Whitby Chronicle, 30 Apr 1868, p. 4

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t e±low~ ErytlWlifi dus AMF NVffl - -- 'Sorias.lit. ig isie LIFEÏ IN, APILL. BOX 17 JkN L-LI ois YL OiE éisL IlA DOSE 1 list oter, laai'cdy es troisam i o«rrihe ,uàlll*ge P4kr, magrou, yoa (r pll ae eM us oM - hlliUs tes. i <n. u <y14 fpll uau.isua TlmlmiJclo. M leed4esho liasonfte S somher bo W o kap nlita 4huuea."s,' 61 Ant ariti roullual(rom billous cholla, .iwo1~ moUil cé oe, sud I liera lid n. rotunofit *'iJurdaaomis esste fe or chromn otf <li si di di au t wu 1wurab eo" boitliPilFileus lie0 jua." sûbsbrib& r 1esires 10 for Put favoro, adsff care' CÂNÂDIAI Tv.da, CoBtIUK5, 5 * 0 hbmeou8 patrons if Dow injP1.with a *O0M ýIl -& SCOTCHI bOi. itO Whicbb is propaTd to miks pto ordeeo 9w 6or"yz!tein lot- est style, ai on tbe Wut 'sasonbli tenms., E PN Brook st., Wbltbyý katcb 24, 1868. 2I $i&tIOO Uý N P R ESENTS! AT IIOYT'lS NEW PIOTOGR ApHi GALLERY, OSIIAWA i je riety 0 Lif s'6r pl "tour pille are fmrtrek)uo.t. < Iebleo $eute. "I ise«tu "« box* ourd % eil '! ka la vaîusi1 h.,usé."9 6. t. Moisis! beucured my liîedacie, Wh"ciW55tétre$s s .I 41gare halfuf Clioor ypur Pilla o M7y.<er Osbî ritolora inorlMSS. 'fsdoser hu'6I <ng sot *e1la la My euv o< mrulung lanow caredl" 66Youer b4a<Mggiet'e Ogive rare.' Me Of noisle oi the head. uls une of jour salve UIilsud MY ef.7"'.ia v use;Ivutoa(r a poor (cml- 6k Bnd ise utwleu hoMe1o( on~ple r' 66 1 âplClO5 mi pre 5et<wenlr ent,- but il@rscel ey)ileworth a douear."1 Ob &,t Mnobliea(ge iee t< ay0ar litre hy sE'. FPOZ FZK&LE XDISEAZES, 0fer wan< ol'Apiw<llu, ie Gela 'atswil i 4>udue1 roill Yuctuel rcnta<y. Jm M OO Pi' PIL.'8 MD SALVE. h A4ra al.noaiunierealit,; ibir @&et#, ansd la gc ura nos Ij- alîil talways lesgaereuad. cutter iBACII it DCONTAINSSTWE1,VE PILOS. ceNz PIL N11060. c> A c.untOyfoti I countcTrfetsI 1 8lAGGlltL.I PILLO or IIAI.NIIu,,fei te nm@o 91 Iàiot lOC, 'oprlc'lie additiontiigeo lie ateolJ ,Ïgglel, tlailn the aîîgnred cisurrouuditi Chlibo "0 i l IbId heiIf O5l5deamlirougliu<the 26cnsa Box or Pot AIl «Onlp Air Uniis1tase iv mtuet aeddiaeale J. ilfydocli, f4o. Il, Pisse MreeL 74ev ort. pclle,,15 eu v i <ely saboni <har complainte and $y ~w;atafn0<im y olloWlng ma, il.Wla <r F AR M E ýR4SqA cViou D lnythaîr tesctrou e luoImfs udirec. s~ 'l'h. M si res 1'Cdmpw6 5 Ioeplusl Sireat. Moutreul, lir smil orer Une Thuuid Packageo illilrantpauwathe ouli'-idrecel". wary d&Y nSsourSie iInc M lwietsgres titial(e tOM&. Euh jolnad arle aeew of siméneroin e îatoiilisadm r ]Rvszzb.MoIées., Quallie, Jeu. 11, <S, . In !Ph@ 0iei.- he clcte oltes, oraedi-sMueBO ine oiuc., ernved tu gM ader. '«li ulty le paraBO Sain ccletsdpraicoe M 1. WI8SMwila lmb>lg<iaac quaisut f'« a siedfuroserunde- ~çuaSs.I aa pasei < auucnt you bat 1< gireis uest. '~ Hoïas or Sawsrstulcwà Des. le, lw5. <einlemi.-Tlie jeux of lnglli BracI<aII& sud <lenilmeii,-bI wo cheale ot Tas1 W (r y bW i iloma waks ime liere gt aiM eiltitoi. Yens wll tues(r ard <o e ofrin timure t lUrmloirM , on. iii tuai Vîî WeriiadJIW #Ea esou suo*dlma«i priaret te5au&P« Ilb. Vodre. ho. Geantei,-l Eeg <lélforni 1ou iaiu<lia Iwo bose WePs yon onise luaa eue 1l elt~lc~~ eta Mmen llt it e oteou a, - ThacairlUSfS othe $"M',dlceJouMIei Ér tr. asacad as drn i mpuedea.'i1omtly là-." rcfla amm olaemist t l'as rMaoiaO do. O 1lerord do. 60r.; vrY 04d 5». 0.. 1c.Vary Va nOUSOiUe; inedo. Io « 5Ibo <i r <vo i. Mit e" " MualtOtiad Het Sin ,sConsist of Gold " a8iIvet Wabchei, Goid Ch'ins, Brooches i î dds also Sewing Machine, PaintingoAlbums, andà a. of excellent docks. fé4ike lîkenees I1iken in a few ueîondsin a inanner to e- ereot osatbàaÀem. ,3W Seo Bills for mannüô.l '6distributtln i pit. tNow is jhe &3Icaoe for'all. to tend<re enduring rE0TOGRAPHO, »d ble presentte at a leu pié than nWost phiotographwi% t charge for Mh pic. - lone. îMsrcb 24, 1868.,1 ROCK STRtEýET,-WHITBY,# rs t the publie à large assortment of cutters ana sleigho, igocated CUtteri, patent, frnt Cutters, Corered Cutters, nora te iibove Cutters will be foýtnd stperior, to anything man U- red fû the couhty, in priofi und finish. Onul and exam!no a ver neat r for $25. Parieular attention paid to paint.ingand !epairing Cuttero. 1.11 Work Warranted.. Hote I o eep ie Ferel RY & WARM >SEPH A.BANDIELL'. d se-lect a pair of~ warin Overshoes, you will 1hud them d ail kinds aud of the bust deaciptiôn. iperior :Buffalo Overshoes. Lai ,Gents, Mse'ad Chil'drens' )TS & SIIOES, of eitq variety, the establishment of the ,rsigned is ¶ineurpassed by any other lu town. The stouk is re to select from, and the workmanhipoosdialvae LURANTED. RIEPAIRS AS USUAL. S7' -Hea.de of Fàmilieswill fiud it to th&i intereat tu tall examine. it3,y, Deaeit-ber 4, l86v. J S P GREAT I3ARGAINS IN ,CGre tiagainsnIasadCp. Gre'atBrgains iniBlankets,Fane, dreat Bargains in Ileaývy, Double and Gr8t 3rgains in Heavy-,déouds, Hoods,l Gra -Bargain nleavy Gloves, Mâtts, Ikaiery, &é ALOA LARGE ASE ? 0CER1E8, SOMTMENT OP. t' We beg *0 announoe the arrivai of ~ poctios of ont 0PRDiGSTOCK,.o~ - 1u~ 0< tb.foIlO#ing liseS ~ Eo~l.'. Priuitu, A.bton's P rintsî Panoy Dr.. Goods, arey M.d vWhie otos ol.s&Br cent les. than lest scason la prices. The balancé of Our Spring lmporltions w ill 1ié to;bcnd lai cf &pil, whih wili b. (osa i snsslly large, sudl vill b. solu ait the vry lovait remnsratlver T., LKCeMLLI&Cob M4 ,0 H.C HRAN IS STILL CLEARING 0OF'HIS LARGE .Wl*nter Stoceki AT' THE 10 EISW PRICIES.' Excellent value li Tweeds, Ovrercod'tiingos3 Flannels, ana, Blankets. Just received a lot of choicefreish GtI'oceri. ies, -for the Christmas Holidays. W' Best price paid for good Poultry at M. H.COHAES Whitby, Dec 189 1861t. Gu9o'd 'Ne'w's for the Nilion! $115O,990 WOIITIILROF ýGOODS 1(now alilmen by thel'p:ebaial <bt 1«a maido Seil the 011BAPESTGOOS h the COUNTY of 0I4TA!LI0, 'SALL PROF tmITS a&ptQUIheCK REtmm otéiYS' lMV STOCK 0F FA.NCT ANDl Stapie Dry Goods, to nok* dodipleteè, sud for beautyo style and nbeapueeu caWht bcomurpassd. Ita parties tavoriug'r. vith thlr patronagce, *111 Sund It Wo thélfr adiantage bctb lu ptolit of style sud choqeaps. A taîl aasortmieut cf MOURNINCQ GOODS constantly În bandand dobb up lu tho bortet notice. Ale, a cebolcoe clection of BRIDAL EQUPkMBNTO trliumcd W order, lltiho latent style. W D" 5Buttons aud T"Ini. mlngs lu audîib arlcty. TAIL0RIN{G DEPAIII'MENIT.-Clothi'ng màde to order t>u ttfé prsout 5by first.celau vorbipen, and sn immense stoc cf the mnt Fashionable ICoth bo select rom.. A r fit guaranteed. Specia attention cald te a lot cf BOOTS AND SHOES. mi meus' ala women's, *Irls' aud misses'. Alec. Orer Shoas for clamp veather. Grocerles, Hal<i. gllusetonircspeWttItlyinvi" de Casaid, forl Wbbat, BaÎrley, Ryd abd BOOTS &.1I0QL 0f the R gt « and .MIako. COUNTY o FOR THE 4 2, iocrlng............... J i 8, Menchestar & é 1'rieAbert. '4 5Cenln~tu...........21, ~22 sir I, Athurley,........... 24 9. [ ,,a-t I.. ..B4 129 Zdi~~ .1» 2 O 4-.. O 8 5..2i.V. 22JtILMM HO1MÉ DEPOT LONDON & 14VERPOOb No.23,Hopitl S~ ontreal. 1'to and GNUINE TJEAS, tif s =nddnt ral fiavôr, fimpoýrted direct from tb. Coman'sPantai.ons-lu ASSAI!, spd on the slopes of tbo BIMALAYAÉ, blcndcd with the flet podti of CHINA. Only Two Quaities, viz. ý.-7Oc. or $1 per, lb , citbýr Black, ÇWeen or Mited. Fine liouschffld Tes, couibining Ett'ngth sud Flavor, 70O cents pet lb. Flnesîtprocrablei .................... .... dollar pcvlb.-1 *SoId i luets sua csnisters hy thé Colupeny's Agent% iln cvery' clty sbda Tonla Cnsdiu R A 0 0ie Sardi neu, C«Oc t B Utrîgr a, e. JlcDOU GALL, Baker, Confectiouar, <&e., rook etl 'hlthy, Jnly 16, 1867. 28 PROTEC~TIONiFOR F'ÂRMERS & OWNERS OF STOCK THE HARTFORD LIVE "TOC K o -o o. INCORFOEATED B!' ~frl1E Legi~Iature èf Cbnneo$icutg Withuaertctl CJtartar. tjr 8100,0S0,de ±'olly.polderii. Cmiolîa eni o Agent for OaIiaWs~ mel. MARK ilOBIliSON, 7j LSatreet, Ciao ESAB iHEI1833. Àp FAo .6'M Èébruâai ele u (ÀSUOQORls O .9 oWM. IILL.) Cabinet niakers & iTpholsterers and deal. ers iu ail kinda of Cabinet F.urniture,. ,Rave now ý on husnd, Oie largeat and mloÉt select Stock' lb be fouud la 'tho çOgntry, wbich.t1ie »5t'O Uinut at ics te uiWthé t.tResbting deterϱiled'no-ôt -toFe b.uudersll by anyAbouse iithéttetrade. ýCal àûd examine beforôtirhiug 1o3erO6.A'À dite'6se- letiôn 'ci Gilt )foûidings, (Àmeican- make.) 3, & 4 zô zEOCÉ 8 t E~,wE1TB -r* ---------KIP thie year toila.. of the i orFIRE Of all kinds, end et the or* Wor)d ,ili1»b whitby, July 20,1lui. DUFB Faamily Groeeu, Nio. 2, meRm FIL N T.B 3FRE Whitby, Jan. 281- A TTOREIY A' pn, Brook, ,:W DARBISTEII & ATf OUE yT-A' Chnery, N& tis Fontoffic,. c.c e jAN 9 Cli. 44~oaz, _b lltttuy-srow, t earlstr, &olI01 -tbUZGOe'.blT, w? n tret» m B o-vi JAMEt ws DIVISION COURT& Li Jk- DE Kt FTi RBTÙReS'I . l 1 1 & SMALL - PROFITS & QUICK ,BANDELLe Il le 1 1 1 . IN wè D. MIUIIAJISJ-19 Il CeWe of Sing and Umm Srau, O&iatm. 1 o,8t4,wA, ocT. b, lut 14 29 16 .30 k

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