Whitby Chronicle, 6 Aug 1868, p. 3

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appmteilf protebnnug *Irhaw tue line. -Thse Party ' vis omprmisaes tere thin a. vradeti wlithont ba eor expiga$on,ode bold ta Inquire thiecs, eof[ th@ire .ntt ad wus lnformod ùhs t t6 rigisi of tis way wu ail aaenyed, sud-tisat bis dweling %old bai. b b. sfmoirnd jumî twent, Met to one sida e vi' wostly, tb clear t lino:u of the .now raiivaby. l'is taartliiugple of intellgench ed $0tOmoeeargtoent, reo soltlug ia tb. actiormodatlug eungueer propoiag t10 ina th.e sev yards Ob#e aide, by golng basth a mile or so ta maire thea deîlstion, provided the f armer voulti consent 10 p.ayait eoualonoderatioa faor tihe trouble au4Wplay, akboui $256 Mig tise tend, TW trick *à& .sncessiully-,prao- tlmed onsi bie parties la thse township iim. ad, on Wedsesday, thse imaginas,' raluy makipg soit@ atonisbing Ories 104-"tat lu", tise diure,s, icîimoo Roilsl,thoaela a degreseof iverdaugy onong th&e countr, people surpmsiug cororb.iou, sud oune vcsnid hardi,' balioetisaht scis a owisdi couiti cced - la su,' conmuty. An volliurge fr, tis#rascais, viso are stppoe ed to be pýnosiog tsoi"survl" lu thse -direction et Guelphs Alro'rua COtviî.-The Belevileiii. telligecer a&%yu-s Tsebest evideuce te eau bave tisaI miner, bave. ndlrimiiet cufideace lu tise eiteace of goiti lu ibis coutr, le tise tact that large s#Do!ofmo. ne,' are conînunedteto ho pent lu tise oece don of of asisers. Tihe seoisr. Brown bave recplved an order to msanufacturé a erniser *îise.Troabo andi Wbiîbl Comnpauy, ou Nu.~o 28, in the 401 concession o! Madoc,- iïdàiel I:juperictentience of Mr. March, 6 gentlernan-Who hbu for a numbor o! yea:as 'bauco .onteà'-ç!th gold riniug lu Vis. Wicis. This. eo.hôi'4i t osbeivees Mr. Have bu rabuhe th ie violece of tise Noi seutscoprou& visici support. i.s ln a lette pQblised lu a oias, Prom,) 11:18su anibds4circnrnetaucos, te Jutige« -'ii t b e wiiiiucg to, bock down, 10 orne estent at leasi, on thse repent of the Union -quation. *Bq '-ay,' uisharder ter-nmtban oas rers till b. abie ,os viiiiug tagrant,t 'and ie b. nia,'tndimady ol'4sla folioter enu- ,wiiilg 10 maire msy,'coâceesion visatever. -lue Iole andst popular, isoveves,, and if1 hu eau maire termes vus the -Domnion sOorrna iii almout certalal,' b. able tu oecanuà amajoril, of!bis.countrymen. SOu. tbislg la cesîsin, appaeti-ie hau -8 deas oelllior osanuatoa, W. ,neyer Ihougsi5e-ad--Ioe Tb@ lRoysl Ccmmnima aon Use Tis Cisurcis Rosablithismesive :mautieohir 'report. tIe'reomrdne dî.aboliltloc'o "&Ili th#isEcop^i nd. u Catisedrali establili ei lslniec#pi elgh ta lie - 'tIsntalned eu reduceti ineomes. Tise,' a'&leu1POorîtnaavons ýof moemoesité ca, courange tenuté nuder coseS leases t$0 purchmso iproporî,' lu porpeltai', anti ta 'enaisie taudbolderss, b,' th payaient 0< - lith4s anti roct 'Chargesa b eventuali, .redeem anti regain possession o! tisir Wbitut nofhh. towueip otSombra, vas, aclnt il,'tîntib,' b.li b-rovu rom bisa wagon o b@oult inus of Sanrduy, tu *coasnisiuiou locky, viieh le, h. aa,'mIre. imarisable fr il& is lplclîy, Wue outi 4Ilâ gos. It bua** y1,000,000 cmla Soefisormen nue cottons for bat.- ,00a do $me ornea., - l iir'1ks Company-go.Sado a a W- Ho w aeet to reellue lu tise hl 1a 4ge -Say'about elghuee. 0 Tise roai O camplous ôoI f herIng-Mos tierà titis danghtes r 'Mary. EXPOrJence, Dr. Franklin says', la.à dur eisooI; but fooasr, lt oar u n.oother iaot ofthte aboveý CeIlebrated Aie, là pack"~e of 10, lé and 30 gala Ions, andass me have made ' perman- eut 'arrangements for1 a supply IEWICE A WEEK, parties may ý,reL- Iy upon getting it FRESH, anud at Manufacturera' prices, feigëht add- T.AK oN -&A hCo.' wiîy, Aiue tir.~ 8 NEW àpvEl_ EKNS Tu£ GREAT NEED 8UPPLIEDý PILlA IIAVII ibeau .uppied iunuuiliom t. sli taie tW.hMhbed l Inby thsé pusud. Pr lMwavi two pid $pou" eam i thig u end 1su sww.I.. mie aydtm uto<u" lo ew 09..5hi# fanu pitié16 adule. cflcFIo c auc lo» Be hau ibu Mst podut = LA* w niâ.cui'. ne sptemi (nbl..'l'by usrimea vigorsmo uppetîtýsitti.audc. 0 gl sise tho issgepi Ts.11 tobIbo1 No (M foreeofuloa. ifliseauilresst thse diaiili. tu lmis oprsIou s to . ITîtur, àAioee, boit "bosuum. DBo. it, ipfrb, psstulce oet,.. re tlsirustgity *taidwby tio ssasrival.d usedctie. lis <fce Cire *bar@ gali ilieras Ji, %bile for i liaru, 0e", CtbljlIs-Citi, ostO Il sbréiousa o(tisk iais, MIAGIL'S SALVEI ue allIble. Ss.ld b,' al mJ>n st4a-Upur boz. 16 Cosrsrotii -8uy nou Naggiel'l' iti, or Ssii wliub aIt a uptlettimie us 1,. liaots Thegsatshvs eusueba. lykucks'tn o, wiuis issusJ. Ms%<i, Ai. 1), Tise genuuiuebave thse itb*base powdar. suid by 1lissuis Msu»'o,' 4&4!i,, bMontrofi, sudLY- MAN, iLiT i, iotimi i lsWt.4 Ntur. WifNSLOWt a OOTS-lIN G- àY R'UP FOR CIILDIIEN TEETUIING, grestlyimfelitat.th t «o i coi tftetlung, b, notst.sngilsh gunss, reduclssg aiiift nato- wlli sliayAtt l'Aix aiil sptmasodic action, sud S. OVUEê TO 1<KULATe VIE ZIUWkE6. LIopoisti open 1, nothers, it willl giv rutI th yoitrt»ll., anud Or'Rflirf anti Jeattlto ta yen aiât. SW, bave put ip and solti tht. article for yer>adC'à% AY r tc oyisom AN it tv oIst ow Lave noyer boen abht tostmy of £Dsy otoer UA$ci eNsv it lLaà IN à dusISSOU Iwls mvoEsvr Aàcos, W5sBr tilDe»' usec4.'Noyer diti wc now au ?ltt.e ot dlsrnatoSefsiaion by asy oeue*ho neei it. On the contrssry, ail are slligbited wiels lO pera- tdon, nuiti .peak lis terinis ol cotsedstlonu Is mosglcsl eueetattb idîcllries.W oesk lu tbisauuitthr 1WIAT WX DO KNOW' & te r y.t r 'experislnco, assiSpieigeoOur Te- puttinfor tis uibsso d wstehe Infant it .uffeing (tom ni sndati xhssstlon, relnefwol t'.toutid lnu ifwou Or-tiuel m'iîltn. tus atter ths aop ià accbnlptsnyd M.lsis otl..Noise geuitilogse si l. (Ac- ulnniu of jUET18 &eut iIUStB, 7ev ort, le ou the ottsi. wymsp ro.ii i oîi BoId b,' Vrggiste troon thwor paEiCE-Otiny 25 ceats per sotties Ofl.E42 alltop strecte, New Yorke, gob liigh loborn, J»Calnada. ud1,"li. Paeul titreet, mniw %sa -Au escteruml seMd internai remei,' for tiseocure cîtàMg k PM"Nîx the STOMBACE, -oiBru mut othieaiis.,Sris, nSweills iware Tbhata, Saddoin coldsC@Uqgi,bet c. Uie ltouc.1'Yor Asny 01 those, snud it u itno- ver do witisout t, ý Bevere of inittOr.%1SoU bý 911l T Rs udem adwilllpay te lb.hh.emua- ,109,00OO o iSSELS BÂNLLEX, 60,0900 '46 WLL WUZAT, 60,00 04" BFBSN( WBEAT9 DELIVIIW AT FORT WifITBY. qc. DRAPER & CO. GIMAT ]BARADrS INI PÂPER IIÂ,NG.IGS! D.HANCOOK, BURGEON, ACCOUCHUII, keq - xmpzlwog & 4Omcg-Keut Ibsuse, W i.thy, Wei.toidtisoEltsgli.sh Culic Whltlsy, Ang. 4, Iode, 31 wIUTBY IUNITED &rammar &CotnmonSOchools Will re-open Con MONDÂTY, THE -lOth INSt, gR* A pntsotnnal att6ndince 0 PUNlbl re -U. 1IL bÀitTîçElL, CssMeol Bd. of Or. andi C. A. T. Farrn for Sale. AT TÛE VILLAGE 0F l)UFFIN'S 0CJREEK!1 BING N;ýrort 11,1101fof lot No..la, lu theiselt B cossceasion ot tisa TOWNBHIP of PIOMING, ($5 acre& Uniir. goul %te of cultivstlon, W. TÉ~M8 BEAB-titI. isîduspnteble, Oiis-fourtls of îsrcsasse moue,' ouI,' reqtired down, thsebalassnce ecusromain undur usortgssge, t0 suit purchoacr. For fsuther particulgre, api,' to- W. WJIITEBIDE, rscKslke P . (ô., Our Aunout S$rd, 1868. j . simos-SI1 H Oe Ito L et. adîcuto the W1rIhosos sitiIab. TiseeiIu ,s~ho put fisto a titorougi state of rojslà alnti lsge sd cornwodiou bulisWCilf #!ptud for a large buoilesa. PosmAadion lrnrneduately, ?or piiîtluliroi; Apply to- jAn EU RWE k Co, Whithy, Act, a4h, 108tf-si STOLEN OR STRATE»1 QTOLEN OOR AYED <soin the. premiae C3 o! htisubsbrbee, to*nso!Whitbjrnarl two veoka ago, a groy saud roe[Co*, aboi Yeu# 014, A c puu fflying Ptah Inforibatlon a willl Jodt Jbr ooOiel7, wll b. sultabiy r.wasd- ed. @AJIIEL WALKEY, WbtbAu. u, 1869. 8i $5 R ewar d.! C!TBAYgD aboutssaweolr or tw o (lo Wj)tb, awhteCow withs brîndiots,. sdnock ai trindle-7 y<r: os #brorh iom lowtrd, f witby. An,' perion fSud- lui thise ansd forardlng -bri o the. undot- ilgusd, wl.ll receive tise aboyé rowafi. CON TRACT. etuatr dene", viii bu avas, uutfl*eooii, on bh, OF AUGUBTi tisa 8 obb mbon tlsmsapsses-o, at sunloepes u pa n tuss e me m" oi0f 6ils Cars hcpurcdehaeti oiucwlsoe' W re ài:c<ssi remsesof this "~hn'asitock, st froni $1,2b io $2,50, Eqslal 4ssality, hàtt sanhave çont$8 b $4 w - A FALL 0F MO RE THAÉ~ ~ 5- ERCENT, Does not occur ever3ry ; sud ire wouidadavise our frienda to take ativantage bf it before th. magnificient prospect for bariest elt i se la ' WE WOULV>AIJO B3EMI" 171 zit AsTIN i Cotton$, 0hawil, £N'We wiligive thein the fuit benefit of 16, Te- duction, ant ill continue tolo so untîl our, rspidiy Jccréa'iig, Stock of that cdmsa0oSgood. la emtirely uCLEARED OIJT -We baye aiways on a choice usortrnétàt ol seasoable wil ~l 7a10 ogive usi a cait, BOOTPS Manies, Jackets Iing at our usual Iow ri as u o will not b. tundcroid. JOWES & POW] oimion Warerooms, ,1868. 0 o' u'C mil ates. It ELLP Whitby. & BHOEs Is seilling off at cost, the balanceé of bis sum- mer Stock of Prunella Boots, and liglit work, in order to make room for a very large sud superior Stock of FAIL & WINTER WORK, Which i' being inade for hie Etablishment, and mhich'w September, sud be sold at prices thur 0 8 T -l & T u, LTON -Co TuAM15,T_186à. Whiiby, Ju.y1,18. AN NOU.NLIClIEý-'rN T 1 1 ir eGREAT SACRIFICE IN w For this rnmonth of JULY ONL 1Yy Cai aryon Yeoman Gibson for'-unuul Cheap Goods. HiRs Stock of Ms Muslins, Prints, -Tissues, Mozambiques, Grey and White Cottoins, &c0,, Delaines,; Fancy Dress Goods, " A1-will-be aold nder the. Wholesale Prices.&~ STwô Dozen Extrâ Parasols'on lIand, -to- be clea-red oùt very cheap.: YÉOMAN GIBSON. N. B.-The IBighestCaîsh Price paid for, Butter. Farmers Produce taken in e"xhange for goode. <YEOMAN GIBSON'S. Rememe,'-llts.1 Lug oner Il . w. firPE. In oridc to affect a clearance, itheyoffer the balance of their Stock at UNTIL THE 2Oth DAY 0F AUGUST. 83m Mn. Robert Camlpbell bas left for Bin- tain, to purchaàe their FALL & *WINTELL STOCK, which miii be foundmucli larger than usuaL. k~ ôrDue notice wilI be given on arriv ai of .t defy, reduction; U= ~Al work repaired and made tô brdcrg by'tht iéno*ned *otkman, CASTLÉ FO2X. WUJ' Reinember the-Stând,, the Royal Canadian Bank, MeMillan's Block, Whitby, Aug. Sth, 1869, néit -door to1 R. Ji, YARNOLDi SunM-imerGoods .& J.CA3IPBELL, whitbùâ ui ancheaor, 3uly 9t,1868. .27 GROCEIEs, &C, -&é. .4% 1 have becu Initructed hb,'Cretiture te, dis- pis. oftise Goods nt 25 per cent below coat w i icff l i b . p e r c e n t u m u e r t i e u s s s roti! srieapars. wantiug Cheap Gocds mua ort'rco itiopportunity.Jitorie 0::) Yiazquharàou's Old Stand; .N(arZij offpote the "BaSon Bouse," Ikrgain» wfll ouinl e offere.d for a short tirno, a tise bussiniose WUIlbc vounttip5as IOOflas poaible. - TU1MS CAS a. JAMES HJOLDEN, )Dt e Whtby, thda 20th Jnly, 1899. 2 ot-t Coie m mi W'tstb>', J une GRAND, CLEARII-IG Being cid ed oii n.e Hi. entbor The Iiit'ýy, Jnlý 'XIRI 1 L; Paie ICOST

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