Whitby Chronicle, 2 Jul 1868, p. 4

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te bis il tis$ lenO 'ov im . fimlAgent Wlitby. oyple kuou aiIýo .s»!>l, Brook St. Whitby, sept. 25, lutW THE iLWEIWOOL AND LONDON flis buien 194ns"asetb1rtY-tV0 le*"* M loie# sai a haitmilliorn pomméssterling# *Tb# dibunue4t ofthi#s nOlmOOS soi « aVidem$, g*,withhotdoobt, gentil- itsd te th getsblilihftuii t1ilsingtitiitofl, luIn OW nidcnbl o(PsUo CAuolnom. Mza- onIuIlOUNbMMZX14 d boslUAInsu gint- urIyw.rvl %la T.prouclted. Jo is ifraIj'usi, 8,the, Fîre Frme alose amognied l ......... » 9,7 le ra 0MI ypr, 155....... Mi sth r, 1....... 79,82 Que jeu aceair, 1867...... The. Pire ihirve Pond la now $0,27,4% Th*.U4Its Ees Fl' ond fi.nor 80,202,46 Ti .C 1 to~,~rmorieltIîd tiougziol1îOn- utiono su e , hiy lnlloentlibl Agepto, Io wkhoui ppl Mton for Icioallee OiMay be niad@. J~. GAIy.IC.NES, JS, AomswoWermy, 0w BwU!IT Oy"a:. Fabruery 1711, 1066. 7 GOAL OIL LAMPS OPTH EWIET VAlEUN, Chimne)yu, Bnxners. Ira ytbiDs lu thse1,AIP BUSINESS, At10wv #gr Boat COAL OIL, thé ebospeet lu Tevil i. GutE' Wbltb, De. 11,1069 IFARM ER,9 i~~Tbe Meaitresi sClmar lelaluee dltereitpols lii. o esd rciv ,eîy'Oao Mdesubam <iemms inseils A#iSU *cioci,b "Y' lenen.-.b nt5 c oute ia n Istdid rnet lie, inc, ,nvd u îodcri".'us, asl.ir mpr sude roul,~d uc ent #vs gpriii fhs mbool i quiliyof Ti-& o bi foTm mlmc oaqsiet o lo ti i figen WI1.cu5 RU SILam 11005 4 55575, O .tDe,,. 51 icois, Se.. , aUn. s$ lm af'réà on $&T4so irro, cinher 1WtY64POCWIY $h oniiein es,- 60 tie ote o<TsI bai56'1(,nr i ,eni wekuelic bv et ve naimtil Yom*,i&i, I 1Ai. IIPOAL T.ilel.ibtaîinthe luS m ou tbaiiii. v #e n<Tesyei s eue#Wie 0<ose len ea iy.epulty Alie MOW Ilya i 0cnt.. 'oo.uiThew ommile lasofbm.ai eepreunid etsa(oi p ju., ii mTg,laejoIo2LOtO 16 tu ileai JounîImsP'lv 11014 vaiusrvfiedemessie pre eiVZdi laeTs h o iney __ ~ ~ I d ou5e SedOnflon,45.rof» Vffu Ibo. t fI v ~g. eus patrons with achoice (JÂNADiAI ENGLISil & SCOTCII TJwoe.dos, oatings, Cauimecs*. Eroadolothr, B11k Mixtures, &o., &.. Whieh be is peae e ae'pte rder, on the shortest notice, in the lat. e&I style, and ron tii. not resea terme. ~ 'm~ ~Wl à AJ iiL.&L lJZ'. JTAzl.Eé Bhek g., ýWhitby, Mrdi 24, 1808, 12-ly $-151000.IN PRESENTS AT IIOYT'S:NEW 1'IIOTOGRAPII-GALLERI, OSIIAWA Prizes conîit of Gold and, Silver WatéheGoId Chains, Broches and jewelry of ail kinds; aise Sewing Machine, Paintings, Albumis, and a va. riety of excellent dlocks. Life-Iike likenesses takon in a few seconds, ini a manner to en- sure perfct satisfaction. 9&» See Bills for manner ef di*tribution ef pre- sente. Now is the chance fer nil te seure enduring PHOTOGIIAPHS, and valutbie presents, at a les. price than inoit phot.ographers charge for the pics tures alone. Oshawa, Karch 24, 180,. 12 THOSe LALWLER, WHOLESALE & RETAIL QENEAL ROCER, WINE AND SPIRIT ~ C11AJ& UIV CROOKEET & GFLA$SWARE. TME CHEQUERED STORE. BIROCK ST19EET, WIIITBTr. Fresh Arrivais Spring Goods of the Latest Styles, at FOR "4. Uxbridge ......*.......... r) , Cainunaton,........ .... "6, Buierto................. " 'y, Atheri.y........ wbitby, Jannary 101h, iM5. - Z. BInjENAU, JvveX. Opp.sition, is .the-JLÂfeof*-Trade & ~p 0 NEW 1?IRNITURE WAREIIO OMS JNOe 0 TILL & -C0., Wil be found a full and opee assort.ment of weII inade. Fur-, niture. Parties wantinoe ayhn nOur Une will find it to their advantxge to call and inspelit our gîock before pnrchasing eclsewhere, as wc are detcr- EVERY -ART1I("LE'WARRANTED, twIl UPHOLSTEWING done with neatre -.,tnd lispiat1h1 Caet Ocat UChirs reséatêd and îî.ias "good a'new. £W- UNDERTAKING attended to on the shortcst notice. Remember the place, Galdwell8 Block,, tkree door8 South& of flc late Wm. fIill 8 Fzrnitare Warer-oomo, Wlitiby. 1 1001bs. of (ood Clean Feathers Wanted.1 Go9od N ew for theMilo' Know al men by thèse presents that 1 can a nd do Seil the CHEAPEST GOODS in the COUNTY of ONTARIO, M.l. COCHRA.NE'S. 1h-SMALll -o- Tweeds- Englisli, Scotch and Canadian, at, M, H. COCHRANE'S. VlIothin g-Rendy-made, and to Order, at M. H. COCHRANES. Groceries-A New auid Large Stock, at -M. -H. -COOHRANE'S-r Whitby,hMay 4,91868, Dundas Street, Whitby. l181y IAT, IARGÀINS IN »aI t ioit e O s e eilen à* ebom ae terea rg in <inela kesf'lnn i5I515i05tShirtingo &o. -aj-A~5~repat 1argain'a inHeavy Double and PRy OFaIeaotS & QJCajCtem mto MY'STOCK 0Fi ýFA&NCY AND RETiJRNS' Staple Dry. Goods, h now compîct, and for beauty, style and chcapus cau't bc surpassed. In this nîy stock is vcry large, and. more attractive than ulsual, and parties favoing me wii t teir patronage, viii find 1t toe îer sdvantage bohin l point of style and-cteapneng, A futll assonîment of MOIiNfING GOODS.cnstantly on hand, and donc up ln the shortest notice. Aiso, a choice collection of BRIDAL EQUIPMENTS trirmced to order, iu the. latest style.9' Dreas Bottons sud Trim. mings lu endicus vsriety. TAILORIne flEPAxRTMENT.-ClO-thrng -made te order lon tho premises, by firat-clnuswotktnen,, and -an immense steck of the Most Fashioenable Cloti to, eleàt roîn. Agood fit guaranted. Special nttention'called' to a lot î o 3OTS .AND- SHOFS.- in mens' and woïnen's, girls' aud mlisses'.Aiseo. Ot#r Suces for damnp veather. Grocenies', Hard- vare, &c. Inspection lu respectfuuiy invitod. Cash gai4 fer Whcsh,ý Bariey, Rje'sud peso. Ar«rd -r i OSHAWA, OCT. 23, 1867 BOOTS & TE'Le of>-e Sf ing ad m o.,fet, uh o. N'ew ýLAN &7 Col&, New Dres. Brillants, Very cbecapt at T. H. MeMILLAN& Co's. New Prints andCottons, very cbeap,at T. Hff. MoMILLA1< & Co's Sumaser Olothbing ef every une, very cheap, at T. Rl. MoMII4AN & Co's. Frcsh Groceries, Liquors and Wvincs - resh Imported Turnip Seed, ,only 2Octs- per lb., AÂt T. IL cIIA O~s KINO 'ýSTREET, OSHAWA,- STAPLE & FANCY DRY GOODS, MILLINERY, &c., MAN UFACÇTUR.ER 0F ZW CLO11IIING1 BOOTS AND SllOES. &ce W' A Good Workmau Wauted te do Ladies Sewed Work Alwavnv on baud.. Enzlikh SoIe Leather.. English Kip.Frençnii_ Ccli; nd ail kindia of Canadian Lec-ther and Findings. WAICIIES & JEWELLERY. JAMES JOHNSTON1 begs to eall the attentiou of intendin g purchasers to bis' NEW STOCK 0F GOLD AND SJLVEIR WATCIIES, JEWELLERY, Clocks, &c., ail of wyhich will be sold at the lowest pices, con- sistent with good quality. WÂTOHES, CLOOKS & EWELLiCRY, CarefelyXlreAd. Whitby, May 4, 1868. y HOE --T O --N&ýýIEROL No. 23, Hospital,St. Montréal. Pure 'and GENUINE TEýAS, of splendid naturai fi1avor, iwported direct from the Company's Piantatioeis in ASSAM, and on the siopeti of the HIIMALAYAS, blended witlîlte fineat producte of CIhINA. Oniy Two Qualities. 'riz. --70c. or $1 per lb, cither iilaeck, Green or Mied., Fine Ilouschold les,-cenîbinirig Strongth andFlavor, 710 cents per lb, Fincst procutable.,.. ...11... I.... . ......... 1 dollar par lb. ggr Sold inPacketes îPd Caniaters by the. Comupany'% Agents,. lu every City and Town inu-Canada. -MARK. geT fR OsAw 0i. E1 '4 E. e. o., .4 ~1 INCOUPORATED Bt 7115 Legsatreof Conneeti 6 With aperpetuial Chartèr. 8100,000,i ' sted with tuje Conîptrolliteas ecurity m'ilieyilde. Tiis Compsny ix novw preparci t'> issue lico. onu1LI VE Sii)CK, egaînst bcth DEATII AND THEFr At- ninder:te i>até of Preinmu, bRsed on Eiîglishî experici;eceof over Fïwrv TEARI The. Pioneer Company of Amen( ilOi~ YFCE.No258 Mansti Hrrtford, Coiiii , . 1ý BEICU <IFKIC-DS.-96 Wa,,binj Street, Bitton, MiivUncr& W.iiaux, b1 gers; 106 Broa.dwuyý. 1New York, Coo» bMuLirx, nazerb; 410--WeInlt StretI lnideîphlia. F. & E. A. Corjox, Managers; laeSaloeStreet, Chicago, as*2 08 ma g r .Apply to, AoaLN' Wln Fabruary 120, 1867. Du F. BURKE Fanîis-YGrerg. Wine & luirAi 21u« ECROOKI A W PRE]SU T. gar Az ebosî'u a iy1 La IVt, 1 E7 S OLICfl "Oshawi jar(inr, l xix Drock Strict. Wbitby, Inn,.128, 11 d- ATTONEYAT T, ,.T rOREY-ATV- eT, .liancy,oti t ~ taie 1'o st rOfice. hI-A Puars ALazsuet Post l lle - AHuSTR. A'1PEE-Ft -Poritperry, Zdth tDE -, C.A. -toruey, NitrOZFI'E.-Ne W. H. Jar 4, Churik LYMAN ENO 21 i[UGEON TO 1 ,ByronStretWl D'le,~. ni. r JOHN le» C NeTAIL P J 0 H Nrilla OBIMrSO0N, »nugglat.1 À P--DTPCTITTTIPATIÀ 0HO 0f the Rigftt Fit and -Make.,! abseriber begs to yeturn his sincere thanka td frke '---j r CI JAS. R. SAMO. JORN TILL. 19-IY 1 Whitby, May ist 1868. ; 1 and wl 1 lute, À genit for Oshawa, ,MR. M.&RK-, iLr à InIr»-,

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