Whitby Chronicle, 2 Jul 1868, p. 2

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Vigo duo. prinoileI.tg 4m and liesi polie acioni of lte Tovn Conei, et fAiser, prtbapa,' *6bouli<theb »tien et tison vise pralina te #Peak for a aîaoWisy oft t body, Tisa oceslo-its tbportiica, etnd tiesa sws litiusd'Ote 0e (rem théa prissent acte etfadividuels, lu and ont oet îsilty,_ vîI l otpermit as to mince 0nattrs. Wblîby vauted s Rail- *#y, su4 -thée pOjile etWbiîhy, la eider go lsuua lis bocafita, versa-villingte gise $50,000, Tisa>' dld se f. red>', se démon- si-at«d stlise pel&eou tisesoeath ie !Lslwa>' by-Iaw. Tise> did net vaut their ýgi(t le ha accepaid witb qais-Sa sud qeirme tisat vold'mais. It salueeu. But visai dolb. pnceadigs oet heo Twn Cgancilidiaoloaa? 7,Thés.procedmagi are gieli'a inslber molamna at seme ,leugls. Ad n4 aaaugtis e ( o vesDot present at tisaMeetings) tisa>'ftrcesus te oue dis- sàareeshie conc'luion-tsa grea! main- ceriyetflise proesesions-eftosmaetftise ILaiiway mononr proeodeti Esilva>' ment etfIso tovu. Bien>'oee-'cquainted wvus th isbliter>'ofet ha.presut charter kueva 61is j andi va nov &Paks. (nom wbat lf vîtiur ntQva kuevedge-îbât tise great objeot luatMahalasut ivwy projeor vas te mecurea snch b cstr as veultienabla tise peoplaet(Witby sud tsth0Mnniaut o-o Rslway te obtaais ba oSastes as wuid briug tisa bildingeot -tisa rend vitiin tise fimite oet !isir 0u mas",. Tise>'bad 'tee long isaretona edsptiud apou autaida as- eloasce, andttey veut le vos- b ibs lime suit nillaiti>' ilS lise determinattîu te.e osuplisvisas tise>' aderteeki sund batid the fls lIis etf the nailva> te Port-Fenny stIH ailarsds.'Scis sai-ing as a railva>' anýtis, Grand Trucks -echeme vas coa, dressiî et. It vas neyer mnthnei. Anti if menieed-(s linoagtai oestsoe:a'- $10,1000 par mile)-it vottld base haen ecouted aiseemalilg te* prapesuenois -t bua»rOiseemoment. eutcriaiid, Tba narev <nage, s chesp sud Comparativalr inespensýr iDe huevsthe oua gras! prCM- saillîg Idos v il viseWhosppearad te h- tas-est tisamuai inlatise preseul undera tasbing. -Tise argument- hoiug tisaI, viera tisena@vas Impssibla, tise otisor vaImmesdiately vîisain our réaci. MWis tise bly.w lavs baeeblise ople et Lb.e lava tisa aubjeet <nSagevus Dot avas neumoptîinuod. Otisar Immetenial quaif iousp sno ucSastheo arbeur, vene tissui sud racoliad tîilu quiotus (nom tise coin. monsean of tisa people, Batthiisa ge quetion' la nov lugged lu a i onail etisa r side isues are disposad! et, tram (vearen sony totabhaftoned te us e s.wordo) some vltonlor anti sinistar motives. Wby, s gnage dmfi'rcut (nom sbas t ftii.Grand 17Tnmui ltise ser>'yiiing tisat veuid profit tisePeple ot Wisitby. Wisile aSguage tha lame as tise latter veusiticarry by-oiïr Cars fros tise uos-îislu bellkvitisant se mueS a S asit.te ram iseirconânctens; ii. arev gÏ1139, wiebalkwhuis vav ae t. ha itroeensd cnteira'mlahonars, sera itoupons, e nad tisera vonid bas. te ha employd; sud se giving ample>'. ment, volilhaolise oz#a it'g aboira ail ôtiserv, te prome. uacisprofitable indus. 1la>'lutise townu. Wbat la reqaiad le tise cunitu-vaiùn et snob sarend as would ha espale et fdOInï àalLîbebusiness ascesar>' ad requisiste ha don@a. - Net au e«Peu. esei Wdte 6evamp capital;. but a rend 08u001a016994Ã"pabiae ode ail lis.raqaisil. C&"711ng trada aliall>' sud.nos oie tisat voild exact îsud sis'Al ise6à maa t ae It st woco tbi.1 figIr1uete sow is,.t iii.coolof vilvisle la 0setarlÃ"', 'lilt on <bé,. Grand Trtuck, or broad gougea priaçciplolias beau. Tise average Mot v Am ai s t l eUIY $d'ae 0>09 pa mis. aylt i. lie s pet- ofiara lat hé constsruction et a brad juage to Port Pers-y ol<tor course place tise -&arolnof tisa rsllvsy out of Ise quastion. No eapitlilst vouid lsaueabis mebin laau lavsaitstisw oold !-Sloa hlm* gobop aloi@ a ebaucet reallslug l- terest on bis capital. 'Anid yet- tii la, la é, aot, vhs! segato carown coutcilIera, "ud tiseir r otpar, ould rqi.b bi iutertareuc - le tise ,mattersofthiis railvsy by-law. Bu:thtie effact cf adopting i-be Grand Truck gisage oàloiit-nos alans maks. tisa building of theeliuo impossible. Ir 1! Poo sibly could bu boill, cis trom thse'Part Perry lins, going ubrosigi, woold net b. retorced ,fur montbi, snd double thse requisito rolliusg stock ofthte ýcontemplated Rsiiway eomupmuy vouit hava Lobotail cousaisaîce, provided . an addiîiond sais- las ot capitdand sud oequuîly ais addi. tiouai ress- for. deteringSauy person baving s regard for prudence from eugag- lor lu the uîdenîaking. Thisiinteoence eortisa revu Coucouiiia tus malter, aid In scckiug te sie op the bando oftheb practiosl mou fetasi wbeaa willing te en gage sn -tbe buil14issg tise rond, and taes-sis tieir caîpital lia ",0 doiug, la omeotbing se ru- pnugnuaît-o the comamon sens. slofettise rauter tist aiortîtee a ain5 vo are un. willingly f evcvd ta tisa coochusios,îbat, tbora muet' b. somnaiiing si 1strwboiÏd tise' visele et ge mach - uneasouable opposition te 00 plain a îhing, aud se palpable a boed! tas tise narrew gouge te tise tometo Wiib. Saime ot eur levi couneillois ara nte $0 beir position, sema 'etthoasensDW te tisa love, sud lut bers capacltieà a good deal bas 7e! te ho lesrned ; or ratiser unflearned,' visera t la more prejudice ociy tisat prasails. 1b. liy-lsw, bevasar, bus nov bua, npassed. sud the torons ef the bond front tisc com- pany l te te ajnagreed cupont upon visicis tbe $50,000 ara te b. hauded over. Iti fer taro tremai vs te gay7oe eword tisat migisî embitter Ise genaerisl oilfeel- ing. %~ desira te promoe th iat gocd feeling swengst lusapayera, leva ceuneil. lors, aud railway mn espciall-ot esary description, But vs do astisaI tise saal hassimseaity sud caudour, aid tiati people viii net ha moyed by mars, wiims aud toibles, te commit s breacis of good faitb.. Tiseïe conditions are especially uecessary in slofethtie danger i-o ibis section trem tise building et Ibo Niplsaing. Our disisions sid dissensions ara their triumph. Lut mise firot sod eft tie W iiîy aid Port Parry lin.oise tusrmid, and lot Whitby sud Beach te îniîed, sud more partieislarly Wsitbl man, amà*g thamil. ises, sud tise chances efthtie Toronto sud 1Nipiasiug lino being eser coiîutaid arc net verts fise minutes purebsa. W. want ne mena uuprolltable wrassglicg et suy kind. W.ulise beau plsgued vust tiee Interminable squabblca sud frottai vexations quit. long aneugis. Let 'tise mois ef action nov pnoceed, sud va ,oaq 660-"r tise vaY.I ------- - DRILL AUsoctoY."Tis I.ea- toava correspondentmaysa tia d!ala-o Ciation b autisorisadin luWiby lu the regi- mantal division oetrio, codar coumand eto Cepi. G. H. Danotiali e ha cmpesai d)f tbe matrs sud puils et ise a mmar or goumr saoucted1 livsas -',Bati saespletididly voniied lu silkt and thea toial Ceai fortbir preoura. mente, coitributai l h the geeneafsty efthi-e 'ladioeamonnt. d te npvards ot '$200. Tisay vers racaired 1y iba senior Majer, snd senior ensiga at-tise ~atle-a Wallace, sud ensü Aniderson, zet iaU-. bridge Cempany. In making the pres. taiin Mnt. T, N. Gibis., la a very dis. Uine! anti.-audible toursansud vuset! Lieutenuant Célonez' Fii-làuk, O0«ms Nonc$mmiseioced O0tcs;z oi,- tuara cf 34(1- Dat ttlon, of tlms Province' o nW Cust:rîo: - Tise pieasing duby bas boas essigneti me, ai pnsontisg yen i-lesse isautilul ce- lours, on beisaîf ut iho ladmes of tise Cennty et Ontario. Tioy mrc gisesi as a trifling mark cf [ho esi-censin vwsichs tisevoiuni-eers of tise countit>ru-e isciti, au vel ssas tint nomg- siLlon ai tise zeai sud alacnit>' displusyed b>' yanr ilatialion, ln cointon vu-btîsteir eom-ades ils arma,ilu ustesing for servmce citishe fronet ln Juusa 1860, anad proccecding tisither vîmesi i-e oil cf this pesucei nsd hsappy- landi was insatietib>' a bandi of lsw- less màaraucleis. 'It lsaitonce Lh. prisilego anti-tisa dut>' of mashooti te detent tise seil, i-be boites, tise altar, ttis hrasse, andti-heartîts af tise country, ib is ours la wai-ci, anti vait, asti ps-a>'for thosa vise go galanti>' fertis te i-orsi vay tise danger frot ourselvs anti Our ciltren-ours te senti yen forth vilis aur own hust i- vis, anti a prayer 1, l"d fer your successansd eafety-ours i-o welcome you hosie wtvfissci becs-t>' irelcoans nsrue soldions viho base offi-reti biseis- lises for tisoir countsry,oser des-rvo. iL esîs' fot your tas-Lune La meet i-be in- -vsdusg horde, viscis lIed atyamrapproacb, or tos alsina tisai tsar.- imisnediate shcngev of tise Taroiitoansk Maiiltars volunteero, but we know ibat yeu vomît forth i-e meot [lies isitia ni laggsrd stop ; sue knaw tisaI yois vauld nfot base isbrnsk raiute en- coîsuter bcdl th'eir place been Vours. Yomitii yaur dut>'ii thie position ta visicis yonr militas-y ebiefs lesi yeu. If ve %cel iseithar allishe pri4e ner al tise sors-ov aifi-base Ilwmo listes viile tise> vaep," ta tise praises of i-ha glacions falleu oi tise Qnoem's Owsn andti U-, wu, lieue ceuse for tlsanktulness, 'i-bai- your presursabies anti calot>' ere net duo te any fuimmIssis-nking ires danger. W.0 ted that you hase sasedmuasud youv So-ntrij Irul>' anti f2511 In tiss, s in stilI bigheos matters, 'Tise>' aIma serve vise tait." Teks theso colonna, anti if yoae again suasmmoneti t-oas-ms, îlsink tai-your sva, mZthers, aitferx, childron, anti filiov coun- try.màen,,cull youa te duîy ta filgit for ms, ns wclt ns 1 your counts-y, andi sent yen (oth atitsing usucis, and tncmtling suds bfs- y-aur subi->', knawing i-he boantaches,- visicis epprcbendeti mistorLaîno bringa, buý in humnble reliance upon AlImighty (lad, bliat liec yul vanchssete yon isis protection hn tise mitiat et penils incus-red ism sucis a cause. Wc trust, boevee, iL vilI be long (if r en)ioase your services ma>' agaîn [se requiroti. W. feel i-bat i-be pas- ia a guarani-c for tise future, and bîsat sbould yen ho again calledtietadut>' yen viii b. tounit s-ed>'as ase tssen, 'Toespsing te armas' atnd il iseeti bo 'neady>' iti yoor lises.' We rejoice thet tise Uctnt>' Cooncil' bas rer.pondeti te tiseinsitation oet (laers- tuent, anti mcdo guitsUIe provision fer pi- feeing yen in yonn drill, by 'ee-oan of lange anti comnsodiaîms drill-stisdi tisnouglsoui- use cout>'y, andsiaesa slibes-al gran t for i-be purciasofatinstruments for a Baitalion band. Tisat yonmay>'long bo spare t ae, ejoy tise ble3sings of a trou goversimonibusiter tise beiaign nule af aur belaset i ruaeteigi,. Quce Vitoranud it boneus- unfurl, tîjse leut,1 0.hosineài ro sye-ofet ihus. oaatisne oisit1 nov pressent i-hemdate [he 'Bustaliami. Icunt.i.Coioe.iFairbanks' lu returnsig thauS., !ad ibasthaie ps-asst occaion et tisa pnesentatiîea f-celons lto n wu&net, tise oui> ana ounvisicisthelisedu ofetOn. tarie tiesensed tise tbauiso eis volutens. IL was net lise first1oau vueS tise salue. teane seceised7trans '-tisas tb ise us rceog. anseoý 49i appelW $0 00» ýandi n 6e ujui-w uesaan Prn-£.cmwy i mon.I<ottb#isBs;q~selublo catia I wapIcted, oxe ping iran brides et-tiaitappea-sce in'Whithy l is e oi-4 and itatio 'ns, oneae t tia faalonova seul *~ Dr. Gunn in mosing bis amendmnent to creue tethefemae-n, weobold sy rW Draper', umotion, saidti -at tise tawn tisa lady- pepilâtlau te etv a t. Andl ara' gving a lar-go bonus, andt ie. people a god, plessîug sud comtes-table .sppaar- ýughetoteknew befone i-heirn smey wuca 4 àatleéd'oser tu Lise Comspany wbat Lbey sîce" tise7mao-tii. wivas, metheors, -cna -ai, - gel t a h is msg, i daugistars, and svehieants oftha' 84tis th'puglt, h a boe1ot-asameus [bat of tise Baltalieî.'Wiiby vasnerer se thisreuged. Mnd Trunk, endtie raculu e) very re- Is tact, teîai tise varda ef aur Trespectacig~oct eas grootlii, But.atixopsain tnlaud, Ms-. JosepisP¶nsmi t isa pppass Mr, Drapeir, nid tisai tise cun cil, in b;i te sa sot t "ee4ai uble." Âd pssson, should> tolké. n cion lupon tise - et ~qu estion of tise guagoeàu tisetb proposeti vison tise timof cepinra etftise volun- ?urt lWitby' and Pori- Pery tiiway, tean arrl'f isrv sl~e i ¶ the bm,-lis ithe ratepssyers oatisecorporation bati andte ib ie pdsna byisi cate. readjin-làpubliceiseeeingassembicd, sony pilsekthe lhvé reaed.properly, isibis apinion,tecidot ta ae Ths ai-rhoug f the iattaicu se coeurs i-bat question in tisehands ot tisepnivste tel, es wo-coubd acertain it, is as talleos. Stbclcislldssn, wso'proposse i-oinvesi- saine $2001,00Q in tise enterpnise.' It wouid, ai No. 19 Wbithy Rifles, Cept. Dosesan, course, ',.e sssicl, hifan -[te interest af tise 3 officers aid 37 man. îown, tisouldth ie Comp~any tiecide an No. 2, Oshawa bntantry, Cept.*,Bnrke, 3 building a Ilnarrow, guage," as in [bat ofilcars sudf55j-mens.- case al' propentycomîig aven thsernad No. 3, Oshawa Rifles, Capi. Michael, 3 ýwauld isereqsireti tu be reâhipped4sî Wisi-- offlcen snd 53 mon. by, anti tes tramsshspneni vouiti gise em- No. 4, Whitby Infantry, Cspt.,Dartneil lpoymcntito a large numîsher of men, anti 3 ofices ad ~ mes.1 ibsebc ai saït beefit ta tise Lowmî. If, offiersand51 en.ho snid, tise town leai-o gise a bonus af Ne. 5, Prince AibenI, CapI. l3lllisgs- 2 $5o,000, îse reprcscnatives sisouit soes offilers snd 84 men, tisai- i-tidenies as tnucl bonefiL us possible Ne. G, Greeuwood, CapI.. F. Gibbs, 3 frintise nslway ; but, ha argucd, iL would officers sud 42 men. -net, et tle same timne, bc right for tise No., 7, Uxbiniga, Capt. Speersl, 3 offi. Lawn i-oe xPect aîsYîising from tise Rail- cars ad 39 men. wsty Compeny tisat woulti in smîy vise de- Ne. 8, Columbus, Capt. Farowell, 3 preciate ti value of thein stock; anti they ofliersand40 enare Lise parties wlîo ouglit i-obe tise be8t N&.larssud40 ou. Cf.lldeo,2capabile ci 1udging as i-u wiat guaga LIse Nd , reki, at.Hdges,2pruposotir iîway sisoulti bleas i-ley cre officars sul 36 mou. tiss e [oIiitise mosnae[cecteti by tise Ne. 10, Cunnîngion, Capt. Cuitai, 3 success or isilure oatthis aulves buili. officeanud 40 mou, île (Mn. Dretper.> voulti bel i- prenutnp- l'bor are ise 4 memers bloi ielin on bis part (never lsavung bcd simy- Tisea ar aie 2- mebershoiagiu i-ing ta do wmvîtLie cosstruction asr work- ta tisa Bausd$ tiseisole tanceofttise Bat- ing o ailmwys,) i-osay, ati- tsageofuthlie talonmusenig-oblcns ~n4~eu5l rulay iavement, exsictly wluat guege talon$moterng ices ý;Lep t*t'S bisel way slsould bc. nluii ttpla;e, $0# 'we iiCYC no large capitaliste amaongai- us, Feus àT Ossuw-À large sud'distre visait was ikeiy woufl take ssi ntcro.ui- is"e eisiteil Oshsava on Tuesday moru- ý inrailway teatters; amnd if v.,»ad tise ing lut, about wSich tise Yisdicatarsays. 'cepitulmats, i- is doubtful if any coulti be gai- ta take holsi ai an enterpnise ai titis $'Ast i-ne o'clock, tise largo livery sas. kinti, as Lise inveîmssemsts clready ntadle in hie af Mr. W. H. Thsomas vas diseosereti rails ays in i-bis country bave provet i sost te hieon Orie. la ten minutes, the flaines unsatisstaci-ary te tise stockisolters. To bail apreail over tise isole buidmng. Four- thnk of buildineg a 0,broati guege" witti isose vsnelu is stbl, sd 0 sa-leavyiosi n cvcry respect hîke tise tbrne wreintestbenad8 r rnk TInu, wlsicb coat $70,000 par pid was i-e fine, i-bai ouly five cald ha mile, as 'proposecd by tise Ilbroati guage" go$ ont, The driingsird caugist frens stivecates, wus antainount i-o saying Lisat the stables, aid (nom tisetOe l.flcwuevs simm hav1e.no ronaietal, as taais- conducied te the. dwelliis, bouses et Mn. ttin schl a railway was qaite bcyond oun Thomas 'and Mn. Pik.. Tise engin. e a _icos- IVisat ha (11v. Draper,) tiesis-et gaI ui, ut h coad d otiug ena Ssu setatoLite question ofi-1guege" sisoulti ge ubtelfismea do esding mta oeIson Ie it openin aider i-bat tise privaLe presont te acsetndn eohr cksabders insosting i-hein mono> in -tise buildings. Tisetprniîure 0ot Mesrs. ik roati might have an appartunity af geiting andl Thomas was ail saved. Mn. Tiosesaal possible infoermation as ta tisecosL, andi lsl se say beau', a»ssI bis iusurancea coenying csipabiliiisot tise tisferent kincis vary 11<51t, Niiaofethtie mee l valic( nailwcys, befone deciding as ta tise bosses vena destroyed, varLis tram 8100 t ogo oft tus railway. %t'at vo vent is $200 eseis. Tise most ef these bidl hicouais-ad that wiil comupeLo tavoraisly witls punisaeilvitin iselai tv veka.tise Pas-t Hope ant i Lndsay raiiway, fan poeue iti Ibi â towek.tise carrying of lumber, anti one visicb et 'mengal bisotsen Joues are twvalas O lié)sattn ime is vitiin ur moins ta 'buses, îvo étage vaggeiss, two coseneil baud, lice usrrow gisage raiiîvays are buggies, ibne or tour sets bobsleighs, i-en estîmetedtu - cosL $15,000, pier mile, unsi it entters, suo twenty an îhirsy sets-ct bar.- vas thoîsgbt by tise lirajecty-rs of i-his rail- neon, s cev, bnidies, sadules, etc. The wsy, -wliin thse charter wcs applicd fer mon workeo spicoddl itil'ustise engin. sud lait vintei, i-lut tise construction ai sncb appiiausces aetishein'comniaud, sud aucceei- c' ailway was perisaps wl-bm aour mouse, cd l saing isei1> bouss. iseprisideti a bomis ai $100,000 coulti bu edineni ' teajaznsng boss ah btained i t hie municipeimties, and lic buildings burueti, belonging te Mr. Tisas. (Mir. Dnaîsen,) could nlia sec tact ou r posi- Canuais, sud vers insuredti t a tniiing tiliot finaîteiali> was any buetn ow i-han amnunt-soche $600 -in tise Western etivisen Lise charter vas obtaineci. If, tison, Canada' Mn. Thocmas vas jusureti in tiselise pnivate stockbalders sisiti deci.te Preuisclal, ton $92-5. A qaunity et gbods flint a 61nariow gsg, as finit contons- tût mercissuls lu tbç Nort n courlseiraf çpicteti by Lise proinotors of i-bis railwa>', carniage,,vas burnus" la ail1i-hable requiredto uscomupeie succuissu- fuliy ssii-b Lhe Part Ilope anti Litisay We ana gladt te earns, bovaer, tbsl.the railway, andti ist sncb ramlway can ho gooti peoplea eofsbava, -vus timusinai buihi ai- bs tian amefour-b ise oest, per tatile, of omiasimilar -te eGrandsTi rumuk, libaralify,hiae comtinbuted neani>' $1000tewi- bas prosei so rnuiionus ta its, Mn. Tisoma-utoýip bins d"commence etockboldens. . Io il for tiu council i-a tii. vorldo'ar iagala.» - saythast sc a rad shah liai- be biuilt, andti [bt ta, inu tise face aftie fact tisai lb is also tise imteresi- of every lieueS sa, tise Corponaglen 911 WhhtbY, rai-epayer in i-bis 'crporation, that lime lu - thîs case tise0 deossieus a ' Vie.- < iffent tram ûla t ai te rand Trumuis? Chancellor- Mevat bas beesgiss,:iVir n-ri 111sa uit ila. Isurpose etf Ibos Warship et iho cvpurti~ueacl patyhe tIis sycr, ta e enety playims i'o th-le their, evu costi. Aitisugisi-he reiait b>' advoatijng at [hie hourd,,whU the - Jssyon-,aid bs 14a ud. irsvate ba impracticable anti impossible mal'juuitit>' lt aoran iIe ýIo- f et a npliâsbbt sL M. Draper, in con- viser, Mr. Ma toai c iecu a puud ebusion, naid'tiachauhapeti tise consicil If, on the other band, the views o 255 Alin, andi Campbsell isnder tise lead of his ,worship, are tu prevail, tho carz on o . r rdwilpass tlsrough thse tawn as tise G rand Trank cars tics now, leavisg notiitig but* dust behindti hem. Hie worship-*and followers have evidentdy, (said Mr. Dra- per) neot given tItis question sufficient consiideratiàn.> iA long anti ddiffuas "disuüssion followed." ail the mnlets taking part in it, Tie cons-" mittecrose and report&cd'by resolution.: Tise rtport was rocoived, and on motion for ils adoption, 'Mr. Draper îgiln niinved bis molItioni (uposi which thse cotincil hitd.gpne ie comusitlee of tise wholei, snd, the question being proposed, thse yeass were b essrç. Draper,,Casneros,ý SntnW, lolden and Philp-.5; Ny-essAlhni. lLuwe Afellillan, Gerrie;, Cochrane andi Camp- Andtihie motion was lost. Un motion lqr thse adoption of the reporti boing agssin liroposed, Mr' Draper second. cdl by l'Ir. llolden, in, -nmendmient, m'svedl that the report be not edopteti; but that- tise mayor bc instructeti ta ccli a public *meeting oft tb, rateisayers, 10 tiecicle tise question of the gauge, enFriday, '26ti of June. Thse motion was bast Tse ýreptrt wu tisen adopted. Mr. (ierric, secondesi by Mr. Pisilp, moveti, that in order bttrow nu obstruc- tion ini the wssy of buildinig a railway ttt Port, Perry, tîsereforo resolved. tisat pro- sided ficLteDireetors cf thUi . %V. & P P. ltailway Company -Ishotild givo à borid to tills corporation to build '࣠broati guage raiiway, endi siould ti e ny Litieno bd it isnpracticable to builti a wide guagu rail- wey, then titis coulteil sisal! releage tbe rftrway conps P1y tram their bond, in re- spect [o tbe sids, guage. lThe motion was best. On motion of Mr. Draper, tise mayor was requestedtu toCalila public meeting of tise retepayers, Lu be bebdti o-m'crrow:(Fr1. day,> vciing Onitnmtion of lit, Draper, tise éîerk wus rçque b, iariss -lc 5t55i> f ii Cia W P .riwycompanbyl as eerly to-mxorrow as convenient, ailti a copy of flic proccedingti of titis meeting of tise cosincil. The counceil, after twebve o'cl, cd- Another meeting of the counceil was iscld at-tise own hall oitS Monday after- noon lhýt, et oneo'clock. lie mayor oc- cnpied Use chair-; and al Use other mens- hers were presenst witi thse exception ot bleis.rs. Ilolden and Cochrane. Thse cberk laid belote thse concil a nim- municats'on from Hl.V'. Macdncilsq.1 enclosing tise bond Lu bc given by tise duarecors of thse P. %Y. andi P. P., llailwssy of tise corporation. Mr. Draper mcde a tew remairks, ta the sane effect already givn in tise columls in thse report a tise special meeting. lise couigcil went into . ommnttee offtie whole on tise question of tise bond-31r. Gerneo in tise chair. Tise aayor said tisat at tise last meeting of tlise Rilwcy directors the mnaLter watî fuliy discusseti, anistnany difforent opin-_ ions ollereti. lie, lsaving ;mportatit busi- ness ta attend waa not pressent during tisa whole orttise meting ; but, liesaiti, vise hu leit ho ussderstood sisaLtise question ai gge -Ows ta bc loftto t'he ratepayersl. The question oftianrrow-gauge was leit out altogeîiser; and the gmsge to be de- cided on wvas citber tise 4ft Sin or tise it 6fus oise. As tise bond now stood iL was wortslss. Ttse clause referring ta gauge wvas incorrect. altisough tise nestaitise bond was correct. it (tise claube referred ta) said tisai- ieysisalinat coi-bonze tise building of a railway nwf les[ban tise 4ft. Sin gauge tic drew atteltion ta tise phrcseology-the two nega*es in th~e une sentence, wiicis macle i-heclause ex- actly tise opposite ai wbat wau intendeti iL slsculd. fI was an extraordinary over- sigii, but, of course, hie, (tise masYOr) was certain tiat it was nal an ititàional one. Capt. Rawe, clter mtiga e e- mark% as a 'Igauge,' staidti bat tise prose. dent oft te railway comspany bâti- botter bo seen, and tise miststke reetifieti befaro ratitying tise by-law. A iengthened discussion follow -ed about ëga WÃŽ' a i érirtakiug 'bis cwa, Mr. Draper, secondeti by nr. Gerrie,] moyed itiai- ly-law No.. 158 (iscving re-- ceiveët hi sanction oftie qualified eléc- tors of i-bis Coqoration, as required, by Sectioni 196, andi aubsections 1,; 2, 3, 4, 5. G, fadt , _ is1c0 epcîîg1h ui and Miss-bi. A. <lus,, lleadtng1; LI Allin, Esq., sud RL. H. Tisennien, Eisq. ; Miss C. R. Dlov, 8s-ipturo. Ilistos->, Rev. J. D. Cayley, m'A. PssssrrÂsuOX sQ BEY. Ma, ColL,'I, Duirytsa' Casssr.-Tse Rar. Mn. Colvell, vha, fo tas- m'past byeyears Sas beciaus. -ie iaita- Duffinis' Craek, vas pressantesi, hya the membere aof "Rising Sun" Tampeaica Letige, -vus a veli filleti purs. and i-ho 101llowunig atidress, est tise»Occasion of bis leasing tisa village visera ha bas laboueti so desotetilya'su acesfulinheb.cause of ., lemporauce. liseprosentation tois pl'ace1 an Frmday, I19ib, alto., a àlarge gatiscng cf tisa reuerendi gentleman'sa tnienddansd val! visions.d IDÙs-s-îss' CasEC-, Ont." Janie le, 1868. Ta thie R eu. H, T. C(lssai, Provinial Depul>, Issdependant Order of' good HEu. Siga,$ Hasing iboard uSat Ifislu yens .intention asortly toses-muse fianstibis '- part efthtie Domninion, vo, tise members of ".aigSa"Temple Nsi. 135, bel;s-es. peettul>'te expreseus- regret tisai- cireuia- ataticscsahoelildaprise us et yaur saluaisie' aid sud ýpresence in or midât. We voulo, at tise se tisa, desi te signit>' 0evÏgratitude teverds jeenseit ton,' ,-be vory active parivisicis yon hase lakren1 smnce YOD came te' reaide' smongsî us, in aise causaetfîempérance. We féaili-bat te 'are idbe o'ts e-aesansd pros 0 ;pont>' ai aur Temple. - Yan os-o file& wiuS grief tai lsecondtioln of sffairn utii -mliegisiorisooti, antiyan resoivoti ta de yonr ni-muet te impreve tise mes-ais efthtie pao-y pie. t] Yaur Influence anti esample have bati a salutar>'1 efi'eci, antitise presoni, quiet, ardoi;ly, anti menai etate efthis neigishos- t boti shsowti-ai a bl essiug bas attend t yaur noble as-enlions. Wiisî e <ries. tisai- yes ar" about ta reieve ta anolisen lecalit>' voe ssnot but jeetisai tise opinions asd facliugsa 44lois bave guidetiy uisu-a lcontiu vush you, anti vilI still bave tiseir eaffct'is otiser portions-fi-Se Dominion, visitises. suoser it me>' plesse Providence e con- I tiuet y0e. Wc ev i-at ats long aïs litek anti strerigib ramailt vitis Yen, jour affaita in lise phsilanthropie causaetftempos-unce viii neyer relss-. W. tentiser tais e ibuent>' otrequesi. û ing yon loa scepi tise scompeeying' pensew ant ilis coatents, ta sver>' inetequateÇ acknovletigcmeist et yeur wransd yonr1 imvainable services la eosnctioa wiih' 0crC Temple. Wiasiig.,ytuir ail prospenit>', tempes-ai andi spirituel, anti caruesîl>'praying fton uuasimil>' among aurselses, antis coni-in- -I nance ai tise goati vonk vhmcis Sas beau so s auspiciausi>' iegun tisiongis our agen>'.r We remain Roi. Sir sud Broter, onb Seisali ai the moullissoai'Risiug Sua' 1 Temple, No. 135, L1..oe G.T. 1- -Yous- respocîbu! sud 'taîthfal fnieuts,,a Wat. FERGUSON. W.C.T.t * L1MX.FINDLÂ&Y, W.S, Tise meeting bnoke up at a' laIe -'hoen ail aeemiag pleaesud atiprofitati.t -!n&Bays-ti.-- tmber festivullasannucedto te hbiel iniîtisar tinilI.sised, an Fid .va g nos-t, anha Sait ai tise tondesoattise Iih-sry et tise Sais-t tia~gmleol ii coie ilh usSt. Ândnav's9 cbureis. Tise'baud ofthLie 34th Bai-talion, ve b-la, vii h a hi ieidauce. Ex-Paasiegr iv a.-The Leader s-a. ne s t iaetat u accidenut wvueS migi basre.wse ss-oua resitse ccurs-ed-t-o Mn. Jef- ferson Da seai Lennoxville, Thmsaslast.1 Oaa al bis shiidrenn lat Icollége tisera, andf ho bati goeb>' invitauion te ha prasant-al tisa meatins- etconvocation,.r1t appears. sent Pl renta snd ail Tsa International Enfield Match test, place on Wednéilay, at Edinisengs, vit ýthe felieving resat;- 1 Eng,iuseal>'ty......... 1,068 Scotch " . 1,057 Iniah ". . . 980 - TieEnglis b as veeo under tise coîns- useni et Capi. Fioli, oethtie ien. As-tille-y Camàpit>, London; tilS. catch,-'etfi-b. Master ai Lovât, andth ie Irishs, ai Capta Ipiis-Tises-evas a large assemblage eto -speetatans -oun$th soeting <round, ii- clfihing m=un ladies, vWho vere an iS vus dislai-il . b'aIllpreaeaî lu the fiming m' ail tise ansges. Lasî yeun the vinniug (Seetlsuti's) score (sevye abisiea c ai 200, 500, sud 600 ýyards> îas 1,086; i-Se Engliss, 1?048; nd tb. luisis, 959. TSi. year 'tb. Scem score (Ili off -o 1,057; visile tise Irish im. ps-oued i-e 980, anthe'.Englis tg 1,068- tbis csrnyisgthse i-opb y >1ilpeinte oser tise Scotchs, and 88 ove- i-e luisis Ia*s. "Qua et the conitions etftisa match is tsa 'ise trpschai! hoe outeuded'fon cari yoar an tise <roond efthtie vinuions, se tisai nos-t year tise 'coebt viii taise' place av BisÀsnîrcL EXsAatr-It" aven>' bllai bas lita bllet," accordiisg tue thb.val- isiovu saying ot K.ing William M1., tisae .bellaet ofO'Farei Abat se neariy'aendd tisé' sas-us- af Hie Rayai HighismesaD 9Ediurgb, vis ne exception. Ruer>' one, la tamiliar viiitthe -1 lumpin the ttreat!', isbich-is l seis toucbiug aimpiiiy, tse- Quoas -tella u cie ttwhen slte hrd s Psbyterian.- ministariu, tiei-àïs- cf CreuSe ais 'Ged'a islessing on heý"alssided - iolliers, sud ou tishe iisduotkoa heseisold. lu tse marseeuis-prasersatiouî et Son second son, 5er Majesy ns' aye- g arictias rspig eune oeth-e fruits ofetisse aud- many simia- prayans. Aidais. ua' neai veil assueesitisues prayaeviilot ha offerei lass trequeut>' on the Joie carnest- 1' tsainluthis partiulars-instance tse> seem le ho remar-tubly an5wered. h t i sonîctig mare tisa seuntiment, su-ai>, tisai presouts jitseita asuvisinds, 'wisaui i-h hàope anises tisâtlise lita e ' veedrfll>' ps-oses-od mas>' hadesigned forn <s-can sd noble endis. Thisersy sense et fitasa there la in aicb. a tisongisiîeunages taait - suit stimulâtes prayer fan il» tulfilment; non veuld t Iboh ce>'. ta fane>' an>'ricer, hiessiug te tisa cont>', -ià. ibase ans-loua anti i-imes, tbaiu th&* a pirit siseuld tase possession of ail tise prineWof- tse the~ hhiod xatal.$baivuiuld lu siis te ' Tise Tescbens' A basa ai palalts tbe iate -T. J. Robe Maier-ofthtie Nos-u Canada. Tisa>' oqv monument oies hi& acrIptionis tram tiheT Association iis-eegc - Gen. Breeisenid9 et ise Uniset i asa au Satmanda', train F t ibte pardon ol Preit te bis native Sîsta. -accomoative lsots eset ai miss Prosim I we f i ow tever, ca 'n au bileted i ui-tee-Eý. 1 otfsemosiug lise W4 BUl LINTS.-At Pori iust., tisa vite of Ms-. - MAR IIUNTER-IAI( suce-af lira. Ham, 1 -July lot., b>' iho Rst --Di3nes Huies- teM both ef Brig-ietn. wittby Fait Wiea, .... ýSps-ng ....... ..s......... Oais......... Potatees...... Ha>'- -- - -- - -- Buttes......... 1 NEW ADVE J ,rO*1[(ILî e uheby e là a-u Ile (4*p 'lOWN 0F AS FOWL pg <,lo$-5 e.une Wbitby,

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