Whitby Chronicle, 16 Jul 1868, p. 4

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wbitbl 9 Moy,4, i > ' » -P -i, 5 ,&Mouno f ni502107TV ..eondme Wurly or DebentWS*, ITOVbrnwer Un bale bIlewi0" to pl @ prllOIPUII e Pt e ti.ITP 'e l'ôrépesot tl l tat lend tgy on Sd?* tu th# .DOmlswn pro liond improv* & rarmfor sale, AppiypfSmaî7t JME ILj <$Ajh 1i1sn' RWkl, Brook I ut, OFFIC, 5t.88817 TIF~ tLVERpoOL AN.D LONDON .Iurng thatp.ldhepf oosedlf fl'o &cd q m sllion pouelde sterlig. The 4 ou,00Sl i tuis nmuîsc la thée et onIce (pistEiOc<J15108 i oWAWVU jouoEfOLOIs ud bugiRtO II eflgen .rafly, *w10reTe It te repreganted. la Is frtyea, 186,tii aepremluum lono Co 84............... 5789,0 6621 Sa 66.......... ':£1,5 Tho MTr$ Beo ynd la nov,72,6 l'h. Lite Reserff O ynd anW5,8, The Co en la l eprmisetd tbrôniglinnit On- tooAie i0 QO58 b nfineitBlAgenpt.', s who'u applicatiOn for 1usuiswaD4Io Y dO x-il 3ufilOsacinAut, MoTIEZA AceWnrmT, D O MM1E5i1Qr~. COAL.- QIL LAMPÀ o? THE itiyZWT PÂTTEUNS. ChandOliOTS, lanrterne 71,qwythig l be LÂP BUSINESS, a loi pricon. ew- Boat GoA&L O,, th@ clitapest I Towoi, s JAS. H. GERIE'S ?Aumy TDu& iel 'Whitby, Dec. 11, 1867. NEzw CARRLIAGE -AN»fi Waggofl Shop 'i' IIOY'S EW ?OTO rII GALLERY, OSIiA-WA Pries onsst f Gldand Silver Watches Gold1 Chains, Brooches and -jewelry et ail kinde%; also Sewing Machine, Pintigo Albumsand a va.ý rety f excellent docks. Life-Mke likenesses takenli in a few seconds, in & manner to en- sure perfect atisfaction. or Se 13111e for manner cf aiottil;tltion of pre. sente. 'Now le tthe chance tor Railte secure enduring rEo(TOGBAPlS, and vauble presents, at a le us price than meet photographdiS charge fo r the pic.itrsao e Oshaw, MaTch 24, 180. 1 TIIOSe LALWLER, WHOLE SALIEC & RETAIL CENERAL CROC-ER, WINE AND SPIRIT mm laC]m'la J lu ai 49 The submciber' desires to return thanks to his numerons patrons *Wity for paet faVoiand begsto 'announgq that he la now sfpplied with a choice stoct, curefufly sèIected byb imueif, - Tweeid ,CatigE, CRUmfl 15OY. r.s9# i,81 Nxmk. Which be la read 1 make up teo rder, on the. sbortest noticee in te lat., est style, sndonti Di esnb tus Brock~PRNGM st, hiby fil 2, 86"Y-. TUE CHEQUERED STORE. CORNER of BYRON & DUNDAS Stsàý DROCK STIIEET, WUITDY. Trhe subs-criher'5 Fail Stock of choice Family Groceries is now omiplete,, wi th every article usually kepL in a 6 rot-elase estblisbtnefitïCef Dsuting ini part of- Youig Eysont japan. colored and ucolorod, and CongQu Tease ground au4 xmromid coffestSpicosiIpepporf Allopice, .8.2 CROCKEY &GASAE the 1B tf CÂSTLE FOX, »old's Beot &Sboe Store. FIIRNITIJIE W- MS s, 1~~ew Dresa Muslins, i 'pJ.. New ;Dyegs Brimant., very obeap, at iýu rns sud cottons, 1teri obeapp, at, 19, HMIMLLAN -&kCeor Summer Clothiig of every le vr>ceeap, at - Y'.2T. Hi. McMILLAN & o'e. Freh r~ere8 lAuQr fnWIfl2"tmr35. c 2' 3NO. 'TILL & CoT;LOXL00 o'. Wil b fonda uli and complete msortment of wen miadeFur- _________________________ ndur ' parties wantiug aiything mu oilin will llnd It te their adatage te caIl ad inspedt Our Stock before puichamin". elscwhere, as we are deter-- m cnd tý sil gw CEEAP -F RwCSE vvirg LE'WARUÂNTED. EINC STREET, OSHAWA9 -VJ2A5.U'.UIXIVAN-0,; ST, K~ Cane Seat Chairs re.ecatcd and mad as god as new. .. DUNDERTAKING attended toon the siiortest notice. SA tu AN ID IIG O S Reemlber flue place, CaldeIV8 Block, tltrece doors -,SWh of, the MLLLINEUIY &ci MÂN9FACTUPIIER OFf late Wm. fL'ill' Furniture Wareroom, Whaitb. sw CLOTIINGi' BOOTS AND SHIIES' &et JAS. H. SAXO. JORN TILL, W» A gouod Workan Wanted todo Ladies Sowed Work lOOlbs. of Oood Cleaii Featheris Wanted. Alay onbndBnglishSl,ýète, nàh K.ip, Frene 1 Whitby, May 13i 18b8. 1O.ly 1~fAT 1Z I!' LQ IxJÂ à JOHNSt Nbeý i àI1tattention keui P,0î TD A MBSII-vuR wATCIIES-1 JEWELLERYi sistent Irth good quality1-4Nv, j Ipy@rula todImasnufc turelorder, ail kisids Of CA1RA~1~, ~Spring Gonds of the Latest Styles, at M I LA.TET STYLES. M. IL. MOIRAI t~V~ReparllS entend m ~proiplT L'NE'SI yÀTm ~ orsZtcf lug"e, Dunas Wbtby April t, 867. ,T6weeds-Egis, tOch and (,anadan, at' NEWLY IMPORTED MI IL COCHRANES. kP .A P E Ri.t C1othing-~Rendy-made, and to Order, at ]IAN &NG. -M.Hlà,COCHRANES. 13,9uiinaiiilond begeteîto 'Im lb. pub. rmtiie-Groc eries-A, New a,'d Large Stock, at PAEL IIKNINGSM. H. COCHRANES- Slect.4 caretolni> b inif, whilhmh00o asieai VW B. uee Fîlel.Dundas Street, Whitby. w'Pautn, ratS,~ÇunWitby, -May 49 1868.-1.y malio udep.ItOlSmaner, ne noua. . A. Ce WI]LoN, Wbtb, prl ,Dundas Shoot, WhtbY GUBA.T BARGAINS, IN le__ v ba l ol o G rceat Bargain -8 à Ilats and , Capo,, ___ ont ,Biteans 1in Blanke-ta, F-ane Stock of firstclfss Flour, Oatof Corn, and Buck-whOat mal, PooA of allkinds, e> very choap for Cash,.0-Ç* lu addition to the aàbove, I have added a coxnplcte assortment of Creckery, frein an individual Salt-celsiV, te a Brat-de set cf China, al of which will be sold very eheap for cash. 11> motte Ie not te b. undersold. Cash psid for sey quantity ef gocd Butter. WHITmbetheNOp.ace, cre1861'. adDod tsWhty DIVISION COUILTh IN 'uu~ COU NY.F1NTR FOR H NTZAR 868 NTY OeF n. c a ' "n '!*14 8 [ 2 2 e - i - -2 ; 6: : : , 662 1 1 fe Of thebyBlii DEÂTE AND 'HEIFT<, &t modpu4e itates of' Premiumu, bwndcop caa Englieh experiee cof Over Firry YEAES. T>e Pioneer Coiup'oy of Ameucend -OMF UPFICYE.-Io 258 Masin Stre4 ilrr"wtfo , oz mana r I I1se"~ WATHE~bOCeS u EWL1iRCarefulyZepBfrd.-- i WhibyJa 4,18'8.181y CROGIE Ai. No. 23 Hos tê t. Montreal.i Pure mad GENUINE TEAS, of spl en did natural- fiaver, imiporte(ldiect frein the Coupn isttons !lu ASSAM, and onthe elopes cf the IIMALAYA8, blondcd w théb.ot podàct% etof, INA. OnIy Two Qualities, riz. ,-7<Y.or$ erldîirBheGreenAiô ied Fine Hôfosehld Ten, combining Sirength and haver, 70, cents per lb. Mnt prbcur'able.....................1 dollar psylb - :" old lu Packets sbd Ganiruïe by'-the ComipnyasAgets'lAp every City asud TowZ u aada&, T' Cori As ci lAgentA fo Osa*af Tv" ¶ 4 t saril - ý'iqLý 1 . 1 Yabfùary 20 1 or 1 L. BRON%ýN4j 1 , 1 em' 1 Od6oaw ab eau M 'W grarqw Il: l qub-j" 1 à

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