Whitby Chronicle, 13 Aug 1868, p. 3

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aeeomagy w ou r 0 ser, staionow tbh 1,$etu >of Renaîh, andase# thebonus fairly- ezpanjded4 next yeanr.,Whaî ,y ,yeu, ya«or ay f Tour sineera friand, BUSEIIIVACKER. 7b a#EJdft f th/ i-. WMiby CAronfd. Lho.lug Iha doop fa tenit yoe 1e8110 the pnosperity and pro. groses of the Coruijof 01" arl sd .TOU #»d o Jour reiy mrny. frude sud potroot t broogla your valuable and vide. otreà&p4pir, (hi saàh of a trip through t oibpa of Sroelr ùàaipou anad 8ectç xtti Ibo lo perstioas of the Ontario laroré, liaMut usurauce Ca., la th. course ef uhichi met ulîh doided sucooe. J1 oenceod etaittlfBilttoa îMmegg iathe hy and Intellgent <rmer@ of Mtipoa. tu alog riabe 1 argotd nu cihen laimes thaitthe proprit, 0<ofufuég !a à sa(a "4 bouourable o ouay at borne, in prafarence te îheor compuilas, boueer n cible andsaile, establisbed et a dlmwacc. WhilIemrnang the adelsain that other comipSoles hAve aued hotÏorably, la thair deaillgi , I uould ilso am'I# rom: à perional -haoulege cf the (acta, that thï Ontario Narmera' i tai.-Insolaee Co.. blu pald wfsh aà prMaptucassurpassd' by monsei ,lllaimi againat said Compnpmy, and uii wlîb' uqiarpompînsbe pty ail future lial ut labmýof 81)7 damàgîeausîalued by «Jy of ha '*emiarïÏ otufîhatadiag, the spaay fontl&ao nusisrt eeîU 'o other lusurng agents unjusay eudeaivcnlng ta damnag@ the standing of the Comnpany, aid whieh mi lu ahe and Iajure the' a-acm. pacles tbey reprisent, i adds rMucb go tha pluesure« doeg business t a ndý ,peoplIa h g6ot,'sociable and bIne, ub boah te1 it e iectbe mury <zpieneo those lai feu veake af Interns. bot Mwaaber, îhrough th touashipa menioned, aid I obsil long <harlab uitlh gràteatulen- nsrbrae. the rnau acte cf persocil- bindotesa sheuwneatud th@ a ny.fshab o<ýswié« Dsutadfor the ibiture prcsperlty cof the Comnpauy, I repfeseat.- h uealac, pleming t utuese 16 te luxuriant -wavfn golds en alIoad gise. crope îhtcughout tse uahipsE.1Hq Io abundant aud Fia[eue.lait Wbest làs very heail udbsfIly taeld the meni to cf the carwiome Ekseprsand Harrestena nowIrnl nése, and of uhieh the intelligent aid judi, t"amer laIoti:slow ta avait l bisai, ltarla5 cff hie crope. Spd..g Wheaa pdi oshar eropo look,.il, aiqd tu al îp- pearsuce, ul nlchly rspasy the labours of<the huabaudman., I ud the mach celebrated Brown à Patterson's Eeap or and Maman quit. .U fîvouri se amaugot the <rmeraiouemoboat 1< vas« dlffloult for <bi 81. o 611 &ailordera fa time. -la i Mn. Broun kiudly furniscd' au gentleman, lrom-Brock, wuhh a mouer t<ba hasatisactoorily' dons lietr ork, for, ,S ,h b towuship of Whlîbyl'thia âýW&y.r,, and for whlcb Mr. Broun, V i, o iuruish brm vii another -for a su ars opertniîica ,But lesingMar# 'Iditon,.ta trespause nylauîrher c onyur, lam yoirs, hào, DANJEL 1HOLLIDAt, Agi. cf O. F. >J 1. Ca.» >Base D11 stmath* as bawm. Te lA4, Edilor f thIho ?f bp QAnoncà. D.îî, A retain match botween thb, 46 l<esrfDominion" andIl CearDiLaies Star" ILB. Q:0, camelotfat Codai Dale, on Vrîday À spirit «oýiirvàlrr basfor -sorne lime îsrge îvciad The &. .J. D, Caylay, .A4 Iucombant of. Whfsby, pn.acbed tb. sermon. Ha look bis test rom 1I Kiag$. xix. I. ýServicesain îheobobh aviug beau cou. cludad, ,aa djowîmet vuemadeto tha coilege .a11l1 BI tbf.tlime tbere wuascon. gragad vry large assemnblag.e ofladies aid geitteme-rncsîtheM, a nodcubt, parents or frfauds ofIbo laueis ait of them avldently deaply lîtarasaed lo a. practedaga. Abastui oaa a'th. Vensyable Arcbduaceî Palionrtecok1th. chair, a»d opensd th. praceadlag. He vu onry-tosamy <t lu ath. enzeoof the Bfshop, Itl had <llen tu bis dîy,4., pro. aida. Ha 'readi bter rom bis Lordhlp datad i eltph, ,aprmsang deep regret lit th.,Impoasibilit y cf bls bolg pro-. sent. The pris v ere dlilvéead tb tb. baya by te,. Vanérable Chairmn, viteaddroasd cash reclpient In i <ou kfndly, congratula. tory uard -rligepucalyWorel th. undousbted oditeaf b cicol. The Les.. oi th. West Yerk BEloc., Tha Uloboecmmiot!ng oun t4 reals 0fý the Wost York electian, miLes use cf the folloulng tfauguage, uhieb .mpbaticaiiy' axpre... 16e a.iauts atidfeelings of the msjorlîy of't6e people of Ontaria ai 4ie preseit lime. Wa do out daim tb. reut lh West York: se à triumph 0< <h.ieon. mpurtl, Consenvatives u#Il asBeformers are *n:Iiied to a <air massue.of the'hcaoura of victory.- As a triumph oear tbc admi- nIstratIon, It wua, bouser, P complote. No Go0veasment c 6 il o, ha &trougs wWlch, ln ia cousu tuency ciodby neanly tbres to oie a jeuareg ooouid ot brlng 1ut the 1.14 a candidat@ uho dared t0a sy à irard fi appraval cf iha poiicy. West Tarik id a air representatiau cf the feeling of the people of Tpper Canada atIbo6epro, saut marnt. If a géuéral slactionu uen aow Io take plae, ue should es@e atoil tho aima change lut (rom luenfy te tbfril ai the caastituaaea of 'Ontario, Thai le the rasuls oa, coalition mia for tuelve moatho; fIls tbe rasuli of the long' Inter- colonial "af1"1ayroute, of the appointaient of Govennor Hfland, sud of the miarnan aÉcalent of-Nova Scotia. I lasthoértuit of the disippofnsed hope. of ch. people, Tbey -dniaard that thay moud by iiînfôs of parties soeurs a aotrcag end boeisî gov*. *rament. Thay quoke <owaaseat. of the delsiaoiuhea Mn. Rowland atepped loto the place of Qovennor, afier gfviug bis saent ta th. long Iut.rcaioafîl route. Wili the Weset York election, haerecaliad as a urnîg by the Govenament, aud uil it cause a chan,;@ ofpoiicy? W. <car ii. Altoady the Ministérial journais earerpe- soutfa IDse u dbo#vnt of no Importance, aid >w. sne. noneason. to hope ihat Sir John -&d bis colleaguos ii peaueIf.thiri caru 'nresienfor a moment., 'Tho peopleý of Ontario 'sorely nregrati iLai îey plac ad, urrved, polar lathe. bauof <h.t Coalition s i t aletiont but h is more easy to gîve than so ufîhdrau. We <car, tbthi46..couutry if ilpous tbîcsgb gieatan ecrf k otore , he peoplewulîl 'ba" an op- poruiltl cf reverslug îhafr verdict cf laut Outuîlo Teachens' .ksseeltioa. Tho folloWlag are thêe eted offioerlt <or che euuloijur:Iq Preuident, Dr. Neilia, of Victoria Col- loge; lat Vice Président# R. Aleamden, New, market. 2a4 Vies Président, 8. MeAiltar, To. ronto, Bcd Vice Presldei A. mcureiyB. *4 lîWqin-1_hý lM ôri 2nd Qeo, Tule; 8rd Wu. Cbambems Good' condut-lit Jackson Ecngoagh; 2nd Wu. Giboon. BERSiST5. scoooL-85,DivisinIO-L, WILLI5, TZAC13 Ida ig 14. rd Charles - 0,Wiks -4th Constance fr. oweUl; 516 Tiomas khit-. SecnJOd aa1sNBe wport; 2o4 Jas. lird; $rd Mary 'Bongougb; 4tbh NormanIe,*n Ihird<lo-sEon ow; n Ad& M. Bryau; Srd Frank Bell; dtbEzra A. Dornai. -Ood Con4ut-lst lcnriy Eroir.; 2.4 Ida S1.1gb., SECOND DIVnSIO-xiSS atEg, TEACUMI. laiCLaàs-lst Marthà fryan;,,2nd, Maria Allan ;,Brd, Alla. Biack.« ' 2nd lu-Is.rdoikKent; ,2nd, W.. Huston; Ord , ryRapp; 4tlî, W.i. Burns. 8rd Ola.-lnt, Jane McNtiah; 2n4,, John H. WilIis and Oscair Cleiraàter; 8rd, Jane Matheirson; 41-f, W.,. Thopss 1 000d -irL-aLMaria Al- lin- andt Coarolme Rapp. I1j5lt r@deri&kKentý 2.4, Thos. Epploît. &md~.Bp-It James Chamborn, 2.4. Aiez. Wilsoný; 8rd- LIzie Diamand. 4tAfils, InIRaaer-lst, Charles Parrasette - 2nc1. Elisa Shar;$rd, James Brown; Ïth, Mfrad -ýiakle; Ztbo, George BnifOuma, l'it IRsaJr.-lat, Jane Hlumphorey; 2nd, Malicia Luke ; Ird, Allce Freemmn. 1 2nd >Cia, Final ReaJr.- lot, Samuel Blake; 2n4, Wo. 8unders - Si , Fred. Jlatch; dth Oco. Austi.n ; >, Eratus Harveor; 411h Mary Boddlie;. 7tb, William More. laI OClama, Flrjt Rsad..-lat, John Sannst.s Wonu , .R&pp;ld, LUis& Yirnoid.; 4th, 4Agnes B c, î ôt, John NoBride;-,Otto, James WlIIIW Oood Oonduet,Girs.-Lucy -Jane Allau and Mary Wices Bq*, -Geo. Thivalte and John Bell. Pequel Beaders-lit, James Smith; 2d'EltRoueà $rd, WIiniaWallace; 4tb Berbara Taylor; 411h, Jno, Proud(oot. à elm tdu iradaé.a-lst, Woo. Walter; 2nd, Richard Blow; $rd, Maggle Smith; 4t6, Goea Wallace; Otto, Mary Vallon; Ot6, Mary lTcarey; 7th, Isabeli Cribb; 8tlý W. Ahley. D0 lo. lit,- Anne Tearney; laid, Robert Aaboby; Ord, Minmi.lophins ; 4tb, [Llena Canroîl. &Md ulDinalon-lit, Louai. 8Smith k 2nd, Hettie Proudfoot ; 8id, John Palion and Thot. Wlllis; 4t6, Edl:h Gibson and Anne Gibson. Ibird DiMn-lo4tAn.. Vallon; 2n.. Roenrietta Lawrenc. 1<ourtl. Dtwlain-lst, Joseph V. James Wanfolk;-,2od, Anne Crummer. Osod Conduc-Annl. Vallon and Jas, Smith. SECOND DIVISION-MIL WooDnouaI ?OIC !R Srd tMaa-lit, John Woodhou«s; 2nd, 'Mary Aun Ashby -,O$d, Caatie Vo. 2à1 Clam-lot, Emnma Soiflhwtll ; lad, Esther Smith -- Snd, ary Jane Anm- strong; 416, ï'.tsandI; -,Suh, Fanni. llone. ; 'Otto, Emma Blowr ; 7th, Mprtlaner Woodhouae, lait tOau-lat, Jasai. Woodbouse - 2n4, -Mary Ana War!olk'; Srd, Elsle Wallace; 4t6, Vannie Réooke; 5th, James, Stuart; M.6 John 10ibason; 7th, Lydia Crlbb.ý -good Oondut-Anne Vonaytbe and Wm. Jas. Foroythe. Amrneau News# DEATH,0OF TRADDEtJ8 STEVENS. The Rinald apecial sales<ha circular of Instructions te0 i..Sonthenu commlandera wiilui 0 halssed, Deparm.aê-.- n méandens .111 b. dfrectsd te ocs tue th# &id af Goyernors of Sealea .1... called uspo.i -n4<r certain coudltfoïs. A ldulsan aaupaper sale complainte- sr# begiuslng tole ur lirMmore eor lias lijuîy b 1h.cottil ceropa socmnt oa- beary raina. Thoe, youigeý or aumdoter erope are doing ucli. i l'ail Wheat' sprlng .....1...... Peulq......... woao»..... ., lie. ,6580,, InSooLENT ACT 0r 1864 lu the moltter-of 'GEORGE EUSTÂN 11LT, f1 islv I tO notilier p. i.-nte afiervéuu, lorthie publia exum iîationlil, l ux nolvent. and fu~r the~ orduriîîg pl'the affaireaof the &tâte gewerily., Dat t- *1Wlby, MIbs1h day of Auguet, J'AS*, fOiLDEN, T MEundvolfeilwilI pay lbhIgbest mer- 1009000 BUSHELS DABLEY, 5090(0« FALL WUEAT, 504M00 4" U1'BiNu IVMAT9 20,000 " PE'AS, DELWVEUED-AT FORT WItITBY.- 0. DRAPER & CO. 031EAT 13AIS IN PAUE liilA INGciNGQS Gold, Oàtin and Grounded Papers, Oak, Xazble & Granite Hall Paper, Bordoring in Gold & Colours, WINDOW BLINDS, &c., &ck. P 1rleum lor, sud aîlver tàken et par, JAS. il. GEnDRte, Family Dnqz .store. Whitl y, Ang. th, 18688. lm-SI Heotel to Lot. THFI NATIONAL 1OTgL, Port WJity, The hlbo e a t hacn plut io a tlaorouglî stato of repair, udi!la a larige andî comnnodiona building, *@Ili sdspied lt a large bapdnep%. J'ossaioti immediatJy, Fer partiaulare, appIy tw- JAMEzs OWE & CO., Whlthy, Aug. 4Mis, 1868. fs STOLEN OR STRATE»!1 -o- QTOLEN OR STI1AYED from the pra.nitem %j cf teb.ihiaiber. tovj of Whitby, neanly tiro weeka ugo, s igrey aud yod Cou, about Oive your. old. Andy permon giving saab Information uasI~IIl led tO berrcc rmYO,wilb utlyou4 .d. * vi ..iai oa4 Whitby, Auj.,btb, 186. itom 14111. Bittain. MaiIpa afnd soid ta, tsat Homiard, cf -WLitbr.,,Any persan led Ing th.e ame und forward ing h :r fa th@<lieude:. elgedyulrocivethe Abovo roward. MLEM.CAEON m e Our trMnas <otaice advaîtaÏ,of It before c magefficent'prope - ' <fon ha'nvof'ccûaesri». ln WIIoLESÀLE PRCE %licEWJIN hL à0 -EI OUa IIEADEU ISTIIU W gV We will givée î-the full benefit of the ri O ductfon, and, viii conitin ue b Od'O in ntil aur :napîdlydcceasiv IDSIK 0 M v c"les <lil> 1- CLE AR'ED iWo bave gilways on a choico asic O z c, oe 0 ortmont of scason Bonnets, Nanties, Jacketo, Which we, are~ seiling at Our usual low i wyll Pi7 la give usaaci, UseW ira ulmot ba ugideneold. iLOWES & POW] Wbiiîby, Aug. 51 Dominion WasrerOo#s kh,188 FT! nabie aIes. I ELL<O' FRESH ALE.1 AL.#DWELL & CO.'1S.& We beg to announco the arrivai, off a lot off the above- Ceebrated'Aie, In packages of 10, 15 and 30 gal. lons, and ai w4 have made perman- ent arrangements for a snpply TWICE A. WEEK, parties may ré. ly upon gétting it FRESE, and at Manufacturera' prices, freight- add. cdo. T. H.NcMIW & o. GRAND CLE TTT TN 1 Whitby, Aug. llth, 1868. BOOTS &S L ~elin of atcost, the baIailce oflhis- surm- mer Stock of Prunella Boots, and light work, ifr order to make room ýfor a very large and superior Stock of < FALL & WINTE R, WORK, Wbicli is beingm d to ordipr, specially for his, Eîtablishment, and which wilI arrive atout the lst of Septem ber, and be soldat prives th at,1 defy reduc-tion. 03Ail work repaired and miade to order, by that renow.ned workman, CASTLE FOX. EED' Re'irîî*-mher -the Stand, next lôoi' to the 'Royal Canadianl3ank,ý McMilIan's Block, R. J. YARNOLDI Wbitbyt Âug. ,tÈ, 18"68. ROýYAL. FIRE, Insur ance, - 31 AND'LIFE Com pyY CAiITA " - TWO'IILLIONS STERLING. 191,8 COMPÂNY havinginy ade the necessary deposit, iu mc- T cordance with the Ne'w Insurance Act, beg ontfth public and théir constituents that théy continue. to accept. Riska, on ùs favorable ternis as uiny other first-,class Company, ândinvite Particular attention to the favorable ternis on which. LiePo,,Iloes are Cranted., FRANCIS Il. HBWÀRL), >L42AGRR, TORONTOI3YO OTTBO OFFICE.-Royail Jmsurmuca Duilg,7 con. Vouge àWellington s. GEO. OLIVER, inspector. W. 3. NICOL,,Nedical Befere., 11iqAGI w,1 ÂGEW< TY r Whitby, Atg. Stb, 1868. , lin,'3l. 00 re-

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