Whitby Chronicle, 6 Aug 1868, p. 2

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01 iiausnt. I'eImiprliPaulammnt vauProrogasd' ins.Priy liaI. er Majesyr-QuiOiOVia. <0ri,8,net b.tng presol. ber speech was u.ad' by ibe tord Hlgh Chancellor. Ic s&y@ tuet thoesla no reasoue b fear var la Europe;j and speaks cf .-theforelgo. 'tels tiens wiih Gréat Britain as> moit riendiy and saîlsfaïteey. No reférence le mcade îo, the Unt.d ,States. TbeÂAbysalnian exp., dislon ba i vndicaled lb. benoar -of the Crova. The ceaatoc of atteoujts it r.- bellion Ina Truand r#nderýors ii. farose of lb.e'xcepionai povers granted by the tvo fnouses needlesa. Tii. Queen tbaebs tb. Comeann for tii.'supplies voted for the Goverament, and congratulâtes them mlpon the passage of tbe rih and Scotch Reform Billi sud the Bill for the puircliase offliie î.legrapbe tbrongbonî lthe kingdeeu. The. speech alme annoances that a dissolu. tien of Parlilament will aven akie place, in ordr that the' people ay rseap théa. vanlages of the. more esîended systemn or ýopressalatIoc rocently providsd, confident et tuder fitsas for tîboir new dalles, and tbath eir voice- viliibe for lb.ejperpeta lion of that civil and religions freedoni wh*ioh are'secured by the Institutions of -tbe palion and the seulement of the. réélut. West Yorkc. Tb*. nomnaetion of candidates te conlest tbe élection la West York took place on Mouday lait. Mfr. Aumos Wrlgbf, the neninue of the Reforai convent'on, and Mfr. John Bell, Q. C., of- Toronto, '!er@ nominateil, and betwean thoni the race for tb. bonor la e to. M1r. Wright bas been before the. public as a public man for tbe paît ixteen years, and dùring that lieua been worlcing 'heart and baud lu thei interests of the Reforai party. Mfr. Bell, a Toronto lavyer, ia also a Reformi- r; but la- a strong supporter of the Coalition. Meetingri arc nnuouneed tn ha liold duriag thia veek ; and a great deal of work la to ho doue by boti candidates hefore the polliug day, Monday neil. conuty Rtife Association. A metia; et lie Council ut the Ontario Rifle Âsaocuaîion u u elt! iu thia lovu ou lamtîWednesdmy, at viici vere, present Lt.-Col. Fairbanks, Sheril Recynolds, Cap. tains Darîneli, Dunovabtandut Michael mnd Lieutenant Lnnisden. A realution '"cued 10 affiliate viitich Dimmicioci Rifle Association, andta, lu ot thee Oc-t aninual matoh on tie lot Sept. neit, at such place la the doanrt>' a. May Imrenter be deîemmned on. The ceuneilithona adjourimedt l meet aI -the Royal batel, Wiitby, ou fie 14th icit., ut Ivo e'ciock P .mn lli e ILantime ibere ilu mmciisclivily amen; cur marksmeu vie are preparin; for titi ;eot cuntesu at Montreal, dom- meuciag ou iti September. Sevenai conipauy matches are likely 10 come off eborli-amiu;ii lier res--a match for $50 aoide boîveen six manibers efthle Greenvuiot!campeny aut! is et Ne. 4, Protexa Homîoe.- We are, som-my te JeurinIt etbtingAu "e hin; don. tovards J' Imvlng A public boliday ii Wiby-vboti- ail, ici and! pour, caît! mîngi. tnd ojoy ubensltos tote hu arîs conlent, In otbor -places tlb. majors have proclainiat àday for general recreation, madt he pnb, lic e taio in la beartily vith the mois- ment. Wby camiol vahave a heliday ha Whlîby? _______ qdiesed te âtleu that the negnlmn services bave n.-commenceiceth ie Coagr*gatienai ebuibo la ibis teva, cider tb. pastoral -' ohamgsetfBoy. Samuel T. Gibis, laIe et J ' JemespertN..Y, vho bas acceptedt!hle j unacimtous lnvisiileaof tie members ot tha charci te b.coie s luepasser.The - A s ryvis iii (D). V.)> eh leIt!egalanl> At Il &o m. ant! 61 p. m, sen>' Soude>'. À Baàyz Dot.~.Ls ve, jan soa cf 1Ur.J.1. ,Goy# cf Pont Oshave, ae.! igît jeans, ielentaîly feilli te Ib. valtoricsu lhe monao-lb ef'lb Osv ere.k, vlcieh Al uat pLlis la er eloit fel la dorbI. is eIder brelLer, Atior, a14ouly svelve ja b fc e leu te .aplisi, lmmet!latsly rau e l b. rsseus E. brave!>' joupsédite lb. vasier, and seod ; <bt.edovtlag boy by tîlebiet #$rm ù 0bm, .Bub *Ie ow s as eeidsdenes md day ; i ro.olt. En îlightesl Po girl wussa abuaey çonweeq nigst rlably vitb lb. s&me e.her-lhr. vau b. of fandicg tb. little but with no avaii. Tboe e vaset tlelielighu l el o ft . fby wblic sliec omcîdbcdiscovreret!-,mund maay vare forced te belleve Ibat îe$bad biddea berseit avay sand, penbapi, lad died. RHer parents, as ay hilmagiîBd, viore ,Uearly frantic ;'and fearsvire etertained fer thb. tesson cf tLe distractet! mother -from 'ice effetseof grief. Thmrsay, Friday, Satur- day aund !onay came andt! vent,- and stilI1 ne trace et the. cild. Butalsih.e oamiag, cf Meuday merniag, tic. sixtb day et ber1 absence, came tb. glad, tidinga of thia lit-. tle 0,i'o safety.8h.bat!iedvandered northwards, away frcmn home iastead of. lowardi I,-andd vu diseovered, weary aadi exhausîed, on the 141h con, ot 'Bech- pearly tventy> Ove miles rcin home. Thec poor girl,WvoIe ao niy about 12 jeara cf0 ago, bad, -cbld.liko, kept ail lthe bernies1 she haed piclmd-aad ber pail. vas r.iîl vhoi$ie h.vas round. IHov abs got an fer avay, and viiere she procuret! food to eaî, we have net iearned ; bat, et course, bert sallbringe mustl bave hein terrible. Tî la enoagi 10 knov thîah abc oafe and! sonnd cnder bar faîber'a roof, viiore, vi hope, ber presence .rill elieviete the pain andt aufferia; iccilher absence bucoensedl. Oua NATioNAL GAm<.-We are reqnest ed to sate liaI anoîber match gaine bc- tveea piclced players of tb. Whitby La. crosse Club viii take place îo-merrov <rnia) norning et bal! putt tlveo'cleck. Tiiose Friday mnrning matches are vit.t nomadby euany cf Our citizen$, Whoa appear te bc deigiited vitb the game ; and8 a large number of the fuir sex showv hbirc appreelalion et lacrosso by their presencoe et 00 early au hour. W. nnderaîa nd that that*a match is soua b ho piayed witb a Toronto cub, particulers of vbicb wiil b. given in due lime. PIGEON MATCH FOs RI9CcrAMrîoxSncr or Tac DOniyO.- On Monday nexî fie lOch malt., the pigeon match belveen 1fr. James Wcrd, the present champion, and Mfr. Charles Bircb, a uuî-d Englisi abet, for $200 a ide aud Ibo championaiip Of tie Dom1ànion, viii corne off about a quarf'er1 of a mile eust cf the Don bridge, near1 1'oronto.-Tii. takes hbave already been1 deposiîed lu the banda of the alakebolder. ROTAI. Içsuacc iCo.-We beg tb drav the attention of our renders to the special notice cf th. Royal Inanrance Co. la to-day's issue. In addition le the am-, pIe securify officred by lia Royal and ils worid-widc poplarity, inaurpra bave nov the tarîbor satisfaction of knoving that the. provisiona of the. receat Act of the Dominion Parliancent, have been fnlly coumpied vitb, ancd lbey may.. tlmerefore, vitb-the fllosi confidence, coâtine and extand their operaliens wiîb this most ras- pouaibie office. ]R.- orîuîxe oF Tac Senobo..-Tbe lowa achoola, us vilI be seen by advertise- ment, wilI te-open on Mondey the. lth lest. The granimar school oees-have been abolilbed and fre. eflcncs enov offred te ail applicants. Tii. grammtertsehool la rapidiy gamni; fer itselt e bighiirputaticn end pupila vili b. round on ils roltromu ail parts cf the Province, and $Oma evea tromn the Loffer ProvInces. Di. HAucce~s card appoars la otier colonmes, t10 vilci ydirect the ettention4 of the tenders ot the CnsoiNICLI. The4 Doctor, daing bia short rasideuce boe,9 sud asitled in Plcerlvitiere b. nimilnW ed t11ll it dealb. Xik vusbora la 119, aid was eoseqatiy lan lue fPsbypar of bis &te, &y. s. pu, . M4-; ~ f umi m. Columbus, Aug. 8, 1868. The council meât, members 'aIl proent. The reeve ia lb. chair. othe"s, P.Ying.Mmat. lots No. '14, l16 and 10 lu Ihe '2nd con.,- bighb. asurveyed., AIse a copy ef aresolution of. thé, corpor. aiin of tbe township of WbtbY, rec. ing th. propoaed cutting down in. m rovin a ill on lii. Klngston 1roed, no eru's 11111.'ol The following accounts -were presenled and ordercd te be -paid, viz:-Of 1Mr. Jas. Burns, for..àaiadscraper, $700;, et Mr. Guy, $4.00; and Mfr. Sc0tb, for, relief cof lbe puer, $2.0.0 On motion cf 1Mr. B. Smith, seconded by lfr. ilepburn, the reeve and clerk were instructed te forvard the necessary peli. tien te bis cxcelleney the Lieut..Govcrnor tocause lots 14, ID, acîd 10 a in-te 2nd con. tib. surveyed. .The council thon passcd a by-law te as- sens the owneru ancd- ccimpiors cf lots, No. 14, 15, <snd 10 ln the 2nd cou., te pay for the survey of the uaid Iots.' Mr. I. Snmith, aeconded by 1MrIepbarn, thon introduced a 14 lawr, wbich was paused througb ail ils stages, le asseaulihe townshîip for counly,educatiotnaî, township and other purpose fur the preent year. lfr. Annis go.v. notice that at tbe fort meeting of the counil bo would introduce a yia te provide a suai of money te aid in ctug dowu and improvirug tho bill ou tho Kingston rond knowci as 'Moorë'o Tho council thon adiouruod b ibe Oral Mondxy of Sept. nueit, Lt eutccl 10 o'. dlock, a.. Tuic SiLTEItQukano.-As yl boseon by advertisemant in other colamils the mierchants of Wbitby have determined te lako silver aItihe saine rate saslu Toronto aud eloeviiere. Proviouaiy, tboy teck ail ilvr-botb large an.d amali-at the rate et four per cent discount; but under their nov regulatioc i sai si liver viliib. faken only aIton per cent discounut. The large silver viii b. îaken us before. IxouczO.-Some t.venty-four Ore and cr inaouan.. oompanipu Lave n..4. de. posits vitbhoheRecoiver Clouerai cut Ottawca, according te Act of Parlicaent. The. suai deposited amounts te upwards cf $2,000,000. DEgrOUT.-Tho membors of tb. Wit- by Draught Club wli play on Frcday, the. I4îh mait., at tho Robson lieuse, for the parposo et deciding who wiii be eutitied te boid tb. club modal. Ail pai ties visbing te becomomembers of the. club, wiii pieuse noti(y the Secretaty at the Robson House. Tac Hoir. Ma. MO;DoroALL, a Moutreal coutemporary sayo, lu te diacharge the duties of Mr. Hovland's laie office ([nland Revenue) tli a sacceasor in appoinîed. WELAN, TFE Assàsax. -It la reporled that Wblan's counsel lu te enter fcr bleu a plea er insanity. ALE.-Attention la ditacted te the ad. vortisanient ini other colmiua cf the sami- veakiy reocpt of Aldwe'lla splendid ale aI T. I. MoMillan & Cos. Tac ÂTLANTIO CÀBI.u cf 1866, tb. Leader saya, bas agaimi ceassai orking, il lu beiieved ini conseqauec f damage don. by au iceberg near the Newfeudland end. Thi~s8the the .second liee fat Comeuuni- cation 1 iti Europe by Ibis cabie bas been inîerrnptad, vile tb. cab!e ef 1865%, vhicb vas Oasbed op la eid ocean vhen it vus generaily regarded as hopeieaai7 lest, bus worked perfectly ever siace. The science 'cf tleegraph bus mde sncb advancui Ibat liher. yl probablie b. ttle difficnlty la discovering the. precise location of the. damiage noi rcported lte the cabli ef 1806, and applying tb. needed reeuedy. capiletf-the.Dominion.: Tboaàb..»-Lelnu viidyear tleB.Jriltaifi overament- gresmajerft'y"ct îem vete Iuevr ik' e nt ever Ive bniga, but aflor Ivoyearaet bille to theifonudamenctal l aited usb ~cfraitiesa labour, lthe atlempl te value the thee" Liegioîlure vas convened, sd. ant! 'àvreck -vas abandone for lhe time. A > second iltempl was made by' Ihe ýBriish Trery friendlytlte bo eernament. Thottgfr fovernmenl le recover 1he treasure iln 1 and cthers deaonmmced the et .-and the0 1819, but the American G;e-ornitent ln- polley o eh i.majerity, on al suitable o!- lrose', sd cqmmanded those Iaboriug casions, viti indignantfreedeu ot speech, ý orn tore .ngîiah Ooverumcrut yet treus thetlce. vi, eaîered Canada itî 1daesiat, ery properiyregarding Bri- ve, camce cal of it, ve receiwied tron: ail ýish vesaells thon in or waters as prizes classes cf lhe people -beapitable and! cçur- of var. At, dilfereut Penie do aflervrardu, teous treatnmeul. 1 puss.d dirourbi the atlomplu vere mada te raiso lime vreck er"àà,erriorsof te RnseOf- m'-nd accoYr the moucys, by Amercan crcv!.d orrdorset le Hna. f (1w- reclçee, 1maIal proved futile. Atl1engtb mous vith amy bot wrds 'ngninlitie lu '48, the. 'Frgateflusisar Ce.' vas ergana eas cf lie people 1 met, but thoiy mover ized every summerasrince, the.veuuel la dailyý effered mmnu, sud et dirae.o'clo<k lu viiled b>' thé anbrnrine epëor ander tb. mornai 1Ottn veuttoîe cy Ioôings the direction otf1Ur. G. W. Taylor. The alone, as little apprehensive etebsruc- fressure remains, howeter, uudiscovered ; tion er efibace as T woaid bave bo<nin but twe of lthe docks bave'been i-emoved, thesteit o Efisiez 'Les ns hea1r 1ne27ofthe gus raised, alse-between 8,000 Ibe areel et Huaed 4,000 ufthlie cannon balle. Swords more, tiion, o! difl'.real .lresopt ofcfeC- .bclotcgiug t he h.ficeru, and a uitimofu nadiaus', iigi or 1ev, ila. eny part, 61 lb.eguirceas, supposed aclu abu - theic'Pro-. province. If ve, have lest ontr coutitition perty. vere tonnd in tce, cabin. Botties [et us preserve our manuers. Tii. Secro- Côn=taiuigquor bave bvpen trom ltime to tary et Stat4 and lie Imperial Peirliseat lime ae up, aud 40' cf thtcuc erc lu have tbrowu uponti aau ierro-Baruums mueum iwhen ituatcd aI the ,pcuty fa th nl.e al u te rapow eouth-easl corner of Bruadwny and Anti s il fationteioaienl, onlrovers> street, but vere cousumed in tegreat fTrë vhich, ttePesn oet epee that caused lice destruction cf tho boiid- us al, It would appear thal ils leaders iog,. Manaclea viîh pieceâ of bon. at- bave promptiy reapumcded, sud viii coma tached, have iikevise beau oblaiucd. The bore le, diaccisi i lice Nora Scotiana recovery cf thesoe articles, buwOver, bas snbob remédiai mesares as f ey may have net cnsored lu lime pecuciary ctdvantage ut to propose. Wu are boandtu t give ticom tIl' Compaiy, but their recovery bats de- a (air bearing sud ccurteens tetmu.l mooslnmitcd beyond question that tîce exact tstetlalocation out limawrock lé# knewu. ' V'hile our case se bnd îhai vo are ca-auid W0 dis.-' tîesa investigations were progressing, ic- ceas il on enr eva sout viti lie leading venturt; occispied îhoîciseivcs ini endeavur4 muen of Canada? Are v o i atroni thattub improve aç,paratus fur theo purporte of vo can illord lu outrage ibc public oîeni. making gubruarine explorations, and ilu ment of the viole vcrld iy reckless disae 1806, 1fr. William lork 'Sorm uitainedà gard cif ail tha usages of civilized diplo n patent naI ,shingon for what hiecolis ? I 1 1tuit not, and hasten lea ay thco linuiroted Suhmaritrc Explorer." macyAdmirai Fairregil emdorscdil ; Mr- ino liaI 1 abeuld deeply regret if any indiacre %Ç' %. Wood. a ciiel encineer tf lic tion vere a luijly a cuse wbcb bas Unitedl Stnteq Navy, spoke utf lu un ap- bîberto been cordacted with digriuiy and provicrg taris, aqaise %fr. S-ckrsdenrf, tomper, vilci bave cballemgcd the respectetire engincer of ttie 'New York, Street De evea of those te vicai ve hava sîeed op. partment. Tisia rmo explorer is 10.6 ini poaed. 1 arn quite sure miat on retiection, liecght, anrd ternrinates in0c ae, Il34ar lhe irriter te, vinie article f rater, and uranieler of O tact. and vweigha .32000 viee vevaitj, csublei aca bae rispouird, ,and gives a spriceofo 204 ecbia nppreiscided, vi tienur in bve mis feet fortlime rhree cr tour imen whom unctih appebeded wil cncu inheopiniona wrorki.ag inm il; coïctanmm15 cubile e oS0 viich I couaider ut a public duty thug comnprc.ased air; ibas two cylirrders, cacîc traukiy te express. two tact in' diarcter for comi)rcsr;-d air, Yuurs, truly. whicim give brcoyarccy leatire bell, anmd en- JOSEPHl HOWE, aidalimte operrimor ta regulate ils umore- Sir John A. 11tcdonald, b.d i lit e mnIs in conjonction witir a walcr baliaul Hon, John Sandfield, sud àiMie' I 1decapacity et 100 cîmbia c ct e 1Dý ad Yestirdiay Mi. Oiven Kenny, the opera- Miss McDou-àli, aud Dr-. Tapper an'ived for. and ta-o worktrrcn, iront dovn in the un Saturday. Sir G. B.' Cartier and' tia Explorer, irn the presence ef Dr. -1. A. Hon. Wm. McDaugeli and Mrs. MeDoumaîl1, Wei!z-e, (ci-ho iras an inte'estin l it and arrived un Mouday morning trom Portitmd, aise irn tce recvery of tic. treasure,) Mr. and are the gnes so et i. Doyle. Tiey Taylor, who bas siprintended lima opera- ramain tiero a few days.lions siuc 1848, aud a party of gentlemen imvited te viluesa the moveumeul efthlie The CroIl. mproved subamarine explorer." Fitteen The Cops.minutes werc occupicd in stcking the - desceut of 70 telt, and a like lime iu cern- A western cotemporary Baya tlýt the- ing te thce surface, afler time mien lcad ne- long cenlinuance of dry veather 4' ana mairced oic the cvnck ona icemr. They bled lice tarmers te maka guet! b.d vay bromghî kp vith imaa a bîg et dirt, wvieii with thei harveîing. Fait veat il tound upen beiug wasl»d hdlrrugh a sei've, yield- ini the large majenity of cases to belixcl- ed some tragnË4nts et iron, a few atones, lent and more thon an average. / Barly rccugnized as 4viat lu kuowu lu seamon asi sowu aprin; vheaî bussaIedono midi1, but Engîluli shore ballagt, sud lImafint oh air - oîd tasucroncd mti.-kel. The muer aaise r tual wbicb vus Put in late Y'6i"& verY pnricd thal lhoy tInca slruck 1h. wood eh pooriy, about hall a crup. Tii.esase amy tire shiP, about teuect fr-ou whene tIre>' be aeld ut pes, Barloy la but an iýliffer went dowu. The experieccet timeso aren ont crop. Cati very ligil;- takinoiborit diiaproves thec. ciumouiy-eccepted tiicury live pecksta t malte op tia hushel. Tay isatathir waters are stilI aI a deplh ax- is a very large drap; unueuaiiy soi pa- ceeding 14 ted. Tley assert timaI lie tatoos smal['and tev, îirough comin- ains bell, vhen net neslimcg onlime bottuai, is mydo ouci lovards roterin; ca. coustanlly suijected le a svaying nove- mayp bv ufee muchfoduh ent ut greafer or leuuen degree. It la Tarnpe aveaufore mmii ron d gitcontempîatecd to remove flice soup, .troru but tiiere la urne fer bhem yet, if far table wlcici tîce cperaîîunu are curaductcd, about veaibercoumes on., tcn teet turihen trailime sior 5u s lu -e-e-e----- briug lice divin; bell dircif > rtu Englaad'a Uoat Delenees. timbers diuccvered yesterday, aud le comu- - plete arrangements for tire men te vurk The Nov York Tiïesamaya Tire tour hours in lime orenoon udan equai 'Emgliai jouruais are assertin; and a it-, lima in tire aflernnon. 1Mr. Taylor le cou- iug thaitie oust defeucea ot RugIe are fident limat bis efforts le rocover tie resc- vorîlee-tiat ahosiliincadat o vosura yl ho ultiiaally crowued ritir sul'- wice rdu.ti thostileiat ie o w ceas, and Dr. lVeisso believes lime Ireasure col rdc tefotfcainso ils. viii be recové7ed tirrougla thcoageucy cf nicti or 'Plymouth incca <ccv bourgbey tlimel"Improved Sîbmnine Explorer." say ]Farragut muet have a quicit e te tbese tacts, and lbey sarmisa that, be A SINeceAm i Sou.-Tbe Scit's Falls vcto ordorot! by Cengrees lu' case t e Review relates the. toliovin; sîtrange dr. var, evndbv a dîfi îl ntl.cueustence as havin; occurret! lu tiat mng tie Aamericsn fils;on iii. Toir et village daring the visil t ove'à circas London liai ho bat! lu takin; Ne, Or. le uhat placerTire. yemrs ago Chattes leans. la auch a criais, uherefori Oar Hodgkius, a: bey 12 jeans of age, son et ueigbbora viii be interested in the. r rolv. 1fr. 0. C. Hadgkins, painter, disappoaret!, lu; Kya HRiteicocit ina fort fer lat for and despate tic. efforts of bis Parents, net o! the grant W estera Siatea cari a negro I milrapîtil."» voteet ail. In Obilo, Indianma, li noie ondt!hie Ciy papemii isaounr, Dnu, but a wite man eau vota, me ther pri-hua; vas 1ae"T 1n Miunesots1 Wiscousiai sud 3Micbigam, %Ubequently. 'vile mon eut! indiaus eau vole, batiDavoerepn hgme anegne. -Tanlice gm-ual.Esifera Staea en th- rafil negroes are kept savay frotlie pelis, veny iresîlese; eiîher pracîiealî,y er by setaI mite. lu proeecding te Pennsyivaala ne black mou -_"12vole, lu sud afUon voi New 'Yeik' a negro cen vote, but neot viii. himesingin; in oul a reai preperty qualification snd thiee. Bogliài sou;., jeas' resfidonce. Ilite 1Stetes of Nov 1;agland,excepidng lanCenuecticaf, nognreas go. Fkùthe id cai vole; but tlisir oannhrla ao amui as; -a St. -'roitno ten maie tb.ir votés et au possible vaine. Yeî l lias beea eordainodt!hLe, victoriens Tllothid. land NrîberriStte ia t cih cuard Kaecc cgimes To seau lustmlmrm 80outiera States, ail poliiic&l pover gvon Audu take tir tic viitcs &1balh.put mIe i te banda cofa aeWk" rote oh men Wvie estcrday verS beir '- Tiat - ias slaves. Fer myséîf, T am. proparod le theOis namboi argue, if iS be needet!, liaI anegre is not et! on dithe s Outed by bis iftms and nature te 'exorcisoe arioas politigalpuower amiaecomamunity ur fer ilithfe lv vhite mea. Heafla seluatnraliy subservi- West in timber, ,out ýtathe white man'sgrenier pover o gsol; SIot et mind tbit, vien passion ilugaver, lbe yl js teccnneeî Ci alveasde a4sosme wvite anushah insîrudt aettlomenî ouiy bu., Bai pnttimg sid. for the presout A casting;as'0lni' subjadt vlrichiis veryvaî in ita bearinga, la t!,je pro;t ont!ý lu vimobmon bave Sud 1will dispute upon'sthelover loudI>', bere ha. been made. a provision ton and liberal, poli a var et races viti the axpress objeet etf autaproal befor kaeping dovu a peuple, lu order tiat ual ho bia lotft ime peuple eus' be debssrred fremn ail politicai coachies more'i power lu the empire. Tt must ha remeini- iind biar, la fill berd iraihmiagoverrmtiaitluthe Ucirctd anpinenesoato Statea h SiateGoyerricicnt for tueot ut errupor thi part. Iu Geergia thoýblack menounouthese antvial lime Au linos of reconstruction, wenld have tie- atter vave et: power ot makingé ail luira for the rettraicu over thei'r Wei et the vicite. Tiey voulub. enabledt! te oming a. dia Cuadl tiraI aai shonît be bang ton ibis up us if by mu. or %btirise called crime--a iirama, if pressure ut sr you viii, for not taking oIf bis baVte a Pacifie Riilvay bliack man. But il Iras nover beuforà pletion. Whsi moment iwnded reahiy lta ntruet this Americanýpeop pover te the negroos. The intentien l is irde openci tiral, througir the negres, ail polifical era uft heOli pover, both State paver aud Federal tramirr go'ue-h poivor, shail be lu the baude oh membera tlîin; ibig as et Ceîrgrenstrem the Norti-- tIraitic about iFmben Nortihah hbave ils.heelu on the Southc, royalties, apintî and that the conqueret! shail ho sciijeev Ia etier wvenu ta tic conquerers. Nover ha. tiare beaunuothing i Wit a moeo terrible condition lmpoied upen a graop capable talion people. For au Italian le fl an homes fer 50, Austr.ianu ver hlm, for a Pole te feol a tram aour ova andanu ever him, bas been bat! iudeed;, over-cmavded,1 but il bas beau lftI for tic pelitical sui- repe, vo sc.and, ijof>'u a Republican troar tic Norîi- breeches pecke a man vie iimseit rojeels ail contact vutb sslonisimencS the nagro-lo aubjeet tie late Soatheru vitnu eei slave ovuer te dominion froni tic. Atican ot the Carcadis vie vus yesterday bis slave, Tire dan- tbey pet, andtb geon chains are kuocitet! aI tic captive in clti vearinig4 order îiat be may ho haruesset us a beast sole aim is le ot burden to is capfer's. chariot. But il body polirco, vili not be se. Tiare vilI in tiese vants and lier Sonîberu States be e var ot races, haired' ruIors llni <rom the wviii.men te the peer, timîid, open op mud!dJ incapable, ancouecious negro ; sulterin; Great Nomthymi for beîb, infiaite sufferin; for poor Sambo, tho nation ireav via viii gradcially begin bis appointe4 people seize Ilt tank of disappearing; tlier. viii be rapid ilu; hem liat deatb af negro ciildrea, negro vaut, sot! egregioma blua ait the tollevin; et negre vice; but thoe vito mari Who lires nean ui vwiiigradbai. Cau.ÂrstcO ly re.assamo bis -power. Thore viii be au stnibe amongi infini ot Norîbern mon into tioso States, circus Comnpany andt! ley yull gradnally becoene ashle: Taesdy lait,w yhite menrofet lieSoufh. Tii. acieme ftanin;, wvic saf awhit ii.v ii;ou-but in fietmcsn- opoetttei. caai time ail the batrot! cf a cenueriog mut! a &boand are Cani conquered peoplae'viiibe maintaluet!. Sncb been lbain; mg air, are my ideas tof recont radien' Province, and cocit, got ina A New Dackedoan. , ansd premisedt4 tailedy ici bisPr Tic prient Lard Lieutenant of Irelaudythte tends. Tail fie Mfarqnis of Aborcoru, la te hié'made!- a agents icn para Duke, under the.tle cf uhe Dut. of Aber. dire vengeace cern.' Duael hora are rrely conferret! voie oca rom in Englamit. The lasi m open ltce coaor circus goda vis ceaterret! vas Lord' Wellington. via States, viere i vas made a Dake lu 1814, for biesebcieve.- monts dra; :tic Peainsalar van. The Wae i K.G,, P.C., la tho eldest sou ehoftthe lai. h aosf V'iscorut Harniltoin by Hariot, daagbier tietePpo11 otan T neti Ho.J oga,rt ruden h e teleFi a- aOqî vecce ruati gnd lU mm-rr uts ïiceter lime. ot, tilI o',m tJm rrgdClinre, t pover Mare Preeaufs fan tisa ut rfock>' imîcaeut! àplaIn,- ger. are nov auprilstraek. ls, lts vuniot! fruitsoand gm-aiae, la sylinovot! joeala vuitli he= lice prefalery soutiament of_ et ofiteelitîile shoetkpublisb. amer A(gmm b>' tice Press 1 oYs, tie Preas bat! seen Fait nesOuces ut the Nerth- ,minéorala and! Oih, eut! ba- be term 'inus 'efthe noat! vinai àanada, vith the Rot! River ly about 400' miles distant, ing loek unuth~ e sdl> pman et asneyer before te ange ortsient a more euelightelUet ifcy. Wiîi ibosa vasî nries o ui, time observer, vien eregieci ut rotape mai l aow iban a timouant!miles 6e- ild viti ancazemont aItith. Our m-niera in negiýcdlin; 10t eir raturaI patrimcony. luei Demicone are Jeiog. IVave, civilizatior islurollimi; anvard ast-lie vulderneas is bleu- arosa .citios are sprigiug gie0-, and, even nder the an eriormona van dobt, the> 'y lu almost pushe tff'cum- i are tve dola; virile tire pieé are tirovmng their vaste the laborers aud homie seek- Id' Warld ? Why, va ara, bora.' Free Grant, systa .mg about sbip canula, îwaddiing rnights, imposing rainons, ring out m-edt!apic by fthe ton. t% ve arc dom; wom-aa thon tii a terniler>' vitiiu Our eof ftualihn- cointortable 0,000,000 cfý peeple drawva surplus populJation andJ the ,ialf-atarved nations oh E'a- d idly witi ourbanda ciun rie, gazin;. in opCn-moulhet!' et tie expansive ener gy ve bore., lu la parily theba tanu an people. Tiay fueter,- aud boy dovn f0 a set o! broa!-. officiat demagagues, vioae gorge arit!fiteci apoci the atter>' negardiass cf the eresu» cf lie muses. Tf car' mot laite immediato stapa ho lvelop tir neonrceo of tie. rast, aven ift le7 bave to' rua avly ha debt Ie do so, lot lie. ha Oit pportuuity of teach- at ihey have committerl an tar.-msron Signal. op A CicrusCompirx.-Â tho emuplojees oft Hove's sy teook place nt Kingstoni on vire tiý Cem pany vas pen- iresnltecd iha mn entire breakc. 6isbhmeut; and! engageoments acellot!. The coucera bai toue>' since il aulere! »e, il the manager nîme! Hiteir. mrreans vwiii fie employes to eul la P ai Kingetea.'Ho, promieand st!leare! ont viti ileaux: Constabie and! cirons sauit; jgreatlexCileen andai c tire 'atenet b>' umplejeu, a $100, to $60 oaci. -Tbe eam bein; aiippid tle - the îiayý are ovuet!. veepuo iorusa,-'and severai tbeusmod sheep. A uev mileii cevand! cait are*mmgbî fer $5j an oz for $10 br '$15, and !-a herse tics wonid briag $200 ihe i.UnitedtStaes sella for $25'; $1 5 ia tic maiai prie. for a goot! borae.. Hacieut!cs 1ke Vista -Flores are seattaret al tbronmçiitic western pertii 0 cf di. ArgeatiUne Repsmblic lae ti nirf and! fertile districia tsfthce But. Çaffle' sud bers. raisicg la the principal oes6pae lien. Vemy.itile rain haisat!e,'ne maor tia a smfcieflCy for tic vants of lie sec-- Ieo evuer o etoeee tcs sf ates, vici eau n belugit tun abort eighty center -(goit!> pen acre,' somdis off acroas tie plaina' ta fertile pampasofethte Southi, baya cet. îtle for $1, an ot!hrse3 for ',5 a' piece, and Purs mue, îwo, or ibrec dioznsait animale,- according te bis meaus. ilubis hacienda. Ticgs.ftmtou vhile tire baciendîdueste mmd' sîceps, sud louages inithie aicade, aut! after a -few mentis ie-du ivee îiem uver te Cilhi tirougi tie monrata pass.es, snd olis île oxec i trm % 40' te $50 o place, ond! bis' horses for $U'Jand upvnrd. ILf IIansdt properi>' 'vera sacurs, overy hacienida&e vwomît!soan become a milionir., lbit moeutions araetfmontil>' oceurrnce in tiesa remoeaproviaceandmut!he .cmli.-, bender la despuiledat! leruastol>'by tnieadg& auJ tees. Witi gmest ia. aperson Me>' invesi 810,000 la caille la tie Faîl, gros. them util Spring, mimd se ou ot is stock for $100,000 in Chii, bat thich cims ara tint haIt bis properfy May be *'tgoied' by some.nevolnîiaciary Party, or be lviet! upea b>-a gaverument f imu neyer pays.- Travels: in Citil. Smîcêu"LaLaoGi.-Tie "Fnee Pros." saya Mn. BÜ.,S, Homlant'à, etinemeul from WesYorS prevea' ltaetaalsif etthe tale lhi igea an ofet M. W. P.Huslsmcd'a te ne tue Micilsierial eandidi noein; et the itint!. Our amust ha somevbar unden tie veaiber vian sncb pm tur rueasouing' ane mlowed primat. 1fr,1H. S. Roviau !viîidnaving, afttr a psni ubat he sjav no chance cf bi lhe' Coalition ticket. 'Tii saide, mudt!hue money pait!0 fonut! impossible le deliieri fia goada itnameienlu est don Adveriser. Mr. Ste Marie, vie disS Surrtt, vie vas accuset!o =ccp itnluthe ausaasinaticl Lnc u adreceivet! $10, Amenican Qoverimmerit. 'h sailed for Europe vîihbit threaloned vitir revemrge ai if beremsiuet! lu Canada. remnemberet!, implicatet!i several' memberu cf th, Ci vice vefe pruvedt! lebave', ascisted ini the cscape from1 lime fugitive Sarrat. bave been askiug ftho ques- Ifaill Gauette lbadin; tic venîd rep>', nD a doubt o f mIe; bo hiought Engiant! v ilath Iimpnisonimoul oh ri tie ouhrageocf ber envo>', opsy Oive milimons te pnnish ceeu free. But sic veult!a'L it ne English foce ceult! Zoulla le Mag;dala. JBut il bis prisoni fortrese impre;. itwaga't. tubs eva bi;g gns wealt! le Englisi moautaiu battel'. Y cotml!'. eticer sei appanata vaded vi b oldto i va>' vas vunld ha 'A the 1 saning -prepein aide,' b>' thce devi conaclut s demaut!. cd, on Ni min; tb a degree people el vcnuld I coult! se officer Ls et! te b i felligenc ea firai cinfident -ecuntny i oney are i ,received r Mr-. 1 ïn a aI, 'is -amg hlm te \exteat i ý and he bRe laua ieco tu ceai -OIn. ti oides ocier ti ThiU.I ceprch. ,aisto i r 1- - t' 1' - t r" s' t I I -

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