Whitby Chronicle, 17 Sep 1868, p. 3

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portii We have 4w the pleasure to infotra ntui'mier- eus friende M, ' oetomeru, that our Stock le complete iunml thse Departm.ut& . Havlng been carefuly sleo$ed, and pur. chheed on the beet termes, w. bave fu confidence that we ma eonvince, the cloeelt byere that Domrni o 9 very large and,,complete in evePry .rtm ent. Ca Prices very mucb ro'duced. )TS &SHOE-S rFail and Winter wear, selling 1868. YUNDB FOR Fin vostme nt!1 THlEsTRUST ANDD LOAN COMPANI hauve fonlds for livestmenf., et thberuguai rgt@g ot it.orost, ou thésesctrlty of Izaproveti -Losti)»smodo for flted periods, Or rePsysable by osauas)lustaimnlts. yuttisern sd fulinlonanstion en be hsd by lattmr, sddnssAed to theii omnnissionens ant KIigston, or fron L.FIR A KJ, Rl s)aat & oneral Agent. Olzc-Drook Strict, Wliltby,. Sept 15, 1848. 8 ALL pernohas iîîdehted to tise Etate ef the- la.ie ilanigr Covasi, nasldinàr ln laslite- * flic., os, lots » &sud 88. Scond l<ango, Broken N, Yot, Pit-ksrlng, lutise Uunuty ol (Ontario, gr o- yrqanet mok limesliste pa.- Tecelpta. Aad svil pîrsoas.iq hviug clal nia agusiust theiisesd Rabsîe, are voquestcd bu fornioils psticulars of théso sefotliîb, tor adjaisl- vient. JOHN PARKCER, tExtcutors. wu. ti)WAN, i Duaibantos, Sept. 111h, 108. 4wks.87 AUCTiIONSUE OF LAND IN FICKERtING, flACRES, more or -leos, eomposd of N. 50 W. quarter of lot No. 24" luithe 5th e,seaslon oY Pickernug,' bolng exoollent lansd, of wlels about 85 aseotare 0ls&red. and an- eios.d. Fnaaned Hoassosud fratffedB&Da sd onebmord. onLs roie.Wilil b. ols>by Plo'AsiMition, en tise prenises, on Thuraday, Oct. lst, A. D., 1868, 1si pumnsa or.thftie tnnssof th ise J of tise laté W. Bl. BENTLItY, oft Wlby, decessed. sale to comumence et 12 olcsock, noon. g~Titie lsîdisputsble. IANRSAIlLDE, Ricectrit. TilO. B lc. iUBRD ]TRAY_--COLT, AU% lo1tisehépromises ot thé undmls=f ad( lt o.1, 7fIls eoslou of Whiltby o éon I:rd lbat.A-BAY TRAit. LU4G ë01%,surkod wliti, oneisite lir,. Tlise ewser le naquesteil tb take the sIlmal ava asd psy expense; oth«les ho viii bit sold accrdlsg tola*, ta d.<ray tise gommse. TIhOUAS CAMI'LIN, Columnbos P. 0. Columungba et. 15. 1858. 5n8 TiO.RUSSELL &SONS' CELEDRIATUD WATCIIES. T gl' Ubseshibîhegaitc, eu htse atention of titase about pursnilng tote ieollcving, f romn anesag,,uana Tcstlmoilsîi le bIsute- cetVes> tram partIes, vso lsave boots woosng Ibis waîsheo for go=*e tîmea Tise-Sabecileise hri> certigue.tsit fise 'Wsteiaesu Smpurelianed. trun James Jobîmatem, mussufsstred b>'Tisos. Ifusel d& Sun, One as stlepnedsthonotsghiy elable finis keepens. JAMES BLACIK, - Albon bsote, Wbttby. Tise Sobsenisen henoby certifies tisaI the IVateh its Se oneisd trosu JimoieJoisuton, infactred b h "Tio. Iusell&Bi on, la an rors tes, borbugnl>' niliabîs lime keepe. (,IoustyReglsbnr, Wbftby. à Afull spaortnmnt lu Gels> sud Slver esses. JAMES JOHNSTON, lVuteimnkero Brook treet. Wlby, Sept, 2,1848# 1 85 CARRIAGE FOR BALE. Appiy. te, - Wliitby, Sept. laid, 1868. BUGGY & SULKEY Mo H. COCHtUA »Et Dundas Street, Whitby. -TO RENT OR FARM ON SHARES. s ou'rTH-Isaîftof lot.-No. 2'), lu thse rd cou'- cession ot wbitlîy, 100 ACRES. Apply te JAS. LAJION, bkidcor, Wlibr4 WhlbiIis ept. 2, 1868. tf-35 COMMERCIAL HOTEL9 OSHAWA0l JAKEÇ eRINGLEp - Proprsetor. AUC'rION DBUSINqESS THOMAS MYEI±RS, L ICENSED AUCTIONEER for Lihe Connty cf ontitrio. desircu to liiforrn lait frinss atid thé public tisaIhoha I.resady a hretofore ta reciveo orders for mle cf stock, tann i lfaple milita, d&o., andi duit ail orders loft nt tisa (.itisotr. alolice wil1 bu dala sttn'ed ta. Days ot slo appoititojaud terue mac k nowil on aplication ntthbe Cauoxsc.s office, onat Black'A 'hal, hiwere bocks with otries. $rivjrilr santî; TIUbS. MY P.'Ig Whltby, Augut 'tli, leg. tf,84 Land for Sale. contslr.iu 25 nocres aIl lcarcd, part of the e- tta eof bise Iste Iienry Bell. Thesre n o builIisîgo on thse land. Fer particaltirs appi>' te tIhe Exacctors, - GEORGE UWKING îk>TTOI4, Blsailb1P. O1 TIIOMAS HODOSON, Wisltby, Anguait i Or t>-- W.a 1. IILN aoicitur, Whltbv. l tI . -08 tft, COW STIiAYED. a~~ ~~1 TRAYED tres Wtb , bot 1g ay miouiders (spco'îd.> A liberai riavard wili bo pals> suy one roturnussg bhrnt MMK. JHAM, Wunav.- Septcmbcr lot, IP68. tf-3S Hotel for Sale OR TO RENT. T BAT velIlnowsi and> long epsahlsises biote], "Tilit CItUW4îINN,", las the VILLAGE 0F COLUEBUSi In tise Townshlp cfrasat Whiltby, lu tise Con. t'of Ortaro. WiliI bo sld, reisted, or ex- elingod for good Yansulrg Lasnd. Furn teri.aad- fistiser patslans, -apply te thé. P'naaîsretor on tise prosmisces. W 4LTEIE IIILL, Coluimbus, Sept, 4, 188. t-S . VA.LUAB3.LE Farm for, Sale. I Warerooms, 18 TUIEPLACE TO BUY THE DE L nrro l,ÉbIlaU 0 At the 10~ osbl rcs For the MILLIP NERY D!eP4URTMEàNTwechavo secured some rare ~NoveItiîes 10 = IN THE MANTLE & DRESS MÂKING- g-E DEAflTlMi~CL g> a, s - 'o >1 o z W-a are prepared te execute ail orders, on the oz- Shortcst Po,%sibIe Notice. .i AND IN THE LATEST STYLES. crTailoring De partrnent, as unsual, under the Superintendence of Mr. MILL IJOWES & POWELL, Dominion Warerooms, Whitby. Wlîltby, Scpt.ý l5th, 1868. FRESH 37 3 - s o GIOCEIIES No. 1,011 the Corner, -Cheaper au.d Better than ever. Invites the attention of custoniers to bis pre- sent splended stock of choice and well selected GROCERIES, embracing everything in the Grocery line, that can be enquired for. Hlousekeepers-will find it te their advantage te cail and examine.- LIQUORSConiprising Brandies, Port, Sherry, IN LI UORS atmd other Wines, in woocl and bot- tic, are ail of the best brands. DOTTLED ALE & PORTER OF SUPERIOR QUALITY. l'avern Keepers and Country Merchants can suit themselves as wel, if not better than by going te, To- ronto, 'or eisewhere. Cash for ail kinds of farmers' produ.ce. iLemember the place. HE2 Enttéof thme latte CITRLES LEIYR, Whitby, Sept. 16, T belng tise sorh-iaalt i lut No. 86,1 O,4 CONCESSION 0F UZGIDGE, Sîtuaeci a&bout 5 mules from thesi Vllage ur hUxbidgi, lunami excelent tarmilug onry. A log lsousa', harn, guos> dnlvlng alasds, t*o., are ou thoe rasase». Abosît 7Uacres 'are tunder culivaion 'Pielaissi lmcf tise ver>' beit qoait>'. TitIs unexcejmtliable. Tiseunudinsignes> viii be ounte promises on Frriday, 25th September next, At 19 oolcck, nouai, wvnilntondlngP.Urces- en& are nequestes> te be présent ounvisich &dY lhe Estato viii bu dlsposed ut. -JOUN ANDEEBliON. WILLIAMI KTDD. ToTeachersé. Anual Exanaution of Teachers!1 lÂACHERS wltllo tise Cont-ofOntarlo T eans> oliesnconcernes>, ane leby o *l tiSat thse Annual Etmimnation -wlli b.eid vigita ieGrammeniaSesols ot WhlIby sud lot àud 2nd days ofOcotober, COMNCING AT O'CLOCK, A. M., Appiteant& ara rz:quested te farulsis atlàfko-. tory Teatimotitils o! good -moisi ebhanoter,. flo LieirnapesiveMilsmr40sd to Se for- IR* FRANCISt ;No. 1, on the corner. 1868. DI RECT IMPORT'ATIONS-I Il a 41 Je Cd.I~1P BELL, BEG TO ANNOUJNOE THE ÂRRLVAL 0F THEIR EX-Steamships .Peruvian, xeolorz'an, Ott.zwa,,ec., being, pur- chaudby one ofthe firm in the British^ Markets,- for Cash! Their customers and the publiceayrely on gettig the cheapest- sa ut aot ylisis GOOdslu 0,usdà..Tii> i e reolls w e.iyby Qunedia, Ste.-. enst tb. buis.anc f tlsolStock. .g,,' They direct special atte ntion. to their Stock of Velveteen sma leti Maunles, (LoisDoA"md.)- gDres Goodo, Cottons,. Carpeto, (iloths, and Gentlemuen's lrahuag lÈGooda. 'Cot"ito G în ug Wanptla white sMd 01Mola. - .,.~ ,t- N.B ,--W'nted-8-0,000 Bush. 50-0001- 'I 31000 1~10,0 00 51000 ira "il. laszj -Wbeate Rye. PeaS. O0ats. Retnetnbs>t the place, OLD No. I . ~ heditcount offered for Cash on Dry Goode. "YIEOMAN GIBSON. Y. G.. would respectfully intoim parties having accounts falling due lat of October, that, unIess paid when due, 10 per cent will ha charged from that date.-- Whitby Sept. 99 1868. Y. tBSON. JN0. -TIL & Co., Wonld respecftnlly cali attention to t heir large Stock 0fFnni- An examination of their FIRST-CLASS STOCI,Zwill warrant them in saying that there is none superior in the Dominion. 07e Llplolstering of ail kinds, apd the work guaranteed to bc execnted in a superior nianner. oar' Iarticular attention is requested to their NEW SPRING MATTILASSES. SFunerals Fully Supplied. C~ash for any quantity of U4E ATIJERS., JNO. TIL-L & CJo# Whitby, Sept. 9, 1898. Just- receivel ü-ai-dweli'a Brick Block.1 d Lsempauy, su tne coustructing an equlpping such Esilwa>' 1s t b sais> Actet Parlilanenttb ire es- puveres> to do, by granti g sud cn. tnibuuing a bonus fo et*h Esilva>' Company, Lo be uaed sa employed b7 thessid Railway CoFiIny, in anad &bout Lise construction aud eqnip- meut of aticis Rslway, tbe Debentamnîs et tise Corporation efthtie naid Town- sbip of Wbitby for Lbe tothl auna of Fitteen ThosisandDollis ate ocissues> an hereinatter provides>, in a uma no less tissu one hundres> dollarsý, non' more tissu fie isundres>, escis,. tise in. tenant aItishe raàte of aix ppin cent per annumn, payable issîf-yeanly. And Wisîness, tise-total amount requins> tu b. raises> snnually, by a -apecial i'atei fbt' te-payment of sucis Deben- Lunes, sud tise intenest therconq-there- b>' Lo b. create> sud incares latise suni uf one Lisousaus ixhbundre> sud MlfY dollars. Abd , Wiereas, Lisisamount uf tise -wbole rateabie propenty cf tise ssid (lorpo. ration cf tiese aid Towrnaisip ot Wi 't- b>', acconding to tbe isat nevised as- sesssment relis tiseneof, la aime bun. dred sud forty.nine isotsaand niais btindred %md ten dollars, irrespective oif uture incresse Ans> Wiseean, tisene la nu debt cf Lthe sais> Corporation of th. sais> Township ot Wbitby, eitIser for principal or inter- Ans> Wheneas, tise annual epecial rate i Lise dollar, for paying tisa interest sud instaimnrts osf principal taling due, escis year, or for creating an equsi yeainîy aiuking tubs>, for tise psyment of tise principal ufthtie said debt, Iscre- by intendcd te be incurres>, according ftetise Actnespeting thse Municipal Institutions oi Upper Canada, la one lot. Be it thicf6on'-e enctad, and "il la bcneby enactes> b>'thse Municipal Coustili uftise Corporation ut tise Townasip uf Wiiby, that tise DebYen- Lunes oethtie Corporation of Lthe sais> Townasip of Wisithy,,o ties.inount ofthLie suoutf iteen f ioussis>dollars, lin sus otnet lés, tissu-one bundred dollars, non mord Lissaifie hunares> -dollars, escis, behring intcrest at tise rate cf sixpern cent payable at tise Ontario Bsnic, in tise cit.ietfTeroiste, sasl fortiswitb, altter thse psnning ut *this by-law, b. nidansd executed b> tise Rece c f tis mid Corporation, sud by hiuiduly signes> and sealed iriti tise corponate seal cf Lise said Corporation, or b>' suci obiser person, being a nimber csf tise Consicil of tise sais> Corporation, as a n>b>'any by- law ufthtie said Corporation, isereafter. macle sud passes> for tisat purpose, b. sppointed to execute snd sagu tise saine, sais> Debentanes to be so malle sud erecutes>, tisaItise sun of.sevcai isundnes> ans>tifty 'dollars ut tise sais> sun ut fitteen tisousanal dollars, for wilh Debeutunes are toli eisuùes>, as atoressis>,toetisenwith thLi ntcrest ou tise isole snoûnt of Debentaires so issues>, ans> no nons, s&hall becone *pasyableisn uoeeyean tisereutter,ý sud tise isole of sncb aoinaut fifleen Lisonsaus> dollars, for iîcis Deben- Lures sial) becIssues>, sisali becnias> payable lu ,tvîity equai anua)lu- staîmnts, cf seven isauned ans> tHty dollars eascisWthIs ltent, at tiserate utfsx per' cent per annuni, payable hait ycsnly on-tise iSole suais nemamn. ing unpais>, ou tise tirat day of Jannary, lIns>tise finaL day of Jsl y, lunoeS -sud sien>'y yîansd nu part of tisé aIs>d principal or intereat sisal) b.nias>. payable at s ime more thian tivent>' years ftusu tise lime tlis eb>lai saboli take effects C oa u t ntario, in tneuCurt Nocn", iun te Town of WVbtby, on Tuomday, Oetebei! 27th,-18691 At the hour of 11 o'elook noon, of wbieh alt Coroners, Justice% of Lth eoe.sud aU otheri couceSrned iiltake notice sud govera them' selves secordingly. 7 NELSON G. IEYNOLDU, Per iB. H. Tonalinsoifu Grand Trumk Railway HoteL AT WEITBY STATION. W -MOINAIL hsviDg pxrcased tbe bot.J sVud-promiass uowu as the Grand Trnuk Hotel,, Wbhitby station, begm te Inforna bis friendasud the traveling puhliathst bd husa 4Ited ýup thse honme sud stables ln f ret,: claos style, snd by attetition Lu the. *auto 6f thos. vhe lavor lain vitt their patronagd trust bmenit a 4otinsssanLsof> thefr bustori. W Parties tàking tise train sud lssvind horses wiii have tiios well taken csre of il tiseir ratirai. Whitby, Sept., 1848. * À XMLON AND -A.QUARTER MONEYý TO LOANC;. rrlE Subsoniber hm ureceives> lnstniifliong of mcne gtvsýdi'ms euiet u vest tise sanie for fia, in tilandsu nbl turcs. stil n tôrepexet treeof4a Manfay nttittsns n heDominion, tt edmoue>' on tise mont adivantageouu ternis.- WAiSe a large number cf iraI! cultivates> -Firnssud su>' quantit>' of WlId Ishda, of sale cheap. >For further particulans, sipply to lFA-LiES OLIIEN, O"ISe Assignée, Money Broker, commis' OFFICE-Seond Floor, MOMiI4 lsuBoei Brock Street, Whltby. Auguat 24th, 1868. 9 N. B-Isam aseo pnapaisd t e nt lusai1 kinda of Debeutures. (Ireafb.cks boi gisband mid; aine k largd JAS. BOLDENi BUCKà.EYE GRAIN. PRIIL yE DUiRE TwC4LL ATTENToIrO OUF. BUOK E Y E GA À RUL L WWVARRANqT -T TO SOW, WflÉATf OATS4 &GRASS DÈEDj TtI lxnov tiseiendlngLDrillInlutise Unuted States; 4,000.) tsou ussioniido hl liig e -uIInone Zoablishaneut us 01110, <for tîis scmnor's trade. Qoistia>' sowss regnlated j'. Sorew instead of Gear Whoelsi fins> TisaI vieaioe ulnnd e aisans>t'au eeo i o dollars, of tise Capital Stock ot sais>o bte did.t Esiva>, has bien subscribecl1 sud teà W.eCI per oentà tisereef pals>- intu oeeouttiseodes Cbsntered Banks oft Lisi.Provinee, aud tise acting Engineer etftise sais> itoa> certifies tisaLfile miles ufthtie grading on tise sasis> nous bas bien comiplete ln fthe Townsisip of Wisit- ÀAsiisot b>', ans> Lie rosa) lais> out orloceates> 'as isisninaften provided< Lisa tise sun ultbo iusaus> dollars of Aaidl Deben, Luncs-.bs tortitisbandes> ovin, by fl.( 1 tise Rue, Lu tise sais> Raillia> Consm- A.AtA pan>; tsaIibm Lb.Enginenerof si>roas> certifies bisat ieioeo Lise gsin)equ' uprepar thse I s U R ofnce umaclo lu tie nevîssg, an mi> eami pAtonce, "upoecelpt csf F. W. GLENI ih, 1464. Oecutô, OT TURE lia FAI a, fine.,assorti RATS, A 1B6S. AND ihngly low. là n"" a 1 4 -MIN a . ïd, 1 A--,- . 46 94 , ce 1 1

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