Whitby Chronicle, 2 Apr 1868, p. 4

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-Whitby, Daose.1 861. UIFE IN APILIU BOX 1 'EXTBAORDINAUY EBTI DP .14NTI-BILLIOUS 'rILLS. 'ONI'PJ1LL IW A DOCS 1 ONU ILI IN A DoME9 ON01 PLL IN A'»OSZ ti m oaoulij=6 ,m0& Amr 101 se ia1e lus oie !la:r iust ae1Moa$,as1ca<estw -0 sturalle,1w, et lis.y acIlls.d t lumid L ullwse * Y, Out "Yesr Pile arensirieleus. "s6tmm furt eoa6*r box. ad keep thonsin thet siaj. meuishie earswd nMy liadgo, whwclawu ..olatrbus. Thée daar lUftTilslsag 901e*6 hg y Puss r *ieé'taîasive 10 reS me et ale n the hWa. tiubbad osie ef yoiitsalve behW M ay ju, ail the nse le Ic rote(o apor A- "Saonme yIsoolai; atn e pefsl 1 nloeadollar; Yonm prie.tg ;vcnly.ve cent, miuthe M iedicine Io M a *OvetO a dolar."0 "Saiad meaie bosu" y e ill."9 4,Let intshalevagre li ofsutyour UaV# yrte. For ail diecai et tb.he dneys, rctentilOlloeturine, de Wit mifs y Sy vie. SOR0 EN~ALE I»ISEÂSE, iwat etAppete, màggwel'ePilla Winl bu (Osnt u e 1toûàrandy. - MAGOOOILIS8' PIL.L'8 AND SALVE. &Im am& nieral lI tîrer eléitl, as u ue eu iluataiys lmguarsaced. E/AOll BX CONTfflâ TWEliAXB ILLO. MAeor ofbuPperare wamirii a nac et J. 1 %rîb5oe, Ppreter, l81adîloitolte S.tanae.of( Magglal, lift th.e agravd op surroaaladlaaeueh box IM ld I~yal respetable dales t lauglieut Uic Io urnd Staéor icBue4 et i 26 Venta ox or Fot. Al ordue rot irUnlîa it l osmuilie adalheusoa te 1. Hayalo*l, no. il, Plneldgroet, New Yerk. Paîlorits ëeauwrite froly about Ihir cenplalula andl ecemnbcr rooament mal. Wue ff DoobrOral, 1807,45ly STORE-KEEPMRS IIOULT) buy Ihir lU (fitroshe Isuotere direct. 1 Tieilhretib Te o e ntry-iiaid l er d trtma vece nt éIUi cavsnre s a lites tou. iltatwu .tbumaroautesltna kenaàlcdy Upolu ovrQuebec, Jan. ,1m00 Oendlancal-Tho 60chats etlce orivadc& osie '!fus lne arvcd ta gond erd«ýet. aquels? la Pur u> lo1s ha e o ilt' ( ofle ohoLe tr Ie * pes, St'em*ajdtIoaccqusint you t at lgvea ge. > WILLI8 81J551LL. aalievTabox et Englios Ia eal( nal Polttyoi,,7uTat whiehliyotlJun ie gie res oa. iwto, uiy expeet Say>ftacre <vae. T*xao, Decomber 18,4507. Oeilemeaa-fhie twoieb4iest res 1liWd(rom yoTe »tn urnewakà sohm.bave gîeu iswila(clron.Te ill gs 1485cenla parlb. Tout ea., JAMESEDGARI * Ceissi. Jans8 , 0 Ouiemiima bugt Iccm puiltt*htwo IWI## Wio uIo tauMeprici, awudulge youra Sc, oud why? leaseota h 'SMALL RFT4 5450, 1P78 5W 0? Y3'HOAÂH. *868 Pt. '> 5,' 04,S 1801088 lo2, 1860 1 00 180 1 164 1801 218 4 b ~~~0,~~ à, 6, 6,28 à,1, d 602 ii lis, 114, 1212 241' 20t, 24 09 1.42 il124' 672 520 2 6 1287 TOWN O0#, WJIITU3Y* nom, *4m i?T i BSOUK Omm, 18512456 -444 18612 8 4 *0 444. 1812804 96.",446 181284 55 4 186t25O66860 18012846080 1861 23456 0560 186-28 48à6 go$ 181284506a860 1861 2 16 0-825 186128,174 1511 2 4 5 1861 131k, ID. Win. êt. Lot 8, dé I 66 , 6 7, 16 il, centre " 71 66 .o Il 61 id L 1 Blocke 1, Water 1ot do du 212 e 48 (0 104 92 6272 48 55 24 #0 21 65 57 5% 21 76i 79 98 il127 75379 12 791 408 -408 845 195 12 61 1 ADENliIJRT'S PILÀA. 1860 ê I1 WALILACE .-PLAN.. 1861845 '461l 283450ô 1mi18456 1860 128456 1858 61 384 56 18566(18450 181 2456 1M818 1860 12-8450 1860 2846 1801 23568 109 Ise 2011 24a l 1 2D 14o 18 1 $76 ose, 69b ofe 44o 11520 WM.- PAXTON,9 ô 4f) 9 25 10 b6 8 95 ,408 1417 8 44 g~Ail th$ ebovO Patente Trossror's Office,: Whitby, Dec. 23, 1867. How « keep hie ieet JOSEPH Au. B3,ANDELLP' 4ndýSP.Ieét a&-pair of warrn O esheyou wilI Ibid hem of ail kinde and of the best descition Suappror Buýffaklo Overshoes. In Ladies' - Gents, Misses' and 2hildrens' BOOTS4 &SEIOES, of every variet, the; establishinenitofthe -undersigned is uunsurpassed by any-other 4a town. The stock is lýxge to select from, and, tl, workanéip goodt and, inal case« i ~ilBca4b of Families will flud it to their interest to dal Sand exaxnbe, JOSEPH A. BAND)ELL. Wlitbyp D.ember 4,9 1861. 48- ~Ri MY! STOCK 0F jANOY .AND Staplei-'Dry- Gc>ods, Io now complete, and for beauty, style npý4 pQscan't bc surpauod ;: kI tbis nystoek is very large, and, more aftractité thaii xwual, audparties faworiug-me with' hi arngwI-fni oterainaelohh polun ansyld cxapness. A fit assorten1eufM MOURNNG GOODScoatantly onb "d'u due up luLbthe rtcst notice. A1s80 seholco -collection of BLUDAL EQtTPMETStimred o oriber, in the l'atezý stye. P resButtons andTi b onand, an lssvrey TÂKOIRING DEPA1ý,TMENT1-C1Oothing, mad&,toý order on tbe, premiscs by firstclass woÎkuen, sud naiuestcoKL.mtPabnbI Cloth to select fror.Ago ftgatecd. SpeciWa ttention called Wt a lot, of BOOTS AND S11OES. in mens' and weaucn'm,'girls ' arnd mnissek'. AW.o Over Shoes fer damp Wcather. ,,Grocçties, lard., *Îre te Inspection ia reapectfully inviied. Cash paidfor Wheat, I3arley, Ryo sud Aois i---r OSIIAWA,,OCT. 28, 1867 C'er Of 1i la nd .flm rt$Skto, OaLwwa. 0f t/e, Righit Fit and M1fake', 111o subscribér bcgs to return his sincere thaniks to friends and customers, for the vcry liberal Patronage extcudcd to lm since ho eommenced business for hiniscli. [n ode tu meet thepe 1CSft opie ments of b usincs, hoe bas emoved to the p> (mises, OppositeBank of Montreal, BROCK STREET., WHLITBYt. Where he has introduced a large and varicd stock of Ladies; Gents, Boys, and Misses, Bootx and Shoes, of superiol' quality, and of the latest style and finish. Hi ilo eluployed an ldditional nuinlier of bands,> and ia manufaturing'work- of very superior quality, iu order to' meet the re- quiremeuts of enstomers. 0::- BTYLIXS IJIIPM:U, REPAIRLS NEATLY 1DONE. ~rTry Saundera', ifý you want Boots or Shoes of the riglit fit and make. Whitby, January 8t 1868. 1.. B ET'AN!> CH1IAPEST place to gt àS aigood flusineme Eîlucutioù sea t 11 sud Stratton Li3u.neoss Collége, loî&ted ut Buf. falo. Th'lisle thé ]kW VB ruiee ZZO EzrganizUd b t $00» Pcan. d e iqti" luin equenee of the dcclii of Mtr. fI. D. ,$:ruttoil, tige lirysiat und Intecet lias beau d lopoped of ln )icarly auit the Collageoflthé ehîlît. Ilerciifter, the. CoUt-go ALOw1C will bd' undoe ihaanogcmlint of Dr. J. 0. BRIYANT, who irili dlevoto hb whoiu time and energies te thü Lra'alg l OIa à1xwlo iah btan Tinrugl Of kaaoMin w. et adi to O,rîi A - e ri lily té e a i uin easi dtsciton. 1P EN2- AS P, BOOK-KEZPEPF, ABITl1IME- TIC BUSIINES6 1'IACiIOLb Miy3lCitulN- I$ING, COMMISàIoîî;IIÀ*ï.KIË ~tUI LAW,PINANCZud 1110LEXZf OMy, gré tanght.n chia " And fatlly ttlueitrutAtl hy iz AczÂO- ilut(ic Col- lage Booaua,, bya <ful orp§ ofe oxprlecaed sud thoronglaly contjilt ititrietcre. Pflpi!o cun enter ut ADY limeo. Tuer. are no- vaus- For termnd ciaoeinformationr, adris J-. BR13YAN<T, April $M, 1867. ,1me7 Prof@ J. -Post i:l cal friendt) li lIb htlie li prc. piurd te recive pupilia for flîîtrnction Ou thie liuilugbui to ycars oxpcrtoealob, lîi"e tell eonildpitot Moi tusbo eromote arapla mad- vitâceiaent cof pupIba, wlîu îuy h bc d tindur 111% tution. - bîitrîîstioi given lu thlîrmigtli liais, unr- 1an0îîy, Cou EnîouFge, 'flaory of biuai- Ca iompoaitivii, natîlpirUtilnr tteîtacù wl bceiventote u ntîvwl-on et tii. robe. of ,sru theu e PW#I'ao,*$0 tlic'ûry otîmuical colapiitioù, &C', extna $5. WVitbySeîîtt-'îl)er 25, 1807. as, eteon Ayers.a GIZERÂZ BLACK$MXTII, AND FIRST-PRIZE HORSE-SHOEU, VIINDAS S1ITEÈT. Wliîhby, 10, 1857. 2t-17 -.V -ERý- 2 Iý 0' 6, 1%ertoi..1 Bùnërto"e. . ........ 2 27 3 5 Whttby, .Junu asy 101h, 1868. INIA&CHINA TEA 00,1 110IMB ,11DEPOT., LONDON &,LjIVERPOO] N o. 2 3, H osp ital Mtontreal Cur sd ENUN 1JJ,,c pedd natural lavor, imported dire (relu the CmaysPlantations lu ASSAM, sud on 1hei popes of 4h. H1IMALA.X biendeci with htie finect produets cf CIA Ouly Two Quabities, viz. :-70c, or $1 perlb, cither Black, Green or Mïzod., Flue llousellold Tea, couabining Strcugtli andi Flavor, 70 centh per lb. D4ies procurable......................... 1 dollar peir lb. Sod- Sin itPsekets sud Canisters by ltae Compauy'S ýgus aevr i> Town mn Caunada. .- - i .. .1- ~. TRADE A.gent froshawa, MA RK. kebru r MR. MAIKI nOBINgON,- ESTA LIS EB~ 1~ TILL~ ,& Cabinet H a v e , n o 'w 0 fouxad in ié co deterimihed flot SCalilan4 e:à makes in 7 0WJL iIL. IcLeign of -1

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