Whitby Chronicle, 11 Jun 1868, p. 3

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ThehligImeuh a pric-e pad for good, WbOL BtJTýER, :&T'YOâfANGIBSc»I'8. RSH FAMILY GROQÉRIES j'ust received. À oh1pletê aa*ortment (in ùIl kinde,) of the best l!arvesting ýr0y&ohbàdfor *9 tlo evpiostor CA e s, Painti, 0114j , le Ahil ~antity-of good. 3utter wanted. c ~ »20M0001W mof good WooI Wanted., YEOMAN, -GII3SON'S,. BàReertm Ii.Ol e-,OZJ.N 1, Laine# a Oorser AIT REDY'CED PRICJ7S .1 b lesires to inform cttmers that Le b.as nowsý fou haud a v superier Stock of ]BOOTS & 6ÉHRo o c iel kindâ Suitable for Summer Weuipa r hc-nluding Prunchla and Kid J3almorals, Congress, Frenchi CaIf4 &c.;aloe superior Engiluhi stylo aî.d ntaké. A furtbur reduction hi pricea' fisw ben mftde, oda triAl witl bc fonnd4 sefilcient to ceorilco al Who ~aIl as YARNOLD9' tlsit nowlicro eau shbo e =ossmdau.d witli se good an ai- $0leatselwa întce. ~W R. J. -Yarnold's Bot gd Shoe Store, next door to thie Royal Canadian Bankc, MMilian's BhI£ck, Whitby. I N reforende to the,4bove, CASTl'E FOX de,-ires it to bd tuide l'.own tIsat al whlo go te 3Mr. Ysrnold's will flind lim ready te takis tIur mcenur-ne, their ordéro, and 'wiIJ bc gîsarautecd a well fitting and Or anyibing eise in the Boot a.nd Shoe lUne, of the best work- taatïsltip,"4 0- A lot of tltsat, BUP>EiIOR BUOIK8KIke specially orilercad .9r tIe usskerignta, i wlicli lié dan supplyy ls ~patron» iwiîlî a Shouthat 0,6s a SIsee, oint wîll net [be betced in thé sikiuîg., * ~ Ordoris-left attime Bay attousdodte a» usuài. " CASTLE rFOX, * hl1týy, Jung 10, 1808. At 1IL J. Yaraold's i oot & Shce Stos'es ~R &J. CAMPBELL y' Direct the attention of Quakers to their Stock of t -Plain Drab <Brown $hawls, -Plails Poriiins lnd sîiperrine Bi'owîîi Clodig, lrnported exprcsa1y for their trade-- *A4t90 Op' 'flile' 'P LC-TfO THEIRSTOCK 0OP .*#ýpqjlyDkeus Goodu, Parasiolsi, Enklizh and Scottish Twebdé, "1lAk and colouro4 Silke, CarpeosCettons, Hosiory a snd Glovos, -Window Ourtains, Cotton Warps. t"THEIR MILLINE1IY ROOMS contain a spIendéd as- * bftnobt bf T*Veeds, Bohnots anid Ilats, 511k, Clotîs sand Tisue, MoeLle, &c. *g 'Just reccived a full Stock of fresli Teas, Sugars Currants, llaitds, i1ce, &o. ;Cîockcry and Ciasswore, &o. b IL &.J. 0. wo.uld state that thele Stôck ivas ptirclmied ln thé Brîis4 Marketa., wien Goods wec c t thse Icylcet _peoit, andti hey arc deter- -t l1n(d té give thdî esstomero the fuil benefit, -and reqîîest parties ini want of G.foods, to examine tîseir Stobk belore purchasing, as :lsey arc detcrwmsîed to tAell at a.ornall advaîîce on tise stérliiig cast. IZ. & 3. CAMIPBELL, Wh'Itby aud Manchester, -Jung Lit, 1868. 23 -NEW ADYBUTISENENTS. - PibloNoic TOWN 0QIF WII1TBYI AILII iLF4UlJTEl> TO MEET AT TUE * TR1tDAYe Juno lith, 1868, Tu take hto C"ou,.lîerolf)lu rsaîera Iimper- tlasconossetod wltttl,propsed I.orî '%b iti b'y sial4'ort 1'p'ry Uailwùy.- W Wlstby.iuî!ePIb,1848. td2 J E WE LR Y > AT L.AL L N'M s5TATI~IlY &k130OUK STOD13 -yod&i lîo-sstnut id * 4 ~lg- as ltstessrases.Isld L RIN0S, 'INS, &o., iii gold, miaidiaus elin0tiIYaTl 45. NEW ADVEZRTI8ZMýNTS. A Bi.-law ta alter fteaide road betrceen, Lots numîbdrs twcentf/-six and twent y- see, in the second conceeison o the 1"osnÀiP cf Peei~' Tisa Coasii of tise Corporatîion of tisa Town- aI, o091'.kiriis g, Cii555tA Tisat theie.lorosd itetwecas ota. ttstarbsrAa twtaaty.aaix aisitwasaty-a.eVes, iliatisa asoad- çocisqa1ss or ch' ie owassjs (pif iekerinsg, bis 01)(rl ta.n Marna lu0lserahy sltarcdl, 0 oso s;.ai cliade a portîca. cf lot nutiarahertwcrtn i, lu tise aecaaid ta isam o t êtisea.aIr owasip oflikei a i 4ajdatuw t crtsaiîî Il port te Sisisr, itq.. Il. L. S., osaath lalneitt dY. oh ,Ma>', 1868, aiu f'llcwai, tuait 10 te fmy, aasa-aas<jet the ëiî'saa Monumenue plaaati'd ai tise $oast-csasî atsglu cf tie sasi4l fo 2 atisi ru.asitg tJiecoc siortis 15 de#e4asas Lprirar-a, West 40 cîssilis asd72 hIsit», aioras or lea,te uhelonreas rcftisa sasialcscescs tilanei sortia 14 degi ex. west 19 elsdu;alussd tii linsa; Ilicute]siortit o'i 1~~~ 0 Pa'iise West 29 tciali,.as-i 80liiiko, nacre or fi-*$, te tianetassaiof tsi-t ithe *t! a.iota, US'ist wea.larly f!in lisq bNoibaeMouct pisintei ut hue aortii.wcl angli cf the uilallot No. 24, Theo muid rousitu iho) fine Chais wide, s'id tliafi alvisdosau-ibe&dlisse ta be tse et- ea iy liti Itbereot. - Tisat thae aboý, e saribad rond ha sud is e ierOteleitubliled ua spublia Iiilghway, ThaIt Mlas by-law gsitîlusvè force sud effast -liisîssidisttly on isiater.ilse pssslug tisturce. lId E aatvIolastruc 0 -14af ,.iw, pro, J.Pu,"4 by tise cUouie4of lise Uorporsîsuan TOWNBHIP of P>IOKEnr(>Ç Tolbe Posa l t ils unI me6tlng1toba1» iL - tise TOWN BALL, UN saturdsy, 9h0-iste Of MuY,mt IZECTOR BEATON,9 DsW ted ai Plekenglii lut da ciinc, 1868.,2 s - - ok CarýftIy seleèted in the I.est ,.Ma-kets, Fo uî long- ex-peri- ence l fsies u i xr inacihiti se sBst, we -irce abled té offer y.ou Frst-class Goods, on liWaI ternis, and at price.s whieh will poM~pre i4 oalywikhe beat in thé tradç. 0FR'1IILLINERVBEPA TMET Tlnder the superintendence oft Miss JO1INST0N,- is, fily Suppliçd, with' the most fashienable gqods or the scooit. ozr' Ouir Mantet and, Dress Making-Department, under tbe' àuperintendence of IMiOn*y,is êtocked with Goods suited ta the most carcful student of ýpste0 and at prices ta mýCet the timps. The Clothing 9epartment, under the 'superintendence cf IMn. MiLL, ép long and favorably kuown te thse public. à o Firet-ehu.s Cauer, is fufly stocked witls Mens' and Boys, Clotbiisg, ma>àci e roiss 2WIJ .crdcrs pro;pîLy eXwuted, aud work warrautedl iatussatory. BOOTS & SFIOES,-A large stock juet received, prices moderato. C4RL'EtS 4N1 FUR- NISIIING OOD01)8 an immense stock. G1UOCERIES, PROVISIONS, &c., as usual, of the best quality. tV~b' une 10, 1868, BY EPFLUXION 0F TIME!1 IJICKSON, CRAlWFORD & MIT14 lBcg to hhitilliate thait in Ortler to cffect a ce~aranice of our VVIit- "Y Stock, wiflîin as short a ýtirue as possib!c, the prices of the Goods have been màrkç4 dlowno, and the wholc, of this well-knowxî valuable Stock will be cleareil out AT COST5 1Plain & t-. w. Fancy Jress IlU'a ' lriais,' Blaîck and ('olored Silks, ,Silik and Cloth ,JaCtlits, 13Iack Lace >SIîawls, flcsiery, White sIiccting, Grey $lîceting', Table Dnmaski, Prints, Ginghamis, &c., &c. ftýý>The publc tMay rcly 0on getting Good Baigains during TI-IIS CIIEm A SALC BIgKONU.IIIVFIIB& SIII1 12l-ly. Wilkinson's Blockç, Broc1k-st. Whitby. W-- 36C x"JE 3 »2 Carniage Factory.ý NEW ADVERTISEMNENtS. Furnished Apartmentu, J~ ~ ~ii Nz caao ie1"~;~tf the Town. with ra %s ti Ut tlassau, Yal oe- f'Apply c& !hosaCasnosiet f fl'dsf 'alby, lotis, 180, 23 ROYAL CANADIAN BANK. N OTI as laaroby gavca,tisat a Jividond otf FI>touI.par caattfor gth.eusrrcis alaf- ),Car, boCisaict atsasriateocf EIGIIT pera-ntiiipar onsisn uposa ihepid up Caapitail ui tt »Bauk, lassa. liis»ay b is eesdtisr.i, aaalitant tise sauta wili bc payalIe nt ticUsaik, or ius agancisa, oat a.id siter Tlsurodsay, tise Ci day of JuIy Tiae Transafer 1Bock,.will ba clca.cd frott tise it tu tise M5hitJunae, boia days Inuuai. Tite aaitisicsis<oai' 5h. sareioiler willl l'aj, i ai isP16 k uMoudeyl thc Gîta 4du ris. eltar 10 bc tait et Sopti. lly order cf 1h. licari,l T. WOOD5ZIDÈ, Jasse11, 1868.922 Public Notic l10 berehy giscu, tuai!1 have duly apilcie ' a patent for W hew1yly ited Molcght bua "THE DOMINION PLOUGH," And ail pi;,rbcns. sri lareby essstiossed oçeinl issfrisiging du iny igistd, secarca b aMi PL- toaut. Dsatcd titis 2Brd day cf IMay. If 69» 21 JAMP4 WALSER -WELLIXÃ"GTON }OTEL, .rM RI A' >restMilis! 8~B8OEII3Z1I lssvhagiasaadthasbave Of every description kept on band and made .to order, from the lateait sud betut de8ýigaîs, at tise abovit carniage wvorks. Wil htIe erensed focilities rsow at lis di,31o»gei, tise uaiérigeed i. -i ttes propAred tIscU Over tp execute oïl eiders prousptl-y, lyith whici liu'may bo aored. Brock St, Wliitby, June 0, 1868, M.O. )NoVAN9, COOL iND COMIFOIIABIJE. What, grea-ter desiderat um than a'cool coIII o c~ 4m X3L go Ix £>laX In< warm Wether?1 And'there. is no difli- P cut n baning tbcse. if people'would only 0goathe'r ,ht T F&ÂND E LL ' 8 u hplace to get suited. Bfoots and Shoes off thé best -variet#; fand unsurpaasèd workman- R obis, for Ladies' Gents,' Missest sund ChUlrenl' wean liepxUrs as ' nal, vt' - - ttalis Prou3 Freib 1W), et T'O BLACKS]?TliS I4 ATCH-# BOTE F4a1ve purehased *a large Stock off Bar Irpn, which theyae r srd to uel at a' small advance. AiseSprings, .4xles, Horse p ilsp TQ PAINTERS-ft: &B., have. ptirgbaeA4 . 4large, $toclç of Jamea's Genuine aud ctlser Paints, Paint Ols, Glas-$$Pûit:>, Voruialseu, e., Whlesale and itotaul, at Loswest Market Ubate. 1.&B., are sow recevisg their laege stock Of T,(odse p4ild; ing and otîsor Hardware, ýmqking 110W c oe cf ïtise largest otoàsk id in tihe Couisty. Our tufflities for purcbasinçq in thse beét rxssrkants are suola as te guarantea Our' cu$tersti e beneftef lioving gûood goocle St ver>' IQW pieus 500 Kegs of C'ne Nai1â, Tiiiware, Paints, 'Paint Ols, Côal Oul, tc., at Wlsulesale. 1ý' A variety oi Mixed Painte for sale. Spades, Shovels, ]?orks, aud other Fuarmini" Impleîncnti, at tIse '-Noted CIse'sp lieuse."' A large stoc of- Supéior Tiiwyare now on band. Peddlars fuli>' supplied. LPatentE i~oyerc 1sscny a Uuh'sud Brcthoe. 4iATÇII &, BROTUEJVR 2i~ W Ébeg to intimate that our1 Spring and Summet, Stock Ï4 W ow complote, coniprising the IargeÉt' and best assorted Stock we have ever offered, and at much 1oyrer prices tnan lut season. Pane cy Dress Goode, (in grent variely.) Black Silke,' Colo'uzed Silke. 1Prints. rrinted Nuelins. Mantles. Parasols. Grey and White Cottons. Grey and White Sheetiiig Fancy atIWhite Staýs. Rosièe~ filoyez. MOUils& 000DB Black Cobourg, Thebit Cloth, Lustres, Victoria Cords, Parama- ta ad FrhchMerihÃ"ô - Bats, Ca p s, Ncckties, Braces, in gieat variety.. pcalatn wint invited tg ow, 12large stcck cf l3road Clotias, EnglubI, Scothnsd Calia- dIrred al cf Whlich arec ficred ot very LOW PRIICES FORt CASI. mokX1o'thing Mlade to Order, On the shortest notice, and ili the uiost Fashionable Styles;- FIT Tl cf theis a ro FÀSKXW 'Muwvafiosu 5550 <3cI~~a bu.l Wi. 1sn' t tise T>Wli tis Saturday, 2Oth of Tune,1M For tise pu o rcelvlroir the Report cf tise Dirotosnd0r hop4ajssisigo Direcbcss for 11z tfis sas g çr. or-,; Farm to-Rent PRMKIATO 2W "S#,8 32 soil $8, li t t 7h. oilJee.u ; tilt-e, e4ui 1650 as Qes I.redofflrst iUIaj, mcii lu a gooct tute or esitivatiolii WI1Ig'* d wCi:iID baud- sud out building,#. 'fldiiïroportjr a Ioait deuiratily aituate<1an4 '.j- er ns smsm<r»n iabie tF Iternil(r > perod of 10 or 20 7ôêàre. pcuiuuosâox LÇ!*ilot loebriait. ..< For particulisyasippiy-to - PEfztIeuIL IALL,Exil, f, - - uoao&qe Oto11 Whlthy, Mny 2, lm6. tU-20 NEWLY IMPORTED FIANGINGS, PÂPERIIÂNGINGS1 -seicteil erfully by Ilui~whoich hbo. so saloa tVeryi ducedirIlea. agd Pape. IJanging, ceeutcd liiaswork- isotulike and eij..4itîouuiacur, asauai. Witby, April 8, 1868. f-ç. FOR SAL5E- Aof landt, neur $t. Ludrww'ZeaZ{, ja TOWN 0F Wfl1TBY-r T'MO llou,. liq slow Asud contulias 1;roo 1 ,wi l wood Ilieard ntlceà. k Walld auu cie. -likewi*e a Gardais. witc a riety of aboi"s beariug Pl'utn asudFruit trans. W Tihe aboiro wiII b.old cbeap-sa nd f * eai tapis. Fer particisara appyto tis propri.tor..4 WIilUy, May 6, 1868.,1 Goal!_.Coal! WiilMay 61 1808. . OUR MILLJNERY SIIOW IROOMS ute.il bc:aioit lleuorcaii WVILL lDE1 OPE>N LON THlsJ1~tsiOF 'MAY. INJT. June, 1808. W non a spiencidc assortment of Novelies will be exlxibitett. AttMr Aieo and'e cbmplete assortment of Fresh Family B;Iisrl',uso. Groceries, Wines and tLiquors, Field and Gardon Seeds. Bitoi II4 IL UQ &Co- il- V .~nrî1 ~ ~ Bow5rusaitoiW. ,.' Wh Lby . 2,168!Csiruo.,Mus J. A. Castpiel, ÃŽ. A. '" T~Trlis~TT ~o a. W . iurl t, a..( WATCIIES STOEW01! * R ie J ME JOHteO ees4 allthe atteàtieù of inteilcliflg ȍtiA. - -fitzpàtrick.Ai GOLD AND SCLE R; WAI'UIiESy JEWELLEtY, Clocks, &c., aIl of which! will be asold et the lowest prices; éon- sstent with geod quia1ity. a ~ ~ kK WATOHES, LOOKS'& 3EWBLultlT, CarofuYFly RPaired. tiliu i Wbitby, Mray 4, 1868 KING ~ Lapee... iastbcwa.oui, Mia9M Maiiali, lgs eý Isrrly, Mca. luns IlsarsuuWuî. M.iddtctous, (Lic. Y'rds, lsA, 18*ly '.Whltb' Jua otbi zefs; BvmLaw No.m-,CARRIACES&BUIS I ç i 1- - f j ! e * 1 , , 'i m «,i ý, - . ý XMP 0 JOSEPH

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