Whitby Chronicle, 2 Jul 1868, p. 3

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T-Atoibawo4 on saîsrday liste saab, a well ilqer, ba! a nsrrow cpi a violent destî.h, e b.d exý lta inéus an d4 îe susoke lg avo>' s <ast as desirsi, hé W go d#ow and drive il siup. -Ase Psceld$q b.ladder b. vas non. ensilb> lb. begarsosand loibls le fo11, itifs sii, a distance Ot r..î.-tmî eseàperd, strinlg$ 10 87 a 'feu scratches, -ROM ,~Wou..44sdsst obn. iiped tbhe rsl vlaiclswvw Pass mlinesseightbtlonr's voilkla iL. ont 4$oY yards and vorks h«#@. savuOIC-Â telegraphic ýdusptcb, g, * bout_#eventean w»rd@, vas bontreal lino and-cable froma To- Glasgow, BssOtlsxd, it12 asoon, atiss ro4csived ai 3 p.is. --on day. The o os-of tbue despaieh The Tosebors' AmosoUn of Ontario Itas. liai p4a»1d a msemorlai -portrait of the laie i-T. . Robetrison, forns.rly Hesil M*u1i of athe sNormal' School fOr Upper Canasdss, ?boy ssov çupose Cc ereci a igomsmbt nier bié romaisale nd'ask mb- aMilos f ronts the varions braa.cbes of tisa .A.aaciaUion îbrosigboct the Province. Cen. Bçaokenridge, ex-ViePresidonit of(she snited Site, Arrived An Toronto on oaiaye frol Francse, aud in *is n the p.rdonsool Fwoidant Jobason, ta nsînrn to bis Dative 81à1.. -aoocomodM-afets v.îougeasxi s.in theb aventocf ibmProviistExhibition- boing fii1-b.re ibis year. Thse wboleiweny- Iwo, bowever, ca o osiy <mid roons for 350 bîu.otpd :olsuîeera, end there ia some- îalk of r.oacvihg the Welinigton Battaiiou to Bh1RTH. LINTS.-At Port Ferry, ou the 29th lnis. th#a-vite of Mr.- wS. Liuof îwlaaa. k --- MARI-BD, - RVWNT'R3-.UMIGUT.-As the ud euce of Mr$. UHos, Whitby, on Weds-o.day .Juily lot., by thes Bey. D'Arcy Cayley, Mr. Llaucos i niert9o Mina rances B.E.sHigh t, boUs cf frigbton. * Whitby llsarmeto. Weclseaday, JaJy 2ud, 1868. Fai Wbeat. $1.45co $1,30 70cs a75c.. H.>'.... .$10to $14 pur ion; - Mute..........12J to 14c, Wool............23 tw 25eto, NEW ADVIERTISEMENTS, WHITBY Minin g Co'y. t, lxe11#0104 lvion 1.5isiIle fuWswlnit C'tolé tu de 0PU 8oui tîsin Cotis- J'mfýy bavo him 44yboeuaisoleditaipsy- ible tiup Ireusus-ore USOice, lit ii. TOWIN.0F WHIT13Y, ASPli'ÂIVVIZ. Vssii~ ~ ~ ~~l o!$*lîasaepybe1:,Ang.180es. ' isi -le any n the ,fonegolrsgr ('a811%ho not poia vitil lit twoiy dAyAsuerCctso eamiehaW se l au J ip yal)lss, tise slisse or sissiesou vlslcls cui Cailirasîstilas asijiad i i il Io lisble fhe îerféliuf s, wltt ii 'trtlf sîitTcs, aecordlng w te ia ttio fls asish-esu sWie #audrovid&l Dy >'oraei, - THLOS. HUSTON, 'Wiulaby, Jsu* LtotIk,,1S. l-2 &AMINE TIS STOCK. IlrÇ Oshawi, Jane 24th, 1868. 26 NEW ADVERTIJEr 3i. EW ADVERTIBEX ENTS. - - ---_______ Sait! 'Sait!. 2,000 ,BAGS! liossio1rieu. iApplyVto SWilsiiby, .Isiy 2, ISIsSe tieux Kpirlrg 20 sisn * I FORMATION v 1ttloEbert W11mou, l'Isluus.lyCo . Londonder7rvelsid W lien lu%& houri t rm lie wiss living ieur fl to recui vaoa s n sfenatjon, oone6rului hlm At the Wjitlhy 1Iuni, ( 0111. Wlitby, jiy 2f, 6.24 f Cordwood! A L'A ROZ quA1iT1 Yi iDEGOUD lIARD. Appiy tuthwo1WLOT, ALBI. OGSTOZÇ. Lo&!~. 8,4t en.Whltby. J. WILLIAM COLTSO, the Witby P. O. o o s t r ay, 11868. Armsitrong 'Mips C. Keongh Itiebeel jlussl W. J, Muatit Inanle, Iie'Ye Jokis Unrslïàil Mr*. B3ruwss M#a MuitiitlusI" Jassg 8. Iir6wli J (bn Masutgonisery A.T. ilcata Mi1ça Y. V. Itoridtis Win. ilirkellosl.aw . lera Johin Bîrowns Y.wlisud IMuiîewaon bMnu. IL Bice d.o ire. urof 3J . llitleewsoitT. 0. Aru.strug, (9>)-Marrow Miss S. lie(uorge Meure W. A. Ilrowus fraik F. >1 urîslly M. Irown it s Mbagie Z iilui»Jolin If riud Capt. W. 11. 4rais Andrew (2) Bain Jolli, mer.of A.Urtun lirA. Ilanuil ilanliisuti. O'Bien lHelirysil. Blarber' Mises LOtt Powell Misa Msggle Buty Juaos Patters.,, Wm. CrvZe oii o Pi'ppo Wm.' Cuiiiior 'Mn*usy PardnioBbo Ciat&y M# LIm Pl'aser BMituci J. tclois». Willilsnt Quebec a ask. CiIs,sberliin D. lH.' Kottti ls. s oboît "oawY tG. "(2) Sprinhc Idrse b Às11100Mss,.&lie.bgas.tuJohn «,sr 5ory Kdw5ftl (,oiiiîa M. Sossbwellim aMarthea ('oWa Tuîous. teaisas, AJitmU Lcole Win, fiith J0me plh 3. Ciesrwter B. R. Balkild-Iioaird 48) I)uasIIII lion.'Mary Sssmmerllel Mis nY' Desîs Misse iza J. ahoppssrd ligasry Duselil John twïn lir. baiunslj ieus-y, ca eolisteasl Wsn Lilsslf Pàysild.'Xhew Tisomas Ili0lf. Wsn.- Traffmns1M41s May FiliJolin 'rohsi tos (2) Fuller lira. Moray 'Jnck.r Mi*» Liais Yesrgiuaot ohuJe sa '.ssèynà W. IL. Galit rnnattilew roinîuîîs.tu sii lluweasilYMm. >9. VsskyWns. f loia.vIl liets> (à) W Iggins Thom. Iliogule tàiUhrl white Mr. flI'ward ejolis, Wellsuve E. J. liobssur Geoore W. $AareW;lite 1'. C. olja a >Aur. White George flideos igîy Wiltoss & Natissders JIIU) 00W.ii, Willlis ilabor liip.wlsnd John yotings C. '1. Harveny lin..Martis IleGrigor George cue-of T. ilairvy.M4ýcay1), Jole Geore Il, D ci lavid Js'vls) ui»S ebcocm. 3lcAvdvy T.UC. Joyce Wsallisco ]lure iro Ir. J'ie Ksinp Zone JJCMYayk, r.jeohn litwi.xitz LTn .s-iev hn Dempsey sudi Js.hg ttiaw. l'Partie% caliing (or the aboie vill pieouc sk lot aalvesiisa dlesr. 1Wliitby, C Jil,8 -F. KIfLLEB, I'ostsnastenc MICHAEL MçMAKON. I-Ul Masoni T ohn a bisiand suai Mr <Jailil, of ZKeiîç1s,.Cossniy lire, Ireiaassa. Il$ lis-c a aNe*tisarlst #bouix ýycars mgo, p$no vison laci, henn or van liriig ugstar Guelphi, -Vosuty Weiliogio'u. jn y Informaton vîli bda 1> ieMed b> butimer, Mai>. AddaVs-.. 24 Ws'w,. NEWLY- IMPORT)ED Pl PES. TENDERS WANTED. 'TENDERIS WILL BE BEEED UINTIL. KONDAY.' JULY 6th, 1868, Forth 0bu aiing 01 th* Spire cf "AilBahus"'Celis, Wkftluys pFîcisud asigm oiuii imsay b. sesa am the offits. lo5r-.,. NVitlbyt Ouan.24,1 i. HAN FEEEY, - Wsarray. 1868. 26 Farm>ýfor Sale, la in$rneti e somii by Asstion, at ST., JOHN HOTEL, I TIE VILLîAGE 0F UXBRIDGE, ON 8aturday, 4th cof iule#, noti 'AT i oýcLOLI IN TUE -AFy.RNo(IN. mCoC sre or b"es, about 60 acro.' cleareil. It le a Pood loomissa ,OOi,estssatotd on thse uew ss.nricet- road, sesriy.4 tsalie.fronts LJ- bridsfe vilfigke,-tisre la a largo harn Asd rune or two eni uidsga mauit Cok russe ses-ose 0 55e coner of' th" property. TÊtfi II6 Al ALE.--on credit onc- ctoftig f ie Parclise lIC)uey ut tisîe of mile; tise iaisree ln 01 ci qtm-l >esriy lutalmerstg. with isteres-'at 'tise rateédi- Aix per ecoît çper ainsssss If otolîl for mah a diiccaisiof.5 per cent wii 'b s sliuwssi. Basuuszz, Tuosno .lns,241h, 1669. 2a2 Farm for. Sale. 126 ACRES, LOT 7o 71b CON. 0F UXBRlflGE. O VER 100, ACP.e qCLXARED. t4ood "Framesie oas, thrivinogOra'hurd, andl two large Baiseasnsd itaiblea. Ilcnty vater. W~ Tonna Eiy. Apply on tise premises. HJENRY BALL. Uzbridge, Jas»ac20, 1803, Ssno-23 bilBscuiID TO TUEI WEEKLY TELEGRAPII, TORONTO, ONTARIO, & opilar Paper, at Popular Primg ONLY $190OPER YEÂU. a h containa morelisewi. asd aeneiui reaningx motter titan ceaiOse WLEKLY GLOLbE (li. LE.ADLl, sus une basilthie price. T>'sdji, "9 DOLARlot a Veue m al)<erM~ tion tu th*a Torossîo Wekly To legrus --s.uàpieasdid fami.y per. tOftiu itr esting mmliaiysel sablelaiket sudi Cnttl Y itet,OPionsiepaormapiic repcrte. attrîset- Il"ff uov, electioos, aid more untssi lifrwa- fila thons cus it e sonad lu any otiter pispet. M à Pox.snsaan PnviuaIt nttcrd fi»sopinions. fe4riassssy, >avioids vslgsr aansationg, iud 1e. cses et once su higla-tos.ed and lpopuaiar papes-. lin Lvisorz,49 IÇiis le cureoaliy seiectcd asand sonaied«",.d. s ia Cssadianitond Asnericams Neya l0 a it iIaud C4nplCte misi aalipairt» ofLise Tm Fxmyr u ryUTOW contsina rcoeasbli.. advldss on; tise Fuahuspno, Forehitisand Doin(sstic Goeup, aes ktaLa loai, li lusor, sce und Anr. is Coumsil tDxWÀJa*s oew l aissittod -Jo coughi sior-xila.Markets Report, telles Uris,Yirodssce, ('maie, Lasmler, Pry t#oodw, hatrdwïrarenid Usorpwes epors, titanÀ lm h li in of dtbie ciis go weekiles p.>h- lnwd a IoP;tîQ Uend for a Spocen,-Cbpy* oVECLUvBAT£$.' rio Flê os'Is ye, MW an ades... .045 T oua -p o u I ~ ~ d idt>" -C5 ioL 44 'w0 IN ADVAaicE. LOWES N PWL,- AEIN RECE IPT O~ NEW MILLINERY'GOODS, Prints, printcd MusIins, Baregcs, Grenadinesg, bIlck and'colored Silkspin Tissuei, )ýrege aed black lace Shawls, Mandies and Mantde Ornaments, grey and white Cot=s, 8hee Shirtings, Cotton Yaîrns, &c., Parasols, Gloves, Hosiery, &e. Ladies' and~~~~~~~t ise'KdPielaadCîs' boots, New gonds at moderato prices. Ail orders la the MLLLINERYC, MANTLE -,AND WILL HAVE OUR BEST ATrTENTION. L?' TaiIoritng- Deparineuît as usual, fully suippliei, with, Goods 1 uited to the seaqon. 1 t; O M I S - reee,np14 -.,tiid -weél Ixigbt. St'èk of the choicest Groceries to ho found ini Town, Our TEAS will be lound V eo iefaor antd of great stLrongti, aind at lowcr prices thaî i.s usually sold in the <ounty. Ternis liberal Wbitby, June 24, 189~8. X-7-7 3E[Im ow 3a ',s Factory.1 CARRIACES &BUOCI'ES 0f every description k-cpt on hand anmd made to order, - fromn the latent and Iesîtigs nt tlie ubove cariia.goorks. W'itbtise endreaned fatiilities now at hi.q disposai, tise ussdlerigncd la liciter prepared tliasi ever to executo ail orders prornptly, with wlsiclli e snay bce layorcd. Brock Si., Wliitby, June 9, 1868i Ml. O. DONOVAN. c00L AND COi1VIFOKTABLE. 'Wha'tgrcnter desideratum than à cool coîn- - fortable -well-fitting ROYAL CANADIAN BAei DIVIDE ND)No. 6 TOTICY e issruaby givoti,tisaL a-svdnf IN FOURif' frcenit for tîs hé rstla? year, hsiss ut tise raite of EiGJi't' pur cenit pur OUBnnu npoli sepaila Up Capital it tliii.' B13u-Itk, viii bec nt Mie a it l s liak, or 55.'sangeseiss,, ons %ud ater, Tfls ariedy, thse 2ud day of Jsaiy Tsh. Tranetfer Ilooka viilh i b i dfrom thse lith Io thse StOsLiJaune, both daya% inelassive. bu lielai ai tuie busakon' udaidlis>',théiti Luday oh Jssis'uext., riseC hair t(pho sttb ltnobu. Dly arJe-r of tise Bosard, JlU-1 1, 1808. T.WOODSIi)E, c 22 FLOUJI & FEED, STORE. NATHANIEL BLOW bega 1teinors isnsb oid friend sad the joubiiion at lie bise openod a Floursiud Feed etore, lu MU. 1) APER'S OILD STAND, WOO§t of the l'ert ObIce, and tfaerly Ofrssi osit. gW*' These sut of Flour. Bran, and $hortsl, assd everysising iu the.line k.pt pu band una vii bu cLld sbisel asirelili,tcuep fur cesh. N. BLOW, Wliitb, ,Jnc s luis1868., Ilsot-" OR. HANCOCK, WHITBY. J-E W'E"L R.Y Fancy, Goods L.~A ALI' 8~ I n %varm wvcatIxer? And there is no diflk . céulty inohtaniàg- thaee if people would only go ti> the right ~lac e., THIE ONTAILO DUOT &-45110E STOR- UANDELL'S iStho placel Vo ge»t suited. .4i 'Boots and- Shoes of the, best vrey n urpaosed woridnan- x'î shit,. for ladies' Gent.'Misses'and childresss' mr. Rparoisntel vj-,%on, ir, à .,nA i-i a vra&W! -à.- J~ff~i'jrri As s New Drèss,,Gooci, New CIothing, DECIDED B]ARGAINS, ÂT IJIAMIL TON & CO'S È& THE HIGHEST IPRICÉ PAI»,FOR BUTTER. - BOOTS & SH.OES elT RE DVCED'PRJCES 1 Desires to -inform customùers tat he lia87noir-Ou haind a Tery superier Stock of BOOTS & SHnOES, of al'l kihdà Su itablefo Sum.Me r Wear,, -Includfing 1'rùnella and Kid Balmoarals, Co 9ena, Freêneh'Calf,. "c; aino superior Englisia style aid nake, A furilier redactien M' pri cn lia been madle, anda trial wiil be tound mudkiient toc> onvhsce ail Who al el ai, YARNOLD'S that nowhere cati thcey be accomm<ldated with so goadan ar- ticle at so low a price. Royal Canadian Bank, MeMillaWiv,,Bloek4 Whitb'Y. IN reference to theri e , CAmTLE PoX It àires, à te inadai known tbat<alJ Who gà9 te M. Yrrsl l i nd hlm rnadytovk their mensure-no; their orderea, nnd milijtee guararateed a meil fltes4g and' *eIi made or any'hing else in thé. B3oot ânà Shoe une, of the béa(rwôrk-_ ma Cli. - A loi of.ýt>at SUJPEtlIOR -ÉUKSIN aeLi!J CIdïreà for the undersigneci, olffihie v an auppiy liii patrosià with ,.ý shoe hat>~ 1, a shoe, andwill no bé botched inii th making. D::'.i Orders 1db t . the;Bey atteisdhd tW s alt. Whutby, ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ TL Jue1,16. -MR.J 'ro4- ota i IIO 4 MATlONEEY kBOO0K »Tor.j Splendid £ud thoie assortimnt, fnclnd-. Lig RCOOOHES, Carniage gel, 1 . . 1 Whittýj, J'une

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