Whitby Chronicle, 20 Feb 1868, p. 1

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A.SAMPSOM~ S. AUO R àATZOMW2I,ý AT IjAW9 JAIMI11 IIVIau ZR K~EUhATToIINY.ATL.#AWt SP;t l lor, 1 8 iif47 1 , to, 44we, s SOLTCIT4)it: IOTAIIT PUBLI,09 .b W. Il, DSLItSGS, ~J AS1$2MO~D hhLowofoce~to Ontario Chambers, g00Ou.Doer Senthe! the Lastry OhfI#e...0 WlhJan. 28. l'tôt. TUSEY~ AT L>&W, SOLICITORI< *s gmoee" (onuvoyanoY', &.,,Oauulug8 flARISIt hAT1T oK?4KY-AT-LAW, J. lIAS! IR1itOlLIVTWUuD, hoWhîll.v .. W. cou. i n ViCtoria jiiock, #gxt te Kegiotry QffiU. onjirock 4treuL. 48 DundU4 itreet. 5.h dcSors esetor Cî,DIAN kCOCU-RANIC. e1nce ansd 114tarIesPuiblie, &o., &o, vuaincrsa -rTS poieTowfn Pui, u~un#BglWMB1oek. IL .Cuouru<, LL. B., 1 'W. X. CoCoÂnKE. oceuni>' crown Attorus>'. Port Perry, 26th Douumber, 18. 61 C.i A. JO*ES, BJarulster, selcitor tuu hancerT. At- tore,, &.9 t. . gar0FFiiW-14eztd~oor te, tiaei.stry i0oe, Wiby; 41ly W. E. tioELE, SolUpiter. &o., ho, tr44,,Churois 5Usdt, Toroto. M- J. E. FARIEWELL, L L- D., a. MIet4EE, 0. A., ÂttoTise5-t Law lotrlnCacrCou- vesor, &o. d,-$iC treât, ZNorths bfthe j'cetoficeshuwai'm, <. W. 401 AlltTRAT L 5Oolloior Cla a- IL. J. G UNNf, il. P. 1 U RGZON -TO ' 4,019 OUNTY UAOL, SOmn l liras-Sto 10*.A., Abd Ste 8- WHITB3Y. AU o(EIToronto# THOMIAS IIVISTOÉ, T sffee-Court U~lOr9e 'lo ATKINSI>N -BOSiW"ILt Toron4tu trpet, Termte. 4 UN DE n RT .>àK IN "EALEU n Drue su Ciant t*.0 non *a6tuso the coklita D rugBtoo.su Juet, sd011o.ie J, y. St4i ufs, Cotu plise W ns sud Lquou andCi. bnrtheaI fl'wa atebtiUcfe. lw l .tond BÇrTO! 's OE, 1.gete pfeor l. W JablsutoiheA ow mity on thes n abortuid onlthe le lie nop..buteds botofwie, lquors ieadrteh meneA Wllgnipostit e . G o ! îsale sud on70 su yard, roulA. oU""Oit Whutby. Oot.4. 1864. JOBS ruitIL;Lsoi PRINGLES JOTEL. (LATE WOUI,) (LATIt rLATT5,> NELS ON ST. TORONTO, lwiKIkITil à KiNG MT. BA SSETT h EEBLE, .P»moxraos. home, t îLe>' have talionl 5W ýAborprenstee wbîcl'arc ln ovory re.peet oonveuleuilr ana oonfortahly Stted 'upSur thé' scomuodotl'o.î oignes'. saud th. traveling public. ,Tbcy vili hé Loudiu ostu elattendauce, d TIlA esenLiaudn on thîr tatto «ste waté oarWho MAY a>lver t es iwth a (LÀTI CÀlViDk R OTXL,) OPPOSITE TUE PUT OFr1CZ, KING ST?, OWàmAVILLE, THIO&.BRODIE, October lit, 1966.,5 S T ACE HIOUSE ISAAC FENTON, attentiv tiroilrieto 1 ALBIO0N 0%OT EL. » JAMES BLAcE, c mEssOMN IBBON.F ,W. beg to intims4te our ineni o f ri$ngfrom'bu the filEt cilMarohe,1868, auAna 1 * - $bvtcmwa wbole of onUr immense $twn~i ew« ibônt---. - - ~, o. , n te orner, Roady"rnade .CIothing, &T PRICEsi G rooo.riesq - At -a sti4Ë 1advslé nco ct>est, in'order té roduce Our Stock, b,? 'ugl5bu abo*e date as mucis aspossible, *when the balance wmli bc oftered in bu! , us'o'colored, Wiii thegood will ut btusines, together iiti a icase of eur'te-v aud el!gile gouchoutii. roiSsto s solveut purchaser, ou ver>' liberal tertne. Ont Stock l il newcugou i. L-O und lias been boughut on the. best terme, icit chableS teergosfrm TOAC . 10 to lSper dent élîouper -thisu any etier Nousc Ain loir. Our ebject being, to Inbo 0s- reduce gulT.SoCk, ra*.hor shaa.ap4 or, progii&. . Fine Cein lubox«s. 400 pro, mens%,patis, (from $2 to $,. cisurS&. Vfh.sa 50, worth $2, te $800o. 1 100 PC, Greuy Cottobs, thle test vane whte 'WIne., 200 Body Coatis & l'euM Jackets, $5 in th.e(Jeuuty. edr te $10, Worth $6,50 te $12,50. Steam Loewns, Fruns, Shirtings, m sVt. ÂE.Z ý50 Overcoati, lromu $4 to $12, Wtorth and Tickings. 8 $6,50 to $15.* Gentil' Haté and Capo. very latent g>'CUshed 300 Vestu, from $1,50 te $3, wortli styles. Ga.id $2 te $4. Drefis Goodo, in Winceys, Deisines, yeluv reflue!, 1No. 2, 2X, à. Ticaey> Whitney Bîsnklets. from $4 to Thibets, Cebourgio, Merines, SX sud 4. .$5. Worth $6 te $6,75.* Lustres, Gala Plaids, ait wool SPICES Heavy Whitney Overcoatingo, 1m do. French Reppe. &c. $1 te $2,50, Worth $1,50 to $3,50. 100 Shawîs, fromn $2 te $12. Sae Beardefull S11k mixcd Coatinges, frow Nubas Scarfs and Hoodi. 4lvu $1,40 te $3, Worth $1,75-ta $4. Breakfust. Shawla and Sontaui I¶uddcrsfid'ld inake, from $1,40 to $3, Iloser', -a splendid asoortment. 'îîeî' woft "&~5 to $4. -Ribbons, Velvtts, Trlmmings, sWC. icp Canadian, En lish & Scotch Tweeds, Black Siîke, a decided bargason.. u<r>i a ver>' cheap. Danîask ('urtainç. Laco sud 3Muslil. Musard inlu Wtlgà. English Doeckins and Clotho, ver>' Table bLunen, whiteu And brown Irish (swid50c"'5 fiue. linnens. AfDE3 Egiiandi Mescew Ieavers, 311k Linueh lHaidketdblefs. CANDLES MaieCleti ,&c., Cuffi <id Collars, fHoop Skirts, Tics, uoîS>r. Engliis and Canadan Fianineis, ail - -Beîtà and Buekiesi, *a., &a. Tallée'. GROCERY DEPAIET.V~ Just teceit"ed 100 boïes no Layer Raisins, lu, boxes, 1 boXes. Ej odn Box es item Lisyero, $2,75 Sait, rater Salwon. l2jctJ W,,. j b oxes de." 1,60 >i.1,rul[ueg<ou> 3a b.Pr- .Apple, Eeepberry, 1 boxes do. 75e Pure Freuci Brabdica. L9guen.ýý Kcw Valentia Raisins, 10o te 12&4& lé "Amcricam Ruas., FUIT 'New. Currants and Fige. ," aHolland Gin. ,4rErIfn6. Tu Teas, we effet the best vaue iun "Perte and Sherry.ýl l the teih tf e1,te $1,10. - "OId Irish %hisky,. St Pure ýCoffee frosh ground. "MatWhisI%' 551.. Rice, Tebaccos. os.' dRyeWhAy. cte Sugya.s of MIt kindu. Ad*mel'o aie in 10. 12, 15 and 30 gai. d.'gepoal. Safmenru TeV(Lake 11uifd,) Jbbla. ]unp ackags, i Broyer>' prîcees.lmn $3, 50. -Engliah, Aie ladPorter,&o. Tlns o3' T=RMS STRICTLY CASEi. - - T. 111. M'MILA &CO WHITY. NON.zi274. 1861.- 7 y l tM hl i sis a iun for pd tira WL> i Uat h~X T INlRNC, GENEEALAGE?4T. - -I ceeoeh uth-Le thélr l i Y] Whiltbyt l ls i. iCounti>, andi-bac usr. patleuks vlth <WIi ircu ilnc h \. - l ,s> o1rArltipb 1ut su a 'B. PLANK, -.- Pr*prIclo. baZuard about e.oming fouverd. seton ld teguis.lt i - E8r Do . i ArWITBY. oNT- - - M45, ONTRI MOEL COAL OIL LAMI e 1I? ,1 À TA F}'TDEFY, COMPETITION# Culonsul hro.>'seuc Gergoue Aisebovieu, SALT& Table Soit in diiimis. 200 Barrela $18. CrasM Tortar. BI-<Jarbibuz4. of Soda. Aluni, Borax. sulpbtir; Baking t'o*ilor. Epsom saie. sultpatre. seunn. Gumr C.upht*. Bino Virol. steve Volbh. Etutton Bine. Baill Blue. star I.ebsterg., to' GcLitiue. BoriulInuJ4 , sud viole Ain. Anud ho l'eche. Blioclaz xice.. gigo. Chuar'8ud Seshnp Sced. Coite.' Wrappin# Pîjibi. Botafiss AlmOuS; ' AILS, . Sf loop l'ail*. SIoa Plle. de c Le esdii ne. Scotcor Bcor d Code. fhes Tbread. CsbdIe Wîok. 821mou lu Barrels. White Pilis audLaki huron Makr.u t e50'WU>bb. WIite Fel, Inr*bu bblà -Ue. 1 I Ra>&hshore SplitIlsr. lua barrots; jAreTable.Codfah.: Nl Ïddock. ihbaui .Vine Oroeér. De Kuyper. sou. Booth ï-Old Toi. B otlîr .I gtevard h Co, alier'. PRT WIKES. erlin' rpe. Demeo adiamond. ,ALFA-, Bloo6d'w Pôrer Guinnesosc>OKWb;, London Poct ei. Ire dit Gin. fRlerfdaua Scbmappc. - 411Fnsb.- 0u 1 gAO iff uOsu, mw - -bo.yb1lgebId1u t~br ,gzb blleid l rty water su sd lm o vLSee, sud Cuayosie miflc te tbem, mm w£trý ud otiot IlilktotbO4- Idtbmmliaes4drudgeiy eof.à,, Aiter tit i Made St91.rabIe mal<of kiid. DrcryInforma, us tbatit tbew. ab gaMte ts 017 ' Vr ereccemumed Oftéà 1 119 liedownaupeu, bue ieWi5 SPleOm sil01«sc 1 callice, about twe Yvids lu t âhiw <te E l Sv«e mg, s itmte la sste wheâUo be fited otte hop to knevM Y- sn£'îms e bihttoi Od bar *a bis lot, De, ho cvri- LeIf m Robin. Baug oted semueb . citlît ld w fexpr o ven b t froua, My miatueua, 1 began te liem uc ea o iav. led char> better sattafled than Iwuas t fist asud remarisable mannuer.l 'tbon laid me lovu and siept, witiiut amy' his. w litungo.ad icou tet r S ertabout four bOum.' 8 "'MrconveraiinluEngli. The saypgad Comsaby theUic t$. - *ibm ih b 1 ; pr1sed u i ige , wd J»5b>'ii' £istlsomeEongltsb boy, ho1 wa4m a gvée 5idi lSk ;te tlrnki b '-,rown-skîuned ssa*iL. ffl tàlk dfo%,oee-OO lé ,Üue had PDncbnedMlel se "me, bât lIbbild 1w i die wor n uztý f'i àsh mimd ymuter vas aIl tbis lime f> - vrfergot his home,The Tbrougb Lb. lcmdnmsst My M'streas- of h$bts mois teudcrmea o ube bad herseli becs tik#D cifillt*. 5Sn& ebilWerted.from hieumewot>'. brought "a a laiete oMy Mutées caMP. il the',borreus or bis bapie 1 vau leu harshly treated than i, of esd stiibultedhiota, te tmp tbc oth4r clav'es lu tb@-citâleze q ,o~~frbomanodîMous boedage, whem tWh eroe ib*rrds »':So«."er go. p>dered long onUIo m haps aiseïr I ndebtsd 10 biny- *St soundîng;sud at longtb, by boduly atrength for rlot being Put, t0e- ei-aid cfa tlIlow.eervant; lieteo ceseuelabour. Ié e$eiésa, My fate wu hie plan ia, lInti. 'Urat- pl monet dItrastg s&Z hcýleqAw Ai- nigbtlti, i. rrfisofcfa chie! col 1 alept ln a but vithoui à a n, etre, aud enî'ethuiebrr ml élothes beln> taken 1 1 ; i OI>' l..dW4coeved; ud aube ceqhl round tbe middle,Ilike thât *Ofn by .u' rdretdxtrt ad aIlthepeple l ti. ounty Thi.thcjouiusy. thIb. aà. il a,, he, In he'counry.Thus< lasuraged mastcr sent jue" strppd tin' p bie s . liokintir- qucat that h. ebould bc delv jeet W bu tsa md.bs r MM ol!th runawis lave, sut p cor jYru hast. -i.aui boidt Mu mybcdy. ldietev7 for the resUdlt. Affeier app itm Fha ekni and uibveifihg it vitifrsck1 lesiof madi 1wie man le b-tos exposedsi e ni e ime t 0% itdeaoâlu iat the s hi sud âttbýi of inseccîs, of.,which m;,' t i sjh jb .19ta4,tri4b tîIet ,, aln.uîthhualb' w go ¶vhegver lie thoigbt p sas? . mon vere iliereibreoblcW tc I as Brst 11eà i7 uy ' u-, M ffconcertéd, aud Drury wiasi labourer toelho *le weds tln tbe Beble .btiue secure. Tu ibis ucw bc carravançp; but Jeing awkward sat a certatnîv mot cempellil ite *C Jcind of work, 1 vas maire f1> attefid oh bt e'hwaie' -sloc the etile, Arive hbtto e- -ahd e-Tii.chic! vith ubom ho, bad- tbî b, U ide i, t ie t#oan '0<li d w preýttY constanî t' va plamàituu. esies tt, vasrn 0biged Jectuas to mal.. use of Wh godrae-borne evey igtaà tub of vater peditions, Coneirujued tea 4or the nu of this-fàrnil>r9 Ibore beJm'g no Drury liveduwith AfftrLr *>rc vator mne&My mute s bouse.In, M'Y vit itid -t- employmomt as a met-herd, 1I the1eeiI. Utbwvr aàttyoctn'oyl4 otud n 1 'ploywent mot. st, all tatiith .p....eefuac, o 'hk a ttiort of servic ixpediti forimigi ,tisflùp sud thi brougb Ils fromi b>' the. Msusb4t ce u' > 1 io", -HéI w Il . No 1, / Sf W enAla~ t>' mark -Tg tpo - up gi ë remblcd thÏté toiS Té- m"- ne-

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