WKu *ou ood sectfl!y. *p- LW "Z'oltbà rmcourstaboue*.-j ru8 ÂiteusiolaltsoN. -, J.A.APS. .80 f. GOCgu ANs, LZ .7eD., £OUXTYOECOWNATTO91NJXO n- tario, ftrrister an& Atterne -at-Lav, b-W UWtr l Caner>, K a ie Le.Cou- S> fontario. OMîs Brk-osqWbltby. R»EMT J, WmILSO. OEce Vltera BllSngErosk St. li' B iRREISTEE-TLAW AN>) SOLICITUR la 5 hszoe.Oabs-9lOIt~ tww»ýknb6tiob te .stere of R. h.' Oaipbell>Braak StL, Wbltby, Ont. Wbitby, Nov. lot 156. 46 SOL!OITOKC NOTAEY PUBLIC, ha. ha. Mr -h014m m(hadxmmwmo Wbitby, isunlleu%. - CRAKLEms C. EL , OKYAT LAW, BOLîCIORIN A. hanoeey ooaouscr, ho.,C*Dnni ont BroO 0 .g 1,.IRAMER GIEWO> ATTUBNgY-AT-LAW. BOLICITOR IN .ICaOi Notai Publie Cuear hcW. aOW tat A TbNYATLAWF, SOLICITOR IN DaSsSrat. Tbrocsors Weat Of lb, iPost Couc. 16 CoCERANE CC&I lNE BARRLIERSATTOENBYB,PIfjONV *adoasud l(otsrles Public, ho.,&ho, P18ias Âea--IIN poieTcwn m'ait. pcu,,ua~0nos-Bga1W'5Block. Sail. ooffAà we, LL. B., 1W.- M. COOH-iAWE. Ceuni> Crown Attorney'. Darrlecf, Sc tulChanceiy. At- or OFIIIE-Nzt Soortl0the olS R tri Uffea, Whiby. 41 j ]LYMAN ENU&LISII L L E.. fl AIEISTE AI LW, Scinluchan- Coueltakiono Ptlnersbip ftec o carge. .J.GUSN, M. D. 'IOIGE0N TO TH1E COUNT! *AOL BEyron troet, Wbltby. Db W. Vz]RIER, lie1o. BROUGHIAM. m mm0t lO A. m., isud 51 JOH4N V. HAM, NOTANT FUBLice wlalby, April18t,18 TOWNCLERLéOTBEAISUMER WHITDX ou-Towa llaU-Houra9ft4 1io,1o9k. YWTOwIÂ::TEL, NIWue. Euo>'lou'. 27 JOIES ROEINOONÇ* IIROCII ST., WmUTBY. $grBoucm% riBaux cr Mouemà .. Wbtby, Jan 1 29, '66. - t*epcrlcr eetouimat o. ralsatn- t ,n , l.î.ltiroie laT c r&ees a tir Crfal Hotlerealwauinhattciidsn Wtby, Nbah 1si. o Lr' &o.SMEOATspatr u tfe luka ti umbecoataty abn If N dE B» T AgK IN G Froln 0NERAL, fuiyappidsdaeSe ehoeteto ic.. (loBie Mdpt oatn lu à fA Esarsto brsmade s truns fJh Whi, reonth tnt18v62.apf dicakl i&U,]BrookStr. t (DOuE DAWSo cr7,IT ho. ELE 1bhorsInOaieMuJrespuct cS nlsdand 1»roudokfnstan W., 186 enocc£8su sati osfao gf .1 ay fa Ckr t J 3Uby. "IL prpdte1lcMul u USnig STsAG lE FubOfnIlE. L.~ik bcma ISAC VSOBlcc N B BOT Wluasand liquca; snpaulonsconm uodalonfortraveiiere; good etablagand attentiîehosller. 1 -TEOXA3li GIsoN. COMJHSIONIMER OHNfI ilouKANCE, hQNEAaAET Whitby, lau., lIth18. / 2 B. PLANK - - - - Promret«r. Stagee$0 sud frotu Whltby cal dail. EIer>' sttantion'liid toestae. Coretl adioSatn- týive ostierse-,. VARS & DEVL.IN. P EACTICALDontisi, Oshava 4MPDentLlloome, diracll>'opp- '4.L~eietbPoeOliic.-ntrneeon IhincoeStrefs tbird doornorth oftîheOntario Bank. _W EXPRESS AGENT, &o., alto Agent for Acldeat sud standard Iusursna cosc. 17- Que-ry- AT CLARK'bJXS (GALLERY f It labcaumhb the bée ast Galer lunthe Conut>', and asmore patience ith eblJà reu tha ny n' har Arilet lu ihe Coanni>, sud cun do qnitc m good ork M ey n' cer manila the UrThot'sabat'. thie mattar, se Sut bc babc-kard about comlng fogrard. 1 BOCK ST.. WREITEYO Whitby, Nov. 12, 1867.4 HOTEL 1<FREMISEIS FOR SALE.- CENTAL ROUIL INOX, Splndi r orssl, suS mSuilvind shad mnybedeuirod, e," a dueycT~nbeïr- log Orohard. There rm tac iwele aih good for au $cdl*# business mon., 1 il e «hebdor froperti. toi- .- I Oetobcr 248h 1861 me WI lied ua nsimei- bon vm-sud CIare li 6" ogavse aliS ii DIAL HOTEL, uT., -wETYOI bons te ansese. te bI Ene~ ~.4e PIRE AND JJIE IiN8URNCE (JQÃ'NYO' WELLINGTON MOTEL,' Cap-ital, #400,000. âLAon. o. the aboie Corpui; la now pjred » meure ropcr gainst >68 »Y FIE, bn hemost Jlvora le terme. Apply toi LEVIFIBflJn 2..ltmce. Agent Wbitby DROOKLDM KOUSE, CLARK k& IOER? - Ppiatora. Ecg" nietrapecttnlly to informthe lubabi. tante cf thec onuuy of Ontario, that tbcy bave ieseded . above promiee stely oooupled b>' SBad>'Partie, widecb lb bay eiuwiy fonil- ad mud renovtod, sud7boy arteprepared to seemmodstet h, travelling publie. The Bar atocked with the boat fiqucriasuddcgare, snd an sttentiv.osetr iva>lnluattaudace.. fropuiatcro TOES OUVEYANCEES, AXID NO- TABlES PBLIO. OmOz -One domr north of the Post Ofilce, Osbava; and NcFeetoer' Block, opposite TcrwnBall, Bowmsnvllle. AOIN L WATKISO hSURGEON DENTIOT. Omo.-Over .JAS. BYRNIS Madicalll. Brook Street, Whitby. SAUl work wveinled. Famlleà sitondad ai private resideuces. ga WITHOUT PAIN,.à EX TRE USE OF NITROlJS OXIDE LAUGUINO OAS, OR THE1(EW ]LOCALANMSTHIET10, AT DEEITAL-1t0Ms, DUNDAS ST R EE T, WHJTEy,-c. W. EOOM.L-Ove' a. B. Coobrna estore. Whitbl, Juge 26, 1667. 25 'PIRE ASSURANCE CO.,I LOMBARD STREET & OHAEING CROSS, £SZ4BZIBERI17N 1782.- GILLESPIE, MOFFATT h coq, Aget*wor (lanada. JAUM SDAVIUN, Manager. 1N8UlRNCZ againat LO8S b> FIEE are ofotdon the most favorable larme and LOUSES ?AID witbcUit rsfence toe . Mrd lu London. April 8r5, 1866. agaet, Whii 800E TOULS & FINDINGI. PaéeB Malle,8boTec 1,sadTo. lietae, crWBOLESALE -AND RETIL. 12-fr 114 yogax suxiIcuvro TO CBNEMAOHINIS S Nain O2wca le KluqsuS Ncrl-U Lot 14, - tie concesson oalMKah »0 âcrie,12 tolbaeirdw ci#aad Lo t 1, tbeceslcu of South Orillia, kuv n"teunheu't PoInt,"ý on lske Cou- ebbn, 9about ouetumile rom cte VILLAGE- 0F ORILLIA,ý 84 acre., about 10 ce.eeaebalance cf Lot besullly aoodcd. Tbis, wthcnt oz- cplion, la Iao hast 0suated propert>' on Laite Ccnblcblng. The vsew extentiimg ta oI distanaso tte Lake, anSenebreelng be INDIÂN V ILLuAGE, ]w £mm,, tuTowA Of Orllila,, the Narroas et' "kg, imceà , TOWN PROPERTY, ilTuE TOWN 0F WHITBY. TUE -»rYALROTEZ, %rea storlee iigbrZick, vlth epeclonedru- lng >'srds sud sable. SAlso the adjoiunices on thc Soutb Ivo stery ahite brick sud ti."d Chronicle" ôii Builine ututhe'koitb lwo star>' retl brick. The waboiee.rt oarceaef 148X fac, onBroc s r -,-sandneani>' 12 rode deep ta lune 20 tact vIde. lThe préoeni> le under a renti of $950 peAn amtu W- PO»SSEON 15 lot OCT., lma. Six Lotse00a B>ron .tract, dlnely 'norli or lhe residouenaofd. IL. Cochrane, BLq. For privaI. rasidences, not arcelied hjy sa> vacant propart>' lu Toan. Seieri Plote, rom twc te six lots, <cucod, ln tie nalgibcrbood cf tha usa litmuCa- tbollc Ciurch. TUBEACRES, feuccd, kuovun à tic 015 Cricket Field., TWO ACBEE,fenced, vest cf Cricket 6,15. I-X ACRE, <occa, eut cf Cricket flelS. ô LOTS, tecad, veet cf rebldouce cf 0. El. Genrie, Jq. 4 LOTS, feuced, veet of Brook straci, sud Sot ofréesienceocf Naihan Arnold. 7 IÀYM', fonceSi, Eset .of Brook Street,* ai pneecîi occupied b>' J.-S. Spirowie. 1W"Alec scieral illage Lots, lu Y1i-.i parte cf ithe tova. BUSINESS PREMISES. The. vacant Lot adjoiving Icace h Powell'., Brock isirecl, 87 fei front, 99 feet Seep, te a Ianc. The vecant Lâot South cf Bc>'AI Canadian Onk, 22 foet Iront, 98 ct Secp, te a lana. - Lots Euet of Brook etreet, opposite te Deacei' hotel. 10 scres on Broock sirct, Northe cf Rila> bridge. W JLD LOTS& Maraq South ~9', liii cn.100 sas". di Id 18, 12111Il 100 Il 04 - 96 4, lzîh dé 100 di 66 66 6620, Pib 64 100 di Ramna, PL Lot 16, $rd "180" 64 Loet 15, 411e 200" somn'illa, lot 7, l2tih 20 Bidon, Wt$U 24, fih 100" Baxia>', Lâot 12, 4th "2M0 0011 River, Lot -61, 05" nexiayr, Lots 06h 7, 411e 400 Brock5 EBut Pt. le, 9111 95 -6 Rfowldk, Lot 22,_ISih " 100 96 EBl utar>' oaS, lot 25, rd" ALBEXMARLE INDIAN LANDe. MILL S1TE et the mouth of BearetR iver. Village cf Boseton, - Acre. PO0R T PERRY, Scieraid illage Lote, suitable for business locations, anS pirivats reeldances. & Alec vilage lots lu Brightcn andiln the Villae of Brechin, Tdvnsbip of Mats. Thc oubsoribcr baving determIned ta close ont tbe viole, cf bis Ruai Fsate bueinL.ssthe proeati yer, If possible, the aboie propertias aine clféestailoir figures, sud ou long termue cf psymni. AppI>' te, J. HAN M RY Wsrmr. Whithy, 4th Jnly, 1848. 4mos-27 M86. 1lm8 THE LIYERMOOLAND LONDON iNSUiJANCE COIIP'NY. as bu luexistence tblrty-rtaoomar,su duItingualpeniod beu paiS doeses exceedlng > dic ada balillion1. pmoltd oelilsg The Slebtnoment cf Ibis enortuuesùm over s vide aras, bau vlthont dfbüt, conti- butedto the sslamn f bslsluln la lia confidence ofi'aunrosao seM , Ma- camue, Bnoyuxrnsd business mon gea-, erei>', vbercver it -le reprosented. Iunh iatrel 7rî 1886u, the Pire Piemifimesions a monuede..........9,970 lu ls lthYea,1w .4 .......... 147es6 I208h >'er, 1851,........1222,27 46 801h >'eer, 8I ...... ..79,88 ne >er Jter, M1867........... 5880b6 The Pire Resere Fa>nS i.ovw84,127,4M Thé icosiere uSle nov $1,M24110 Th Copn tl en eulatr oOn- tari aS u bacb>'in*:uantl A t', tb Muer, Wusrsr, b 1>3810tM rOMMcu Jabnar' 11186.., TE MTTTtJAL thst the Fo u be ea Tac yerold catire colt.... Ou. year old enlure Coof. mforte coltof18... ai of mateS H, oraeel. 43 43 43 43 43 48 43 43 43 43 â ne mi, LP PUEPOr'M d . tbat Féalhaübecaloit 41 a 2 Two yeaî olS catir. Colt..,. 4 'S 2 e, e T~ ill . 43a2 One yc old entire COLt. 4 3 2 66 e -1 'Filly... 4 3 2 forse Col; cf 168 4 3 2 Pir alhdHre 4 'a 2 St allion..... ......... 4 -2 Mare and Foal, or evideace that Foal hmbeen'loot 4 3 2 Two year old'entire Colt... 4 13 2 "'td . "1di Mly ... 432 One yeai olS entire Colt...- 4 3 2 HomeCot of I....... 4 3 2 F'Illy - 111 ,.......4 3 2 Pair maitohed Noua..... 4 8 ClioII.-Cattlo. THOROtJGH BRED. Bull. . ............$4 $3 $2 Twc y ear old Baul,....,.4 3 2 'Yearling Bl . 4 3 2 Bull- Ca .................. 4 3 2 Milch Coa, giig milk ocrin caif................... 4 82 Two yeau cid Heifer ...4 3 -2 Yearling licir......... 4 3 2 Heifer Cf. .........4> 3 2 DEVON# Bull ......... ........4 à 2 Twc yeaicold ull. ....... 4 3 9 Yearling Bl. ....4 3 2 Bull Cut......4 3 2 MWih Ccir, giving milk cr ia cuIt................... 4 3 2 Twc yeaî cldï Heifer......4 3 2 Yerling Heifer ... ........ 4 3 2 Hoifor Caif.......... 4 3 2 GALLOWAT. BâIii . . .4 3 2 Two yen>'cî Bll....4 3 2 Yèleilug- Bnll...44.o.. o.&. 4 3 2 Bull Cf.... ..4 3 2 MilteLCcw, giving mill cr in caif ..................4 3 2 Two yeai .15 Heifer .. 4 3 2 Yerliing Heifer......4 3 2 Huiler <lf.. ...4 3 2 BUA d.. ..........4 3 2 Tvo yearcold Bull........ 4 9 2 Yerling Bull. . 0,.,#...... 4 3 2 Be Caîf................. 4 32 Miich oe, giviug mille orna caf................ 4 22 Tw, yeai cîS Heifer.., 4 8 2 Yesrling Heifer. ......... 4 3 2 HeiferCa5li ............. 4 2 2 ATESEIEE Bull &............4 8 2 Tac ym olcI Bull ........4 3 2 Ymaling Bull........4 3 2 Bull Cal£f.........4 3 2 Miei Cci, giving mik cor in ealf, .. ........ ...... 43 2 Tac yeuî cîS Helfe ......4 3 21 Yearling Heifer ......... 4 3 2ý Hoiter Caf,.....4 3 2 FAT CATWE Fat Ozcocz.....4 3 2 Fa CeaorI Heifer......... 4 8 2 WOBKING OATZLE. ycle woiking ozen...... 4 3 2 C las Ii.-Oheep. ilrearlin n i.....3 2 RaLsb.......3 2 1 1Ta w euo .~ . 3 2 1 TwEw o l ,tgbe...... 2 .1 TOOT3.O2 1 RJi ..idg..... BhearliugRa..... Tac E*es.............. Tac Shà ëHIné Rirwes. Ram............. TSheing am.. ]3a, L[moob.i..... SA 2 1 A21 2 1 2 1 2 1 21' 2 1 101» SwedU hTu' Su. 2 1 énehel 'of ,PIsx, B 1 -bsocarroVBSeed ....... .-2-i 101b MangoldWurtulBeed2 i 1 buibel J3cmns .......... 2 - 1 buehel Tares........... 2 i Bbuako:tcye, '71...... mlauiVL-Rtooto. 12 ot b uehisPoatoc.....g.1.50 $1 50é 12 , sllongrýed..J...téIM» 1500 1roots Magold, Y"'0l lea* loe: 1.50 1 500 12 roots Carroie, long red.....,... ,501-500 12 zoo"e Canrote,-white 1.50 4 500 12 do- Orangeý 1.50 i1 0 Bout 101bo Butter,- George Robuon's prie, cio... ... O .t.é# ......'.... 4 OU 4th.......... 200 ôth ..............1 00 Dest 1011>. Checu, Mr Wm Paztou'o prize of .........ô 00 2nd........ ........40 SeS.......... 300, 4th........ 2 O0 5th..............1 OU Bout Firbin cf not le than ,4011>. butter ln sbipping or- 0 der............... 40 Mlau VII-Poultry. Pair Black Spaaih...... Oc "é Dcku . . i500 "P46 i...... .1500 dé Auy other variety.. 1 500 44Tukeys, 1 re.....i500, dé do *While.......0 1 500 dé Wild Tureys .......1 OU dé Geese, lar go brecd .... 1 Nec "Geese, smali do .. O &Ã,Duoko..*.#.*...o...... O Pigeons, boat collection ...*iS GueaFowle ............ . SO Bout lot cf Poullry iunco peu, cwned by exhibitoro distinct lrom ail oth.er cx- tncesé ...........$j Glas IL-Parm Implements. Reýape and Mowcr, com- bîucd.&...é. - .à ........*$0 $4 $2 Mowing Machine, uingle.... 6 4 2 Threshuug Mà ebine..é... . 4 2 Waggcu, <tac boisetenrn), 4 3 2 Do. Two-horse, spring, market.............. ....4 3 2 Tac Heorse Ciiiager.....t.$4 $3 $2 OneHBe a t «...»4 3 2 Twc HlomeSeigh, ....... 4 3 2 One Borse 46.... 43 2 lion i'lough,.......... 4 3 2 Wcodcn Plough ........... 4 3..2 Tuinip Drill.........4 3 2 set cf Harrow$, wood....432 Set cf Harrows, irou...... 4 a 2 Two Horue Cultivator..4 3 2 Two-Hcrsc oluer ....... 4 3- 2 Gag Plough ............. 4 3 2 GianDrill ............... 4 3 2 Stru Cutter, fer herse power.... ............ è4 82 Cero hllr.....3 2 1 Oneherse Cliao . Straw Cutter, werkcd b>' baud.s..ou......... .... 3 2 1 Horse Rake ..............3 2'l FaunIng Mi....... é.... 3 2i Set:of Drauing Tols.... 3 2 1 1 idr UIanl rais.w. . 3 2 1 Cheeoe Press............$2 $1 50e oWashiug Machine,.......2 1 50c Truip Suer ............. 2- 1 50e Chura........2i 0 Grain Crusher.....2 i 50e Hiff-dozen Bay Foîks ...2- 1i50e Mai dozeamânue Frk ie2 i 50e HliSeozon Bled Hoes,.2 i9150e galf dozen Scythas..,*. 2 1'50c Pai Fine Boots,........ $1 50e "d CaeBot....i50c Mètof Farý m eu.drne., .î. 2. $1 ftCarrnge -,i . d.4. 2 I _. ,i.gîe .," - 21- 2Pnp...... ..... Â50e Ye.îgfvaà , IHeaa Cller......75e 500 of' A'ckwbo Onitens...750e0breas R led " .. 75e-00 Fôrtorftb ~Ike1ig .......75c-600As a ltin 'cluAn th7ee 50e ibsfUoe........75e-SOC Mayyit for liky... .. . 50 500 An~d.aScIi ù !eet and gicabtstvari ety 14cfih 11Gidcnéi Vegetablis. .. $2 $1 na -tb ).n...........75a boa Grapo Wie......7e50e0 4cy other vaietyof Wine. 75c 50o 1e0 yards Pull Cloth, homo iwae, Spun sud aove by handS..... .............. $1.50 10, yards Full Clbthfactory ý- 10(yards satinett, 'home' aSo, sà pua 'anS acre by bad.... ...1.50 10o yards' Satinett, tiaor>' ýmaSe........-10 10 yards Fiannel, homo-- mSspun unS acreb> haaià l w* l.s....15 10 yards hçme-mede b>' baud, cotteu Warp0.0à â#.e0 1#5 10 yards, Flà 'net, faeor>' maSe, al *oo '1.... ... 1.50 10 yards Fnl ae> muSe, C4tbn arp . 1.50 1o yards Wcolen Cret 1 .50 10 yards14&gCarpet..a. -1.50 Pair Wolem Banket.1.50 Coverlet, bm-r'.......1:50 .e ~......1.50 Shepherd's Plaid....... 1.60- Pair Wcolen Slclngc ... '5ec S'" Sles;....7be "6 CeOtton Sokng...7501 " 'soc i -.. t>150 " Pain Woolen Mitte... 75o Plain Wcele T ai...'75e1 1olbs flaxin 4 uat" sstato $3 511>. fia% dremsd....... 3 61b. fiai Sreesed by hanS.. 3- bu glorioas loe, un . 10e aduM bo 50 io 2 Cl-amae 11U.-Ladios' Depart-. ment. ay's DÉieu........$150 $1 C-hild'sDrs..........1.50 i Geutieean's Sit....1.50 1 Ladrs Bonnet.........150 1 1'iece work QuilI ......... 1.50e i Kait Bcd Cover ......... 1.50 -i1 Crotchet work. Ceunteupano 1.50 1 Silk Counterpuie .......... 1.50 1< ane>'Nlig.....150 i magc....i..ia .........!.50 il Embroidery on muslilaor lace 1.50- i Embuoidery, on Slk 1.0 1 Embroider>' ou Worsed... 1.50 i Crotchet Work. ...,s... . 1 RalueS Boulin Wcol ....1.50 1 Fiat Berlin Wool.......... 1.50 1 Gernan RuiseSWcrle. 150 i Guipure Wcuk .......... . .1.50 i Chée iWork. .....1.50 i Ornamental Neede Woule... 1.50 1 Speelmea cf Buudîug ..>1.50 i opcme f QuiltinLg. ...1.50 i opcme f Bead Wocul..... 1.50 1 Wmirit ....0à d.......... 1.50 1 wax Floers. u ............ 1.50 i Papor Feeu.....1.50 i Flair Ficacîs......1.50 i Fane>' Buleet ........... 1.50 1 R*ag R . ..~ . 1,50 Il Grecian ump . ...... 1050 1 FacyLute Wre.. 1.50 1 ul CaainStra . ..1.50 i Peather Floaors...... .-150i Zeehyr Flowers........1.50 i Flair -Jewellery..é1.50.- 1 Water Lilica......t 150 1 Wa± Sheilai.tà .... 1.50 i Paurmers'eal..... 1 0ù Pa7ûntlngé.--l. 1.5$1ý Water Celer Painting ... . 1.bc A Velvet Paiuing .......1.50 1 Peneil Draaig ... ..... 1.50 1 ColoreS Cixyon Drawing... 1.50 i Omsmnta Peuanoip. 1.50 1 MaUPine.........1.50 1 acre tsking a idk.o00 nigt 'ot IODÉ dine j -"batdcyouhnk about it., irls VI Wc ail agreed that Il aniS b, glcrioa5 ilBut Who lm plunakèualzgh te do it 0,1 aiS toniWilson. "Who, lnecd, but jour humble iWr.' vaut," saiSCobvae., diOb, >'e, Cobweb cen do if to edib tion," saiS Fan Clark, clappiug lber bandé inu biggle i, "as do yon Inow the reet cf ne wiii bo aucund vherB a can hm tail tb. fan," eaid L î. &'But Cobvaeb, boy .111 on msagâ it1te saiS tom. "11lenca yon ar eaqual 10 Bn>' emergancy, but- I >dou't se té t tiik oftae y on eaumpractioaoenteis idWeil, I do,", siS Cobvee, 4"ec kep etli a moment sud 1 vill unfold wml plan.'< -idGo abead,' ' saiS ail of us lu concert6 for ve bues' ther, vas sooing riébdb banS. aet Cobvae pue on that face sund 64anuar. giclle, nid Cobaobi aitti 'A $mile, "you knoa there i tcaoaLesp Tuai Baillnext Monda>' niglet, at tle loat h11and en1 eleailask 6'Old Black,' as wd Igirls nil i te." 1-- -"6ýOh,,, saiS lon,"Iyou llnever dsrel ne vouS enucibilate Ion vill e ocf his 't0ôe, $»U 1 doi6t pu bolia4e yonteolf~ 1 ratier tbink Cobvee le np te that soni cf tbing."0 IdWeIl, Oobveb," said 1, "gelt thepro. gremmne all.errangeil, n au e scmn h«& aSUlb t an?" - aOht ye, selS stha ~in leait righti» Wel4 ve got evMrthing arraeia baor a vent home that uiget,sandcould hardly vait 10 se boa it vouS cld o.irst, lot me describe, t'OlS là ck. luin he first plece, les is not old, but saf£ne loohing- ms cf about tbirty..fiie years; but bld stili, SignilieS manuare, sudthe fut cf bis leing enueurried, gave bite the tille cf "4Old BIle;" bie reel. name -.being Mu. Levi Bisce, sud lhe caner cf oue of the fiucat termein tfe tc locf R-, abere le. lires alous villeau olS bons-k;eepa. STUhe ut dayCobwee sent aM invitation tu the- bil, ahc ho accptod ; aieSCoe. vrcb vras in bige gise. The visleed-tor. nigbt at- lcnigl arrive5, sud ve aerc ail ou hp teo us>' veltballioe. Cobvee *výelcri> Fthe drova np tote cdonif about baf-peet neven, sud rauniug np the etepo, rang tle bell. - The olS houwso keeper came 10 the dooi, saSdlocheS ae ibougle sho thonglet Cobaalb vas eeayy- aben te. sleS for Mr. Blacki, but ohé managèS teueà b ber towalk in, ýadled voold tell ber muter thât, se, anteS te sua lim. siBat abat under th.e un ibat éleit cf a Itbiag vante of Mr. Black 1lSou't tse,s." e mutterad, ae.5ce vent cut. Coleaebest dovu sd aSviA dwilh ali -patience. gSou e.camne isole, saying h. ,vouid ha icad>'preetly. Csibob aseSe an leour, end h. diai art, aomeandeuSted anothe beau anS e sa. Shavwu I e s 1I rvut 9 ada. . potiotî t vit s sMare 'E. à " r familleas icretofers Beach JL lu