Whitby Chronicle, 14 May 1868, p. 2

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-plh l 0m«otcewe FX. Wellngton Hoel-loiph 'Rcebo 1ttoua, AUCTlp1N SALE. 01 bcus.bctd fevuture, garde naïd ur- peter'.4 oole, &0., the proper ei l Ref. Johns isird, tg coma or eti'the . Mena. VClaresoton Tuosday nox$ 19 lu&tit ONLY,41 50>10ENTSa A TEIAR Miîthy, T1iursisyl Moy 14,. 1868., Tho Itallway.,Ji.làaw. ?iieré e I. uai reison or Congratulation - st the unsnlotty viii whlà heb. Balway by-lv, taalngthe substantil n id of $50,0009 ae a bonuas, lnnid of the, ton- sîruction of the %. Wbl an d Port Perry Raiirpad, 1,amed ithe Town Cooncil on Moîîday evanl.,g leit. The by Iaw, h it ii b. &@@no provides that $100,000 <k sucer. dances wth the terme of the charter) uet b. sabocrlbed before tthe town grant &hall be v ai l o nb , d t us t tii.m oney a h b . ex. çeaded or the. construction cf the. Roadg fand for no other purpobo. The vote for yatil6catien talies place on tha, dth of Jane, and thora la littie doabt bat that it wili bc aIl bat unanimouu la favor of ithe bylaw. Title ela tig %,good' exemple te -the ifthor encpitlsac s we hope to %se. theéltownship cf Beach (ne mach more Anterested than the. town of Whtby,) in- tuedloktoly followlug. Wa trust toc, that, ,1lis ,Whitby, awhatuvîr by-iaw nmay b. passd by the Beach cooncil, wil b. as ltiffe bampered wth anaoying and nana- vousa1ry conditions, sn possible. Condi. tiens luaà by.iaw of thekilnd not oniy letthevalna of Mobntures ls.ned ander ft, whbea offiered for eale; baiut tiy serve te perpiex the directcru, -and -retard the. early purejteus of the von-auJ after ail are frequyntiy uselese toaffect the object sougiit te bec btalned. Nothlug, for lu. stance, couid bate beeu casier than ýte sus body-a clause la the, bylaw we publé Toronto, Hamilton êeuoj'ie tii. toare viii U a.ooujuuetlca witb lea a ' jetdy's troope, lu caue thie eçoq maundiug the garscps At floýue tàtious saoud d@ilre suel i kd thi. senior offcers of vlanteers viff place uemolvim i' cdmouaictloq ,wl th ticalcf cors eoniaodÏnfý Rer MJ4uf~'a the, stcatsAboyé A nâied for bahoiPôa..MÏ'1 Proils we.haqseý'-,lm0t ive, r Oîu- vo bave hes4 spa.1' t 41. e4qt iia4 OMO b. hepto« Moadiy, the. Zti, auditlu'a pipcs tbncughcut the ouuoty pr.,Pbrutoàus b frte celabnatleu, on tiai. daY, ae belug Made# u eti u uTrao ak bain, andmost thar piacé, and aveun oun own.twva.'The ordir'vb ulll headquatters la iberefore 10 b. vegretted on this aunI as uIt ouit have, the.effeeci. cf materialiy .laterferiug with present sr. rangements.. Tha voluateer dispiay, aa ail kacwt foritatiatlractite feature la tb. dals tejoicinge, and comiag off on tise 23rd iiii ha>!. tii. ffect cf loueaiang the. interest lu tihe celebration te take ýplace u the.25t9.1 li Wiby, the. Mecianids'Insitule and thei, Gymnaatle Club have taken thes r- rangementa la band, and cador thoîr Aus- pices and ithe patronage, cf the.IMayor, Mcnday wili b. observod à graud gala day Inahetii ove. Uaines 'and athieti. i sponts are te coma off on the. Agricittunal groundo,,, nd liberal prises have beau placod apona the- programma for the uc-.. cassfal competitons. We ara te hbave croquet, archery, and "Ant Sally,"ilon tiie groands, and exhibitions la gyesnaetice by thé. incbers of the. club. And in thea .vaalnge nasvrillb. wean by annonacemeat la otiier çnlamna, tiare ie te b. a grand vocal sud Instrumental concert at the Mechauie hall. Tii. marchants and tovuepeople, with thaîn vonted librality, ara conttibuting an ample- fond for tii. dae sud loyal celebratlon cf Han Majcty's Binîiida. -"## Denth of Lord Brougiain. Lord Brougham, the eminent lavyer, legilator, reformer, sud cx-Chiancellor of England, expired ai Cannes, la France, bunai, vint almot cvcri one in tie tome n Satarda>' at, ai tis aasratietige cf taironud cîpodîs, tista pasieugar sta- 89 paris. H. diasi vitiont poiut bovinsg tion ahat hc ulassed '6 or- near Dansifahien lie a pascaful ahumber, frein vueS streot, vian. the. Ralrossi na>' iienecat the lauton, Tot, in erdan tiat tise value cf the Mabntures msy net be luauetdIo tisa Company', tihe Toma Ceuncil agraod 10 fonego us nîgituIdeinci a preriâa, sud me, i Wiitiy, ana qaita contenst te accepi tho Compituy's guaanule ou thc sulject. In thé, saie va>' mc sicîsisiliki. 10soie Hasch aetiag. It la theiateireit cf the Company, sidtisa inlenait cf tihe towis cf Whuhby, t saI a italien Sisaîl bc phîcasi ai or nain Mnoubeatar, or Utica, or bolveen tiose pointu. Ansi tIsat ich wili b. tiecasei thute le ne doubtinlutise vend, if tic rossi goesion. At te saine lima lu mu> b. la- -conrenisuis-aasd voulsi certain1>' tend te - -depracisto 1he value of tisa dobeutures te b.e itaosi nden ht, to eusbedy suci scoutil- tien lu tie bylav. If il l- istoagit ho acter again avoke ln this vonii. Lord Btcugisain wasonu oet ugand brigiâtest, ligua la inte vonis cf art, science, stitesuinsiiip ansi litenaturo qsandsitieplace viii nt-canuot bu aisil>' fllled, mothil>', by aveu tisa greatesl cf itenany men living. AAU p drocate,inubils profosionai caps- cil>', .is succamusenaer great ansi numen- oe. As na imai,9iho-raukes i mii Burke, Plut, aud Foxi ansitisere asibut o an min lutise ouie cf Cousions, mien i. wua amember, vise coalsi contensi wiîi un oun anyting liii, quai termi, sud iho vas tae iocomplisiced George Can- ia5. <Ne inuof bic day mada moe vigonoas offerts te secane tia aboli- tion et flegging in tis aamy, tise vepeul cf the Cathohia disabiliilea bill# Hafonu la tic Govrnumaut cf Indus, the. diffusidon et 4acesssny on adrisaila lat uSera Sean sueacuîou, the swpnuvemw o t risone.u tindertalcinz.or asirensansee frot h. Rail, management, tic abolition cf AniaJ is 2 wsy dinactori, ou the sanljct ; but lot tise by-law (ci oan rt e hocf' tisegreatosi ieip posmîebe,) be. fret frein al exinaeeusa mt- ter. - More tien is urgeS in iiie sensible ý-a-lld pnacilesi speechs givenin l ast witk'i - issue, in tisa repent cf tisa Maucissaen hus.cimnît,.il lau uuieceiisarvfor ai te urge boa n iii trr a Rsihmay.F aud cçuty il lentise eue grand pa ius bti togeisor, -tsicoucout trade cf lie viola ccunty, ansi p diamcasberast ; te bing bîcis tic couty hba iotit, andtiesiileg blongi tc l, anti te enenoame ar ht on ery riSc ; te cause car lui tomas ansi villages te-proiper and sud thnoisgis uhin presperit' lieî lieu, ansi bring a mariai totet 400r. rier, miih a Ltaiimay, aIl ti Moe-the bleasilugs cf progro.t prcVaet-uiau be ouco nesds obroa#i, #crntisa landi. W fiontis cf tic proe.- in Heasch tima-iuse gaias5 nom l'ers basleu oun it lby-lav, - and Ie prompt action cf lie toma - of Thora@las tili hme o0o09gh, it sage cf the Wiitby and Beasaib obbtain the $100,000 privai., bave the finit ledt of the. Whii Ferry imy tannes? on Doinu soutu mn-nRchh sielsi hy aclansatic S et0 s oti Wandi ou Moudsy Il Ph >?ae etMs.Blov, rosîgnoe rigiie bnp us h, tisaitisa ÃŽ'P muai b. 1aimala blusleriag ; mi a Blom 'iilieoàa$àom, sud b. satiaistiitioil aà -BO*(@) GlAtir (k tos (là-A gran 2Vbh apirp fond> yl bé b Mwacieshall, ons1t05 25ti Is -A giaasthe l oif tbe tui» estet psfrSOIi i mn,-dsu«mt USM g lero vcry, liv néoras, ansitisa indapcndittce of tii. public Preas. Ansi-for thesa enti the peopleocf-Grnaît iitais owe te Lord Brouggm au eèteruat debt c f gratitude. Hie mas sas geos as ic vas greai.; sud by bis Seati, net Euglaud sione, but tic wiol a rnd lins lest an illustrions, leanneti, ansi enlgitened rsoble-innu. For tevu Ws onitted iatia!iisg, lu aur Issue cf minceaste lait ueis, tuat Mesmrs. Faremell & McGec, tnate the bimistens, cf Oshuva, lsadnecaniiy atab event itu i-shedi a nci lau office at Boîmanvihie, the itade in counection vitb their Oshtawa office. IgitiORtaly Their carS appeamnu lu otisar colunu., usi ezieuti '--a- e-- aigszàising $-OPP.OSITION N u a Lire or Titi».."- il flounhi, 'Sac itheadvrtisemeutetf Jchn Till & Ceo, uen taxa- _lhiosher cohusua. rit~ -&eport pr4Pgves9 mu aand ijoaa v o ait 44-À TIheamnaintal'mes .srunast an&aly i>'cembaloci b Mse. DîsPeorAnd Holan, -Who strenly ilou tdIlan a ateuupte place 'obstacles lu lthb. <s>' sud retard l, pâaae, wblle, the $friatiscIthe BRailivaysud tii. people O achaait e anuàuI.y valing expetrlilt gti.towu te mcvi lu atie malter rIiout delay. Tic>' lusîs;t'teiot1h5 inroeapa rs cf lie lewi verea lrad attmihiar it lia viola .ub. jecu, sut the. lia!de.cf canyasslng lte hunulreci differant opinions cfÃ" iude difl'rcui tmon, te bc met ln the street, lu erder tescerilIhle-r reséeitlse vioei veulsi b. slmply avaste ot tlmàe,, and 1hà1 the council WOUhsI4bu no vitr a skor a menîTh ouc. tiotabe>'ver.ehn, by any information ttI tcoulsi ho obhahmed. Dot lhspeakers aise tiractlritti suc s vcflsigprcdlng,.aiodarog4,,>'.t any aman rtetdug le-an ludéeandcnt .opinion of hiii ovp, ansiteti teir position as tiiisbesirepremenlativea'of theë-peôola.. - Mn. Draper ans i Mr holdon .hao vcview- cd, at seme leulgthithe tivautagasof the Railroaci le tic tevu ansi count>', ln ce- usauling ansi ocenrtrnting ite trada, aand drawing- lu Inde trous distant iogaltues. Speïklnget is beuchli ft nntirs, Mr. oraer lura>'te onaIs bertatiot cf Me. -Cimurifu, sld liati If an>'oeedass more tissu mucher veve te bc baneilesi b>' lie 1tailwa>' il vas lte farinera. 7h.>' voaid have a market ai hisir doers fer avcry- Ihiug ts' y as ho sali, ansi tisaeneaasd population ansi icathi whis tisa Rhuma voulsi brin thie towu. voulsi morea han double lb. valua cf evar>' foot - of land vithilu tii. corporation. Thse auseudmaut of $100,000 Insteas of .$50,000 sîocci va movesi b>'Mv. MeMil- Ian, anti boiug accepted -i7 Mr. Draper the by-lav, afler a faw venais frein Meurs. Philp sud Camspbell, psssed througisaIl its stages vitiscut furt sr discussion, sut vas orduresi te be adrvhsusi. xMilODIi's LicESSL Mr. McMillan, secondasi b>' Mv Cochl- raue, moeesta a laveru licous. bc grant- cd to Mrs, Giduby, for tise bouse kncvi as the-Eust Windsor l.sus." The noioncas aingalivasi ou sdivision, the Yeso 6oing cul>'4,-bfesrs. Cochrne, Caiueron, MoMilanu and Sinov. Mrv. MeMilhan fiiiatcch tint Mns Gaisby coulti nov go on andsili witsout a licous., ansi vitîsoîst breasking 1h. law, isviug comphie isi iiial lise requiremusufi of tise licentie by-law cf tisa corporation tIsaI lb vas imply a maltés cof losing $4é le tic loin treasury, ansi tisat mtnbetm vhc votesi agnitÃŽtic m ot in ulti ye regret their course. - Tishe u caerk laid on tise table 1hi Auditors'Report. itir. Cochrana prascutet tisa potihion a John Lyncs ansi chers,- rateVusyara cf, li North Ward, prsyiug fer a sidewalk or ýValnust street, frou Centre streat te Kin sîrcet. Iletarredté l cothisttoê on streail andi itprovenieule for tise Noth Ward While Mr. Draper was prapring a ne- solution on tise sabjact cf lta u0 io repent, mnembera vene clamuoriug for ai adjounent, ansi a motion ho that effec having faileti, msiiosi f tem lefutIsae tali ansi tise mayor, at 12 c'clock,. imidulgîs declarosi tise cunciliadjournesi fur waî cf a quorum, for onea vock. Police Court. uasFREit11uts oiiSUIP TUE IIATOIt Satu.rday, Ma>' Plis 'ASSÀUs.. - Etivassi Caldwvell WC chargea imtis assmulting James Sisiel, ns fluseai$1 ansi custs 'ini.osverssecoptad, antiMr. Toa vue appoitdtod the uetnpory charge of tie 'second ',division of tbe Grapmar gcicol, sud Mr.0.! . i plth ab ppit id uLeeaiuperlnte .aut *loiànlsot lune at À motion te ehbauge ti pj ù tf 1e6tý lug cf tha Boardfrom the. Town hall te lag vote of tii, Obstrmais Mrs. Watkus vusappàlntéti'$eacber or Musit. -Tvo-oclases vere dlreeted toe b o rganisa, orne ait, t.éGramas Seh00lon Weduegdayaftetuocoansd :the rother Ai iii. Tom Beall on euh S*t ~Oi#4bqn,' at 9.30. -Huslialhsoiiart# er. brrdored'id be obtalnedý for tieu.f b tias.. The. Charman wu, anhhorized te tai.e Itepi te complota, tb. organisation of a Drill Association la connectica viiith t. Town Ociiocîs, sud te tàke tiieaeaeusaîy meaurtres t0 obiatnnfinom Govarameat arma snd acoutrements, as provided ferby tie blst section cf the. Militia Act of 1863. Whitby Towushep Conil, Cennail mat pursuast tg' adjouniient. Al thea mambers proeurt. . 1 ThoTa nace laid bafore the ceanoil a coin- mnIncation from GOe. Bonley ln rafarncsits inuihar on rend alkivana'i betwucn lots 2S and lr. rI*ïhe moves, eecondod by Mr. Spoarx, taI 'c*.o oiumittas ho appolnted to ex- atnilir.the vaneos aruad% and bridgre,,lu tis. to#wnsilp requtrlo id , that John Wlllibsud John Dry dhois t h e committea for aIl îunth of tha fith coicaeelofl lina, andi thât J. B. Buikeli .V.$ern d Tlmotby Fisiien lié thse cous- mttee br theasaid th concession âge oansd al Mn. Drydenu, socondesibyMn. Willlit, mores ln amandinot, thti 3.a i . .Blakalliho toksn 1 frein ithe coniisit of the Nortliaris portion of Iltua iwsiîliip, a4 pIuc.d apon tiiistof tise nortli. On tho. votOéiei% thkisslapon tih. aniendînont lt wiatdocidosi lis the negtive ithon tiho veoemast Atcen lapon the original mlotion It vas dccided lu thea allimnati v. fon motion cf Mr. Wiiliatb titusber ou the mide lina, botwo.aIî lts 28 oissi29, on thse4tb coccsslon of tue towtiiehip vas i"stedi la 11y H o d , l u c o n ih e r a t io n t c f t h e, q u itti n tt ain e s Y L adby hlai uoe sfondsof thha tM'îsîiopo- dOn motion cf Mn. Spearo. saondeb by lMn. Fisiion, tlhe Municipal (Jorner-alon of the tovniiii.of Piceanir ait rqqwed te eani'e jais, Conîtice and 'ia.ilisui, raiding ou1 the tosiv lino lu ttue seventis concessiooio Pickernîg, te remnovo ail ubutruetionis cansad by tiiom ou eald town lin.oen or bfèro thse Igt n (>teher, 1868I, sudIsle dron f tii. mnunicipal' lty wis ordore'lt4tsi soucaou y 0ot tiis résolu- tron te the mnunicipal conuclrof lieeng. T iie votve vacîtodtho chair, asi thse saine Pt oras taken by thé dapiity recr.1,1 .r The Chairman road a ooàu laio rm S. G. 0. 8. Conway lu reforenca te the d ill sh d.* ÀAu accolant oe 8.6 e tuyward aud Tyler, wax ordereti te b. potli. V, unpMotion of Mn. Fisihar, Recorided lîy Mn. Là Shieur, thse clinîrisaîs va, ,îtiliorid e u rant Siiic arder on ti. tresurer ln fîvor f John~ i Wilie, for 012, tliti tout liavisig beu c x- .~ eirisi 'ytiutin eleftuWidow Fleming et On moîilioî f Mn. speairs a by.law pngeec tlirouglistii. varions sottagns tsidillnt'vsiliiri IiOdgsgoll atdà teant I-0 parfOrin thiait titt ichor on itddita.ne twsin lt 18 aid 19, l1u lu tise 7tji cois, cf thii township.« Tite reeve wrax authoritied te grant lue ord et <su entise treasurer in, fsvor ot . . . Mtttiossiii fs.r 8100, biglitaar saaa e? ths :1 yean 1866. )n on motion cf Mn. Speara t.,o reeclntioi g paeed by the couscil al)iýiuintii6t two coin- naittes te ilnspect tiee cererai roaïlA reqainiti rt-pairs', kc in tti»t.owisilip wa» reueinded, d.alld tise foilowingsr ub*titnted - Tisaia coin- - iitie, bu ep oitted 0 Iupoged of Ile viiole 8st usaîsîbara ci tlhiscounicîl te Iisapoet Raidironds inl anîd report te tisecoincil at its neit nmeeting. Oit mtotion of lMn. NViii, J. B. Biekel wat ýe authlorned to ftrish Atm (Joidty mui 0hbés e, ilour, misairs. Wheiler miii 100 lb.. hur, ), snd tiese em of SI pur mweek w»e graneite nt Wiclow Flemning asnd ftisiy; antheîtisa iiir- nian mas ordcred te grant Iisi order on the ircasurer ilayon ut IL. T. Hlarrison tis a uni of $1, uhas i aitisg been paiti by him tsA. t3iwyen sd Cisailes Barsl for cutting ice t citeir tiha brilgut lu Brooklin. Uonucil adjorirnuesi iil 26tb h aMy. asi Tuessia>', Ma>'12. Stunur KILLED Uv Dos.-Iticbsird Rodd appeanesi ansi laid infommation as folova t -tisaIlise ai iguituba killesi; tint hé founsi four ofuicuou onTuessia>, 'tii litI., anti four chiera ou tise Saturda>' pmcvieus, anti bolicesi tit tise>' md been wornicti te dets b>' dogs; anti tisai he teunsi a dog beiongiusg ho Banne>' Korrigan devour- iug tise ht-ad of oeeof bis Iambs, uliis had beau evidesîth>'but killei iiorl>'pro- riens. A leax. staffre>' anti Joseph Piersen mors catieti ansi gito evideuca as tIlthlialaue of tilla kilibid.-'TIsle torner vniucd tiîs ah *2.à50 ta ld thblt tîer eshlituteti tiseir irortis aI $2 usuel, '*as siscp irte ciseapor hiieyear tissu Ict." The tfiayor infermnasi Mn. Hetisi, hut heouvetid gise mil ordeoncon the tew@ troasurer for $18 1 COIRT 0F REelSION. ileteot ti-ït reiliotu met ou tuhe 4ili iiiai., Isle nra puestdIing. rusera -cre ioe apponta4; assis miotion of Mni. Drydeni, usa Aàscuon'si ni.lis mare flsssîly navimis anti conlinmati by thse ceurt. Tis court titan a:ljursol ss. dia. Eaut Wîsitbl Cu;csî. suad Court cf R ietissen. -- Columabusay > 4, 1808, Tisa Couneil mat. Meusiens mli prasent f except tise Uers. Tisa Depul>' Heure inu tha chair. -. A cireniar trous he Governuslst cmi- -ration agent, Kingston, cnqtinrlng vint nmner (il aniy')of isbbremi' servant girls,f &e., ivotisd inlui ohu't n uthis muni- i cipahil>', se ta rad ansi lied befone tise ceuncil. - On motion of Mn. Anuis, icedib>'; Mir. Hecpburn, tise cierlu vas insimnalasi b unfifth ie agent tIsaI in tisa opinion cf this conci, at lhut 40 labourons anti 20 serrant girlsulds ifidroÀl.tupieylthont u'Ohis*iiisnsclpiliily. 'Tise euncil lien réticîvos itselit ba Court cf Rovision. Mr., hepburn lu tise chsair. The business bafoeei court bc- iug duspomes i et(eîsy t u ces cf ippeai), tise court roseanuid tisa couil vseinad. Mn. Hepburn, chismmn f'4ie - court cf retisitin, presentesi tise pretesiugs et tise courI, ilion Mn. Johnu Smih,secontietib>' Mr. Annis, ue atit tisé aisessusent roll, as revised b>' tic court o etviiu, &hall be, andsiaie mi e a by deelareti to bce a aslstheiit roll 01 Ibis lueipdid.- tien fer thse year 1808. ýtIitnfdilwlhg scebdU tle"préetet andi-crsiareilb blia pid, "ofJonSmith, fer $5.75cts, montir> re lef e as. Bn, Bannai Jones, and,-T. Preideit, b>' orties ofthe couneil ; ot R. Ho dens $15.80ce, relief etfH.LJones, b> ondar'cf the coucil ; ani oftGL . iGenon, Esq., $4.Oc., for cnmto f Mr. J. Siil, lié léistir cf E. WeibOuta, te builti a brlige iset'Ms. A. G. Smsll's for $80, ira accept asu lise reie, andsi i;é.AieYt; Ssali, a nsi- M, Motiuhill more appeinhesi commision- anato t viersee tisa building oh lihesaisi 1bridge - On M.otion oet Ml. Minis, Gao. Weeia = l apointet) toancet cof ligh va>'5 of d IisoiN6. 9 il uitie;plage tA. Burni Who left lise temnîiip. Mr. IR.Sits, liti bIssiati iFetut - lie Vu ff4Iïhl ce betvctihlota14 âant0i labÏ* 4 e àthle c1 ons to-Be Liii., fév $.0Owmlu*hi* h i aî d t thelistraeuter, On imotion e v nileeeJ Èepburnlias. '.t.tuýaù 'ssiTises.l0oi- 1rie veto s e laei e eted la c s o6 ,saeose for a é red ionof a'ii, u 1tise cost cf scaibidge le b. oetalsd9I.i Vee lots 4a niîôln daOfi e h 1e sui laasî' ci Ih i e - nnc' ut -il wonld isaroo toemebtioere tue couu- leChutcery sittinge. cil final.c isese-ausi - ALu.uuoxn flouaSIBnr.Âscss.-Two mon. c sà anti lin. Oving, lte eprosLofetbusines aithse *vise men uthe futdr>', vere cisurget il si scattanasi Hamlten mttinlge the Gouet sd not open mihbienking lntesnd deîtroying tisa fuir- i 0ogtha bro anîiliWednosday hat, allure &c., lu au unoccupioti housbelong: a 'sgch Tii. finattwoliees biug actthesi efeme iug te Thos. Martin, on lie Oshain roand, T to houe uc Court day, tise ouly emailng aui me- on Mods7forenon. Tise ovidence vasc ryisig-to Ri.pley as. liasy. A log ans î,d ouînt sfnt t aislîow liaI tise>'mere in-a 1cmw oi-the euea, arîsing ont etsf dspAehng ndî tocul anrtw?' imphicti su t tie> rmadis-r if Whiîby. fC.am.oSUI cupath iatate oethle lau. ,thC.e Mmmii',snTercuroto, and oussiing A Nzuw hsnlzrtox.-noteictInvenition tii ti 55 et-tes et public lutemet. S. I. frein >suetlca israpontesiin tlb. Fndlu by.havs, teO Stnong, Q. C., ad J. Bievins fon lie plain. papsins, enaemitich promsisets te b.ca sa e elceht, andsi tIts, sud D. Bis fer the. dafendants. fui as ties team man-bobo. qoatiehea, on s, and Port Bbsck vs. Mie Tissu of gfkiUby.-This artiflii babies, fer prousaing tise cousfort v as the sait inîtitutesi b>'tisa piaiutiff tu anti trauquiit ofetiraveîhans mIse disliku ica dayuh Tmacompanr.e>'.Ts. inrtans mien vounsi ap -sompath Tw Couacil le carry cal aller sudit sleatiful cries liaI chaude pas- g now wmand pal for'lise painau.of a site ton asemngers avoisi tisecannisugoehcecntaine areS.SH. Blake' anti R. 1. -Wilson ea. Tic>' ste odtertises thus :-Tia sualltior fer for laintiff, sud- J. Boit, Q. C., sud a. bout kindti ii voiceis ver>' abrîli ansi lait, lutihs J. Iffsiouelt for tisa detondanto. -'Titi mecant, rsugiug ovles- iveoeanes et miii,î î; geste esen dollars; tise saine, iti mitiseul cessa- Our Inter- =greteratof tise acte, mach astlipae. . e ad Qbî«tcnof heýb - tet ion, fiftecucdohlars. 0f lstheuti ýluta paty vanS't gr su tpubiaoctf the by-lam , tis îering scvqams nol me hcudbiut iment- bon Il bauttvirions rfose sd9t ftiitcecl able sud insuppcrtabie, tivo delitiu. Thintd ,ho., *oe. dmlItted, and ,vldese- cnly clasa,'crdinary lutermitteucint oego ff à never $sa offored, la respet of disputoti points. Tii. frein alarus, can bc carried ilu lie pachas, ou1ýi> lumi h .mised mver@ J. H. Gev- Ivo ansi- almt dollar&. Teiee nta sre lie, aJ. -H. Pcv7, sud Oii.ter Draper. Tii. mrantled tom a >eam, asi Iuelegauce ansi 1'vocal sud tefeuseslhosée vlteee. ,I#,question inalurda aparmuca icave <notsiusg tle, be ( AH Sainte' i. entirell coet parc ev, a n 7 aabi> siei,-'l ai ate iobd a "ti.sd lâbeneduir rgiidb'>'Cous ce bh Admsrsscs taedn osn evgucs~s ~ccs!1aOr'Ugtal~ u ca ret i iarMntreulon Tiurstiq, i5f ilUSO alorS s ; ait a t Imprtnt fn# ing tSin by rtanugleaiso ý othoifo, lmu" e iludtermiasi sl- pmicalt lhipvnlgoI -g aiSlti s kgiel as to eontrseast . b>' and ti e->' lsde, snd *1re lasteiael>' sa orsvded vitti Corperations, The. lsollaIlof tiIsalonef>' iI. Two died tisa I ugis anti legiL opnio, isars toi b.u isibepini. a isird ti cîda>y.-,- tl1ý but the vhohe qmosi lvidlan ..4Weuss brawuiuiidsi >. o«ý4'Ris 1' bisboiter et Buffaloon thce mng of tpe Ilt- f Vu-Offlt Mr, IMayakill-- Jsdgaueaê. - tsi g au aro sbpé oteb.kIllIrd, te pstpoe i* ...Tihe béat t nlu tl$80 00, 'se MW'lis Tell b-si vwat«, inLaits Ontarioaiv o <et isati21,00M ituIdet-Msf <bal aroard con- r. - léme iboiaIISt-Wtae lue t ï. - egnidt lPort Ceibesace ttra seugiti te W. ma4apCgainlg vasa vite--i bemi. sesures ~,cll <tct "iiçewao çlsmainteantce et a Wall- clanrlicdàfiore >1y 26 00 -vOl5Deers, te PTeseintrio t ies anti b. redy for el sevce la eau ti efauddoiea orgena , ' sud a gocd mîlitia ergaulsalleon und6r vel- IG vrinedc.9.cans, rei4y .cfor idI@ln lise <1ev BrunsWick,) Mr. Trambos>', sud Mr. -T Matâomi .suppoirtMe medaintiisi 7v.&Carivnhgil, Col. Gvay, Mr.u, Mv. Jas. Beatty, sud chersspoe. IW fayo1tet cf tic neceauty cf lb. ,egpenditue, The lionàsW 4lvidèd, on'lta aâmendîmeu i hl was lest-Yeas,.ý51 ; Na>ý', 102,. Friday-Mr. Ros mielie fllowing m statement: as te lhe course Governumeul 19 lulendesi te take viti tfeareucote tie rte h cf Intercal onu mono>' iAs titi Heuse wM ot avare, tiaroe vis cutuis subjeal vot'y dti. b sidonable différence of cpinion tirongiont'ý tic country, sud cf tie state cfthie law lu i varieus parts cf tie Dominion. Inutg Quabac sud Ontario ail contracta i'elatiug i tq intoncet bclwaeuv Individuels vere <ao..i but lisera wore restrictions ai ragardosi b batnksansd certain corporations. Iu Nova i Scotia the legal rate vas six per cent. k Individuais could net itipuite or rececveA a gresIer rate. If Iha>' dids s, tise>' vae subject te tise old penalties formanly idt force.in Canada. But tise Banka lu Nova1 Scotis, andar lie i oft h e liformer part cf 8 lte sassion, migit stipulalo for au exact 7 i pcv cent. Tiare existesi, tiserefore, Ibis J anntaly, liat Batiks couisi chargea higiterc rate than Individusacculd legaly stîpulaled for, lu P'ew Brunswick, both bakâ anal individels vara imîlesi te'T pcr cent. -Il vas preposei, sas Tegavdcd Nova Scella aud Nlew Bikatnsvric, liaI Itdividuals sbouid i ou tho" saime footing an bauku,- ani b. aliowesi- te stipulate fer sud recever 'T per cent., AshoregierdasiOntaioieanad Quebto, il vàs prcposeal te allow ail mer- cantile transactions te romasu as nov, frca sud ulmited; but ne rogardati henni or sacurilycf rai astae, it vas proposed ho protide tlinltne grentar rate of interest than 8 psr cent sitonît bc rticcivabie. 11r. Rosa concludodb>' reading a rcsoluticn te tic affect ho bad statesi, and gave notice :ibc wouhd ésova il on a future day. Tiie clection cases cf Hochelhaga snd iRamouraska occupled a goosi dceaofthti lime cf tic liuse, In tise former lte committee oblalned louve te atljeuru te loi. June, and lunlislatter a writ vwu ordcved go bc lisucd,1 net iater.thsn lat Jannsny. Týhe supply resolutions ansi concurrence in tfiesasveral Items aise eccupiesi the 1. -lsnt au cgth. Tha iaeut..Gorevncrs gsalarias vere sattiesi at $8000 perrsnnum, QuoboS sud Ontario; sud $7000 par 1 unnu, for ecic f tise Lover Provinces., "Tisa question cf impeachmecnt cf Ive cf ithe Lover Canada Jusigas, breught out niscis discussion, andi if o«bat soe houer- Sable gentlemen saisibciterue exitibitesi a a a siatc cf tihe Benchin l Lower Canada. Tuai petition cf lMn. Ramsay fer impeachs- a ment cf Judgss Drummonti *as vithdnawn, -Sir JohnuA. lMcdonaldsi eating tisatieh Ccouisi net îdvisc thselieuse te sceciva lî as r, t bad beencrudavu up. 0Tucada>' nigisl, the Miitia*bill vas con- sâ sitiered inlucominiite cf ilia viole, au n.xicusimant cf M. Donjon, for the baller amaluteliance uan ec-uragemeut cf tise ý»volunteer force, bcing cfered si a subsîl- ~tutu maid rejeciesi by a voeocf 100 te 41. Ar hllhPCucl nts ee te rchBihopConMu y o tea MGe Arlsulhe erî>.aivrdspw rfui auiegy on lie lai.. T. D. MeGe, ln ïaliix, on -tIha 24hsoe Apvii. His con- lmnation etftisa Fenians vas stnong sud urnuit, ansi tic enhira onsticu ir a sasteni>' effert, fulcf ciequanca andi force. bue tlewiug pâaani mi>'bc stouliet '11h henufit b>'ftia ciurg cf li danousi- iallons. If vc a d aIl l11e more cf tisaI Jhtistiannit>' cf visa iste Arci Bisisap poils it mulai tac Protestant sd Ca- tholie te hock upon oaci oIson as eome- this g betten tisan-enemicat- Il lam couselet ivististé tiseugist, se fan as I coulsi arur lettru, tisaI sol a single Fcnian (propeil>' se calicc)i) h 10bha ounsi In au>'o et tese Lever Provinces. 'ilisere is ona more crime for muet Mr. McGee uffered; te uhicis I mail mgaiu alinde be. foréi eottlltitgi andi thâtt là, tint for tise last feu years ho laboncti te amalgamaté Protestant anti Catisolic:, French ansiIriiss, nw e abody>, politie -ansi social, lu liii sappy' landl. , ,toe, un us>'ovava>', have beon guil>' cf the sme crime, anti I cou- caes it-n t miti neilvinsa, but vilS isoues- sida. Fot tisetruc inherasts cf the Ca-. beolle Ciureis, ansi ll mcre for thsa.u cmriii as valU-as lie spiritual velilirt of te people committesi te us>' cata, I foal Il as much mus>'duty te conciiqfO Preteit-'i auta, ansi te preseie isesvetil> pence aud1 Eniajsit isîlandl, as te presci a ser-j mon or te parteri sahn bhlsatpcurtittti et rny Rpiscopal .fundtionm. .1 behieve liat, in> humble efforts - in tlsis particnlar hava breugist more voîl biessinge ofet er>'iind on tbe Catiele connuit>' oves ici I p v a u d e , t i a n a l i n > ' c h e r l a b o to t g t h e r . rei entids> polea ine yars ago luthe turmoil of religions sînifa; asi,; If I dia to-dmy, tianks te «cd sud te he co-oeat- tien cf clergyr anti lait>' 1Iwav theni- witholil an>' polenical ieaml.buriings-ilt ponce, happinemu, ant ionoith itheir fehiev citizen$so e t éi>'chreti ýnàclais" Thitei et. Jauis i1larrehl>', l4te parisi priest cf Lindisay', ias beénappisintatite liaI cf Kingston, lu place, cf 1ev. Ps Dol- lard, V. G., deceasesi. Baloft Lindisa>'ou Tucîda>cietlait ieek,-for, Kingston, pTe- vicus te <biais beoiras-pronted vit i au nddres f reus ,is Protestant fmietsde,, os vowil ai eue frein hîleIo"*ÎÏ i atisbonersbcti cf mbiihwceecouchie 't ahutiai feelings'oet respect sud 1 1 idfiip fer titi 'Rer gaulenan, uai z vev of regret 'At hieatiapattute. - lieyl r ietoÉMeilet tissu tlitf thealngrha eu soinsetet ti -isalarhc "ari, 'WiltsàpIssutia do 0 enb eard vithfsclit' TMis1 lsd>' i oa t a cmpiDIfutierod Ilus isavariest whig- t- on Sanda Iàmou, là nglisis voua s plmwa ss - Naspier replied la tie natis o the cru n i tàïes Werd uuuaédittôtssl 1muueteudpr Tbeu6doti'u saihe onisi neyer mcc.pt goosuai rlary foreu. Sani avenu isi ho end. ilel hevwoulti pre o bffht te, lu conclusion. lo'ieKng requestesi Oea. he voulsi baud oi'ev 10 bn, saa.go ami> wien tic> bti tbaasa ûýWtïreloed. : The Kingreuusesi posiiel>' toesrrender,-foe imself, an théis cofarénce vWs brokan' of. lsgd ass 'iconsu&eqaeutly itormasi b>'th ielshàafavdeyusflevairdl. Duringlte litait momient cf tic îgutiàg, alters ll B i isi assnit, aud, vian drîvan te islait atiassipoint, Theod6lus ai:. Lemptesilsaicide on thsdi se pavale occa-1 sions. Ha vas reudevei- perffqthy'furieus b>' is dafeats. Titi relemicti captiies s>' tise>' sv threa hssndead nativea *prisoners killei b>' tic Kiug's ordartsh t li of Aprl. Theoidrs, *ai srleat lu lie Ciaicset aI Msda, officiel respect balng sioto beis reinaitli- Theycua Prince Ticodoiùi wil ho c;oe'edte uÏ land sud dcatet here. Gobazez, te fiand. 1>' ahîef' w viaidedie BritIia'rs>'Il Ils minci,t lireugi Tigre, vwiii b. dl crovusti Kini cgf Abysa iaî-ts introe dtteiug a nev dyno5îy. - Acros thse WatOs sav Du. Tache, PîCKBIS<O. Our bantacue mosisor tandeti B thoe r i of the tismcs, Aûý o theflo ishe clti, Il Oh ciltira, conte te me 111 8iss la clling tte sancdy, Slit caling ts tise brave,- sae cer, homes sud plet>' Oit, %oesosrose tise mro. Laettis, snggu.d sud tie0sa oid Inatimi a isi nacontent, Bcoou, sud coîcd, und famine suffering, Till hiur vortilsasa live bdlias -pent; Seelslug nsilisg, cplag nothîngi buive repose wifilntise gravis Bt tisa olsi sud ioet veker Wii not tainteocrois ti0waro. Oh, lentve the filtlsy sIa lu tia eltyma ree llugbeârt Whoeatisa pesilmen t g inS'u And viare Destis haedoua limi pari; Botter diiate esnla fanry Tisha naleki>'sttùlom ravte i E sine arc. l sca n 'a u n taliste si br o z s ; VOituro sDOW seroséthlie vr. Oh lava Iliose vlde-cpred âusa, AIordiing'a prend dousaii,- Wlaere as a ban ishon telit But fer a tnssstet' gain. Whonu 1Fy paor etruingils bi penisheti, Tiou't liea acen*s lave; A bggar'uious av aitA ve, Edousspaicros I tae mare. Com a Sired a anti se us N or* ,ni' i W. tiare virer. deep sud vide, Upon visose giase>' lomous, As a', hoe, y. mtliimi> gides Tue Nothisseti draseduotdager, hey tre aet f tie brave, Asn ov tIsey11 cromo tisa ava. We'ra sunsliua hans that ebeers us, Lîlca thee oyoas suis et Frspge; Wo'vmitions lera viebanni> Would the a allagOUeai taueo. O oldrea f tiak Pplasilit dîme, Long yaaril gaVasgave Yonr nainaeansifassie phi ttis env landi, Then ceuse acres. tise wal. le o tîeifor SU atoearevlla>', lonthe la s of thansi vne. Coue tein anot u er vinyam AnAboitaallm ud rvins era. tahoenris asinoblà eu ionr doos, speeac aoth ie mare. Oh coma, thon plcddlng gazent Oh couse, tison Sony Colt, Fptll mtais> irouia >e'rasufeneti, -Pull man>' insulta fet. Rettiotibor >-e youn manisésisi Non paupar's itsucr ave; N4ew hissarecwu=if on you; Coma, brother., cross tise avu. Welva raieras mho ara-feanleuin Vtia nilateona amorti tu dram; W e'ro pi Cuit>' for tise tuiler, Wa'va isonor for tisa brvo; WC isava a menanch vious va lova; Tiemijii itiuîrasa Oétise vive. AÀlneyai iltedewltÎéa Tisa Dublins coei epondent of lte New: Yerk Tinte makes ths elevwing. rédthk regîvtiing tise nuit cf, hi. Prince asud1 Princaîs etfWales te Ireland - - "6Tse ecephien of tise Royal couple mWu, lna svenIrisis. If lieis ati beau inty doubi. about Il, lie presance f tisa beautiful Prnuassettiaftheliaquestion. Sile hum a mile ne Inisuna ncultireast ..i. oaille eliat l ntbting s bird f liae bush--anti aft ail, <beî liai tis plaaurc.oving yotiug éUpti lido <IlSi pohihicai-or xeligluuaqguisîusin ireland ?1 Dublin lunpti ut toeet aIhem. Mr. (ilaciatenc's matjonit>' preparadtihi. vs>, anti Iroisuti ceieimnled -aIoceahelie -nu cf a gay' yoangPrince sudS,'most Icrel>' Prncesa, anti - the devufali cf tisa Irish'- CisurehEsatsbl"sbinpui So tie>'vent-tino' the mtréets# viti relcrm ,batl se ordérl>'tsttI psletit <sneeu, mà uis à scier, sae féior he., Tic> dine tithe IaOuille. 'Tic>' vent lit»lise joIl ' tepI1 ' 'h acé, ihail Dublin eus jaunltig cérson Ile bck or on fcot; ante ePrinse'là-a Knlit c f SI.Patrick; anti lt la not unikahy t(ll $ô",w ll lisI country, -no pnýa4 ,so' matâà.tts"s, do hcip*tablc as trelauti. Antisi donhi be l W bo hoed,- sus>' beoside béhé kncmn te Englishmen; for, shvauge as Il May' sei, rlant isufer betters mcm lis anicar'tis aAmeles tin toe li m inteligant cf' Englishmen. Tise>' isae mor 0Iti flai' lyo Uaprr, antiU a mch of rGreace or Abysuibla. The nev'Mîlitla Bibl<III fuit ËgIs mu L ' nw<uthss.lu âa ste aba -frovn H1all, lut Tacesi>, anti mîervawr MScrWthle gentleamen tthber taPectit' Àn. 4oso1fica o tbe openeosissrLly lu tise townshilp ot Bais, vti-Mr. Jase hfcPberscn as Poeinaister. ,Tbe locationi of ibis office yl- be ïftry couteets, M Xë. Mopiensen lvas Midwvay' bcleaml tie Paçrtage and Mentie Tisonpson u 1!i W ev onk Tribusne sayunsidt able 1ilqulatude*xias s among ifferont1 trada slataIcil>',ans i anumbmn cf utrikas CoNttbTvs.-Poslinasters bavaehsaca oýrdared te seize aud conflsecatlfitnian nevapapars publiaitd ils tbeic tîect &mte vhItc4icorne aaa ýT h e- Or i lla E i p e fo sy s t is ta s lar ge number cf soûtlera, tise mij ril> t fien tsairliedtheaaiccompaiaid Lbytsin faill-. lest piasedt loagh Orila durjag4tbe paitý muai, on thoi va>' te tise ,ttiÉkk ei Ut. Jas. CJhristian, a boteii-keaper at Richmondsi lluiritirova c dl -ohbis' buggy; 'on latiét - uit, necaiviug soea alight Injuries on is face sud i ïmaali 'dut ou is Iutle ,fingev. 1Nothilagsentent vas aîlcipati frt lite isud an i iis go' far refleresi as te attend to business. On tha Lad imît., ôiver, medcal aid vas cahied inl, aud Mr. C. vas feuti te be sufelugei Tratursigati Teauu , bs ulrn'tle fInger),0<bIci proved IE àIî-on tise follcving day>. 1 î Lat ee u erecfic a- etealiag,,reccivîlg tiirîy.slx lashes. The cisîpril vas tien dlsmissed -tise' service,i bnrtheti mb a smal boitantdpal ou sitore. It lu, authrliiel>' states tint s Spa- ciii Cottiitsis ilml net bo appointed, b>' tisa Goverument cf Outario, fer tisa trial cf Whchau sud is iccomplces,'sud tf ml lhii cases-mill saaithle aitting oi tise Pâli' AssissuaOttamas. - Intense conspeticu is vaging ncthlie Moutresi Newspapcrs.The -"Eyening> Telag'rapit" is to be ausergoti- IntWe ajoint stocckcompmn>' <1h bMr. T.I. Hamssa>', ant i M. Aifreâ PeIry ne ss eding ,spitits. The. "Gamselle"issues Ifea aciticas dail>', 1k. thia "Witnaai." 1fr. Charles Sihs a ycang ,fariner, fonmcîy rasiding on lie Dca ansi Danford rcnti, near Toronto, lai t for Cialifornie, ,a fev yeas ince, ansi hy report vas. cap. tureti by thi.Indiens wmua crcssing lia plains, ands kinnesi aliva. Hie, as ju st raturnedt ie ld ihome aud isînlshed is friands b>'-tIse exhibition cf saviiola iside, ansi ppareahi>' entirai>' recoveresi fromeinunMel aeati attise balisa-of tisa savagas., icinesiaI utsboova, sO oue of gèlti bo ingtuon rou oise -orina- quarts& TheaSt, Cittatihes '4 iiJip5 557e a taeptieinan frei tn ei iberboi was'in butroit reehhy, *and si a thi-uriouitt t attendi a Feunian meeting, at ,visici «au. hYNeit vas Wbi sokesman. Dnring lise Cvening ne oftte ispeatrs imate au allu- siont ler lMajast>', tie <ueon; vien soe eue inlthe audience poppeti up ansi propscsitine cietm for lie Quecu. Iu a momenst tiare vas liaerilsiat.confuion, aud a, tercet of sticks vera visible ai ovur tise meeting. The parI>' mo piposod chears fcr tise Qucen narrovi>' ascipeti with is lita. bHa shcvad oaidevabia pinck.but ver>' ithle discration. A lempenca meeting -vas iat tNus- kcia Falis on lie BOti hi..,il atwi hthora vau i làtrge attendanme At thd' eltsé, à '1!tipeî oihadetyvas tortuies, '*bon 46 pensons, signethélitplotige. l'ailtbeat promises dtisual>' mclin l ail partt f-iaProvince. The G6demich iq ignla Iquille matisieti tisa aIleast onaeisundresi habeners coulti aà etpleut>' cf mcrk anti geeti ages liaeè At' disngial,hillineld, cil Suitiasal fourlecu bouses vero biovra do#n b>' % ternado, tv-ochcivhiellmoe uturoofed, four parions iliatiandi feit>'-voIiitod usan> cf mien ire net; e xpected tute t- cover. me lai-mShis tire indrat i fmilles more reudemesi boniaesu iyiith urnIng cf lhe leva cf Jareleu sSea nlit e.-à marée but in¶iecnilagrt on, - ttuder lihe astoiyollve pecial-at cf eParllUseal &mtsty-fire -cousiabies have bai o*dghistbbij Mv. 0., licikon,sàtiz. piudisry magltates-mio sels lus sécés- dausé:ti ilua ener lIt CouiniL- - Thils bié ilsidingis n 11aw* .:o .a .; Thé Tie losW e cicafor pike, ibsn, pIckt. etel, sn u inage, ceinencedth le &h cf lia,ê-atoptusues nl-tlie lt cf aim Ay pesen baving su>' cf tise L A h la .. él.. .,os..I.s,. . El.. day, 11h last, lits. l HawOSt of à MfARRIED,, Sain'Chrcb'Whtbyonthc Oti Ma7;t Ii. e y. Mv.CyyM.Thoms Wiï.1 ~iust Mca. ardd> ,ail cf.Wlby~ DIB' 1. PA . - AI hlé seadece, the Rouge, on Tuesday, itmheIt inst.-Kr, William Peiail ged 52 yeama- Tfit fanaîal'wili[ uàie place ou Tiu'rsdg, front isi laie residence- toe i mground at oclumbus, paulagtbueusgh the. teen o% Wiiby, 0S0Q0TH1 I-QS YRU Pi FOR CIIILDUEN TEETiLIIG, - greatlftacliltatea the. procwu.qf tetinq, b>' softe -ugtise Sgeos, rsdtielng ait ulamaucn- «fiiia ula Anti l'Mx randa amodic action andi jas SUB T(U BK4ULA' k TME-BOWkL& Deponus pon.1l, maliens, f Ilml i e ris te y oarsselvos, anal-d waefler and a hl iy.sur Infant#&, --We 1have put up asuàd osihu- isilIfor yesa,,sud Càti Sàirsk Coxrm.swce Ait» Tam culI what me have neyer beson aI. te car cft su>' ether meliine-lEima" asWY as s à tiai sao vo-txo wr -À ~s -io Iid> elyi. dý- Neyer dd e kn an suIastatet et dicstlsfaolleu b>' auj ou,whnusin. thse contrnmrysutl i&edelîgistea i *IA~sste o tion, sud speak la btorma ici smi%ëadàtlbor e itl 8 oeeets ud msdeii vite.,Wq spé.ais n tt. malàtr'WUAT.WEDO ShOW', alter ya of oxpenicnce saudpiudedSpcr ras sitîoe.;aiiost str histte hetie lifnt ia salening freinpand iexhatsstleu1 reflief viili ba ud la Ifilaon - t*wal inu- tes sftcrtims*yrap lsa dmiaustered. pull i aencions for Â.tS)jlig viiscompin> oacih bolule. Noes.goui. ubles tisa fheb sbirmii of CURTIS ~PEILKINS, 1w Tonkl la cnatie ont*Isde ivraper. ----- Saii b DrggltethroughotewilL,- PD.IC-OuIly 25 cents pet BoUle. O0 F -E:1 1 5 F lt e.n S treet, Ii.sm Y ens1 20& iai Ho l AnLsdoit, £iigiandi 441 St.- Pun Sieet Metrel. .'asad. - lyr.55 BY'LÂW NO.a 155, Whitby and Patt Pa-i-.Rlae way companyin tle conotrue- lion and egtstmen< or a raUlway/ coinmencing -at, or gnear,.PMr Prjon, LaAie &ugog, aiJ toirmina<lng in- theéToton- ?f <o <Me aaid ;0omioany <laereoi <1w 1ebentureg of thte Jorporaà lion of M/e -dattd-lIon1Jlep me aum o$f>'tIoutoand doUaroi Ontario been dm1>' intuerponatoti nclr tic naine of "Tisa Pont Wit l~andi Port Pers>' Bailma('lgcmpsny, wmiii thiepurposc, ýpoeet 4n4 - aahh5nly, udere.ae cS Agt,-taying out, -cou- tiUtiug anti finiaiiga railiày trom vithin tic lImhsaf lie-Compovahicîl oftisaTowu cfWtitiy, , er tfiselinils of lia Port Witby Harber, in lis direction et ti Grand TrankRal vs>' cf Canada, scpa to secre ïA- vetable conneaticus lheveWitis, -si l donv*eulent point iithil the WaIs leva; theace Inoigh snid leva, lb Tovushipi.cf Euh eWst Withy, cr béti, sufd lthe Townsilp of Resais, te s point on Laie Scagaig. At or Dur I>ot 'ar>";isvegonalalto operatlitn tindal e ftsiislona cf tlisaisisai Anti wmas, b>' IL.saiti at of Parusà- -meunt Municipal Corporatleù anSf - mpemeredti legrant le tbeuani Cou- 1ssu ach autu or-usof m ea>, - Debeatares cf the- Corporation tif their Muticipal'tics, ais iiày by' tIa u"is - utlcîpal Corporatsons ho Ibeugit adriesisho, Iîthi va>'efbôfilsd cmtsdcnation ho aid'lu -tle conatfes- -- ion or aqaipiituo f tha saisi railva>', oorofr PIýef th, vie u *uithsai Ansi miterai - est-sd i b s i ýro TARE Pi-At 'ti H'7 s "NEW payable astihe 61 yof Toronto, lb. Passia; of and execatet 1 â«sl afthés suai cther Per theaOeuncil cf asmyy .sa for that purpo. cate andi siga i tures le b. son lie sain cf lv dred dellar, ci tboasand dolla tisses are ho b, legetber witb viiole aucunt suedi,-sud ne mn aile, lanai>'on4 the wvhole cf su saad dollars, f shal hoeissuat able in twenty tacuts-of1 tvc 1 dollar. eachiri ipf ait pcr cent b&lfyesrIy, on an, sand tse finu ycar.s,,sud ne pi or intéeasah lià -me soetut tie tine thi. bj £&-TisaI tie DO bnexeaiuwa. -shah Por iiubffai~ 4Jmpany, t& t -pplied to theaç sndteo o tber, tuat befove ti Debealuse o t oa~ ne han ýQfecapital1 subsMvbed in t Oni. Thalan equa suihîs andtoe- deller, peusen *other Tatas, mita 'ipen the *udt te peridof ts Âhii by.lïv abs ing lii. -nid D tersI ikaron. -and coma mbt -day cf jMI>, iu oee bousaul 6e takea on Il A.. D., 1868, ai -tisa folloving North Wauci, tic Centre IW and in theSoa bouse ovuet West OU icli * lit> sntviu si -Bertrain owl Itetning 0 Ward George (Signed Town the couuleof t STOWN4-U Mere ite oatb tioîs hhereof la I »ewsvpkper, lte du eatie as ltefoi of theic h Mr Bixth day of S Ibe iWcwn kalî tise frime hoase- 4gast cf Riebusot luaeaica via -01 et ai

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