Whitby Chronicle, 1 Oct 1868, p. 2

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'th. on lot 8, 4th cou' irtu fmpb.tatento, &Z, on lot 19, Oth con. PiiiOct. oih, ou lot 20,StMsdon, w fb Stock. Farm- Tmpîsuaonta, se Pz'oduco. properî>' of Clpi odegueqn- 'T h o s. Ify si-a, a c t n é Whltby, Tbai*iay, October 1, 186K, Souilh Ontario Agrlcalturals soocty.- Ameuali Exhibition$ Tbise.it euî annueLexsibitlcu of tise A#*ifitwal.-Society of Soutb Ontario!vwu oommenced *yoiearday (Wedýueda» s ad, M v. write, la «M iigolug on. Thé ex. bibition compares, au fia as la bus fane, very favrotibly w iîb tiso.of otier 1ye 1a but, of zcourm, a correct Ides as te tise quaiaulyaud.quality, ai thiaga couexhibi- tion manuooetasyet, be formed, sud vo will, tboevoore, leave thse atter over tilt usaiveekvWhou il w1ll b. duiay sud- tuIiy Oitronicld. Thse nombes' of op to, nno da ugisi, wua1830, 'wbicb Iraiinoresaed MeIsmorulng by iusuy addiiional eotties.' 'Inbansttbiere vere- 207 e4trieo, of ahicis 103 vore *ntered ne iaddl«e'?î Carnage;f 08 segoerai parpouo, sud s0a s laugbî. lu at0e,9thon. vers 171 intriéof s foaiiawaSDurisam,5M; Gradé 58 ; Devouï 25; Àlrabire, 13 f Fat, 11 f Warkiug, 4; Galloavy, 2. Tisere verot 162 -ioUiesformbep-Lieloee. fer., 641 Soutbdovn, 38; ,Cot*td, 3 ; Pat, 14 ;Mernue, Il ; Cisoviot, 2. And Waine vers entered 10 lise oumber of 22, Mu folbevîs sa~ii, 15 ; large, e; fat, 2. Thoerwu i aiea90 otries for grain d oeeoda racla, 92;, dair7 produce, 80; poni;ry À7; faim lmplements, 37; dames. tic manufactures, 117; fine artia, 58; l-adies' depusrtmn, 142; 4onticulture, 485,; u ! c la e u ,93; a ud extras, 71- m ali. Ilig aliogeiber 1830 cuiries, Ou thse ]PI5S? DAY tIbe difforent artiles vers clsislled sud Mraugod lu thissu.places. In tis eoveuing the 17 large -drilli.sied vas Weili 4lled ahis tawnspeople, visa tool tise apprarîuiîy cf soelng thse fair, before :4b great. crovd, (visteis lalways sure ta b. proseut on the s.eoud dal) arrired. ,Tise sbed proseuîod a fliyappear'auce, and vws tbrouged tiltI late ai; nigisî. Thse Witibl Brasi Band va pneseut ; sud played-same very-prou7y tunes during,,Ibm eveulug. Tise folloving la tise PRIZE LI8T, ase<aias ure Iudges batd decided, op to tise boni of going te, press ;1 - 12 table mpple#, sommer, lit, R Fuller; Sud, . .S. IL. Willccx. 12 table applî,- (aIl, lot, Wmn. Oke; Sud$ Jas.,I. Davldeau. S12 oeoklug appet .,(al, u184 W m. 0k m; 12 table appits, wlnoten, ;o4 John Ni dlii$ 2nd, Tisa.. Allo. 12 caoklog appln, viuter, lato Ja14. 1. Davidmon; 2md, Ueo. McC*iiiery. 12 lanleties, 6 of esceisotie. sommer. ville; 2nd,Zosepb Joues. - But d4iaplayof applesj, loto S. A. Wil. son; 2na, Ueo. Llddle. --1 12 table çeard, sumawi, loto John g8o.1gb; Sud, bast.<Guy. 12 table peura,v inler, ot,4. IL,Tiso wus; Sud, se. MÏGlllvery. D. Moonati " Ervu.2d 12 peooies, loto Yeoman Gibsol; S10, 1to W. Plersa' bt ; fSad; T . Ki- . gd aif c lfJ# atierqlota ndm.&2o4 loin S peclm ofe a e tes îib ork, lot, lit aIl Tise Provincial Zzbibiin, b.ld a Hamilton ibis Jean,, fa dmiîtted e aIl aides te bave bienoeeof tise beot tisat bu 4 je talion place lu Western Canada. XI ,Vas foncaily opeiied on Tussday of lat 1,veelu snd brouglisi îoý&close on Frids. .veutug. Thse vealiseri con iu aitn d anu i, brougbouî op tethé eliaoe f tise lasi Iday, Wb"b, as bas alusoat invanlably provod this ee se aip asie xiibitioniq lb. nalu came i dovu for a viîle, but ba! very Uitile effectInlu dapcini eloiber lise ardeur or >spirit of exisibitors or violtaro. Tis ecoin.- îy cof Ontario, as "Dai, and csp#eclailliste >gaad.old towumbipa cof Wiily sud Pickser- >lig vere veli reproaented sund earnied off a fair a$bar# of tise pnizea, aud racaired ibeir due mesd cf prala. (roi tise report. ers of tise daily promu. Speakiug of lb. show ofliarmea thé, Globe soya - > - IlMr. J. I. Davidmen, Pickernag, bisaa Iery fiue impcrted brocd mare visicis bas von mauy prias. lu format yenaran sd is* certaibil vili stand wadi ferward ou tise Ilo t-orpnz.takera aal. SHo&acaoex. biblibn auexcelleut two » yesr old, iy out afttise sow.mare. Apioug'îie principal exisibitors lu tiais clousa are Mr.. MeParlane, Pickering. vish aow@a ono ygar' aId colt, aud 41r..Docbanîy, Secpbeor, Wvisaismaa gogd ihnço year alidbred by lise laie Mr. Torrnace, Searboro.t Mr.. Davidmon obtained tiése ecoud prize of *14 for beoi brood mare, sud tbe fBrai prise for bout lac year al id Blin l agrieul. totalansd heavy draugisi kisrem. Cisarles Pilkey, Ciýrçemouî, oitsîaied Birai prize (or beaiye,jé4 u Biy, and Sil» Incis, Wbilby, 3sd rize fet bsary draugliit tbteu-yean old 6117.' ' 1 -Tise exhibition iu cattle fonmed a vsry markod disptay ibis yeair, Mr. John, Miller oxblbiteddBiteen bcad ef aploudid animale, alaQ 13 importai! Oosvajd ram tamisansd ire yearliug caca. H. Obt4lned tise fol. laviug prises 1 Beai grade eov, lot priae, $24. Deoi 8 Ysar old eov, lai prix., $20. Deoi 2 yoar oid boiter, 2nd priz., $12. Bomi Lyear aid ballot,,ilaiprise, $12. But belfer-caif, uodor 1 Ir., lai prise, Inu-Durbame ise abîalued for- Boui 4 Iea. oid Durbamn bull, 2nd priz., $24. Bomi 1year aid bull, Srd prize, $7. - Dest bull of auy, ago, Srd prise, $12. Bomi 3.year aid caw, $20. Deoi Zyoar old boîtr, $16., Mn. Miller vas alsa aaarded lis. Aima. ciation prize of $40, for tise boat bord cf tisarougis bred caîtie ou tise grauud. Iu tise lias of-Cotswold sheep, b. oh- îained thse Brai sudseconzd pnîzea cf $16, and $10, for :the, beal aoarliug rama. Speaking af isiadIock, tise Globe pays Mr. Miller tise folioviug tribiteos ifMr. Joisn Millen -basï( ce lot cf li. ported Cottvolda. ludeed, tbia la ou. of lise moi valuab4Im aportations cf sboep, ever madle loto Canada. They causiat cf 14 aiscariing rami sud-20 ewes. Ail tise rama are on tise grounld, but only 5 cf lise @eie are sisewu. Tisoso choice. sorep are from tise docks cf Messrs. Gîrue, Louse,- Heven, Toms aud Gillei, *iaituoted GOtn. o3esîerabine breedora' of Cotavolde. Oue of tbeme rame hae beeai sald 10 Mnr. J. J. Deâdge, cf Amitibula, Ohio,, for $220." Mr. ThsomasiAtliiu,'*bitbsy,. obiained Srd prize fer a îac-year aid Devou biull. Mr. H. Hl. Spencer, J3rcoklint Brai prix. of $20,1 for oue, year, pld bulit; firmi prln $16, for tacycar. aid. hefer. so&d Braiprias cf $12,' for onelyoar eid jieîfar, lu the damie chas. Iu Shropshirc aud Hamâpshire Dcaums, marai, munadas prise mu aiplàiaulAt aithe prement one,, and au extra prise for.àa mmmli square. Tise 'Ellptic pianolaq a new lu-- veutilan, an~d tise patent of lMv. Ritier iîn elt. nI ta eue tiheee pian as, b y tîhoir isa p -e td Arrangements cf 8utrnlgs, power an sUd.flluesa of toue la. cbtaluod eïlual to s Concert Grand, visicli tiseyare tnap!diy 0talîîng thé-place of, Thèse piano§ Are ual t golisai. ta got ont cf tune, on aecécrnaief thb. preasure cf the o trings being more eqtially,,dietoibailed, wilhcueblai thetu te b. kepi rap laécconr i ptola. vtbani (ai!- lng aifnîquéni tuniug. Thé>' rangeiln prIée trcm $350 la $650." Upu-ardu cf 40,000 .tickets.wcre sodI At tise galest. At theeianuil meetIng bell on Tisuaw- day cve uing h vasallceldeorlu pon , 10 h ait! the:uoxt anuaaal exhhiiionat Loudou. S Tisa rcpréeeutatIves proenot from tisé 1Agricîaluural Socilety, of Sontis Octnric verc leasrta. John Shiter sud John Dry- don. Mr. Shior aso cropneaentéd thec %Vhltby IMechanica' Tustitute ai thé meet- ing of thee Mochanicas'l natiîaato Associa- tion, sud vas eluetol Vice Ptesident. Liouai News. Pitessu'à S BA eturuet!bome frcna Hamiliton, aisere iisey vere play ing fon tise <T avuaeud fam uiy, dnniug tise faitr voe , on Mauday ulgisi last. Tisey were weIl re- cetied 1 sud gai a groat desl cf pa-niso from tise Hamiton pipera, ior ibeir excel- lent piaylug. Tos HoTrai., lu tavu, fer moime lime pst, bave been crcv.ded uigisty wvus (ar- mera, visa, doubtiosi, vere alîracîed ta Whitby by tise very laigis pnices viiai are giron for grain. Tuesoxzftr lu ail cf tise fanrds cf St.1 Johsn'& Cisunt-, Pua-t Wbiîby, corqe off te nigbî aitishe Iecasuie' batil. Tise names ou thse progrismme are sua-e toeta. tract a large audience. T. H. MOMILLAY à Co,,, aunaunce tise recelpi ef a nov stad largoestocks cf gaudi. Ses liseir advortisemout. FOUa R var wa s" éurred ila W iitb y youterdosy (Wednesda'y.) One min vas Itigistir lnjured, sud a buggy vas pnttîya adlI "dsmcralizod"' (ram tis eflcfsof tise disasîronueveut. Tues aCmuoacLe i la anly $1,50 a year, la adianes, Ils lange circulation niaies il an excellent mediuma for sdvoerîisere. Tzs RAriuican Heorîr,9 Wbitby station, fi noa ccmploelely rournieised.he boumé il undor tise management of Mi..liliam O'NeiI, Whooila go Weil kuavu tte setravel- ing publia as te neol no Word ofcf anmeu- dation from, us.*4 [Seo carl in etiser col- umus.] A. OcaatCSPXDEKTîtenquireî if' auy stops are being talion by onr alîcan laissa-s" ta- veule- purélbasing a fine engluâie. W . are lorry lu gay tisai, as yct, nothiug bas hein doue in tise matter; EAsitavraw&kCc'a. adieritiemout appeara lu otisor colmmua, t0aishicis vodirect tise attention cf oui. ncadcrm. Fiseir stock il uew sud vol slociel, aud inteuding pur- chasers wvonldde veillto-osll. AoltorrLTuaÂa FAxIra.'-The MNths On- tario Eaxhibitiou viii beho bldat Prince Albert, on Tueaaiay sud Wedueîday nazi. Tise Wi'by sud East Wiby- union showa vilI coine off St Oshsawa, ou tise Stisut. Tise Markitsim Pair viii b. boll at Mark- beni village nezý Wedaoaalay ud;Thuréulny, sud tisc Pickering township Fais' il ta came c9 ai Bruugissm, ou tise-141h mi. A Sucovao MA-non for tise stai cf $200 no.we; vilI cmeoff ou tise l3tb luit., ai Wiiby, beiveen' Meuirs. John Tweedie, of thsi. îaan1 and C0. Biri, tise champion of Canada;., WUALts.-Laîe repenoti rem Ottava amy tisat Wbolau, tise, murdea-ér cf MaGe., ila <oeiiug -bis position md becoming Ica upitited; lbut trîiëî oi a sme spnigisîiy aira In pramené. f et iia obas Doct, as jet arailti blim meit f,, f tise service c, f tise eiergy. A stros' mi litai-y guerd ils tili isept on tise jaîl. Tise otisen pniîauers lm. pliesatedaire jet detained.- T Err r > Aua vs..- Barloy, ta-,day, la quoted at41,15 <te1,18, Ytgorday,' blrn te pleai lan, .emaacbase Wiselgwa'bud Adamsey viic is ig posItion as a minlale ot tise cravu would uaate torbid-tbleu hlm besi course woild seern te bdt.tabouba. dop the Position be boldoaMas a erVaut '-tf tie c e A nsd thse poapie, or aad tsome biscarabie moins 1aofe 1caupiug ,<rom ,tse very qn.sîiouable posîiins ho bas lially accu. pied.' We have uat befors ceaumeuîod upon tise aunmaly a-f a mluisîmr cf lise cravu defur.diug lise murdoror et MNcefo, thbugis cîb er jouruala ha e ro îc e î. sisarpiy; but vsuéculd 'uai retrain front f xpreaasiue ont vlec i vus-regard ta bis .aillng s iraseilf te ho rctained as a erimi ual, iawyer ln dofending tbe varmr, the. loeact, and Mcmisttrécions clama cf enliai umîs tisa:t th. alunie aioftOnr conim uuity eau t up-lise blaoc'k buiiy cf Mrs. linun,,sud tise Ottawa ssgt. -TboBrlt1sJ& Whig, a conservai vo jOur, ual, publiîbed lu Kingstcn, sayet i-aA question vilI anise, afier thse trialetf Wbelai l'O ouded, ne malter boy tise ver. dict, boa (ai longer sbeuld tise Hoa. M. C. Camoonculd tise b1gliy resopumsibis ;GfEccescf swora ilvisor ta tise Liput.-Gov- ornasr cf Ontaric snd Provincial tSecretary, Wiseu s mas becomuss goreg&rdleus ef tise positions ho fillesuad laItes a bnief for tise defence cf abat must ho cailed s State pri mener,'huit! for murd«r and Fcnîanim (ibougis îrisd cuiy, for tise former affence), hoq muâi have madeonp bis mlud'te resigu b1fis appciuîauenia under tise Croan. Tisai ho bus net iineadydoue go uurpnigéu eau, as aise bai lb. appareul isitaîlcu cf tise flou. J. &. McDonald, Attorney Geroral, la noet ireism demaualiug II. But probhuhly M. McDonald lu vai*tiug thisauuilCf tise triai, sud tissutise question viii be asuaer. The Barrie Gazette asys: tiWitb ibis qustion as __ceufees ourxeives ilsturnped.:, Ams aminister of tise crean, tise Hou. M. C, Cumpron aboulai net, lu aur opliin, baresisad auyîbiug Ia do vush W belau'u brutf. Bie naom@ vas aitten ou a public placard, on visitis Vausoffoeaiec1a large reward for tise approeiscilca cf tise muirdc'.rcr af bMi. fM e u. A minu ais j round, visu lu in i[morel probahuliîy, vas lise guiity party, aud, 70 Ibim tante minisîor of tise gonorumeut vis0 bad made iinaef1 active lunlise prinoucr'a ara-oit, becaime velunant ity bis cisampion. Tise fuaaîa r' pear vsry Inconsioteut, sud prejtadiciai wc Msr. Cameren au a publie mnu" The Globe remaria a "'Mn. M. C.'Cumern isl faliing loto end diereputo. Alto. bo.WbaicBisebaibis part of tise venIr cf detenuliug Wisîln, lb. br- ried up froum Ottàasva y a apecisi train, as ppopieibeougist, ta reimuasbilmlabors ai Provincisal.9ecrctary in Tnoa'u'. Ne't sa, hoaever; ise mille Oniy a bncf i aty hae and pumisel ou te Londou ta defpnd à keepen cf a boume cf ill.famaa, chargea i vbb theoaffeuco cf wantuuly sisootiu a man 1 Whso can ay tisai !Mr. Cameron bhstibia- doued bis opposition te Coufedtnaticu aben ho ttiua bringa mia oceutempi ihe Govern- ment orf visiai ho lu a aaeAebr, and tise systm omaiicis holaia wru te carry oui?7 day nlgitsta about hall-pnt ulue o'ciock,- bi.. Thsomas Cisatîerson, an oid larmia- a- miîing about a mileessi cf Whitby station, aie a-un oîer isy a freiglat train goiug vomit anul iusîaaity kiliel. Il uppears hoami isélpiug a neigisbon at s threesiug machine nfar Wiiîy station, sudcundenteeli te valIt boremeoun tIb e ailvîy tra-an. W ién lie got about a quarter of a mile' fiat of tise italion tise aboie train passe1 oiOi. bina, loaîiug, bis mutiltél dromains ou tise înack. Tise train t-an omerth ie lover part et bis body, aompletely screriug boih legs sud cihérause maugliig tise body lu a ten ribla matnuer. Him aile anulsou venitôt mncoî hlm sud îhey vere tho Bre afin i) hlm, about fine miutînes alten tisé acc'ident,. ocûcurre. An inqueesi ame bull on Satun day, haitore Dr, Carson, Couuly Cnonoer. A lter ise aning tiseex sm iualian cf eeve.al vilucasea au sdjcunnment teck place,,unttil 8 'el'oclinlutlie eveuiug, for tise attosalance of th e engine driver, abén the jury retuneti a vv.rdiét' ezaiaeriting thoe employeeaélithe' r aul fre M *1il slam.. cisatteron 'puvas resideni at'tise Lake Shsore, tcaunsiip cof Wbitby, fcr'neirly forty years. 'Draper, iOea-ie, sud Me Mil lan, i- v téhie ouly nisieri present an Manday eveuiug lasq.- -Tboy- adjiauruod farncrue' eýli,,far vaut of à quorum, Wrnr:r t M l'euT Putî rAiLTAT.- 1 em notihha like a bualZ#Qu lu hie-baud. 1 r M ocaîfl uatasa diâtely loàc ird tis e o n'. aqlbarrot! th, -windows te prevaut iii 'giiniq Amifglo l y ,çome tuésusho eflcctoe an outranace, eund proceead (a tise, roakuilu Whichs Mr', Ieticuf lflaudis vife or. Oh appraachiug M r.. Moteiltf ho sa id , " W bîî I une y o tî l'e n . ill r ' "Xou, eralied lt. Iloteaili, lIteroup6u 1Dawaon raient! the wesaïu whichb la. ar-W 1 re!sd a-tru.'léhiru a violeut 1>1ev au 1h. béa.], fcAlirat 11t00r, Man. ia thon lefi ltee URac sud Ntroi lMetcaîf, inltitg ber lukbaut! insensibleo, a-t for mnicaldni %,ei*tancé sud calleil for the police., Pe- lica. Contaubie l'ont!, 129 P, i m d-t l got tapoi,'an an outfilflecari.aunt!drove tn, vatrale Dubinu. Aller a short lime hie carne up with Dawtion, and, willa gtent pregoeuo f inital, ho vuittat unîlit he vas close abreaaaî of hlm théfere b4 ruade any ",tra"Pite u rrefit hie. Wbeu lis came- close uîaou Dawsou ho le.iled ôff thé'car, eizet! hint with oeuebndnt, wroaitcdthel latagé n ro m i taiim w rthe- cuberi and, to.jk hun prisoner. The 1lutigeon tairnot! ont to e botla lanceatiori lutI of a flshluig rod, ai very cousiderahis weighi, and about tWo let ion iuch'es in lengib. Ford brolaght his; prienonrtluBri'iewell-laaue polit-e ataatiaauiud ai he courase o-f au heur ,Mr. %Metcait cnause mie ttovu for the pur-- pose of Ipri,ýfcaring s chaurge againt ina. Al theé stationhle fainatcd, and bute t. h conveyed tu Richamond fliespitnIl, abore tam died-du-lug tlae nigitr. tDr, Wiite,oera of tlan Cuty coronrts., tlIa itsai h quesi an the body ou Moid'uy attorua'en, when a verdliof a-'w ilful mundri" nuwxe rtuîrnea agaiust Daveon. who vas coumequc.uaîiy conîuaitted for, trial. A Jaadgc ut Mhebac, in 1lunuarry, wa. netaarninag ta the V.i 111, fils lais arcrs, whcn fhe uolictd a liglat in a gravre whichý they pagieal. île uhiglaIe'I rtrambis car- rige. nad, uccompoinied hy the jîrras, oea- it-reti thé grave. On Apprnaching the spot sa-lere the ligi-t vas, l'e oaa &aisn beaon cf hggar.4 eatted nat a firu. ýoieoar baid tbay caatugtlu i-lat of lainatian tlaey laastily juaupe.lon ia wnggou baahltirag close Iay, wAiraI ar<ve oft. Wlaeaî the Jiatige und lais co t p n a a raa arivet! cloe tea lt e Lfire, s borritai, aapm-cric-le raie their c>ye,. A twela'o yenr oit! boy w ac iyirag 'ibh re, gaaggccl undttid-t! te a board. En the fine taaSy a roat bot il ou. witis sa'ic'aa, tho boy 8:it!, thec boggt.rs in-tenalc-d to laun ut laie cyt-at. Tlacy ia34 coliziud lain auway freont S. al ia ~ i ac a' aa a g ua n d i luat n d a-al tu d e- li--e lb ii 01lbis cytnigIat, bea-oniso Chari- table penso(ns woulil give macre tn a littie bîliat! boy titan to the ooi !vngabe#ads tbrus, OYIrEao.-We taIre tise tclloviug (rom su e bo ngaea, abicis le wvolt anthy cf a. trial .-eWe snpî,asme that uue out cf feu bousapkeepore s tIl co ulradict i nu praif bleisl, lun a tatemnut tisai nne oui ai ton of %hem do ual kuca boy la atear a dioisa cly.1ers. BI tise erdiuary routine tIbat uesrly evei.y eue t oiiav , mitison tise y siera onae sieved aud ehrivelied ont af aileami. biauce of themseivee in sape, aize sud flor, or élue tse onp and thickeuing bas a rom, l&ste tint apoils il. flore la the i.igist mobod. Try il oena,/od ve'l warrant yen Miii Dot uceal teiV g tisa lie. coud lime. Pick tise o>'aters of tise juice as dry au possible ; tea the juice, thiclu- eniug, milli or valet, cf alaicistise toup ie ta be mode, itiuil risorongisiy coofrel; tbeon-1 dIrop tise oyaioni lu, andi jus u tahie coohel iSoup bagins teumsow migra i ofaiunening,a omply ail out togotisen, and Yen ah baâve nicb moup aud plnmp cyctois, iupeions- onnogi to msiaýyen tisink yen nover tustel re osayaîeru beora.' - Thé prive of provisior.14il 1868 is ai- moat double of thaI aof 181)l, yet tiere e-a tntaîierartioua cf the iatl.orniuclass'es a-emuin as it waaa lu 18611. Itlasth2reforo difficult for a laborer te maintrain halnserlindu l.amiiy, whaen frotu tho suanoe vages lie miust pay duable for clothting- for grocer- ie-,fùr pnovi-îaia- flai. evertliug exc ci-a the ga'rtt Siremibences Rciemey>, for diseuses oi theo throat, iivca-, lungm, &c., vhaicli thé liataarity (>1fLtéeprnprietors stit keapPSeat tl,00 per bottle. Foar. nie by ail drug- 1 gultat. A ~ a r n a - I . , - T r e 1 1 e .. F . L o v e , v i s e cre etad a-ore exc..ter;aarat lin fgsr'o nîale cira-les a 1ew yoaarinugaa, by 0doping wIith .Lady Adeliîel- Voie Tmrepst1 hRE4juatý been pîcaientrd lhy Mi.. Disi-aeli vitia anc auuauîng fune ard a 1% e wsuer n ou crueeuré, thougli -Il lu well knosv tisai slécop vitis Inibu atarc sotuotinies very matvage, unI avil fiatnike a vcy hean> bl w vilatis e * neatputcla tram St. -losepla's, Miclaigarn, et the 1-rha, reports thé éfrrivalth iereofi Cîptain Brown, -cf tbe 'tlfippaociupus,ý" atdari rarîteeu sianviven, eiroth ie sarock.ý ibheyreport tisai a aqunîll oltnuclethe, vts-- sei abut tbnoo Wo'ack on Tuestl ay morn- ing, urial-the vent'dear. ainiat, instaaîtly. -wb t rv v r oe i i sh . avaertltinty-ive hauti, n, d pieket! up by a nailing a'eigel andr cana-jtd te Saatgatuek, a few tuiles froua St. .Jesepb'ei. 'Ilere wéene bout'60 se>uls on boarad, 40 of wvisusn oe lina. A c ÀR I)a Ss-aaàaur,ît B eU ,n ,rAT S sRA.- Thela stdte n e Lnuliistna fromtLivr-apooi ar- ravoal et -'w Ynrk en thae 151,-haut. She a-el-rts th 41 ou *Scptewltr. 71h, laîtiturde 4-8:40 Ionglud 26.M0, sthé siglatad the bark Mnuoquaii#aîa.oaiEa-me MEwairds Island!, withî na aiguitalofidistreais anst! uppiiot ler i. vll provisions, aMiehaa-iug cn hoard Lthéwmite und FIxteén of tialapauscgxneru Mat!créai ci tiaé Crnarl snteanuxisip lolita, which loft *Boston on ithe 1uuituit., for Liverpool, sud wiae iutia by fine. Tise day liéfore tise lNIneqtiisla na-ponts tisaitaie fui!lu lnida aleto' Jaaco ireb A. statialea-, froua lîravru for Mcaa Yor-k, iaaviug on h' nd rirety para- a-érigea-a tnt! ca-ew _of tise Mo ula. 'T he S e u a r s auppiioera ai pa-caision u and iw ata'r being insuffileieit, thre toucqailish touir on bordna théetiîate and! aixîcên eth ne.  You-No Lsny Ouan,rnaa..- .% Foi-trois M'otarné t.iitçpatchî s satuait ou tise lotit a iieilishui outrage avas porpeinatel on tiré pea-s lot rf a y ctn g g ui , ncaa iaii g ut ierat mulr taill-s frouin llrtpton, Vit., on tis" Yoa-ktowaa rond, ay tavo negrnos, mia -t!d flerny Ilar-rixou n!and V. Jones. Plai. young Iran' taconge tea abiglai>'respectable ffirlali. 'I bo pea-pota-aters avere ara-oate,l ara'lýr aenov isela lu anrilitrty prition. 4a'.'aithing tIacmi.trial bth> ie civil autheni. 'Plume cuiràgc-eare bea uing ia-ightfuiily commuain ali oic-n thue Souath, anaa espoeiaally ln lthe ie1gihborbood ofcf Irego troolas. 'T'he auw mnust take its course lunraàc!airag und punishing saacb triglitial attaocituos, bu:t the tuai lsual otqual th b.effnce. ý A correspondent ai the Albany ,Tounal aa-it,'u ai a man at Pctney, Vermout; Wh,) killa'd a (<mule natiomnsle brat«'Cu aine enaisix fceî long, hl iaetvo or tout. teen foot i lu ciruufercnce. Ou openurg tise alle, ta tise ultgr astnOUismeuint cf -ail tise icokera eu-large cacadi by ibis rime isaarng gauherel taee utise monitor-be took ftom tise onske laor.ty fout omaîl onukéestram fiv. lesix cbeu long, tv unty- four more thnt vote betwoeunýrtneà 0nd four incises long, sud twnény foui. more tbît bldjusltishe foret afouatrou; andthen beo tank eut ivonty anceilitters cf oggm, eaehi cautainitig taenty one eggs tolss Itiller, iathuo akiug iu iii tvenîy four lt;i ters etfvisai vould soon have beaua Ov huanda-el andi aevonty éla rouI"jumping aiivê'e raîîlesnnkea. Ho (Parker) tiscu upreufi hem upon tise ga-ounu, sud a hugeo Shianghai reculer hélorgiug ,té a Mr.. A. Potier, rncoiiung in, ihe.immediate .viciaîiuy, eteppel isoidly np ruai gabised np the pile tt ene moul. Wmt iNaa cursc.- Tis éAuenir National dociana's ihat ra-uioncf ver came freinail parte et Europe.- lun Pruacis thé lorrtreamei ir.e iuepéaeat, MaAtaln represeufativea have f*seen" Louis Nipaleun aiu Biarritz, and La Libente cries out,- "Hlowncg can tii tinate o et niucontiue ? Hiown ig ailI, France constnt ta nouatilu outise qui vive anth 900,000 meaon luanme,, antd £52,000a,. don' et moutay iuthé vanîlse ai thé Rué -de arhÂ,TamrA'rnloAv. -A N ow York piper Paj sohematnger ofthtie Theatr-e Rloyal, Mbeua-ou, lu lu a bal fia, Hg aI. 'vertiesefer 'iltty a-capoétabte youug ladies, roi. *b W hsite F w ,' b t thus fan hae racén nahe ta obtain ltioni. This sonud > aî'lct tise gnaisig 'Kauucl<' dam selsa; bu t if tiY. mnasuaer inilita an beÎiug50 ao ticu. aein luregard ttehie ycntisanalréapeciabil. ijý et hie tlle. ise desines, ire bas csiy ti, Cooe te Mev Yorke, abore ho, eau b fun- naisiel çvus Ivice ibat nuniber in as msny' secontds, sudctc 6 horafabei viiidouhtiep' te abila tgboast -elie'of a fait aaneof of a straulpex patient tise, blister- snd de-. compose >uit gest rapidî:y, but vill pr'o vont- tise ipretA o f tis.rdiqeamo. Thetir api plication bas 8leo pcaVed effect in nlJ-aseI T-vo lî ic pparerrtly lu on iit'eremting condiltion, neectilly attoisptedt! t crass tire t'a-tssu fao utici. ai B albtiricla, aad cri' té- -Iul quceticosd. expreâsed their wiub tisat tiroir rdspectivon eilîdren obould he boru on Prus;titianslI. The cieiaiii lbeuse afi-. catIl toak cmpassion oha 15cm, inutrdaeing tîreru la la is e, and aisunge te aaay they a r , b - re le uv unig, oafiely detive ntal o I laarty-tlve 6lbialiiers full cf spirit, i inùl1 abo ut to'n gialta a.t The.Landau Tarmaharas-Ir pelis IMinie, îlaîck's nanen avIak," and c1aaiLte be1 ber cousin T'owmmy. - Feémle. cri cketérs are tise latet le. vebopuient'cf vwoaan'î rigistuin Englaul.1 A Nas avlî v m ata - bing oti he nstif the otirar day - ithbero pipe in ber mounth. A berunIe "cloggific' ni Pittfibnng chal.4 lenges the vont! l'or $1.000. A Cinxcinnati talle)r suha imaéltbecfauae i et '*Jack oficonfid!ence in lais vif.!' Tare KanFas beys were sent te puncaisas. i a mater-met.n, and a c'a i y eea-obringi'ig it boiua, said ccc ta the, otSon,, "Don't let it taJi, BilI>', 'ces if iL bre ak s vo'lli h aro to m onit it night ht-re, amd ifiîa" tke ay bme'1 Dii >' gu are t! iL w o u id ra't inil ; b u t it d U . TooruéÂc *P-Th9 >Landon, Lancet-à tootiscise cure is - leIeuenla-actai ai coliodunuu ssitac drachms of Cuilvonî's1 ena-hello acde A 'geiaiinouai mms is pre.- ciçaitateld, a muail portion cf aLlish, luseit. et! in tise cavity of an uciiu toothis, m- a-iubty g*rci immediaite relief." The way to lncreaxe tltirt;t là- to 1 dril'ik The more yoif potir down the inore yoil Want ta. rhinking is liuc loyo-hofh lntoxionte-and lead,â greât inatis victims irito Colly and nansenme, Dost6ts le abandocing the check-roin. sensible. Yale relocied lot applicants fOr,àdmià-ý @ion this year, tome conditionally. Donner pays-M spiecee for Poemi-if accep*üd, ý Curard proposes ta gratity"Botton vlib au ocoftoiensi steamer. Iï-idiet parade Broudwity witb huge bows bearing on efflier end the monogrâna ci t1.3 wearer. Large associations of wline-growers fr èm, Boutbera France are coiniig !ô Amorits to Lc4ter Wàltàck 't new play, OThe Vie- tim", uow playing in Chicagot is said <to 'abound in absuidity. à Wonsan in New York tibines witb $300,000 worth of diamonds. She plëked thern ouý,'oi the dirt. Her îîtbur was à Street contractor. Ouppy says, the. idea ' of holding prayer_.P meetings in Kit.*Burna' pit Savart etrongly ýof ýj ' The Cbild of the Regimentle becanse a that, WOMSDIS oily constantcy isbuying new dresses. Two bandsome Neçr York girls dis. pointed in love, are w enter a cou- vent. Wedding cards are ta be very, large #bis 1-Sweet-ýSixteen'e is, the ýname of the latest parfume. An efectrii ehock-painful intelligence by telegraph, -The bad been longing for some fair maid ta open ber arme and em- IraceIlm Wi(h rff4etiont COM . mitted sui- cide fà coal ablabl. Colloginto courses are toc, often courres of diaitipatiot', Peo'ple fvbo are sweet on their patrons -confeciionerà. "Dried oyoters'e are aoldin Cali!Crnia_.ý Obio, bas 172.woollen mills. Stewart la et Saratoga, Ear-ringe droop longer1han ever. The wickedest-man'a bouse bu béeà'iè. painied. Pauline Cujibnian is-exhibiting herself at Etartford, They bave a femaie Grand -,Club ont West. , Mottai 11matob aï.," "wo-yenr old Il ogit tg à$ Thorongt Iluifer, Deurly gril $-Ydmr old Cow 1 pars) imporisid f; good; 18 WL-11-brt,.e 13 Ewu Lnrn4. Vie Subecliber iwlve-liesii ig mui iii quoili to Me J'n clinracter, v huit I&S'ImA >nie, v ýi the I)urllpnjA w st Commence nt 10 TERMS OF 8 ujven by (tirtiiol.1 cert.ýpt from (41y fit Tmmos wil vbJ"J5 $sud morftif partiesi to'cijafroui as. XVEICS, Audionter. ý VALUAB Far'm for Câ t. ThAw, ceintai yihiý ym-1 or beillg eotnp>ofj of t! or 1 (st 28, !là the Bruken Fr, the TOWNSMP of 1 Tile -17nrin JA b'enutifall,., fi il iroiitmcc t1jo widil, of thé lot -alici affords ove ry faci;itv fo bt,)re n-iil withiâ a (q of thé 8 tation and W hitoy 1 P. PEIIR boyond ùIl 1ubt, to bc hi wili become iiinst vOutible. will be Wnr pear tliljç inr, if by Arthur liol)itison, Esq., lx The rrcperty murt bc sol, OPIgr to iirry ont t1je tortns e kji Fer paitieLlikre apply to tbg WIJ Or to W. 11. 1,111. LI W l'ithv Sept, 1.0, 1 "81) .TILES- FOR ,Enet low.prlSs-. re,

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