Whitby Chronicle, 30 Jan 1868, p. 4

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450 CLiiLe ltT oy SdQll'ibé tré. AMPS OF TUE NRWE4T IATTBIUiS. Chanxdlirs, Shades,- Burneros leo tlin ntiso LAMI' BUSINESS,ut o týîU geat CIAL OIL, tise olpet ln JAS. le GERRJES Yàssasx Doa soSioiCU iwltby, Dee.- I1, 1807. - 49 NEW CARIÂ(>EAND Waggon Shop IN LATF.SIC SYLES. 0. Iefastaisaatiy tand promptir LETisree or. Bot of Lsig'e, Dundee w Iltby rrl2$ 6.1 P1IRE ASSURANCE COu, LOMKBICD STIIJIE decliAItINU CROS, tIILLESP1E, MQFFATT deC., Agents for JAMES DAVItitoN, Managr. N$UI4AN'Itiagalsst 1.1)5 by FiXEz ors L effeeei onitise 11s004 learabl<a torissss, And ï,8,KmiïÀb AID wtisuct ruÇrassue tu tise huard fl s 1olidu. Pt. ot N. > lse e TOWNSEIP 0F KARA$ Ji, ê',- 100,1881 28488 s6 18 ,95, IUO 128456 404 20,9 10, i186à5ô7 8 960 1284 561516689 Il7, , 100, 1861 10 rit lot11,' 100, 160 1284850- 91 '( ,TOW~SE1P Or I~48Â. 84, Front îlO, -1840 138a4 58 4,do 105, 1860 118456 do 100, $628a1859 00i1845à6 0# mi 181088486 *,4, 100, 18118466 AP, 6, 200, 181 2854 16, 7, 200, 186001, il, -7, 200,j 80185 54 le 81'87 47 08 77 50 8 44 S 8, 7 40 6910 Io80 175846 1 20 1179 il c DIiLS 79 6 55 il170 s376 à 65 9 80 51 79 109 17 m804 52 78 $680' TOWNSIIIP 0F SCUGOOQ 1 N. P't. 7, 10, 178> . 1861218 48ô 122 43 14869 137 Il ,rowNsiiit' 0r icOlTa Paît of Pt. o!f . 1860 11 848à6 1800 128456 11@#9I-Or, 8 4 45_6 1860 128456 44 05 &68 ý go029 868s 7721 9 27 82 98 9096 88 " 4 hg, 1978 2187 TOWNSHIIP 0F THORAR. 8. B. Pt. 8, 1, Centre 7, 1, 1114 19, 1,1 sois'. cottage 14, b, !.~ , 8, M. -. PtFr. 10, Pisrt S. 1,48 64. 180 12 8456 87U M0 102 3 84 ô ô 100, 1880 I a 90 15001 6 1,C 18060 118 4 .0 6, 180118 a486 2, -860 18 18, 1360 1184a 100, 18118 a480 87, 1811et 6ô &0 06072 48 85 620 21 10 260 24 oo9 996 b8 41 061? 1948 2188 7t 4L. 887i 110 0 111 di767 6812 il1is1 18 TOWN 0P WJ3ITJI'. NOBTB WARD WEST 0or58001 ITUET 18610845644 186115384 544 181 284ba 4 41 1861 28f456 4 4t 1861 28456 a860 1881128480 60 1885 2840868do 1861 23456 Bos 181 28456 8 60 1861 98486 8 25 1812go-174 NsomriWARD, ZART or paoneR uit. 18128 1861 1801246 1841 51 58 86 49 92 9" 104 48 55 24 80 27 05 57 88 21 78 19 98 Il 27 75 79 lu179 4 07 4 97 4 97 4 97 4 (8 4 04 4 195 1 12 180 1 25 il 24 fi 8">o 1261 2112 26e 2 87 48 ode 84 RLADENHRTP$ 'IPLAN# Blk. D. Wm. St. Lot 8, 66 I l 55#à 7 sait 059 17e 62 e YEOMAN GIJISON, Il. Cntre d; 7 1861 52 06c0 8 --ATTII ral1866 Aqustwhit fiWALLACE PLAN.9à VARS & DEVLIN 111lk. E. of Lot28, 5, 1861 845 108s 13e 1 21 it(TJAI)iLmt slas" Kof6" 1, 1801 48486 21 "0 24e I25 4M esaolabtousslraC 14,P( L. 1, 1861 8456 1 26 14e 1 89 sieile's uhee-.15t aîeon sCA1[DlINGtg PLAN. '1111sesbtrept tiird doournsrti of lise Ontario fies.i Block 1, 9, 1800 12 8 4 fi08 s 950e 116 L~exPIIE4 AGENT, &o., aloc Agent "1, 10, 18 624568 99069e.2 5 P4ar ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ l AeletssdiasdrtnssnaC.17 '2. 1,1858 60 18.45 b8 6ô9e -2 of 8, , , 186124506 99948 68 0 86 JOllIq C. MORULLEN9 id8ô 25 iii 8 857 44098e 89 va re.~-s Watrl.ot E.1860 118466 8064 4e 48 Accountant, Land and nrlAgent, o16 1 512 41 NOAIYt'IiI. o Y, 1812846483807 870 84 OR1ILLIA. WM, PAXTON9 JR. jroffié osluJrater street, eue door morth i Trenouror C. O. kir. t;ievess's Drssg stre, WIls asd isspruveti Ferme le tise coantios £j' AU thse &bote Patmnteti. ?'r 1rtris, and siisso r mtl . .N, 11, collection» astteidtd te aed prompt TroaurTer's Offico, Whitby, Doc. 28, 1867. >alînittaneoIsismssaie. lion. 1). 11. 1'tbili rscn M. L. C., 1lien. Joisî lu bl, .jjC. lo, ergmC.ar, M . P,0 l$slJSii .:V. C,m Gorg E Craf, M.H O I-U p h F &101»Iorrisusi; EuMPP.keepD Feetd l.Jjîisa îi 1rry, E ,Whstiy - a d R Y& .A .R- ~ 1or rrie .Eaaminesr, tuuadissi làes, Lindsay, ilti W lltty CliA0111seLss. 7 lyD WR EST AND CILEAPEBT piae e o tas a ousl lKIIaC»o Educatboa sn-At tihe d'lis Stratton Ilsisass.s Courege, loeated nt Bu!- J S P B A D L ' i'All. Tits l hLise OT i'sAtTseAL bù*.acssegaciS4 bss ol llis sxîsuss. And select ai pair of wargn Oversboes, you t'l cosusesesoof tise o ! ofMr.IL . Strsttou, tise hryaut esscl - will fiud them of ail kinds and of the best description. fssteres hoss beea ipepiud cfInisi saarlyall tise goAsnaiterituperinr ,Buffialo Overshoes, *11010 datse asidsaergiei tise In Ladies' Gents, Misses' and (hildrens' 33%zmitaina BOOTS & BR1OUS, of every variety-, the' establishment of the 1,V0 eakulli',e"uf al tw ise clîaîsô pundersigned îs unsurpassed b any ot e r lutown. The stock is -taisusio ta Bstssiissei tetioùi. lEN. laýeteselect rm*adtew ani AN1IAIITIIME. lre rmad h wr Mnhi ood, and in aU cases IoI;giya XAré-xi MJéleNýWARRANTED. O~rEPAIRS Aï M L. D si eOIELO ,D7C,tCLMKEIIAYIâ g o Hcads of Familles Will find it te their interest to eall LAW FINANCE and POITiVClAL ECON- ùdeai. taffilli ln £IA. -ANüdVi'amIn. na ily iestratod ?N'hulssA inoxlth6 col., g.heaby s fuleorfs otoexserleuÃ"sd all sr asgycmpenst lustrieluBe. pipilsb' Osa nte aLacytîme. IThre Are 'Do saa- For terme md thar infemniaOtio, dlrèsus j. C. ORVANTO, 'IEETU Ex TRACT21P 31V TUSOB? IITROUJS OXIDE ILUOINO OAS, AT, ETS Wilitby', Deceniber 49 1867. - JOSEIi GREAT.I3ARGAINS. IN L TI'NQG Grtat Bargains ini Ilats and Caps. Great'I3argttino:, in'.Blankets, Fratînels, Grea t 1argaiii I leavy Double and Great Bargtins in Heavy cloudu, Hoodsi, Fànoey Scarf,, . t;reat Bargains in ileavy Gloves, Mittst - LSQ A. LÂ1UGE SSORTMENT O0 GROCERIES, FLWLT$, 4'C. "'5O,,OOO WM1ITII 0F Seil îh~ 'SM~ Kmow fI ineli 1~theb Irebusts liant 1 eau and do e G-HEAPÉ ST GOODS in the COUNTY, of ONTARIO,, sudwhy ? Because, adoptixsg tise Cash system, ns> motte la, AL -PROFiTS 'ý& 0QUIýCIK- 1dTtJRNS' F MYSTOCKC 0F FANCY AND Staple Dry Goo'ds,ý Io uow complete, and for beaut>', style aud ciseapeis oau't-b. surpaasd. t'mmIL&L E MWZI In this, my 4stockis very large, and more attracetive, than- usual, and parties. t'oôrilsg lme. itis tiseir patronage, will findiit toitheir ativantage bot in l point of style and cheapnees. A ItîlI assortoient of MOUIIIR GOODS constantly onhaisd, andi done n p laintise ihorteit -notice. Also, a choie. collection of BRIDAL EQUIPMENTS tiimed tw order, ie tise Jatest style. W~ Dreas Buttons and Trimmings ln eiidless variety. TAILORING DEPARTMENT.-Clothing made to order on tise premises by lirst.clas woirkmen, anti an immense stock of tise most Fa- shionable Clotis te select trore. A good fit guaraniteedi Special attention calleti to a lot of,-BOOTS AND SHOES. lu mens' aud women's, girls' andi misses'. Aloc. Cicr Sboes for dentp weather. Groasries, Hardr. wara, "e Inspection is raapeetfülly Inviteti. Cash pald for Wlst, Iharley, Bye andi Poas. - WR a i M l"IUHrAiL , O5IIAWA, (DID. 98, 1lut MONEY jN()lOAN T IiE scberibem s la ew rered to ed ny a1 mouits orf eao»oy-'111IVALVE LUNDS -on good sortgage scrity or Debnture, Olt a ver7 luw rate oft iturugt. W- r ite borrowe? eu bave la!& owu Licha to puy thse priticipai. I alne represst thre a.f the large#.$ mono- tory Com pnie» ln tihe Dossssijos> tisailand moss.sy ntlo"w rates5 on Ferui &sud Luwu pro- perty. IW' Seveasigond improvsd Forme for sale, nt .oxtrotiloly low proses. JO~ lver and Oreenbaeks bought and muid. Apply perbonally, ta JAMES 1UOLDEN, <>flnl Assigssee. Land Ingarance and Uene- rai Agent, Whitby. OFFICE-MeM ilion'. B!oek, Brook St. Whiltby, Sept. 25, 1867. os 'DONNELL.YSg P LAST ERa A CERTAIN CURE FOR BURNS, CUTI, FEVESI @ORB$, ICALD8, AND ALL ERVI'. TIONB 0F TUIE $KIN. HEIAD TIUE YOLLOWING 9 l'arof#, C. W., Moo. I heels seill~thot fily son lied o fus rfa §ore leg, go msnsses thoit tr'oe110eshhteli t, sud laid the, bonc quite bar@.* 1 eomineeeed unssg ')enelly" I'ister; andalnsshort tnie It curecl hlm ,e-,mplol4%1y. 1 strorgly recomisidIt L ail suiler i 105e rsptiosof the akin, a1 sie seent prcîed lus0ail cases. - ~ ExMATQ This ln toeeStlfY tist lastntMy 1 upto itettle cf huillir tor on mys ares, wlaleh ook ileo fianl off, leaîisag the bouns insut bare. I sadercd thtismopt ererutiating posing fur :lree wees. 1 tisospplied l'onely'n Pisaster, It ut olice eured me lu a Vary qhort tîs' e. CAP'TAN ATKINS. $nid by JAN ES Il. G ERRI asnd J ANIES BYI<NE,, Drt,gists, Whathy 'kTATIKN SON, unad bMAi<K lt5BiN$td', Osilawss, aed by ail Drugfcistateintise eousity. Jane Stis, 1861. l2rnou.22 Prof. J.- Post JI 'i; tlse onor of atsnossscissgLu v Ili nsi- A cal frends 1 le W litýhy, thot he lu pre. prtîtot reeeiVa ptspils for isnstruction osn tIs laighsad teit leurs exporience, hc feels consfident of being oble to prôot. o rar'id ad. iusiceeest outplIt, sho moy bc piaad usîder hse teitlun. Insstructios Ivanei li lnsoqrroah Basa, Ur- oui &osposîtsse, umcd piartIi a'att.iuwill be gir ta tise cUlltlvïaIon of tise voie. TPrYIMS -Instrnellon osf tise Pliaso, $10, theory ofimuili sspasiiti, os ., extra $5. Wlsltby, September 23, 1867. - 8 FIRST-PRIZE HORBE-SHOBU, DIJNDAS STREET. LhiVERY 1!8b7 'LIERYýl dî"tis athis 1 mmd. largesdlItlonaé 710 hiitayart Doc> prel ,&dors for ila57 la a om1I te muet tbé, Ulib-reqaîr Whutbi, JUaDO 1, 1867. amsr of Min; ua i blase.. b tdi, eA& . TUE ONTARIOT FAR-MERS MtJTUAL INSURANCE COMP'Y. Tr l C111 Cohlaui euw ssly on anize, snes sud tlseroby sa:ppert àe lIons. Isurance Ct.MepaSssy. lissve row ail upportunsaty uf ciulsir 'In, i.y sirp pyingelitier aetbuLiseilad <sfflc, 0 ou assy M t le incas sgests. 0cr rates saili bu fe.1 an iow as thuse of any rssposssible Mlutuel isn- seraeeeCuM]PaSY I alaesda. L.FAIRBANKS, Ja., HfEAD OFFICE-Tihe Old Rleglstry 0111e Building, Bruck street, Wisisby. JOHN CARTER, LICENSEI3 AUCTIONEER. - ruisa mcouunsux Q ONTARIO, YORK& PFEL alRESIDENCE-Loot S, M hCou., lsrkham.-I'ost Oliie-IYnlonvllle. StAiLES atteuded on thse sisurtest notice, aed un renasosabia terres. Termseau be mocle &A, bilis pristedast tise Chronissie office for 1fr. Carter. 17 THE ANIO$LIWE INSURANCE COM'NY. CAPITAL.-2,00,OOO. "I£An OIms rox 014O,ros-N. W. Corner et Ring asud Chareis Streeta, Torcnto. 8. C. DtfAeoÀs-Cs.os deCo., tuile! Ageeti for T IIE sssaieriged liss gret plesurl lu- forsssing lis friessds lis Wlsltby, end tise Cunnty of Ontatlo. tisat lise ham benu appointed Agent for tha e ove fSrst cloua EsiglislC om- paey, asnd that lac la prepared to receive appl- eataner. for riaks, anduteaini piiinuon Liae moat reaouablo terme AGseft rosa Wcrmi &deVausar. Wllthy, Dc. 4, 1867. f mos-4 BIUITIIH ASIERICAN A&SUIRAN C E CMPANY Capital, $400,000. MI1E enclsgeed lisoicg bsenu appnlssted IAgcent for tIse aboieo Comfpatyit aisr sref e te Inmuare propert #alanat Lto5BP Von the fssost talrrsoIe t4ellilu. Aplsly to, LEVI FAIRBANXý, Jr., 2-lImos. Ageet Whisbys Nfew, Bakeri Lpi lie setli.euoslsitly peee ail wtb sroeItude ait ord«rsalistIse Baki - 0su linfc icsoyue. Fruit, Sose aIl other kins c ake; Tariste d.Blaàcssbta 5~Fsitussl irde le- fssois. AL steu, ardnes CooaNaIs, Gonger »Be 1. mïùOuaIILIf Baker, Conteetiosser, L.,Brook 'STVECOME] As an tiilft- i tiibéhess likecon gintme, iuder:a flimq protexta byme sdrdwarse ehv made a aiuddle4 thse pasblio slsould bu gusrded aghsat ach 1 olSIY meit.,'offerlngî lni order te simnhste à4 »UOC enstem lroi a Mwore ueeasfut rival, uspoptili attra«tlg trade, I bave never, bad.te rmorit t; bout malte ofSt-oveso-oi Espedially--and sellitig them at as fimail profits, as is consistent with Sound business jprncipIes, 'l haie ledi te SWoie Trade in thse past, and- b y the smre ,fair means, hope* to d'O Bo in the future# My- STOCK? 0 F' S TOVES was neyer larger or more comiplete tban i t lu this fait1, aDd -I amn de- termined to, sell them at as low prices na any honourable dealing trader in the- country. *1 5 Whitby, 00L. 291, 1867. 43 ll'DIA & OHIIIA IRA N01. HOME PEPOT LONON& LiIVE-RPOOL.' N on 2 3-,0op ital St ontrea la Pure and GENUINE TEAS, of spesdid naýturàl.flavor, isnprted direet from the Company's, Plantations in ASS AU, and -on tise alopes f the IMALAYAS, blssnded witb thee tlnemt piodi2cts o! CI1A. Only Two Qualities, viz-.-.-70é. or $1 per lb, cither Blacck, Green or Mtxed. Fine lfousehold Tea3, combinfing Strcngth and Flavor, 70 centg per lis. FineRt procutable......................... ...I dollar per lb. gSold in Packcts and CaniâLer.i by thse Colnpany's Agents, ii eyery City sud Town le Canatda. T R A D MR, MARKC Agent for Omhawai M A' RK ltOl3liNSOKl E s TIAL-BLISEBP 1833.é (SUCO9SS0RS-70 WM.TIML.) Cabinet, makers & TiphOisterers, arid deala en iail kinchii of Cbnt~ttlti0 Rave now on band, the largeat and 1molst select Stoâ k o be foun lutis Coni.y, whlch they ae sellieg at prie.- te suit thse times, beiog determnli e tot o b. utstlcold b>' any-house ie the trade 'ali and examine befoeyrhifgé5W r6 choice se- 3 4 BROOKL STREIET, WE1MY. SPIAL NOT eud sos-~igIReapers and MOwers, ai and Mèowers Cottibined. ~-. he sb~ciberswoldc'all thet atteto e h munit>' <o ther-otoek of lnsplements, irbete yul bc bund ilonc mr Msa lt.q bt.4 anti aeffli *tihla* u.iuo! t)'. yaa .1 00 0 85 1 00 ers ef Filb tKEJ, éIi it BLOcE, op Asea sA] May 2OtIs, 1867. ------------ INSOLVMNTAffOF OY18O AND AMENDMENTS TlHEiCTOà Ine i tter Qof MOBEt1Ë poboti du OficiaAagnseof tiein ~tate ut thb aboie sacesed le fvc t 1shah bfrsr for saie, hy PUBLLC AUCTtdi, oittfJy offie, inuths TOW11N 0 F WIII.TBY,. Ix TUE COUrn O F ONTABIO, Ori AT 2 OCIMOK, IN TUE APTERNOUN& Ail-Lb. right. tit eete suad Intereat of théU Aboge a s 4î>olentofinandsethe ftel. Al n s iegtlàt*, tmeftsil a rueLqof trectis of baud sud presuisessitate, Iyng and beissg, le tise VILLAGE OF MAJU ,I10 tise TOWNSBUPof 'PICKEINGt lu-tise. CotfeLj- ofo! tamlb, andi promuneof istario, cusauiieng Isy aclmeusmrement, cas- Ilsl',uf an'acre, bu thesasme more orleus,,ban ing- tcomposd of part of thse 5onth liaIit or lot isunber 31i lu tise bibMW9ss8eslolo of tisenat! Tonb i f Pi rin , adr.ay be.murepdt' assd seîess, c.a1Lise erth Aide cf MUID Street, itf the od illage o! Majori (noir oalled Whiusa T se r lae tee e p o s e I % b o re d e sc rib utl pro e1,slsn )wellissg Hopanad bitt nl«parýI4I9.-0 cand Dfissg odas. TEENS made keowu at sale. Diateà& t itbjy, is 80th day of Octebf> A. D., Isolé JAMPS5 IOLDEI MON EY 1 0 LOAN#. ON lmto ban on <tdom AM, At i .1< LYLper cent y05N EOLIBII FOR SALE. IT el estaslbhosd and iral kacirs1HM CENTRAL HOUISE, EPEOWI- Splendid room7 e- tablbng, aud driîisig ,Iedf t2pgether, wiLis oneaut t*ù acres ci lablatta*ah ,osmouy bc est.kiand afies yoaaber Ing Orchard. There araetu 'Sella witls gast ppmeassadi cellent *a.eri STisei *ole li bc eulit aia baiglis and llà one cf tise beat Ilsatces Iistise Vemiele for en.solive haSîne*nsgnna. Wiil b. exehsangeti for taras roperty. tor taes.,e, c apply (hl byý ltter, pre.pisdT 'WILLIAM BOLTON, Oetobet U4th' 18e?. 4 Pl $parkadS ,frmer veiatny, NOV. -W. sos - Eegiutry Ofieeý. Wb i>by, .Jan, CIIARJ on, lrck, .. Publie, Lac., &dC C. ijacer &e., Wlisitsyil. seit te Regiiatr.N Dundan Street tIse Pui(flice. BAURISTMt 5Il CoososiAXE tunuty Crowe l Fort P.irr, 12 c Ul- OFFICE Oiowbsitby. 44, Chusý J. E. FVA Attcnstey-at Las veyasscer, dec.- *f Iepostuit 011, BAILEISTEIL 13eery, Couvé smccei.L-Ocp >R. j Do W.- ONTE ___________for *11tt. ir Sales", 1 Et 191 w t. 1 A. BANDELL. 1 .du.~ '. DIMUL

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