Whitby Chronicle, 22 Oct 1868, p. 2

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,r fabjedeMr.' Tille> van plan in Freuek, 8rd la Englisuad 411 ~t.j'ame" Wliaoo ad Wai àf i5aeeagood tuding lai Autés etO..11. -I On "s*lg ,Oct. UIsb uMto . 34# in tbe Otli ooon of o *iltby, Farta stock,. ImpIemecns, "o, the property o'f Mr. George Piilip-Thon'aqf Myero, A9- On Wednwndy, Nol. 4tbO, at Sydoubam ,Puai Port0obawa, Thoro.bred Stock, &o.0 tah. propert of Mr. Thoma' Gy- Thom u ycre Asotlomor. 04 v6pa$sy, Nov, 20jd, os lot No. 190 la îh. ?.h oc of tWbt Il aFa tock, Jiaplemonle, 4ho, îbepýroprofMr. Ijn Brdgge-Thon.MyloriAuotlooeSr. Ou ýT 'ds, Nol."., lot No0. 8 lot or of.ahFim stock. Implomente, hoeb proporty ôt Mr. Tho&~ Parrott, ,Irhoo. Myei, soctioneer.- -Ou Prday, Oct. 28, on lot No. 2, tki con. of Plckevin&im lr -tock , Ipe mente, "o, propelty of Mri Ji$alter, Thoi4 Myore, auotionsor. on, W.edayo oct. 28, lot No.- bm..Nw# P'irng, Paru Stock, Impie. àonts, &oq properny of Mr. Fiold@, Thos. Os Moidayg, Oct. 26, ou lot No. 23, Kiogaton road, Whiby, Perm Stock, Im- pleuinta, &o.1 property ot Mr. Ian. Doyle, Thon. Mynr, afotioieci. ý OsPu lay, Ot. 80, ois lot No. 4, lit *on. -sbeachPFam Stock, apoeth. pioperty of Tho@. Cantin,'Ibos. Ilyeie, auctlonfer. 1Os nadàyf Oct. 27ib, on lot 23, Bro len Front, Plokerlng, Faim Stock, I. pleme6t, ", property of i. Abert Pal . ONY*50 CENTS A YAE $hitby, Thrslay, )ctber 22% 1888. The tafoE liolae arrled by the THE DEMOCRATS BEWLDERED. The'unespeot o meeoaof the ne- pabliocna luPenylvmnla, Ohio, Indian and Nebiseka, have fairilybevilderd the Demooratlo party. It van 1.117 boliieed by the Deutoorata ibat the" could haie eairied pniiauis aud Indiana. l- stesd of their d.ing ce, howeverg they bave ttbe former by a lai# ýp, sad the latter by àa mal majority. A clIauge of candld*tes, uni the withdracal of Seymour spi! Blair l4 chat le voir piopoaod la thei estremli . Bot lookre-onsat a distance# sud ladeil Domoorait tbîhelven, mut percetie that sncb a movemout le noc toc It.. Tho Prenldeýtlal coaflot se at baud, Mud thé lime too §býrt to prepare toamake a aînooee fnit git ,sew mou. Tbe Musgen of, the paît> appear ta baie iade a complote mena-of- l, sd tabave sa deor5illoed ibeir force, that tbo> are doereting to the Repoblicanu by the thon. sand. Bome cf the Demo«ratlo journal# complaiâ of cholenale Republico frude lis P4.aoniansd othors 'of treacecy la the »euocrati camp. The eait of aIl I la tder Ib. eleotion ofOt ansd ýPaylng the Prise.. tE.ge6wfstone ofthe ousitdt Oca- -* Alpe' gdltevu1 Pair, os Thareda> eiiseg mt, at theminWestern ddim- ters basd tsvlboi dbsiiens ouevaud, s emlo,'w pesé0j, eqtlng tbnt Voyaiet of the, 0*&nbu m" a-Ghara ou s atdi> cnt. Wo -bevir esuuteb guoubiog st tbe adopd« t, ooftmc. Isaçéaly màeà buv-utlncoÏn*lof for tinne livrenla . vewstons uectles, te b.e .eo.pelle.te travel althe vay te Oshave * le eider te ebtain ;payit- apalti> prIse . pu'bape a dollar. Theri e b no. geed _aines 'by stome, oestral sud mort eOUnioeotpt $ceSsp Osisca, abhonl Dot bav ie -e Seauliwted for psyMrnt sii pries. ,,The peeple ef- t Onbasu IMt Wblsby woold bu pt to nosaddrtiual *nobs bï dclag n#,sfou Si.> ycould en aey 1m'oWll et ù. Tismiarer'u itor.; lu Ïe.village, su" Obt"lpayment ai tiseh * prenie. 7. Pme. eo-8 o fri MneLufo mltied to gsol on tbo»m!gltrmts'icsrntt te be broau;bt butor, tie court. Altogether the timo of lin Grand la> l llely4, b mmy recorda auud noue oftdie eée re et At the l't A ise. M. Cochrase, lin Coqnat>Attorney, musaiod aIl the, Crocs botter lad«d, m ve bnd, oceuloun teto ployéd for 4he ýoýoïsai oiUldhave dose. W. tructht,hvlllIIýbu pormlsssd te do e ainalunsd tuAttorus-eeralbave his eeeomloalpreteunlonthun earrled AdI> Tms uoV lufi ti. tocs vold Ïb. credit to aol localit> f.îr tin comple. sn and extensive varlety, of, 1shbardware goodi. We voie lstiodoeod tbroagb tIse difoereat store ucosas lait cool, sud cens coopletely aatouaded- st the im mne, quaatity of ail kindu ëfion toied. ,Dur bsnd, sud heop of alison, Bcodiuh, ipp eeol sud etsteel sraugod lu rackis ad lyiug aboat in evemy dirsotion. Aaotheî part, of the etabliebueut recont. ly enlarged) le dsvoted te peintes, ginu, ho.; sud uthl sother te à mot complets and sae rraugemenit of<foisfor thse di(. foenct kînde etoflîn1-of vhish a larg stock le contauti kept on baud.Ose largo tank vvcons uocu eontalsed rom six toe eght barrusof ot oil, sud otiers ianroudiug., tes- isnamber, vers filled citb about 65 galicue, &ch of dffitt kiadu of oilluand ,taupetise. 'Tin tanks aie large doubleotin cnesmuuatred by tles . We ,voealteov n oue npeclmesfa pleusdld axe-& nec artIcle upeolal> maatnutioed fou tin Mesursn Hlstch,-rldgseddouble andsinagle iteslot vbhb îhy bave pîocnrsd asumppi> ef 10 boxes. luatet hetbir stock I lu oiex toile-Tho> have îhem ot ail uhspeu. form anud izen. Thirjpuis patent dauib mteie, bich va'e hd ouoales gotiesa no me ago, le a muenooplm tiffsEu, sud, as vwu sutiolped, le soc cmmaud. log su oxteaulve sale. W. rooommend oui ooantry friandi e tugive inHtb etablishment a cal. DenauoTrvn Fa.-A deittuc ie n bioke ont ou th. promisesiofMrM. G. Me- Grogor, of Ouhaca, os Tbuîsday uight lait, by vhich he lua à.léuer te th. exteat et ost thoansd dollars sud apcardn. Mi. MeUregor rested the faim inionglsug to Mis.Arklandt immedistoly adjeiuiug the Village, and hsd jut tbieubed oui about 600 bonhelu of uprlsg vheat, 400 buelu of osta, sud a largo quntity of peau, wchbvoe stod lu the gisai>r. Early on Thailday nîght, the tmac itack ad- ijoinisg the bars, van diicoyoied on fine, and butors the devatatiag eiomnet could bu chscked, the fins uoached the barnt r bicb, cwith theilr ceonte, cestetaily 1destroycd. Mi. McGregor wvansot, ce ondorutand, ilsnaid. Bis Ios là etimated SI ape ardi et *1,000. Mm Aiklasd had as incaranee ou thé buildings,#1 shot haIt their vane. Ton RotAL HovsL.,-The lmpiovomnst la tin Royal intel am nov fiat appiosch. log cempletios, gilvng thé IstelereoftIo * bldiegatoptber acan d elogaul op- puresun. No expeune bas boss ipared b> the punt pîoptletore, luside or ont- nettela sosdrlng ti eRoyal 'oue,.ofaih rmwent êlt, confortable sud -ouvonlesi hot"lset vhleh tnetrav.ller oould deuim a gae pble, quartèeu. - Tin nov Imui. turs mapîbtiIy on.. TilI à Ce.Il aniqeja, sn sic.. ticn$r fter t ha lii unch ciedi. t .tu oinsa- opening ha deheid-[esoeed te Mouday, *se lGth lit. mlitte. of tinh e siuc'Istttv Spraluevosthy osiorp"e., bave pecurel i ê'olebvatedaerosudelomtionist, for ilm reennofSadast.V rtbs S11b al m s D ie eane, . eiderabat tin lstitawtmal, be relsboud depWtodfuth ile, Mr. Vaoduesureps- tato, sud gret at lots, I si.one 1» islout toe oua h a la dsluo. Is)Prer m Qciioxe Aineusu1- Tins. rouit. amu e very gratifylag te the Tescinru a"dTrateu nethl.eehoel. Tlie Wbltby Grasinar Bobool le fut eara- lag <or tailfits otallos oxteadlisg bu. Yoga the limite of the county, smd itb coutinued liburil mangement, cantS ail noos te becoss oeue'et tho. ieadiug, sdua- tional lu.titutlonof 1h. Province. It mait bu grât ifylas ït h.e 34 uter 10 mes snobtangible moltoeof hie# auremittiag ladantry sud atteo taotevork ef hie Thb#eciscf eqoaily dltlnguised itelf ai thelite Mestlag 0( tii CornetBoard et Public Instuction, vinre 881V86 Pop1i obtinsed eetibtuof the grade of lor"- oIMA A, ou. 9Flrut4l0n1 -Bwîves eond- glan B; sMd e eed-liB ed b> aIl vhehbave îriod Ite vue uthe mont ocououical, sud boit foni-Savisg: lu- vention ever brought, butor. the public. It bai inen iocommeaded by certiflcates et bousdi nov baving it in apu Mr. Lailey, Who le at, pr.ui staying st -Black'u botol, la ioîicitingt ordeis, sud cilI nsty aund tovnablp îigbte. The News. Ma. Gso. Bus, of thim Soya, bai se- enid à patent for iaventioa, oftaasel(. acting nemaphore for" raileas nsd Mr. Bestly of Pickering, for a uav gommer grisder sud upuot. TatsBDWmÂIVLLu Taàosn.-Tin fol. loclsq verdict van retoiued, at the Coro. ser'i laquent ou the badl efJohn Cottes, mntioued in otbsi columno --dThst decesu&, Jobs Colter, eoseto hie death by-s bot aoodontallfired <rom sagan, la îhte baud f Jobs Gay." Us>, ou- oquentl, vwu ot ocmmitted te géol. lxirontà'ANAUCrîo;SiLi or CAirL A», Basnr.-ÀttlticiI lu roqssute Mi. Then. (lyes naisof (&nu stock, la cther eoinmus,.18o catie Mu. Guy bun cerne uplsuid sulmnis laDevon, Ayr& sud Gradse isl i iteor nboup are el soted ne prise takeri. The inrus are 1<rom a good uto@14ansume vili b. imon, pedlgrsee cli bu giren vith the caule. TiusGauin Mucàscla ae of lb. .Congregatlondal oarb-, Itotore suaous tced cilI tain place at the lMechuion' hall, tos Toeudsy evesiug, Novembor Bid. W. .reoer oui readois to au ausoscemost inh 1 " Ivtiing co ianun for au ontle 0( the apiogmm. , Motaare bing pot torti t t e ate rrsfale agrasd affuii. Taisi "Bsxuss" Iisunaxos bCe. van uned lateîy by a porine atsed Tsindlay te n.- cover thoeuMM of $1,000, ah. amponut cf bis lnuarasce lu 1h51 conupsy ou preot>' datroyed hy £ r..The nuit vwu tried ai Barrie, sud iolted in a sou4uoit# ou teobsical groadi.The moriti of ah. Meu ceeons tgone lotoe; sudth. learned Jsdge auimidveitçd strongl> ou the cou. dactet fthe Cempany in renitiug thé plaitiff'u claies ou morol>. teobsica grocade. Moos'oHlL a, on the Ossews rond,ila bosng eut saa. The cork le. neaniy cons. leted, sud the iroad mach hmpiored. Osrva bua spopolation of 2,885, bu- li su someneo!fMO darisg the year. TUAxNczvll# Dàx.-TO.d«y, <Thore. day ) hboss h ed soeaby aie Epiecopel iehope M Qasisbeanti Outaie ise ada>' of thnuksgiviug ber >tin abanons.ut arvent. Lacuonselual the ungelsa Whlthy. A javeniléelub, oposed cf boys bolcoca hn agen cf 9 aui 14 bai bossu tartid, cith'ý .6 largo mboî of membri. Aco MW rc Du. PAusaiM. P.-Ws regret t. learu abat Dr. Puir, M. P. for 9ot.Wellington,, broko bit tbigh on : oudai uigit, by fallisg-ahroagb the, rail- ,vail bridge, vhieh h. vas eroniug, ou bis va>' homo. Tms Dr-LiAU gratiug $4,000 la ad of 'th Whiiby and Port FerryBaîrybo 1tic accraablp ef Bougeg, van dèeeted ýb> *0vote of 15 tedf» lu s porteile s. b lie a sv* me*k Tclotro I. the .otried cor* sen namidhy gocijadgee,à te soipainthoie ofthunsontylfair. The1 day van dllgbttnl sudtbéoeroc4 iubune. Ws roter odu isdéoii te the Hlin- for the uuceaaful competitora cho obtainiti piizei.1 Boiu. Draugt-tco Yeur oid 6117, lit Inn. 1. Davidios. Ose yoar old 811>y, lot, Chas. Pilkey; lsd, Ueo. Milmu. * Oas yeai old eptins Colt, lit, Jnn. I. Davidecu, 2ud, Davidi MeParlaue. Spriug foal, lit, David UeFartlose, 2adq jas. 1, Davidlomt Bal, FraisluLlntou. sddls or Roaiditein, tco-year nid 81 lit, Jobs Burin>, ls.d InJu sen, Ba Jooopb Gaibat. Oae.yr. nid AIl>,_ lut, Hfeury Médilli lsd, John Lepper, Srd, B. B. Willnon. Ont-jÉsr old entiro Colt, luýt, George Graham, 2ad. Wm. Lidget.. 1- 1 Bprilg fbal, lut, Franklin Wixzsn ou,2d David Gîlçbrint, Bmd, Fredeîick TPui. Saddile borise, lat$,UM.. Dne., Lsd T.1 P. White, Ord, WS. Vaty. Buggy honue, lut -John Gonld, 2ad d John Barkey, Bmd G. Coruell, jr. Goscal parpoue borieu, tco.yosr old flly, lit, David-ý Wilîiama; Lad, John Mller; rd, Robe4u Match. One yesr old 6111, lut, Chat. Pilke>; 2sd. David Hogle;i Bnd, Joseph Lac. Oan eaeucld estino colti, lut, Ueo. Eliokingbotom y-Lsd, Wm..Miller, jr.;- 3nd, J. V. Spearu.1 Spring fouI, -lis, J1bsFaveett; lad, Joeph Giogg. Dent 00w, lit Jobs Miler; Lsd, Willi. Miller ; Bmd, lobaM. Bell. Tco year old boiter, lut, 'loba Miller; Lsd, John M. Bell. Ou@seus olfi boiter, lut, JobNM. Bell; 2snd, Wsa. Miller, jr. ; 3rd, lau. 1. David, 80s. Heiter cuit of 1888, lut, Jehn M. Bell; 2sd, John Miller;i Bal, Willie Miller, Ballcut of 1868, lut, Audrec David- son-, 2sdq, John ML Bell, J as. I. Davidiou. Duesoc, lut, Jobs Miller; Brd, Willie Miller; Bnd, Wm. Miller, jr. Tvo yer old heitir, lut, Jobs Miller,» lsd, Wille Miller;f Brà, Cuper Willin. oas year old boiter, ttWuu. Miller, jr. Lad, Jas. Whissn. Heiter saIt cf 1868, liS, John Milei; 2sd, lau. Whiteon. Intet-Aodrm#uUe.Bos Lad, John Miller. Sharîing imm, lut, John Miller; Lnd, WiIlie Miller; , 4Win. Scot, Tco &a eese, lut, John Miller; Lsd, Win. Scot; Bnd, Win. Cocie. Tce uhoariag econ, lut, Ira B. Carpen. toi; Lad, Win. Scott; W.n. Ceci.. Ram Iambe lut, lai. 1; Davidin; Lad, Win. Cci.; Snd, Ian. Wbituos. Tiro evo Iambe, lit, Win. Cowie; lai. Whitiou; Bal, Aadrec Davidios. Coecold-Aged rem, lut, Ueo. Hick.- isgbottou;-1Lad, Jehn Miler;-9rd, Willio Miller. Sbearling rame lot, lobs Milleu; 2nd,- Willio Miller; Bnd, Win. Scott. Tco uged ocan, lot, John Wller; Lad, Wm. SSoît, BalWin. Cocio. Tco îbeuîling @*es, lot, Willio Miller; lad John Miller; ard, Wun. Scott. Ran Iambe,1lit, lau. Wbituon Lad, Dirroil h Jehaîton -,Lra. Wmn. Ceci.. Tco sce Iambe, lut, Wi. Seeit; Lad, W.n. Cocic. Southdocs-Aced Ram, lut, F. Wis. sos; Lad, S. W. Sharrard; Brd, John Wilson. Tee agod ewec, lut, P. Wxudoa; Lad, Jeseph Wlsson;-' rd, John Wilson. Tvo ubesrliug eocsulut, F. Wizuou; Lsd, onpb Wixuon. Sh.arîing ram, lut, Joseph Wizuos; L0d, J. V. Spers;-j ud, F. Wlsnos. Bain Ilambelot, Joeeph,,Wzooa; Lsd, F. Win"o; rd, Win. Lldiet. <Tiro ove Iambe, lut, Jcni;p6 WiEfou; 2ad, F. Wlxsoa; Srd,, John iiÃ"s Shuopins edovn-Sheariing ram, lut, J. Wisuou. BauomInmb, lut, P. Wimou; Lsdj -J. ire'Iw feeIambe, lit, Win. Ldget. Mrine-Aged ram, lut, 8. C. Bmown. 1 T io aged eculit, S . C. #4évi. R an Iambelot, S. C. Brocs., Fat iheep, 1lit, Ias. Whiituoss; La2d, G. iHEchingboitom; Bn, Goe. Brows. Lange bm .eed-Agoti boar, lit, Wu. ,Miller, jr. Agosi8«0solt, lobs Mille; Lsdg, F. Grnàà b"We-BfOar cf18699, 1t, J'caphr Usb Sd, DaiM ilorist; Bid,ýWu., Pile: Bov. of 1868.,lit. IraB. Crpnt;Ld, Beit pair cljsolnsudn, lobs GânId. Be knvou ~ .of rinWm.. ueluh. bief lus- Det pairOf 8bnnghiH4e,Liqn Boy. 'y HE - soÉ.ie I.untke. Dest pair of buts, C. J. Wileoa.- Ipm Prsds ,vlapp; Wr, Wm. lAges. Parof gemaIs.lt, Wsa. CoM.;LId 8 of eaeh? lat, Wu. EInbard.on; 2V4 0. Hiekingbontom.1 Varety of applen sot lmi than & bino, of ot ea, les as= icharsna; 2nd , . *Vaulet> c.,f:appie.. Dot lm utins 12 k!0d4 lit, C. Rogers; 2ûdi B.Boer ville. Siborian crabe, lot, Nathsn Beallo>; ,2nd, John Porter. 12 plume, tut, Mr&. Bell; 2ad- 0. 13. Willanc., Boit scue ofturnipi, lot, Peter Nîmbot; 2nd, John Thomnon; Bal, B. Spiocle; 4th, Ales. Waddell. Dent 1 acre o6jarrotn, lit, A. Plker; 2a, Ueo. Dark; 3rd, Roeot Auun.; 49b Jon. FilIon>. Bent acre@ orusangoldi, lit, Robert Becker; 2ad, Ueoi Bette; Brd, Peter Nie. bet; dthRobert Anou. Orn@eaeof coin, let. Ira B. Osipeoter 2ad, Geo. Bette; Sii, Uo. Ballard. Tco ban. fal cheat @lit, 0. .Brocn; 2nd, J. Nlibnner; ara. Chue. Pilkey. 1Tv. bu. spdag !whestlut, J.Graham; lad, David Wilismne; Srdt Wm. Cr.ag. Tco bon. barleyp lut, David William ; Zudt Wm. Miller, jr. ; Srd, S. C. Wilisoa. Two bon. &mail ýpenn, let, J. Plkey; 2sd, Jonepb Nighetiandei ; Bîd, IV 0. C. Pîikey. Two bui, large poe, 1lut, Peter Ninhet; Znd, Richard Dais. Two bo. oas, lit, John Grabsu ;-2nd, Jan. Whitnon;-, rdy Davidi Hogie. Barrel et fleur, lut, S. J. Green. Beut 12 tornips, lot, Wna. Miller, jr.; 2sd, Wm. Codie; Mr, Henry Maill. 12 manjgolds, lut, Ueo. Botte; 2udy . B (,hap>n ; Zrd, Ales. Waddell. 12 cairots, lit, Uco. Brown; 2nd2 0. Bette-, rd, John Thom. Bag of potatoon, l1t, John Marquisn- 2nd, John Sloigh; 3rd, Tlriah Yoang. Three ond&oadibbsge, lit, A. Lapp; 2od, D. Thoruton; Mld Nathan BoatleY. Hall bon. onjoon, lut,-George Bicking- bottom. Hait bon. beani, lut, Chai. Pilkoy; 2sd N ath n B oat ey. 8 i h a Three poupkias, loti John Slegh2d Daniol Tborutoa. Two beudu caoliflowers, lit, F. Grecn; 20d, Joba Bailey. 12 boots, lut, Jabos Collinb; Lsd, A. Lcpp. Citron, let, Thon. Pencher. 5~ lbo. hopelult, Robent Fullerî; ad, Lyman Reynolds. DONESTIC MNTOU Unr. A. Pilkey; 2nd. Mr. 8.S. omervilie; 3rd, Mr@. J. Iones. ive yards coloîed or plaid flanusi, lut, Pdru. Wm. Major; Lad, T. P. White; Brd, Mfru. Thon. Poucher. Ton yards white Lanuellult, Mrs. Wu. Mfajor; Lsd,' T. P. White; Bal, Mr&. W. M lle , j r . Tes yards cooles carpet, lut, Min. J. 0. Fftller; Lnd, Mis, Win. Thom; 3rd, UIrs. I. Barclay. Tes yards rag carpot, lat, Mmi. 8. Sossorville Land, Mi. D. Daniel; Srd, Mno. I. C. PFuloer. Pair of bîsanotu, lut, T. P. White; Lsd, C. J.. Wiiluon; Bîd, Mii. N. Dent. loy. Covoniot, lit, Min. Wm. Cneig; Lsad, Mmi. W.-, Thois; Omd, Mri. I. Smith, Quilted qult, lut, Mr&, A. Morgan; Lad- Mii. Seth C. WVilnon; Smrd, Minse . A. Bronoc. Koit bail cuver, lot, Mine Jase Logan; Lsd, Mr@. John Par4çîr. Sbopherd'u plaid, lut, Mmi. D. Barclay; Lad, C. J. Wiîlsea. Pair voolîcu itoctinge, lut sud Lad, Mmi. D. Docker. Pain coollon socelu lt, Mmc. D. Formyth, 20d, Min A. Geald. Pair cotten soelulat Mm. Morgan. Pair coolIes minle, lut Mis. D. Pugh, Lad Mur. D. Bauclay. Pair veollon gloves, lit Min. D. Pugh, Lad Mr&. A. Morgan. Geqia'shirt, lut Mise I. Bsiith Land Mmi. Robert PoIler.-1 Pair cf bhein blankete, lit Win. Majer, Lsd, C. J. Willios, Sud Ueo. Graham, nocoumesded. IRat, Caasdiau îtrav, lut J. Phillipe, Lnd Mm. .Docker. Ton yard& taotory foll cloth, lut T,. P. Wbite, 2ui D. Thornton. Tousyards factpry satinette. lit T. P. White. Bids of sol@ leatins, lot Audio, Pot- terson.' gide of appei leather, lit A. Pattonion, Lsd D. l'aylei. Pair etfiîne booti, lit Wm. Dodeil, Lad U., W. Servieos. Pai cf-curuo boots, lut Win. Bodell. Thre! o ie cf bread, lot- Mr. A. Mlorgua, Lsd Mus. D. Psgh, Bal Mne. -D. Barclay. Buggy, lit Win. Web, Lad Sampeca Webb. 1 , Ctr, lot Jolis Willie. Pnmp. itGeogsGsrow. Wnnbisg machaine, li, Chai. Taylor, 2ld >T. W. lameux > D fr it, G. Gilehnit, Wlud' otuultUe.Gilt Wlsdow blinde,, G.- GitobiLut Drain files, Cbs.Peil>. Chars, lit T..W. Lamoneaux. ?vonkeiunci olmen yars, lut Mue. D. Barclay, Lsd Mre. Win. Major. Tire akeînu jiasuysgn, lut Ms .C ,Dniid <riS, lot Mi s.oeph Joes. lelilit Ms.DuieL Panaey Pitur. Ire ans, .Mr». D. For- eth,ýlsd M.,John tioold. Casa of artiflcial cas fruit oci focsin1 lot Min Limite Beil. 1Kult woolleu hood, lot Mm .Tbâmne, -Ptinobeîi, ld Min. Wm. Clark. earuàe's wîoath, lut. xiniA. Boite 2ad Mm. I.Burton. Tatting, las Mine Allics; od MiniB. P aey vork box, lit 1Mine A. Goald. Zephyr floer, Mica N. Burton. Yaucy table àmatt, lit Mi$. Joseph Joans 2nd Min. D. Poroytb. ý1I Featbor fioveru, lit UMi.-Joha Gonld,' 2ud, Mine& . Browa. Lad'o uorung dioeelot Min. D. Daniel. Child'n dren, lot Uri. John Blcigb, sad Mr@. Voiythi. Faacy lesther eoîk, lit Mini Jaue Bol. unoldt,.2sd Mmn Allisno Lady'& bonnet, UMin.D. Daniel 1 fyra midi Min. Nigbicaudeir; sofa pilloti, Mine Green; Wlade night dreu, MineIsabella Anua.szî wax aholi, Mr#. T. Poacher; bnaldod îidy, in M. A. Greon ; raided ukirt, Mine o. Hollingor;j porce, MineBir. relI; bead woîk, Min. T. Pocher; crIjtal painting, Mii. John IL. Jous; orn oîk, Mie Jane Linton ; black ispeporr> mise, Mm. R. Futler; cherry ciao, Min. B. Dixon ; carrant cino, Min. D, Daniel - pickled cheriion, Mii. . ul ler, potato etarch, Mini Rollinger; ma.pie ingar, W. Major; covoriot, Min. 1U. Youg; gens', &cerf, Lyman Reynoldsn; peaches, C. Ro. gars lit, Mri. Paller 2nd; red cabbage, George Hickingbottom ; iottot ichool turnitare, Ueo. Gilebrit; machineè vronght mooiding sud flooriug, Ueo. Gilchrit; cisers pomp, Geo. Geoo; npring board, Benjamin Doter;,horie collai, bighly te. ,ommeded, Joseph P. Sadîc; collection of Spauiah tocln, btghly iccommended, Dr. 1rmstrong. Whttby antd Eas Whttby Union Agît- culturail Society. The Fail Exhibition cf thse Whitby aad But Whitby Usiomi Agrfeolsoial Society I hich came off ut Oshawa on Thoriday lait, cau a complete uneceu. The atten- doée wvvry large, sud the stock ex- hibited oft nit cuperior qnaiity. The floral hall, &o, canbeld lu the drill shed, g&teg for admuiion. The follocisg le -the lit cf the inenfol competitoin: Durham coe, lit and Lnd, J. S. Thomp- son. Tco.year old Durbam boiter, lit, John Dryden; Lad, J. S. Thoupson. One-year oid Durhbunifler, lut and 2nd, J. S. Thompien. Durham hull cuIt of 1868, lit, Johû Dryden; 2nd, Wi,.Smnith. Durham heifer cuit of 1868, lut, John Drydlen; 2nd, J. S. Thompson. Deon miich ccv, lit, Hl. Spencer; Lnd, rhos. Guy. Deoen tw.ýyear oid boiter, lit, IL Spencer; Lad, S. Inch. Devon cne-yoar oid boiter, lit and Lad, H. Spencer. Deoen buil cuit of 1868, lot IL Spcn. cer; Lad, Tho%.Guny. Deon boiter calt et 1868, li, 1..Spen. cor; 2nd, Thon. Guy. Grade milch cee, lit, John Iladen; 2nd, J. S. Thoupîca. .Grade twoeyoar ei boiler, lit, J. S. Thotupsen; 2nd, John Dryden. Grade yearling boiter, lut and Lad, J.8. Thempuon. - Grade bull cuit ef 1868, lit, John How. don; Lad, J. S. Thompson. Grade heiter cuit et 1808, lit, J. S. Thetapsen; 2ad, John Ileeden. Agcd raa, Ieng eeoled, làt, Wm. loI. fry; Laid, Thon& al ; Srdt Wm. Jeffery. Shearling rom, long wood, lot, S. Inch ; Lad, WVu. Smith ; 3rd, Jno. Hloopor. Bamin b, long weoled, lit, R. hlarper; Lad, Suinuel Deuil; $rd, Thea. Guy. 2 aged ewcs, long eoeled. lit, W. Jetfer7; Lad, Samuol Deul; Ord, Wm. Fowater. 2 Sheariing ccci, long eooicd, lut, S. Beaul; Lad, I. Harper; Mr, S. Inch. 2Love lansb,long woolod, lnt W.Jeo7;ry 2nd, John Drydn. Agcd rem, Sontbdown, lit sud Lad, IL Spencer:. Shearling Tao, Bouthdows, litIL I. Spencer. Ram laub, Sootbdoeu, lot sud, 2nH, .Spencer. ý2 aeecetdeiltfSpencerl Land and 8rd, S. Terni. 2 shearling eje, Southdown, litk 2nd H. *Spencer. LoeeIambe, Southdovn, ls .Speu c'r; La2d. . Toa. Agod ram,- Merino,_4l itn. Thompcon Lad, H. Grahama. .Rau lamb, Merino, lut, S. Deul; 2rd H . G raha m. 2 uged owco, Merino, lit and Lad, Wsx Thompion. 2 Merineoeslambelit, 5BeaU;lacn Yearling ontiîe berse colt, ecddie c carniage, lot, Wu. Oke; Lad, A. J. AI. Yearling filiy colt caddie, or carrnage 1 l t. 8. In c h -i a2 d . ,.1. O i G n y. P'Air tnrkoyei, .jaq. swpneneon . Lad, 9, 'Tou. Boit end giestent variety of too in,1t, T. S. Bo'ni>'. <Boit 5 sceez nînipe, lit, John Ellice; 2nd, John Ihepburn, Boit acre;turaipi, lit. John Hepbul'a Ld, John Ellice;- Brd, a. Ketcen. DoiMt j scie carroti, lit, John Dryden;, Ld, John, Hpburn ; Ord, David T,'plady. DoitJ scie m&agol4i vartzelî, 1lit, John Dryden; Lad, Mia. Smiths; 8îd, J. O. Wells, Wmn. Tipiady. DomoXiSiC jxt,ÂCrtflL ID yuîdu home usdc fianellult, Um D ob a t; 2sd , C h a s. L y n d e. j t r d I d Feue mde fancy plaid, acaiLd Chiu. Lynde., Homor madie ctetb, lo, chai. Lyâdo J fad, Mmi. McKenief Woolln coverlet, lutia. Ja. 9"fr Lrd, Min. Joseph Luke. Cotton coverlot, Isý,und Lad, Mrn. Bain. 10 ikeini ntockint yarn,, houe made lut, Mua. D. Lick. Pair biankots, home -müÉâellut, mme L. Bain; Lad, Chas. Lynde. 10 yards rag carpet, lut and Lad, Mr. Ja. Ccîbett. 10 yardi flowoed capret, lut, D. L. Pickell. Carpet coveniet, home made, lut, Mma J. Motheslî;- Ld, Missea' Chose. ' Plain knitting, lut, Mr. Js. Crbet; Ld, Mrs. D. Lick. Yancy knitting, lt, Mina. J. Lke ;Lad, mim M. Haley. Netting, lt and Ld, Mies Lmon. Crotchet ok, lt, Misi Lizzie Lumn; Lad, Mmi Motheroiil. Rigd belia ok, lt, ella Gc7i; Lad, Mi.. Chueo. Flt boeri ok, lt, Bella Gerrie; 2nd Mia. David Smith. Berlin ool floer, lutMiss Chase; 2ad. Mis. Motheisill. Pper flocons, lut snd Ld, Mme J. L. Smith. Embrcidciy on tanîlia, lutin. John Wilson; Lad, Mien Dehaît. Embridery onoct, lit, Mien R. Michal -Ld, Mm J. Dndui, RZiuèd'baid ok, lt, Mini ini. lot baid wek, 1@t, Mnn, W. Liddlctt, Lad, Mr.LCook, Patch eork, lot, Mie. Telfea; Lad, Mie Luther Iluraden. Pàth erk on ilk, lot, Mina Muirgaet Barnen; Ld. Win. Teien. Plain -quiltinig, lit, Mim.Bais; Lad, Mina M. MeGreçor. Fane>' qailtung, lot, Mina Margaret Barnea; Lad. Mr@..Jan. Luke. Shirt makig. lot, Mine Deat; Ld, MIa. I. Caisoîel. Lethr wok, lut, Mise Deart; Ld, Mm David Smith. Cons vork, lut, Miss ett; Ld, Mr. J. Lake. .Painting in eter color, lot and Ld, Misa x. A. Bain. Pencil draewing, lt, J. W. Caird; 2d, Mms.Luther ilaraden. Crayon fracing. lit Mina Tilly' Rove. Mooebroutic druing, lut, Mine Tilt>' Ro. Oil painting, lot and 2d, W. Jackson., Vlvet painting, lt and Ld, MisislPar- quaison. Guipure wrk, lot, tirs. .1. L. Smith. Tatting, lut, Minasiett; Ld,3isa IL. 1Michael. %Vax brait, lit, Mine. J. Lul<e. Bead erk, lt, Mins Btt; Ld, Min B. Gerrie. Lady a droa, lot, mise Mf. Michael. *Chuid'u dieu, lot, Min. IL H. Cochrane, La2d. Mir. H. Carseeli. Hir flocons, tt, Miss Debart. Grapes, lat, John'Diokie. Rug rag, Lot,* Mme. IT. Lodicott; Lsd * Mii. J. Luke. Faruera' wreatb, lut, Min. J. Dandun * Lad, Mme. MotheisilI. Chenille wor, lt, Mia Tilly Rae; Lad, Misi A. Bain. Ornaucatal needle work, lut, B. Thosoan Ciotchet antimacuusai, lut, Mma.J 1.Luke. Quilted akirt, lot, Mra. Wm. Ledicet Photoguaphs, lot, J. O. Henry; Lad, A '. aruutt. Feather flowers, lot, Mine Botte. In this cai therîo voeilftccn ention aiz jadis aund nias. gentlemen:-. The prizs Miig ineÏ M. Lyundo; Lad, Misa 1.Vernon. Gctlemn-Ist, Robert Wilcoxios La 2d, Jons WeIls Fane>' glass trme,, Mia.3. Dndsu S-f<ac>' glueu aikét, Mme J. Dunas; faney 'basket, Mini Dette;,pickled pekcieit, . 1.'W. Card; pieseeved pea in nuar, do.; apple jolI>', d.; Germas raieed cork 1wrettb, MisisIL.Mîstyre ; Geimua rained U!k. iECok ae'basket, Misi ,,eismchsZ, Soo P. Gcs;pach Min. Mot . 1 ll ..Ph 1 ub ,1I., irute of fou- Who le an olfi Ur violence. o'oloek, 4Ct. declaisg lhe Dvan' cined 3 pereiseod ila 4 nrued cith ired, th. cou. vould tuke lonal entes tUne sucer teuine ssse of luqar. gociety, liks Newport, Io. ver>' little vithoat itu surt. With aine people in ton moer rtlisuad babbîe go for more than chat iî -subtantial. sd pesmasent. People may bu made to shako tu, thc soles vith a itraw, bat are immovablo as asiuatuto cith aAý pai in.oeta -nlccbsna asked the- ether day chy poevan carid toi ever>' ten I The anaucer vas, ibecause ton wated It. Tbat', the WS>' ot the venld. The mono it gete tbe more it'7 vante. MAY SuceT r r mu Wwss.-Duyton, O. Oct. 20.-A weman named Warwick mer- dered her bonband-tbie uoriig, near. tia city. 5h. Omret ahot hum vlith a'. revolvegr and thsn itrackhim scierai timeson outhe heud citlf'an axe. -*-The canne van domen. FATALL Aooosnn.-Jauei Firbaiia, ougine.drivei on she Thiee Riveri uectiost oftshe Grand Trüuk, fell os tho truck chou îanting a rail,, sud the tender pean. ed over hin legs. Ho diod Ico houri attor tho accident. Democrat . bau 'a -uecial deepatci front. Pins Dlnff, Ambanuais, date yetorday, cbicb uayî ubat J. Daluer, a deputy-sheriff- of ]tere ceonnty, sn old sud coslhy citizen, chule oeut erviusg iabpboean, va lait sight, lied te a negro sud hoth îLot dead by the Ko KIax Klan. SNàaunew icAp r À ATzaîx-oiL'EK ExîLoio.- Cayaga, N. Y., Oct. 19.- Au the boni oclockr, p.m., train vwu Crons& ing Cayaga lake, suni mbn about hait vay ovor the water the huer explodod, tbroc. ing the fragmente into the lako. Four mon eie idiag os the engine, nose OË chou -voesrioonly iajurod. Tinre vun groat consternation amoug the paneungers, but <eitnaateîy nons of the caru, cer i.boca lieu 'theétick. DoUBLICn.nuAIar-o rni Oct 1.-The SherifL sud Jadge of Su, Mary'm parinh:veres uinated at Frank- lin #y ankuoca parties, laut uDight. Musîs ýor A Nzaao Mausaun orp i -CiAKouIIA szxnA.-Chilestcn, S.C., oct. 18.-B. F. RundelIpi, a nogiciý preacini troustheorteh, sud a meuber ofthun South Carelina Stato Besute, vus murderod at Cookubarg, is thin State, on Frida>'. Fsoxrsue ELLcriox.-Mr. Calvin bu beeu ietumaued; bIé large mujorit>' of Mr. Ditton beiug 4360 viýh othor locaubipe to bu heard trom.» TizMssîn Munvn.-Two of thse ai. lieodmardenerx of Cupt. Mhnsr wvon ai. ieited la Detroit conStmduy, sud cors i eues delivered op te:tb. Canadian authori. lieu and ar ec lu inSandwich juil., Tbfr naimn are Charleu Medioy sud Burt Car- thoy, bctb colored. The othor mordorer, George Brown, van tmacked to hie fatber'i bonne, bat meapr. Bin fathrl.eu&cn ted> for aidiug biet 14 Sps. Tusiumâr, Oet. l5 -D,. WBovmuaLos- >don; W. OC. Bell, >Ïsrkh.7ua4 B. P F. j« Toronto; E Ju.-kîon WoodkItio; G. Romnpe. bfl, Tyroe; Wni. 1. ifu.. idb' G « W Lîci,14 nteMiltiu Tubteana; IL- G'. Sho r MotreiJ' wm. Muekliu Quel hà j SJumsonn, Wccd'yilti; T. W.luIood,14 îr route; J. Sutherand, Motii. FinAr, Oct. 16-J. R. Holden Boeilel. Wu. BFbilu, wclip sud son, Pkion; IE ., Joues, Toronto; A. Gillespe Toronto IL F. HaLt. Rochestr; T. P- White, Wbkteviito; *WM. Sink. do-;Aes lo. C>nuinutnu A SMALL 1IOusiE .L.by. Àdrirn- Wlilby, Oct. 21, 188 SHEEP Ç C TEAYIID freinth, à 0 Mr, John 8idesu.l cenaion of PickeiuglT Any penuon returitng mation ai viii Iead te ckerog, aL21,V d Wood Drue-tihe foul air mu. yorkitchena, md tt the stov larnes'a FPatei gulatoran T~E ',sroe-Pi pe w,', expense of kindling ligbtisig, authe tIrs witbout- adilitionalft it in the Mest ecormi &go for kitchen, purlo tizat bita cerbeet. lai ia tuel7oroszto Dztily, figeats ciii uelicit yen sud ifr*the ai tieL.do faction, ce viii - rem Oideru left ut )Mr.' lrinting Offices, ciii 1 Ig Tise puice etf * ment in oniy $1, or $1 fw*wl snv paufor itpelt K. B.-ýTowmn sd' 'Apply to Tiie f>llevisWparti * bouutomod, te lin -A Wilin, ramner; «1J. Lynes, bMm. Thiuml Watson,MUr. J. H.S( M.W .Warrent wilitby, Oct. 2t.i N0 OTICE la berell CAAD, t its ma&t orporulo tboi-»«mi Whithy, Oct. lith, 1 NO0 TIE-CON * roqulrod by the Cru, $tatioeubetieeu Rit tis doionàç oftontz the nndersigncdl, ch Pont Hope, oct. qti, BOA] Bull- cAni îtethe loti Non. ta and 34 i l. he nimr-m Am.itiq FARI IMPLEN on SYDENHAM, The fomoving vains MR TII( 2 hor2ui.ugd;I , yi.7viem o9d. ai stnsh Inconveul. ~aa 10 il

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