S. Muezo LIT MRANCI y . ILOCIHA*T, M ACDONBLL, &ND AT1T0RNEYO-AT- s to e ia lisk et Konlural, et Mie onnlwf (Itactep C. Il. -J. mécsoux.. Oburob Street Toronto eC0 W.b 4NO17$0OM O K. sn,- J .APOI Toronto, juîly 20861.-5 8. i0. COCIIRANE, L . . B. 0"Ins-131Blol ewNs tidlaig, bassias B C ARRITE, TTOltl13t, 0ONVEYAN- LBa., ».put, tlotsa#r, lstrasordb aibry,sand siamînensa Clioery for te(on-- y' oPnalo. 01000 Brook-*$-, Wïtîby. NOBEET J. WILSON. BAltlOEIt & d AT7ORNEY AT LAW, $. olllorYinOauory, te. Wlitbyc.W. D&oo4- VitorbSBuIlding, lBrook i. b1h 0. a. ZARVIOP 12 &21T311AT-LAW AND BOLICITOR J» us itsuory.Olambers-19 Torouto-SI.. Toronto. JAIE# KEITH (GORDON# BARRIBtER dotATTfoXNEY.AT-LAW, Bsollali or la Chanter>', Conve>'auoot, No- tory Publie &.e. u=so-Next dcor to tise Stor,% of B.&d J. Campbelhl, Brook lit., Whits>, Ont. Wblîttp', Nov. lot 1867. S. Be FAIRBANKS* SOLICITOIR NOTÂRY PUBLIC, he. d&c. sOshlava, ê'. u soLet ( ITOLD t k., G. Biroek striet. W b ty , Jan. se, 162. CIIlARLES C. KELLEIR, ATTORNIIY AT LAW, SOLICITOR IN ton" Brook, <0. W &T'£UIIIÇIY-AT-LÂW. SOLICITOR IN1  hiaîs.sr>'NotesryPublie, (Jouiveyascer, ms5ù1estyfie on Brook 4tro',t. 49 jAMIESI LAItON, A TIIIYAT-LAW,,SULIÇITOPR IN Oh.. ijasoor>', doa., &u.,doa. DundatStreet,.9W» Ttesdoora. West uf tise P'et Otbeu,. 1 CtelCiRANE à COCHRIANEI. IlARRLOTERS. Arrl)ttN BS, CON VET- Batisuers auîd Notîrles itubllc, .&o., &2et Paise Asusv-rurs OposteTown Co Ocat>'Crovu *Attoruusy. C. A. ZONES, Darrîster, Soilcuîor lu Cisancory, Atm torney, o, o C g5'OFICF-Nuxt doorle thcoldRes tyun'offc, Wbttby. 41 >' * W, M1. SkiLE, * 5011pitor. do.., &C., 1'449 Cbsurah Sîreir Toronto. . BÂîlRAT1 LAW, Soibtttor lanOlian. oet , Conveymuer, &c., &.e R. j. G1JNN, Ine.Do ý1I7GEON T0 TRE CQUNTY GAOL B~yrnon ilîneet, Witlthy. D. W. PIIRBIEII, M, D. IIUOUGIIAM. .Omo£ IoS7I-$ to 10 a. M., and 510 58 4i0é1ocko p.ubm. 40OiN V. HAM, NOTAIRY PUBLIC* WIIt>,Apnit IStIs, 1868. ~IMOMAB HUSJTON4,- OWN CLERKiObTIIEASUItEIltWIiITIIY T ofnlce->tevai11all -lours 9 te I0010k BAILIFF BIXTII tatVISICIN COURT.- BLtiJZfNSBD AUCTI'JNFEE. Addtcs*- *averton. 40.1>' VICTORIA ROTEL. TLLA1i SCOTT, PPOPIETOR.(Late yW mWi. Boyalou's.) 27 JOHN RODINSON'S 119Â1R-DRESSINQ AND SHÂVING - SALOON, BUOOK STr., WI{ITBY. U5oreoma 0ua zBAiE or Momuz.ein l lsrîber bopi le Alhouflse 10hbi sjCuAd lisepublic, îba5 i.hasm e- don sof 0thUe aboya well sud fa- jkalpqtrmaqi eo oren ov 2n TEE BOBSON KOUBE, 001tug 19HU(gsO, Proprieîor. T RlE sube:riber befiste £fD0,foancehs1 b. tieX ýca 1#ed hébuldig foraieyiy kuown si rw, Htl hiâhl b ua.inrenjoval. coentr of t, oTown. o *1.sdlui. Tho"alwsy Omnibusuia aI eth, lloteland tb. stagen for Uxbridgo and iloaverto-n bave GenORG ROB8O-N. GEORGK CORAC9. sîf4î ofldebrumbroonâtantly onband WA ifnIO6rsol2 r nelbes'at cnoiall Brooklin Drug Store. D RÂALER in Drago, Patent ModliIneu IPlaos, 01101 Dy@ Sîuffa, Confection. 077. &0. Wlnoansd Liquors of the boat quality orgMedla up. Brooklln, C. W., 186p 9 (Orpat.t Ali SainW 'C1Urel, Whitbg.) 8ppae.te giv. Music and bloiglug les sos traedà aà ltulted number et pupils;. App~lication te bc made nt theO Villasof John Ji. Walkid, surir .On Dwlt, over joines ByrneA elniealMaI, Srock St. Wh.tby. CROCK'7ER'tS IOTEL9 NELSON ST. TORONTOt NO)irit O F KING ST. BASSETT & KEEBLE, -Paoto'rois. rJ'IIIEproprietors re pectfull anucst homo, thist they havo taken tho atbovc prenils whiei. are lin every ro4pect coivclî,ilv »asi omu,fortably lftted up for the. accommtodation, be tosna i coi.tant personal sattendance, amd wili leave notlîisg u,,duiie on thiscitpnrt,to givo otlstaotlot toeail wl.o tiay favor tiaoi with a STAG14CHOUSE NANILLA. ISAAC FENTON, Proprietor. EST Wlnenand liq nota; enperluraccom -B nodtitoii fot tavellerp; good stablixugand atteutiv-eti@tler. 16 YEOMAN GIBBON. CO-02NISION MfER CHÀ NI INSURANCE, & GENÉRAL AGENT. Whithy, Jan., lôth i800.2 REVERE HOUBE, MAXCHEBTURI 0. W. B. P.LANK, - - - - Pteprictor. Sttias te snd (rom WbitbT calli dnly. Every aittention raid to gueste. (aretul tîcd atter,- tive entiers., VAR8SE& DEVI.IN. SPRACTIC AL Dontiot, Oshawa dmp Dontt*J Booms;, directly oppo- site *,ioI'osoMoo.-Entrance on gimace $troot tird doornorth of the Ontario Bank. Wf~ EXPREtS AGENT, &o., aloo Agent for Accl.ilnt and Staudnrd Inanmaunco Vos. 17 Query - W hy la It tliat thi o Iola snb a run for pîctnrea AT CLiARK'S GALL.ERY? Itlei bcnao tbc lions the bont Galery li the Consîty, and bas moto pntlùuco with chiliron Ilion umsy- other Arfiatl it ths Conuît>, sud cati do qusits s on oil wrk sasan>'otber minula tiso Couit>' Wbttby, May' 20, lads. JAMES LAMON, HOTEL & PREMISIES FOR SALE# T RAT &Told'està biiaW dsud veIl knovu Ho- ltitlise CENTRAL EOUSlcoNOX Splendid roomy>' tabliig, aud driving .lue, toletu Iwievtis en*or Ivo acres ot la"d att.u- ne,aséinybe deired, end a&,n."yosa bear- tug orobs .TIsere are two veil.w vI-good Tle-viole yl be soid t! aà abréan, sdhseftise be.u11.ianes lau tLe DomInion for su addIve business man. WtII beet,.aIsod fer faim trusr For torme, o.,appi>' (il by 1eg s.pa top WILLIA M/ON. ~i6fes~ï1 TOWN 0OP WHITBY9., As FOLLOWS, VIZ:, Call of Oels forabare payable 111h Ma;p, 1888o. dé $100"dé 2 Nub do 2 00 6a .?th 0tJnsdi 200 oo s id 2M 4 il Thiatb If an>' orft'ise foregolng cell e b net pli l wltlslu tweoty dey*Alafer tise nume beaomo. due sud à yoblee h$lbaeor iliamea on wbicb jiid colis romaiu unpw'id. wlf .111 bl tile for- feiture, wisjonl furtiier notIce, scoodnlut the statute lu snchbs ca made sdproride. TROU8. IfIS$TON, Sie,. & Tresanrer. Whltby, Match 4, 1868. 9 DES. CARSON> & LAW. Ollee-Dyroua St., Whisîhy. 'T'JE sudrsbnadbsvugeutred bute Co- .Lpart.s'ublp for ltse î'nrff ieof ainq lb. practicéocftserfe.ls of Mdbelsse te-ý gelier, deair. to lufornsthbpublic liaI thcy ilil b. foinud 10 p rompt and pnctual attend- sas upoîs ail oelf .qenlrlug thcîr prollepplousl services. Patients w il1trecelve milthse adyais- tegea wbicl ioence bas brorght tojillglt lu the treatmoi t cf dbsaas. Dbaoe of tise 'Ihrosst sud Coet speoislly tncated and preoenibcd for. Tise proceisa of Inhalation, bîtherto ro Iuttle kuown ani uted upon asioogat the odeco Focuit.v la part -of tbe s>'stemr of treatmout mdopted b>'Doctora Carson do Law, fer the ilpoedy asnd ietuetniicre of dises,... cfftise Iliroat end Chst. Thi In halation cf Medi- coted vaponrsanad tise readjf application of atomizod flulda lu now sdmitted b>. Geirat medbiasemn cf the day te be the suont offa.- tami, as weli os tise mont national treitment lu ali sncb css-brblgas à It dues thé tomai>' itb direct contaet wlth the dliaËed utesu Wlth un inte ot.lsoledge of tise tril-. meut of ail disses, os nov practiseid bu ho best Iloiipltala over thse ctvilizcend r, assd their uwn large experienue, Disa. Carton &o Lov trustt Ie>' arts nect too presuniptuua lu hoplug t tocr ervices iii>' be fi.uud sue- fui, lunaimbgîtn uiheCacro ofsOro ofthe sma>' ilîs te visich buasan*flah li boit. 1W Al Sargical. operallous euocessflij Ponîormed. W5 Pariles dcsbring consultation may bave thut oft he pantuerisip j1res of charge. Ur Colls att4-adcd to at aIl Ihenrs, 'y -and niglil. . A N OA50,x.D., W.Y. W AEA,.Y CFFICE-1lyross Strcet, Whitby. Apnil Ifitî, 18638. 1 JOHN L. WATKIS LSUJRGERON PENTIET. Oyrîcx..-.Over J AS. BYENE'S Medical MIL. Brock Sitreet, Wlîitby. gOr AIl wenlc varrossted. Fomilicsanttecded nt privaI. resîdoucea. TEETIR QffEXTRACTE» gar IWITHQÉ%UT' PAIN, R: BYT TUE USE OF NITIROUS OXIDE LAUGHING GAS, . O UME NEW ]LOCAliANýéSTH1ETI0, AT DEXTAL 110011, DUNDAS STREET,' WIIITEY,-C. W. BOS-v'M. IL. Cochtane's Store. Whity, jane 28, 1867. 25 FI1RE ASSURANC E Co, L')MBARD STREET & CIIARINIi CROSS, ESIBLISIIED IN 1782. GILLE13PiE, MOFFATT do Co., Agents fer Canada. TAM£$ DAVIBî,N, Manager. rNSURANCZ agoliîssî LOSR by FIREare i cffctér'oIe mnt fiuvnrable o rm% ansd 1,08S1*S tAID vitisont refoeot te thseilord tu L.ondon. TyEOMANGIBlSiON, Agent, Whtbj. Apri8 rdfl6. SOUDE TOULS & FINDJNGS. Tone, 4 n etd ýachi'rbsread, Marhbie ttibk. $boa Puet Uo Ivajlio, biseTacts, Mcci anid Ta@ollis, &eo.k., WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. AYAN & OLIVER, 12-1>' lit Yoaoz STxzET Tosoavo. Aasrlaan ear., Tuaim ansd Pointa cf ail izaa Squares, 4curved Muies, Bs reigiot Ed easImproveul lrosa hugbi sudà A.aonianCmyossa, Enas'teuslNead- t lewif, ko., ai o f Ibo i.eai qusisi>' aud at lest priées. RIYAN h&OIUVER, 12.1>' Jnpcrters cf lissivre, Yossge St, Totosse. TO MAOHINIST8! stiel aS, Steol 8liuaes, Centre cange#, Veraler Cabf pers, $tst el iper Raies, Caiper Squares, Amas' tuiveal Squares, boit Regiairi.,g Caf ipers sud Di- ridlera, UiLeViiesai&W Tâeo, Pai.n Uî5era Secu &151o., for abls ta R9YAN hO& VR l247 114 Tong@ St., Tercte. T-O CABINET MAKERS AIID UPHOLSTEBKES. ireutMai& Cam g lait Tow, Soa piga Twlu.,Cu& INitSa, Botn10cea ings Lnk Tacts, FU, TaOie ié to ryC Trlamussga, Ujsaseeslasi sdRyifo -Adis Carve' oTéca, RFial Aiu aris, ie Icdsu Rrda "f'o. CrsIsau le ou rea ET'ANh& OLIVER, 0assal Hardware Merob4 li ege Snt, T«r00t6 114 vO GE STBEET, TORONTO, abasiut utNfl sicfDoIrt& Cà - îutiosas rer nais, and ourin prornust soue Aoum vou Wasrmn Vxcsssrr. Wlstb>, Doe. 4,1557f. *os IMITISE ANERICAN Capital, $400,000.1 T rir, inderalgned havlng be pouo Agent for the. abôe. CcpnL,tIon.)w proreTd to iuare oéagis YsB FIX, nI>o 'oa tem, 2-l2mos. LEVI FAIRBANKS, Jr., j Ageut Wisîtb'.ý REAL ESTATE l'on SLCOSSIQOr PARK Au TOWN LOTS, flousa sud Lot, Water loo, à iable for Wsroboustag Purposes, &0., tauIthe TOWN- 0F WI{IITBY. - 0- PARCEL No. I .-Park lot, eomprlslng thnt valuable tratctot land, knowsas tise Gildersileeve propei'ty,. Iying north of the Grand Trunk Itsilwsy1 coutaiulug about 18-ocres, more Grt loà is. PARC El, No. 2.-Park lot lyiug. South of Jtnilwîy tlre, sud honuded u the South, b>'tise rood leîding to Milwsy Station, outatssg about SU~ acres, moto or le«s. PARCEL No. 3,-Lot cf land contalniug about ouîi.ond-&.bilf acres, more or ais, 9itnated eu tihe cornet cf Richmond and Front Streets. PÂIRCEL No. 4.-Lot cf land contaitning about tvo sors, moto or las,, tuated on thse coruor orfiHenry and Bond etroote. PARCEL No. 5-Lo1:t No. 7, Blook 2, west aide of iebmond streot, containinsg bafaînron vhicls there aa à osse-aud- .a4slf store>' trame bouse, at preisesitoce- cupled by M. Hugh Armstrong. PARCEL No. O.-Two wterInts nt Wliit- b y arboar, lyig wesl of XleRMIrs. Jas. Rwe & Co'a Warehou*s, sud lsuvitng a frontageonou tise learbont. Ail thse hovc lots are mopt ellrlbly situeteil lu excellent locations for malifactnr, ote- nsgiug, sud bilinlg purpotsca. witisin tb, zorporsion of the count> towncf W iitîhy, eue of tIse bet markets cmi là kc UOntario. Iu vimv of tis eleî.ty eosstrnction cf the Wlsttby and Port Perry Riiwoy visifets voulu more thon trchîs their valua, tfiey oitsr a de- uIrasble opportnssit1 for luveatunont bte e. As an cailY, . rding up f tise estatoe la ton- dcrcd Iuîpcr,.tlvely neccaat>, on eorly sale iutit ho effetei. A~picsion for farlîser particulareansd la- formaotion, to be mode te J. G. MACDONALD, cars of Commercial Bank, Kingaston. Or t TIIOS. LAWIEII, Marchant, Whithy. Wlîithy, Foi,. 12, 1888.0 ]BROOKLIN HOUSE, CLARK & VICKEIIY, - Preprieters. Beg ment respectfnlly te lnform tise isîhab'i. tants oft1h.' onut>' of Ontario, tisat tbey havA Ieasod thse aboyé promnisesinel>' occupied by Sandy Pornoe, wh;cb thcy have nowiy fisroish- cd and rcnovated, sud tise>' are prepared te. iccemmodate the travellinig public. Tise Bor sqtocked with tise bout linpsors and cigare, sud as attentivaoostler always Iu atteudisîco. CLARK & VICKERY, Bri)okhia, April, 1868. 191>. WELLINGTON 1MOTEL, MARKHAM. J. REBOTON,- -Paoprietor. 19.1>' B3yaLaw No.um-t À By-law to alter the aide road Set zeen Lots numberg twenty-miz and tueenty- 8eren, in t1. second conewsiof pthe Townslsip ofp Pickerinsg. Tise unsneil cf tise Corporations of tie Town. silp c etIieketig, esuocts: Tbat tise sbde-rond between lots auinbrs twest>'-ul sud Iwossty-neveu, lus the secod couceqIon cf lise Tonsifp cf icketbug, bc aud.lho some Il uoeta>'atered, se ma te lu- clodo s portioià of lott number tvcnty-sbx, lu the occossd eoncoof theo salut Townisîp ofl'lekern,n aoordaunîwtis s certain Re1port. aud description oet nid rond!, made b>' $hîuier, Esq.. P. L. B., cii lie eloveust, daY ot ,1Ma>',1868, as foilov., tusIla tle a>, cousmesicsuîgz at ts Stone Monument plauted aI tie Sentis-couiangle of tic soid lot Ne. 26, ouîd runsîiug lieenorth1là degrèes, 28 primes, vest 49 chaîna sud 72 links, more or lassa, btiseh centIre of the nid enoosion 1 tîsanas north 16 degres, voist 19 elsobu asuit 89 his;theosnsrtis 16 degrees, 10 primes west 209chtnsud sends uluko, more or jeaa,le lise rein cf tise ,aid couýeadoi, 48 Iliks w.sstmanl>' (nmtisaStoneé Monument pIanted tishe norti-wnt angle of tise sold lot Ne. 26. Tise nid rund teisoi uneo isla vide, and tise aber. desenlbed lin.o10 o e ecnt- orbj limit hsreef. Tuau tise above deeulbed rond ho and ta hsotobyetablialied nas# publie isigbvay. Thoat thi; bv-bav ssaillbav, forcansd efc iînmediteJyou sud &attlie pln tiu eet. lix Eabaoelea atrue or oa BI Ily, pro. .poeed b>'thlbionssl oth lCorporaidon ci tb. TOWNSHIP of ?lERIG Tolbe passiet aita next meeting, to b. boIt lu lis TOWN HALL, ON Saturday, [ho istk Of Judy, nt. HECTOIL BEATON, Tovirs ae, Damea 4 eln.bsi - S Goal!1 1! -a.,uO jors susson uae ananns sq un; ualom sisqDt love, soime 0 ses-bisha and ilisq so fit-rtue Story of Catherine ot lùiat. Il Walt for me; ÃŽ ab4li gnon relta,"y sald the porion-wbo hsd follow.d tbom. Rogsoon apposred cartying a lenteru, snd Catberine recognized the. youug> tan. got wbom e bat! first mot la tie wood. Tii. llght diseoierod 10 tbe young girl ithe eartlh oovered witb ith. dead and dying; bat, overcoaslug ber ropugnance le snob a scene, ab@ diligently parsued ber oatch, Fredirika hein1 assable to récollect thée spot .wbere aie had seca ber mauter <ail. The. sîranger followed ia silence. Bach moment lb. agitation of lb. Young girl in. cteasod, and iii. sickeniag algits around ber, joiaed le lhe fuitlest searci, overcamo ber fortitude, and iinkiag on tb. gronud, abs coloi-red ber face wiîh lier banda and wept violently. "lCatberine," aaid the ssnknowu, i"yen ba"e andertakien a tuak ton muci for jour age and estreagth; lave the search te me, and at daybreaki, wbeu the deed are sepr atod (rota the wonnded, I shaîl myselieok ibibaits tof?>be'town,wbo willboefahIlee" recoguize -Ibà ir pesteor,- ni perbaps he May. ne)t b 'mong th. dead." "WiaI I bave commonced I aol flià ish" sÉlid ~atberine -. "bat yen, mon- rient, wbom do yen seek l'O id Bear me, Catetine, replied the sîrangor. 9,1arn but a soldier, and pet. Laps nsay bave the. courage of a soldier;, bat, on my word, yours ostenishea me. Yen are net fermed te De e slave, lLengL a gouerel me>' ho jour master. Yon are now beyond the camp : no person has secu yeu. FIy 1 If Ion waut moue>', bore il l." "' Tii Heaven thal ba sehs oi e," ex- ielalmod"dîsold woman, tatding the puroe from liii aud. 6"Coubenne, de not refuse snob goodnuis lot ns ly.'" 61 Py ? rien laJiave given my word net le do se. Do yen consider liat as uoîbing, menaient 7?5 seid the girl wiîb surprise." si No-wben givon by a sman," roplied the. iuld!*et. 6"But it la of ittle con- aeqnence'wben breken by auch as yen-a girl wilhout-neme, witiout birti. Tiink welI cf riat yen muet endure if yon returu s the bopos cf jour yeush changed lnte misery, and yen yonraolf beceme a slave. I conjure jon te 6>." But Catherine, firm te berý purpese, re. plied, IlIsn ignorant feor wbat Ged bas deaîined me. I arn avare Ibat I arn but e cbuld, unknown, and viîbont name ; but ouglit lb. dbicurity of my birtb tiethr. ize'me in doing & wrerig action?7 If I vas a princes., I sboald keep my promise. Perbapa I bave lbe betcf a princesa. Monsieur, I ahaîl keep su> word."' Thon riaiug and torning te Frederika, abe addod, "lCeme, Frederika, 1.et us continue ont serch; I feel myaelf streuger new." At Ibis moment a sîifled groan vas beard a shoen distance from wnere ah. atood. 'o Huah P" wbispeted Catherine, lisîeniug witb bresîbloas auxiel>'. Tii gtoan vas repeated, aiq like a yonug fewn, aie sptang te tie spot wienco il, pteceeded, and tbrewing horself b>' tLe side of an eld mon streicbed on lb. grennd, &ho exclaimued, "&Frederike, the ligbî ItIîis be 1 Quick b quick 1 Oh, my fether, my benefacter, ipeak lo e 1e It la jour ciild, jeur 11111e Caîberine, joat lilîbe Catherine, vbe calis." - Froderika ield up the liglitthe b.cen. tenance of lie old man, nbile Catherine, wiLh an addrets and attention fat beyond ber jeers, endeaveuted le find the wennd froin nbicb the pator vas snffetisig. As she raised bis atm te ehtricale bitm <rom the. bodies lyiag atonnd, ho nîtered a crj of pain, at the same lime opening bis oyes. ilWicre sam 1 T"'asked hb. ecogniziapi Caherine and -Frederuka, bal not knowng lb. young soidior, lie repestods U Whete Il Witb jour friend," s.epliod Catherine, Ikissiag bis fotoheeddé "nuL jear utile ÉNotierine. O - i-e, y faîbe, and -.2 De aile uamber 1i *uudiiSVsii changed ber dr@ss, and faeteaed ber- long rblack bau tan a koot uder bar bonnet, ah. descecded le tha roomsof lb. paster', Who bild just voke., Mydear bafalr, aid so, hcune. iug, by bis b.d sidef, "bing jour poor caiberlna$, wbo i. obligod 1o heavrejeu fot - "WliaI do yoù gay, eiuhe obd man, a.louisbed at*ber words, sud 100 iug tii ets whioli lf rom lb. young ULvocian. ilYest.rda9', ta>'father, I1vas lakets prisoner, and nov beloug 10 lie Rassisu general. He pernsiîted me t1, seçk f or Yeon civi ng My>'promise Ibot I sheuld le' la;Ilnol foobuVu <ofr ber Io de se mon sieur 7"1 asIred lmrederlka, overcome aut be ides cf loaing ber dearlyalcved echild. 11I amn nov cMd, sud vaut help; sud vho eau ssist me luke Caherine? Who will siug for jea lie souga to wiich yen bave so often liaîened 7 Who viii gi.ve yen an antis t e au -ounsîbefs on valk, ati amuse yen as abe conld?1 lo, Catherine, jeu muetnIt etave unfer au unbappy promise givon at basard-fonceed rom ".u. Yen knon lu vas forced frorn jon. If il bad been given <rosi>', I shonid have bien tLe Brut 10 sa>'go."' The petiot sud Catherine listened witb- eut interruption to the old woen. Sko ,vtonslsi firot spole-" Tfon Lave promised fie genertl tiet yon woald reltarny u ciild 7" 01Yos, ta> fatber,"l anavened Catherine, sobiing; l"sud in il kiat! of l'redonika tu, try te diasurde m nus mysu> alution, b>' thus brngiag 10 ni>'memory &HIltle ibop. pines tiat I have eujoyed, and vbich I amu about to boue fer over 7" "lgo, nu>'ild; go, my. deer Calber. ine," asaid lie oIt! man in a solemu voie; "do jour dut>', sud God vili blesjon." The pastor laid bis baud on lier Lead, sud, as tL. pour girl sobbod, vitieut bar- ing lie power bu-sse fronu ber knes, b. added, lu a toupet offibln-diA promise giren sonld nover he breken, my> child u the day edraucea-go, j and nus> jour Heavaul>' Fatier vatci ever jeu." Catherine arese, sud kisMing tie lips of tLe old muan excbsimed1-1.léÀdien, su> fatbot 1 adieu, Froderika7' and lait tie bonne precipatel>'. As Catherinie onteredthfe talt cf tLe general, aie vas mtt b>. tie jonng seldier nho Lad sccompanied ber ini the proviens uigist's searci, and vie stsrtod on seeissg lien. Sie had dried ber bears, and, nith a calm counteuence, ptesented berself Lefore lie genîral, nie vas engaget! giviug audience, and liaîeniag to fie pu.ayeta cf some of the lihiats eff!tlaieusbnurg. 641a ibis yen, litle one 7" said i., per ceiving Cathine. 1-1 feà ted iLet I sbonld net bave seen joti again*." I gave jeu My>'Word?" vau the bnief repl>' of Catberne. Tii. genersi smiled. "lYen ste yonng sud intelligent, sud seem 10 ho good- inuoted : jon ougit t10 make a good ser. vant. Lel me ses e yoyn prepare a iteakfeat feu. me." Catherine seîired viioal apeabiug, snd short!>' retuedt te lenot,beariug a Ira>' viti the required îljuner. The gonerat and the yonug unkuova vee the oni>' occupante, but vithont ne. marking ihe fasuilianit>' niicb existed b.- Iveean bisu ho vas leader of s great atm>', and! one nbo, te, judge b>' bis dreas, ap- peared but a simuple ooldier, Catherine artangedth tlabie fer lie pair. 'Soe wine, nu>'cbibd," seid fthe soldieri holding tonards ber bils glass to be filled, and-add- ed, f'Hov old are yen 7" 'lTbitteen jean," l à ssered Catberine. "iWitb a beart of tbirîy b Wiy, genou.. aI, if>'on a et be lut Inigbtsosrcbiag asuongit the deat! for tbe body of ber benefactor, pale sud urembliag, bat full cf curage, yon vouit! bave admired ber s1 did. Tfon bsd tien no fear cf the dead, Oaîberino blnsbed as she tepiied, I 'bail no tiengit o4 fear ; 1 îbongbt bat of fiudiug su> benefactor, tLe poorputIot smli-a "Yes," repliet!Cauheritue, 4"for 'ou hava lie ait rfa bravremin; eud'I 1 hîke YOD because jcu bave bien kind to me, peor ebild lia: I arn"' aéfo re net sors'y, tien, tisai I arn uothing but 6faor soldier 7" "à Toc happy, proridedt! Ibt you permit me, té <ollb oi neacd neyer léavré joli." The aoldier atoppot! Lfoeaa tout more eievated than lb. test. d"Tuis lathe lent of lie czar," sait! be - romain niiera you are, lu la isright ibat 1 alai! ti lis per. mission 10 martyy bb.i Ci*b*i. asvatet! but a fev minutes nhen a j'onug officer advancing, said, "Mademoiselle, the Czar Peter viabos te Obi folloeet, and! ouienlening tie lent, saw a large number ef'officets standing, iu tLe centre cf niouu *as ostèd a ffiaa cf about Ibity>' eara Of age;, nm ale im- medialel>' recogaized s ber'laie,.qýpnpsn ion. "Wbere, Ilion, la the czar?" asked Caîbserinet tîning tonards the yenag offi- ,iThee 1" osid ho, poinîing tu tLe sel- dier vie w vasotod. "lThere? Tiat lesu>' bsband i. "Hé ea1h>'lbssudandb, czar like- vise, Cathetine," saidt!hIe émperor cf Resala, fortu- tva e; ent! addtet!, 6Hov astonîsot! edyu eppear. Doos lie ueva grievo yèn? Doos nu> titI. prevent yen (rom ioving mne 7", 96I beved von as a soldior," said ah.; "&I nil i ao love yen as an empeter.9 Ant! Peter IL, czarof Rusea, talaing the baud of tie young orpiau, proseulet! ber to bis officets as tie futue emptescf -Ras. sialb It nili readiiy hLé ieed Iliat Cather- mne did net (ergot tise pastor Skevtor.aki. True, he muâtai ui ose the socicfy cf bii dear chil t;bt wbat'a differeuge,. bel*oen yieut!lag ber np te i. the vif. of a prince, (nons knoviug thet tLe vas the servant of tie cenqerer-aslsave i Bat, alas 1 he vau nel long aparedtu l regret ber absence. Hie .nover f borengl>' nocovered froua the nounda ie hat! receiret!i and bis aister,, and tihe <itiful Fredorika, belL noari>' a oit! as hissof, soon (ehloned hlm té the grav'e. Catherine bat! ne on. in fthé vorld îc divide ber affection (tomn ber bnsband. After îbeir merriagp, uhe czar placed ber in a privaie dvelliug la tia cil>' of Moen, vbete be paid hon freqnenu visita, ont! ofien carnme trasact public business viti bis officetu. Il vas in tbia modeat retteal that ior Ive ciliro voe hotu,; Anne lu 1708, and Elizabeth in 17(10. Wien Peter suae var on tLe Tanks lu 1711. bc bai a i tiat i4, vife abonit eccompan>' bis; eut!during Ibis campaign abi diatingnisbod nerseif in a manuer to resuarkable, sud too bonounable te berslf, for us tu pas. it over. 1'reuis cti kilIlanmilitar>' facties of Peterthle dreat sud bis genetals sud aise <tons tie admirable discipline cf bis treepol, a bod>' of elgil îheusand Rnasiau ied as taiu' theib attack of a bn'sdrot satd fifi>' tbonssnd rutks. the lest sud suilering on eacb side bat! been great, jet * il coubd not ho sait!i bat eiuber paru>. bai gainetheii ,vider>'. The Rassiaus, i onevon, #ere ia circnastances ut pecabiar distrese. Tie>' veto surroundet! b>'an immense bod>' cf tboir foea, and tins abat out nol fo nm evor>' Iemns of prering pre*iaions, but even (nom approscbiug tbe river Pru, wiehvas close at baud, sud on niiei lie>' dopeadet! for a aupi>' of nator. Tbirat sud slariatioun ete more dreadful te enceunier lion Turkisi anords ; and il seomed thal, aiter ail, tic>' vonbd become ths &laves of tie Mabommedans. Ail the memoirs of the tisn agi-e. tbat the czar, dirided t! vt i b iif viol alpe te teke-if be couit! anyna> aveid the isupou!iag tdestructien for biesself, bis vif. sud bis srmy-retired Itelais tentgpptessed viii grief, iaviag gircu positive endors fiat b. sionît! net ho distnrbd- bis prend spirit natnrail>' dislikiug s viîneas 10 tie distraction cf bis mmnd. But noînitistant! iug bis-comment!, Cathernue <eittbtst, as bis wifo, ber plLâce wuasta bis a ide-, îîad accordingl>' abe forcet! ber va>' isu.- Sie foti! lhim as-u (rin êoesof thome, Soon allemardslbe vas Vrtiug 100-viteof ,bis (nienda aet St. Peottburg, and- coult - ýnot forboar relaîtng the adventure. Tued latter b>' soin. accident reacboth le bandit cf th.eoser, vio fmsediauojj seut au or- der te the govetuor of Riga, te' eoaove *o fin ca!ul the penson vbe vws meatiene!; The governor teck suci prompt meoaurçoi tiaI ho soon discoreeth e suraugar, wbo prove4 te h. the sonu of a Lithustia n gen- tleman vie ba! been killie the l ats et Pen!, !eving tIvo Young ehildren, aie>' anagrthon in tie cradié. P-eter cettailul>' apoke the Iruth vhel lie aaid fue no#or di! anthidg lke ethoef people; for-the mauner l i -bîé b seul for the strenger,7 vbom he aaapecît!. to Le arelative. ef bis, vife, eut! iabe teto vl- come, wm t10 ceuse hlm:o te b. as-restet! on the ciarge 'of some pretende!-crime, aud breagit as'a prisoer te flis court 1,tiongl orders te bis guarda vere pivael>' gilet le trat bita voîl.- On questiouiug bi, bi se ir wuasri persnaded tiat he was Cabeine's brother, thaî,bo calot! Lins tevarda hlm iayungi 'Cerne L, itier ard kiltà ibe baud cf ibe'cm- pneis, and esubrace jour ý6stiie>." lid sait îbt Catherine feiâte4 viti * alsrprise; eat! tiat, wLen sue came 10 isersoif, the czar exclaiuot!,'Thia labut naunrai; eut! If >'oUrbroteretbas mout, we vl maire sometbing cf bit»; if ho bus ne, vo ueat 'leave, hlm as lie is."' A speech ver>'cia. tacte riatic et Peter the Great., It ia tu ho snppoaed tiat hie' ba! sot». merit, since nie Sut! hé vas ci-cat!ed aceant, and -mat- ie! te s lady cf quali>'. The adrenoiared of bis cbiidlseod on! jou)b are not record. et!; but vbatever guardimus lbe bat! feni must haro kuenu vie Le *asor lhé,couit!d net bave anspecteit! tthe- erpin vinÊt sut t'eé eott! mcv Pete-r bismaried vas bis aisien. Peter ithe Great die! la 1125t sud beft leO Cateine htile O f etap'oas, whibucbsiesntainet! viii diguit>'; and aller neigning Ino jeasn sut omcemo>nths, erpire! ou tbe 27tb of Ma>' 1727, et, ta ae ofîbiîj.eigbt. Ais AlarningTheory. Fresu thé annuel s-courrouce of1 rainiot1 metorie showats, sudthtie explrmsion cr stoamboilers lu vauriens-parts cf thsecoun- try, Prof. !.oornîa uggests a vert no fuintable tiscor' in regpardbtssftyo tse earth itsebL. Uc this ii net ipes- subIe ît s iufficicul atensu might ho gene- tatsul in 1he buTuiug contre cf lise iverir! te lylow tise visole- globe le pieces. A volcanie eruiption uu'lea tIse se, or near lu, like tisiof Veaýuvius nov lu pro,-resa, may ai au>' moment couvent the carÃi mb e isuge aleanm-beiler. b> ieltine tise vater, in upon thse central tilres, te b. fùolwct!4- lear ought vo knnLby an cexplosuion ibat shalltend il npar*nd senth ie fragmeonts corceriug throssgh apaco E.;Stinli 1.luets or melcots, ect bearing off goma diatradi- ed meuîîber or nuembera cf tseitusmen famu~'i y t oiepercisince nov di.,ucever. lsa&nwacqssaintauces lu 'other pmrts of tise olanetary syteui no- rcvelving viii os. 'en tisaitihe fiuaicatastrophe .ssey, after abu, be cul>' e boler explosion Ou- a ma- siticeut scaleocf, grandeur -ad destruction. QUsuarrOun 1ReaLAWvER&u-1. Wiat 1* thse female naine ansvcriug te s Mati- damis ? ,, ig. 4>oes tise expression, "~Bar selle" sTe- fer tojokes made by cetinsel ? 8. lias e fi fae n>'iiug 1tedo villa Ihor pantomimne, ca lied Fae Fa Fum 1 4. 19 -ot an actionsrery trutifut viea il vili net 11sfr'. 5. bini s paient 'ambigui>' b.- a ncw fruvetion r' A Pasy' CoNezrr.-It vas a pretty concoit cf a remantic tler vise. naie VnisRose, and! vie usamet! his datughitr "lVibd," mc tint ase grov Upnder 't.he appellatiôo f 11%ild Rs! But tise r-T usauceof tho tbiug aras sat!ly apeilet! arien aiemerriot! a man b>' lb? nanse of "lBull." Tii-aus'sçAWD iss-ixciio O AuçÀurÂ1%Xg -Tse Minerve gives tise-fulboving liai cf peotons, in Canada vWhe bave been (avons-et- vush Britishs tities cf nobilit>' --Ba-ouita -Tse hale Sir Jaunes Stuaert, Sir L.- IL Liifoutsine, Sir J. B. Robinson.sat! Sir (G. B. Carie-. The Itast lt th.oui>' one novr. sbire. Knlihl-Tie late Sir L'P. Tache, I Oetobsr 541h' 1607, Wbklajr, Uay O, Un. Il vr " 0040b« g4th, 10«4,