Whitby Chronicle, 30 Jul 1868, p. 4

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r a Suinmer 10 iodiSutau inljuiy ilh 'vas ltim'a bdW. bnaodtb of 04«1ais;lotaudt . Tii. esleàt, Zape u*eelava agalmt t mUignoSon f bepoopi. are bqfmninlg 1e be iergadedintbe exitig conuion@ cif th.Mikado'. Empire, Sesme tisse*go beu... bm ansd four, bdodrtd of it subJeW vernt aval *0 Saîgos to wvn, cu oUIr t, tofor tome a uih w.robautîf and iiieslsiaacoonits <ow the Baadvloh Islandes &y uta u Esgllii ubip bronjh* &bou]$ une bunded and ifty Japarnase#mi- grans té teEcuIuia, wbere s b.y verw at uns aIi e amloW of by the *migratli ageoté aild .sgaged for, ibree y.anu. te laber lauté ii. anlture of th Islands. Th b@Jebmotef King Carumebi area a futehand dwludllog race, and -ibe style cf @AusiIuaprogresItrodaned loto i. lindodromakes a vtal î.ceselty iual stroîgel vorkcoa aboli buulcTtod te uake part laiit, A cl.ub la ith. ,mploy o eBuEat Indis 'Oomptaoyro.éaitf pi.d th. folloving limea o i oficoiai sopenort 'Houi>ured $iv, I bumbly [bg yen viii esouae sur net ,ft.udaum offi s is date, cauae1 get a boillas per urg. la."he bmuargluof th. letter a slwg.hof 0#tii.bll va, dravi eul, and thiii. ntr veut ou fotrte ay, 'Tb@.bresdt1à of the paper balgs'; iet, 1 haire plaoîed te lb ll ibit lh làdon- bic ftheaélu,, Great ezolgament bau beon on.ated la tbe villag, of JBniu b> lb.diucoer> of Aà gasg of robb.nu, viorneple ac uIo te dlroit tostores, to aeoueal,îh.ln robberles, snd tii e atsesd& are mpposad:te 114ve fnuaînatad ocme extensive prejects on foot. Tho. parties l.pleéstd re# Alezîdr if. Martin,* vie fenri r ept a photegnapi - gllery la 1h. villagqe, Wi. Bnbttem, là younlg maà abosutsdintson yese f ago, and B.. Purdy-a sîvyor, and bit w(e, iii. Ivo lat ter behu; eiargad vi r.colviug saud coscllig the stolon gpeda, bievlig thon:t le b.sncb. .60SIe 'agbonlgto e p bouse f aaked an inU ulîive a nofîeàabride. Yes, "id j. 'Gem; te b.a irl, I sup- po 7"J remlly doî'* mev,' v as <M blusbPgropi>, 'vLo(ber IL vili b. a girl Ftpîk LeslIe ise v, li.knowî Nov Yorkc pubgblàlr s ulg for a divorce frein bis telfo, vlih vbomnhbasunoç ivd for 'he wrnd i adulWtes Tbesubiber4 desfres to retura thanks o l numerous pa U for put fAvori, sud begeto auouîoe tbBtho inmDow stfp11od wt acaé MIok~ j.Wt ly lotod by hlmiele (JAND [ N1GLISll & SOTOi TI*Wmà oongetSCauulme*15. roatotObf, 11111 51xttim1 &c&0#1 4" Which bolIs prepared to miii. up to order, ou thi. bortea t e ntlhe lit- ut style, sd on the moet roasnable AIER PIN LE Jro* -t, Wlatby, Marci 24,'1808. -is-Iy ~I~lflI N PRESENTS IIOYT'S NEW PI{OTOGLIAPH GALLERY, OSIIAWA rizeï Consist of Gold and Silver atches, Gold Chaîne, Brooches ýd Jewelry of ail kinds-,a; ucsewiug machine, ?aiîîigs,,Albums, sud a va- rlety o e elOClet docks. - Life-like likenesses taken in a few seconde, in a manner to en- sure -perfect satisfction. gg' Sce eBIs gfor mnaier of diittibution et pre sent&. Ncw la the. chance for al to secture &enduring rilorrOGRAPH89,>and valutbie preseuta, st a leus price tisas meu photographers charge tor the ple. turc% Glene. Lb. thftiiaL wo yeis MrzLeslie ilhowed TI ber $20 a veek for ber support, b ut for Lb. rusaindar ef the (inoe he boa main. aned brseifansd tLbse. ildroî bY ber hiitài% Tioc#oUs. -Thé Froîtier Indus tepor ts tat n. Crack attocedLbheI- dlaus lu Idaho. but vas defeated aid vus obnlgéd to tend for vrnggeua Le tak fI Lue dosi éWCreek bad Lvo euspanies nf lufantrp' Tbo hîdians vero veli forthfied. À pareil vas recenly reelied et Lb. ifational Batik, Romete, eontairnhîg à fine N Infàt t brée. tontbaeid betrng a vrhtten * note, gisîti> intiotingdliat Lie uiystmnoui fîirain ihbt b. placed Le Lb. credît -cf M. -, :uttemau boin; sa accunt A àue« railvo>. frons Canoetoi Plie.W tava s spoen of aid a staff of ongineir sasnid pov <e o b.ngsged hi surv.elî'g a tcute. The distance botwomî teclv to t la.. la tvauty.slx miles, and IL la b.. inev.4 b. od oaa b.e bieply coostrse A Itee on seoing Lie r,3so f it doo.ed vlfc le.ered InétehLb grae, made b. remak-*WaU. h'1va lest gleves, Ili@ lest nsbrelirs, yus even cov,, aid 1 once a berme, but never bad anytihîg t eunt me liii. Liii I' JcuWAti?.-b.MontreatLEasng lokgrapl i bbeupurbiedb>laie -(outrisl priniL sand Psbllihlîg Ceai. IMan,, aid viillIasaftet' b. prnW db> thM ucipingtb ne e litatleteb daiâo #W beprojstLof/ta Cous. to-Lie > iùf d~.u14. Wn viiiWor eumL#jnspOMiYY auccesiUisdri Mr à.P lezssdr, -esdi be"CatLle lLlg" fhlîsos oêsover ievanty-flve Ti. deiâl and uiatitioI systotcIn n 1111 m lto ifaw Toila an d laîr~.. ~ À ? .L...C .tIrat emmotimo THOS, LAWLER, WHOLESÂLE & RETAIL CENERAL CROCER, WINE- AND? - SPIRIT CROCIOEt & GL8ssWARxF- [ECHEQUERED STOR'E.1 DROCE STREZET, WIIlTJJr. ew EiackLceSwivr'bap T. H. MOcMILLi îw Dr...M méina, ver>' cbep, at T. H. McMILI Fow Dreas Brianta, ver>' cheap, T. H. MOMILJ Zcw L'iuU suid CotLons, ver>'Ce T.I H. MOMIL1 Summer Clothung of ever>' lino, ver Tl . ol M 1-rosh Orocale, Liquonri u M E'remb lmported Tnruip SeOwt Ot' -At T . LXcNà w4 STREET, LE &FANOY21 UO1(ME visru I JbIjN~vI)U x i.. ai..a Pore ad GEI&NE lTEASï of slndid,,usturl flyia w1ed drectWbagr trde drtu tanaco iosi tbe Com iny'8 Plantations Li ASgAI * ad on the slee e o ALAYAS blendod wltheLb.fin0t produets of CINlA. béto -itn Only Twe ulte. i.:Tc or $1 p orlb, ith r k1, Greon àý mfid.c fortable Weflttn Fine llousebold Tos, cowbiig SrîBb10Faor ' cents pei b. vinent rcrblo...... . -..... 1 dollar lier lb.Q Tow ln Canada Ii vam vather?1 And there is'no' cnlty- in, obtaining these ïf -people . Wouid only go to f pace. 0'THE OTA1UO BOOT à. 8110ESI BANDELL'S ,i the place k>ugetsunited.- TrR A DERK Bo osmd -shoesof the bestvaetd nspaev shM, for Ladfice' Gents' M'W aud Childreis' wear. Upisa Wbtb, an ti, 80. JOSEPHI A. BANI ,Agent for Oshawa, BOOTS i& SHOES elIT REDt'CED- PRICES 11 vorkman-, DIELIL DIVISION COURTS IN T--rHE COU N!YO F ONTARIO, pop. TU AR 88 .0 - . iii A Co Z .0. "........................22 tb ot.................. I 2 2~~ : o M l l er ;.,~ superser~Pkh StckofBOT &8HE,2t ilknd z BEJIX, lio on , of- bas ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 1 bnimdadatia ilb oîdsufcctt ovncdI h aia Urrt<os heCoin. rd Y A R N L D 'S th a t n o w c re a u L e y b a c o6m o 5 ,e Cit s e g o c >ta n r -. . . . .. . . .. . 2 2S t t, IN irefe 'rce k> t ov es a e hCA T L E OX n d a- r e IYTE Z.erts sotevoet.'s sth at ndcl nts ntil djîigeA of , lge u I - IO K d k bond Sockof bTr&umi70 * boxes, ndssro wsrra ntedpu eidsBalmso lsrn Congruesss Ésb.nth sca.fOsThes. for fur il Ib &0.; 12lb.boxs, o ulo 2, o 2î b. ox ontemsistg trc t muWhoclvi' Satin l ha j. Q R .s1 s. Q n CassdanTmmadeb, anddsl a neiîsoliohremîpiolth oderbymmi essuîung onyo- eiiIT Gioer elNO D S e u t he b ot an Shbc hu, o f n etw r-sndp ici eo ieus,5ttf$.osv xes te I p obetr O etie uiObOV N Or anythungi 74 lL", IýZr fce ate0 und Il rsicdof blhli a supp lS trous wtb a Sboe thet ssakïmh oxissi, otht chsprt eLthi os Tm WLwmtE. hoTetvo.11t Is W . Jh . nd n ol be o nt u s sktg.-gs nio stslati-.I hy arc s t stsseYtsyEAu CO MPtut AdN Y - i, - ox4esio. 3OOeRY &liaï, REnglish Bs-osskfuffilltn isBlckst, i T11s-M0 iso s'f$ooT o,40. 0. FoFmorcdNo auond . 5 üe., A WEl tl. E <~ reolf tte A tend ed FX 3rstoe l ES te teto4-éeteasual .ACJC bythe A.ttRIUlfnhliisadjae fT tee awel fttng and foc. rhad Os e.; os- tBit Fliscilmfor d sia., 75ioe; ouns Iig inss, 45e. l<i Fitos-o o, e; Flu ES 11?LZ.L.. Tnio1109te. rd r, a R. J.c Yaruedan e -ahe ntr. oy ed . d o., Ibm.; Jsuamn, d , SO, i c , 'M'o s,e., ortl éls-y ine, 0 prfitet , oe. vxutI.hJ3 ~~~~ ~ ~ lu. Twfan'a, o tcolie., o fc- osagil2 t0c e.l, iO »r., 65 e. put4F u do., 5e,1Vr2 i, .; 0anu a2su Ce'..~ ~~'Qm ' cis uot nesstuuesl lroisiyso il y thsCoûtmsy 0'Ais exSleiit Mimnd 'feucésuid ba teut fus - .sudloo., vos-y god for? eoiiitiIipisiOsO, e u out of ovr onee tsossnd Te)siuonlala vo. lisnt Lihe follovîn;g k e' ABRIKZET BLOÇIQ lO mogL IVn eredisgly chisp. eon eyia , CORNER of BYRON & DUNDAS Sts. ýh%çgielegsser&,#a 0w o s d a i ra s - s p a in fo u a af s es-b ra k u a t t ibt st s s ss i b i s w th e p u r bl y o y t esJ oa , d ub a ssil se u i os e n ais C '.VuafeoANciS rl. ios. c eN C e '.. G r c r e s i o s i. 5 h. J b tsrette oi i -c i The thbs.riber's Eýll Stock ef choiceFaiyGrers19fO com lot, lîheve>'article usa11>'kept ln a firot.clsso establishmient, con- MnsClA n Os.T t n hosra e Csts tmi o ailIts-oct, Montneal s-WC uskicowuils i- - Sitting iu parteo- -sari the tas-goesssOisof tes suast wr bave fus-w.sdpdr i-ye o o treist parts ofise Dosminioin,is«Wd*w. arx-ga s.Iisî ou- ssssssaa npdi is*i$s'eg W psiinsuyoi*- te si tîug grai-m tiàw5Uit5 ousot ic T BEU D EIl 'l'rg M untttrwrdd, u av vuy om ns rur s a mis ss Itjh. wisdero'5 a llé~s'erg<oat fnsih. f-li Yéi oung iHyson' 3apau, colored and uncoloredt and Congou Toa. set nsuaki.Msgrivyas'edunp- Tgami rIosl g ound dupnd.Coffeeso 8piof/Pepper, AllopiOe JL,,sîs-al Tm >comz' Tatie 7u t gàl. 1 çsOtA. W1TT euLndb ' cbeap, i Iustn kes emlOrwnge, sud irou rOGa, of oLgtss.brhost m e? Englîe lheakfus'tued Vosassg H î ,siiefae tioss.YO auisamssmpect sMY fateos-dons. Vous-,i, ke, An y upi ed-b h $ g r ik v e r e o f p a l o r ' so s - r s s s a o r s S itt n g o e s r u a s s s i , o r o ff é r n g o t - T o m s e- l u s i s l p a k i g e s . e - I l a v n o n 01LN & Co$, 5ugar,4 froïnt u otCbiV ii letgon<_ - qnmfiitycftien, Byrups oft est varioeo"eB.u coplot Notsof; esh(au sstilnid Stock of ni m 195Flour, Catis- Cor in d Note the addre,*-ýThe Moutreal Tes ompsany, 6 Hesjital stqMteait Uvt oira "lues. B]3uk'Wb.Ot U15It Food of ail kinds_________________________ pî5,lill, ha L()sUi 411,1 CHIARGES 20.1.. l., ~j' yw ch.s00 IIMI3TED - . -Coar4 <*31 & Cc'.. in addtion to the abovse, 1 ba"e added a comDpletsassortüent M n n cfCorfrts min Individual Sait-c«li', teo i Ont-el5a Utet isîs, il f vlsi'T vlllb . o l ver y séb ap f e« c as, if> n ieL e ano to e b.un m erold. o sai puahdforta>n  l 8 quautlby of god Buate.'PR 4" n- 9 Ma#ethe L.pis.' core O1yrcu aid DandSa t, Wbllisy. H X ING N CE 14sot' £lyo the fl. en-.d MNOV. 18aul [lTve nos9l¶ iad beeaueme@, and s g.. TOWN OSH AW A, wrnTB, x. 27, 16. 1 OtiInabs ol omthé- Pub'FWHTBr dent .tsylti Zi îlottof SPF ID L F0LLQWSVIZSh " 1195 ' 1 " Ord Bop. " S . in 2l"u DRY GODS, B OTS & SHOESPAYER U}GINGS, se$.IP 66rPsase7t ¶55 .olaotd cartll by bltuel,vhics u Thuli T Is lof thic vsli Cilla bc not "seaselared. D ' " " O «D IsOSaleam Vary Eaued rloe. ysudwitigststve dalg a y e t ati e e ac- BE. e, 19, l lb. èoté de ndpsabë,tahane or shah. on amO0 somsurd Liai, ~ s-i Ils-siLo PitimsE, Cralîlsg, Glazingr obs 4 ili resauala apd vîilbe, hableNoZlLe b 5 iih teMaeoif a'toLiuL farttsewssio accordi .sa' Inth FACTtUER OF? 0f Ma </VS UQ4UVN ,*- . FdfU -,egstsf uavr-telcSt eluasuicilcea dc e yrorl<*J w aéiesusre L..d.>5A,41IflfAns d Pae - "Byordir - Ne. :aoui., A 4 C. - -, 10Sq h1D SO S.&u -~ s' ~fiad si.irs.riay - - . iis.12uw, DB ER &4k JUsolliî rlu Oba Oaxnpbetl, Brook St., Whlttby, Nov. 18, 1 Sde B. FA sOLICITOU NOTÀ Oàbawa4 , . rW. Hl E jar(,,,sncz, lui Brook Stre. Whitby, Jan. 28, Il CHR.LEB A TTORNEY AT s3honeCory, ton, ton,Brock, C. W . - 3. KhM.EW. a.xt.to t agty c Jaldtrment un -AT; the i <b.. fùt ou Aat-lo F t 2rte try Offlot, Wltb;. CATB CODSultO ti Fa ? 0. URJGEO1i TO tByron Street, W Dl W. FE k- NOTA3 WLittiy, April Vl VICTOJ 'ii - yns W~so j aux-. m MR. MARK ROPINSON9 March 24, 1868.

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