Whitby Chronicle, 13 Feb 1868, p. 2

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s"Ds 1 - sud ifl ,la",i t *oie. aoima 'o(bts spoc la tIqlm tsp>oesi abuse of the .dltoti ofte tdgoyww'.Thé ,1a109telsosnet alose 00 tangibe or discret; tt h st mply ouotrage.' outslyabusive, aud conta"us arcell a' word (rom bogtuntug to sud sien germaiS to the cabjeet tn eonroery-ibc Wércn. skipViuîboat rvesoneor srguo»ot, .the luttr beape taogether a mssof -valgsr seurllltyq b.traying lu ever tiUncet114î sort of vild, Imposent rage «a sene9smetimcs deolopud lua a lgâobt balf-*Itted poor boiaig, -wh*boa le ortusna cder<h violencoe 0* uieoMtlled passion, f oamu Iu& gatasalwi étootiet ethos bo e Isnuable î~rasoi or linjuelu bis bllnd ferions #d re naconsictou of ever bavtog don. thto dîtor of the Obsrure cber bent or wrong, andl are oves usahie 1 guess ln shat maner ve aveo" auprovokead bit Ire. On more-daauae-occasion ve have rofraiuedt fro' tsking advaniage of car posiîtion (o aciter su ungonerons or an uaikiad'word of hlm ponsonally, or, lu tbe logitimate diseharge of bar dtieta cii. cms hic exceedingly ili-vmitten paper. On- tbis forbearauce lhe doubtleus présumes. Sthc bas gone aR leai. tear, tua ltime; e-b baroer.roebed tLe mark, Wc gave haisuo cause ocf ataek&ad ithe&*, cenld beo etocisa a sman cf bisty$aras hw.. lwgatagry spite ta go& ibe beter of celer disrettis. Wbat ncb a persan si the editor of thc Obqervýer sale of of carseif poraouaily, le osght îol.now by Mthiie, Ju, ta no'. aMater cof the Most snFreine nla diffoenece, vwiit e auen oly serve to tire &aïfddisgasîbit reedeors. Bath ofci nare personally tao vell huomu tateemalit community ta vhich bistiotited cirenfition cîtendat te aitscb. anl importance te bis ontpoarlngs on this bond. iheti va dis. euce a question with a cotemporary; 4 le not of the vritar, as an indiividuel, 0# think, or of his persouat shorteominge; endesvor ta appt coursaires te il. omé- rita of tha subject la baud. 'Werit *c di. poued 'ta e& au ennfmendty part bycaur O4Yfrere of tb. Observer, vu migbt havat mcted daifreutly 10o wbat va bave donc la théâ past. Long siace migbt 've bave re* âlnded bhii-(and nit hsving douésam-v.e tioi'Mur (bafi va faled te rauder hlm a f6â9ter 'e, bLi e butd mistaloma bis voesio1tes ~Ut 161 fhrotiugsaside tLe bireb lu order to 6onflal île éditorilqulil, bu. ,pcrptrsted a bluader, frmta chiei bts yetis laud expérdence (hied be produrd by <hbem,) sboulid have saved bhlm, 'Es*MI Ofluf ho .Li o sceeesded .in diseoîeng h before tbis tims,> thas lu properi die. thargtng thé roponsible dattes of the jeamalis:, b.oannot safely play ith. cou,- sequstaipédagogtue. Heviii Icara bow 11t1le muiîsd la pr.t.nttocespdiggcry te hao oéaopaiy of ith.eéditorilichair; tustth. art of iqdititngpropcrli ooutiucted, sen- sible èsautenu esqutres owcotbiug more usaga s bovedge of the parta of epeL; bat tstnggiot thor abusive eplubeta lf bot jonrnaltsinasd la short tual, Uteveri wers, ktnd cf publto vdîter -<bovevar né. lui oth'ervîs.,) hthe impraciceable piti. gogos 1k. blesai(vWo, 'vltb confirmned prjsdis.s, the grovtb cf jeari, dgminer fasi hembls, uarrov î bougbtevies bonuded by tbae cor vals eot bit boot.roomo isice foclu@0 n lia t i. a< e 1apaper vritlig, au- fflésly couatdedog latke mucesy a tub to cooduct, u»Sspapor, or sitêeW a 6notio. porarMOIsIo dirsi ub -cuuuly urchiai,t-or 'las club dire et a #smun lisimple addition. h lao for ac taite, oc &Mas reous tba4t te editôr of tjet. Obss' ge sons' *M tO mui ld bltualtao--msseb ont et bis loig latoie d pIs*: nsen ls uth~e aff v hicîbavé subjsot as0a mctrbtt44M mm lis edl&-crail su«rlmes., Rsspeaits snd ouai serve 40 ois b i bs p"pr agv 'g'ogtbisso4 -viil lebaop a nalittae îoop.noiliuj palpable & <allure. Botter ta hg evea.à ted bis, àe paeahla iseond clams selool tesobert', <a rraie sotUs *Ooml bsc a~4ld ditov, Tise seeeuat it# té bis 6( isW Aay, sequins varteesemploj.eati & cojecture ss~ ~ ~~l ~ b#s si ~bis province le st sadî I as loist a slgb. 46 aspoct roma s iool., sustvvista thé iêMgls proteton$,e Or eutemporaryt As <or èsu, properegard te the rtés of ponctuationa, or toeeetg Mrors ifthie paoses, îLes.' ppear ta le maters altôdéth-i- tee incgathéent tb'ro. 001#6 the. altgbîcs- sttntton frouit, t. 1Iofty maded uMa..Eigen uboso lig. soandog açiiolas of bW (mostly taLes vis chotild siy frot-couie ucyelopedis, bailý spoilt tn copying,) vhlcl appear tebcb.in- dlcead for tL. oultgbteniaset of tb. people of tbe régons of moouchtue, are dtgflgureod ti th, respectas eboye uoted, Tbu, btW vioudronst iusîng, staîteaicl prdme-M tions, giving ibe long*h, bt.adth, ares sudý population of 'iii. diffreut Pistes of tu. frs, o., sud bté leavued disqatci:ious emenorul-thelscativesof t Tlmbuctoo,al very veil! tathelý waye, ;eapecially ai the soeoo, tb ite joeeiles -ln the getngrapby cam., bv L aedfcsvien prtueted iu tbe Observer;1 and lb.y eau le fanai! la the géographie# of tIhe day mach nt ord aeeuately giren, aud clothed tn correct àsud reedable Englicb. 'Thc se iaps of ILatiai vhich h. appeausta baye sncb.. pachat for quoting, ouly exctte the f"ristbillîioc", of tLe edncated eder, while îhey are qaite eharacterictie of tLe pedaaîry of tb. man. afs, hovover, mostly migqaotec hbem, and mors feqently tbctanPot tbey.'cer@, cuber midapplied, or wholly tnapplicable to tbe toit. 'W. chould not- baie auspected that a grave mas oflcor cotemporary'a jeate, vould have allowed biméecf ta bc betrayed Ato Ibis vcak, voigar- gractico of th. nevcpsper novice. But, abovie a&lH va sbouid' vecommrndÉiLto 1 -e b e ditiouary of French qao:ston.0, .or, froni thé ridicaloas mauner l in, hebcnmaisa use of them, he woald appear le hav e s mach conception of thc French lanuage a. he bas of aucoieut fissent. In bts mo. ther oagne hbcau 01 mach te lesra, be. fore- b. is able te prove te, any compétent jadee, ubt Le e au place bpfor tho readers of thie Observer the fret prisiées 6 stick" of type eorrecoly. The proceedtigsof îLe torkusbip. conseil of Reaîh, sud the liste of prites at the Agricaltaral PAirs are the. modbaie ti hus.bia .paper centatnes; tfac r us eful uEwe items of'local inter. est, abd td their production froui tinét Q lime, *e udvtb bIa 10confine biýPMlf. The lut oàfïfgrsph ln tb.- Obuer's article la priated ws followc: . 6 "W.voald Just aaâtla partlug vili " our ferribi learned drtt,'that-barlg "élb. boop roiliug sud&, a f* ether arrotie $ànotions entertatuad hy 1h11, Sone to his "1credit-ve arc noS afrsld ta enter the liste 16wlth hm intauoltuf ,forsi trtilf etgllon 66any subjîeet battalevonîh knovcgansd If "Our Eamgiiab gratea apen his cLeste car Le "muet junsitake the lecu cf t' What it chute, vl.os<ceftl potnted .psrogtapb, rom corua learaid saboolmct r 1 "low f l tly bt p repu. sittoni, ptonoans and suiilltcrüs ies"gl1 JOoné oseaother ? VWb vire éver mach given a wargumeatation -morell, fUr thcfan cf tLe îtng, sud lu trutb va bànc aieher the sitmé cor tLe incîtuatton tw amS«eotar- selves tu thas respoecju "no*. ,WhIb the fsar ofthîe sebool maiter before or 'oye., thîl listl a" eprefes. entcding ("jui" no*] are car liss etfsabseni6es, eud itam-ay b. servhug iL. lcnigbtly contro- veriatilaloft te Obaereeér, If lb. would tae. our stivice aund tarc bis &atittail the camne direction, sud Dot- '.'Mcd out Iis oigaisJacdte pluei. Tbe -baai of oen mmd lh sot lu'th. debrA. oiloa. W. are 'givea te thini anebimue,- aubo Poe ei>'te ap.fi parpsc feai ihe sbsS- eut cosmos ceas.segooma ont progmathd pedagogu.. qg tisspoartnof 'bte qaeld Owu opinion -at 1thlbme s p at tle Standard Ldetaîtatat sceed.d lu salua; ibe man of 'b.eO0'8CrVCr. But vafZard. no cemmente.1 uotvithetsnding that tbe âaucerous 41tbcts-'vbtcb-lbe'rcditow of thot Observer vau lbcaAhar!g#dvida publiasisf lai erder to scises»biupiÇ'led tg bls, b@4 sued e alw, sud for vhicb, as vili b. r.- mmsb.ved, bhovwuglai dî4prw&ao pâb- Ilc~y broaWréau1. éfaaty Over the vhplc ea4dïMoe sff&ir#»ind zoled tha thé publcation of tha paàiwiI particulari rom thes. colmas 1#fr or "to &Maddto tii. exposa-r. ot the conionaptible libeller, ana Our thb pira arc tbe virulent &buge of the fellev,vhoui v owovdisuilas,ýApoligIx' ing to onr resders for the lengl 10 vhicb ena romanks have uncencleîlyeîtonded. Tus Nrw Rossi càîuoew Osusos la Course cf arection lu ibis lova, and berc. tofore uoticed intaïse coinmneoi t, vo are gratified tb b. able 10 atatf fast approech. iug compltiou; aud ita lu cpected tb. adifice vii b.osificienti, rdvsueed te b. opened for divine servie astI, in tha fiPduîg. Thee leiro hail but finished, and thora ouly nov romaintheti.plasenind and painting, sud th, pai:ing la of the paes. Âlready abaut 13,000 siiogelber have becs expeaded, and about $600 or $700 more vii le reqntred to complt@ vhat Las te le ,dosa la th. interior, ta. depeaudeatiÃŽof the tained glass vindov. and the peins. 'The Roman Onîholies of Whithy bave every reios 10 feel mois gratefalte u beir protestant ncighbors for theit tre!, tibseral sud sebtantal aid.ÂAd lu peaaing ibis notice tb. Reîcrend Mr. Shea ou behaîf of bis flock, as e vlt nefor T.'?. Colemnan.... .... 1 ,1 01t.lets.i.... 001111 4 .1. il 7tetcIîr..s â.,111 , 4JloI 0 11101 0.1Tr....... I11010 1 G Jouées. .... ......1111I01 5' Our utîglibbor' cfli Gaif tevoalfi op- pesa to-bave iJg our beading u his StoudîoDg semé 13 muet, vesre givea te tbtak, et laut lar persaaded bioisif iaU> the bolief thba i would b. noibiug- leïs to appoa withipichlag loto Draper. Draper lat. iii. cii, Draper ontîoftbe~ eo'eil, Drapeý, n, Draper, tuf e, Draper op, sud Draper eown jý-lu abrt i al our frieudsal& siý doen, .aking or sleep-7 ing', "àDraper" ajpesra te b. the borden oqf hie song. ladiefi goattached leshe ,editor of the GazUte to Draper, that bla was tbe oily vote reeorded fMr binu for iceve, la the Oestre Ward, a et tluatmn- ýnicipà!aloloon. 'Jo bu cave b. koewahst ,Draper vag sot &aciàndida*e, but that, mnade no dilferesce witb lil, he .ould vote, in tbo elitbetabeo of bis friendsbip for Dra- per. ikr.iraper Ù greai Tenson te feel honored with the usidunonaatteantions be- stowefi apon bm. le Ibe lui iae of the, Gazette Dtaperis <mad' rua8 âtempis te ho facelions.. Toim 13gbiNo. 3"0 le the witiy terni ho emplois îo*Érds ihat ino- cent chicken, Draper. No, i la " Chesior"' vith bins ti itue, foi oaa friepd gome- times varie# hi. eadeurtag ezpressîoaus lot 46 Drapert tind ilChcetee by turne. He wiii nezi, thero se reacon teespeet, ing "Rock me te leop" for the soothing of the mind of the naagbiy Draper. Mean- tame ve are told h. i. prsaiig die fol.'. lowing monotone,. Djmpor t Draper t1Baby. Pet, JMbele 't, cir Wia Oasee- T1 ite ompaper lii déestio.,! And 119!olug rny 16.LameaWaios Pl biansei penonally, deile. ihat vre sbould yen won't listera ncaglaly Dmspv, ta bis Dame, netaims ont sud ail bis unfeigo- Tolu sre iangtiliii ts >er osioce wtsioeut club5erioa»c îpsl, - cd <hanks -for thoir generdne centributiena. "Pltctstag lu" fer ta asake-beleVé. W. are eIlosequeaîed to iîferm honea vbo Lave sîrcati, se kindi, sabscib.d, but iso* nes of if as WasalrFori- viso have sot yeî paid ln tiseir aubscrip- Dav 1Pnom Dacaracvecw-- Oa Fidai dIons, <bat îhey vili add <c iii. faîor b, eveulug, $boutIil o'ciock, thea' garfi cf lesving the amnonnîs of tbeir contributions fine vas given, damnes beiug nei;ýs issue ai ýMn. Johuston's jevelq estorc. - roui the second store, of tbÃŽ Wuitby due Foasdry. -Fonînnaiely thai*véeing share 'flbl Mstinid Vscri'àL-As vas ai- vas a lange gaîbezlngnaithbe lMasoaii -pected, lhe Masonie festival vsii c ame Festival, in tLe Mecbanios' aIl-adjecnt, off on Frida, aesing ai vasu aIl that «ho at oc1cGrnsed b Ia hescese if danger, casld'b. deired-it vuas sbriliist cao- monfuil diotégairding tlia iry>ry we broaifi ce.., and its reoat rcfct nfatardi lt nd bhcostnaédë, MadlunL'UT short on the hretiiran et the 'f mysti e le" vo uie wvbaîmigbt otharemme liafd proved au' bad tLe management cf the silsir. 'faneeatve "confiegîstios sud vitbost dotilt vare aliogether ninai, coupla proet. th# tetal destruction of île bo.dr, vas ThLe large Lsll vas gorgeensî, deetrated goS ander, &&d the. Lames axiiguisbed. viti aspproprlate Msoaio emWecs, the Theoiremi ppears eaghut(ram t9. steve. galer, vu tlidfréto a edtifartabla vitb- pipe, la thi e omer rooan,-is viitsîbre vas drawlasgroonieoigonveientlY and aise a quastity of sissviugs. Th@ ho.. sus taibtefali, fited aop# and 6a1Il Lb. arrage- taiaied labut sight-from $100 te $150. menta notaer respecta eesvery eocpîeeo. 1ii. balvwu sotaWon@ a sacces, Il vas, A Cow vmevv ii s va îuriroeas seIt decenved te b., tousthe pains tales 0k vkrtili i-S0en.ivemonthstA90 Mr. viîb' ail the detiuisjmdotherine, the JosephIs oon, residiug ah Pgort Uniosi, moat sncassfoill aitended sud providad misaed a vaitaible taiiel co. aud loir deys bail ithosto baid lu the Meobaitca' Bail. antd veeka madie search for ber la ever, Tlh. opeudid bandi et île IOîh iloyal ise godreatien vitbotisalie... 'A f d, stided t? a(ain shoare to the olat cf te . e e gla0e hc 00ebesq ci l castdn jçoùn vas lM. Culien eho did tLe stbecstauterefi ointe tLe co* a siiaaed> catedang bbbiid band ia maiststong Mo whs as ubis saienisînent 1ou disaovenisag weil.eaeféd rpataîbathéLemius.i ass-asd siut alrè sfier haing bug., Immurel *I ýtb o41r_ D84vaurovrYs 'fpmiti OuAsws-MUi.m.' vate-r ill.un- J,~ OÀsh.nr Fimcvesrt]Y fl zows.-Eanli appearis iscrâdibie tw belicie, noerth.eaa onSauday merniag thé laîs ge*aio Irea-i. <bsae pse fr u frese stoea, rame building, kbastir Mai*oci'scLje htilli s¶tv.,nd Witla sl obabbl- Cabinet Fadery,, stOshawa, *iL 8lsaorer. b, reeetwr nrcmte dief.A fLrloa edJo tu isais.. b Luldng anti sonta fat vere tolally desiree hl e t h. prdrgres' i1t Oso ad otrdOiuo othIL firecoutil b. srrsie-d. The oIt-- 'xtIboanoudeincUg hulée4fqlsmb ased los as h$,000, sud, iva undanstand#ý, h4dln.rd.fct'igased *000, oa tie building. Tlaétiob of the TiousOhvs fuaM~ g55~1 Sotb shaV te tisen.ter F.GréeU, Geeuvood, D.puj COUD- lâtes SouthOoha* eo 4 cb *0 f 1,ilMstar; G. B. Garl, Gsbara, CoUDuijý -~ s s~~bvs aole. - h.secretary; P, Digbyl,, CIaaiti ti oty Titres, boumepolsite sad idjoiclig teTressrer; W. R,BadO5shawa, céit fietore w ere alto ongnlpbod linbah* ames, Obapls A.WllsouAabbaal, Ccwuiq ouc -of t'ai:-a latisma balais edes. ,-. 'm 1 liortly afteà a .H Gbs&n MPnoaat. .wîbhaa irfia appearedi "na; uneentr#pýper bave venture w ora & uan où ofilehoreliouso in Sape cf 1Mr. Gibbs oider bil ho trot goi secret la-' atructions te Icep a sharp eyc'on Retoems- are, sud 4urn thèot g ans "'6orffWM4 Tisai thin vu étise' case blin. W. I..1 hbla dlean>' ssewed by so, ta once cesfrasting Mr. A. vitis bie Wcighmiisîcssa,Cln'ii e ullegation being proîed, ordcring thse lai- ieraet once ubout bis, business, lu addi- tion te ceabove 1 asIc.1%la iltruc htisIos tisa occaaioa cf, Mr. Gibs' contait vida Mr.* Farewell, thaï Mr. Daringtos vas adimmirily dcpnivcd of, hua-caussisos ta purcie vieat for, Mesrs. Gibbsbecausa ha votemi accardisg te -hiscncascience? Andl more rvccntiy, ia IL, truc ýtisai Mr. Gordon, of Mauciseter, bas becnsaimlalni deprived, isecause bis fatiser sund béother votcd for Mfr. Broyai?1 lectors cf Soutis Ontitrie, vieS îhiaik you of y'Iauv mcm- ber ? JLTSTITIA. Reacis, dan. 201h, 18118. DiêvinTox KICK or s Holu.-Ss cozmci-gccz-Afine yoang lad, 13 yqars of age, aaphew of 1Mr. Robent Miller, cf Pickering, vas kiclced On dia forebead hy a horse, at the latter's rs'idesce, os Thars- de a4 andmsâ rad'.os Taeàas- fr* se effects of the injary. The decesaed vas Ib shone of Mr. Aadrev Miller, vhom corne cf car renders ana, rccollect, cama io bis deaîh tîrougb as accident on the Railva, cars, abobt six ,para &go, RzsaONAisvîow onMat.--AAnsz.-In coins- meating upos the resigasatias cf 1Mr. A(dame, Uuited_ tatcA Mlinister ta the Court of st. James, tise'Amenicas pnes sy :-Tise determiainontias part oftlit. Adams te tender'bhs ne;ignation vwas in- tlucod Sy bis deairo te retarnainad attend te bis privato affaira, sce long seglocteid. Tise sItry tisaISecrets?>' Seward bac ne- ceivcd tise nppointnlfent of ninister to Great BEntais la vithoul tise loesS founda. tics. DESTRUCTION o9 A LUaiATIC ASYLuxnotti i55552 PEisoitS SU5eWiD TO Dzin.-The luaatic asyluma atacbed to tise aims-bouse cf Livingston cousi>', at Gesae, vas dextroycd b>' Ore lest Tiurada>' morsiug. Four insane pensonsi votuen, vere bursed to deats. DÃŽsaRsîoixs Slioux 6* THE COASTOF Niwous.ibL.-Tciegrams froan Harbon Graue annonste liai tb. vorsi storra for yeans isad preîatled isons tise hast feu <laye. lu is rcponted tisai thViny perzons bave penisthed. Mn. MacKayt>'elegrapli supenintendeni, sean>' pcnisaed. HzAvy Los'syFizai-A fine ai Soyas- tes, Penn., osq tise bh ins., destroyed propers>' to lise amount of $ 100,000. OosT or Osssvas.-Â Peainsylianie legisiaton necertiy began a speech vitis tise remark tisai,s debato coisitue Sonate ose tisousand dollars ans hur, ha vouîd be brncf. Wouid our Ontario oratons li Asseanbîcd vîsulom a ae tise bint. 'STE W aUpsi TzLEoxàWU. --the 'WVesttrn Union 'felegraph Co. deny, tise report pubhiaised in tise Noir York Herald tisat tise compas>'bbu proposed toelisii linca andl properi>' te tise United States goverament fur the suan of sixtyr millionsi t.? ddllarem -TiFiiLiaisAo.4xw-Tiso St. Caihar- lues ;Turnai la iuformed tisaitishe 801h Regimen a s e ortl>' te bostatiosed along- tise Ntasera frotier, viii ltubaes as au' indieatibus of expeceldvisitera. FÂvss B11ssz;Dssssu-Ai,'neir sud ftal dlisea isalasppeareil among herses linuAOt liuboro, Cotint>' cf Went. Ventia vhc uiçfies aIl reanedies, yet ey- piede -Attes' eing italiclud b>' théedis- émao 15honw s s «sglie beoits sWevolen and ajupatnti>' paralysd bsldumaisfol- lovesnasyver>'feir heours from suffoçation., M. ItberuS parka, vise residas on ibo' 7tb concession, bus test four valuable si- mals dunl ip ee1ýe idual T it, ontas M oui etlng of tise ala. mtghe-,o o#snggnacu M_ýwi araumn..v prospect or proeeetng tbi gecat deulgie:;" tIai th ê:Leollitë* steiUbty sbould hoé slioed very:l»or,~~onWblcb hie might-oall ft aiii*ruiet tea ny bianci cf revenue, snd ihat eveny 1irsticable means sbould be. tokena-lor rcducîng th. e cst "of elections tethe. tosa si ble huit. ,That ifter the-rotunil cf Mr. Mackenzie fram Engiand, a cclmmisttek cf tise Huse cf ,4senly, c ApnllO;1885; recoan mended paynet, on accuatcf ihmes x. pensez, cf'nearl"' £50 ;-wend -tisaIt te maney was sot granted,. cul>'becausetes suppliés Were. vithiselci. - 1 Your pctitioner thcrcfoe prays thathea above surs aa>'bc paid lU ber, ad tihe wido w cf bien b> wbom the. aboveienmc. ttoned services s'erc pcrfonmned. Ansd petitioner, as lu dut>' bonu, vilI cicr pray. Toronto, tan..3O, 1868. -Petitions forand'agaaipt educin; tise limitae it ul oirsof Wisitby havo becs proeitc by Dr.MbcgiI. 10On Tucada>' a bill nespccting tise office cf Sheriff, theo ojece of whicis vas ex- plained by tise mover, bit. Eyre, to be te provide in came of deibihre*ÃŽoval or nesig- nation, te hband oven tise $henitVs books andl paper te otise Courity Attoney, Thse flouse udjourned as carly as a quarter te flic Wolck, tise orders on îhe priper haiing beca tises exisausteul. Faitaals.uin uIrclaaid.' London, Pcb. 10.-Tise evidcs:e against Mnckny. the Fenias, in tise examination os Satesrday. upîseaned consclusive and he vas fcsaiy cosumitted, scierai ci titese attenspt. tig bisa nescue Wero ahîo ful>' ccnanittcd, Two policemsens vene datsgeromsly wousded tan tIse altesaupted resctie. Londdsn, Foi)t, 1.-Tho geards of con- stables anti soldiers in andl enousul Mr. wsck j;sil, wsure tise Fenian BUAikci stili conflased, bave been doisbleul aisdu' uisy additional precautions bave becslen taiW conséquence of reports tisat tise Fenas tbreaten le nescue tiseir leaders b>' force. Mescis excitenient existe in Warwick. Thse citizens volusicer tin large nomsbers te serve ns special cocttables, Coerk, Pub. 1.-Lii nigist e rqusd of policemen viso vere patroinîg thea cil7 vere confrosteul b> a crowd of men in tise streel, uho coussarenced an atta.ck isposl thean iitis clubs und stons.a:Tise police men Seing greatl>' outnusnbered, fell Seck te tise nearest station. Tbey wcre chascd soino distance by tise nob, scierai cf whomauduring'4lbo flight cf lbe police fiiad espdn thean villapietota --ud ntber tRre arasA. Nono et the latter, boircier, were burt iA ss a he>'reschil d tue neigisboflsoodoithtie station the pureuit coased, and irben the police -rqinfurced again sallied eout tle crcwd lid disparse-d. Ast tise nigist ias das'k and titcknIie. of hic attaelng party couldIbo dlsttnctly secas or recognizeul, alîbough the cificors are actuvel, searclsing for tise suspcctedl riig-leadera tbey baie e t 701becnai ble te affect eny arreats. Cork, Pcb. 10 (oves.) - Tbo policé have succeedeul in nrreattsg mas>' persona Who lare saspccted te baie laken partInluthe irlotous tlttampi te ýrescue Capt. Machs>'. It is rcported thtît among tisse arrestedl tire have becs identiticu a. thse sacs<vise ý hot the lue policemen on tisat ccoas, but as nio exasinistions have'- yet takes iplace notiigdefisite ta ksown as te 'the charges or eYideisc gaisW ýtisera, Somne îucmsos baveai ase becs arreated oai sall. p=cosof'isaving becs conceneil lu 1h. ssît on tise policeme n last nigbt. 'fia accent beluld tsturtsanbes of tise -poe. baie caused thse governmeVt officiels bore te redouble thesn vigiance. ýi Dulins, Pcb. 10- (een)-Tbe grand jury te irbeni tise castes of tise sccused Fc. nianu, Sow li <5 prigonsof tisa lty, are te bo proetnld to--iU>, aasmblad at tihe court-isotse. Lord Fitzgerald,,C*niot Justice cf the Court of Appeal, dettvcred thi. barg0 te, tbe jury, li whicbh ho deplofed il trnÉn languege tise otr(ges vishich-7laid . ' perpeiraicul sud tihéuseles gition sud leviesi -spirit 1aow*prevalling ln Irolanul, -Theegandjurytien vîtîdrew teo tuia chastiter and commene icir labers. two hn4idtmelsta bava becs- ud ageinst (ho prisoner Lennon, oes 2h for ireaSdn ant haé tiier»for raurder; ho c l- isg charged witfiatisotig-fbojo ýitêeu ai StapasIde;,-"'- " "lise Piseser Plgbt buabeeulndicted os tise charge foSedittoni cause ceédcatiseon IR thna. rovu. 'lie opdsme improvemeni iad ben m.nade hlatfeu ycrs-in aVancsng ithe pans cf'eduction, and t sitisat 'tauprovMent urould cntinue, nidedb, those uho -were. teh. ie futur citizens of Wbitby. Tise cisirmen, yead a report oun(lais iseaul, recommendiug tise. uupplying of the scisoole viti certain bocks. ink sud 011cr reqursites,-asaiali <e-te .cisarged for use. Referred, b scomit... Lon scisool ms'sagcanent: 5TXN»5N0 COXITTM Mnr. Thwaite neponieu tise standing cons- mitteefiansd on motion, scconded by Mr. Cielgtise -report vas adopuedi' TIse> &leslJIcsa7emntMesnS -Gunn, greenuou, 1Vreidfcnot ferry snd Thwvaitei Finui-Mstss.Yunod, boume, Tise ker, Proudfoot andI Feaguson.,> ,Sceooi Property-bmesrs, Ferguson, Clegg, Clarson, Pmny and T'fiate. Tise chairmen mcsr'jonc& that at tise récent clectios et tise North %Yard it vas crimintaied uafairly il ehcimg-Misa' Me- Allas ta provid. a substitute during absencei causedS>' iektiese, sncf fot coai- fers iag a sinsiiar'privilegeaton Misoe«rani. 'fisc.circurastancea, Imî vu orpiaineul, weère sot tis ame, Miss McAliai's ilinesa s oni>' of -a iemporaty chatacler and she hhud ebtained tise coasenÃŽ of tise Sciard.-' Miss Grant obts(tsed tise servýices ef Miss 'Woodisouso vitliouitbc cossent et tise board, and bier absence iras net et a 1cm- porar, nature, .Mn. Peni ny ad Lber- aseubere lamid Mr. 1Woediiouc, 'tise bead teacisen et Jobs Ut. ýohoI. for sol fonsali>' aaking thse board acqusînheul wits tise change visen iltLoek place.,: 1 Mr. Proudfoot eXplained tissu tisa cen- milIce on msanaugement, vere li layon of thse empîcynsent cf bMiss beoire, a. teacison for John aircet, asnd ber sppintment, snovcd by IvTisuate seceadel b> Mr. P o d. , keagreed to-te dae , froffi Moaid;y nudt, soar>' $200 pcv annum.,Ans Woodbo uae, for hait ose quarter's.salir>'. Mr. Grecai-ood brougisi up thé subjeci cf as accouni cf -Mr. 'ILU'i Munno, fer slipplyîng vîndoir blinde te tise scooh During his discussion tiai hok place it appeare*ud ht, i ,n Munno isad put up more blinada tisas vere ordercdy andi the'.board refused to psy for a portiie> ci tise xcesa, Mr. Fcrçus6n diascnuing,*uand dcclteslpg 10 the ilanctucsa bie payment lot ol> isai vas actuili>' otdered. An erder for psy- ment of $81,76 vas radide:Orders veno Ã"alise p.ased- in Sayon t ofisa. eflthfor J16 50 for Wood, J. Kelti, do., $81* Llcnry TbcaupSos,- pump, $18.90, W. IL ,faainant, :91,17, land, cf W. fi.lggias, fons iut cf prnaiing.- Me. ôrèlnvwood gave notice for lise nex meeting, os- tie subjeci et tise tilleandsu tille deede ofthtie sehool properiy, andl aloo Éti W au tst'enbony etf tisé p'ersoual pro paw ' c lo i e, scéi o l', an&d- ol e at sorae icuglis on tise, nceeait> for esquiry- int tiseimat-ter. A consnunticatioai w86 recetîcul frena Mv. 'Yarnold, iesdcnig bis reti ' sfen b 1ut -vie noS acte'l upon. - ,.Un I - YAregôllci passcd, on molles cf Ms-,- Feryappoinbasg Dr, Careon,,1fr., Tisusite, ansd tise moveti a saléet commit- tee te prepanle raies slla tegûletions:, Mr. James Drapev. ra. re-appeial serilavry,-salany $40. Thée asa sd dictioaaary' meallouied hn lise report of Mr. Kirkisnd, vos-o orderaul te be, ,,provided. Tise board aljourucd (o tisesecond 'fsesds> neit montb. Nsiavfo s- o<lwcw.-$an laeao ient ïdi covern't e nwvsee ofteie rveu Sia ce, Non lesa beautiful vas Lise pearnco Vhi e , elava rclsxing is cou tisa surface became pantial>' blaaal4 tises it seeracd as if tise -noantaini covered vithbbntlhiasit gemsý. -For -1 dava tise stycun visicis flcved tous Restau, and in tise close neigisionisooi tise Obaervatory, advanced. vith a -vs Cit>' oS 500 mets-es a day, and bildit s tisuedlai this rate ituotsld long Ai bave been lu tise streets of thse tevu ; i ovingo tie causes aleady descnbed, t4ueladisagter occunnc&7-Tbant wvueS -'for aotssu.4imo in.gureat dapsan v-as.. read S>' viiciose ascends 1tiste bei tage,ti whnisicistisaelava vas adianu rapidi>' Tise toraporar>' pause af tw ue ireand a aligist chanage in ufiecidn CS ose of lison, houever, ailsý aIl appreéhension Sor tino fate of thc toi lisg bésesti-ib ms calculited tisai tis'is re tise depli cof Ibis b.d cf haras matterwuns <rom >six 10 seven metres, insa ntI 97.100uiis being equal te mré.FePréquent sisoclca cf cantisqu -mre <ltInl Naples dmîinsg tis inter anti on, tise111thent isia>', onema cei*ed ver>' aensibly. FOr tise hast-i <$5 four ulsys; usough tise instruments tise Obxatoairy haie becs as activo aven, 'itiavaisairadvtacedvwitb les. pidkynet more tien 900 or 400 meivu day-us tise direcêtion of Torne dol Gre -miis Iasy nov lbe constdered sode, IL voulul talc. a ifiostaitise anme r te advesca as fWr a§-tise toms.1 -mesulrecremit of Lis'. deptb tise -Plamé deiie Gincatrc, wmmchii takeai on tic aight cf tise itis, vas ciý moires. Acconding te Iasi.nigbt's roi tise quantit>' et lava ejectcd aecmi d'tiraiieu, asdth ie 'Scismosnuitor - leste activa, lbut thèsefe6ts are . sot te regandeul as initioniisiofot (Le ppocmi cessationoet tise crupties.' (i 'tise cg Iran', suehis tteninis etf repos. vo hi baal continuillv afith îl*obabi1ities., Favoniti. risoùsani 1-i liste éyèat 150 and mues>', misheti k mit>' of tic stresai is e: rugged and w isugermmses cf Ises tise cossequeace. Pcb. O.-Speciai .1 and M4adrid yesicrdo col Napolteois, isae;it vends tise Pope and andt Tnaekahlé 's ,a dat., AP - seproteci bef-Iet ns Soi env oncoisnsgaeni, waga selves, i vcgeta ( 1ire l'But, jestisg si rds, zansis heîeable, gri ! of beautifuhwontsy i eto-r defèenace. -Not snj con- 'drink iber iscaltis vAg ince bumper 9 -f vine, fui bU4 uS us hau personzhiý no, srat-isonourcd, Lise i iras -ah-bis ovu mothoi Fies Ainnnr from Abyssiuis, te cang - Aiexandnieau d M al di.l thrcugi tise Adamiti th' slrong fonce of Biit kyd from Uic camp et St WB§ t evier on tise 26eis I ntbad been borod forr 88.& - ecu plan andd vus - bear tlc. Englishs lini tsisore isad bees !igh vanaval purposea. per- sSa-Oai.- lIn vera aamacul S> ti là , brenkage of Pcrcelais a and a idcos s ulcn les gr wiicis iad secu ccci -O . by kiievh>' marnieul E Il > Tise young busbai raté lis vif. wePt sud b oli 'fie youug mss i vUf . - adjust foesad.' - - " Viat iloc tls sert' "-I-vas afraLi "TYes; go ISuppos h. This aawa thse 11%,1, - tise country: ave "-Mss-:Hal laveoe elaid>' mamnieul Ir bashan' will pleas IO'~ h avre tisacarcetfyou issu - hen oue las ma fbat lçxtraordinary beaul' tise - amin cis a bIssit l s ig1s- I Ai h valer slartiig l- &ll siumsissalvyss iii- before proeecding ta t h And ibis vas the e ivor ebilfiren vetre tw- hi tisé the lu sisier, mli 1W fore in Rejsaa Pro Befe.re vnicis die -jealous, *Made bis exc ,rir- -yen idôpted. ,&ris, Newplates more i [dn Tise voulsfais auned lu 1 ininiguek isai diphel ýcolder, w iStreet Lhot i 1

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