général Ageut. Oriuoz-Brock Street, W hltby, Sept 15, 1868. 8 ONTARIO HOTEL. WHITBY. E. ARMSTRONG, - « - Proprietor. AUCTION BUSINESS TH-OMAS MYitRS, jICENBED AUCTIONZER for thé Connty LU of Ointario. dealres to lnform hie frlénils aud thé publie thattbhéla ready eau hérétofoeéto recce orders for suie of stock, farm, Impie- umeut*, &e., .aud that ail orduesloft at thé eànorstoLs office uit héc duly ttéudied to. Daya of salé sppolutéd sud terme motde known ou arplication ut'thé CHEORIcLE office, or nt Blackls hotel, whéré books wtth eutriéa are képt aes uséml, THOS. lITER. Wlîitby, Auguat 26th, 1868. tf A" COMMERCIAL HOTEL, OSHAWA. JAMES PltRINGLE, , Propriotor. Land for Sale. TrH UE orth Wéat quarter ofttémtheBt aif ef JLlot 16, Tht con. ist thé township cf Beach, coutalclu25 acres al oiémred, part of thé eb- tata of thé e leuer>'B6ll. Thora are né buildings on thé land i Fer partlenîmis appl>' te ttée Zecutois, GEORGE IIICKIINGBOTTOM, Baisant P. 0. TIIOKAS 110D05oN4 aga sollot, Wbltby. whlthy, Mtgtstlu s 8. tf-8 P rof. j. ts HdSté. oe !Iînleé t his muai i friands, lu Wbltliy, that lie la pré. 000110recttepupila for lnstroctlon on thé Ilavlig l184 ten 5 a ZPéTIenCO ee l, écuMeIn cf bLng ab létopromote a rapid ad- viiueémeuit cf pupila, uho ma>' hq.plséed unda.i 0 mogt.-lng sick nmaiti aub a collen tsljgfor thé des s factory'u ubéielsthat ro 'éver taritsd uth theti keilthe>oui chilMro du de* volésnt tbut hs 4 lite neO gud.it à a aire, rennE, j I vers, Them ilad-igled bhumgm*voles, Thom itltrtuod lvarlons e leés, IWutnhp Issu oraith a ar roaulathéeauei Iymu eofbe0sudbird. I oaid, mIl iii th u udé o!ilfé With uhicht iisnoon-tîdet nét nou eau1 Ietoi f Uod eau kucu À ci> of hltuanjo>'or woé Proim thé jli ott htuilug o e bmbée, tir thé bliluha nebiu'a uueiody 1 Ced sîltteth *soeulere lu litl heavn, About linsu sing thé pIanot*emllvan Witlî éter>' thought s uortdIsha te To grou lu son, or lroop la sîadé; Hea iolds création like a bouer Iu bis ziglit bond, au 111e heur; I6 fadeos, ih lies; anotiter's. blooma liakes i slr sucet uiîh frcsh pérfuiot. ()r diIhhl en ois that day Te ulipi thé rolting world mictgbta>, Or bld Ité6 mark as,este b>' eue, is Iltdlng Iteurs lu liglit ucre tspun; AsIf heoIteard the double hynun T e orth swut up te bionor klit, Whieh saong uas. swoolr lu Ris est, Wlîiclo murmur notE holegadlier heur I "Â nE vbat'a ber bistiez>'20, 01A blauk, ni>'lord." Not long iuce I1vas lu aitioéighbeî Smith,&; ubile uaitiug for bifi ta cont na frot thé field-for ha vuasnsu onsa mirmer-I iurned te the farnibj record in tho oid Bible Iling on the stand-rmOE: siJohn Smith, bora Jan. Srd, 1935"-ýthei aurneil oter thé blaak leass mu rendt si John Smith, died Ma>' lai, 1866. Aud abat vas bis bister>'? Ail its record wu on thé blanli pagea-uhai vswua is ior>' 1 -a blaak-s mathematical lino betuee, tue points, hirth and beath a gasp (rers lu-o souci air sud a gssp front th ast of ut. I knu ibis John BSmith; in epiteoe bis nomésuad purantaga, héus a dandy, a uslking advertisémeut for his tahioi, Ré coulE dance diiiually coafirtsa lady'l fan asît tliké s lady; sud von the bhosi of inu> a bosrding-scbooi Miss by til grace viii uhich oli btéEdbis' bat. Yoi ibis tauttleas sait o! clothea, calliag ha. a nian-this usboru and died. Sé vu hein, hiE thai sunhimée etiny-lif., tf ore than a quarter ef a century-lite i ibis venld o! struggles sud témpiations sud aoirous, sud sacrifices, lit s place t ucép sud pi-a>, and uorç sud love in This loba Smtithb bad the chance cfi Morlua Lother, e! a John Wesley, a! George Washingten; >'es, o! s pati bsttling ugahuat oeéruhoimiug odds fo thé tight. Hé diée-uhai vas bia bi& tory?7 A btsuk. Bah 9I L'Erather lbe "échrouiclen cf amallbeér," than tiis ai Jchn Smith. Aa for thé mère tashionablé uomnwu spenda ber baya un atip-shod novel résbina sud ber nighis lu a round of! nsan plissure;- thé condensE record of ber Ili woulE net match that eue sentence con: mendutor>' o! Don Quixotc's lydy bove "6This Enîles edol Tobema sa ssalE have beeh thé beau baud ai saltieg Pcl ln ail Larnancha." Thé niuionsire's hiatory-suearl>' i can t hécaàbsuk-bé ioiied estuest>' am lte-hé made mouey-vhy if bis bialei fi s biauk, ubat do yen cati record?7 E uoe ouand hédied; hotu ta cheut at lie, sud gîîsp sud gouge, died te rot uni a monumeut pale as thé face e! thé vido uhons hé made homelesa;-bodhsrb e orpbuun'àsitou>' piîlou oui auder thé sas almeat au bard es hua ourt, ou vb-i no record ofgeed cocula hégraven. BJ ber for hlm vculd h héc wero history blauk. But bo uréEilbis, le ; ham moue>'. Thé protecsed peîiticias bistar>', t résulte o! bis lite, hiE beat be giten in tl od plcturir-uritiug. siThe _eterii uabze"-s fragmenta>' uniont (a parai impossible to paiu)-léercely coniéndii untiea-s black.- masaonoviag lu sol phalaux tatheêpolla-stop I '"thé viol oaai net lire eut haIt bis Es>o',sud th record ahaîl net hé compleiod. - linou: bas en uritten te malle bit viala tei eternit>' that bis biator>' babeén s bIeu The iuebrhmte'a hisici>'s He uebarâ min hé Eiéd a brute. Xit ue-a.bal tbozbt o! thé Assyrinias, thé fenniiag thair drnaking.îaasetlu i the shape of liou's or a bills head; il vas 6% thatt spirit thai nmade mon-'bout~shoua- cci trot thé béad o! s bouet. - 1. mach bas been u rlîte bys-ýpterrpe than t ino, o! the bleui: that many vomaula life mut et hé Ittuik mu 0 tce a trong a uord ; vêre t a vomie wuld hoa potatoas, pick atones, 14ke swings teacb eebaal, -una iook-iéepcli . clerk,.ba sn>'thing, but lésait undér t urem 'aBvreau,tt rathér tleàdii nate in ceuntr>' arton, lu aIgtnh a jelîcu niélantiol>', ill la. le t'tu -pleasuré ta bavé onelasonl utiralby t stases o! goesip omtet a u .rri5g.sUt Têts fille inné ibut, vosictu lae lit roasa for tlheééerew OfMthélr1enérgi T here amy seuthérD frindbsM"" seut,-bu er étéah ch boal.u 8sosic * atreaik olé inigbiu!lag - a s E g Chua va hy ohéte ik ber thé 6"apiéiof 1 1-mon, ana ige a Déclarationt of if 1 ane esai emt.vra ruinasýý Oorte' k i i 3ma 4.&'B>9 DENTAL BR00,8 1 and spesi the vorda. le Noir York pt.Çlsou4~ot-- waatarto faliroad Company, hoe éQitEolO&i Kora Kbb OS - îé tp4 on et of thé tbi¶fy imillions of I atrsyei<X nderaias ornéthingstc _ isbeét athiatié sparte. I ba e a a P U - W bm .a etrde ithhfronutbe i ma per b > ailn foritator ftblog evér elaéei te amlilnir-B l~ u ho e l oi d e a n g b t 1 .1 l ie s , l a a n > ' g a i ne i ku o t e m ti i n o i t A t u ,*hiob pbysial.np ririy imerte s hâtif 1 1 ta té ~ la~o lli À î n arn (S (m ta apélà) thera ,' I ba u allabeat ofut ith e suré i rog ' !gréai aThey lo u aéreop- base beliý1 busEmans .buflf, tieu dargl.'b ocus en bus coat yâj fea a ut ésra irivlng. 98la piich *sud tori oluat, litint the alppai, e-.typ e cf a elf-made sis, Hé1m lptl- sud other gamea, thé priétic , of whieb Elineaef-elsu.-mrly ache edi bas dâîcioped tbeAuglo-Suzon u in e butreliés on bis ocuejédgment, Rei E ie s péçi'gti t i mauhacd that elcr th rétor., lsEs osa. -H im nluen e i15 dskbitter béer or teck thé bénéû o fi ûcl circs a ve' gréai. Oe or tue cth ns bau vrupt acf.Anong saldshete- -incidents are twa fincidents are told cMuis cresions hoévér Laresi stnde '~ s Iliustrative, of eharacter. Altboughbbis éminnt.- Térela are xoriséta >é~tranations amounle tu millions, lais EMi& gait oo! if for thé Moue>', tuan s>'that hé kesuno aoainte but bisbsudbook ailier garnseI no, a!, escept ruuing Durlag thé uar hé maiutulned that ih vat sus>' 'from thé police.Its - ot quité 0tédt> !ue>'ma astn oîo f ibig ulin g u u a lk in g o u i o ! s fo o rth . to re y g v m e t 0 b n e t d e y l r a y wiudou, or pialiag 1Irai Eddlie làaralrosd goinv ie d'me t;ae hé lnve ad ive r ly1 collision, but ilise r>' mach ahbesd, of l uté uesbns sdl 1poal or ator luthépeuténiai'. ov a abloasd boiodbolder." - sauiu voolAltogétller the biogrsphy a! Mr. Leep h combinés mli théushémsiu chrce iat.laremarbabie. If the reportsekinouaw- o ! a u éle c tio n r w , v i th th é rt ah c f a p o Te k c o r t, h s b u t c o n bl chargé a!f cavair>'., it oughéens theineur ier qcorc, éç aottaoax i *nd developés se appetite for ubisk>'neat. iéb' uatetpbirbn.ecéuil Xi exanda hé ohat sd mslés-manta vii géa lustré ta bis Danie fflte endu- thé goveruer boul vbén yougo 'ho me ulth diug ban thau tham o tbis go ld as ifat e o-d joyur shirt ln ribbous SudaànMest embir- dsiabe ha mtiaomiri. asr. epl rasi i vn uju rusr.Lca s ibié, b hohir au-n eéao i ep thé national galbe of canada. Xithbu heetif thstr'btrofiosl hpba' bandéE! down ta nus bthé noble ted men Paoy dh opradEtiCrel ilThé resnîté cf bis lifu's labor ara net Sof the foreat, héiag about thie ocl>' ing vasted. ýTue vilI lite fa voila of gaiiu uéw havé lft ta itte baud doua. The Mat mhed a glor>' sud happinen &II, round IndieniWord for thé games la Wabngh- turcn. h boughixcurphuugbuuooe which bas« neyer been pronounel b>' su>' whité man Thé 1.8E>'31189. amiTe ana0-Who vas intoédlately carled rl ol, __FtCntiüorti' carnéEd borne uth- a bîdlen jau aud a Gi 1d eh atCsrbîc,'l ncompound fracture lot bis opine. Wabugho recaut contribution lot tIhé Cincinail -that ista ta y Lacross-is played b>' 7imea, peakis3*u follous ina bélaf cf the. < îueuiy-foni utetu, ieive againsituawlvé. lW'os,"o b'u> e 9uorgiag Euch playér is arnted vitb a long stick hl1l auu -s r uth -éroes 9é%e bout At oee end iiké a 6mb bebok, witb Il te influente, athers te adopi bis wa>'a, b ut- *pIeces a!, striug drawa acrosefi sud op sud as dérnstratiag, ibat smre goal nia>e b. doux 11, giving fifthé appearanci ofo! silgled ik thé composition of good.for-w a enoi.cîrculmr townshicp laid ont inconce oý1ýi ;:Je1a wio L~a etthé ball, sud rua vitla h (ou ifjoliyen eare théréforé ,çtititled te conideratîli,è rIf umilingfrom j1our crditors), or tbr>w it "sThe ls>' oensu anearl>' alusys -go-d, sa natred. .Hé noler filés ie 'aý passion, ?r placel about fleé faut &Part ai one end of Hé mighi crawl in ilaieif t e eposa. a th ild. if you dou't aucceed lunpiittiug blé, bui the ides o! flig mb mn>thing là l'O iibtroagli the goal Ion cu pitch hi lota prapoatérous. 1tthée rnpiré, uho le placéEd ibre tîaose à"Who ever béad of!-alas>' mse break. a.fair pIs>', end ha abuséEb>' botb aidés. ing loto a haul, uhere a croubar bal ta Whou thé bal la not lu jour pari of thé hé uséEd, or drilliig laaisefé? Nobody. otld you os>' bmprove joourne su ad keep Nor thai lie ïmighiLnet covet bis nighbor't lo jeurseif ia practice b>' ubachiug jour goodm theréin couitaiuied, but hie borrcr cf " ers poetoertésie raor haudling crowhars sud drilla wusid alurs auy otber part ot thé body ittlaeéxpoldeter hlm (rom sctusli commitiig bar'g neThis mrie a tuafoIE parpos-it dé. -glurY> 'v uasu> îo bOfts Smoralises the eneni> sud asTes YOD froua ueighborls ulfe, aimply ou acéoe o h hocatcbiug cold. Réntémber one tbiag, bit horror h. bas o! mailing. If hé is éver batE sud bit ofien. A broke at or tu-olione nha- séd sg moug jour oppoenuta towards thé end oet d'Hé rarel>'lies about bis otighbors, for ieé a botty coutested game a i>'ver>' o!ten il vonld hé tee -mach eertion, but hé eau iechange defeat juta victor>'. lié about a bar rooni aIl1Es>'. - n. I baie a viril recollectien ôM my 'firsi "Hé la of inestimable service ta a bili F:gsméetfLscrosse. I wu one o! thé firet liardsambon, kecpiag thé chairs van sund trk to get thé hall, and uili au exultant uhoop wsîchiug thé gaine, for feu vol cané te Ir bore dovu an thé goal ai a pàc. thtay is' h6e there sre tnc spectatcre. The uould givé Dexter tué buttei. Victory fsct tuhobe é this vithout pmy', day kn ba ueaimost certain uhen hslf s dose of sud da>' ont, ashou -thé unaloshnuo f idthé other aide made> s rush ai me, sud- hie nature. Wbst an induetrious min,- Dr Weil, tuo 1uelis sftérwards I carné teo>' uho considéra bis tinté uortb aoméiloing, Hte sentes, 'ih ni>'léfi log in a uooden boxy uould usi pa>' for, thé lay oageuurslly 1er hIcky fory s tic gané, sud ix luchés of! dosa fer otothieg, ablouiug a freédam rn fan de m>'ck resicksud se ounce of catgut -dif. nmercenar>' motivés that -ibould go fat tb' fusEdthrongb o>' systet. This wueo> scédt th frai gane t eLcroasu, sud-ni>'Isat.- "ThéeIa>' man neyer gelé up ravala.' irý Lactos s a avtr>'fiue gateforé hane c- tiens, Insurrectiosor aller publie excité. acb lors sud ontecas, but s matrld man, uhtb mante, sud dou'It malié a-nuisance cf hlm-e be- is lieé nuintured, sud a famI>' Eepending s"lf b>'tramping aroiitM thé ceunte>'clair- aeupon hbu ieneo uinesthlera.-XItpuiS iug icendiai>' speches ta prarnao ihl one îoe mucla in mmnd a! éarthquakes sud publi'cdiscoutcnt. th breabiug machines, suE 6h51 sote! îhig d 'fobiseouanné!gbourlood o hslanéeo tbe If I bâi no a teraiv ,a-nrrut mg -bs i d> kother people'§s&af$r, foe the play:agauo f Lacroasaor participate lu the ver ' ides, o( beiag a bus>' body s t a>' box a tabstepoioIwul a 'm tbiug ucalddEite imt ot ai#lieuE. ugz cbaucee ou, thé explosion. Iieu avT>'yex. B>' théeua>', if hé cicr ge, onuf e!bie h«4 lnd cllent gambe, but i's aot o h oep4itie yenjotl l.havé te drile hlm ont, for bh Mid euough ta hé talion lu large qusntities, uouldu't hava thée eigy ta go oui af bIs bat Kolm Kouo, JuiJ, oua accord. 1at "No lâz as> iati éer Tan mud. If lhé igl Wiv Tiur Aru àr BAîsioA. -Au weaî cras>', h us becausé hécoauld'i go a l x obu ge f rni ahe a th é oilo ui ug ur loou s u-w her é as é it beui ua ki ug . -k. e 4a1--ia11Conréa H all , aatoa- "ias>'ne oa't disiurb ti oquiet of i 1 ý 1 . l' 1 ý 1 to 1 1 -

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