Whitby Chronicle, 2 Jan 1868, p. 2

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Who 1i ..f1 report9 usgs,~rmrai vintar anl'u' t on, go", iprowoteglau. This et-memt1 if marni. J e o the. sautai I.e.s, itheperforas- a»tinr-y -I~ a. moees, Mass e Mss4r M. bMurdece , .fTenon. 1 tboe et geaiet Ucolliinr, eruseof eoegsgtîone of tlu the proe.dauge etf*luareh 8eiand, A qaas-îete by Mbit taul meniti, , eÇtaîis, gsaIt imeMuudeln faily, susd ira wto veatee- supWeuse y ti.ahe ýoti oreth(e' çbool, beugli w.-have au, ov erf y, tutepIîly eud ered'epeeillî lloviasi thon l- fIo oe. tSslW alp'by tIi. River.l' és1va, andalet hInthe lu tilieonpart, ube iefonu"$ ert tople o e tlh- M44 N. c Muater MurdéeAn I h. Itu aIl the. fata-' Lite,'M u ernia, s., McMartry, 0 Xî ', lnied, Btwâuille, îsia on ith# pano-forteý K;" ifrrsaes aboulai Beilo, Min Mary MoGillivreyr MdtiMis 04 euqpeillylfaihsai fh.eenteacee@daï,fýa gene 'he ratepayens m'llî rai expeetîse nd utarsruastwiîb s won te regret théequalifie aibt hisfîou ry cai Wbo-- !batbeh ws lesdin -M,% f' etpsseur.e ofaltesitigg. Wo saidth hue be We esusut aietht. nee, m'luIseat ne elI ba -pIssai't usding (utW dd!Xg wbtehnmi"s u1rdi>ekl - taafstalexpftal . fls-teran dg gave ,le 1, aptmu iew &ai who éodâ 4 sprieiïté fs-lnd talent, re thu OUIby i u a d udhle corift ý*Olooei. fiat , 1fr. lei .ut6 ,y ee.es,~Wkitby w.11114 $el gddtonsu. ma-,"fe euh, ecusî. ~ihais-Tes-oto anit llemsville 'ftîni Weaeplesst . t e iluabt (l. p-e 1 -4" hav met -the peettao ilsaetlu Tas Tors Scmoons-Th. seboola et fias 'tors nIfi.b. opeaaed un Taeada, flue 7àJ loe., enuepit Io lue Au eris t. 801lao, sud thie Junior division ef thse H.mn aiset' uobeoqýel, i lUct 1Dont ope nu th f h o. lelusM)ondoy. The t.auluers oet (es. tl.parfmeuto, ha" takbe.the »nul ai 1 daye alIoed m'. juby lé, leor tué purpese *lsltling the lfodel SeIsl., Téroust, a&d 'thne Central Seooea 1 lu toh/ :Ma. A. C. ,eof ibis -laea,, lefm toere tbia< > _4i oratg for th# elà emotry., Ha lfautensaIo bsnt about éI r100f l cal$ ; snd IlpW3s spurebhaslqg -$a" en t sge stockeof paper.baugingi eft h. boa uaat ms-ur, We, wlglubs- aay fsf"aDs, lI i lu on.epage positonfaee usin smes-eofIlse boa a Wsoneuasd Ms-. Willio m'e apwe'from tara; the. tghb bg kt flua waleta o? as-'buggy &ao y «Ma la eeptioe mu'àh at rom flue staion. Boit, g#neuîlMe îm'u ent ou jh. uo4-Mr-. Wat i alg fiufss-d, s»d asiodes- dl auid W. -Wiielia bnd sevoe-iy rWei#eoW" , ares un-lt lt (la -Ptaslulantusd Dia. Carson sud ns-s sues lAalaaant e Ual~ ~ ~ b tiss sa Msu me, k.afît *my of -weeor-y mmuo oi.r -sotiee. tbs sw. vautlai tii , bs th%' 0 ê(ustms,'of tbis tous, api Eugisb hpapas, wbiieh Oi tee on-tue whoae thuen ; rose and relpont. 2et# tIeert, without anendneut; lameambia' oft hes tùuncilfoa' (la.Ncrt Wnrd. o Mr'. Pers-y, secendet] iy MrDraper, moeet]timt Mu'. B#y'a a'csignatlon, be ne- ceptet], -and that, the -Major Issue a warl- rmnt.for-a tatir eection.' S Mr. DGe s it] Ms-. Bbo'ôaw tf wopîd 11ke Mr. lIay Leasoiale an expiana- i Ma'. Rsy said t] i as net eut, of 1unj iii- -f'eelinmgtrsrs,(epeuple etfthe NÃ"n-th 'Wart, that" lue ha4 rsýoiie; -but iL n'as e'lng t lecena tthe. Major,(lais juealie.&sWn ne ocf c ceonçal, irben the prepunt Mityor ,fii 'ecaupiet]$lc hcir as mnembin e01(aie 'coucil ýfus- (heCentre lYard, Mn. Qeffie ceazî t e undcrstumd "ai 4bi -.ngutag. -J.lq ted ,e Soch- old ntm aa uulsmesnbei-s as >Mr. Ray alid mo.osit], Whobeveted *4w if bu on flac uarket 'qaamiou -bat] s'ither -résiguct un 1 etusd et]tstand isgaiui- lu tact, ,lhe arma negigniaag biaiscîf; but ho thouglail i was te.ýcowïdly. It ivas (ho dut>' cfeven>' nîppaber-ïo, do bis begt, and if héo ceulti net get*ahbat heovantet], te lelp (ho others. 'flie marke~t by-bew wss net à deasd-lettcr, but weruld cosse uM fufllfore, jeL, anti bce n "uue .,0 thte le off . 7Ne'avould. olieait, as b Jite and IN it -baud îp bc bard anide, ui w îdee Itdonc deeéuty e gl exprte4,t]hisrégret at-the reaign'ation cf Mni. Rds, à& Mr'., auîpbet,,ýand espcdall3 50, xà Mesra: Prry aw& -,Bs-ttiu he weftlifa'ec#ansd depttli-,arére aise going M. Ilon' rigretted thei. umumre h J,«ensaen -trme bat]resigneil bcd taken. IL eemeel likea lot ef acheol-bojl play- lulg, end becisere4ebctid not bave bis -ewamvmy,ss'euld net play.. ,- MlrPen'thon ibaliGes-le hca4 uput ET'. emnpehl reageitien in tise rrou g way. 1le (Mn: Per-y,> ksaew ver>' ÃŽ'eu thst Ma'. Bey sud Mr-Caispbell dit net nesîgu ou sceunt cf ftueumas-ket ques- tien ; but that-the esadié oet(hein nesigua- flou was; upons ethe- grruntis. Var hina- i seIlic us ho ng, 11'he cotaI t] tc-' nýe (feiéW.chair,. nGcrriecoulti net aandasmaudwhmy(li (s-euflemen ne- sJignet].li (Mn. Penn,> cousît] uut]ontiand Il. -flcy '(Mg ij. B>-anti Mr. Camuiboil,) feît, 11k. -biimuelf, (bat the> nepresontot]- i the sipinion of (brn respectiie art, cnt] cenît] notasit utï the tîibbe wbeu the major vouldlrefuse to eceesellinag, avien (lie m'isle eeuaicil avishedt]hem ttle put. 4nti, u m-a,' wben thee majorma-olt] #gainfÙfu r'tie seeive, ad refuge (o put 'l i#Ptiosj", thit Mia. Çerrie avouit] unsder- stand why f hoeetwvo enflcnnme ailaa] no sIgnet], Mr,- Per f en feloavet]the clarsle which (ho nas1 er bah tk.eus, ant] blieteai bon' k avoli dhave -ben bat]it ,befn 1ii tbe leuse. àOtauï.- Il.f t otret],,*h'lsteieli migbt hbavebecu the opifilof et lAyoea athie timne, that bais t *oi'uhaIp mas now eus'lieed ho-w"aswreuig 1 lu law n ,-utimeeya' n d in nactace. lHe ~ ,a~a the b.mai1neef the mafn wnby lMc. Gens-le -tiie, , iïïgJ Ne ona-der, ]4r-.iGers-le limself w l'eet (1ia - -'éxP1réd. 'lie -Noeuld more, th' rjir lat g. Camp' bie n he scceptedl ant(aLt tý warrant fera usen' ce- iâr oa byelsw for The 8peike i luafev enc~9. worifs rturnedte*a sfor theh.bor-confcrr'ed jbO mff6ou of Iloti J . Mcn i, ht lteusewuasadjpirned'ttllÙSai*lwrda>, tt2t At ti'c ecloek on EiaturdÀay'aterhÃ"o'n t4'LeýiAlatuyoicf Ontario wais lormerly topened by the' TU SPEEOH FROM TU I0N'E' Ilis Exceliency (lien dei(4treà -the Speech r11tb.Trnwltwa s foilfowss SPEECH. utiodicewith theo prorjdlons cf a Stuthte of >he Imaperiit'Pàirliâdfflt fer Lthe 'Fderal niofet theBritish aigh Amen-. cati P'reince, and for tloe e4t(of utse- pà rate Local Oovernments it1~rvne of Onatario and Quebec,-I1hý,vçq*béen de- piitm' i t he nààie of lier Iliomty tiue Queen, te open (hoel'irst session 01ut(ho Logislature cf Ontario,.,I1rq»gice nt the upportonity whiceb bas.heen th* iffondeil te nme, of wclcial ng (lie ropr entatives of the peneple in tilis ciîy, se l104g knoiyn <au the capital cf Ujîper canda.1 This doiiylathe éommetnceiiaqt eà anew ,And impomiaa in uïnr pol1<iczý1 snnaln. W.spaetogethrr utider tLleiutliortty exteonlet] application thanffwcbave hither- to enjoyed t thie principbe cf local, sel(- g«s'rnnment. ýFor-ycnir-4past it-ýhni- aon, the Sinta nd] effort uf UppuenCM'da tése- caune t more direct andi unliiolitot] ontrol crer ber cavu local affairs, Iban *aas4ttn able w-hilst iu legirlative alli'neS' w i th ftncther Province. Sensible .of- b- iny aidvantagcs avhich have accrued -fo (oth sectieus fronat ffis Union, sinie' f*s acicona. plighinctit in thue year 1841. the'pecliteocf Westerno Canaida hAivo, er(itd sired, a widcr andi more elastie ,e.vernmen. tai systent, îa'lîich, wliile t î>umn sitrengthon and enselidate Wi IO 91 iu'n on titiscntinent. ,'jmnnld. aise aflord langer oppertunities for îlîeii' Own pirtiua lar jjroitth andI epftu'bon-ý1 Tits lÏojec( '*obr iew otedtmaileLuc fieui inerpsitenof (lie nmot lereuîîintry. The provision fer the future Oas-ceru,- ment ofti(lis Proincte in, in eue respect, pecoliar eutexeeptional. It coulera tapon yoo, géaîtlemon, t1ho excluive, prilcge et trang lau-s in rolation tc naties avithin 1your j urisaiction, nînaidet] and] nchcclied C' h sîspera-isery centrel cf anofluer Crharàber. It tesitaitas fer yoiîte o ff by "tu ~s]tm *oealm id ft>e tlitrtght tlib confidence su freely repoeot in yens by the Inupurial (i'ovcrrnent. Yeu begin jour legislative labours avilli resoorees nL yonir disposai large enougb te jnistfryt(ho pc that they wall provocrido- quato net cnly for (ho ncint] neqîîirnmants ut the Goveruiment, but alIs0e t aisty the wanhs cf (lis rapit]ly impreving cuury. IL wiil devobvo upon yonitu(c nsiflor the best apd nîcaft appropriate rnc f bus banding (hese resouarces, and] cta agmýent. Singnasfncramiposxible, tho public wealtb, i 1 aoauit] corn'estly press opon your aten- i Lion bo expediency cf enceeraging lunîmi- a gratibn sud the occupation cf onar public 1 laefds, by aflonding to (ho wunking classes: ot Euronpe sud te thie.young mon utof In1 owis Province atiditienal 1hnt]uicetitins t nu settle'ant]romnin nimengst us. The on- t Âcînent of a J'ibenal Hloinesteaid Lau', aithia fl ree grant of landti o bona flde setîbors, vouît, I acpprohnt, prove ci inestimable c advamtmge iiin dting te the sininber andI quili(j cf our resident pîopulatiion. a 1-m moîhonizedta t intern ypu that ar- t rnugâemen*tsi ifin luprogrossa fýCYé espeot]y appeintment e t Arbitraétois for (ho divisions aisid adjust net cf ,(ho debta, redits, -lia a silitieci., properties anti assAs e ft(ho lite a prov inces cf Upcr anti ,As-er Cfiaiad, n inder the' 142nd section cf (twic imla p Norils Ameiuan Agt -When Itee Sn- na locnshallbave comipleterl thc-ir labours ti cor cfflîir report shalt ho lait]before v Thefe xqnscsi itheo tstcnîling (ire os- M tabliilmuet f Local Govenaiwoiit in-this a Province lhave taon neece-eanriii unrebp upen thme sole regpoiniibviily ut 'Lie soyas-ai LI b"tt] of public ledopantnienti, appoiniteti a lmç!citi;* bot, ,i ave'directot] dctailcd -r-v1 conta ci ailtstîchexpendsturi lu ho sub- t. nittd teoo fr peur appreval-and sanc. 14 Lon. hg I 81440ais ci oseti éstinisof the t( lie -entuing.year, to'be prefeeI, *hics I it wtnimenti toyour c4neful -, n un.ne -ci !g aipon joor readiéess te in ikcsitabteo O rovis4ion for (lac oxgencies 4th,publit respec 01 js âce, of piblipeduèatiTjn à(thOinühineey of oi;r civil an%0oincipas stem, 'oi èuoa Élic ncu igmnt tiuscience letr, edt arts, oÇ tho f m9rovemcnt or- the public doufinin, £omnprisingý as it duel; - oir- vaït '1fétes'atid ou"r aiffheral' wýealth, of the dcvolopmnent gcnera>ly* c f the civil, law a.nd f0 the righf s Of prdperty. 16IL lias, nt the aime tim, prbvided, that thoge interc»sk Ajulîed be -placed un 'der tho olifegnnrd of the principc of~o the British C~onàitution ; and, thereforc, on mu 0'Acceflane of !1ta t nt bfpreaidin ' over ti eIogovernwcnt Of théProviince of Qnebec, I loet no tinte in calling to niy nid. advisers, ra'sponsible te the licople, ând-- ~ineçgninig lu hem tijeir sîeeul de. part ments u nninsaîo..Te organ. ization - f these dî'partmenou b-fis bcen earnestly procecded with. that the-inter eciLs conflded to ttlir charge înligbt;uIot suffer from n ny too long iîteitWion of (lic work of Goverinent, inl, n et l Fnie time, with economy, as vcll in regard to thie tuniber of futictionâries.eaiplgycd ian4j as to théeamîisn 'ofemcuîent* roaision' ally accorded ta thcn,." "'Although certain s5tated sources of, rc* venue are aiisigncd, te îoProvince by the c.on itutibnal, Acta; the -yearly ainotint which you willhave nt Your disposaI, wif.houtrecoîîtge te fartdier taxation, will be oatisfactorîly establislied only after flic orbi ira tien relative te the tinances cf the ile Province ef Upper ar.d -Lôwer Canada, wrhiclî in provided for by the 142nd Sec. lion of the liste Act. Unider (lieue cfrcîîm stances iL wçuld niL bu prudenît (o suinit, (o (licegilitieany measure Of' ian portanîce wlîich ochouM iîvio c Sitkrable esptnditure. Y3îut ho or, the otiier haud the peop)e Of Ilie Province could not wi1liligly suitur any even tvm- poraryà icrýifico 4 t tho intercala cf plîblic educaltio6n, cilotiîizition. or' the pubîlic, tha nd;, as well as for the civil trvceç gonclally, a nd fercoverinW the' oiîlay al- rezily incaîrred inthic cstatili1ismot, or- gaîîia(lioni, an4 c-itryi;ï unit of tho cauvtrn- mâent. 11Ilnon*alle (Ûtnade»icft < tce L?911. lte Coupneil t "Cent1erden of tke Lhgiylhtkýe Ae*,ibly: ';*Vcasîîiren wi il lie V.I)tanitted, te you for thc urg-tniza.tion of tho doîiartments of the ndnniiatrtin he fnte-retration of thc statoles, andi the'.iudit of (lic public au- "*Your attention will also bc, called to thh-n beatnas cf developing etoni7is;un, and stiniulaling the zeal of rnunicipatitîos and volun!nry associations in belhaîf of (ho gent public cl-ject, sn importanntiLonce with a view te the intereffl cf this Pro- rince wfithin the ~Cnfederntion, and te bonse cf Canida ficrh;elf tapon this contin, ent. You will drnilUsii foci that one ucns ni increaaqing'cuir poptilatiainl ints be thât cf tl-ainig laither antrciig îmong nia hoe migratiôn cf the British Islands and oft(he continent utfEEurope, et lie sanie t(m that we.sre forîlier facilita. tig 'flic seulement cfOur own peoplet tipon the public lands. "The faîrther improvement of our igri- cultaure, and tho more r-ystemâtic and proý lent minagemlient of the foreats and uiiiiçn, are al-ec cîjeoLs dnuandir.g tho earnest nt- cnîition cf thUao~errmut tati of (lie Le-a 6TIie advancenient of pulic eiicationt nd the encouragenenl oet science, letters and (ho artia, are tint cply lu Our day a nicans of develcping i e proqpcrity cof a cpipe, but oven -nçxt to:the religicuq edo-n ment ccnshitute t(eholigbost test of thoe Lrly civilized commisni(y. Tise old Pro- vince of Liwor £.Zanada hm retofore mode in u ais directiini ellorta wvliicb wera atended with aîiarkod sueceas; and withi a reason- âbic anxîoty so ave ne roo!n for or gîco- p!o te envy amy ether, the Gevernment cf ioe Provîiîceocf Canada lately 1, Soci-C*x- iminadon ta lbc made in erope . cfthoe riens ffsysrtems ;of'education tiaore mAin- a aIicd, andi cf the' literary an~ scieintifie ris(itions cf the elti wcrd tmfh à -vice'hb »(ho engraiaing uron Our cn4ftIï Yst-M e t. Thiis most important suijceavili re- lire, avitheut delav,,(he u(naost a((entien f tho. Gorernment.- "Ocopying an ;important geoqâpbilceaI . -in n laCnfdo1 ton. o... iang~ I. iherefore take decl-iting beitiag c baee o re1quest ihat tcrw e ? ~ -fýiscds ~w i]or sust in, prpno ing au contai Wiib respect te the offide ef Depoty Reeve, for rhuiels I aloo stand nouaincte], I weaald begfnriber te BeAytbsmt I ai one lime shoiigt lÃŽ, y duty, cousiden il te iciportau: intercsaa f0 le dcclItwitb turing -the pnrs.-t eea-, andt] te nepected assnr aasoçs of-bhos whoua I tbcxigb hat]these lasterestâa iheurat, te, allow miyscîf te be. cne a candidate,- but eircnnmstctices over ~whi 1 - bcd-no controi bave aince sn ai- terethi'i.position cf affaira (bat I do net uewréfel ilmy uty te ýmake the niecesscny Mynfls cîsqeipn contest, wbýieb, 'f'rei varions relisonîs net, uecesacry bere te onncmerabe, rouit]bu, te a ceutnici extent, pensousal, cn] conaequusnly unpieasen tet tue adreouit in ne -practi-a guet] mrinO-al, sociuuîy, or municipally. 1 ibere. fenemg cia o t]edcli ne lthe houer inbnte45e and to auînonce fluetilmis net aMy ianeno (q' aller ýmy naine te be put forw4id, for thme Doput 1y UeeveshîpV. Youns f i-ny, C. DRIAPER. Wbitby, Dec. 301t? 10,G7. lltîraaing ut the Steamer Ilileiga. The stoam.qtil, Raleigh, arIoSeolosq a as lieen previonîsl>' umnuinucl, (eoît fnrentburý tarent>'tiles of' the coa-a cf outti 'Caroe" linsl, et hno i Tîse,-t]ay, whilo nsa'king, flac passaige-,frouai Newv York ta New Or- Icane. 'lure iwonu on hoard at the timne fifty-five îîer.ons sali!tolil, (1 fiis uunmhe- ciglnoo;î hbave nimnive t t Charlentens, mut] four oths egansbelicived tu haro bouts 'flie puas-er tlera heî t the ine -broke ont at 12 u'ciopk eusthe 24tu. andi in tIr0 mnusthe liCsteampr was arr.iîpenl ili flaulsic. Iiny o f the tifty-i-e t~ru ni) ui ha"uIl as-ik fan. The o eseb>' thebusrning of ficRit- ieighi is net lkasonuîxîctl>-, lîsat it lit c-'ni- mruttti a-i frrrn $5350.000 w .$400,00. Thle agents iils New -York have no accani( c tututeîgu, (ho pont i%'1.,41g r flbali I... fyepetX sa4tlMbui. The -tessol wax amortIs abut $17,0(, antI na. patl>' insurcîl. Theu fni-ntla ou Caîstain Mille avero nî's rujoicod t] a1rceiinsg9uews of Ilis salut>. Mozsrs,ç Livingstin Fox & Co., agents of (ho Steair.iliip Coumpany, rccieivt àusseoedý telegnaius frein tise puinsen cf the l(rnleigls, anntîuncing (ho sçal>et fa rsccondt]boat cuantainîing thirteen pensis<u.. The vaines of thc pasrcngcr-s iard ci-ou' scvei ctrn ot; i-et knonu. The St.,rhomsas Punciaae. A Warîmingtou speelaltetofi e Yoms- i- E-esîig Post, datfed! Iee. 24t1î, ama "Prninens Seamtrno iva' lou, u(in net hositate te ay tiret tIne Scuato rill i tia- ;nec, b>' a a-en>' large nmtiority, te consent cn the paneliase of tise isiltat] of St. Ilonas 'rnu (ho Diniss Geserriuaent, aison tIse natti s'hnotsglt tu e vot. '-Sen.m(or Wade opposes confirnning the treat>', acuius in tai-or et censuimig tise conuîdt cf Preaident Joinson s-or>' i-ene- cy ferrthesciou mîneadti>ltken by Ilue execaitii'o linancie h o f ea-oerenuuict.lc ci-ms it a vos- broat] piec ocf assoualstioa, cnd as suOda, hoie ys, asihIli ce i usîc of licirrg ouan foveninent ii c luise puai ion te MI listions et thse globe. "Ili ninatalua. ant inutiis hoieik sais. a"leil b>' uany Republican Senritous, tis if (ho Pi-esideit; ana sec-oiuv negotiate atnd, tibia, tneity ion tise oohs f tes-nis-s-r elîl b>' otse- matinsu, aaiîlîot enEualtinz Conîgrt-ss ornc'- innuuica.ig itîs (let cnii mften aIl coîsîras avaielicoenaple- iei, tiat îcle -iLe bas ample poweor tc Jispee clan>' percel un tract ef (errilci'> if ho Uniteil StAies (luat; dees tat suit l'is 'ac>' (o sucb forcign nalions as nmas- laose; fc'puichase sud (lion, saisn tbis . dune te cool>' msk Cen&iess tw natif>' bis rticu lu (ho promises. "As; tise Sonate avilI uudouhtet]îy fMil te. utifthfle action in nuis caso, it avilI probat; 1>' pslace (he' exective'bnanch f tis g'os-- 'minient in an enahrircsszlng itualâs, s- uigit dlieIt vlô extrki it -1fr:rtsTr jîiîçh lienci-. t appoana lîmt a t1on-niaI ransfen-othtse tor-'bIaqacii -p' ico pado, cîthoogu nu moneyý lias yet bec» ni04 oer. eut]it eres esai)uopen eu]antd aie qazestuou te »o decidot]inu-case (lhe )anlal Gos-crament salucutdenmndt]fhaï oi cents-net iasdo by tlue Eeciutivê'Of tue uted. States ahuulille tfuliliet, andti he Wte in t(lie ussaut1me continues W ro- se (ô r s-a ll teeaty-." '$von thé New Tork-Tribujmeix relue;- Intlyeocpletb.the force cf public ainca, e gvenpits countenance of iado (heu- toolieb c(tenqts sti ingurs-ectoni iCanadi and'irelz odtit] t wa# imnpossiblel cratecd àe- Étï f D. flcrr4ws; aÉ per re- sl olution pasuned nt (ho last ~meeting cl titis counacil for. $70 06l, bdt iastc;d IthmrWo g;rautiiaort]deu. t nt Métt4uin flVer of sait] 1. I3nrrnews ,for $51),un :-reepleLtun ý oteiitcoimtrnctaiidtbhri hcrebyý eýindemnnifieti fer $10, paid 1oe4eb}D. Bon- fon o , fp s lpr,n4et eopstteted" -. rDryem- -secondedi moves, (bat the rÉeteiat isorro ethe trensniret in ImvarWIohitpO'Dany, for .$4.50, iormuôs'ing lumber a'mad tituber ou rsite-foe r dilfati. - ' - bln. tb-yden,. Àeéi)decfýby lin: Fisher, mca-es, (bt ite raevégaintlits-onder on tlteQtsrer in faror cf, John Campbell, sens-., for $100, bciug paympnt for- land't usset] aIs iIte lfoi-dr111, shedi, siaid ciden te bc given, ùoen e exèecutdn for the deet] cenveying sait] landI te tli i corporation, Mnr. -Spemirs, secouddti y lM. Fislscr, mQves, that tlie reeve grant- bis order- ou (lic troasuirer te thie failiuwine. parties, fr soms opposite (heinrepcieum 2- Alex. Kitcu, feror cof-saaveýd ae $2 ; Mr. IHaves. 1 cent], $3.,ei0 Jaxl Camp-7 r elI, mdv. Court cf Ifevisien, $402,; John WViliq fàr tihe tpctýP ;ofWidloa'Kemnitgr. an indiýen peérsbn, frona Jue lpt, te 2i4-L Jan. $19,50, being 50ctÉ per avafek.. nasimen nesobustionnt.f-tttis cotaintil ; J. B. lgiekell, for j lîlil. fltior tn Mars- Sinîmoudx. su n,-, dligent ponton, $3; Timuthy Fisisor, for Ëuppnt cf Mrx. Wbeeber,»mn indient'pe r- .son, $rp,50; Rebt. 1lglonn being inntant 0 -enid on s-oin.1 lbemaance Andgare, on> Sijh con,', $420 ; Hlblent Spencer, fer work donc On-Sth con. Uinet, $5,67. Mr.- Speans miovus, sconntioni hy M r. Willis, thstt the neu-ve grant hI-n cr'er on the follou-ing parties-,-J. f11,Ilickeil, na reove, $4, ant] fou' eleciing jnrors, $e; John 7)s-dn n eit'n-v,$4 n S Lîrs.c.c oîncition, $2ï; I.lin Williii as coaniibn, 24 TînltbyFieher, as coan-. cilfer, fC4;-1P. TVFi RAh.amn.4ia Cerk ,îrra#)dinit]eetor n ' tiiat r ntir iuîz ntffcers' tîiis;natn is ctea q-2253; J. R. Mrtthewson, fo5eefn 1willia, (t i- heu - T liË - imo alt I imae prsid Cc (lit! ttenSt-terntcf (is 4~-IiO nation (lic sua cf $W7,i I 1;,the bciance cf jodreument due b>' htia, ounet. cf securît>' for ihos. fodgsou, 1sf c ëcelcbor, the s-ocre hlirb lsnustlsorizcîî, on beù ofsat Ii, corpornation, ti ia-c (hoesit] iR. T. a. nisoa, is frec, filacnd] full diîtciarge .aî the Suit] jîdgoment, in ncarrdace sa-th- the etitioti of Jonathan Foote anti 240 Jobn-Dryt]ou moves, secondei by Mr-. Sîer-,(acthie reeve grant- lus erder on (ho tremisure.:' in faves- ot Gee. Cean*-an- for $753, when sait] Cosna-rmy îaîl h:ao signet] Cont-tr, avilis spce.uriics fer buiidinsg Drill Shed]. sat] anto u é-con- sideret]1as Patpajanit for ccntraet. (Jounéil *adjourne t ined£0. Newass by Athin ietcCible. E tAys of the. kStrI .partý o f. the troopq -si lecyal(y ou the -Purtof, oîuîy mecus of attsinie A circular Lau been es-nossof-t]istrictui m iattemnpte] pro;cêitinnm- -as maduess, but stillins vigilaince ou (hein' Poblie opinion ig over taé tmglc. sand.f 1w td becu ,iasnàed am, the tte ir viol#tidnsIi# (rada fusOeves-. - T-ie Unfited ] -utes9 bit rentama hi-Içranil teetsaet St, Croix, Ycîns.- On liiosaamy M4? roll !z ug toua' sien>'brs &cond Aývenue, New «ý ,inra-es. Vsfsgh (ho scelle ifsi(he k mmdl t ,feamrtîli fos-n' nai, topé. ncvcrtu(Ok,-, figrttell. rsughltulotbcs âcre, the fis-st te WsTy>'itw lo t to fstn s-ouft rZrre on ritb aCcrasWh .nnt death wnith its fusil. (o (ho winiot]uv ie 1e fous-lb, fluo, but avere -I sle (ctise liske-n lad bok t -e pr- recroin, with the bbinuling; aine avilti teîirit;m. !Iew af1 ant] policemeén are on-tl hai-Let] srith chocs-s fret» streets,&anth îe back yan rlnre, M fu-t is acl îoke,-A te bce as-en abus-ve-it 1kà snuouldering mut] raLiu,ï "dil hi-eas takb Lrunboa Dc. 31 uou-Lier dric orethnee iq noms innaching into tise ant cf Ahyssinia. Thegs- I irepos-ted(bah t Kinag Thedere ou aq- trou1 n ilscý certaiining (lie extent sund]uoa- et o *the paeent mc:iqiînos- tribun b>' this gca-creimcnt (o cf- As sec' ledt (ho lihoration ouitbteEngliqh -captives aveno extis Wo1isutanil>' relasoilt] (hem lînnscîf. tiillyclbeà Vienna, Dma 31.-Tse-AustrinicuCeancil police Phu; 'il Muuistera as rearnenget]la ceirpesenl of 'tise ieadt] thle feUlnmaing zeinhcn$: lPrince Von cndt] tise .%ùoejilerg, liresit]enst oet(he o 9ncil ; Iorgueë.- f' ai-îron Vn ucat, Ministes-'cfi- ?oroig-n ýAtfainun, avina (le nank cf Prine iMiniston- ;îC Cousît Von 'Par, Depnt>' Prer-iuer tut the' cater,:-api Coutrcil ; Muron Von -Kchn, bMiaistes-oq 0 A ]ce Win; lIai-n Vonieee isenCii-jig2ft moe-; IIMer Gisknni, binlisters- uft(hoefbyprecip Insei r; ios-Ilesbt, iiniaier cf JusL 1cîmicrtcbe t10e; - lens-Bs-osto,, Minister cf Finance. f train fs-ut Emiants, Depu3l- ty crene c 1u affair aj Emeor ulis'het]lunthe Moniteur 'otOfcinun (hua îaîcrng, ( ho corps logiFlatif fus- (ho Jcc 4f ncxt rive yensa.,; ta cesasifctof s total et by the ecu (ave lîtndret] and].ninetY-twc menibons, tîse-tnisek- Iný_tho lporioinctnof scats among te befuoetae differront dejiaanieniîaof theac epilre,7(ho (bhren luin -ciL>' of ParLis iientitiodtie(orent] uine ne- eut]dra-in jaoeui tlvs(lic aimenuImnî e'which crassiicd]an e0siobs n the. liseont corps legislatif. d neiiad Patti i m o mern-ied te lmpe-isl bôtiseoet(I. p-i" n-jit - Boasls-'Dc.81.-ThmS Blgii'm mai- tS-aet n (ny ia aboueto tereorgcui;.et].- Shwe ,pgso SAI;-Thie Noms Yesk ZriCssne la asten. elaMl Jie t elaflle-it mey , ay-t]ehige-.s-pedt cf, crime "anti ici]cet ith wlsMc i 1kg ve- ceomus have for de>'s pust lieeve#îir- rane lahasr tienet].Thîls is-ahockig pietune î'_" Té, 9 telegauhi avine ent] uder thais-weiglht -Dis-ap. eof wde; the aolét] ar(h quiveruma itimîtro>ts. .ofgdh Irns ho eutre (o îptIje; ci't -d are sîsaketu dou'sa, ou-ntis'Àre'etiýIfe]v eau.--_ fais- tiomains are overtlowedw iLla rqd.iiIËot - -4>ieb las-a;. ife fg a a'jdcg"c i% l , i4'daelviltul mother kn'o tacaitlsou ageinst hlbà,- qisarter cf aWUlm Swcrk insileni anas are lesncyin ,.%iùnows, prefei lt go sufocation on aaqthefiaiues, ngisjhet], and t -et] the suubke, Ites-ct tte ps-dii tromainsmses-e et UwOANDAIOUA Sul, 'rasa givesan alp Ms-, Grecs-, on', in-st. Thseet is- cfibe loroffic' M ai a Mu.'f . -1 msfnl .Mot au fesi', hav@erse vbI pla"ieti >erbépo tee late utgbt aboutaes. Bs, oitas wn Mvere suit d#; tMywilibe aig

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