Whitby Chronicle, 18 Jun 1868, p. 4

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O'NTARIO, YoitK & PEL î;ALUeStts.sduid lte shboilsut 00,100, i a iiilI&priItitd utttieBCh r0uS ý0 oficefor MrI. ;,Mtuv. - 1 i 1~OE y Po LOA N '~ogool m,)rtw4tire îiiiy-i»s5etél V'I 0lW tooS wiai¶tsit 11165l. tit tujqte!oiîislpitl. "1c po éiit 8titre toi Ite 1rai'<it mlnte- i 7 CQtipit5s In ' it ti i, tsldis 0 8sisst.leuss vit I 0W îîîSetc t UnF.s11î ciss.l oisipro-, ~"oeisi gond>s1'ifpifVl"st isrmsa l eb r extreitstis' use wiiies, iil"r aià0i r, enlolisi bu5itsgis t sisd sll. Aplypus.ts.lYîJAMES IIOLDEN, <tlslAgAigflce. Loisisti srsssc tslnd (et:@- i.1 Alcs'ol st.s' Wisli>by, Sept. *25, If A7. 88 'TiU? LIVERPOOL AND LONDON 9 1 t iii h tp(odisiliai' pis'sît JsissXs5isi xcsseultitt #Ive lind gisliait millioniipousidoç wseiliti. Tise ilhi (iss l ts s *îi 'csirgesssmul Kit it toe a widia 5i'L'5, 111s0, witio lsotl liit. 20nifls sVèd ta tise c.stlsli i' fltîsîs liitcttiticit, s tise îcssfis.'sco ill"iitt5jv 1 tp5sl' lrts. ts- rit - AN , iosv s tli t isîd timssiL' gilsil 15 - 'illy, wlsssl'o verit sr'î's.itsl fas I» fint yesi, 1830, lîssu isro "tttit4nait a'uled. . ......... 07 1 1w llotis 70s., 1140J.. I .... ..... 4.0 * Otls yessî, 154.,_....... .271J3 i e yeua i Issic,li...... 'ia Vire liemerve Viss't Wlnsw $1.727.44 The LiI'. Reserve'o 8ussd is. now $ii,2v2e,4si8 Th Ci s, y 0oit- 14iiera ppliCatlin.fur lIsiulasscs msy bc ie. ItlIiiO stdTi1ÀiY, <Z1tiL MENTw, %W îîrstr, OLD ItzoicaT Oncu. Yebrusr tTh, 1863. 7 COAL OIL I1AMPS OF TUSE E8T l>ATISlON Malles, Chimneys, 1.4CketBî Veviîs~l la îO 1..A P B13 lNLISS, lit low 4"' Boat COAIo OIL, tliteclseaçeet lit *~' ~ JAS. ILJ!.PlitURIE's FAUtLY i'i.VO brisES 8TO iIE-x E PE Il$, U AR ME R8S, AND 0,11IiS18, Ir, IIOULII tboy tt ii i.<rfuise imrporeil diret. 'b lils sitiai el sss s stri bsii iv s t eîvs c ivs,'r (is, " i4ssis.iisti seiosg.', tli .it artf~ , l'tlse 5'iUltti-iil5i rs'i.'iv. s.s'ery dit)' 4.a àtI5Ž ia l le Iras gis tire iliit'ie. midi. i s1are a f 5 sa (MrUr ilg sessssssssisgais.acasiy lutttII ltll, (lei, Josli. 1. lem, s',fi su.e. sîriseei sis gusosi oris4!r:'llisegisais» i.;pure a ic s'suis ie r* ee lp. A 5Pais'psrivo'sts w0li u ise iir ss(. qsusiy or 't'secnsIo Se fiiti i , îi ii issij Ilsss'ilssssut, 551ysiuotiliil gy t Cl i ;. lissesa w erav c sT, lItawa. Dec. 1 1:6 . itsigemsis. -isso' ix ort' Ilgljbll l irealsusstusi l 'ssusglivissil'ujwlsieis pu ri lutl is' jIi4 igressi Ca. a,' 4.Cilles, VOiu sy xpccsib sy future- ,ri.'ro. bsissîisti' te 'lss c sis'a 1i ii nrsyodi %valle toIsrwisriili a sris'ss iiisiuiss it l lrn pil 49s.1e lsaillu se 9-lsViret UtiOM 54s'ss's45sgssU i #8111e A's, riz 1 t OelO'i5 s irIlsVîsurs. & e.. Coissusti. J.fi lm,58 tieotieMeiti-l bis i si'rrn.yssu iesslise istwoIssi 'Tea stu op "Je ris t'! 017 ,'aectitit ssssssissy). escû'saiy , Yssssgilly.sohst, as- relas, li'tsvsse :ssi siusr 'x o. ulIbo. uaigaii)sicre, ssid slie »sra.&C., tl. OLIVERt. l'hg isuributnrg ltsitiseleà sisil iJîsunîaî"have .' quit iessin'ire i tiai su.si( vl Ileii ssrou ifis s r s asised I yitiiiissisuis3 ssjuro "r ise Cosîspssssy aýV aîs4IIY O.lcted alisisrmpsrtrd ea lpl <41 s.a's j tecslitluiti srssci pIre asst l're (rosespçtasisîus 1 "4'Iiis<i. fili 0. 20 20, 15 ai tsi 21.tic. ssia. JiLAsCK 'K',Cssn.s (.l5i5.lisless[ee .rsss,"ea,4, . , FI"ssil 's'htdrs'si iew2Seissçssssdut. 'w> M sd O03'; 1ierlrct Fu's ig5siIissrsido. la. ; ,,5) îns 4, ;e.;51s5i itsvsrsed is. c. ; very i'ssu ;,>s. asis, 1&- 6 e.; ;st<uai. 00e. 65.; Vei7 FiS', 1 A',;I5issest. 6kOc. Sr il 4VU'ftT5l..Nl'îCsskrissmri, 8Wv;fisse do, ~;e; YsussgII>cot OVe Oie-050. assit 5',1'ii Ii)s. itVry VIse. k16 spsriviscassîtver>' iîsuce, 1l AUsoruisirefur Iîsis.ssssf8si mn!95 Ils. orisro 121ho ,8"s5 eiiigc icetsi l~ccsisssry.'refiîs oioitssislrs sSi icaiia]'c'isp I lsecsi;ai Iissî'îs rimj,îed taasa. iasid il iie Mtise s',isss n'sge. ý/eigits qiiseis iieu is'sli sy l'ei&tsspiituly re'tses t iCS ssiiibissg ti gel uti' ciisil". Agis excellentl ~4id iea uililie lesi fss <ss. ie'si, 0; ver), g.sd go iessiisîi pirpo ise, Ou Baer. i iviiiss.byissd 1Rt. * "lY 51s5155as wiI lesice '8141 l'est (tIel.s irSlf. tir iit'. m"lssses.'be s.rruaigetwillie pul ig adsue tiieaiig ti'iissodsgrby mai$ emàtsa.siiiig is. y titi ncseie lais bu col tlesiids tery i>y rArisP.niiwlieri JJ~8li >iHTR.ILTKA CtP11%ANY. 6 lliurptal sirses, Monrent. Rodaeilo ngse te bayere o 8sese and op-. Aitxl se n~t from Iies.llMasucnt bae tise îîsipg . îî llste Mpilt si4lêos PlostiresI otF .l, m68 N$EW CARMIAUX, AT40 Waggon $hop £M'Some splendid ispeci Remember ilite Old -Stand. Wlîitbyt- May 4,'1868, mens of k'xcture 1 18-Iy Spring & *SumnIer Olothinga Th *e subscriber desires to return-tbanks to lusnumerous patrons frpint favori, and beent te anneunee that-hei.now supplied with a choice stock carefly seieote'a by himeelfl,of CANÂIDiAI ENGLISII & SCOTOi Tweeds, Continge, Caslmnero., Iroudclotbpr, 511k Jlitutes, &cb &Ce. Whlich liefi prcparted, te mako up to erder, on the ohorteot notice; in the lat. et-style, and on thse moit reasonable termas. ALAA Ir J.~ra.. I3Drock ut,, Nliby, blarch 24, 1808. 12-17 $15300-O IN PRESENTS AT IIOYTtS NEW PIIOTOGIIAI3I GALLERY, OSIIA CORNER OF KING & SIJICOE STREETS, FIROT FLOOSî Prizes consist of GoId and Silver Watches, Gold Chains, Broocbes nnd Jewelry ni al kinds; aise Sowing Machine, Paisîtings, Albuins, and a va. riety cf excellent eicekul Iife-l.ike likenesses takecn in a few seconds, in a manner to en- sure perfeet sitisfaetion. PM' Sec Bills for, mariner cf distribution et pre. setts. Nowvisthéehb nce for sdi te seeure cnduring PIIOTOGRAPlIS, and valu't4blo preeute, ut a luis pî'ice than 'Most photographtcrs charge fer thte pic. turcs ilone. Oshawa, bMarch 24, 1808. 12 THOl LAIWLER9 WHOLESALE & RETAIL CENERAL CROCER, WTINrE AND SPIRIT CROCKERY &GLASSWARE, TPIE CHEQUERED -STORE. 3311CR ST19EET, 1'VIIT»Yi Fresh Arrivais Spring Goods of the Latcst Styles, at -Ã"- qutty 0O Rremm ~fimt-e1 >!y mu fu nwt t 1 îplace, corner 0o Byron land Duda S h., MI WIUTBY1 NOV. 27, 1867b LBROWN. DIVISION COURTSIN TIIE COUNTY 0F. ONITAýRI01, FPOR THE YA 88 ____ 21 1 2 T i i 1.. 1îî 2 "2 1leceîsg............... ... 2.. 2 2... 2 " .U bi1o............ .... . 14 31 '.. 15 30 . , 5. .:.. 1o si S21 .... ... ..27... .......à ...21 . "~2 , ia.r........... .... .....28 ....... w2 7Athorley ...... ... .....24.. ... 80 . .. 8 ..2 Wltby, Jantiary 10th, 1863.Jue ! 1Opp osition is the Life of Trade. NEW FlJINITUIIE WÀREROOMS JNO., TILL & Co., Will be fouind a full andcomplete assorLinent of weIl made Fuùr- nilmîre. Parties watting anyting ini our Iilno *111 find it te their advantage te cail and inspeet our Stock before pjurchasiug cisewhcîei,lss e are deter- rnîied to ell î&» (JIEAP FOR CA.SH. E VE RY ARTICLE NVARRANTÈD& Whitby, May T W E bege to intimate that our Spring and Summer Stock is Wnow complete, comprising the largest and. best msorte d Stock 'we have ever offered, and at much lower prices than lest season Panicy Dress Gooués, (la grant variety.) Black Silks, Coloured Silks'. Printff. Printed Muslins. Shawls. Mantdes. Parasols. Urey and White Cottons. Urey and White Bhoeting. Shirtings. Fancy Plannels. Fancy and Whi.te Stayo, Hosieryb MOURINS 00011ý, Black Cebourg; Thebit Cloth, Lustres, Victoria. Cords, Paramaiu- ta atd Frenchi Mernue. Bats, Caps, Necktieg, J3races, in great variety. Special atten- tion is itwited te our large stock of lîr6adl Clotîts, English, Scotch and Cana- diama Tiveeds, ail et which arceoff cred at very LOW 1'ICES FOR CASH. a c 5 a ia i i e Pe l od an l a e as g o as i eie- U P H IO L S T E R IN G d o e w ith n e a tn e ss a n d d isp a tc h . 7# ." " t i i I W . 1 4 . n Jd Cane~~~~~~~ Mrcaîe Chh ' cît n iae sgo Mic."5~Joth1iIl LT..OLOvur 1?emember lite place, Caldwell's Block, dhree doors South& of lte late WMn. Till's Furnilure Wareroom8, Wdlby. JAS. H. SAXO, lOOlb's. of Good Cican Feathers Wanted. Whitbyt May 18, 1869. 19.ly God News for the Million!1 $ý59090 WOIITH 0F GOODS-8 Kusow all mnr by theuic presents that 1 cau and dô Seli the CIIEAPEST GOODS in the COUNTY of ONTARIO, and why ? Because, adlopting the Cash Bstem, iny iotte Ie M. Il. COCIIRANE'S. Id SMALL Tw~eeds-..Eriglisli, Scotchiand Canadiaii, nt tIotlti ng-ieaidy-mnade, and to Order, at M. Il. COCIIRANE'S. -0- Groceries-A New anîd Large Stock, at M. H. COCLIRANWES. Thmncl.q Street, Whit5hy. 18 Iy Whitby, _Ma y 4, 1868. GREAT BARGAINS IN -Gr4~t flrganin l Iats and taps GieatfBDigains ini Blanktwts, Flaiinçlg,', Heavy- Shirting, &o. Gret'Bargains in lieavy Doublé- and Single ShaËIs, &c. Cwreat Biirgainw in IHeavy couds, Ioods, Fancy Scrfs, &40; G~ reat Barggas,, in tleavyGloves ,mitts, aosiery, &~ LARGE Aç PROFITS & QUICK K£ STOCK 0 FANCY AND ]IETURNS9 Staple Dry Goods, le now eonîplcte8 and for beauty, style and cheapness can't beeurpasscdi. Inthis my stock is very large, and more attractive thùtn usual, and parties favoring ie with their patronage, ilîl flnd it te their advantage both in point of style and cheapnesss. A f u assortment of MOURNING GOODS constantly on band, and don. up lu the sitortest notice. Alse, a clîcice collection of IIRIDAL EQU[PMENTS trinmced te eider, lu the lateat style. W~* Dresa IButtomns andi Trira. raings in endless variety. *TAILORING DîdPItATMENT-Clothing ma.de te order on the prmsis 'by flrst-claaî; workraen, sud an immense stock of the Most Fashionable COt . select fronfi. -'-A good ,Dt goaraute'cd. Speciai attention ealled te a lot cf BOOTS AND SHODES. in mens' and wonicn's., girls.' and misses'. Aise. Over Shees for damp wcather, Groceries, Ilard- ware, &ce. Inspection lu respcctfully invited. Cash paid fer Wiieat, Ilarley, l4ye sud Peas. W. V. r-tM-ir àLA-L O8IIA, oc1. 28, !W6 BOOTS & rnsr of .Klsg -and 6isiwe BWulot., O,,wa» HOJIS 0fthe R$gAt Fit antd Ma-e. TELe subsoriber tegs to .rëtùrn bis- sindeie tlanlgs to friehds and enstoems for the very liberal patronage c, xtended te hlm since ho commenced buinçss for huniseif. la order te meet the present requirehnerts et buaimuegà, lie bis râmoted tu tho prèrnfies Opposite Bank of Mon8tr'eaI, BROOK STREET, WHIITBYi Where hè bas introdufoêdà ]ai- ô and faried stock tif I4lies, On the shortest notice, and in the mnost Fashienable Styles. FIT 'R ARRANTED. OUR MILLINERY SHOW ROOMS WILL BE OPEN ON THIE lst OP - MAY NEXT,. When a splendid assortmcnt of No veltieà wiIl bé exkhibited. g3r A.ise on hand a corupiete assoi'tmect of Fresh Farùiiy Groceries, Wines aîîd Liquors,' Field and Garden Seeds. Whitby, April 22, 1868. 161Y. INDIA &_CHIINATEA COI. HOME DEPOT LON DON & LIVERPOOL No. 23, Hosp ital St.lontr0aI.- Putre and GENUINE TEAS, cf splendid naturai lavo'r, finperted direct froni the Company's Plantations in AISSAV, and on the slopes cf the IIIMALAYAS, blended wiîth e lnatoducts of CHINA. Only Two Qualities, viz. !-70c. ot $1 per lb , cîther Black, Green 0ý Mized. Fine l-louseiold Tta, consbining Sttcngth and Flavor, 70 cents petr lb. Finest procurable ......................1 dollar per lb. ~7Sold in Packcts and Canisters by tho Cooepany's Agents, in erery Cite' ant Town iu Canada. Agntfr OsA# M0.É AG RJCETLIRAýL M ARàk. ROBI~SON8 DruggIaS; WOR: 0Frit ltoi'ain lr.ds bseaon. Also Ici,.? tars., Sardine, Ceeca lut.s, Giger Becer,«te; * - J. NeDOIJGALL, ake~r, Confetioer, &e., Brok si Ybitby, a0î7 19, 1887. 28 PJIOTEL.TI<N FOR F&RMERS & OWNEUS 0F STOCK THIE IART11eD L1VE STOCK INSURAiNCE CIP' IIÂRTFORDIICN INCQU1>ODTED 137 THÉ Legislature t. Cniecticut, With a perpelmlal Ch*rer. w sîo,Woo, de. pciiied c sIlhthe Coibpîrollîut as cu rily -lo i L olîey Heldere. Tis Cemnyisint* prepaei to luse Po:,i lieles. onLIV8E10ST O gasinos.bcth D»EATHT ANID- THEF-li At moderaste Hales coreeshtttî, baed on alS Esîgi'ssh epreseo ver FF YARS. Te Pineer Ceîmpasy of AménSaà HO)MEt OPFICJ.- 'iTu %M 3Main fiteub mfrrsiroîd, Venu., m-r BRANCII (IFFIC(Es.-Dg Wsctilngloi Street, B ston, briizît & W.AeiueÉuit, M ias - g e t -m ; 1 06 - J 'r o a dd * V a y , ' N t i v l 'o r k, - C ýO a S & il b'sAN itursc es; 40 W slst t ree, l'hi- ladelphslsaP . 9E.A.Connazr, Managers; 4# La Salie Street, Chticgo, MAsos & 51§umwlck. M anaugrs.ATTI a L.FAPÈIY, r. 1.. AcANSTiW.zs FamifyGrecer, Wie 4 Iî>irlt S1 d e n ie r , Nço. 2, XMAEL 1' L< KING ST.-. EAST, CM, IAWA. OROMKER & GLASS WAU A WELL SELETED STOCK ÈRÈS11CTg À#, - , OF ALL I RDS, SAs c'bafi é s an,' oseine Cnada, . 21 LIVERY 1", bisa again i WHIM Apti Lmtr fnî FA FIl SPEIAL NOTIC-E &..fo Single Reapers and Mowers, and Reapers o-2it and Mowers Combinëd. >0.1- The subsMerbrs would càil the attention of the A'iul1turàtcom. 1000 seas in mtnit7 te their Stock of Iniplenients, wliere will 1>6 foummud airsout everytblngthe Far-2m00 se .. P ..,.- all rI andeniallyst thia s eMbiof the vear. tsi lhsi, atm&o f p e Bfi liCaaeery. Toronto. JARIES: tary Publie,h".. Csapbeil, Brock * whity, No. BOL Brook Stri et Wbitby, Jan. 2 ton,'Brock, C. W .7. lINE- AChanceey, N ke., %Vli'tty i. '% next t eglîry C Dundss Street. the Post Utilce. CI.,CIERAU BEL CoOKEA,E1. .BPorlt er, Moll terni Iry IOffc, Wbitb1 wi 44,Charel 'LYMAN E caery, Ccnveyi 'iRGEON-TO D.W. F 'F* k7, BçI j O0 zHorN NOTA WLitiy', Apit' TH1I T OWNCLERXC Ofice-Tovu AILIFF SIX'I VICTO: Ec Bynt' i) WIltby, Jan. 2- IlfA D. AWES- rprior acctai tien te, th* rat[ut g3iueost in X-XXIM, X7Wj&ïR..awwMIE3 ..rr.0 JoliN TILL. 1 Febrdory 20, 186 ýfTt- - MAJLX - - . - 4- Agent for Orha*ae

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