Whitby Chronicle, 8 Oct 1868, p. 4

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WbiLby, Ai suen Oro etiebumbirai, 1 iii, fâlL Ternis rasio ggil.-s. n rtirpartloularu, al ug.10 8. Farm for BSal1 AT TUE TILLAGE 0FP D)tFFIN'S -CREF 132NG 1forth4.alf o lot N0. 16, li] 66 acorcs undor a good a4to of cultivai SirTEJLIW» EABY-iltia- indispu t>pp.bunt o f parciso inouey only r.i <Ilwn dis. balance can romin ;oder nmc tu OUI; purchaoor. Jor furLiior partloalaru, apply to- W. .WHITMSID Duinfo nsCrack, -Augonst rdo 1868. $moi DeFeBURKI 'Passly Ganter, WIne & $pif] deaigr, N.2,1IOHAEL'8 BLC KING.WT., EAST, OSHIAWA. OOKERY & GLASSWJ A lWILL SELXCTED STOCK OP ÂLL KINDS, À# s cheap ais uy houso ln iCanaua May 29Lh, 1807. LIE RIY TLfopsbis frouds n arnetsth ligesIspIn resumod business At heod 1Laly ocoupied, by mesers. Coulllxard sad Baving onoraocd the u ntber &id fi ïs 6ftôtLheistsud, andi aloc added te sud lom- j0rv d b.eeuovoyancosand vuhilo. aon'Lb.. prosisca, 1ie ho"c by buigilu a position te »Oset 080e*Yauts of Qotcoers tu ment a *haro of Publia Patronage. W CUH&RGES MODERATE,.J BÇ J.-Covorcd Oonoyanccs for familles sUd-adIs, 'reuptittudacoas blieotolore tb %ilordens. N. RLAY, Propnetov. WlItby, April 8, 186E., 14-tf New akery pb tist se la constantly prbparod 10 ilI v1h rompitude alilordors ln thé Bakery and von et oiry lin..Fruit, spouige, sud »Il other klnds of Cake, Tarte and Biscuits of thié b"; quallt' W'Yrt of #Il klr.de lunsas7,..Aise Lob. * t or , S r d n e , O o o a N u t s , ; (' r a n / e t , * . . JIoO U * &l e, Bakor, Conoois« oe t., Brock et. PROTIWTI>N 1POU EÂRMERS & OWNERB 0F' STOCK TGII4R,&TIUi1LE STOCK. Block, Brook-et. Whitby'. routo, or, e1sewhere R.~.x&i~i., Cash fraill indls of Itrirrïers prôduee. VWbitby, Se$tmber. 2nd, 1868. R5 ebrtepac.R R CS Remmbr heplce 5~p: wfiE & EWT LIL RY.Whitby, Sept. 16, 1868. No. i, on.the corner. T0- AMES JOUNSTON begs to eaul the attention of intendin ~ 1 w abjo, a J> purchasers to bis NEW STOCK OF lg , - toy ,,T plya OLD ÂND S ILVER WATCLLESJEWELLERY, b C Oloke, &c., ail of which will be sold at the lowest prices, cou-ý CCRoGSsBUGE t-8sistent with -good- quality. e * ATCBBOLOOs& 3EWELLXi YCarOfflY ROPafrOd. Of every description kpton hand and made- to order, froli the s, a aes n btdeg teabove, carniage work&.WL nrae facilities now at lu ispos4,the undersigned is better prepared Ilium ever to, execute ail orders promptly, witk v(hieh lemyiefored Lii. lit l3~rock St., Wbitby, Juno 9, 1868, M.ODO YAN utalo.FRESH ALE DIVISION COUJRTS IN THE ALDWELL &,CQ.?S. COUNTY 0F ONTARIO, -O-'- FOR TmE EY 168 Ou? ~We beg to -announce the'arivai of ïi .î'N r. hi a lot ofthe above 4le -;e yo. ....tb..... ............ 2 1 2 1 1i1I11...i1 21 Celb a e - l,' ",leerng............ ......8 ... 2 ..;. 92 2 2..3. " , anhute& I'noo bert. 1la 80 .... 14 29 ... ...... .. p8 Ilupcaeso 0 5an 0 gi 4,,xbridge ..................î.. 1 i.... 15 80 .......... .. 10 81 rit Inp5,-aaoingt 1..........0..al-..621 .... .....27............. 21 lons, and as we have made perman- .. ...............I2... ......28........ .... 22 . P E79 Atborloy.............. ... 24..... .... 80 . ..14 eR nt arrangemenW 'for, a snppiy Z. nJi.mmn, TWICE A, WEEK, prties May re- Whîîbyi Jaooary loU', 1868 JD, - ~ly upon getting it ReSHg and at ________________________ &EManufaeturers prices, freight add- ~( R S R Wbitby, Auguat 6Ui. 1* T ___________________________ILOITS' NEW 1?IOTOGRAPII GALLERY, OSHIAWA 21 COLNER 0IF KING & SIJICOR STREETS, FIRBT FLOOE. 0 1)Prizesl consist of Gold and Silver Watches, Gold Chains, Boce and SJ 1 eéyotail kids; aise SwingMachioo, Paintinge Albums, mil ava- if:e-lelikncos. taken in a few seconds, in a manner to en- lu reference to an announcement of dissolution of thiè,co ater.- lp heaetofore existlng botween TILL -k BRO., the underalgoed deslri r inforIalhiei frleuds ansu ouos patron thst ho etili continues the business established b>' bis late ltLer, ln 1888, aIt h OLD STAND, Xcs. 3and 4, TILL'8 BLOCK, I»ROK STREETr, WHITBY, wIITO ho yul b.always foond roady 10 attend 10 th, vanta of customers. Au, se ne wstock o e boabtsmaoofactured Yarniture.- UPIIOLOTE1IY AS UNDERTAKIG AND FUNERALS Supplied as heretofore. <NSome splendid specimens of Picture Frames, and Gildiug. Rmember tUe OU Stand. Whitby, May 4, 1868. TMrIL.L., 18-Iy THnos#.-LAWLE-R, WHsOLEsÂLE &;RETAIL GENERAI, GROCER, WINE'AND SPIRIT TIEIB EQUERLED STORE. eEC TERzTj, WUITUY sure perfect slatisfiactien. W' Seo Bills for mannor ef distribution ef pre. sents. -Nôw je tle chance for ail to eiccre enduring PIIOTOGRAPUS, and valauble prescu, ut a leua pnice than most photographers charge for the pic. tures aione. Oshaws, March 24, 1868. 12 MRET nýOK FCORNER of BYRON & DIJNDAIS Sis. The subscriber's Fali Stock of choice Family Groceries is now complote, with every article usually kept in a fi-l'lecstablishment, cen. - sisting ini part of- 'Young Hyson, Japan, celored and nncolored, and Congou Teaîý ground'and ungronnd (loffees, Spices, Pepper, AUspice, Cinnamon, Olêves, Lemon, Orange, and Citron Pel, Sugars, fromt the boat Cuba, to the fi.net grounds Syrnps of the boat varieties. A complote .Stock of flurt-class Flour, Oats, Corn, aud Buck-wheat meal, Feed cf ail kinde, GIt very cheap for Cash. uÇO Iu addition to the above, I have added a compîcte assortment et Crooker>', trom an individual Saît-ceilar, te a finat-clas set of China, ail of wbicb will be sold very cheap for cash. My> motto is otte0 h undcrsold. Cash paid for an>' quantity oftgood Butter. Luiembor the place, corner ofI Byron and Dundas Sts., Whitby. L. BROWN. WHITBY, NOV. 27,1867. t«47 méH.COCH'RAN 10 now receiving tho» greater -portion of bus Whlch is very large ýand complete in eVery: departmeut. W Pricà VMry mch reduced. FALI SPECIAI INDIJCEMENTS FOR AI cri Y. G. w'otiildý kinïdly ,solicit the attention of bis Customers and the -Public, to bis,,neW and varied Stock of " seasonable DRY GOODS, où which- will be allowed (5 per cent s discount,) for al CASH PiURCHASES of $1 00, and over. 'prï Just to hand "a fresh spply of choitce' p GRLOCEIES, the higliSt CASH price paid fior any quan4i:ty of B GOOD BUTTER, AT OLD NO.L Hardware, Paintg, Oils, and Dye Stuifs, ai-' ways on baud, at reasonable prices, at N. B1.-Wanted-0,000 Bush. 3,00- 109M0 's 55000 OLP NO- la of Barley.ý Wheat. Peas. Oats. Remember the place, OLD No. 1. e -the diSCOUnt 'offered for Cash on Dry Gooda. YEOMAN GIBSON.1 Y G. would 1respectfüllyl inform -parties, having accounts 1fifing due lst of October, that, unlem Wpidwhen due, 10 per cent ýwill be charged from that date. Whitby Sept. De 1868. Y ISN TIIOS. RUSSELL & SONS' CELEBEATE» WATcHE8. T ý thsotporc 1slngto thefloig from-i&mong nanv Testimonials hé7bas re- ceivod from' parties, wlso bave hean wearirg those watobes for soma ime. The Subsenubor beroby cortfles taI te vatchles ha putcliss;ed from James Johnst<qn, ma,'ufactured by Thos. lbueh & Sou, are as zeprescted, uborcugiti> roliable ime kieeos. Ulis. IB. MOBRIEN, Whitbr. Tho, Subsenibor lxoby corLifles that teo wsiteIl ho puirchased froniJase Jonotou, Dmsnuflactorad b>'Thos. RiNeli di on, la a rcpreoutctd, a tluorougnlty reliablo ime keeper. TIIMA MAVOY, Fariner, Bal sani. go"AÀfull assoniept lu Qold sud Bilver -#AILE@ JOIINSTONe Wateitmskor, Brook Streot. Wlsitby, Sept. 2,1868. 85 S- JLot» Blas; or Irrcck street, opposite tu Dawe5' hcteil 10 acircs ou Brook street, North ofBaalwa bridge. - Mgars, South ~ 9, llth cou. 100soatm. 13, l2th 100100 55 ~ L 4,lath "100" Ramai PtL ot 18, Zrd "9 180 Id "1 -Loi 15, 4t1u-69 2M0 4 Sornerville, Lot 1', 12h - 200 et Bidon2, W C"t.> 24, 5th ' 100 6 Jlexiey, lnt 12, 4th 1 M _ ". G ail River, Lot ai, 65 di i1xlhey, Lots 6 & 7, 4th di 40 il Jtrock, Eat Pt.18s, Itit "695 tu Howlojk, Lot 22, 15tbi "10 di Eau Duary Rond, LotI25, Srd" AILUEXARLE iNDIAN LANDS. MILL I.5TE at theo meuth ef Ecgyer iRiver. Village ef Beaverten, - Are POR T PE RRY, Baverai -village Lots, Psuitable for business locations, sud privato residencs. W- Aise village lots in Brightoa sMd in the. Village of Ureclilu, Townsbip cf-%Mas. Tho.subseriber baviug deterrmined tooe. oui the whelenofbl cai iste businesstlme prmsnt ygar, if possible, the abovo pr-perties are offeredaàt low lgrsdou long ternis of payment. Àppiy te, - ~ J HAM.LiII JE. l Wumgmr. Wbitby, 4uh J aly, 186 IL 4mos-27 NEWLY IMPORTED PARPER IEANGINGS. lntcrm thu soloctc.i carcinli' W*Painti eud Paper iff inîsulike snd e*p WhItby, Aprl 8, DIRECT IMPORTATIONS!l BEGTO AÂ Ji)in cnaueery. C B ARRIISTER ~ taiy Publie. dIe. QvO.Elc,-Next doorx Campbell, Brook &i, Whutb!ty, Nov. If:, 50 B. FA s OBaawa, C. W. SOLICIT E-eStriai., CHARLES A TTOUNEY AT !Ixanccry,COuî en, Brock, C. J. iHAM1ER ATTORtNZYÂTf A lrancery, Xotaw Lec., Wliitlbyl. W. A A me,, A' Chiuueg.ry, 4-c-, Danda, ',stre3(t. 19 the posi t 11,3. Ct,CIUILANZ-t Bancerts and ýNcti PRINCE ALBEvT-U Hall. * SR1. Ccie.tn, LL. 1 Cen ty Crowu Attern ]LYMAN E Lç B>Coty,econveyanc4 Ocositation cl'a9 DOR. IH) SURGEON, AC, 'W eat ei hoElglî1.'.' Wifitby, Ange 4, 1 - 1.URGEOY%. TO TI 8Byron Street, WLr D, W.VEIl IOOTAILI TOWN CLEUK & VICTORI * PRINCE WIL LIAM ItCUT1 SAIL L SOUB oTUc E su Whitby, Jan. 2,' TNCIE TUE AZ

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