Whitby Chronicle, 5 Mar 1868, p. 1

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Sàunders', W >'ou S<E. 'U lbtch $11 W bl bd vey obap, forc sold., Cah paid for aby quaintlty of go'bs 'th rigb ~hibe hpÉ&I '., cr' i oByroni à Dai WâiT»i, NOV. 27 1607. YOUWI x7~~etd r to-tbe Stor4 SE p lJll#ekS$.,lWeltb7t Ont I* 1, o$. 8,lads. 4 -,Pu, Brook, CE W.k. Le jPbie. &a.Oi,' 60., 60 TjTUREifY-AT LAW tSOLITou lu olt* 11. i pbircOEL J. RAtl GLEISO#W, IL Jrralç»YAT. QI OCITQJS 1IN hanftry 1otar - 1ali un 1no AusttTimb', L*WIOIDITO, 15 I mman isud Notar" Plubie., tk.,,*., , J'umusmreu-noOpat TbwnO *iCicaaLé, ',W. IL c4141kaazix C. A. joÈ*Yi, *buriater,. Soiestor in Chamu..v, &WI. urPIYWCE-NXe« sdoor trthe eoutsbyi Soilutor. k.., k.., S4,Clmmrçla Direute Toronto# . 3Aiut§1Tzlt-AT-LAW,k. veysnr, &e.. NSeo ta4 orthr rfOie t',t 01110, oshilva, C. W. 40 40 a. . je6au*# K, ID. 1 <[30105 TO TUSE COUNTYGUL De W. FMEBIB, D ,Çýxu nm-8toIo A. l., 4sud bto 8 Ioe DR. IPEAKE, WHIT~BY. Ps s.mm Wftby, D.Aî. gin .-Crtoue lIeuse lSiet A. WEIM ànomnE, ýi1TA ILQy 8 BlE band-,ud. ~A e ..bfreonllbura ltg.. P arO9kiz s Dr$to re. »""- ory, k fo ilalpurpomes. Brooklq,Ct *W., los' IK)UT1 O biste noithe in- WMh~.o". CuutyoIVIotorisand sttrroaudip4lountifs, tbat bu a bs.opoued th» lioelon finam ltrstlaw.y oço. î.a by Jew4tt, sud a eslibs.lied lt ftt.d sudIannliJ- di lui sty~~le, visiter& vliii Iid cveryonve- nienuen. Wa, Llqior.sud Gi m 0thé, suce. Lilidosy. Pcb. 14,1864. ifua.s er»",na:,ViroB. JOIlz4 OPi'UILI ....... ... Prorietor. be.t 01 wfiucie ibtuore atigers, and rfreeh- mienta. À Wolf uôttPpll4table. GOotebiug sud ouoloed yatd.- MOIN SPUÏCBElL Whltby, Ot.4.10so. 89 P RIN GLWE1S' IO011EL. (LÂ'T2 W-ON'5,)- NE LSOAI ST.TORO O NOiS'TH OpS LINO ST. %To vi are i very ba"t o rllintj m<guv.àrt4 ltetril upbliacomotion vi lit (onLu luddutaut penmoal atteùdasîca, sud vii Ieye otbu~undfone-on tbeir partto ulve 2stist=1tou to'silwbo uMay f4vor thm r wth à Colii. 0 (LAT£ OÀ4214D4 H03'24), OrpPoSITE TIRE VPOST OFfrICE .]=G ST.?, BOWNXA"NVILlE gliOo, BIWDIF4 October lot, <$86..31 aTÂ<*E HOUSÉ A L B10N 'HO TEL JAMES BLACE, I'ropr'lehir. flOXAZ GIBBON. <7OMMIBSIOffJIERCH*N'! INSURANCE, k GENEE&L AGENT. Wbitby, Jsu~î, Utir 180. S RZVEEE HOUSZ~ - EAN0EUhTB1~ O. W. E. PLANK, - - - - Proprretov.~ Utqa.toart&from Wiritbp oeil daiiy. Evai>' aU.errtlènpald t. gante. tiareful sud allen- tire ostieru. S We bïeg tfIntimate, pur intendc mn o e ýË iifrom busi=8 about them Brt ï Mardi, 1868, modil n equebde1 ai ihivm'meucedto offr.th. whole of Our immeSý ii DRY QOObS; Rdyemade Clothing Gromerios, Liqu'ors &Winoe At' a sàï! ixdvance on 2st, inî order to reduce our Stocfr4ý by above daI &ssmucblapoaile, 4~uthe balance wvili be offered ln balk vitr tie god wU ci bsus éeIr vth k toua. ot ourirev sud eligitile premisbl, hi £ enlvent nrbaeràou,1'libéWra1 tMii*s. Our' Stock is ail uev and has been bougirt un the mst arinWbît4bbler uasô hi r g'oode roui lOto 15 pur cent cheaper tiiah an5' other Houa. ln to*h. Ùur' ob)dct being, to redue our sock, ratbor thm s ccirWoi> o lit&. WE Ã"FFER M0 =p: ens' puts, rolà e2 to,$5,50, 8oti 3 tô$8. 200 Body Comansd Pou Jscketirý $5 tII $10, Worth $6,50 10 $12,0 . ,.. 50 Overcoata4<rom $4 to $12, Worth Ï6,eo hi $15. 800 Veste, rom $1,50 to $3, Worthr $2 to~ He.vy Whitney Bhukets, from $450o $5, Svortir $5 hi$6,,75. Hea'y Whitney Uverc«oatluf rom $1 50 82,e0, iWrth $1,50 50 38,50. Beardfull ilk tIiid Costings, rom $1,. 40 to0 3,Worth $1,75 $0st Uuddersflld ujake, roIs$1,40 50 $3, v orthr $1,lllt. $4 Ceuas, BIngishati d EcdelrTweeds, Very cbep. Englisir Doeba1t nsd'Ciotha, ver>' 8n. BoglisIr sud Mofcov Beire&~ Mantde Cobths.,e. 17ugllsIr atSdCanadian Flànnaa, il ce-1 100 Pr. Gr'ey Cottous, thre hast value lu 1tire Count>'. Steare Lppm, Prints, Shir'tings, sud Tlck. Ge b-sd Coiss ver>' latest styles. DreM&da, lu Winceya, Delaines, Thi- bc ta Coboà ,rgs. Merinos, Luatres,Gala P1a8d4,8ailwool 'do. Frenchr Repps, 100 tol~ ~a ~ 0$2 Breaktsa bs!$ sd 8outags. Ilofae, a ap1endyd 'abtIenî ItibbonaVelvets, Ï 'rmînga, BlàckSik deckded bàrpln Dsmaak Curtaîns, Lae suA hB"lin, Table Linuen, wvitte sud bý'ôvuIrishr B11k Liuneu ffandkercI-llfa. Cafta sud Collars, Hoop Skir'ta, Tiew, lScltk sud Ilucki., 1&c,, e. Ju st r'eceived 100 boxes nov Layer' Ratans, runltokes, j sud 1 boxes Boxes "eV L.ry.ru, jý boxes do. i, boxes do. Nov Vslentit Uaisito, 10e 50 12je,. NeV Curvansd ie lIn Toua, %.%ffer tira bost value lu 1 1 vou, rom 60e 56 $1,10, pure colles. resIr gorrnd. Xieeý Tobaoeos WwZ-, Tjou,' ( Hue N on,) î bar 13,50, T. Wýir ii tthwoi. ,.s'air Sf« pieturea "LAR ' ALLER Y?- ~Tw b.t'$lttuU, godon't be Biock rr., wKITT. Whltby, NOv. lm 8. .4 fiat vater saiorr, 12*ca. No. 1. round Y*arr-ngs, oui>' $3 a bbL Pu re Prencir Branâles American ftum. " Illaud Gin. "Ports sud S8e4m, " l Oi rmib Wi»ikey. "malt wbiské-. "Old Bye Wblukey Aldveii'saie lf , 115 sud go gallon Ipu packageg, ai Draery prime. Engitir AImsudPote*,- ". 3,75 1,80 thre nolm 19. MIMILLAX &Cole CHÂfNCERI NOTICE TO CRITOU t THE LAIE JOH]aN 8ULLIYVAN. t6 taue ourt of No.11,of é,, er, AT PICE TueTDEFY CÃ"]kPETITION* ftNXg&~~ tIE~IEN x.x~X' (4uugvIryo. 'lapan eolored. souchoug., lit boxes Ees Fine Clut ils box"s. Twiàt smoking and chaviug. VIRE&A R. IWhite ider- unit. Wina. IstUAMS lerubairred . Extra GIioud SU .11 4. CIuuumon'. Ginger. Mnrdiut u as eitatrd luBote, PirYinud Aple, a. aM FRUIT&L 4la 6 peu 6,sfno lsrveaua. Esence of Anchovios. Gorgous Agioliovies. muahroom Calop. IVlcut 4Jstsp, Worcesterghiro Sauce. SALT. Table Soi in drurna. m0 Barrois @ $1 $o. DIIYUAj$TERIES AND DRUGS. Crasur Taru Bl-Carbouate of soda, Biorax. t3lphur. Imiklg Povd«r. Bp" Sis bai-Soda. siltpotre. Sonna. Oum Cimplror. »lu$ Vîtrol. »»k Ltcd aihBlue, Bail 13111. '84r Loiters. oxsoltins. barin, u , à, à1~ht Tiua. Vaorouell. tbsuued I'ociies. Mpic.o e n4btsrity; * nbrbdl LiBice. WbSug.ny Conr.. e. Writlug parer. indigo, 'Aiuroud. OlIovoo. Igutmcg. q4eîor Ap.ort.î1Tkble6r. Clinaroi1 Pie whrite, Whte Wuhs. Prapared Cor-i loioie ai F~d aint. ;»r Crocand >t GIbko ad atm amela kFRlou j'.0, CrsBroonr,;Ïï,4 &d <40., " L NoS i i a Iloop Niat* Po matchres clotiraa1 Manuder# Fine &i Colored SiOh"Th (*a)dia "aWedTubas.. M. PIPES. 'ou': T. D. . . sucîy. CORAG; pa~ TçepB'. Wick. Fhte IuS n Whlte 11b, "16 no.1 orti hl pi ltier larels, ubare No. 1 Rofa - 9ir rngs*. Lae Table Coddsir. JlAiddock. Snroked lSerrlgu ln bos. Liquomi, *e. BRANDIES- Cho$a y'leg'vn Maleii'a (lirdDuay Jaura Idela. l oernerairtr Imudonr. cerner md tir inuaem th. i puvw & And ' ~ , t heMre1 lestiv mlts belo gxv sy igo Oqbeo*inu tstm'e$ 3fd l'iluistç Thul ave "er 'frst Word; bprt for, ll 0ratio-uf 0' o o gin at th, begiuuîng uni sibie to begni'-aSthe éÉ begiunni as 5h. Kttlk, uran, uuvun a. isia. SbI #~ iL8~baskrrry, 11.15e And tbis iawhat ledlth i4rr- b o*y 1 de$ came arbout ---otno 1e bune Mm .Perrybin-ie goingi Int theRotti. hu, raw tvilight, sng clicking overthe'rewet sudboth hmÏ atones ina pairof pattea th", v ked ru- céear'er baý numerable rougb-impre1 5 soi th. fi dciéd uth Ition iu EuoIÏd aliabout iétbe yard decide L _el# lifyiul ed tIreK1ettle ntthilé of dtbë ita *trbatt.L m tyrernug, lu he niuad by 'ere' tali al M .Perrblugle va but tis uièpe gou @sort ;see týtir ettieouùt are E..I lu y fth doin -wihsia Ielt ber tenPer,or! 01%-th laid tfor sudinotaut; for thera Wter - An il ing'hb"fokàr'Ibbl,sud 1u bat lipp - é, subetauce psteu rihWinfuded-bad laid hoid of re ?rrybiugle'atoa u vulu4 oplashod her ege <, -,,,Au rCIola fe-Uov Airaw -o.,at r This end à Plume ouMIse t~wî r ou1 o) UPon' dad bel, 1) o egp, sua keé,otrsoîbaptuiy oi. Butain point of sbèkg w e11a tlis, for rnuing lo th adjusted on tire top bar"- 15 Ïo1rtdi't berfaur xii of aeccoudtiugltsei<fiy to 4h. knUi mysterioussa of dt;-itvwould leau,-,fcr'vsrd éilth -à WFas o0the druuan >4air, sud dribble, s very Idiot PNt i 'Py. - xLttle on itire leartlr. It vis qurrelsome,C authnsed and splattered morosely et the lir'. ýTo sureup aIl, the lid reositngUrs. YerybiE1~~ Ogew5fratcf ilturncd Tr od topsl y , an,hd tbieu, vitb au ingeuousfoncucr .Srtinscitydesèfiliýit- abott .er ecue loscnen dis'ed kidevays Ii-dovu to the. ry ot-clerg>'urý i tom of thre tetîie. Andire buli of!the of & th rdis Poyal-Geo6rge braneiver üàirad1lai! cftIre ticie vbich é monstroirs resialarce hi coruing'oilt.of tireb.ea u vater, viricir th. lid ofthée Rotçli tplo>'. IimseIf svsl brd t4l ôn esbtge èfr ie i.be tbeor got fit opaspin.,~an It Iokedaiin dpig.ji1àded enougb; i ~uthén; Cam, yiug itsanads vithsa a gir bnuathst't liS éi6ic u cockig lii spot petl'y bear ,%ut , -rosd totbe T snsod brum", dtd lier'chubby lutIle tir8t-s lDn v Ldsaiust oaciothérand suat dopi befretie r'; aughln. Meautime the Parkr, sud Si joly blaze upro.. ad *I, fbluig audtiettul glesariug ou thIre 51 Utyakoeat hthre attfou topQ oamIr.Dutèibk, ouil one rn eei,~ s oinr bave tbougbthire tood cloek-still aeffri .r t ie ile Nooriîb ",abn.,sd notinig w' uin yvt& 1 f- -ment; wrile The (T IMis coti eîuu tou ji~Peiýsi*fuil of si rlung tIre fi"ecf.' thers ire Itrv B. Spoke. Tb4. israes 5thequestion in exhabite grest acteuese rdered?7 or bus b. É r ? As mucb my 'W WY 8 tire othefl'. 1, clda l-U sé SP CATTEIIW. Vii 1 "', - ' 1

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