Whitby Chronicle, 22 Oct 1868, p. 4

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numsWo A U Um Fu K a m m 4m sel dMdmlýi fer 1'.ld 0e' oum Cartaly, rto lthe pum ; but lmu vilIsufld Ilrery p.v.rful; b.e omfid 1ev Ion use IL Tbe Booster t10*1te profaral ualsd feeing hiagoîf gond for apy q.mutity of rav vbisbay, tib laoc td hd lb. -att vida lmpuulty, Mud oo"nlsgl sprlmkled s jaof tbef rabir boutlfetty with itmsd fortbvitb lmtrods.idIÏltoebis eapmlou mseuiL, I& aom bgutetako bold.'se 5Act bitseoo sud htstouesbiges te vritte, dqmetsng às rn tbarsoat"ousediteu ph>'mtoaIly. mt7 La eeisud stàand Il. s. longer. neie p sd i. e moné id msem. ad'or.s' Tokaesdîju et eold valutrounIl jmg, maid &i. àsno. Wili tLtptut t »Wdtl ipatyrg eulîlsng the.Ssotsàe@ Wovrd. Inu asewt lima lhe ufeîtuntmu i sbgin torseere 1 dturntmg 4e ahe pasn, bis ieîlsum. etrsuar, you eCali youelf sarsallo8 I do, aldil auvaad tle pan. Walit 1 vaut 10 mev If go. hin I Il oonsst.nst- itIgjour bilef to go &bout vidla-ire ta yourbroobos poshail Peple rar.Iysobe Ltleraitgof< - ceuntie»lss îL pîrve Isti Indviduel- ity, It t.fdeueloptug nate fsoulty Ibi gtrss poveî mmnd sibativo sitl. Poopls sueesad or <aul lus ai .Iqpr«Oiur l a. dIidlt oud-devolop .11 at afbu fimpéow vihieibe . *mau vithaa espseli7ebmala m out 01<il aià eobsols. AÀnalllgood sasbsoto viii mSul, urpromaa. Aàmnu Who isfmly qui tetape sbd ciite. vtll mirer bceapoot. ÀAdelrlu Jmmk viliimot bu- likoiyto $0b. sagonPolitenllaa. Th# manatmasspsontof bmuel<b be. comnobod j mnd tboougLsou. de mot bare tu stop a, SmsvolbIo »M tbsls pois4t îb.y shond nirmmii. ti. Stick le jour lmvdlrtlî. IIs fayjur onty *hope.. 1H thon la ot ssythlog usderthat bat of1 le% rs oIbon asJ Mivolt eellapse -lb. s&oeur>the -bitter, both for jour #WB sud for izaMpla'. sae. Tb@ laiu t t « fa.Psls- pspir teai& 1 1. gS@liMms omtsg hemi-frontlb.h@bis fIe sb fa« lobte cou, vu mtoutbi te aud tb. itnaldoor si«. . goetierdsud vites sbould le mou bus bts port.r sud vile, .111 con bliit$ mmdii îlot, aras, pPdultsg & bout lb. atone -nmosertwvLtisupplies b.e bouse vl avaot e .r lesss sites theb. tomsei1i laeud MIs~ othbug for soo îtae aletlait hozitsl.od inua %oeeof, lsdlgaîof,"Wbst «Ioan go s tsfsaomsai tovaL yoursilinta b. vater vs drink?"' Tla porter replie& M"Good.- mies grmleu 9 vIlo e&t alwvobaie bbu bbg boré sirai, >mgbt ibis sm-. mer, Eus set jourvotvai oém sa good aia vrn? Dos'l Landridu ef people balth I Beotanasu otet bsIwatar théîL dda tai t fPubtsV'Thi louant gjari nott .quithe b. miiing sMd fa nov loo*iug eut for a huse vIti s *iiort. Mm"lm, 1w drns b olng * bas via. - Now,,Bakery AND VONY9TIONgMRT 2 unmuigiad rsepWmolil linrme the. à * tLv Pmîi t ud 41erdrs¶mIn beBakry snd flfOA ino.Fuit, spenge, and il etbar ktuds i o.ke, TarIe and B3init.e t tii. hat qulitr. olYit ofsAU kinds tn oua. Aloo b. store, Sardines, Cocos Nuls, Ginger B»!# ir, Bkar, Oonfetoasî, &o., lJroet 1 FÂRMERI&'OWNERS 0FSTOOK TUE HAUTIUED LIVE STOCK INSIUÂANCE CIMINY a T. I enaXoXU4 à 0. vWbitby, A.gutOM. si THE OLD STAND! ES8T-ABLISHED183 tn refeence t0 an annonneement of dissolution of the copartner- shl herétofr .xlstlng betwéen TILL & BRO.,, tb. uaderstgaed desiqate nier. bis frtsa do sudtauiéons patron uahsautili continues tihosusinestabltsh.d l bis 1.1. galber l et th, e b.OLD-STAND, Nos.Ssud 4,TILS BLOCK, aB OKSREET, BT1àBY, vbore b.oyl b. alwsys found-resiy te attend tce i wnset sters. An entre ew stock. fe b b ut uutred Furulture. UNUOLSTERY AS C5UAL UNDERTAKIG AND FWUNRLS Suipplied as heretofore, £V'Some splendid specimens of Picture Prames, and Gilding. R41meber ue OUd Stand. Wbt May 4, 1868. THOS@ LA WL. Ehl GENERAL GRUGER, WINE AND SPIRIT THIE CHEQUERED STORE. âwx]LltaIy Tavern Keepe eCauw sutthemselves us v ronto, or elsewhere. C4sh for al kiiîds of1 Remember the place. Whitby, Sept. 16, 1868. a nd Cou ntry Méerehai ifflt better, thabygoiMgt farrners'-produce. RL FRANCISt SNo. i, on the corner. Carfiage Factory. CARRIAGES& BUGGIES- Of eve~ descrlption kept onhandand made to order,,from-the baateuit%, 7ttii.aboe rn aige wenka, With the enereaued £tcii sti h Ibs=dspoai b. ndemrged la botter Pr epaedhan aver te executo aul orders pepty itiwieh hvm ybe tvered Brook St., Wbutbyq June 9, 1868, me o. DONOYAN., DIVISION COURTS1 IN 111E COU NTY 0F ONTARNOP FOR TÎ [e 1R 1888 No. 1, WhItbeY......... .........S 12v 1i I 2I 44 S, 1 iokutng................... 8.. '2 2 2 2 8 " s, aeser&k 1'Inco AlbertI.o8 4 94 P " .Ubig.......... .....14 81t. 80..... 5 10 si ô , Maning. .......... .. . .... 27 .. .. 5 ..21 ô. Iovero............ ....22 ... 23 ... ô...22 79 Ahrlsy,.............. .24 3 0 ....8... s 24 Z. 'DURNHÂX, Whitby, Jannasy lOth, 186. JUnOX, $15,OOO 1IN PRESENTS! AT fIOYTS' NEW PIIOTOGRAPII GALLERY, OSHAWA CORNER 0F KING k BIMCOE STREETs, FIRST FLOOR. Prizes consist of Gold and Silver Watches, Gold Chains, Brooches and Jewely ef ail kinds; aise Sewing Machine, Paiaîings, Albums, aud a va-. iety ef excelle ut clecks. Life-like likenesse taken in a few seconds, in a manner to en- .sure perfect satisfaction. là1 Sau Bills for manner of distribution of pre. sente. New is the. chance fer ail te see.ure enduring PHOTOGRAPHS, and valuible presents, at a leus price than mest photographers charge for the pic. turcs sioe. Oshawa, Marcb 24, 1868. 12' 4&6 PIL 4& MARKET BLOCE. KINO STREET, OSHAWA-jCONER of BYRON & DUNDAS Stsa. STAPLE & FÂNGY DRY GO -ODS, MILLINERY, &o. MANUFACTURER 0F gr CLOTHING5 BOOTS AND SHOFS. &C. 1W8A Good Workman Wantod to do Ladies Sewed Work Âlsson hand, 'Eng1ish, Sole Leather, Euglish -Kip, Frencn 0s11 sud ayl klnds etof smnaiLitb.r sd tnlngs. Farins toi'Sale, BEUINS»ZTTE01r EE LATIE JNO. OLERKE. PARICEL No# .Bi~çltnme ,l tii. eighth h uwo r.oeie ugeg, omtmn- mg 104lot es«about 60 mores isado ulls-, ration;6.osU Juge evWBm, YOung No. 4, la th#. th ooumuseo f Piokau mobÉsiLit 1 Ose, moi» or lm. . abeu 80mu udi.illVS ti.OuIe pis M à iapéi ebouse, vu lgoed seur, t te mw o sbds, be , osait.- sta'I., bse.outiflp-e11T.With muha01 etWhitby. lmtgirsu i is 1a.~Tm ienbe Yo0 tmba" YLlse, pattreloséaplymiý D'. F. BURKE, desiorcor, i p No# 2,0IKE'I~OK A WELL SELECTE» STOCK FUME ITEk, 0r ALL KIE»S, WAs clamsy houmat sasu"&. May Ual, 1M. 21 LIV RYI -e- The subscriber's Faîl Stock of choice FamiIy Groceries is new complete, with eivry article usually kept in a first-class establishment, cen- oisting in part off-1 Young-Hygonp Ispanq colOrod sud u.ncolored, sud Congou Toas, ground sudtmiground Coffees, Spices, Popper, Allapico, Cmnnamoup CloveoLemon, Orange, sud Citron Pool, Sugaro, from the beut Cuba. te the ffuest grcuudb Syrups of tho bout variotios.' A -complote Stock of ffisthlcls leur, Oste, Corn, sud Buck-whoat moal, b.od of ail kinda, t>' vory chesp for Cash. 43~ Iu addition 10 the above, I havre sdded a compîcte assortment of Crockery, fimes n Individual Sait-collai, te a Oirsi-cimes et of China, ali of whieb vili be soid rery cbeap for cash. My motte ti net te be undcrseld.Cash putd for any qumntity ef good Butter. Remuub the place corner oi Byron snd Dandu Sto., vh1tb>. .T. BROWN. WHITBY, NOV. 27, 18611 M.H.COCHEANE Il, now receiving the Whicb 14 very la 'rge a department. w Pu6 greater portion of bisl «m6 ,u-AfL Je «m,à- . E74 M] As we buy our~ goods for cash, you wiii £ad i tope te San d examine pricc befere purchatdng elsewhcz' Te 1 highest price in euh paid for WHEAT, il, kindo ofFarmors' Preduee. (oiawa, sépt. 22, 1868Ï F&LL it to your advsu. BARLEY, and] TRADE ~ SPECIAL, INDUICEMENTS,,FOR CASH Y. G. wotu1d >kiâ,dIy soli-it, the attentiono his Customers. sud the Public, to his new and varied, Stock of seasonable DRY GOODS, on v-bich will be all owed (5 per cent discount,) for ail CASH PURCHASES of $1, 00,, and over. Just to hand. a fresh -supply of choi<ce GROCERIES, the highçst CASH price paid -for,any quantity off GOOD BUTTER, AT OLD NO. 1. --e-- Hardware, Paints, Ois, arîd Dye Stuifs, al- ways on hand, at reasonable priqes, at N. B.-Wanted-80000 BusIî. 66 50,000 6 3,0 00 10,600, 5,0 'A LI) INO. la of Barley. W £-ge at RyP. Peas. Oats. Remember the place, OLD No. 1. " the discount offered for Cash on Dry Goods. 'YEOMAN GIBSON. «Y. G. would respectfully inflorm parties having accounts falling due lst of October, that, unleas païd when due, 10 per cent will be charged from that date. Y. GIBSON. Whitby Sept. 9, 1868. TRllOS. RIUSSELL & SOS' CELEBBATItD WATCHES. T 1 Sbcibr 0eg & callthe attention of those Abeoutprchasssg te the folioving, from among aav Te»VmojuiaaJiho busa e- ceived froua parties, who have bcon vearirg theo atelàesfor soea ime. Tho Subseniher laerchy certifies thast ho vaîeleho uiurehaàed em James Jolivîston, marn'c4nrod b7 Tios. Ruseoil & Son, ore ùs seprmant.id, lheroughly zelimblo lime keepors. ME.1.McBRIEN, Whitby- Thc Snbscriber lieroby certifies thalt the vatch ho pnrciirsad romn James, Johnalon, iimntiutuovrod by Tises. Iltissoil & Son, in as reprenLted, a thorougîîly roliable lime keepor. TIiOMAM4MeAVOT, Faranor, Baisam. À Afulll assortusent lu Geld sud SBuYr cas".. JANMS .OINOTON9 Watchmakor, Brook Strait. Whllby, Sept. 2, 1868. 8 DIRE wCT -IMPORTATIN BEG TO ÂANNOUNOE, THE ARRIVÂLOF THEIR r4teamýships 1'eruvwan, eetoria n, Ottawa, &c., chased by one of theâfiàm in the vus 1 L81f 0. THRZE ,ACRE$i foSied, knowu -si e ld Cricket Yid-.- TWO AQE8 foncod, vest ofCricket lild. -X ACRE, fonced, outi of Cricket fed. 6 LOTS, fonoed, wvuS of reiideneof J. H. oerrie, Yaq. - 4 LOTS, fenéed, voit of Brockatrct, and South, of résidence of ZNathan Arnold. .7 LOTS, foueed, Rail o! Brook Street, mi prenant occupied iy J. S. SprowIe. I~.Am irai ývillage Lois,,lin varions BUS NE SS PREMISES. Tie vacant Lotudjoiving Loves & Foviil'o, Brook eiret, 37 fout front, 93 Ihet deep, to à Imne. The vacant Lot SZonlh of RoyaUConadion Blank, 22 foot iront, 98 foot deep, to si lanq. - Loi. Eamt of Brock shoot, opposite le 10 ates on Brook strect, North o! Bulivy bridge. Main, Sonth j9, l111h con, 100aes. 66 5 ~20 Oh 100 6 Rama, ]P0Lt o ' 5,su! "180 di Lot 15, 4th go 2w046 somervllle, Lot 7, 121h 20 gidon, WetX 24, 5th 100 Dexley, lut 12, 4th" 200" Gall River, Lot Si, 6,5 Bezley, Lots 6k 7, 4th *"4o0W, Brock, Faut PL. 18, Och " 95 66 Ilýovi8k, Lot -22, 15th "160 RaitBnry Rossi, Lot 2s, Srd o MILL SITE s lb.meuth ef Beaver Rh'ui. Village o!flBeaverten, - Acres. PO1RTi>ý -ERRY9 Soveral village Lotol, sitablo for bueisee ltons, ud primat. reideuea. 19 r AI$* villagelots 1In Brighton' - ai th, Village of Breehixn, Tovusbtp of marsi. Th ii.dob.ruber bovine determined to lie ont the, wlole o! hi. Reasi Fâtat. laimine . prnaent year, if poaible, the aboie properties arcoed olYeo igOnrcs,;mud on longtersa et paTient. ppyte, J. IIAM FERIZY, Wbutby, 4th fJsly, 1868. 4aio-27 NEIWLY IMPORTED PýA-PER oetd carotuily by hîmielf, wlaicb h.olas o sale at Very Resisceci Frice. Il w- ]palmg, Qrtaimiqg, Glazaag, and Paperll'angang, euec u s vork- niiilik. aud ePcdi",6.manner, au asual. A@ C. WILSON, - - Dundas Shoot, WhiLby W-hhby, April 8, 1868., 14-tf * NEW d!AUI* av'à * Wh ceuffty Crovan f'ort Ferry,t * consulitation à. h.mca,3o1,1 Whitb, A WS tyot.e 1.W 0 dock, p. u. NO Wlâetby, AF TH OWNCL JO RAMl-DEI May r1 vii beis I et 1 Thrdm

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