Whitby Chronicle, 3 Sep 1868, p. 4

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IN<( N, B.-The Eighest Qash Price roduce tekeu iin cxchangeior ýgOOi a elu. iffett a cIear"an<e, 'they offer ,balance'of their Btok at célied uy thé Ozueur01 M wtls, Ou it se bapnttd thoit tha evow muyatd hW bus pot ln the misses tiggigt te sAr on wbièb wus mot yet dyit sFrank got loto the dgglng, the admb..'s bock b.iolg torué a ihm, b. coutriveto Itbot bulng obi.tved to vot ithe tip of bis Lungera with btai, ad nti ulytonch tolb pte. lette on tb. Âdmital's shonîder. AtrIulg aL i eloiateti Potho mt for smanetime tory quietlyq tili o b ionghi tthe Âdmira'i angot had cooled off, a little, whon ho ciset0ontgon dock toe.0 "Wat do YOD vont nowvIl growled te adlrtt-tItbot Io à spot oet tr opon jour epalttetr,' %nidtboit'yontb, ginnbog lso asel<. The admirai turneti bis bead# andi sure enougb the centre of bis eptanlate was defiteti by a rounad spbt'of 'pure Stockholm.' He guesued ibtd tek at once, but dearly loveti a joe a * d titi sa ploestibim itbat Le calleti ont, 'corne down boy, 'core dowus if Ion eau tee a spot of tar on My epanlette sti bit distance, YOosau ec a il tht. ooeu.ok etuycDuwtu R ion.-Tite verdict ln th«eucae of Murphy Y. Dorion, at the ceoty ausai yesterday, may afford àanu. fui admonition to gentlemen diposed te Wbîtby and Ma»' Indolge .tbdir psion for fox itunting, _________ wititoat a too morupuloum regard for other p.oples Intereits. Tibe defendant, Capi. Dorrien, of t. lOtisRoiers, vas one of a numerous field viicit folloveti te Oti T H lancoes'pack lunte negbborhood cf ]Bal. lincolllg, on te 21sL of Jat Match, lu the enjoyment of hit sport tLe Captain dashet i iiigalop over a cep of Young vab#basblonging 4to te plaintuf MuNrphy, quit. dbreasrdiog, as many gentlemen iu imlar eloitcncttes do, ite vsrnlag andi rsmosttances of tite ovuer. Tii@ stnrdy - poésmst, hovaier, salud thé captain's bora., sud, briuging hums astand ii complaned of itheireipas, W ddamanded bit-came, to vhich Captais Dorin gel. IaaLly repiieti; 'You andi jour vetes b. E ST A tisanst.0 Murpby permiu.insg ubis Inso. lent thelrec,îe Captais firet strove te rida hlm dowa, sund fsiila ntisjýaLet lu reference toa hlm mverly over tee nod- iîb helb.bait sbîp erctofeerezaisîl eund of bistvitip, untilite mon vus coin. friendi andi numerous pellet! tw rellagulat bis bold, vtmupou father, in 16888, aet di Capt4auDorriée tiolmpitantly resumedthe. cWUITBY, viera b@ cai.. For tiisgros. asuanit s eli as An entire - now mto< toi the irespssi,ýtite &allant officer reisatiUSIJAL. te make auy compensation vitatever, sud IMDIRTAKU aven la court maltainadtbroug bibs cocu sel, tatwville fivwsbis plemaure to haut gWSomC spi site poasatry *ore itoundttesubmit te &ny l amonut of rougt rlding. Bappily a judge Remember the su d jury tongit othorvisa, andthei captain vus compelleti to psy £1 70 damages for WhbMa'1 tLe ebciting psstimo of kililg -a foi anti htlgMy4 hal kIlllbng s paau.t.-Cork Examniner. _______ 6thero saiti a cobbler's lad, sasLe vau peggiug avay at au olti sho., 'tbay ay tisat irout bite like evarythiug no.' 6Well, veli' repled -tLe olti gentlemau, 'stick te jour work' andt hey von'i bite S An honest Hibernlan, vhose bank poc. T ket (te nu bis ow. phrase,) titi topped payment-,vas foreed.ti 0 Lmtié necessity o( poranbutatlng tLe streets, tvo niglâs togother, ýfor te vwaut cf a ev pence to psy bis lodgings, vls.u, sccldentally, boïar. lut c»ei iasiepaefrm oig vern tellof the lying iu hospital, CE 1 bave bees llig on tbiese tvo nigbtm 4 mutinS of thé, Volntteur officesisof Toroito vos kaki nt the Brigade olkoceun "sodey stevnoon, for the ppom.of dia. auuiitg plans of action shouldtheit force b. cai lt mb ibu. Is je atinmt tathar. ae two thon. satii lboys sMd tht.. hundred nw- girls in Nw York ity. UMv. Higoituso, oflVerpst, bas almud a cucàmba'mzyOtOlcu r vrIel Tb@ lins mutaineti by bath Or"s iu On- tarlo ana tiaba thepraent setion la 00- timatedAt I v1a" miliondolas. tbî PILICE valablepre.. eu c.price ta Most photograpncrs cuargsres lau.PI Osha.., Match 24, 1868. 12 8SP ECI AL N OTIC-E sinigle Reapers and Mlowers, and. Reapers and Mowers Comùbined. p U.NTIL TME 2th DAY OF ÂUGUST. zrMr@ Robert. Cairnbell bas Ieft for Bri- tain, to pnrchase thelir P'ALL & WLNTEIL STOCK, which wil bc founclmuch larger thau unala. R.&J.AMBLL ,hester, JUIy 9b 88 OLD ;STAND,! a Th sbsriber ol a the attention of the:Agffcnltural com- munity to their Stock of lmplemeit, where vill b. founti1 ame r 0tlo .Pr mer may require, and epeciaily at Ibis asosi of the year, theIr 8oc of REAPERS .AND, MOW E RS,, 0f several kinds, and cf the Latest Maire. To which ail the la- tcsllmp rovemOts founti neccsaary by practicable Lets duîring the lust seasosi, bave beentdei BaIls Ohio, Reaper'an&l Mower combined, Cayuga Cihief -Real- «r anti Mover combined, -tb. Manning Single Reaper, tb.e<ayugs Junior Mower.-Of auy anti ail of the above Machines, w. isisvlte a trial. Tbey are manufa'itured witb car., of 1h. Besi au ierWal4* F i rxtkmn hki An VItby, July 4. 2 lWDIA &'CIIII'IATEk 00l, 1H-OME, BLISHED 1,1§3381 an antnoenient of disslution of the copartner- ug botveen TILL &h BEI., thse nnderslgned desires to inforin bis is patron that ho stili continuel the business establiolhet by hms late i OLD STAND, Nos. 0 anti 4, TILL'8 BLOCK, BROOK STREET, w ill b. slvays fournd ready tW attend 10 tce vanta of custmmr. ck of the bait manufatred t i ltatre. UPigOLOTPEI AS KG AND FUNERALB Supplied as heretofore. lendid specimenls of Picture Framos, and Gilding. 18-ly 41 1868. loge LAWLER, WHJOLESALE & RETAIL NERAL CROCER, WINE AND SPIRIT, TUie CHEQuERED STORE. BOKsTRiEnT, WUITBir. KIN..STRIIET, SAA U Lt MAT A i à ici, SSTANJE & FANC1Y DRY .GOODPS, vit Joaq VA TÂEUIBOiI, oftbe Town miLLINERY, &c. MANUTFACTURER OF IG DJJL e It.êb-lhis. a e 00o 0f - CdO k vil~e AGood Wokman wa3lte t >iDbI AÂways on hand, English Sole LÀ F~E3~ C« ý auntidain auds of Osadla Lesbevflti Fi &c.,c. OTEL &PRIEMISES iy rmdtom o ds FOR SALE. tandor th isenna 'UY elietblseisa ekie H- DEPOT LoNDON & LVERPOOL. Os hwJune 24th, 1868. ,Carrnage CARRUACGES & BUQWIý Of every description kept on hand and made to order, fron' latest and best deeigns, at the abov6 carrdage woi'ks Witb tbe enor faclitiez now-iaI bis disposaât tbe nnderigted il btter prepared tbnn e' exenute ail orders proiptly, wvith whlch lie ma y bo favreti. Brook St., WbitbY,. JunO 9 88 DIVISION COURSNTH CoUN Y 0F,,O:NTARIO,> A UN TEYER 88.T MWki",,LO ............. ... .. 22 15 30.0. 1 0 s 61 4. Uxbrtel n ....... 27 -2 101e st 51 Wlib.......:: :,, 91 112 11..... 1 L 8i. *iI = n , P e ri g ....... ... . . ..... . 2 ... . ...423.: ,9T h s C o "4 .~2 Ux rd e . . . . . . . .. 1 ..ai ... 80 ...H.... s'7, .&tIieriy .. ........... S ieson J-.1 Wrhitby, jaas'my loth, 1868. .BU N J'va 1 e A THIE MONTREAL TEA COX1INy.1"#us Pue ,dG NUINE TEAS, oif sendid aualOvriprtei direct Thse whole Domitnion sluoutd battieir Teas .1 the Isportelbisepsl frein the Company& Plantationsm in ASSA , anti on the sop.. of tho HIMALAYAST W EU R A T E aSla grtl blentietiwitb thse finesi producta cf 0CHINA. T IJE O N T R -A liT E A CO PA N . Managers. Oniy Tvo Qualities, viz. :-70c. -or $1 pr , cUber Blark, Green or Miixeti. W- () HOU ITAL STREETt KONTREAL- Fine Hoîsseliotti l'es, consbining Strengih andi Flavor, 70 cents per 1l). Fineuit procns'able ............. . ... dollar pur lb. VIIU TEAIT, aiter tibe ssat severe teitsx by tisheatsnlient sel nuthorities atsd judgon of Teia, p.bruity 20,1 g S' o ld in P ack ets and i C anis ers b th e c o npany '5 A gents, in very C ity and 0". tsve been prononneed t e b. qu te p tre, ssnalfrefi <oir agoy srt ttlia t olor ttg of p osaaaousut __a ___ __ tiststauscesseno ten usedtim nprove thse appeabflhte of lTen, Tlise ore uucquatsled eti roncgili ssd T o w I C a a d . L v o u r . T l y h t ei s a u b o ots e o 1 r C t i ra i t i u t i t s i c w io r t h s l i e pii sg i u s m id - i s l t i , e c o so i n y , a 5u avig ta te Coliistlte f Ibo to 20. pur lb. Our Tena aro pot ait s» 5, 12, 15, 20 anda 25 De Fi s a lb. boxes, ad re varrauteti purse n (uifeo (rosispolitoonusstibstaneS. Orders <four O *lb, boxes, tvo 12 lb. boxes, ar eue 20, er 21% lb. box *ient csrtissga Iras 10 asy &lwvysîatiti n l Famili e >,,, Cssada. Tas viti bc <rwardeil îniedisalaly on recuipt ut tise ordar lsy mail cousair.g munayor tihe moey conulb.cotleeteal on dolteety y ,rx;sremu-issas, viare Chtere toeproes oaci». la o 2 M A R K stitg eatt'i, Ubo the tisenint o fssI cfl<, go savo axstiie !tîwill ttc bettes' tu sens Itise ssosey f 2 l rR A D EM A RK wih li *deWlîsere a 25 tb. bx woutd bu tue mitLls four Isusitieso elatbliug togatîtar Cos;d 946a141 for fouir 5 Us. boxco, or tvo 12 11t, bures. Wi pueunldsMon te aine addrets aeirriuage jiaiti, and CKGý masrksessetu box ptausil>, no Chaut cnet; pari>' gat tîsit o wsuTon, We warranst ail thse Tes ire si tae- gia uiiiisaia>Ct05.If they are uisi dfset tlsoy estulbc rtuuiR ti n epce BLA.CK TEA. A W2 Eniglioitu Brcsslsfast, Brokens iseaf Stros'.g Tes, 41, Sou.;oa Fine Yiavoured Neçt Sanson do,r55a., FILESU TI 60e assi 0.50.; Very Basi F-nu Flavered do., 15.; Sound Oolts;, 4.5ce; filait Ylssvored du., 60à.; A gent for Oshawa, MR. MARK ROBINSON, Ver Fine do. de., 76c,; .tapssss, (<oua, Site., 55e., 1rind. SOu., Vaty Fitte, 55e., Pinet, 76e. Druggitit. T1ska, <53 S 0ur rEEN TEA. TwaIry df 1Me.65.;Yî nHyson, 50e.,C 0o e. F. isse do., 15c.., Vry Fine, $bc.; 84- Aua exceollenit Mixoti Tes coulti b. sent fur SOu. :ud 70c.; vssry goati fur' conntipMroos, May 2dbh, bac'. - WC ius rtt1.e loltt irttg- MARR4ET BLOCK. CORNER of BYRON & DUNDAS'Sts. The subscibe's FaIl Stock of choice Fainily Groceries is now complote, with every aft.iscle usually kopt in a firot-claoss tabliment, con- sisting ini part of- 'You.ng Hyson; 3apaui, colored and iuncolored, and Congou Toau, grouud and unground Coffees, Spiccît ]Popper, Alispicep C1innamonf Cloves§ Lemniou Orange, and Citron ]Pool, 5ugs from the best Cubap te, the fineat groiuid, Syrupa of the bW~ varioties. A complote Stock of firetcélusiPlour, Oatu, Corn, and Buck-wheat meal, Feed ofaU kiiids, r> very cheap for Cash. 41 in addition to the above, 1 have added a compicte asortmeflt ,oflrockery, from atn individual Salt-cellss, tO a llrst-ela seto)fChina, aIll cfwhicb wlil b. oiti very cbesp for cash. My moLLo lo not to be undmtold. Cash pald for sny quantîty of gond Butter. gcmembertbe place, corner of Byron andi Dnndu S ts, Whitby. BOOTS & sHOPS ()na.aueIa tofeasoe sio n.sres n loiealat;ereu y caDSe rvU ni si(cu ,a ri sten fiss.- it.verly angeinc se 1 bavhed e» drst csg y.ofrTona iymave bo qis«. (s e osahesrss, wsilc.uai 1 nt aléa ue a( isrt)re nthe5.I a isievu use pro(yisd asaigsat olsaSa nin ex Yours reoqsclfssliy. FIiarilb T. oKzIiN.. E4 St. JI tis eet, MoMMtca. Dmnret, April. 180.-To ibe bMonîreal Tea Comptay 6 f sittsuret, lotued .l WC Do!",e vals ýpica- sure the large amaso f es tisaWCrebave (orwatiled fur you lo" %brc55ipansa ottse ominion, nn&we ms ii t0 fua yos;rb"aisea00 rapidty tnerenaiug. We presfme 7oADTeunre gsvinige gc linct ius a 'ont ehe hrge wnsut!urwiraded, ire bave enly hafi eecun tti.relataose buî wbseb.iWCe usserstan. iru alut ihrsusgt a sStak* n agfer Canadia n Expre us (WY , .<ifagtssbBreakfia a og fyion Tea WtIleliyou mases» acgiveU rs »w liess. Yeon y expecamy utre rem er.%«ossrà, ke., 5W» Bewurs of podiers osr runiSrs sunirsg ocrui qe,or *£Writg ont Tenula àmalpackages. s<itig Ims thoni a ettie aold. Note the. sddreme-The Montreal Tes Company, 6 1ioOPita1 8ti Montroal. PAFERI;Mini cent itsy ti JIuaug lt os' 5MElID .PIER IIANGINGS, sud ~ ~ ~ ~ cuu lio Hueg z s a 1work- -A. O ISN .0 .laaa1*-tf bas a sp asan c 0 fficiw eby ie, CWb DES., conulthation -~Wldtbj, Jua] sirOmcx JOL0 NO TU L£I TOW I AS I L 195 In order to al COST -zrDue notice wi1' bej their Pail Importations.- AA" tIUFjS> ,'Ut, '-'qi4, do ladies Sewed Worïb 1 ither, Engligh Lp, ?reucn The 5,abgcrlber h custoimrsfor lb. very 155* for him "elf. la ortier ts TRE:m . - BROWN .> tf 4ýj 1 1 1« 1 1 il 1 1 givea on arrival of ri ri 'l - l'- Old Stand. ..-0 WHITBY, NOV, 279 1867, l - ý- 921 LÀN 1 1 qc Hosoital Ste Montreai. 14 1 1

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