Whitby Chronicle, 13 Feb 1868, p. 1

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LORISO. -J-. A.SAUFSOU. J cily 90, 1861, 5 Y OROWN ATTORNEY FOEr ON-t Basrrlter aini AttornorentLaV, $o (Iksuoe'y, N:ir ihlbi &.- 1 10ik 'aNe aldcDno hii 5 i5N'fl1 JADRES KIH01 u a-atdoor te tii. tor OÀipbe 11, Brook 8$L.j'W bitIy,Qut WjI&by, Nov b. 6t.187 8. 1B. PAIUIÂNJ< SOLIOIT(>B NOTARY'PUBL Wog , If901LJLIN-oI BLICG, 0p,, *0 à SAs KEKOVEI) lîlsLow Olc M4slstry fle.a Wigitby, .Isaf. 2, 162. cuItLituo SC. KELL' H. J. MACDONEI SARRISTER & 'ATITORNFEl 8cilitor Vussit Cou nui 1, 01 tgl, ,iltby. JJIAJMEELR EZ1W àéti t t tb j~y(umc.. on Brocki J &DIS LAItON, ~TTORNZY-ÂT-LAW, SOLI Dincla. Street,.irTht',. duc tigelpost Ofie. M ai>isre.atid ýotariegg Public, 8 IL Cucenis.êu, LLé. B., 1 W. M. Oiiupty -rqw» Attorney. PstFr, 6Dccrilbr, 1805 C. A. JONE», tiavisterf, Solicîtor tu Chang terme>',&009,&00' 0111ICE-Z4,t door tic tl W.#IM STjiELE, I~4Churohtreet, Tord B . JicgOE, B,. À., Âttsruey-at Lawlolîcrl-îs *fchd LPont Olftef edOawis' Os W; 'i AT LAW, 1ALIfou mu s ibosiasddAt tencled B t. y îb. aUbioto.ciî kepî c04estantli MrA HoseuohJre niiWeraîî,me BOLITOR, *GOtE(EÀ iiorenio4t.. Whtby, Feb.b, 1862.t Dleooklià »rug 6oe * 'ELRln DDrdgs, Patet, it edicîno r>i of R. *& J. D pliaolgtst1, hDye Stuffoi confection. Wiiob and i Lquors cf the best quallty fM daipurpos. X,*.*. Broktin,oC. W., lisp' ce te Ontario TIM-. BOYNTON boge te suforni tho ln.- South of the , iîabltataoftho (Cousity of victoria and1 Uýi onudg outiOstbmtht bc has cposied tiso liotel on mutin treft istbly 0cocuplod iby Jewetter.da lie lahaist Il itted sd Lrahelî 151, dlu liristyi;e, tvislite.iliinbd very cenve- LICVIT0R IN 11191106- Iu.g, Liquordsudansi iaru cf the ~-AT-A2«, VICToIUIUSE, tri , N otary DiDiRIEIT.în JOH14 8I'URRILL ....... .. rpretor. '00», rpjjL sibseribd-e Joufir..,te lifon, 155e maisy ICITOR lEIN, Lfrknids tliastIs lie j now cisryliig ci, tise losîvoyancer, ahove Jtai, Amiî t iiaitlsplis none but the etorjù lolcckbontet w c ssiliqtiors CI are, aud-refresh- trehlt. 40 ment$. A volsnPpibeâ taile.Gocodstablng asd encloosi yard. JOHN PuMIsaiLL.' ICITOR IN Whitby, 00t-4- l"4- 89 ort West ofPINGLES110T~L (LAT£ WOONWS,> ÂNE. KING STRE'ET OSHA W.. CONVEY- PIGE dcc., *0PIRJAMES *mite Town s6 Psnura CROCKER'S8H*)TEL (LAT£ PLATT'$,> 8NELSONS8--TORONTO, NOrTliL OS' KING ST co>,At- BAýSSET? & KEEBLE, - Psermuqus ko Rlglotry ' nisosera nlyanurcste th 1 -ud, taymaicetwaunne ,àiiy Tvoila.înear homos ubat tiîssy hava taken tise abevc premii. wbîls ar4t4lna .'cryrespect ccnvenicntlv anjf onortably fittei up #or the acoominodsticns Qfgmwasîad tiie traveling public. They wiii ,Oto. ~berot id las constant pcrsosuil attendansce, and wiii , sve ncthlnonsloiicon tilel gpartto ive L. B.) aatilatute a l' ise may aver tboui wicb a - cmli.90 40 MARIIISTER AT LAW, Soloaitor in <han- 40 190,..QUNS, 31. UURGEON TO TuIE COUMTY GAOL 0-Byron Street, Wlstbys D 1. W. FËtESIR, Ié D. Ornon loum.-0 to 10A.. ni,, atisi 8 to 8 070,00k, P. or. -18 JREZBElENCES 1 D m.RiIÂIUBO, Du. Tîlovsuns, Pm. Ilciîsss, Da. Axammi, (fur Brgery.) Ail of Toronto* 24 ECER0A1T TAILOR, BROO£ STREET' T DWN CLERICâ*TREAIIMEIl,, WBITBY< TOffit-iOûcrl. liouw -lours 9 te 1 o'eioek. .ATICINSON kà »O5WIL-9 - BARISITERS, Kinig Street, 8 doors £ait of Torcutc, Stret, Toronto,- 4 *av orton. . 4-ly ]3ROIIE'8 1MOTELo (L4TU4OÀNDVfUO27£L) OPPOSITE TUSE POST OFFICE, > K!NG ST, 3OWKANILLEt THIO&.BRODIE, october lot, 1866. 8 STAGE HouSE@ ISAAC FENTON, L'rcprlotcr. B ET Wnesnd liors; e:rIoracor JAMES BLACX,' IUANE.& GEI'ZRA L A iày1T., WhltbyiT..n., l6th 16.2 kuouuma b w Stae..to ana-ifroin Wbltby oeili da17. zvery attenîtion pald te gîtots. Cafl ao &d atten- tive <.tii%. ONAIO KOTEL. WHITBY-. Oc. DAWS - - - PZOt'RIInR.[ We beg to-iiinate'our intention, of retfinijg foui ùsne8L8abont te lirat of Marci , 1868, and -in con sequonce, have oommenced to offer'the whole of Our immenseO Stock of new< loRn Goons, R eady-made -C'ioting Atabove cvaié o cost, in order to reduce our Stock, b abov dae asmuc nopossible, whetitb alne lbe offercd in budl wit th god wll f bsinsstogethet. wlth a leaÉié bti r few atbd éligiblec promises, te a solvent pttrchashr, on very liberal Lermo. Ont' Stock is aIl new and 114Aben bouiglt- on the beat tortue, wbich enables us te effer gooda trou» 10ý 1~5 per,,cç4tpcaper îhgnany other lHouso j town.Ourobqjet beingte reduice bur stock, iiàlsur than seekl ot' prorfis. - WC offe-I. 400 prs.-mena' panta, from $2 t'e $6,. 50, worili $3, to, $8.00. 200 B3ody Coate &i Peu ýJackets, $5 te $10, wOrth $6,50 to $12,50. 50 Overcoats, frotu $4 te $12ý, Worthi $6,50 te $15. 300 - Veldts, trom $1, 50 te $3, wortlî $2 te $4. - Heeavy WhitLnéy Bankies, l'rom $4 te $5, worth $5 te, $6,75. Heavy Whitney Overcoatingao, from - $1 te $2,50, ('ottlî,5e 0 e $,50. Beardefuil Silk mixed Contings, froni $1,40 te $3e worth $1,75 te $4. Huddersfldlç malte, from $1,40 te $3, wortb $1,75 te $4. Canadian, Englioli & Scoteh Tweeds, very elseap. Englisit Doeskins and Clotho, ver>' fine. English and Moscew Beavers. Mantle Cloths, &4c. English and Canadien Flannel#, al coieuurs... 100 pe. Gras>' Cottons, tise best value in the (iounty. Steam Lootus, Prints, Shirtings, asnd Tickiîus. Gents' Ilats and Caps. very iatest styles. Dresa Goode, i Winceys, Domaines, Thibets, *Cbbourgs, bMerinos, Lustres, Gyala Plaids, ait wool de. French Reppa. &o. 100 Sbawls, from $2 te $12. Nubas Scarfs and Ieeda. Breakfast Shawîs sud- Sontago. Ilosiery, a splendid assortment. Ribbens, Velvçto;ýTrimtnings, &o. 'Black Siliks, àa dccded bargain. Damask Carmeins, Lace and i Mueuin. Table Liimnen, white dud brown Irish -Linnens. Silk Linnen Handkerchiefui. Cuffs and Côliars; Hoop Skirt, MTes, 13eits enid Buckies,' &o., &o. -Just received 100 boxes new Layer Raisins, -in boxes, j & boe. Boxes new Layeroi $2,75 4boxes d.15 Iboxes do. 75e N'ew Valentie Raisins, 1tÃ"O to ljojt. NOw Currants and Figs. la Tons, we offer tiebesatile !n the town, froan 6Oote *1010. Pure Coffees, fresh ground. Rice, Tc'baccos. Su gara et al kindia Selmon Trout, (Lake ttuinon,> & bbis. -$3,50. 8-e- TERMS STRICTLY CAsHi. *ÉnTBY, NON. 27, 1861.. Qu ery Why lt thsat tieo'é in srclsa inn for pictures AT CliARK'S GALLERY? It la bocaîsmo ho ha. the bout Gallery lisa the CeunI>', andi bais moreo patiene vbth oilrb titan an>' cher 4Afr t lu the Conuty, anud osu doquné good k*sau isermtauiluntho W'ThoV 1at'à it,' le oisasedoa't >bo' bakprd abot omlng for;4trd.' BEiOCE S T., W MITBY. GOAL O1L LAMi'S OFTM NE WET PÂTTEENS. Sait water Saimon, l24cts. No. 1, round flerringe, cnly a bbl. Pure Frencli 13i'andies. I .Mnerican Hum., 'I1lollansi Gin. "Forts and Sherry. "Old Irish Whisky. SMalt Whisky., "Old Rye Whisky. Aidweil's aie in 10, 12,,15 andi 30 gai. lon packages, at Brýéweie~ prices. Eriglisit AIe ansi Porter,'&c. T. 19. M'MILLAN &coq 41 CAIM{C ER Y-OTICt TO COEEDiTORS OP TUE LATE JO 11N ,SULLIVAN. madebnory ilithe lîtocts 5 -I -1-' ~No. , "nthe Corner- AT P.Rités THIAT DEFY COMPTl'ION TEA, IKi ACE.f DOSs Yeung ulvson. Gunpuwsl'r. Juan coloresi. souchonîg. (Jongu'on. CO In boxe* ci Twisl ssuoklssg snd cbeving. SVINEGA R. Whii Cîdon. SUGAIL. Dry Crishod. Cruici A. yolovrllsei Ne. 2, 2X, 8. Gilers io eor. Casrrasi Sae Itustardla Jiars. Mdotardin Bouloés. G.ruugd Spiges. F'sneati pefnn., Java. L.gIls>i. Wille. Extra *olklou. Golden, Bar, 065oa. î Peart, flac ?IBa u'y FRUIT. Layer iltlns. muusti 4 Volajîda - i Sultaia go Citnou -. - ëwalntt.- Fane>' T#lleSonps. sati yki. - père white, Prepatros0i Oa 'rhlo bd Tins, No. 1,2 8,-andi 4. 0Cr('rock eryý Glaàâ' and blixed Flokmsu, Jfsrvey Suc. Ecading ")r*ý Gorgone isciioies. Muslsoo Cats np. Walnnt catsnp. Werccmterslsirc sauce. SALT, Table Suit si drumu. 200 Bssrrelm @8180. DRYSAI,TIiIITES AN!> Creani Taitan. BI'Cai'bouate of Soda. Borax. Baking Povdan. Eporu Saita. bas-SOda. sultpetre. Sonna. O*um Complior. Blne VjItr. SteVe polilasi Esîtten Biue. - BAIL Bîno. -C a as l ti l 4 , < L s W s wTisdo ns.dWhl Ms.blceont Cannesi Peaclt. Apricot,. ?rugem. Anud otiierfruia ln bi'ahdyr. Crackers. Blsitig 1ic..p w aaritin Par lVbtiug. (IndIgo * Oainger .HaBoii,± Vouluàs . wh ite-in ,kebëâ Ie, Ã", Coin Brooma, <*170 ftei. Ne. 1, 6! '-- ti ai No.î " 69 do Neste Piaintesi Tubes. matches. Clotiies Pins. Scotch. Ikeudersen's T. D. 66 Fanoy. Manlilia ;i'Ia I Deelp ea. IC BdCorde. Sein. Tvina. Fine Bull Twlne. CelorM i Was. Ciansilu WICok. Salmuon lu Barrem White Fiais slla Lako rhurop Treut, at *',"0pot' >bbl. Miekerol, lunbbim. & U bblu. No. 1 Ncntb shore Split-Br. t' o. i bariroýt. lsi Ne. ares il ddok.theY. ivides 'smo lhbrn ubie..four 'clsses, oasis fbeisInt BRANDIES- amorve îîonlIe#sqyfs iittle vle' Otard Dptiy.-Ç~, bai ii ina GrSora.sons fit 40 fi Bcth"bd Toi0 madeoïa sun lU- bnglt heu SCTC WIlKE~ iew uüp the r(*4s>'Fa~y ~Md *0 kepi lkin'tee i Ad*'hiueme<.0~gDruy, hall roagtel toiiched-7 buIÉii Ws îainotiôo tbeing spafe, and ment 1 ove accore too qoickly vswfshed; for as.soosn about an lI ia tley7mlssed us in te morning, tbey' waa intrSi pursuèd is like me ,many beagles, and boî- cosild alk fore vo get vithin a mile' of Vandetra I-gOt up, ia river, overtook us. , terelpbn they be. the day wv g an t b u i h ' i i t - e n f s n l r s i g u n d , ' s i e , t h e y_ or ietc.tiî' king their lances iute their cie r aes ahkl titroats. ,Thougb 1, vas cne ci, -At 0fih those O ' zuld'znet travel voul, yet there appointed f vwere 'twenty belsinsi 'me:-tii. vomaiu met vith ts ,wbos Illifv's>presbrrc.,i(n bde Bip Ivasemastur had =eat inçm. Ibe ling 1itu kiliing our bin'égbhL peeleIntl$barbarous manner, tbrcv off of vhich m My euat and-,vaistceat, and trustesi te ni> for the use, heels; for the foromoat t,onr-people, bav- echer vaa î ng1 passaesiOeriver, 'and I net being fat' vasuiOW dt zoftck- courage - but bearing- the report inr, homew of a gun, r fleeked bsak, and, mv Ote peer their ownb vema fai, sd tengrees stic ing tiîeir came te tue lauii-sinhber sides.My îurn wa.s next, inF that 1I ter thoa"e ucgruws-pulnsuëàéit tisasd.be'¶ tbo6gitprc fermi.k" the beinkoLnt&airiv.r, the>' ithout anj fiicd h'jfn at me, but Ijumpesi in. (Yut' p6rCeiVingý, mon -wb bhadlget over cmade a stand, in andi se cutl order to, dofend IbS.,,ho e eobelind; -dressd it and notwlithstanding thc negrces foleowed ing tbankfs me se close, I' couid.net refrain frem Aa accu as drinking tvo or thirco tinis pulledas ni 1,Those wbo bad getý over nov ýmatched iinseif tc1 ferward,jn I epegn iIth tbçm as -welpoîeio as I ïV ,ol." Ia a 'Wooôd ,tepasu then reposci tht'ebgb, and the nogresus nsa tb tey lay.by , sa* tus quit thse banks, immcdiately cross rank,, that1 ed andi pursued us. *Tlxeygot.inte Uitheon bim:alt veedui, and , frirîg-bebind Lb. trees every t'est, fer the ncw andtien, tbey kiles tire. or four of sacred frieri our mon. WVe hadi net travclcdi above made me sS twoi miles in tbia weed, bolo re wc caëme teoses yn>' la largo sandy plinr,,te vkici v. cciuld-seo 1 At break noe tnd; and ber ihe>' dolermined -te sateoaheýttrepast et'. pregresaasinee 11*0 mnt,,mucb ve baltes i "sti~ bbldbc v,ýithin bearing cf pond oet we Kiagýlaànuel's s'uijecta,'iibb vere thir themipcives. mortal enemieo, snd veouisi readuly, asist busy in digÉ us. ie>' divided theanselves, tiâere ,fere, grast Cài 3 -Ite uvcral bodies,- in. erder te break in the>' ÃŽ'eIe-d ,upen useot a-Il sides,; and vo -belng o,. oneocf thoïn prised'of theiir designo, vetne imohi' to weviite fou6, seIlent' iivea:and, ibWtieg il dba*- ass , havi ng aern sible.ý - Eëeepn 'àb -,abhs püta-ss- l Tisa>' soonf BUERE s dlailsotsd. & Son'. Sootels PSi¶;Albi 'a Fqntoi. 'entéS'. fer me, vbi rlness, net i 8aupper vai siuzs grass i lie on; nyý mough for Il tsi mysîf aSc but his bI 1 uàs forces riigbc long le gbastly ai isis vas ove atrt fons eÏ tise tvlc eS r, flroarms f 10 anal.t e saù a us, tir oh t ii. ronînf 1-1 iua ti104 à kftor*a thein iv 1~ noir ici tions. gacve me tsCUL outS )-l ate ingit CORDAGE;

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