Whitby Chronicle, 7 May 1868, p. 1

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WIIIIIY IIANXJ.Mblon botol1VI 'KU. F.' TOCRIIAUT, e IIw.ox~ M,11 &~.*"Ces talais 1Uei geod eaeàrlt>' .:- gaulil lsg tr 44rýioajul C Té r6ütte, u1ý' 10, 1861. 29 't94.l, B&rrstor and AttorueyatI4LOW goe tLe tee làO<houery, NoiaryîllPablicbO #)M4;àtu[oBitelow'slà,oiiigbni <&DOGE 1 »ARTNELt., c, .j)ptitulgi*trur, Mster Eatrssrdl RBE13T J. WILSONO * D&ILUISTE &ATrOENRY AT LAW, 4 oLleuoincbter i'&e. whitb c.'W. pAR18TEII-AT-144W AND )SLICiT)Rj el ete. 9,12m, ~aas~IIrecKSt.,Wlîlth', Ot. w1y OI16, 186. ** 4 sULokttoit N AZYPUBLIC, ira. i&o. 'ILRKOVEI) liloL'aw ilIca o leitÂiri hmrs Ue Iber Sonîliof tise C HALELis C. KELLL'R, .M ý&J,ýgaOê<ieCnsryaiieer, &0.,Cantsiag 990,Brock,0. W. PARIIISTEI t & A'IToliNEY-ATr-LAW, $0hletor Coent>' Couttil, Uutarle, Noter>' &bid C, ., % llti >. If A TTXNE AT-AW.SOLICITUR IN D<Witlttoyil. W. tureia'coltuC, *6.e lta'Rgitïy tuillce,. on llrock itra't. 48 A ýTTRNiiYVAT-LAW, SOLICITOI>. IN DamdaStreet. 1I Tire, <taleraWest Of CA#CIIRANE kCOCHRANII. 1) .RL8TIryit, ATTURoiNRyy, CoNVEY- IB> auere autnotresiabl & 4 &. puisou Lxx-eîa -OpsT~own é li.ÇooaacMus, Lt., 13 W. M. Coitîatsau. cuiyrwuAttorney>. Pot 'rr, 0h t>ecuuber, 1865. 51 C. A. JONES, ba&rite!l roilcîler lu Chancery, At. torimer, &o., &ec. - * 0' OFIIIKBeitdeor, to the lkgistry W. H. STsÊELE, Selitor,&a., i&a., - / - ~ ' 44, hrch Mtroit, roroftto. I - eyanuar, d&a. OiceSmno tratit, NrthI tf h# iesiOîli0001, Oisawa, (0;W. 40 LYMAN ZENGUII L L I., AUiLgItUAT LA.W.Soiliter in (JIsu- i :aezteipgite tisel'ost ofibte,&b*. R.J. OUNNO, M. De V90BGON TO, TuE COUUTY UAOL BROUGHIAM. Ù~r nc7m lloww*-$ te '10ea.M, audJà te DR. PIEA.KE WHLT13Y. lii. tRîuaco, Ua. Titouuua, p ia. Ilui sua, Dxi.AiLs (fur Sargér>'.> À-I fl --T--o--o.lt I a iraaanafaw tWon1.y 0fi «IlicolP. STREET, OàfHAWA. fML AOeal,V8'5kig,) JL tas leaed tisa building -ferniealy kiiewn aszlcai tnra'e oaioiwhiela liasbeon renesat. edeuriisbad#ssA lltted op tbrelôutilun ,the onle., Tito b.ts flcnliie ilsKaiway >inlliallesai the IIot,ad, thse seatg.fur tbrigea &ud"Eeaverten leave the deerevceynmocnlg. 4Jard$Jperd#v. T UDIBE! 'IIEUIIANTý, Crpsater, asiE ', JoloerGreen8t, Wfit.. A largequaê, tîayef clkiaidn oflumbetconatantly on band.' UN DE UTAX IN Gw F UNERALS rail il a Anpid datteaiicd heanta. eln ei tntaa WhutbyPeb.Ath, 1802. -Brooklin Drug Store. lr1ALRlai Ilagn, Patent biadîines VJPltUils, Ly, Stîni, confection. 1WWinas and Liquor.of theabhaut qualit> fr wdcitl parpi-mogs. Ilorse IfC1attleMàedUcinesczws onland (Oricnis4 int.' C1i&U)rhl, WhMiS.) 94 puepared te gis. Mfutle anudil.iglng les Appilitin tebeomde nt the (Omo&a.offJohn l, isk» 1LSîrei IJ)uîti*t, oser diures ilyrnu'. Ilediel all, llrock t. W1lity. <LATE l'LATT't,) NELSCFN ST., TORONtO, NOItTII (OF KINGI ST. BASSBTT & KEEBLE, - PutinzToite. rlii f reprietoru raapectfully anneince te Ih ilcr fiantdis, it ea.1iutaice, as well on near homre, thut tisay bave takaon th.e buve Priauibeea wieis are iaester>'respect couvenlenîlv auJ ctîîfirtab)ly fittad u p 1er taecoînuodatlou or gues and tise traveling publie. 'Xiey will. be lc0uud li utlaiî eruotîal atteadanceand wili louve uotigadoue ounttoîr ptrt,to giva rathuletien te ai ho le ia>' futr tisem wiîlî a cail. 3 ISAAC FENTON,. i'rop!ioter. B EST Wlnesiaad l q uers; ca irloracoin ,noditioufort rav.!eru; ced stabllinaeu attentlveisobtler. ' i YEOMAN GIBBON. ÙO MMISION MER CH-ANI INSURANCE, ar GENEBAL AGENT. lVlitby, Jana, 101h 1860, 2 RE1VERE HOUSE, B. PLANE, -- -- Piepnetor. Stages to atnd frein Whithy eall dally. Evéry ntteîîtieua peli te <uesais. (arofol sît atten- tive ostieri.. . BROOKLIIi HOUME IÇLARI< & VJU'KEIYi, , -, Preprietors. Bcg mont Tes'pectfaly'tOlnferm the lhaba. tantiq et tie i ogitîy of Ontarilo, listithoy have lansed tIsa aboya romiseeslatol>' cccapieby Saud5' i'rriu, wimh s hey liavepewly irilsi ai and ruiîovated, and tîte> afa prepared, te iceamedute thé. travelliug puble. Tho Bar %tocltedi wtJuthe bbcd liquers sad cigare,-anud aou attentivo ostler. lwe>'a lia attbnuiije. IroliApril, 86. VARS & DEVL.IN, RAGTJCALDentiIst, Oshàaw' MmpDente.lliootaa.,direfly6ppq. site hs'.iool.-Entrinco on 5ircoe treei ihîrd icornorth oftha Outarlo Baiik. for Accident and Standard Insuianece$o. 17 Qu -ry -Wt eI httse le iacheaa ufor pletures AT CLARK'S GALLERYVL?' It la bacasse Ie lithé,u bmte8t lluryjuI Coântiy, sd bas more .p"tiue aath h,'Ilin, thoan an>' ciler AgiIt lin bç:Cousit>',g nd en b~?bh o , nag ferwad. Whta 1ovi 12,186.4 oi ba d 'e«. a4m4uqpu er rThe bo!ewUIk.luf US4Ei£ ~se4 JAMES DA&V1$u, 3fansgeý. rIiBURLW*CÊ e îst'L£0Sby PME *ré J. lfected on the. nit favilla 0terme, suid LO88E*l PAID withont rofeieinte te the Uiud ln londcn, YEOMAN GIB8ION,1 AprIl Sr,1SO#, Aent, Wlatbr A CERTAIN C.W.,R mort lo, LIhgtt , EIR 04B nd lad hCbnoALtJI AI) ALL E1RYmncSl.k VIoailN, C.WENS$6 Ttberenbte ortfy ' Unit lly %ay l*e Itf9 sucordh kg Omahs ha a eeJio, tude laidg Ilt boeunit. ur. ôi inciyo cattlug utm o e 1 4y. I etrorl igre.opn *udiý ; SOAi Meln iera h7.Èafo e th iaa,' andT lis&e seagn l peslu t£ho octu 'OWEK1 JUDO oa, C. W,6160. kelthe bonC 0li£,Dng twt4)a apo bish "i- tii ol el f, lin elh. bon le 0bure surd tuae riuotsrintuctiosn oùurthe wecs.i g âtn cars p eItota ie 1>". lies.ticela eionfteà t of an. tale vtuy dro a ii'. d IiottbtetlAn,,ien lul. <gEuEaaps, ar- BERn, Drgg ne'Wl1ty. 4The AIo buZ;iI culN, milt MAudK tObla ttensîiwu*1n1 by aU rai t i the evton orth y. ce Jane 8 ltrcoi fthe Piano,. limo-2 tH Aoytof oiaô compoaitoant, . xtsi-5 Wcilbfrk.iiie, l i 5,67. h 88pro ,'L n d ! r*e epipLsfrlitantdu u i1 T IIdE,ît cfber ofa e xte primete a lit omd , iaîceiueiitc hile, he itabept wae 'S.îîeîrî, iclna tatlîoon or lIaio, 70r m o. 9Clnîîtet cncessioorche ca oipoes ioîa sdpttua leUnwl Noe iertethe cQUIltiveni of se si Nhery ofialu el eo Mrt'5i el c,tr$5 WiByjý, 27eptn mberS2 me1867. ipy8 T0 e ubsear oficra tho folloglmiicf Aplande, tvlîca ll sabylite tpal, S.~ ~ ~ R ,No8,1nldcîcE.iuc Iteacla, E.l# t4 o.11 undàiohie Ird k ncefi ofci e, s, Umala Iba 1-01ac,icelsidcf erlite, 114aces darud No.rs 1, u rlu'cn. Mr5ace1clur à N~ ~ ~~~~i E.~ o 7 u~dcnctIen Wlîby PAICIEt No. kL-Parklthcemrpieiug that yaluable tract ef land, kt1,0" aethe Gilhdersleve propert>', l>iag nrtîs cf ite Grand Trnlitk Ritilaa>, eentMiog about 18 acres, asureor letu». PAIRCEL No; %.-Park lot lying Bontlî of liiltî'y trosuntd iuaudei u thîe Wati b>' the rod ieisiiaýtu te alliva>' St»iiou, eoalaiug aljout zj4 acre., Iusoe.orle. PA RCEL No. 3.-Lot of lanid contsiilg # bout esn-. silf ocemore or lasn, ituuu-i on thîe cernser cf !iclsmoni ani Front ttreets. PARCEL No. 4.-Lot cf land coutainiag #&bott lave creu, mnie or les,, ituatesi ou tise'corner o et' lisaud Boni streetis. PÂBUEL ITEe . -Lsi uo."7, l»loýk 2, west sideoret lchlaiîd 'trebt, contaitig bsiwauare hicis titre lis a ono-andi. a-tulitstore>' traealiouse, et proeuetoc.- capicai b>'Mn. Ilugh Armstrng. PARCEL, Nb. O.-Twuo *ater lotsaut Whit- iyitîrou, 'M gareof IlestIet. J'as. otvoe"u, Wrq 'acîeties, -Ani basting a trouaea on the Ilarbour; AU thf aboya 'I aore iouiofl lle siaulc aeorporatiossco tise count> tean cf Ilitb>, eie of lie hast imarkets ou Lake e uisrio. lu vîca of tua auna>' eostrtibtion etflit, -Wltltby and Port Ferry Riiaa>, viicla avuli MOT rti tntrahIe tisait'ruia, ho;te>'offer s de- * sreble o0 ruait' ton invasimeut- te tisa ce- pltallit Ua s ecueiter. As an early avlnding ap otftéed etcle rau- dairad hrtperstlval> not'eury, au earfy iule uuaat b. effetitecl. - 1 1 Applioa.Iiiot fcutthéti ntiesaasand In- -Formaîtlen,'te ha sada te J. G. MACDONALD, -ogre cf Commercial Batnk, Kiaageion. On te TUtUS. LAWLER, 114~~~~~Ã" TOêN TET <NT*.* in~ a nd tëke; lhlsse1t it 'alersà eUI ~ 'a a "LIke', e uIeuee'-srl.Ma>, ~IMM4.adeae atJspu 5U~ îs&q~urOuUTOWNuss TealgPsdus ai ion Tue à sD's-Gitee,'r fi, Bong, an ûýKIÏCW ý%j0%6wlshlr.g t in-, sure, anàl 51ereby iiçpport ýà1'omel1aaurgnce Oempay, bue. row an.- epportun1ty 01 daine sa yply~ liier a l es4o~eo ayIifeait lea 4 Vri~et*111 b. fctead as é lpw et anire uVie luUi* il' sursice L. FAIEBAKKS,: soi,ÃŽ IFAD OYFICE-Wbhe Old .styOfc Building. Brt'ck Street, Wltby. d 15M IN V. 14 A M LiCeNSE4D'ïAeOTIO NiiER.# ONTALLO, YOILK & PFEL. tir SDEC-o. b, hcois., billn preud et tho bruicieo£ce for br. FIRE AND LIFE IN SIRANCE CI'Y C MITAL-2,OO,OOO. HEÂD Opuz zcm OQnAm-e; W. Corner et, King und Churah Street&, Toronto., 0. . Dýuucx-csiiàt Co., chief Agent£ for g4utntMeste.in WlîiLly, and lb. (;ut f (iilag thorieie bobuee pon -Ae t Uiý,3ia aoy lrp:'cla»oEngsitc peu>, and thut l110llà propored te re9tive epi wouts for rieku, sud obtain preonldma on the IoHnAGNEW,9 AarTon Wuiiaçi& Vtczwrrr. Whithy, D43c. 4, 1867. fimos-48 ASSURANCE COMPANY Capital, $400,000. T IIE utnderigi1 cd has'iaag beenu uppoisîted J.Agent for t'le aboee Lpenrany, lii3w preared te lnuer prry giu»t L)£$ ]3Y Fil;on 'lie most lavorablutenne. ApîaIy te, LEVI FAIR~BANKS, Jr., 2-l2mos. Agent Whitby IEAL ESTAIT FOR BAL£, CONSISTING 0F PARK AND T£OWN LOTS, Hlouse and Lot,; Vter Lots, bbitataelot oWaeëbboang parpfaese,&c., inth le TOWN 0F WHIT BY. Ireson, b aiS.. on,--Alio, ftf~nlY ' o .*o~ql~* lodebrane, Lyleë,MAderson, Munrla, Pow-' takedi stdto h4i 1tb,é'roviage» * Plank, OaIt [haaa.Yrnt lù.tcn oCcupied w' isetra ; l tra Jo»ies, Dr. Batiwl~:,o.3 ~ peti>' b4eio*d t'*üiz bd ô .V tf »a'ckins, '3. B.1Lastfor, Jàmes Enisny,. <'11., pàyýýîbi,4so nmuaiti :bheapanAb4v, Whrîby. -,tihé ayr'D. rai , r i untilp eas îoW 'tuskisaln f, :na? i j lTD~O1tsMe#.'Clpaé DayrJhnspsor f bonenttierâlhd 'udmé or, tbê i b Shier, J"as.ldaen, aleput>'.rb, sd dstagca Of tue Wisitlbsa otPry JohlýntiPc -ý ve pt.osent, --. -lino-toa'Ch. P hét; saad, tinGr Il- )Ir Wright cuded the emeeing1 ta ove f poputioni i»&.wth it heherëote of 1 sud procecded ,îïtenad'tue' r'c"ilitieni, weltlà , -ats4 e6maqent!îêl dlpstcîtlon -cf - statiug wiile , dng - netitI -wae. tise>taxes. -0q SY* *Sâ4ht,~ltt~'W I"y largest rcsuinitah ignp4pn, ny <oiiu« 'tise ptiiiwould bc doubled la :tii.A occas ion for tise jurpoi;e oe<calingspnb- course'ef tan.yenra'- buuln6oà would "tihug- lie nicating. A gea ins>' aise imipaes. spri n ,' manufuctures encrsae, -sndý sini~said, i d eauac a0orto;tefarmera-, raktaàlsf o* p'- tise motives and, opinions cd tIs ignaisr. ererythinÇ tis.7 b.d tboeli.-aat' Tisein aI.u¶acts -,ste bring lise Ral*ay rig thiahénl'aéké&4 taxes weisîd-bedigiin- io qronfp cicre tisasrtepaycro*in erder ta,,ishcd, ýfer -4i 'olr de lati clicit tise state ofý public oplinion. ti ,eaîth of tho tedvsbiP irOnl4 b@lP to-ýpsyb compîîanice witb suis a nuuinereu&,Y sgi.tise ta*is, suiteligiin, iaa - :bw.den - è ï cd réquisitien, ho, conC.eft a. Io tasation on tise .frm r i Te.i1', ti dut>' te cmii the.meting 1lengthe0rest thé prestnt rateo fa4stfewý-4B C .ti',n' lailis said e tseistpael tiean1vs.tise $100,t sud'sp"psing hhepeplàtlon- Tbcy could new açpiint thoir, cbairnaan and conscquanîi-r tise wea tb-deoble,, inii andl enganizo. ton year#, sud tboe taxes renoalning 25 tbeyb On motibo f Kr. 1Carrie, accoudai b>' o# cira. eof hou.rs"-it Wobîd bc eor tisat- fieetisa chair s antalion, by 'Josbu4 oni>' ene bailwisat tbey"noW v pài"'oivulde Wright, Esq., rccve eoft tue owbhisp eýf Jaro te.belborne. A bonneof,$40,000te Reacb. -. tiseRallw#ywouild lesve wst thi'would. Mr. 1ViXist, on lbking tie chaieré- a~e ve to-psy onl- tise,: preseait ssessmeft - markid tapon thé lsapertanea ef tise ques. 82J cents on thse $100 -.isut:ýtbs would ba ti6n ta p'o airi stigtisat A as oui>' et tise begiinung, fôr -tise le ~d - one-loekiag at the. oentemplated l'Nipiose. wclth eming ln woelld bate te lhèie7 ilis'a ing lino nertis-wriicil resdlired -itselfiflt0o srea n4aî.0, editce,; tbha màioqt Bp wisatier tisera wonld b. a division pf tisa poàing a man asi;sgç-tedaI$8 ;bi'ral connty or 'net., lydsdy, I. saitisa ara> tax et 321 cent slareuli just- ameuni agton rtie divflla~n ftise couitantt$.15 ;'isis eeunty taxes would sinenut v bi enet on foot,. -anti peopie arène te $2.40u makijng slto6getlaer $&-85 as tise canvassi'ng. a% hether tbidgé onrCsaning.- total of his taxes. If tisa townssip-deoubledl ton sisenld bc tise cotant>' towai. A divis- if& populetion and arealtis, bewaold oni>' ion of tise cotant>', ha arguci, would'isavoeisavoet»e half-of tisa45 or $2iltTA ta pay-'4 tise effec cf ituposing double taxes on andfitaSwoai'd continue t6 e a stili rtiser '- eachs. Il tise>' ere tokea n i; iitistise ;iminishocl, as wCaltb and pepulatioen cu1 new,'couiaty', thise' eudhlave te bcsrthsa ereaseal. Tise nasult béing, tsat at tise expense ef near coant> baidiuMs, aad - al and, isey waould net cul>' have the Rail-t otisen expenses inciden1Ct te tisesttiing off asT ,bi ieBi*y te wonld be aà a no* o ü ity ' i1 vîwth, tie .S etis and di ect m ean a eotr eitcing taxation. Mr. s tisat Wis0itby vent dowvialnnan>' avayXeaci lgconctnsi iacalcisîsition on ag arould have to sîtoulden tisai portion ef bonus of $5O,000, wisich lenigve 41, tisecotant>'taxca. Tisatowrnhipoffleacis cent& on tisé $10Ãœ, te bé'paidýoffln tarant>' occupiedi apacaliar position. Foar toaan- yeas, ani ae i eiaied thse résults,'-H e, sîs inlutise Province contained a greater particulsnly dareit upon tise advantage a t nnnsier vailages. ail bsving a large tise farmnera. of tise eucreasd population nurnier eui ne ni1i a thaeerade anawaealtb whîcb- tise 1lwa wtai of tisose i0 ao were cut off by tise Iuili. blini in. Tise séring Itristhé nÃŽahgpt of ing cf ithe Toronto asdsipi pssang liue the grain, of on. oritare centa lia théobuaistl,t renutit avtbci htsatt isa mcrcisentis .antI which, ho sstae, aveuli alsogo into tisej businessmien of tise villages areulai have formen's pockt-fr tise buyer would bie1 te gise up and lbave, andth ie taxes tisa> able te encreaseibis prie. thst mucis moreo noar paid arould alogetiser lau tapon l'ite -aras 'l5nted eut b>' Mn. Bîgelear. Tise1 fanmer. lie nexi referred te tlisa probable large quiantit>' of timber land, now iretpru:. encreuse lu tise valua (,f propert>'. tea wicis cd as non réuident, and aiici; lnlsteaef tise buildling of tise lina frorn Wiitisy te being a source etofit, w4as a bill ef ex. Port Perry arould give risc, aud aivincti pense on tise towrnsisip, aras next touched tisat wlistever aras doue iu tise shape of upou-'tti speaker Sbowring isoa valuabie aid siseuli be giacai b>' aa>' of bopus. $ss4Liusben aruld-h- auchs ni sa mad Their obect beirig ta e cc'nr' the ceinatrno 18 'a.y cleared fams-antis a Reila at tien of the rondl, lie nqggestei, tisai any transport it aund'ialke ainarket o 'enIL'1 bonus giren sould bc se giron as te se- Il would cent ne suea teut h, ise sai, cnze tîsat ebject,-say one-thlrd ofthtie tsun ait prescrit, and ihâistevor encroasei ametant wiseu grade(], one-tisiirdwieu tise value ih ebtainai avuli g o meto e e.1 tics wcre laid on analtise rails dean, andi kets eithtie part>' visowead 'tise wood. tihé balance wls'citise rond wonid haro Tise cncreased valIn e . a Kiile otfareod- bceh couaiplcta'd. Bc aras always hiencto - alene aveuli psy tisa taxes of tarant>' fore opposei te a Railroati, but expresse ci ysa ni tisaseler wonld meantime liave- iinel favorable te tise prescrit project. toismouey lis is pocket. Refarriugi te Mn. Gcmrdon proposci tisait)Ir. Bigelear, tise eid Railwsy pnoject frein Whifby 0e tha Pnauicleut, be iscsy. iGqorgtiQlIaÉ ,>pportamnoug Sisal avuli Mn. Bigeiear Ètepp'ei ou tise puttorin have becu, ie ai,it woii net bs*0 andI sthtcét'hîe intention ta be te consider aivantageetas te tiseteownshsip et B eiaua taë iatter more in a fiendl>' aa>' tian tisainoir propeseil frein Whitby ta Port 4n"sugaIe le need net. ho sai PcrrY. lu tise formcr casa tiserc avuli dacltapon allte benetits whîi"ls tho ad: have I>cen ne terminus lu Beach, aL.lIe, as vantage ef railaa>'comniunication securci tisa>'alarcîl know, tise securing the ter- ta a cûmnauity_> Iisli*ays wero th ise npas of a ff wsyto à),Iocality aasan great civiîizcrs. Ne ontycould'advance a penorta'nt t oeratien. IL VaS jusi or prospen aithout them. Tise>' prrnoctied th9ing tisai buili up tise tecalit>' in manufactursrc, agriculture, anti even>' otisen amichi t aras placci. Be aivinc tisat al iniutasi lr> . Mn gcloav aent on ta Bay, seouli wark'hsarmonionsly togatbcr te tisat wviile in other localitica Railways hbai necureib tis gVeat benefit, Union amningeSt becu prjecftoa emake a business aqi iheseotseic otliaccai»lizlt a.'great deal craute a traie, in i lic caseetftise Wiit bviereas if tise>'pulcid against oee nethon sud Port Perry ligie tbc traie aircai>' ax- tisair ctpprnueutn on ever>' sidaeaveul isecure isteai-ais imméediate truffie aras ecÙsncd aIl tiso benefits, aud cnt Beach completel>' nufficiciat taearran tisa coustruction ef 'Offaisile tise meo eaceareaconteni- tho lino-evon are tIsane notiig also tea ng saougst themmahves . Hlia arruc dce'hd apon ; tisey wavuld i iet have te thai tisat if tisy a>' to take aiautaga' avait t anuite a tixdo. Tise geograisical efthtie position aviicis tis n e>'uald, aud position of tise township of Beach, ana logo actisetraie- passiug ibreugis tisa tise nannen lunarischis strada aras îisrea- centre kând oven tsça ceuty,.ni oeeor touai, te b.cnt off on ever>' sue, icînani-bts, Lspoierraahisi eamed 'go cd tise construction cf Ibis Ralaa. Tisa>'On, tisa toavsislp cf Beach aveuli bacome found tisa traie pansing îisrough theo îown- liipôWentisei - tlaew tbriving villages sip decrcslng -instesd .ef tincnisasiug aveuli daviule sa>, marchants aveuli sîre«d>', and Walasimince tliteqbilding.,etiIcare tise place, stores aveuli b. closeil, tise Port Boeasd Luisay>' lilay. And mnanufactures cellapse, capital scak -in-W poea, anitiste Terouutosund Nipissiinglipc vczntment alsivisere, miid busines -ea y j thr'ostiei nertît oet tisc nsd tIsa cxîon- asa'in utisoeni.the Itioltibnndii ctaxa. sien ^f(ise -Pi t ipeand Lindsa>'tetiedn bce placei on .tise siouliens of tise1 gôeacimoaspd .t s ntoiligeuce-0 aî ls.popl~lhpss1ve. «~el4 :4~perona îê C U 1' ies itaaay,îdtt ht' *vier- tcpIfl b. Lp dwade 'a o near l ifecndiso.ase 9pcé ' iss.ùu posltoptoinpihowpot4.k lit on ts'rithaisp prcs>ofté -tiai, accontb! But h.truîcte q jA tthie satagory'awould yet '*e teir erori, snd being, cen W ne türn S uni": . - i- iir else va foietf oi tishsabéonbluaîd thengis aronecoaasîy ood; oppoaitqmbi 'Lin anosa frozuthe ant efprcpe"?eiucs. boavever, ae onniatio,- m eproper ,a4ualntapcwaith this subjoc, in oriente- anable:thons thmre se, moeojùst colca- siens. Ameugst tIle:atter, lic;migisîplace hie friand i crn'oraiti ha (Mir., ,'aortens) eutéTmircd. tise hiseatiest-,fiend- sip-and tisuav hern,beoaras sure, lis'ps aras q mop dirai! moea- te -,,erve 'miii fle, (Mr.:-McLarcni) bail net gui th isa ligat, ou tise -aubjact,- buîise'o Inastet -ho, aweuli yet..(Oisers-)Aucthèr irarb *ack aras, tise rivaîr>' of' tise differénI- villages.e belauo eue ceuli netl . lîuch.lieue- fited ai h'eetaens.But ha trustai geai'ý ýsense andi libonaity'e eiia-n ie 1desire ion tise genenal, lIa prefernce individuïl geod, avonli,-esercome al' Ibis. Tisaeras aIîos, c- lame - et -gnspulons pensons aviokept coutinàal>' praeisg. taxation, aundaie,ýby, istertniiit-trnth,, andI constaut>' repcatiug'tir tile ropre- santatiens frou ay >'te day, nn'cceedei !i r- pesing upon tise crodnletas, and helpai te cny, 4own 'great improioentg b>' kaapiing simple peoplo in. constant 'dresi cf tisa bug.bear etfisigsar -taxes- ýTiseavare tise aronutandti iepav±tisa>' layed-the tneut Yiiscr»iit.abîs, f 'aai."-ise etbm. fWe.Qyr, PoXtàu,) took tise gfun tisatio tcin tlib injuned b>' lhé building et tLs Railaray. flicposition et tie town- shsip, lecaîl>'. municipaîly, aiye'pliticall>' was suchsas te demand tiis'construction.ý In saveordth ie censtructieai eft. lspRond aras.neccssutn>'in crdeg te fa,-'Felise -trada .9f tise towvnshsip, and if Beach. avre te occupy ils -préert pesitien, iftiecotant>'. Ne. tiser Railaa>iii tisePrcvince was ever cemusencei union-moe-favorable, aspices. : Ise>' liai,as aras remarkei'by, Mr. Bigoloar, , te creata a trade., -But tisa .sI t f enaIs gav.,tso -Wlatby ani oý e i4s -i bsness Fontisesta .,-'1fha tra .was- rond>' on tishlpopîpe. etBach toue it - and, secure tise fine antd la benallts. Bý ousei people said hst shoert linos iinet psy.ý Tisai may' bego a a gancrall tilng ý An'i yet hae doubted. tise eapre accuracy oethIs state;nautAt aIl evputs h a ilneoisasi- iîromh Whty toen Penny uhit, âait eutagste psybatter tisan;au>' lonig lia in tihe avnli. Tisa lino stantei frouasgai huniser and an infpneviug teav tisrtugh, tisa populous townships et- Whirby xud -Beacis anti anieti -lor"i esero f anice lelce, tliendut and outiet et more tison- 1510 tulesYefnaliaiton, Tiése ci c. cop- str-uction 'ausplacet aI- a ver>' learfigure, euabîiag tise Company te pla es cont ef traval sundtiraille ever tise lin, ai prices se, bar, anti ut tise saine tieo e muncra- tive as cQunîtinot failt, te 4rv trfHc sund froua tisa moment itwavnt loto operation, Tise speaker nexi commentai uspoù thtie comparalival>' suabll- amount ; Mitai ho sait, 'coiipànod. wili u isoc el>'-,tc ha enumoratai isonefita avlich Beach aveuli denive tram tise tuideraking. fie -in-, atancai tiéSe pirit iisplayai-hy Pont Hope lun givuRilan ~sadaala,-h -ldich bat'inigoàby 'a i Fibâiïti'c et' 2,1100. cottributeditis $86ù0OOt) te- îtise Pont Hope niLinelsaRouiý. Antidi tise.peeplaetfPort .Hope te-day regret i, ishe-asiteilNot tise>'. Ani tîteir <taxas,?' isa>' wert enly- dollar' -for,.dollar wîîh- case et tise -toavz4bîp of ps,lyich toek $W0,000 l iIsI M, audssl tatRé aras better abla te laite $150.000 than Cps aaste taice 40,000 oet-tise 80, uie isai coutrhbutei te sciae tisýe-b.efits, et aiaay. Tiat-Une.vas buil,>adis. tsne e40miles lu nir te secmaPore l as 4wsyp 'a m'ts~ I ~ WIILIAIL BOLT< 41 <~emt1IUi1O41~. - 'R i '--'0' - 's--t ~ 8' - e* tz~ 6% ~;&ff' Je Tyeasarer~ 6 Çnl-seit ont4tbuteb ort>' Or ttilostinddoiisr-meea tritiecom And 'd.itua-re ulti nuge. -More tathi tmm , es te« , out avuli b. expend4 ,i4. to ' ~ aisPr', o, tu., P9structajn ha cmpfloyai wisil let i aven ajuq goitpg- .on,,à ) s as , eafter iqxeoati*as clastut. awi. n atn ptgv an ]0-uof -ché of a mérlià a t:ai Lià &Ies Who se£ttleti theresix el ars 4 ,'~ih$00,-isou tiseà'i1lg0b'nle tb; h sai-since ex-, pentài $Pj0on Wa. baildingpaid i i $1900ô iebtednus, u4 lat jasas,-thop Thiâ, naun: iii neto t of'eort lonry or MauchailaUlsaestabisisàabu 1siness. IHo avat wsr. tser a raRilway teprminus, and ItlIa a citi a n sd' lise Mr. Pax- tn) 'on!>y itstan ceditI as a solitar>' tact, .$sheavu tisa0gei fcis et Bailaa>facili, tics ton prontaeting tri7ie,' auJ reaýaar 1nz indusir' sudentgrpis - '.i lu4Ji village ol Bosch,' ho siid;, <'ho hnninaa nmen avero net alo'neindustnieus-aifi cane' fuI, tisey wene ýaIse men etofsbility, ,qnd1 yet wbat à ntrugle tisa>' il t.ejzg waf core.he repontiey itI otsuez4 net aioptedÃŽi meto' arouud becaverse,. ant-, las hoe bai- already r>aid, 'nytising- that tenieàt elesnen tise Irade-otievlage aveuli hbo inet disastrois -ti'ttis'4t;yshiip- atiég. If lhe,'-(Mr. Paiten,> hçls capitallmfuiette di he-o-aveuli ilb.th Boai ontri ,ýiLaset asin n ' aq fors àingle cent'.' "iié htie>'isiae- - mil.. tiserefore ite aras: tisitishe tarnsis4s "ut large--cousiicri n gthe Jeep iintercsti vtis ad at stake-ivas asked te aitieun4t4,tag 'n~tise gasupune, i,4ed aw"hls al4stely inai initite 'Secure the- eoîzspi etouef 41 ceisls on»lise,$100, oettte aprct-znt o- sustsep nt, nt, ven>' m ian (bastlise Bi> aveudisecaa.saril, iy ngiito tise teavnship ail eav-en ,pul up s h6uro, isou a dillae>a arnîisaiitional ef geoi, or - von a 1e4, or~ broui, o- -rlw,'i i> q>', aidd to tisepopuistien or inditrly et ti toavnip, iselpé,d te pyayiaex. -Speaaing.et tis Railnitiasùna iatmont, lhe said -h. kunofet noue battez'. *ITe trasBe tiftise Innibherers nortis isai heen alneady n:ceerti il Came ilooepèratieu-îha1y Fayint tlie - etame prie eastise>'ai- l'iresept paiti tise ýPort 16pe .ina.- Tiat traie gleno, lait.. ý.-r, aiýnapuld te ais unch, s un M. ,faî etfu lihen -aneçà!aïgioirsoté'te ake'tisai Bailway,ipey. BUsttboltact aras, 50 - l;i ,and groaving aras ti1 aaIntbr -trade- ls tisere would .hioeneieugiste keep, bptis yôaul goiug. me, Pf toi, aie! re.fernxng bte th -eost efthé d Tuaak.apIlfugraa.î àtilit?, iieLaitistandiipg all tise xtrava- gauca praêtiseti,' o-cluded-bia ehakt- -aRijisIbeau>' demenntatiiotaoppliatsst A À Mr Anieràon madie' sem :ojrkis,. froua-tIs. i hettialal,rep>is'tim mahii'ei-'elbuulingBlîroassi EnlarW -, wabiëhs bai,ne bogpng waaever ou ith, euijçç,ïixefor télia.etio& - -M ordon isa.,ug bean repeateily' callci fer, prt' toel tise standi. -Blé arum ;plesai,, be.saii, -to geeso larges trn onw; at tise eting;> ltopoke-iwel tfor thers ion bel aeen blissslf andtiotllerepaak- ;- i nm a& te tise eneat imaacs'tnce 61et lb. Ru- à, bii

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