Whitby Chronicle, 6 Aug 1868, p. 1

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- W aosllci eS. itea V 5lt eS EICUB»SW, teeôghmai emforiabe menaràcsud vian e M>~~7iboptroeuthebe .atietifseihlii bha ig tuogive <rester sshifctlee tolbig '10 13I NAN <nl, und! bo estor n&jbUdet temsessira, quiremeetso flie travellig oomtnunily. ;y BRAINC. JAMES VCROCXER. 9. F. LOOKUAR9T, Ahboitel, Icet maîketl gnace, ~~~~T NA»MEL TERBSON ROUer NI ATTO]iNET-T 8078l"mE' ,eia) E th@ 's Baak et Meutîrsal, DUNUS STRZBT#,WBITDTC.We eilue Ceuth ty fOntario, GEORGE O.NuÃŽ, Propîiseo Whiby,C0. W. C. .MJ. DMàoossu. U suebsoiibei becs te acooueothat h upc; gosauoityR.,-- Tdb"als eethe bulilug foruseiiykpejwtu tcAti atrnlCourti.iti"htduuhiiouuhantlI lonaisoM & SAMFIoNx - ITSU ,Attorneys, *lleoltors, 'te. lCIt-Ïiwestern AcearnQeBuildings test,TeroutoC. W. Sarrfsteî anti Atiôrney-at-Law, Bo. Ohanoer>', No'sîy Publie '&e,- àBSi lowis New Biuilding, bondAs hitv.1 G*EORGE U. DARTITLL, IAUBISTECI, ATTOBIOIIX, CONVUTAI B orDepute iiglotrmr, Mittor Extrsordi tobryaiud eXainiurCi îaueery fer thscoun- ty otUatrle. OWceBrook-st., Witby. un I LOBEEST .JeWILSON. - flARIBTER 't ATfomIgIOY AT LAW, .LJoleleîîC iîeeî,'e.WhiihbY C.W. Oie- Vctoia Iuiding, Brook Mt. Wblih. ÂARISTBUR.ÀT.LAW AN 0 SOLICITUII B>la Cbauoery. <Chmber-] 9 Teronte-SI.. JAkMIIES ETJU GORDONI, BAUltiolfER -& ATIb)iINIY.AT-LÂW, slilor luaCaucéry, couvoyanoor, No- syts- xt'oortote, teoretf R. 'tJ. Campbell, Brook 16i., WlîItby, Ont. WIsIthy, Nov. lb, 1867. 46 n. ne.IFAIRBANKSP aOLICITOB. NOTÂEY FUBILIC,'&e. 'te. s 0shawa, C.W. W.u1, 9BiL.MGe, W (Jssm, nM Tas O0»0Btonny rgie, A TORSZY AT LAW, eULICITORIN &TUlitécooery Convoyanoor, £.e.,Uanulng ýrltTUEY-ÂT-LAW. SOLICITORX 11 A rb6liSÈOr NotrzPublie 'envoyanicer, it. 5r 0 ( W, on , u otorisBloo4k 'oto ie rOfe.,!onBrook ooru, n Jîîdmen é±1* AT.AW, ULICITOR.-IN k Dandat Street. 0f' Thre. docte West cf th~ 16 &1>SE O EK6T r$, TOiNYII; -cou vEY- B i. sucesant i l'tarles Publie, '&o., '&e, Mit es r"UtO -Opst Town 8S1 IL,.ÇnArn<, blé. B.,1 W. M. CocùzàwiO. Vouti'âetoi A ttorney,. C. A. JOXEI3I lalsci, rgSllcitîtu iaCîanceel'. AA SarOPICE-Nezt dour ho te cliiBoAie try Onies, Wbtby.41> W44o Claurcli street, Toronto.@. SlYiviAN ENULII, LL IB., lt) ilti$&UAT LA W, dollaitot lu Viban- SisceeSî,-optoiotl' ont Office, tîshava. 40' DES. CARSON &kLAW, Cdumlallon cf atnoralaiptroeeofch oarge. Wbltby, Jul>' 20, 1»O8. 29 R. J. GUNN, >.D U IRQION TO TUE COUNTY UAOL, Byron Street, W btby. 4 D . W. FERJ3IERDM. . 0Oinsllnus-S te 10A. M., sud 5Ste S 0 ococt, P. tM, 1 JOH4N V. HAMP NOTAIL 1vVBLIC. WlIlhlîy Apuiit lth, 1of8. THIOMAS HUSToNf, TOWN CLIIiKcOTiEAUYltLWIIITBY T UIoo-Tevu heu 1helure to Irolcck. VICTOI1A OTEIL. WLLIAR tSCOTTP PIOP'B1ETOR .(Late Wm. 1o>nten'e.) 27 BIR.R-DRESSINO AND SHAVING RAI .?0 .,WEITBY. jarSouva on Tus 1Basa or ioxisza. 5 Wbiby, Jan. 22, '08. "ONTAXIO IHOTEL. WHITBY. 0. DAWES B RPITR superier asoeonttaioui. Caretul allen- lion te uths requtromonta of trieloers sud .5puelouistelblhu. sud aitsti.rooni, anti rea!> esiysvtitincil. 19 BOYiriTON's MOTEIL, WIL. SOYNTON begs te intocmt tiin- wtabiatueoftuhe W Cof tVictorIsansd surrndi0ngtioits, ha ehue epenedthé) - loctlon llias â treet iltIy e.euplod by ,,*watt, ana1 asiea isdlt tt,eti eudurnill. tueuce. WlDes, Llqaieru andti Cgare cf1lie bt .qaiy.1 t awysllasi O OMMERCfIAL MOTEL, DRC T.,WNT . RVEZ subseibsu begu te - asueuite hie T <l oiaud sithépuli#tit lie bas is- ini a spremaniter, wlii ever>' pouvens suce forc lb. deestuoti cf gua ithe! l. la- -mâlâ. ad ut-eniliii situAtO46. ioiet tb4 isoi nsandinuthe ecustro*ot si e Town.> The iilwayOmaubu allt thelItotelind the *toge# fur Uxbridge and i Baitrton leave eoBRes. ROPSON; Crfl iIobtIe«u iwayouea$t , udance GEORGOO3 0XA«~. L EUUMB ECIANT Carpenter, sud Juioiueî,ree0n t, wiitiy. A largequan. tityo'sil ildse fiumberoonatautly onuband, UNDEBTAKCING. F UNERALS fully sujpiiod anud attend~ed ihuîî notio,.c 'e nekept coaittuti> band, Wàgoa roietehre onlibeirltermi. Whitby, rab. sIb, 1862. i Brooklin Drug Store. I) EZALES ln Drage, Patent àMeiolues JFPalets, 011., LDy@ Stuffe, Confection. Wiues andi Liquori of tbe beat quaity fordieal pnrpo.ee. Hors, ifOattle3fedfenalwapa onliand Drookiin, C. W., 180e 25 Tspreporeti te give Mubic anti Slnging les L.IIetion te bumaIetthe Office of John L. akis 8uroouDeutîst, Over James Byrne'. Mociel al11, IBrook St. Whitby. CROCKER'S HOThlit (LÂTE PLATT',) NELSOiN 8T. TORONTO, N<>EIL 0F KIN'G ST. BA4SSETT & KEEBLE, - PitorisToua. T HE prIpltrcrsectfully auuouncec te the rWlesde, aisa Istance, as vell n usai homo, tut tltty have, takon the above pronias whîciî are lu ever>' respect conveîientiv ant contfontiihly flttiup ion the.- accomuiodatfioa ot gues'eaud lte traveling publie. Tic>' vîli be teunti lit coteatiut persoalsiattendatîce, snd wili loa«vo aotiug utîdone 011 tieli partio give satisîsoction to aif vite May ±'avcr tlieu viit sa S-TAGaE HOUSIE NAXILLA. L'roprletor. B)UT Wtnsantýiiqners; *tu ponîcracoos D todationforiiuaele i., geoil stablinganti attentive hoihleu. 16 . YEOIKAN GIBSON. C' OMMIHSION mER CHÂN:7 INSunàlCE, 't GENERBA L AGENT. Whittby, Jan., 151h 1846- 2 REVERE HOUlE, . AxdSoïEiE, 0. W.' B. 1'YLANK, - - - . É oprietor. Stages te andi (rom Whltb1 ciii daiiy. Every attentiont paiti te guetta. (aretul suàd attila- tive ostlers. 9 VARS ~DEVLIN. pRATICAI, Dontiat, Oôhtaa d~it iee tO:El neon Simeuoetret thirti toornorih ofthe .Ontario Bank, W- EXPRE-S AGEN4T, &ôc., aso Agent for Accident asud Standard inmntsDan Cou. 17 Query1 Why le lt that thi.à la such aàiMn for piclurea AT cLLbiLR's4iALLERDIY? lei la becanie h bo as thé bout Gallery lu the coanty, ant ils more patience wth ObiIJren tien any ocher Artisi lu the Conutay, anti cn do quite as gooti work sa sau> other mon lu the SW* Tht's wha's eh@e matter, so don't be backward about eomling fcrwaàrd. EIROCK Mt ,WIUTBY.C Wbtby, Nou. 12, 1867. 45 Farm to,-Rent EOK 10..TO 20 fMuI. AN exuelent Pani te Tant lun b. Township Aof Whitb, biug the. north hlvea of<lote 82 anti$$, lu t e 7t conucession; uoe.bini 160 acres learet oi rut coueseoil lu a gooti stati cf ontivation, villa gooti dwelljngbose 1anti out-buldingi. ThisaproperIo mlue eut ilbly týp'uateti,and wil le rente - on reasouabletri ra porloti 6f 10 or 20 yeure. Posession given lui N4ovembor nesl. -For particularu Apply te PZTU M IBLL, Peq, JAXU AKN Bollelior, Wann'a 1Whibt>V a>' 20, 1 US. 2011 ;HlOTWEL & PREMISES -FOR SLE Splendid roni>' tabulu, d anrlviég ebei, ether withýoc*or, caelanid ettieb- lieAdr, and 1 « nngber .n 8(rehai0. Teeare IW w h o p àp sdexelnt wa1e. T1 a swllesoldase àbaigiu .aut le ueo e out béibandés lathéb Domiiuon fer au active business mn. WiIl ies exbaegttoi ternioreyi. !ýj jor ame, ", ap i il tFpo-Pau -j80 Ar lot si, DR.- HANCOOK, WELLINGTON }LOTEL, MARRHAM. J'. EI.JZDOTODIs Pioprietore B191TIBE AXERICAN ASSURANCE COMPANY Capital, #400,000. T 913Und.réigned having heen appointed Atout for the abov(a Coxnpanv, la n~w p1qprd te lueur.pe rtyAgInsi k'ffS BY vFiÉE, on-t'ho Mostt lvoa ltr= Apply :o, LEVI PAIRBANKS, Jr., 2-lîmo..Agent Wbftby CLARK VICkERY, - Proprietors. - Ecg, mnou ,reopeoituliy to inform tue liabl- tnte othe4 Onnty Of Ontari o, that the>' have ltoeeet ue*boy@ prom lieu iately océcuied, by Bondy Perrie, whieh tbey have newly far',isl- ed anud renovateti, and tbey are prepareti to aoeommodate tbe travelllig public. The Bar stooked i wth tholibest liqnors andi cigare, asud au. atteutivaostler aiways ln attendutuce. proprietors Br,oklin, April, 1866. lg*iy FABEWLeLL & McGEE, B )ARItISTERS, A'TTGRNEYS, StLJ(I. TAIllES PÛBLIC. <)mo:-One door north ofthe ilost Ofice, Oiewi; and ieMoFoter'. Block, opposite Tuwn Hall, Bowtavilie. JOHN L. WATKIS BIURGEON DENTIOT. Omos. --Ovar JAS. BYRNE'S Me.ialIlîall. Brook Strout, Whtby. W Alit wrk warrantcti. Famllo. §attendeti ai private re,'idences. TEETII EXTIRACTED gWn WITHOUT PAIN, âa BY TEE USE OF NITRO1JS OXIDE LÂUGIIING GAS, OU TUE 1NEW LOC.ALAN.iESTH-JETI(O,o i*w5 Mr. 40AIMIMP DUNDAS STIREET, ltIITDr, C. W. BOOMS-ovo' M. Il. Cocragne's store. WIituy, Jane 26, 1807. 25 FIRE ASSURANCE COU, LOMBARBD STREET 't CIIABING CROSS, ESIJ3LIBJJED IN 1782. GILLESPIE, KOFFATT '& Co., 'Agente for JAMES DAVItiîN, Manager. (NsXTRÀNCE aogalost -LOBS by PIRE are J.effeceat on the most favorable ternis andi 1.068ES8 IAID witboui reforeme te the Imord lu Londton., ApTI rdBr, 186. Agent, Whitt? SHOE TOULS & FINDINGS. P.;',î Sh. iait., Suc. Teck., tiandTee É'e, ja WHIIESAILE A» RETAIL. AYAN & OLIVER, 1>-1Y 114 Yoxeou 5zmvTowin. Ameriea e, Trntuors, sadPointe Mral ize. oqwe i a, rigEltry.= a les, 1iapeil k., malrethle Lest quihty snd aet owest TO -- MACHINISTSI steel mi Rnelteiquares, Centre Gaugi, eir calipere, liee Ciliper ESuies, CprSquares, Amies Ulvai Sï aes" SlfRegozuiert'ig Calipers sa DM. videu, lai. ileii ed, hient 4>ilrs, heet steel, 'e, f1r sale b>' BrANf & OLIVER, TO CABINET MAKERS 'AND UPROLSTERKES. Mi Sestlng, CarIed u of ams=ru Tvlue, Chslr voi, Battonk e st 'inge. Loc. Tecks, Flntpi tieVn.Bei uvcoffin 7,immlags, U=1Ofeterst"M<estan sd Bagalmer, ledees Mardwmre , ..«tesai.et et "estprua ELTAN&OLER RY AN & -OLIVER, 114 TONGE STREET, ?OXONTOâ n~owodt e ad us hîrt6 ebear about tu acres cert.Tdeown &ai sevice wltb îil&e mareti wîeath, 0ontb-3X Loti-10# lu fltb concoessionu01t M, tbdteof laVIa u reltefoo auiere; 100 ACRUe, 10oreuaeleareti. 'i at iaii cpr vrTne Nort- Lot14, lOth Concessien et mrs, ITisl lee ý lve edar darklil a st aru 1og sera ,I S t6e15sorescleareti. ud bali wl wtb hthé emral ocsroli sublime- pu" ebath her ileterlei, nelues titan Waor, L4t 11, tth douceasoh. bt Soutit Orillia, kuov s IlStoambeuc P ount" naki Ceu- oblchlng, about eue#tulle frouatIthe '"£0stad amidat tlée pausions of tbe boni Sif miiuti'd, resenudleg dure freini hece te VILLAGE OP bORiLLiA#, To shore; bmnvullo at I o &4ars bout 1lB acresloarei, balauce cf verf, Lot beinilfuil>' veoedt.Tls, vithout a%- TIîÉ dreined Igeaaoa 111.ib berbond once ceptiloît, laie béat sitatoti pi'rovo on Labe ;ilorbf; l3oueblohing, The vlev oztsndlng Ibe *boie To bîilitiou halieti tulnldetbe just, distance ef t1c Liko, anti embruclg lte juàiwlnget men andti naîu as itae- axv'rs~v irr Tii-rti Tee eVoagI card the onùnelis cf matrut - IN I N VILA.G.LJa. Pend 0 bath bor i'toriooc, 110 esithn MAT, lu Rama, lte Tocra ef Oillae, &k 1M. the. Naîcowe ef lAke slmcoe. Te clrowv the naticua lu a uiken bnnt- on lo thi l hleât exercine of goudti INPi~vEDTo show the botter lai aboire, heyonti Tiîhse a f?&tg al hilwvyouare bloti e» ladro go tearts be Ihine, TOW N ROPER Y9 rAlivulgar vioterleai uipaauing ftr; Ou tise i11Eeaveule benut plsuets IN TE;hine--. TOWN o w nii' y. Peobth lier vlctoites, 11o loe&tlitanwar. THE ROYAli OTEL, iaîg-yards anti stables. Aleo thcejoiulug o11100u on tbe Seti ivo suer>' vite brick, anti tto IChronîcle" ôNice Btuilding on ithe Norht, i ou>' rotbrick. Tito viiole "0ropei>1lasarou toge ut 148X< foot, on Broc,aloreol,sud uletrly 122 uts deep tes aIsue 20 foot vide. 'Theo property le nullea a rentaI cf $950 per annutu. W- POSSESSION lit of OCT., 1808. SixLot on Byron sîreel, tiliocl>' orila of tbe recidonco 1S. IL Cochrane, Euq. For privaI.4 resideuces, net oucelle! Ly sai> vacant property ln Tovn. >SBveral pit, from Ivo le six lots, foneud, lt the nelghborliood enitii. now Roman Cai- tiolte Clînrea. TUIlERACRES, fonect, kuovai os tha olti Cricket Fiold. TWO ACTES, foatoo et, ocf Cricket fi.ld. I -U ACRE, tonooti, eau of Cricket Belti. 0 LOTS, fenicet, verni etrecidoeofetJ. E. Geins, E.q. 4 LOTS, toucen, veu of Brook stract, sud Sontt oftreeldoce of Nation Arnoldi. 7 LOTS, foneaia, Eost of Brook Stree,, ut prescrit occupieti b>'à. S. Sprowle. W. Ali.o seversi village Lots, lu varions Porte of tic levu. BUSINESS PREMISES. Mite vacant Lot adjoiiting Loves & Poelvels, Brork citret, 87 fout front, 95 feiticcop, te a The. vacant Lot Soti cf Royal Canadiati Bank, 22 foot Iront, 98 foot doop, ta i une. - Letm Easet cf Brook treet, opposite te Dawcs' hotel. 10 notes on Brook streel, Norlt otfRally> bridge. W 1LD LOTS. 18ÉX , 12h con.100 .rs1 64 aI l ,1th a, 100 a6 a. ta" 20, Cii 100 46 Rama, Pt. Lot 16, siti aa80cda semervîlle, Lot 7, 12th aa 0 'a Eldon, Wct-% 24, ôih 100o Iiexlev, Lot -12, 4th a 200" Guli Rver, Lot si, . 65 ' Beale>', Lbts Sô'& 7, 4ti au 400 ia Dreck, Ilset Pt. 18, Ciilua98 6 Howick, Lot 22, 15tit 100 di Ht tar>' Mond, Loi 2,5, Brdi ALDEJIARLE INDIAN LANDS* MILL SITE aitichenicuti o! Baver River. Village cf Beevaricu, - Acres. PO0R T PERRY, loctions, anti pnivaho jisidences. W- AIse % lloge lots lu Brighton sud lu the Villsge of Brachial Townshitp of Mars. Tie cnbscibeî bainig etermiretotecloce ont the viiole cf liilocal Ectate buciiffse tih prouenu ypar, if potsible, the abeo peeticu ite cforod ti ai1evfigures, sud c on g tortu 01 parmeait. Apply h, J. HIAM PBRRY, 1 Whitby, 4tb Jail>, 1808. 4mion-271 THE LIVERPOOL AND LONDON IN STRANCE COMPINY. Eue boon ln existent. tbliIy ,two yeare, anti during that porlot bua pai Losse exSeeting Svro and a hall Million p«tndi sterling. The tilabursement of ibis enormuous mu ovor a widle arcs, hai, vithout doubi, aoptri- butei te the establishment of ibisInsitution., lu te confiience otPo.u Cowouo*s, M2È- cxuin, Eoruieom, anud business men gen- erali>', viirever Il leaielretoutei. Ilà flert year, 1886, lbe Pire Prenilunisaloue amunutetio,............... £9,970 Iu le lOtitJear, 1846........... £47,703 16 20Oih ycr, 1856... ....... £222,279 6 801h yeR, 186............ £789,882 rOue year hâter, 1867.............. £81,05b The Pire Reserve l'antisleDow 4,727,464 The Lite Reserte Puaitllenuir 89,282,4U5 The Compnl repreuete t uroughu u tario a ntiQeetis , b>' inianuieAgents, te wbeui appllotion lot Inmurance May De matie. G. F. C. SMITH, Rhoe u.SEcMWxazrmoskt,. L. FAIRBANKS, J. AGETWru, ôta>& Ru on w.. Pebrusry 17b, 1865., TEI ONTARIO Fi'RMEU8S# MUTU IL ý INSURANCE COMP't Buildings, andt ur onteule, coutntry Sehool Bouses, autitseS t. WlaOMbigtýu- -- A *Iand h *C smIPft lma fna sui The URaIna! Cotlage@ 07av aea o ausoLITE. There vis a large gash»isat a tholi fit temple, sud fros î.tbvouai! t L ýWrri lbeod Blove3, dbbling the, oh! e S rey' iir'le lhe doit b>' théeside.', Ii Msrry lparred itshersè ouvsr( or thi aindrope begau te fAl.tide sud, 'Wbeu yourgvorkle don#, cride After ne; yon v ini!ad eWthe fonn ai Dog- jars Il ia <allant steed Idssei! down the moo, Win aide, and iia4elee vas t , aL Muid lhe ýovllug oet he itoru. Tii. bet#rîleoo veetches zoom completed te work of destruction,.'Tii. cile as tra down, sud the, ruineaset on lire.; aud lie destroyers rode aval', leaviug the oorpu te be t.ousumed, wvile the.old min' perisitetiby lte readeide. About an boni afterwrdu, littte Mike eaterued wiih the meal. When fie sci abat Wa bienudoueé, heoal i!owuýbeaide aia father'a deai! body', sud wepl bitturl>' wringing bis bauds, and moauiug s titugit bis heurt voeld break. .H. e v viewh iii! doue the work, for tbs repors vas cir. culated tirougbcul the country t 'flair>' Donc, themasiker, lu <cm' aront, borinti aud destroyial ait befere lu valu fi. lried 10 cesîcre Vie fatber tle coucionsnua-life vwu exut; sued b. crept noir, lthe deciying enibers cf the out- tago, cryiug, as hae varmuct hinlseif by lte ltfui dames. "iOh 1 îheyl'îe tnrdered nme poor olti riatier au' mother, au' foî'il become of meé noov? Mary, mothor 1 look dowu on the. orphsu lacs aboe 1 IHark 1 boy tho coul! winti hovis ami! thte- mounlainu iu C or- ballagit 1 Tbe tompest, la vailu' a tiroir> coruacit fer'the deati. The dare clonde lu the. poerof God, anl the.faillit ràamle tho heirstie augele veep 19' Towari nighttall, a par>' cf peasauta found tite chili asleep beis ite des! body> cf hieýfatiter, viii the liltle bag cf meal undor bis hesd. The>' buriedth ie oid nian decout>', sud after taking the. erpiien te a place Of safe>' ihey utarted aftcr Barry Dn, cryiug alan! for vengeance. Witeu tie>' reaciei the little hamiet of Duggarra, hlicy pro- ceede! lu a bod>' te theinu. The>' founti Barry Dunu uhere, but Geti'evrat h ad oveitaken hlm. A boi from, heiven b.&d &truck bhlm des!, as lhe vas riding down the. sonutain. What you may andnia>' net eall ai»Ian about man; tust nobo!>' yl eny. Pisto's definition of a son u vas: "'An animai vitteut etetri, vlking on twe legs."' Thi ua vas ch for Diogeucu, vite caugit aun oh! roster, ploceka! , took lu lite echoci, sui!scoruful>' mked "If 1h vas Platl'emin?" We !cn't kuet boy Platc gelt t fil,au! don'tcasie, as îbiu hue but lutile te de viii lie sauter lu hou! Tbeugi anx animal, a man d!eunet like îo be asle! a beut; yal sony sre knowva as 'balla' sud 'heine' vie accept tic.. ap- plicatonsas igitl>'betovu! ani! prepeni> bslouging te tics, tieugi indirii!uolly lu anctier saute, ihe>' venli!object 10 being celle! 'beare.' Theeai, sony vhe veu! like 10 bcleno aus é'ioue,' an! ovin 'tigen' vouiti bc canuidena! nmere cemplimentar>' ttan 'colt.' Mon>' a Young feliet veu! like te b.cugorie! aes a 'bock' on! Icu say Caii&aman 'dear iel- 1ev,' but dticn't ilaiofetculling hlm s mose. To he calie! s 'dock ot o mou' vomi! pIeuse min>' au n luiri!al vie vouli! take il te heuart if colle! a goee, Independeut cf tie mianoer. Cmli s min a pupp>'t an! be'liirusent h; bualioîlils amIly dcg' mai! ycn'lirutiepIane . hm. Don'î Cali a masnaàleg, even -f ho le a bore, nec au lepiant, if he happent tle bc éiesvy velgit;' but yoe nIa>'Mcai hm a 4f0z' or a cocu' vith, ispoaity.-A san !een'i ike te b.colIle! a sbark, bal yen May Cul1ils ma 'quese Bash' vitheul offonce Never Cauh a crosi-eyed sun l>nx.oe>'i- be'li thiaile ou are 'eoîkastic.' Cali a sun alaa, mu! he'! 'talle bacle-,'--bat Ion eay oeil hi. " ela'015 t' .4 tu ;. tin te eusehell ukleycn te u,9akeauita.' A min "he vooldu'l fuel complimenie! $t b.tcg callud a cormermut, veu! isîle ut b.ing cille! a 'nigi-evl.'-De'tcOn b>' emlliug a umisagealiag, bai yen May 4611 lits a 'gay roeet vlont oenue.- Deu'ttaî11aàm=n a MI<,Col;ci i hm a che- vet f.llev, vhici ametùnt, 4thescime îbiag, but foouni!iprettIè'r.  mou wceulf ho vel plouc! le leuo4 yen mai! hé Wra kuîu as s cazer, yat weul! ebject te, jour calliag hlm a 'ehorper.' Te cmllia mai a atone voulti bc conîlderu! refleating ou îlei fiellectuel poireri, but yo Meay Cai, bis a 'bricke' te île giréat aîtisfaetion. - A va one a aie.! iii rien!, "NIov many lenavea de yen suppose tiers arc lu selt P" nèpli! the othen lu a pfeien: d YcuI au te, insat me 7" "Wel, thn,"O replie! the finoiIlboy maa>' do yen recekon inla!lug 5otfiself b n. timt Ptm.twse",Cborainhoil- ta sui te preontce of bis enmieeLputia 1 r foi viti me," Whenuler'.VII. marrie! Zlisabelb cf Toil e, ii uval bouses vere blended, an the r oseheoceie thé embleoit ofEgiianL 1 1Or, SoeTLî.-iu us iigu oflololo L, lu the. year ioiÃ", Bollad wvasfuvadedi b>' Dai (reeooowbetc i mdWdeicsnti epon Abrdenhu e ndlg te take byr alors aînWOUCuti., a forires ci-lspoc- tance. Tii. euh heur of midoight Wei se, leoted ti sim ne foc comseucing tie il- Wso WMon ail vue id>W, ',idntièce *ai s ceasouabie bett thelumatis ef lb. amati vo>' asielb>commence! thuit' Mrrch.-They ativeuei! cautioaiy, likiDg off their îooc te prevenftitlcfectepe beligbhid. Thîy'appuoiebedthélie lofty tour, titir biarli beaîiin ujcyou mui-._ý paîlen of a videor>'. Net a scenis oared frotaivithin. Tii.>'econscaucel>' refrain (roni exclamation& cf delig.it,for the> hve but te uvim icrose lie mcai,-sud ploace scaling latidere, sud -tue cailleles beire I Ratl lu inother momnent a dry' fris'lie- "leuîsrouses ith inunatea to a si"seofthou danger, ithe guirdu f>' te ltait'poate sud purine tho novr îrembiing Dauec, vito #1 beloretem. Wbouce arome ibis cutden change cf affaira i Prom a vYer>' imple canse., luappearu ubai te muet, inutesd of being fill& iod.viiotuer, vas entirel>' tiriotiup anti evçrgrovu vîittiaile, icit pierce! theunuprotecte! feel cf te assailauhi, vho, tortured vith pain, forges themr cauliousilence, sud uttere! the or>' viticih a! alarme! the sleeping iumatei cf the esahle. Or IagLÂD.-OUe day St. Patrick vas preachiug au Tara. Re vas auxicus te, explain the doctrines efthte Hoiy Trinit>'. 1Tii. people <aile! teunuderulsu!, sud refui e! te believe tuat tiers coul! i. ibree Goda aud yei but eue. Tii. ici>'mi.n panse! n nioment, abucebe! lu thcught, anti, aaaaîug a saunrck peeping froua CISC. green turf, exciaimid i "Do yeunont see 1in this simuple litile wild fiower, boy thee louves are unulle! ute cao stock ?" Bis audience nuderateci!, without difficuity, jtitis simple but uîriking. illustration, tc tite 1inexpreesible deligit of St. mtrick. Fronm tuat day theeanimrocle becaine the. national embesncf Irelan.- CîsaMfbel" JournaL ea VCKt or a bippier vufe tassa yssf, or, demrtét' orbttrfaeidntsa. Who PilA oteieWakhiog I AI Cincinnati% à <iv yeies ain2ce, au u. sophiaticated darkey vaitedeopon a certali militer>' gentleman vilh s bill of $19.1à for waiuig doue ai lhe camp hoipita, wiich &attr udergolng a roi 4seruti-, uizing bythe offcer, vai rolarusd i ii thi folcviug explanalieli, vbicb ith eîonih. e! sonu:et Ethopi lisreued te viti an equal ascount et ou oder sdàperplexity :r a 'Titis bih," ail! -the militar>' gonîle- min, "îhibbilh ru have to besenit th le Quarteriueter.Geuural at Waýbingtoq1' sud b. *11HI report it l e _ i.Adjutaul.ý Gsuerai, sud he viii la>'< h beforeii Sec etar>' cf W ai, for his& eP prava . - fe l Adjutaut beiug uatiufied, ik vili be',m)euttle te Atiitor of ýtahe, vite will approve 'i) il and coud ite u he Secretar>'of t lieTra mirer, vite viii ai once,deepaicit an aidef te the collecter.o t itis. port,,te payib tt Tite dauke>' rolieve! hiseif of a lonj,4 dravu aigi.. "Thon massa," ho rentoile i!, 1;dthatiast 'gbeiii aw3oît. poke ob, pays for the vuehing, doeî h. 7"1 "Ne," continue! the. otiter, di he viii ban d file tie Quaruermtor ; but as tiare lu ne inch olffcer(, bere ai precenu, àseo iproer persan mmcÃŽ iéb.a>ppoibta by iii. *Secrilar>' of Wsc, initer direction of te Presidout, an! hle.appointinint muet lb. gppv~e~Ly--ttuBout~-é ohgreni nbv bîiug ilu ecaieon-nov, the cammiueioncanu. net-ho iane! until ofier i nielts. Wihen tibscommission la .receivcd, the Quarter- master vii shovwiteuthe Callector: ho wiii pay, ycn giving yonr receiptf." Th Tunfortnnole negro fiaet scratche! hME hend, tien steokiït, snd fiuIl>' mid: " I guesl'Il bab t e ltt itis v.atiug s.A&ui an, u...sant 15 Ji»n YA tpa 11 A Uoasin &TiTacAareu. -B- met Uncîs Sani, mince 1' on the train an eltienl>' Necîer, Who ho! beau 4 te show-cmaseaiNev York, an!dA Maltn Siory,' vto ha! seen te i.pe.re.se, as he cal' Tuleen from ana o! il. dDi! yen rematu long tai Nev Ab ed nw c o Yrk Vt ke! B. 1"Well, ne," te an- ded ysaeniolie mwered thcughtfnily; "cl>' lus days;fortieyarag no 1ev but vhat tl 1I» aavarigitsart chance cf utarvaug le h. huai sun uv. dath, ant in oppose! te tiat vay et mun vent bs roui go"iug dovn. I pot up asteueeoftuhuir tb ta- ul>, u taverne u!allave! 1 vu goiug ta b.e tle fbis oyeîupand truste! te the vhoie." "61Wbece di! yen u i ysoo stop 19" mid B., iulorrnpting -hlm. IlAt excepitthe er the Aster Nonge, l'il allov lot: den't b> mit ethietie att ketch intluaimuai place ai. Tey love!. The bull>' ogoîn. Skellat.c un!d caimi rang a gang, as tho> cled lu, tour limes befere breakfast; oui! tieai, vian I vent got a ma on 10Ï4gl te elit, ihere vau't cary vittels on theierou! une daye' te tibia.""IlWiat vas tien. V2 B. veuture! h ppit.dad *îconqure t Wul,"ual te ci! onplace vu Aberdeen --.te enqire. 46 laie9 sedloheeoîleanlaI eumratiag the articles eautionsl', net rtetoseugissu tram fesr of omisuion, cta uer. vws a cloen ratbrngb plate wrong 'ide op; s kuife, a cîcan MoaRaud>', Ou a su tevel, a epittoan, su!dhuai! bill; au!dvuiaî If i lit Li!vil vu verse," mdi!.! t.e oh! man, " hinl. 9,'u liI nF lusuliu' nigger op an!dseke! meWvitaîI I pletige my vewr! vanta!?ll"aaVitteis," mad 19 "brnilumuai ef lis lin!dsà vittelsan Ici!î î eîp myaelf." ussal Pia>, i wv . ýý@ . -lIs. your land, but Oi9s WAT rO SUCgZ»D.- OuO cf the bulp the vifs and largesi au! osieenaeful mituemamufu.ite Loir.- Se-b prunrs et Lyn, verkedseveu years open Finiay set eut fei hie seat te gut a capital et *1,135, vith et 50 miles, aâ laij with vticb io commene! business. -Nia galler>' in' -raomu esininge doiathus von. $5,a veue--ladies icnd gentles $250 a leur. ge pal! $2.a ve.ek for lasoô0 e he hall, i houri, sud mude $1 pay ail etuier uxpeames, ballants, lieue lthe ttu seaviag ^$104 oaci >pau vhici1 viti a!sudithe M1t713991 thée intereet a!!.! uni! cmiiasonuts an! fer mci!estyj gaine! lu Irotie, amoeit.! luseveu yuars baq .te put dovr lu buuluemaig aleare! $500, the -second galîeiyINven *1,000, uni! the. hir! *2,000-aI s l ine byibis tise the hu caiiing his ocvu ueo, sud kuapingitb is oe lie, bail the penuonai oxponsem i!e*b -tc us cli! eus- aâdylce put nuwvlga $3 per voek.- Astias eain uresas îlean! got beld of the openaétions enlarge!, antd for several years on botb idéie', end put he bu doué a ver>' largesud îuceesa- lefle oht fui biiu, aanlekcevuai oe of tic-. * W' th land huit sudMost libéral oft eur eitisune iv- F' 6oe>,, in# large smi te chaitable- pur posem., 0>ý >a rieyou1867- h. dii! a business- of "M al.tt Q.Omi $200,000, 1tie1 opuofita ou vtict vire $40,- vies lie>' casne, 00,an! the tetal loue yb, bu!debtz, bue Pindlay iovma.i, case ut boots, votMi $150-filnft7Ïan h'm' al! mici mare net' me -Forest an a trie fi A 1Jo BI ,o"cu-ÂA bepkeeper pur- cenit trie Oui>' vfahi ohac!et ofan lIrihvesan ae quantity Oet botter, lie lumps# o whvh, -inteai!ed for 'liai venu! tl peuridi, ho veigied la the 'balance &cu!tris ? A petot fout! vanting. et paper-n o es "6Cane Itl'.>otir oWn finit, if lthey'ase Lîuvl.tt higi 4l> ali! Bld!> , in rep>' te te ce n y gf o s e plinl t fthe'byee; Ilit'a yeu owo <suit, vyIcevi air d for vaus't it voiti a peund ofyclo ti' . -v_.- '-à C.. dae la W. 'OJaifD aàd a Tue net; lalc cf tie fileter>' of Ccurriti Bye oc six heu' iÀt tu;t un0,iere Wvu the>' calici! clab-lav, oi e41. Weli uer. va ids under the nase* o id viatever lie choie c"ý ho di aims! as hie evu.' got a man te, figiiht i trugtb, ne veapons ai- -came tauthe Loir! e:ý Red bisaeoutls nuet it M, he. milove!lthe o lokonýt foc asmt lay for the i cemnbalti't in, it Wou trying for tllç id ; but b ha a tenant of, ltee c0 f Finditir mlt fora ae!Br. tuti botut le Ftuda u d a > , n ti te uu c c e s , dtbat yen, hali have a:- 0 ye cbie. Well Lî~ roi! ns like te aie >'tu at if lie kils me vilt Y( vie eues?1 I vitt iayr eo Lu! lthe Lady msd r Aberdeen, s& distinct îge-bill ha appointe!, eVi e8 te oveufieviug vit] su, noe eiaiadmit- below but the Ivo eot- *,appiaced su! iidý le u.inoy'a lit gel n.,- sake, i. put round or,, nu lthe kilt. Wben il"' min! yeur'kilt PintIlay,ý Il>' .had put iFindia>' Q!i iady's velue or rathil: roe in Findlsy,.hèaiirve ebail>'i bithe short ru. unr: o n. att4ecd plouin e- un - l b fi ti On tié soitheru cou of Irelan! may he cee ailsicdey, ou the precipitous îigblixsls of Corballagiltai îîtretcb ava>' beutu! Daggrs la a ihoussu! vil! anud fiastio siape., tie blaclene! sund vesth. 'r-bestin valu ofaà coins! cettage wvie once !weit a happy fail>' of loviug heurta, are the famine svepI 11k. a pestilence,t ibreugicut lthe leaigtit ac!breadth eftuhe oral>' land. 'Mary, mether, Ilook dovn upcnu su'a untorcede for nu ths aday Il murmure! aà sitite.iaiciti lnidna, vho stoodinluthe dor et the ootae. Hic poliiotibhndi were clapse!, aud bis toac-immei! eyee voie uprisact t tte sky, viiete -th. ligiti- uing dunte! lie fier>' serpents devu the aides cf thesArk cloude. Tii. vin! vail- Pd nouraudr a' nd vld, andi a ierse peol eftîbmder boometi aloug t.e iaveus, svae4ng à ubousani! coaiami! the gleos'mauontain> ef Corbaliagi. Tite airnunfornsuhivont d as the. bluet sept by, an thte trembiing flugeru drev the ihread>ire ceaI erer the brout viere a bruakug beaurvtwu trebbiug piiouul>'. $Ai 1 but îiii ccvii,' gremue! the pua. suit,'on' lie gascn iii perlihbefore hoe éacha tis id th le mal.(Ici!give tic peor eraturé, airingthinluths pitlleei ctevms. Oh, vinraI virra I but I viali I vwu nAzeriky vii! me diegiter Mary.' 'An!>',An!y ' crie! a talit voice frent vithiîn. ý 'itse Àice, au' uhe's vilin' fies ber sloop. I41 go la te ler. Sie's gciu' <rom me, fill 1k.the sommer fBavera vhlu tie covwd!ciillithe bowers ; dylu' for vaut i' a bite su' aseup. Oh, Alla. 1 Aliel mepoor oui! vif., Alice-has h conme te bis, ahannaatSouneen acils griniuche Il Tbueeords vere uttere! in s toue cf agula,bd Au!>' Maguire enter.! tiie cottage, ;taggeriug te the bedsii!e cf îis dylng 4f. -staggering <rom vaakneeî pi'o!uceqbybhuger. aAu!yt. dear, PVs <clu',' murmure! Alice, intly 6I'm, gain' te a von!d viiere tires brio! eneugit for &Hi; vitere tiers'à n iorrev, pirutig, pain, or deatit; viere sisul dankouema l neyer knovu. lu vout fer long;1 yn'il eon smeul me Teaueilrlckied dova lihe ci! man's vWnhaiekas io gent>' raslathe terni oftOn dilg vite in ble arma, anti piluove!tîei heai ou isibreout. 'Thali bette,ý aie vilapse!; 'yeIjn use! te bl e!!sejust tie saievhin va voesbe yonngt gasia' dovnetaItme viii tic uolve.lht danoi'lu yeî blacke eyea, telliai, mul ei,'*el y@ love! se. l'S happy dye, lun er mni&suan!msy>-Gui! vîtci ovIt Y"e an' protect y. viu 1as gene. " aMickey tfti se, au! gir. ils se bleuu', fnu 1:'1i corne lue lite.' - Hae 'ide droope!, mu! for i moment cie IOO&W like a perues lu ripoe. Again aie 10044 op. A film vas goutering Olier thé 'es. Tii Augel of tiesti bail enleusi! lait ottage. -silotii se clouer, <air the pain leaI etm beari,'? i+leperei! tie dyiug voman. Ties Mme a fev ipuiniedie iirugglesq a the egrnt plama! ils pinioni for a boa. venvardjllgil; a moment mrue, an! An!>' Magoti;re1seld In île arma a foem of mni- mate CIa~ AbotFb1îi bovling of thte gaietthé, eh! tmsm he«4 i ts! et ofvoicesand tie tramp eflirses'fiel. lRe lai!dlthe col! fors geai>' bock ou tie pillev, an! veni tte eo*. A gentleman was riug te. varda ib coulage, iccoopanied b>' Ivo :v8ihslmuS.ektng ilttndioli, w.viee, tovr o mbogter in ,boisterueetoues, tih, i veeislle belng fnteilai!ei vii femul palii. tiel l obe. a'on in vo.! ef tic melons.1 -ý L. FAIRBANKS1 IA» Oait.bec Sali, IUTr efWV4' N0( w*aîi cierl Uffi-ln, *tvetfpW 1 1 maira,

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