Whitby Chronicle, 25 Jun 1868, p. 2

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Il j6 . Tb@, coOVpo!5 f08 0f the ova, vitia udir usuel liberalicy, bave mode pro. violon foi-4 disse, for the o0..crs and ana ofthe b.battallon. Tb#se >w Jutru- moule for th. Baud gît! also b. preseutei la b. assai of tise Couuty Coemnilp, vso vot.d Lthe libéralson:uoft$800, lu0 idof t1.1, pease. After tise premntstlono aud eeueerstleu o( the coloors. tise troope vil! b. eieveti ud maroee tis. *th. lat1. sports vili stubeplaeeontlb. Fair grouid-suid b. WbUIby Lseveee Club bave srrsugod fer 'a $reaî game la th. la thse evening, ls le propcoed te baresa monte r pomenade conseerth ie Drill Sisdet aihiti I.sp.d tise baud ofthlie l8uh Bassarï, rom Torono, viii ise pr- seofie tadiscours. eveet sirsino. An Im- mentse rovd (rom Lis.. urrocading eeuntsry is espeot.d, sud no paln# viii be oparsd ta maso tise dey a plesesuî une for &It. Tus HoLuàit OcitàTgiucys là aunons oeil te appesu la tise Mechasies Bail Wilby, ou Iblis(Tburoday) sud Frlday evengi. Tise Bolonuare sn voit snd, favorabilknown, f bai crowded hous sre sure to gres ubeunwheseeer thiey perform, Tii. beaatlfui comin opéra lé The Child Wo tIo fegîmens," vits a glerlous farce, le ou tise program -me fer le.uîgisî. Tis e h! vîli ne deubt estîrseî a large audience.' Tus Wuî'rsr Baisa Bàa.-Our tovu rendéos iliib. giad to ebas tistar the Wbltby Braut Baud (se long brelien Up) Io nov' (lty re-organized, sud thaltihe usembers are slresdy se proficient ln muluilo e eable te mske uieir sppesr. *cs an'sd alenutise celîbratieus ou Dominion- Day viti hbir &trains. W# are please t toeie tisere erganisationi of tise Baud, sud vîis fthe senbera a&t the soa *v lèes e ecertain tliu-098 celleaf plsalig yl enfie tis.m te. Arniarvsu lLîenvav Besa.-Tu Tgzsâsvs.a or rue Tersasir 7 ssajeasO Buter â.-A Corespond!ent Informas as that Cspt. Sopoira, etfl5zbrdge, visile eu biis>' ernoe fres Wbiîby en Tisuras silistati, vth Us pears, Va ise ate visesne sr Lise oI salît pend, ismîveen Ereoklusund ibis Leva, b>' tome porion or personaeWvise vescenoult smongst Sb. villow trees vhicb are outhe e vst ite of tise voi.t.iehe brse startet en tise ruceuniseaiug tie miseSt iret ; sud - bsus probttbly, tis, captala oves bis escape vîi h ilif.. Oapfslu Spears le freasarer of tle tovuaisi of et xtrdge, sud isad a ceasîderabte sus et moue>' vitlimi.attIse tise, vfrleb me>syceunt for tise da4ta-dl>' stitmp u bis lire,.40CI" us a, es yet, boss obtaIn'etet tb. julîf>'prtiet; but, ve hope, ail1aeeessr, lsps viii b. lMOeS te brin; liem te justice, to Bîavurioi.-Th velng ou *tise bylav #0t rat$50,000, lu ait 0f tise extension ofthtie Port HBe, Lintus>' & Bearerton Bedilva>' froua iuodsay te Beavî'rten, feel place oc'ai'Tuends>',23id lmss, vus île fol. lovlsg resuIt t-For Ibe b>' av, 140; agalaît, 51. Tise lar-gemajerli>' learl>' ladiistas tbst tise people et Tisorais ae sur"io. tise adrauuages etTailvs>'s. BUsot at i uy .-esielu- ertu.d bstte iseugit of Ttb fait., the mrou Wu< la tisa office ot T, P. White, of Wbitrsia<, vue beva aopavitlligon povdar, sud s large &Monet 'Of moue>- ove. UNO-tises. fhvus restl>'thse vetrk ef prefeosa"l buglars, vis.mai! a. alose Job" etf It, Au jet, vo baie board of se arest. - OMMOmo elc.tsLScgy -Tse Agrlestssrsl Seoa> of Sous Os. târlo Ile" h ioldng Ibo assul ati ato. hbleles aLm Wbitby ou Wedueeay sud TbaMsdy, Sopteber 3M ud cti . le$ meuf t êvieS tse lugeeOu cf ft,000, At.e, pussiga qf.*t tbunku t'O the ehairman, tie. mting adjourued. The.diriS meeting or tue »fremfru' ii b. beld st their offie i. the. town cf Wbîîby, on Lise BristTuesdaty in July next, vbea thel vil! elect officvs for îb. yes,.o Cuaz OU ETICINO soLDIESI TO UIl Ou n ode>'morning afier-tie e rdinar>' busin.esof Lise police Court, eti Ottava, vasu orer, J. 0. Beves vas brougbt hb. fore the Msgitrote on .ueplojeu ef enisu. le , udebarged vs trilngtend. #ilra lu er Mjît,'a service -lode- Oort. The defendant li trous Toronto, sud la osld tehoae s espiiewof the. lote -,J. G. Boe., aeu e fins. Major ef th ityl>. Be stateutbînslf tuehobohre engsged in is i busines e selliug sud repar lotgbhrmme. fera, snd la a ecarlet knigis t -fie Orange AiseefÏtlon. Hoe vas arxeateti bore seute Ida de>', &go la eonseqaeuC. o'inters.. tien given toe i.autisrities b>' a soldiar eof tise Bide Brlgsdeg wvisasi t îs Bey.. bat bieen ede vorlng S prsadlin Le desemi Tise prisener vas remaudtiantil' Tuts. day, viien buewvassebriugisiop &gain sud sonteaeed te oeue ve imprisoument. Tt vas proied tiat hlie b ein utierised Le set sas etecsire b, Mr,. MeMicemn, baitishe police magstrt., viie aequttting biuiof iuîentiiul vrong, b.ld Sisasise bat ne rigis to semper viii seldierg. Bovis là ev!i uevu lanWbitb7, aud isu, on more Lisa on. occasion, figuret prett>' censpiceusly in tise-'local pipers. Coteaaero.-Tbe i.ving m&chine Allen as à prize si th, lote Dominion plengiing match, vas the gift et Mr. Je. Date, eftixri*dge, sunt net Mr. Green, as erroneeuly sifted las cr columua on tie 28Lis alto; Osua l'nîx.-The young man K>'!., vie vas go sevl>' ljuret lait veek, le aîill sllive, butSfile 'S' aàaver>' pniesi-ic cendition, On Satards> lait, a bateber semai! TiseniasHopper, torniul>' etWhlisby',dis. leeste theb cartilages efthîe Insee joint, viil, endesroriug 10 nmanage s spirutot sud aurai>' boa.. Lait veek sa>'ong daugliter of Mn.i Gain>' (rlt ofa àltmber pile, en visici s ite vwu plsylug;sud soum.e oftise tomberfailt- ing upen bor, broke lier log, Taî Ssgcîvitu Muur.-After su ez- amination of viiuieses, listing tires tays St Sestov<h, beooe Dr. Coeman, Coroner, Nicholas Melst sut Tiiomas Dononan, vere on Saturda>" committet for Iris! foir Lb. merder ef Nicilas: Melady, senior. sut vît., on Lhe ixth Instant atSesorti.1 Meolad i s on aud Douevan s brother ef s son -lu lsv etfLitamurdeît parties. A Llegrani trous Ottaas aLes tisaI tic Prir>' Ceuncîl fi;nov Iu session, conalder- lng Lb.eTuf erooenial Rhuma>' route. Tii. resulf 6(fthi.delibonation Io leeket orto viti grealototreat. Bvea->'fumser vise vante Copions anut rîliable reports of tise Toronitoniarklats, aud serr>' feil>' visedesirea te resi s higli fouet-and pepalar <amuIly paper, shoui roui thtie advritiaeent o e b.Te. routo veel>'Telqrapa, les etier co- liai Aa"s-ir.or Iîruacsiigi...Tise. N. Y. Tribufes specisi sa>'.tiat Tht., Stoeensbas prepared aev artielesof -lus peaelaaaielProiestai .Tesse, visielihb.*filI report to thie HBeA.asoon le so adittor>' tax bill la dispeuit of. g. flu. mriltes sueiaberstospeeh 'laO soppoyL-of lthe srtieles. * Pitqemrnoz vo 70Atm£ aBoum-esl, B ie-A namuSeretoftise meuleraf et b Coeggrqat les09et,,.?oî(Bgii, CinebUzrldomet aet11f rëestee et Mr. Thsomas Bolsten, on Tbîneasy Lb. 18ts fast., and preentedti teMr. Arthsur1 Boasitbee, («hisewusspeelil>' lavitoti te b. présent on Lb.he deo.,> vise faabout1 Lcourîay uy-Jsws 188 and 184, APTER11;00XSF81àl(, The. Oosncil met nt hslf-pst tweo 1locti The. standing -ceanmiLLee on printfing brougbt up their report -. ad the couuncil weutW luo e t he b l beetereon -Mr. Miller lu the cbair . Tii. U19PORT on PBINCIUO vasMas follova cAao sýarptme Ordo9trlo.., -. Report of fthe Standing Comitc on print. The standing- commftee en CoUuty PrIint- lnbglouve ta repcsrt. ýhtbjbave cuvotuily eumined the. se- cenistc fr Coulity- Priuilu;, #ad raeomnd dise foilolog amountos ïa ajd, te t*e paid. To W. Iliggns, for motion popera,' , ore iàlàrequirid fur current'- oar. ....... .......... $400 To Jus, A. Cam;.b.ll, rriaod sc $ 78 Misotro. Lukre &dles aî... ....... Il Is Do. E. undy .....1008S De. ilrd &Patos ........ o8s Teur Conmtee <uortiier reommend that te (ùerk, b. lnttrneted toe furnialit te ese- ver'sipriuîtoix, rcside,.tl n ilcunnty, tise aâie rotin et Tender as that; reconsrnsnded by dtis Otanding Cenaufiittoouonl'riuttmg, sud adopted by Lihe Couat-il et last ycsr, for the prlutiuîg of lcext year. &11 ot v1,lcb la rospectfail'y anbnitted. A&DAM GORDlON, 84m r AttÀLow BAND. Mr. Gillespie, secondeal by Mfr. Sinclair, meved tust $300 b. grsuted te aid Lbe 84th Battalion lungetting a set ef instru- ments, for the Baud. Mr. Wright said he dinIt perfectly un- terstand the motion. The Voluniteers sbould be encouragcd; bu4ib, heLought $30o w&ç tee.large a aura for the purpose of a bond. 'ý'eàud if, aft.r gcting the in- struments, thse voluuteers didn't psy for a muic teacher, th. mouey expcndcd for Lthe instruments wuould b. thuowu away. What guarantee, lie aaiked, did Lb. cosun - cil bave tbai the volunteers would go ou sud (on» s band that wuild b. a credit fo Lhe balaion snd the county?1 Tihebard dbeould b. ststioned ag heaidquarters lie iald, sud ithe Colonel eoftihe battalion sbould guarsute. Liai iL voulti b. properly lnaîructed. Before lie (Mr. Wright,) au»- ported Lb. motion bhorasted te kuow more &bout iL than lie tid tih le ime. Mr. Fairbanks aaid lho vas, pcnhsps, botter able te glir Lb. necesary informsa-' lion te Lb. reeve et Reacb, tises suy oSier member ef Lb. council -present. The. ceneil would bave the. sanie gisaraute that the members of tb. baud vouid bc properly Instvucied, ace ther places -To, route, Hamuilton, Kingston sud other localitici-bad rec.ired. But, b. îsid, the Orai aud great uecessity vas Le get Lb. instruments. Tii.-baud would ho Laugiit by proficieut fencbem, ntet h.e peus. of Lb. filcer e t Lb.battalion. Tbe eflicers, Mr. Fairbaukx remarked, would aise bave Le procure clotbing for the baud, aL Lbcir evu cxpersae, If the $300 ver. graruied IL wouit belp them cousidevably. Tii. instîruments would ceaI betwecu $300 and $M0, sud th. clef bing wuuld run up Lbe a*nount Le about $700. 11. tcit tbat; every- b*dy vant-dL the band, sud ansured Lthe reeve et Reaci Lust if tihe baud were ferm- e4, It would bce poperly Laugbt.le (Col, Fairbankx,) tsdasiked $e5 frem oaci mu- nicipaiity, (nud vras glad te say hat in eery case wbeve s meeting of Lb. council batd been beld, aince howrote bis commua- ulication, IL bsd been granted); but now b. theugli if Lie ameunit were givon lu a lump lvem the ccuuLy. 1t; weuld he better for ail, sud vould b. the. mens oet Cttig the Instruments sooner. Tu ameudment Mr. Gordon, seconded by Mr. St. John, înoved that tii.eisu bc net now granted ; but ttihLb motion ha laid on Lb. taible for fui tier ceusidersiion, aud te bc tthe tirst order efthtIe day Le- mrrew norning. Mr. Smith. ef EanstWbitby, sud acreral otlier maembers, could sceuo uxe in delay. A long -discussion followesi, sud on Lhe rote beng Lalien ou Lb. amenduseut, iL wax deciai ed lest, Yeso-Messrs,. Wrigbt, St. John, sud Gbordon ; Nays-AiILb.he tber members pro- sent Tii. original moîlpu viasthen put aud cavried. The cotincil, ut 4,15 o'cleek, adjourued tll te morrev monring. MAtITH DAY. FWuTe>i, JUaDO19us.- Tise ceuncli met aI if> ock, tise van- tden lu tii chair. Al L hememnis(With 'Lie exception cf M.Sithi, Scot), are- sont. Mr. Fsirbaulsabvougisî lu th. report et the atanding censmitte. os 'IIOADS AXD 3];£mars. Tise Standin Cemumitte u ot" sudt Briidges fez le report as <cou s*., Tuaslise>' have exiMsssoMl> lai lie. 270 oW Lise tovuulup 01 icaerirg, sîso B -lIowa 1e.1 450 " ofat45 tt theuioip c es inA Br-4ai Ne. 185, 0et he tovn9iîp t # a whltb>', aut veait resesmeadt heat i.r-> là VA o m5rnstheea»Uso be puset b> Ibis anse guib;moruuug wus resua scond ime, snd the eounçil resolved -iLsel iInté cousmitte ofthebwbo 1' -lerton-Capt Ito*e in the chair. P. WAsl (ras apo=t. ed coinmissioner, to 'expend oLhe forr, snd Alez. Black thei latter amoant The by-Iaw wuas ed A tNvd ime and passed. 1fr. Gordon introduccd a by-law to op, ppitsSa couty enginleer. Theby-law v.- commeuded Lb. ýappoinîmop& of W. F>. Yarfiold, PL.8. -A.dfscussion took place -Mr. Fairbanks eontending thst 'ne en- giner ws requlred;i and lf there were thst Mv. Suier wiwlb.th persol. The. by. la* wus rejected by a vote of 12 Le 9. AÂ7CrfTIONLMSZ5 Mr, Gibbs inteductia by-baw Le ripesi by.;Iov 3 88 sud 184, sud Le mako reguea Lienar for licetusiug sucîioueer, Iawkerée &c, TIhe cenucil vent jute céemmitteesof the vioi>o Lleron-mr, Sexes> i the chair. Ti* tées fer- auciotieers, Iu the Souths Ridiuýq vas piaced iL $830, A lengtlscuct diocussion felbeved about the fees iu Lie Norîb Riding-aud theom-r mittee rose fsithionî reporting. Oui motion oet Mv. Mcoreigbt, tLeb >. iav te confiri b>'- lava 175 efthLe town- ship et Pickering, vas read a tbird ima sut pasg.d, sud Lie Wardeu ordered to 1igu sud affiz tise ses! ef the corporation On motion et Mvr. Wrighst, secouted by Mr.,,St. Jolin, tie by-iaw te continus by- lawa 480, 480, aud 487, et thc township of Reaeb, vas reset'a'tiird ime nsd passed, sud'Si. Wardon autherizeti te sigu 'fbe ssmne sud sfir tb. ses! efthLie corporation, theoto. On motion of Ur. Ilolden, ait hait paf Lire.e dclocle i Warden ksft Lbe chair for hait an houv.< The ceuncil resumucd. The Warden rendsa commuication troin Caps. Speava, et Uxbridge, ptating tiiat a dlaim etfs$29shait len coliectet <rom bisi for medicisi attenda,ce onou io voluntecra;, viue ou tîseir va>' te Kinggaton. That Lie decier luad saied 1smainud rccoveret thai amourat, aud hoe lraye thLie coun- cil te retunt him the amousut. SEPARATION OF xàiti Al% 11.111k. The specioi couumittse te vioru vere referred tLipetition et Jas. 1MoPiergon brongit in Lhe fole1ing report, vhicb wus adeptid. To MeaiCosamscf cf tgc Cooratm f .teac Ciny of Os-ds-to:. Tise specisi comiinittc te wmw ons vsreret tise partitieti oftJià,4osea. PtIsrs#ss, beg bas re- porti u unFsour ot -a risloi- Lte selaratiti ofthe tovutabipx otftierst ianstann, ansi tor thse erectien o e t i oalaip à,cal ieute a sC'pav.ao atasiopaiiîy.aute sappeintmest cf a I.atusrusng Otlir-rand <for tlxig aplace tati- tisa liiinu oet dro tit eleasuion ùu t liea',atd coutauillors ifor Lise #aiid fovutslir). AIlletlvîsica isretalîecttusily eulsnitteai. M A LU9LM (J ILLESSPi E, Wisithy, QOtisJ une, legs. chissmasa. Ur. Gillespie inirodsscei ea by-baw to proride Sepavation ofthe junior Lowsasbhip o! Ilems fuom Lie senior townshiip ut Mare -<he soparetien Le Laske place on Lie lit et Jenuir>, 1809. The. by-law vas reand a lot. 2uîdsad 3rd Lime, said paset, ansi tise Wardon erdericd tLe aigu Ciao sainesud affil tIseab o et t.corporatiotn thoreto. TOWKfffIPr .t'LwI Ou motion etflb. r initb (,,W,) <the b>'. lsv Se ceîstlrm by-Iev 185 ot township et Baut Whity, passed, in la-cIi lut, was rend s tbird Lime, sud passged, aundSihe Wartcn orderedotLe aigu ansi effix Lie seal eft<he corpîoration titeveto. iuntSnaEltOSt'iALAUr. On motion et Mri- irctîsar, Lb. Ce. Trensurer wva reoredteopuy tise unesen- gev c ac h couancii $12, psar <la>, for cadi day'i; aSSs-dance ail tbis session efthLe ceuncii. 3M, Whluer, seconted by Mr. Robins-in, noved t the b.concil dassire te esiprese their salistsciionuet Lise eflicicut anit im- partial mauner in vhiclathho WarJen la disciiurgcdthticdutita deveiviug ou bum as suh ncbsut Lat the anni ot $100 ho petd Le tisaS oflicer fer disbisrsemcunts, sud Shat Lie fresurer b.n eutherized to pay Lb. some. Tise motion was carrnet unani- The lVarden returne thLanka for Lie hor giren him in a e .'asd appropriai. reuiarbi. porNzT A motion et adjour'awoat v _m 0AteL b e'cloct, vluile ttule miera o i con- cil vero vaiSing (or die repo etbeeqta- lization committie. Tihe mo i i sde- clavai lest ait- ,Mr. Gorton movedt ale specia appro- priahions b. grantet-vicu Mr,.Gilbs movedthL.e cuncl' adjouru. M4. Gordon moie nt ia* p 1clapro- priatlen ftoheLb.contreÏi-est' b. mate Il sainasud lecaitiest, 'se ottove-On tia portion etfsait voit hohveen, Manchsesater Brook, $1,00 ; leLie township et Tieras, $100; asdt in Mars sut Ramit, $200. lu auseudmeut, Mr, W'heler,,oeonded b>' Mv.Pesais>, môvedt t naoliefuriher voâdt appropriationsabe grau ted t t'iéses- sion ofttLb.,council. And on a'tdiiio takiug place on tise amoudmeul tien 'ap- naara i t.tlw e» s-fA(es. Falianks. l1v. Wixs-on gupporteri the report,-oud otiier ulembes l îo took part iu the-pro- cednaaged a, different aides. Tii.' reotwih was ugtrencusly 8mnppovted by Mvr. Holden a li atladopted au Co0l0o&0 k C CD o -4i Cq o't oZPt e là 020 SIXTIT DAY. Montai', June 21nd. Thle cossncii met ah elevon 'cleck-tiie Wavdcas iq Ltse chasir. lfr. 'Dry-den prescesi S he report ofthLi standing committee ou educablen, trîsich wus adeptesi, as tollovs: Tt/ai Ueulcil If tte Cesrnty of Onstario; Tise Stsasdinsg Cemmitieeous Eduestien beg So) report, 1. fîjat t tiebavce rs'luci iuîte tise caim madie isy Mr. klcGsngl, irisaipnui oliet Itelaisl- tous1 igtittirflsufor te de-if uad Jussb, asuifinal tisSget th' e onnuary sicut et1185 tise Steading Cousuuittee on Edicetion i-ccotisucaad- ed thtat a vcaolntcu bu raisei iv tise Coasuscil gveatltir*gt fise Oumiof 840 le a i stitution ; buat, if apponte, tîtrougis seaule orertigiat, tiha reoliti,aa Waxs aever peci, sud in cii- setqucue Mr. MeG.ti a tidtesecui-e tihe gratn. l'ui-Cotsamittee Sfin ttk15dc§ivaibie tilet theis tun raboxsi liehopaii., an Mr.. MeGai h»uet leild C expoet it vousîrîbh, aussiwonid tiscrefoerc tcnmuseusd fltua a resoiutiou bc pasog- ei eccoraingiy. '2. Yaur tlurnnittaie have cnusired an to tise cli-sacaer et' Auss i Glinosuv saIenisaldei)t itiabo, vis liaupplind itu titlis Ceusacil for 0ia1 las erderfbiset ite stite>'ho able bo r.tSas'asflis. lstiit'titini.itutiogs toi-ftis e df and asiJmb, susaier the aupcu istesl4- ence etrPMr. MI insss auss hsave icarued l tIra aie it: sover>' wastlay àauljç,cS idcItaiil>. louv t'ustiîtfee feel isa oreitstiaac flaepratier out Siid Aaaus Gilunu twe asjtuedto woulii toc geins-t, vi - tlaat ot' giiiag uidtsi, ver>' tiuprtant lt'aatitltiou of o-ar contttry, bagsai «vistg lsrctions te a 5ta>arr usfi Eaaat eitg wlao ceastut'tlc baslu edslaea.l',tni- Coactaitice tlaerc-t'ore tec'aT- usaisd Sil a-aaisaeslie annle ,y tise î,vspet auttisertes te'r seatdittg saisi petitioas(rtv u lir. Iliesitaiaaatiaaaiea t ii îailsusappropria- tiena et $100 ho axas-be tPr tit pti-pas'e S.Acosrusatictisoon Mva , PIr. usrd, lotes a-asa-rtetactatartickerisil,e'li,-,a lc-si .icasd lis flac- baeesutyasr (<omtasttAe Iha vlail IflA elsalstediitile tsClaty cf Ctie uperintrusiust of PIckettr« fic ise soter edut£r $epsesalaier 180i, luinunoyer tiena ;rsid îsy tise Casutal>, iali wiuiashIf 14 le imiunteal alssiite fcsaid taIXr.1 ibeari wluo oma'ted u uti r o'ttIau noidllofet eft liae eirer yoasr Cotsutilue ifnfluaint tita aoboie s:sltrty hise'%italroiy )ýIfat ei e p-arott<V Mar, licard, and f lié reaiajdc Se Mi-. Bui-ci 1, 4. 'ru 1111 tisasvecssalev eccurrsg tron ics renigasatiaut'f Rv. 5Mr. Bsai-J ai l.aca uptsr. istent(if u licecrinzx, yoaur Coatsssttce i- otusaaaead tfaet lIR. Wilter 11. toti:re&ive tisa b. fas ccont t t.r, presie'iler, Dir. Tisorusn, fer isastagai, etstioaser>', &e., usesi by -Board-sofiatiaicie soti-uetiou, yousr conimitic eemaueasd sacualsi b. pisi. 6; Frenim a mmuaisatieaa ra-civesi rom tise Etiathital Depsvtment yonv couumite, Basi tisait if vili it aeasaary te moieethe týallwieLss a boxu se aanct for Educsaioussî Purpoee fur tise pvesgent yeur: Brkook, 858; liai-s d& Rma, 5080; l'ick, siin, 6976.69, ilcclif 0275 <cot ,$336 tfeagegi5.~~5, $4; xilo;ao: Siee.S5; lix- bridge, $U1.15; Wlittoy <«Eiot), $4'20.50; Wbiti)y <WSt, $367,60, lusdatiote te asxa e 15 yll be nmcessa te, valse fo e olspe fou r.tndcaate, ase feliews -s BrOC14$71.40 Malu t unas$S80 -Plcia- irlug, 82M; tes la,87.8; ic4Z,- 25.2tt; Cýouiite. Iloome, t'JOuIt DR5YDEN,i Mr. Drethour favoure 0 ie'pa>'nit of Lie sus saot, in s few pertinent remarbi.' -Mv. iiens vws luant iefort tha etaut.'A Tho stsng eommittee on'connty pro- Party broughh up tii. fellowiug report. To tAu nifetz l £useil 0q/ th$ Ge7eraibIf Ski Cesot#tif Ont<rw.' Tise Standing Conmitte, on CoIny pr*,per- S>' sud <ueo! Maasagouaiit, bcg te report. Tuai v our Commise tébava exaimnsthtis gal snd premis an sd Lthe nstuleeeurcou- ised tIierevîlli, sud ind tise mime as nua, ver)stlatr. lhot thei. eoraltccousiti&,for suppliffl sld etîter neceasries <ror the gool sud Court Iliune, havae been eavfaailý -examned isy 1our cou»- inittac, wotuld reSeniend tisaIt i t apsid, Win. Cuilen, 8105,44; Yeomun Gibnon;8$41.- 51i. Rit rd Frarcis, $80,145; Ciaarle o tt $4u,00; 'Hamilton & Co ,,$e2,24; John Keits;, $6'.47;, bS. IMarsahali, 82.40- Wrà. Rami.,$7; John .. Sprowl, $59,5;jI ni. ryen,$1,; S. T. TAlor, $118,00; Ueo. Oormn-k, $32,64; Wsn. '11, 84:8e; Wit.Blrysu7, sSzJa.I. Gearde, $1.42; ilafes& Ai re., $17-69; John loweil, $12; Writ..Iltars.a. *5i,25; Vioal Camuphell. 87.I.cwil. Allun, 8151,fif. Your Coryjnttee regret te Baud lb>'thse ca records, th*', Isli 1 t ofpritacrî4cosîfuetdinu Ste gaoi et tise Coasnty of UOntario, fronastish $lot Je>'of et cemsber, te tho i 91stdey of Id1av liai, shows that thoae vre 41 fïaueIi'a aad 18 femebes, isakinfi a total oft St' pimiseerit, 5 cf wisom vare inetica; tlint on thése Sisablt v, tiser. remainen lu gael 8 anales aind 2 femalesl ishowing a Ver>' greut increies ln the ousaber et' prsso'serîsfr te Raidi beim. TssitIt.eategregate îîpanifier of'<iayi in hics priacoueri ver.s neci allowanu.the ,said terni is 198') dnvendaustii. total cost for rations $1A1,4e.b" i a ~riy Ict'sp-r div for e cit 'Ïcuce ," îdditnii Su tisstlie s'wa-rte I natc,'aisorsctcdextra allewaasca, se uper order etf 01001Ilurgeusi, wlicu s'asehaargcd ss uussnî, leets per day, totel cees$105 Your (Comusitteo hsava bsasil baftes scn a corsniâiaiestîloti <rom fthn Lock-up Keeper, of Besavettou, staatin ils te .Lxck.aip attiassi place nr aucalcne i-eairs m, sudns rou Bedsteads, would recomuunadtist tisa tepairs tseeclcd b. donc nasiasr tise dusection of Mi-. io',inmou, tis e -ase eof 'naras, asud tiet il-ate Bed@,toadit, saew nt iiit usaS tise geol, bu for- çaerded to tihe Lotrk-'ii"-at -llcave-toa, for tiîeir Yonr Csammittuettrosidaircéotrimen4 tisanit tis Cosstinty rant,te suait cforuela, sitndrel aund cicisty allara, taoi-fuiniahinsc lumps fo-Drill ftisclstlamiouagfitise Couasti', to bu ilMetlsias oshbava DrillShed$30; Ilrooain do.'$15; tlIolltsnhlb,as ic.i; âentwood dcr.tl 'ullita2 Albasrt do. $15 ; Cenuusngtou de. $15 ; ttltsidge do, $1. AndsituatLte aibovovuni be pid P te s crderiofethie veuv, et the Towuship viiere thse Drill Shied iz i-uat(,d. Yossr <Cointnittce e ould turtici-reconimenai thu.S thatabain uthse Grand Jai-ry reonautnd Cotunt'yClark'# recuis, fbc overd vits a ceeaj ni aeu l, atas hbsit tise de',t bet*e.n tS ia é-tc gi.t'r'a inuit auad bte psusîege ltiae hall eof bte Court 11ots-0, ansd 0ai-o ta se t air fase jus vainis, bc fllcd tîp wita brick, nasiser latitc-; tiesîs et thiseitss-celoi-a et btgiat-râ fer tIse I'roviun et'o Ontuario, Ymir iConassiste uald ftaitr rccuminma'ns Viant Velatiaia blinda lai pised on thise lde -if tiae peveii windowm oun't a -iale cf Court hlouse llaailiiitait Su thiste Weiatitbu las- airsujctesi te «et ti-,e werk dfm sse niw a% taon- ,,iains iit tIse W iol itts a su fjsy uof cdutscsayfor Ste Caotrt leuse et(al ul, f'or tht. remsaisade- etfCte 'ear, sed tîit tnueis- proseincsta ar r laateîrittiiosbucouaaia, ttetic Chiseuressnsdse it is rmort, witlsuut Sia, cultat (-f Case Wardeà 4,r Cîtarsoaïti out lii (5i,tnfsattec. Ail ot wiilaisrespccftlîiiatltniitteri. JAMW 4)> ti,U Comtrîittcelatos iîiaa Wiittiy, Juta. 21, 188. lVlida wass adoptefi. Oun motion eor .Virsukathe iase reqtîiring thae vai-Jen <ousenvLite cla-air S t 12 o'clock, ves suipeudedi Mrv. liolaets,secenulet b>' Cipt. ion-e, nioretitisaSt te troauier bo auriliizesi Se pat> IV. Il. Iiiggfins. Co. printer, $tll-be- ng luis aatnt 'etaccounutagainat Lb. Board fPlieicInstruction for printiug for ssis lBeai-d, Thse werdeun uiedthLie motion euh ei order. ?MANaCO ANID AOSSESSISEX. Tic standing comuittc on Fianasc ansi Asasutasmeut brongit in tIse tolieving vs-. PurS, To th4 MuniolpaZ CousU o gtA. Chnnt>ofqOn» tarte. .ite f3a*ainz Cnmsmittoe on Flusanae sud Aea-ran r tslbetreporta i. Tiat thteFinance sOftîse Connat>'linasrlsai carfus coaaiera tht isai lasr«re.i-r isai liceu eailbte tt leet iul ! aitsa gaineL tti. Cenusuiy for tise pnosi ,-e',i- rntise suiasÀ'p- rtpratcd b>- Sifle Yoancilin uJune,1507,vitla tise a9 id cf oin. aeeosinotiation eit rcdiygiven b>' hieo Basiker, tgetiter with mentsb.iouging te ls -aics list iutfendt. ' 2. Tiat thise lia1ud tise Ausitori"llepert plactbetor, siand sathtithtIsep;ort ier- ing totsud 0ail souneesua ilf'.tor>' sud correct. 8, 'ioui- ,oinnuie nut trount iss estimnais et tise Treseai-er for tis eoui-ent yesri ex- penses list a suiot 850,60 volsi honequit- lent fond. 4. Tour Commute. nocommen t l1sst hssuin of $CiS,Oeoo rxixesi la> easaeaut the preeat yesr, suit tihefui-rtrsanu s,0 582J65 for' -educatieui purptaif 5, 'Tour" Iitumltbee eeeind tisaSinu- [muchlas eftishe Auoctiecer:of teooate Smiîb, reîavniug efficer fer Centri'Wsfd, $5q B. FovI,, do, Northi Ward, 9;A Cameren, de. Souths Wsrti;$9,05., CIwvett &Coi, nuessmeuî relis, Le,, $3,50. Tise report vas adept.d. Zao. OAiSBrT'5 iOictyoL Mv. M4cmiilan, smended b>' Mr, Ceeu. rane, as'Oeét îha àlicesise b, grautedtd o Mi-.. Gadisi>'for tise isotl nevts as the Es4t Windsor isotel. Theo mayor ruledthtIe motion ouI of Tise printiug cemmitue brongisi op hemr report, vbich reccommeutet the ps>'ment oft tis accoonut et Ja. A. Campbiell, $89.- '94. Tise report vua soptet. Ta£< BELL. vovas SAAM. Tise concil resumet counmîee efttie' visole on thie report ofthe tiebanding cous. miea 0on tovu propety-Mr. J3ampbel in tisecai' Tise report ricemmenat th ie bell Lover sisonît b. encloset 'fàih>vth!i; ant tisai tise drain arôundthtie drill sised ssold' bc properi>' fixtat. Mr. Gerri., lu a tev renints, said bc. vas et opinion tisaitishe bell tovîu- sheuld' net bc euclosed. Tiie boit vas ae all rigu"l, s'O fer, aud h. tid net sen an>' huvvy lu geL ing it inclotdnov, turïng tise sommer. Mr. Pbulp tisouglIt tÉis Lerusosild-be lft te tise commifee ou town pioperiy, te, doighta ise m embr ttatcmut. er. Mr.gtdeni boul l o kov-ActssonLo Mv.Gb epri vouite e kwnvsat ohas Lofa veout b.tii prmieet se wdgierk Il.ceunera lition this omllesoi ie more cf Aude ra Mr.i o thispe m t ' b>' m t eeiseàtare Mi-. rportp-(e cpisstoalîy)-*oghmawlte acrget h vbot teoit lb. esitue ougsu'tova largt te snat abut< bel!loe, 5voldsi las iontie eta Mr; G lev-i.. i h -6s ec ose ns iqu t. Br ottn tt isai tise ey ofté iaHo ins ai anti staivcaee, deer oct pasuuiug, iouWa c.es abent $Î566. 1I c" Disâsvi MI-. Draper fayoret encolomau,tise Lover. Jues21.- Mr, MeMilisu theugss:tise Itsircase iseuce for 1 Wight bc dispeused't isbut thongsu 5150poréflaed enelesiný'zeoftise Lever net essary'. - t about I Mi-. Holtea explainedthaist 1< as cuIrTise total1 au opsunsaircase requiredtwo ide-bosaofutb tie ai eut stopsandeut uldt o nase adfference 30 ;sand tl of $100 ti t erv -ay. 13î, Abot The major îiseugbhe lLver abenit Se e mainder euclosedt, preseuf,_ it vas au e7eaoeo. É. N.,I&,ý l thougit, bovre, Liai $150 vas a ji n ver>' large son fobe expentul for the otter Survf purpose, aud pr'oposedt hssî oyer ho eu. lsil o Leabout fire cor siz-t,et b.ev iii.he Mois bell, eut tison painled viii ciseap Peint., Sieus has ji Mr. Geri-rnmonedt uaLths conimibeoen, t coma siovu<e Li te cenucil ah the » usas thi rbuil. sueetiag iisreport eofcetiuzsft cuit Get '8cisiltee cnclesiug tise lover, total>' andi part>', lanJ182.1, ne Cspt. Rove îhougb -thse committees dûsixzare StOI towIs proper>' verS ýpertect>' capabl.etofbat 63 ochu getting tise vork preperl' toue sud bcblad Thse-proton every coufideusce io Lir toiug s'o. igisioni s Mi-. Gerii proposet that tise ctsuSe lu bus jueL Si-t tho report bc ameutet b>' iusertiug thîet battheoe, so-k'do noS cosL over $50..* A 'vote vas -neth taken eut roted tevn-Mears. Gerrie, se lis iloMillan eut Cochrane- ul oI> spperîsug abd, s.! Mr., Gev-i. tinpnopeaed *?5,iusteàt A piano, if $50, visich i us aise lst. Andthe ns- fie resiten portL vas adopte..-York a cw Aà beenF treal. he a i vere in th deros,.- Beadorse nsorth bau sinced been field, dance vitb inîorred te Ltat. --Wcu.à Lie village,' vise, ith' Dr eùa tteuded ,to tise mnferers. Dr. in vftbf ishitau iuzques to emou-ev is ffernooa.-Anotser victini_. diot. A cssvoner's inquest lise Iluad a verdict neti-net in sceor- bh tise tacts. Tise bodies viiib. Ls-morrev. -Ti. names oethtie killet vere- &h.vrneuisy, esigineer; 'Andvev f Windsor, (eoloi-ed) i'Ricisard i i f London, (coloret) -, seid usi, vise vas à atvsugerin tse Ad vitsen fients. Tise bod>' aio reaciset London lait ereuiog ii 4rrlring ai 6 e'clock, being, by tise relative.sef'ecasced. A ober of coloetetpieople sasseuiled nion te learu tise fiefs, antisaux- ides vere Muadeia te tisefat@ of 3s weorkmenu t tise machine. Ts ri b. interredt o da>'. mSous Comiuîe. - Cleveland, -Tse steamer -1fining 8tar4 Detîroit, collitet vits the barque 3t) miles treni ber, lant uigbt Il o'clock, and bhow ere SuiOik nunihof etpueugers en isoVrd nier were 40, sud oethLie irai th crev of tise barque numbtref ,uL 20 persons are missing, th. ,vere'picked up b>' Lb. stoawU ce -One etfithe boatsetof Ii.' Star i tle iout sani a>'costale m Soeuo.-Tis. ing tif as»t puibtished s lis t b is ci- i heir camus sud tise dates of G Thse royal tanilf conitls of r, tihe eldest:of iom as bers At tie yeungestinu1858. liii>' tl aiie. Tise 1ati ng baitone trou,- of visonsare still living. Cnt liie is & i ôh .vr n laie Engilli. ýp5pers froua Ger-mans>'tu No witis ektaaerdinar ed ibis Jear Io rvescli 'l ÇThetl rucerd, * ise Seuths G TUaus- -%"set 'et !hé Masin b tuperflutos popailaic rrotestsof thaIe 1 men wv hse lssbeeu anome yeare viib. ibis in, ia Dev borne. MALI dine et tise bride*& tise 24tîis a., b>' R 'cd hy Mev. Mr' Si£ Maco, E5q., M. D.,t * rusdesit auglsier et wiub.-(oCs DI IHEYDEN.-Ou it., Lawrence Ht tisêCrown and Pieu 'Yeàr et bis a-e. - Wednesde FaiX Wiseat',. Spring. Oeats . Bs>'..es....... Boatter,. TE GREAT 1 VLL IAVitbena, TES ToLt!NTBSas ONDON Mvt. Gairie, secouded I -moret tisatishe mayor bt atiest te skle ariýnsgt prinicipailisotel-keepers cf prepar. dinnera fer thei sa>' b. lu tovu ce Deminic Mr. Nells ait b.h kusev viaS vas tbe urobab motimo p - 1 mvi b c ]CI ai t( 9 e, tl Wil Ji it Pl

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