Whitby Chronicle, 9 Jul 1868, p. 4

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in, ylityaI1Wraeou lsm-n sd TOWI, r'i~ 5eorii geIm provecd FAIMs toi sale, 41, 45iîw o 1"ly .han itd <imisi~aei1f. IwdInsRaflDe.and eue. rai AWAII, 'itW ib.8. TUELIVIIPUL&ND LONDON lian beenct sltfl4lîry4W aê i' t& sînda liinlli0ii pou<i5 s e0rftkn# e viii> ~ it,% i mou,, oLrIl nierlss i1OUerîi0r 'ignud iei g in t~tieco I401 ce auibe ire 6 niU en-.io 20 ztit yeur, ~..... 81,5 ».* e&lSers86.......... 7 -The. Lita Leorvë Fond ls nov g2SO Tho Com anI sre«e lagnd, ci@i apj cton for jsii'lll ay omte .F.C.SbITI!, Yarniylth, 1869.0 0 AL (ML LAMPS ChimleYst i~ fl..t OAL it, tle obeaptialul CANAIA 1AI thnsto hiummerons patrons that ho ii; now su1plled with achoice cteda by bimelf, e LI»ll & CoOTOil Whicb behoprqep<d te make up Ioorro hshtuiniei t.la- ust style, sud on tbe most reasnalle teme. TANl1PNLE ; AT I MIM 1PY -RX Brock st., Wlîitby, Maich 24, 1808, $ 1,00 IN IP5ET AT IIO0YT'S NEW PIIOTOGRAPL G-LLERYI,OSLIAWÂ Prizes consiste oialdand Silver Watches Gold Chains, Brooches aud -Jewelry cof al klinds; aise Seing Machine, pslntingi, lbums, and a va- riety of excellentCIO"ks Life.like likenesses taken in a few seconý tds, in a manner to en- Ouro perfect s1atisfiaction. S Se Bills for manner, of di»iribctiob of pre- sente. Now le the chance woa esor nulgPOOR2Had- valu'ible prsents, 'at alese priet4han iepkotograpbere charge foi the pic. tures alone. 0alýaws, Ifarci' 24, 1868. 12 THOS. LALW LER, WHoLEiSALE & IETAIL CENERAL CROCER, WINE ANÙ SPIRI1T CROOKERY & GLUSBWARE. flhlrvTI fil? TTVP"DiJfl 9TCVWl . :chb, e il, 1867. 49BEtOC& TET, WHITDY. HOI)ULD bey theiteles(loine h i»e dl dsh gensi'huVO ir .er 'da 8.13. ..A .rrlv a iséë 1 ilacou rse , r t le Ol n11try-eI~d receiv el a Ugmed as<1 hiee Sid iirU eulliiohiiS Frie s aAirrrJavdl recetveoril f oI l)um îU etl il& le yL 1 . e t- SeLL Il71f.ueiaL , a . 1, M 'i.i oelai.-The ô chei . <mcr (rwarded soatie ligne OUFO,a arrîved litîgMnd usle,.'The quaille tg mue %,Id4 ,eaeietii. ngal pmeî hoiit,-48l wlA a ri u psrIi Inhi,4gth ) t u îîty rui~t) eae ru S pring G oods of the Latest Styles, at iongs oB~SWr, O tuivi. Dc.f 6. M. H. COCULU bd)% orya' f e hl iigurl iegire"a gnt&Mn tiiteiwu N'ue May expe ature UWiers. - Vec er 157 ,T weeds-Eneih, Scotch and Canadia ccoliien,-'I1'* iwo d'béieladerfrégi.Ibhit front en mille, wec i wIÛO b.V'> gits ilo.sêtIt>Ii. ue -il, ,,eoeirward su a frIelid oni ion'. s et IpOimoiM, H. COCHRA ieot pile j, igvouned New tcm"mI' C01180etaiMe Print vie i i e 6 ents apet I Lbo. A il'.G met siwyClothing-Readymiade, and to Ord'er, t)atû o p is macl . l' n intiier v. M. H. COCIR The enntrIbiOI l iemlSdlljnuiiioibaie scoqueltlh>'it.,lari babl ,e b 4 u wwfîierv ige au ibo ci c o11td Il "d t rm'c Groeeries-A- New aind Large Stock, RIM l*vrrd o. OIYM. W COCHRA fle.' it .1 g &y imn ; Fin e. Dundas Street,,~ t'jýr Whby, Mayh4t 1868. GA] ~IN -oooz- N1IN Il T&T1I'- WbibJne1,16 ~~~~e ~C byaeteiwa 51"CASTIJE FOX, AtR. J. 'arel' oet kShoe store. 1VIÂKETB]LOC K. CORLNER ofBYRON & DUiNDAS Sts. Thesuscrbe'8Fail 'Stock of choice Eamàifly Groceries is now cQmplet,l with evey article usally kept ln afirot~leetbibeicn sinaPart of- groundsud uigound CoÉffst Spibest lPeÉperf-ÀUiPiOoî cinnamont Cloves Lmo.Orànges ýamâ iro e Sugars, from the best Cuba, bt th fimeit gromidè Symrps of the bout varities, A complote Stock 0of iretoI8*FlOUrOftoî Corni and- Buok-whea.t meal, Feed of ail kiudst 0: T;very oheap for, Cashi. -0~ lu addition te the above, 1 have' a4ded a complete assrtment of Crockery, frein an individual Sait-cellar, te a first-ciafs set of Chin#,- ail of whieb wili b. soJ4very cbeap for ceuh. bly mýolà-&nt te ho undersold. Cash paid for any quaiitlty of good Butter. RIm«the pNV. 2, me 186. adDnasSo, ht TiTVT~T(1N COuRTS IN TUE COU NT Y I 0F JONTARIO.09 No. jWhItby............. .....12 2 li Ij.j 66-2, PFWleriiig ..... . . . . À . . . I2 l. . s . 3, auoester & Pi'rnce AlberS j 30 ...14 1J 4.I.. 4. Uxbiidge..:.:14 3 1 15 go ô 10* 1 66 Cnuiion...i..' . . - : 7 5 ... 21 " .........g'22, 2 ,3 " i.... .I . 22 "7, AtIartey......... ... I 24 I. go...uv8...* 4."...*2 Z. IIRNiIÂMu, jupes. opposition is the Life of Trade NEW FIJRNIIIJRE WAIIEROOMS- I I I inatJNO. TILL ,& 00., AUNTE'S. Will be fonnd a full and complete assortment cf well made Fur- niture. Parties wanting auything inoui lUneo il fiîîd t te theïr advautage te call aud juapeci. ?u" Stock befare purchaeiug cleewhere, as wc are deter- at mincd te seh l 1'CIIAP POL CASH.,- ~E'EVERY ARTICLE W AIL ANT ED,. 'rtn"A OrPr'fVPuAeUnaw4uu m-a. ess --------------h MI'S. Whitby. 18.ly Cn t>ýChUND e-LtAKINanteadedo on th esots ntc. Remember the ,place,% CaldwelVf Blocle, t7reedoora S<oul f the late Wm. Till' Furniture Wareroomn, Wlitby.* lOOlbs., of Good Clean Feathera Wantedý. il P'e ress uin T. J.MbLL1kCoS ~ew-iint anCottone, verT, <.eap, aSt T. Il. MeM1LLAk k Cd,# nMa~rclothing eof every Une, very oik,~ T. H. MOMILLAN kCe's. Fresh 7 Grocees, Liquo"resin&Wines. '9~7g~ i33CCIK3C3E~. KINGO-STREET, OSHAWAx STAIIE &FANCYTDUYGOS I' AGood Workman Wantedto do Ladieis Swed.Work Always on band, English Sole Leather, English K.ip, French Caîf, and ail kinde of Canadiam Lerther aud Findingg. làwATiiES&JWLEY GOLD AND .SILVER WATCIHESI JEWELLERY, WTCLCES k 3., El f hihwELLJie RCat efuIyest fred.ou estenhitMay4, 1868 . WACRES',CLCK &JEELraq CoYlyReaie HOME'PEPOTI- ONDON IVERPOOL- Pure and GENUINE TEASi cf sptendid natural flaver, imported direct rom* the Company's Plaist .tiu'ns il anS~M sd ou thes elepof the IIIMALAYAS, blended w ith the fineut piodontit of CHINA. OoIy Two Qualities, riz, :-70c.' or ti per lb , elthet Iack, Green or Wied. frine 1inuseboldTen, cexubining Strength and Fltyor, 70 centà oer lb' Fineist procurable................... . 1 dollar per lb.. g-Sold in Packetesud Catilaters by ti opn' Agents, iu everyCxity-,s"à, Town in Canada. .Agent for Oshawa, o o o Ths FeerC pnT. ee A t 0 1 4 It e U i atLF C . -o 2 8 8 i t a S trme e s Hrrtlord, Colun. Street,' linscn, rrzr & à-, aUn&,- gera; lot Ilruadwiy. New York, dOOs & btuLzs4e, i nagers; 480- Wslnîîit Ctrwe, fli- ladoitihiai, Fi. . ÂCoear% Manageil 4« Ua Salle Street, Ohiwgmmgo I& SOUTRIC340K Manges.l 50, FamiiY Greci IKG QST..- mBI MR. MAÉI< BOOTS-&SHE in kv BJarlsUI w 'JAS# m SAXO* ýj whitbyq May 1s', 1 ýj 12-ly, WWtbj, ianimry Mày 41 1. - il 1 1 1 ýl 1 1 ý- i 1. presh itdpo rtea T--,Drni.p Séedi-ïonly 20leu., At -T. ]EL Xèllllccý L. -J3ROTVýN4 - - - ": ý . &,r WHITBYI -n' TvTsTox COURTS IN THE 1 li 0 wwu X-X la iLo P e m l A RK Ir R'A

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