Whitby Chronicle, 21 Nov 1867, p. 2

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71111114F* Cam adtuth The roatnl btesof Pl ti»uî t", wvas aoat ite1 Imuportanace betere tie Senan Sessis. TIers 'va a' litle *bmrit,, lie'repl' te Senal siso aQmpbei stitod flot pers appointes!te te Sens Jvwmsvlek brd dLelîned tire tair S .end mritirat l iv OtAisuLsaoBeiles! up. rais corusoys. 1.fIW U8*0 o qs«hmmons tLis ou)>' mauunisble for bbe Pa boieessMr. MeGe and! Mn. lon. 1Mr. MéUee els1dtire> bW !togetirer ander 'fortuar ne' WOrirero esnou i but seli if tire Laioofttins aa trurs, as! tmg ausion exîenda Atlappie teo LlrpPacifie, the C WOWldbc fours! convosient tiroir sassoatet teleir-coun dis! net consîLer iis Excellei sa extrarsgent onu, sîtinougit ab te emgraton Tire>' tlh.ss prov noss1frein11tire AIls boude!f Lake Stupoior in spir position, and i amcerdill; thes spe;ech f-rein tLise thrnrs tu Ilim, contilula; varieus st, 'vers Le he subjecti for tlrf Tire. migirt lsavo becs a »Pei dîrotly troués tlione on si 10 ol IesI>' gave hur approris et Unt6ni, or~ suismqaently vi Ion 4miasesusoperatine, If tirej Mcntenienîly Planes! lascoi 'vIlla tir tJficreiga la perseta *uyteuus nw, esnlsgbt bava r m tf'eugirtise Ilîps-o our fi soanaite yeuîtaLIe.P rovintu Mtfnt sse enallapart 0otNonî to.iaske or mur, tLe inslus! dowsr. W. bave to take lot sprech as Lthe spit bi die ib une ai trllaits; ,no IýusiadrAned e te .table ad enLia squie l ittthis nov ces te Dominion et Cansta te qu hgmlsator en agair longer b. s Tie'as'designateomtemelvo fate, but stirIrqu;giyinS thosen èémuinathons supportessoetthe r ' tise>' caunot heiln Union ais! mmetifne.The wvoe ore.t st s t igbis itdttoua vis giron tirearand te toe.iL priaiL Il rastion.flie regrettes! the. tiai bosn. meinhier oet Hanta, (M lai siotaIs! ie obligude.! e elnb (Mr.lov),ia.! *poisen of Vpo uad estje ceantryi as tiseugin S New gBrouss kasnams!Oairda, ont cnnsejs. . L i4 niat wi out an mput sation, but If tire the Rfoute ver. %ore lu geood 'vsre &Hliemoabenioet neo o tirs> Wadnover beer snytbisij tollo.eunerymo.r. ere nei ,miamu ieIns et demarcutior ttu1 sivtndte speak ilt i>'colan OItWllti totanoLier Ps-uni unir 'vioiitiuag tise propile>' f dent luit It f lu ittng the Pl oter ood mons a lsregard! te a( thé ns' Densnioss'4 b tisl % elied s n>' ccn sn i'i On"s!, As &a s #lod tei tizei bave led no objeoin te eit dodiottlIeNa' enu cellaWeil = isho iris!an 'van partial U16ti;, butste s Qadas, an aM d cVial aime ans! volf ~é of çteo<elpopulls, I aideas!ment lLa iet.l wai o Iteatntions now Wau' mir btiîgçle ortsln pontîtatrwcl eqiws>t& sadour wt bvtai tmt sîrutsaCmnýlvii t S$eaeiift% itir etraioutbn¶ if Staiatio' ftIltiacie' arre .du ..;nwa.uo;i.. ,SMie " NUIUSD' CT vlApYA onneelonivlth .eadlnghnas'aav gos hauma la refemetotiér engl et lirs 'preaibêr for Leniblt vireho h teapted'to 'ths'oweleieon bis 'Fuir neulatou of thatlie etal>'made publie a sll prt - Lireflutp,, ne could'noi make tIre' vhë et thém public vîtheut Lbo'consent'of" th Gorer'immnti, and horeknew--.em'y 'eilt ' i for'radmlnistrtlre reuoas (irey:dis!no êire te mtethear publie,'bat h ir'sai 'rsenting poti.deupaistrt.d (tat theré was 'à delilucrat, on>' vork e:*consplnacy te bars) car elies If, 'hey 'htr te dariir g tLéb.ileonm saoee88ui tl'hu btfell4 là àd on Qor broe be at bordons, Bl iO. siiown tht't hè' w mc, tauation 'ta ver>' limites! citentlire'val te i n ~d le usa>>' inplsos! 'en. resldents à sto a"""n, Queb-,Moraluns! Tor tofor Penisa &te' r o l Iew roter te'vlrat occurres tIre other nigt, Ir acceptane cf Mentreal. -Olt'the Occasion of 'tIr St. acnls o Patrici s ocieîy's' concert, ireuns! Lia Wells vere'psradod as -ames' o! ronçuy the trames et DoIien>', found ofe ihe rite debatos in Feniamn Brothreriood! 1 Corcoran, ýf1roi eveng v-eW0 ]refortainOrnerai, aetoro iveeny ; ansi Me- msag..t.arars Meusti, vis o L Ilelies rout Peian irgîli. , martr.He'va ure boua. gontlemîen elf y'vere xse~m. 'tIre beire oattendes! Iliat'concert dis! ite auspices. net expect to-suoe onies, Tise>' iras le bckooedo, no rigfitteasmett soIL'pouîi Adris proves! lt j te bu natlansI wÏotîd seo ârare otheu -4 (rom, the ueeings cf thseir ivites! gue8ws.T. ê vamnad 3t> ot Ottawa tL ite n' eaof Montreal te bis vigilant, 1a ns enougla for Adrisdlis trions!L. oltr cfJasie. trymen. lie0 te considen the itaus.'i,îelosiou'îyhefr incYla speech alioving te pet.iod foa4hesspohtaf IltC, seare- it tire Rabeat Corpus Act te exptre, for 8s. et 'corsîkten.sooni ethboeo oltbo an oppontanitChéLite bas! unites! veul.!lbe an atteapî agpin Co do i4a our ni 1 CO b.hecilles viraL tht.>'re'esdeironrirg te dn'i te of ail ep. Great Bitai ad Ireland. -Tise tienda et ;te ensImaâ, Ijrsoq bis! sectional 'criécs n"end asl deliveros! agçnst. 'An atleiDpt Wa,'-made teraise tuILtera wLb i inNova Sentiasail pait>ans! la'Ontaioiea dolibegation nam'll-y. luopposition te <hop4rt>' et Union. cci dollverod Thie force oft the Oppouttton vas aaunsulti' h. di>' that fartoas tîs couls! be lnÏigin'outi but 'Lb. e. I CO the nct sutvatChat liu ever>' Province 'btit ono ben Chat Una. b.he' aîiatsiras!recoived àLnutîiai ryiras! heess majonil>', Airai1 ire ais!relwens ta believe mtnlcaîftiOa n tta great 'Union réactiolotsIrNoviSi,- . Paee.doe Ii!t nr,-'betore long; Irike place. Tlle ,o beeui saIs! bon. membeur for huais ýiaspoken viiir Severeigir 1- hsndfiorrcèé ethLie linporlul Panliaiment fl le«, compris. reteroricèe te theie questions, battire siould 'th AmenOica, raemsber that peut tuirds uses!tire pres 1P or break to debaite great questions, as!tIre Ernîg' evLiCat liAir reàsa ineat unaislmously supporte.! Excoleucy, c t.ie imro, ans! uboves!deepinretu vwlhting. Wu eveny stepot tire passage oet Contederi. Iitin Who tien. Bosldes, Liis nuessuro vwas not taLer' titeeireadosiun tire liaporial PauNlmsnL as s istitutîca cif art>' questio-tve Adminsisrations bar. lali>' bit Aas Ing.taken parint I.Tise lien, gentleman dliunioniut.liene reisi an oztract'frein tbJ*tisddre.s, et ls dsunion- X~ord Cornaron on tire paggae et Conte. loires, "pto. doration lanlte Houli'ot Lôrda f, tnibci lUnion, ad lie-presitatos a'brigbt future otise he . .out it -th ire alen. lie (31n. IdoGo.) liouirt Lirat to msklie tire tire e'xpectitlonse fthIe,'neble Lýord tintis h'lind been respect, voelikehy ito e liulzes!. IV ically net la haro airéady 1 ', uaonly gaine.! in nuambers absence cOf but aise la abitît>ý', an.! in 'veit.etchia. n. Ilove), as- racler. OomnIng "Le b.debat. on tire *5, te irisa. l1e drein, ite ira.! istelled attmartsvehy tatire ur oouiryremarksi f.-mombêmorseNova SceLla, bui roritiots noire cf tiren iis!pointes!'ouI a single vono cift'en. article o et'>ir.oeatitu 0.0n' te viricir tiry ai te, tilt 0W ojected ai aii nlerto Nova sloîli.. lemubers oet Mn. Mceo. t on, té apoisuteut faitir, l.'sotte limprtant 'etieset oftiré n d luir>', on!titutioiB.,,un pirtietear. .lre wonldrefeg, lg eue but CLte .98ra Clause,;1'îinicir le res tý H(er rss à secutar as!religions, educalon'abotis! noi as belveoc ie ise ucfgtesi. 14-,veroïer ce té lite .tpe..' :ryria cota. 4 hlsenl Prth,>ir ppr lieuse Ieconsus!. lue 5# et. ro .that ail the bout constitiolesrî mtiorl- r c'r 1p)081, (les agreos! li iaaolnî ng lut w'v Chu >reprlty, etW hor iouls! rot ý'wsûe. frson tue, -sane. tise nmesource. Tvaeluitt'#; Obnmboe r ôm.tro tut no etiser ganteConstituent' Wldfs'qeslid ot et uéex.' rl tise terriPoreto eotenettwsdb,oéthr,-, Bs thoni r1à ir mijoais! ne téth( ie olai. *ilt déclares lHe te 'ditireMthe' , e ofv-iem thLUêomýntena.' nLa " -'hi. I a iiklsrg lrcunaatice tbt 100 lsyte 1 14 yenîafmter the StamapAct- 90 yeuru atter Nlluut'ieaa hie Aelm'Rv lLq- yearr,&iter s! etsimes tire promulgation efthLie Munro. Doctrne ip Wu5 #M%ý opû,l onIs.iiIsre sentatives of elp5â tre four milliz Leadtas!olelep fs-t at b. Lremslvsteu 'Isor ptatériit,'moBsir-, cul, unîteS irleltrifO .rast "Oh.. lmna~iar as ontalindt y" 'f'f t o f' e n hévr oeraen-,,p,0 Il tlca&l ad iRepuiuli. publie if. 'oaa-ontus eihlte't If voe vore net e t these.raameroits.enougb vitin four millions pe. ecti orei. platien Le taku uetr e lev Stste y.Vneurer tae èe et i:o a ,iarbcter ,I l- destre>' tbw ' e ct tbey 1 e employ cdt n- aconllb noticed Lb. eplan rat uïl it CainpoI, and ',sd Ilt, vas uIn*u Id the Govr nmeurthd lime fqýarake alf <I kt pastsient 't*y did ' ifter r>eciviol ad 'fyrinration bcor. 'the lrgt F'enkstn nrad au bis appearance.» He lndigaantly dei n an>' synipatha' for Penl*nism in th'e Pro of -viiBcl Itbolng of tie.'argumenta cf ,th, le opposition tirac thst niovoment -Wasa un oe plibyed te <rtber Contcdcraticin ;4ha nt [<illiun b.d di" tp rd nt ethti!tis et -why da^'po nhasGo0vYer*n an id butil :o, l'e understood th tac te ipes sma.businessrttion exisiteu t e id wen iiisn, and 1Ur. MoClo., and. Boi ir 'piopie etitertained tire possible -suispicioiý, là tiet he o mooment on the New Brunajwicl an trontier vas thre resai tof 'nome cuararo f purpese or, these tve mtn., He (fr, 9, Auglin) vas 'cle'obelv iiand, il at'any rate, tbore wais omtethjisg renikrk. n able In the condtotë'f thèse maen at tini L ime, dolëribd thre Influences employesi tc e ouat tlie Smith Govtrnnimtinflueinces r viaicli ehobansctotized as discreditablo, m ad atpplantlitb7 lb. Tille>' Govcrrnent ýt wlrich ivent Le tire country, on cocf loi-' *al:y and :nanagcd to mfiLe te poople be-. 1,tiele that1à ii .nng foi' ConiedertiontIrey rf votes! for Cýitcê:rand' 'ontsitry, viile by votoij0'pioition tlb>' gave counitenaine 'te!ýeIânsm ndtreasosi. Th-rnie tactics proiil d-inborder comnties, aindicoulBties B along Lb.> river St.Jilin ; but in tire, ciL>' l cf-St.,Joins, whretire Fenian alarm vas 1nêL'ooatmon L las nblusliingl>' Duxed to carry eloctiona. As niuchuas$ûo,. rcanvais. lie thoen allsrded toe1Mr. Muc"O'.! charges abot ]?onianism> in Mentresrl, ansi brandcd thein as atrocioundrr!duagracuful for stry nasa tonmais. agoisnt a large andr respeotfàl body et tlus countryuien. lu vas diigrscofi,'that' th. lion. gentlîemn n sisoad cuit 'a burî,ing,,stigiara on tîBe Isinien Lcf Montrea1 fWre'the saie 'of building bleMsotfnp ; 'and, conaidering thea aintocodenîs ot the L lion, mensabu-, bho vai thLi ltian Who slaould etîdoavour to fauten sncb untuundcd chanrges tirpon hi.. countryîaen, (Heuar, leur). lie corplaiîsed thilt one cf tire lî'ait efecta oft (.ip:uttiea- tion n lois Province was thre inm:aission oWannId cf proscriptin, -againsu viricirho as, a Otbolic reprosentaàtivo ofot ritPro- vince, s.s lier. Weutter an oarnest and- nolamn protest. Aithough ýtito (atbolie body ot 7ev Brunowick nuibcred core-, thirdthewviole population, trot one Ctîr- olle Sonator hall been appointe.! out of tvoire; sîtirougît, accordinig te aumbers, Vatirolies would h.ocmtitsiod te four, andi iL, leant three. Tîreagîs for ressent; stitesi lie cbl nîutotjoir In the errîgraulutions cot;tained ln Lb. nddrcss; iL voulu be the prouidest day cf Ilit ie, if ait esano future lime irhotîlsi statlnd on te plaittiani inIlits cira Province, teWicreh oowed hiis ail. sud declaro ho fond been deceivosi, anrd titt lisOotrfederatioooats IssfuililecttIre fondiat, higheit, varineatliope etftdosne vîao ira oected iL. (Applause). In te"Seaste ttirewosneootir business trunsncted tlin th. feraI pro. scnting aind reuding et potitions. Ia the Commet;a n irben et onquirios vero mrade as te establisliing a Coirt of Appel ; govornment telegriphing; tas. soimilation et election lava, i&c., te whicir Sir John A. gave tire uguul criasive re- plies etf Brat isr ftet b.Crovn. 'rhus vas tire ferra inre rpi>' 10 Mn.Staiti on tire question et cstablishing a Oourt et ApposaI. Sin John sats! that wviatover tho (lovornoent miight do belotre the sessieon closed, iL vas aut thie:rintention te inro. durce -lacir s moassan during tire earty part ef Il. Sir John vas a littie more erplicit In annouaclog te tIhe flous. the accoplaic et -Finance Mînister b> Mr. 1164e., ot Ilontreal, mnd Irc 'iovesi, as a mahuor ot course,Lirat a vnit do iisue for the 'olc tieof &tia maer for tise Cotant>' ot Hunt uingdon, vacant b>'tire acceptance by the flon. John ,Roasýof et i.oflice ef Pt noinne Mlîlser. 1 H enento sa>'that, on Lime recomasendation et tire lut. finance Min. inter (Mn. G(lt), negitla.tionas ver. opened vitb à v wte tire appoîntiment e thie Minitter ort huard Ilevenre (Mn. flfwland) te thre vacancy,. lioproterre oblling' '?bs preseat office, Whîch vasl net sncb osi onrorus chatrge ams 'tiat of Minstèr et Finsance. Negotlatipnàs vere tIrer entea'ed. mLt. vîtirtirelate- nmber for )Iuntini. don, and that gen!ley, "after a con- siderible, astn t ot rîla, ctanco, 'onans Lusire to be îaved (nom athe o mxe.>'of that office, yieldedi'e rissue and - epntadLb ir.a:oL Wtrept instrüetrcell es "tlr> Lb. corneis -orfit. t to, d:sposed pemse-,u on bath evfIsinga, at I& ihOaé@'bho ie t*5 oï u bat ar ailIobsroctlou iaÃ"i ide iviaîba Lana5 wieek lg" das,4 :re vodjar The,'iotitýi vu lot. 19 The councl. hein#1 of th e iý lé uthe Ïci' C Oosable'<. daty,.t. s*htèý4 Ic dibordeti>' peon.wr otaiedl bath su W i n dbs alit neogt t '60 spsperdeâ. MrIn. Gerrie aroyed that teconnoit. ad. Sjouna*for on* week. e Mr. Biow la sanendmieut lnored tb. 11, 6 cil adjo'ura for four weeks. -The k, iendn ont wu lot ouit he foibrwiaig n dirvision,: 'Yea-Meurns. low, Cuineron, Draper,ý * Nays -Messrs. Brownt,Donoagerie, Penny, Powell, Ray',o.- A motion <o. mtd adjoaramînt for Ivo veki a v oiAt on the, sanme dirliaj,. Couràcil adjourned for one wee. * MÂolsT.RàTE19COUT-Dirottr O. Dsr ?Càu Esq, J.P.- A T>AoîGe Yrn>r eW. B. Itobinllon, of hlsrkham, wu& hrought, betoro the court ona Thî;reday las%, chéîrged by Mnr.Webb, of Broagbaoe, vith asunt under the foIlo'viagcirrCuuistonces t. l. Stock panchaeso ore tiarber ironi Robin- Lson, oit bis propeni>' ia the 4th concession 9 oi iokeïring. Webb becoeanaei-terçsted in the. punchs.. throagh Sto' k ; bat 'was 1aotifi-d Ithithe cime ior collpleting Ibo parchaso mbd expired and vu wsrned off the prenrises vcrbally aud by notice.. Ho rhoweyen persistect in îukiirg bit; leauron the grouird 10 curry off the o«o. Lest Monda>' wocliRobinson tollowre& 6"theo Webb of thA slory" mb u he woodqeBwgirt( bold ofthte liorsesIzeadean&-A varnnu thle irador' off. Webb was not cpulpliaîîs, and Robinson "struck bita thro -timie aud ho,, 1di'î fiait because bis back wasu against a Iree. lRobinson ithe a seppod baek-amd drew a pituut amid swone <bau aà. les,b ho mmcd bock ho would put a ble tbrough tb. Webb,. Ad Webb thon droppeil tho lines pnetiy quickly." This vis Mr. Webb's evidearce, and waa cane.0 borated b>' wimaiesoes examninel. 1Mr.n Robinson vas fiaed $20, wbich incluulod coos.V CrET 1BIATION Or' ST. ANcnnvv'eDY.- The Feaftival of Sc. Andrew, ~satinouîiced w in oursýdv.rtising colamas, .:o b. cale. ff bnuîed ibis year by ua'graind4sdciat festtiival, te o beted ut uhe Mochanica' hall, on Frn. day ebooing, wcek. -The Festival is Io ho T enlivened b>' ie notes of the bug pipes nl on Ibis occasioni- cnnd Ilie reof tTut. tronr"ir snsanti dugiteru etfGIs! Scotia vili \ pronaiaelt,- and vo knov a Most acceptable testai.etftir-)entenlain- ment. Thée scoasaFami>'ibave aise ireen engiogedý for tire occasion,sas! tiroir exceilettt musiecinnot fail th e r enjeyn,%ut af tir. Aunivensur'. 3Mn. Mc. Doagali, ve.vie v eau owittingte niotice, suppie& tbe riande, ans! arraungement&for thre graificatiletacf aitoe 'Whode'ste ' "Trip Iltosa Lino light farirrAMqllotu bie beau made. 'Aitagetirer tire pro. grnimiîelild vn la ftatI of Promisetoa ,'Cuzàv Day, ocesis. - iartifsi Tho vint 10o ges Ciresp, du goodei, uiao ~Calit i eunt diel, "ae*'Dickio a 'ýVn*terd"' sund' Srisir'u Toronto cireap store, W#ilkiusonaa Block, ,WhIbt ,1.,.': B". R P4.F. at. sro: v ili. proscir<D.Y.) inbth Congregational Cirri, here, nezt "sbb, l.241b lit,1 mrari~a ns! neren ling bekeéissr ervM ;iceyl h. hels! ia saisi ehrroUâtil, tatirnnotice. Gi.,Ne. 1.-Mn. Gibsoa vants rendors ob itiéthire tct" hicirb.hoatiertises ebsevhere, lu thIs issue. MzLîÀm~ Sé,'ee.,-hc oiiewiag Waet& pjuua â érdsknbie *xsarmnsoga y.sersy,;~uefreMajor Cc1urs 'ans! Lfrtitsaarg; lit *ssaaien.', ùîlanmcl1 id'Wi. C, &O'htniabui of L'Otfginds., - Sas!elisi.-Mr., .1ohi È. Wa<kîins, Georgetown nsd Mn.'J. 'ÂAthak eestnoyoil pear .11 lbs 'ihlpplsrg'ln theslu hor.NeaÀsencsir risol Iret "reporte N nvufroncithe-- iqienlor, Thd.:Uri mtnnuiled,, and the, Hayden MIilter rSiar '04 4 'oAleRvointioany tovements; s r(ïand'flolifoaa oc&ýa-."p"t tended ssue ef; bond@,'c' b.h-amosat7 -$600,000 leu supopulan. wagibington, N'ov. l..tony of tire opinion attribited <o fir, lit-%'ni !haLes!, saya tiret ifhsvarqueiteà gpir. an ýopinion 1o ordir 'hé vould! itotn 'ditel>' nesiga. - , ; ýý opecialisays 1-Oet Jasigtic Clisse w delivos. tie cisange te tirejur>',,on tire 251 lest,,. at ti'eomnnieacoeeant oethe trialj Jet!'. 1).Siiitbut ieWil M rmiîtra put, tirhesso. Paisiaii be9tries!0 tire ols! idictoeenî. New Yor.k, Nov. 9-sd,19 Sterling oxcirange quietuat l0J* te lg 5 20le reg -'l62,14t î 1(5,acoul 1081; teo1084 -edo '64j- 1051- 1te 105;' i '61061 ;eIo 16; idoi Jian: andJulj 1074 'to 1071,; do 267, 10.7j te 1071-,I 40-it reë I00*q to 101,' do comup, '102 i 10,1 7hi 10tatNo, 1 -C95a1, fc accouais of Oct.'2tl, ridicalo tho efforts i Aliposha'to tua tire.1slsundens froraIbel inflexible detersainetion t0 hecome a pas cf 'Greece. The Rassia. Pniisian ani Frnch cooenrai:dors, cosîtie te conv, an.combetat)ts Io Greoce, sire Grais Vizier's nenronstnance agminst tibisheinj treates! by iieni with coasompt. Tire vs tin resames! vitb incneased violenice aiti viii flot close' ntil &fier tir, ànihitittioi ot Tuniisrurae. BosTro,, Nov. 19.--Thild sherriip Cad arrivesillt 8.30 p. m.,,viul Chu. Dicker on Ioad Nïw Yeux, Nov. 20.--Tre Herald'i Oomon specil isays thraï thoi greet oeveet. i horiton to day bas ircoîr the arrivai of Chao DPiekenst(ram LEurojae.-' Tire par>', rt iitoipingç utirle Pasrker Ho013e, wlîcne Mr, Diclscna will remaia uîsîil iris Gepartuire foi N'ew. Yoi k Nb.v Yunir, 'Nov. 20.-Tre Heraldà speiai fi osa Ubicaize ays tut Ceburn and IleCoi met in Chicago aend signes! article$ to flght for tire Craaipiosreiip, o thtie 27tb et May' nexi, wisiifis>' miles et Cide mati, torfl0,O. ,lleeuatland Morr'msey, is se ais!, viii train Cobara. C.vratOhio, Nov. 20, -,Tir: I/union entisiasa m creases as 'hi âBp'ro. ache hisdestnati -sumd people are dlock ing <rosa ire àsarroutrd ig'eeanty 'to poins whre ie l5e rjectes!ite pais.,'-He le emiewirat bi id i tisa., and is avorag- in ireean! a iraIt'miles per lirn. Niuv Yoiaur, Nov. 20.-Sangrue dates to thre I7ul et Octoben, have been receivei. 'ire native seumen show great hestii>' h %il tereignens autuhe moutb ofet Peuho, Ri. ve. Tire Britisht guabeat IlDove' Ia 'con fines!intoi albo,_.te United! Steamr ilaciruseti." Serions trouble vas n icipate!. 'At ' ngira. tIe fait seasous as! hein micisi>'. Mmii>' 'pens; s' 'Yi, bddleril>'. Coini'eroial tailarces ceticuosi. ioaditug bouses are cioig,and the Freicr s:ufblisirmenîsa ttIie outposss, 41 outhsie 16 banks lis. talles!. Atacîher teartul eyoae irad! ouired,,tire dara" on ahane à estimiae! ai tn -million dollar. Tire. Paitama Star cf th. l2ta bat con. nIation of uhe reporte! lurtics:io lair te Wei Inîdien, vitir 600 lires nis 70 roesl jDates tram Austnalin sîsteut atLtsireoaa. j irais ot fege boul 'mandes-res!irs!d estea Rer,. 1. aiser, Wcie>'an Miaisienan>', ans! six chimiîaranatves. Hear>'gaies is! vwreclces! "a ,îorber ef vesmeli. Suov atu'orahaldasagssl tir6crops in VictoAs by 'FJre., flAxi&LToir, Nov. 19. Tisé Ornit Western 'cuiruenters' ,sirop ans! blucïssitu'sirehop,';back of tIsenoiling mili, was',toiilidestroyes! hyre e'iaigbt., ht weré Woôdemr bn.ildîaj ,i -, stood close islongaide, euh etirer. -Il 'vas 1sirt 1>' heoeuo tecleoc vhebn tirecarpeisters' sirop vas disce goes!,e p -pre. Frani tIre ntr ttebuilding andtieta enaî it vos pput saring lanavoryahort s": ce et tir.'ire'blacksmithsl-'tbou ne tire carpentert'e hpe, vas Yet as dry as, directes!t ire uutai à'ng o 01tire m mlun nah whih i .~e taeisàni Le helua test je lre, F or o'aao ont en oUd bys pon~ t, M>' o!rém. h was tStil i r.oiwkcns, 'or plasnk, us peyscti $,Q.37';Jas.' Cuttie, fur print.. U ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~jg aasnoaod't'rphyle Knîei s -'lser sot., $7'; Samuel Fiaier,I e!~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~~~r ai f,'odî,Snafr1~î Mn 'fteij vaten course ena lot 29, otircîn, tis! etfér 'placs,'aud tii È, .l tie$9 sd 1igrve<,ispa~':~~j ank Bua re Mon~trent lit Guelphr,'actiraliy re, rids', Yi,$o 'O~,3-Bcklrs-'er aP înmaoed,,tu tIre Peut mastter in Neuti Forest, uceitonurvurk on roasi, $2." b fs'r'oiiAru i Ï hilis o théirRyal canalisai "TVie eevo preseant 'ed i adijd upon the 4oý Bank<, stating u taesaine timue Ihat,t qti>'tnd)o lethepittien etf>allry r ho0eo~' n 0' V ioad oa> eur iet"ncletion"4 'indigesiîtpersrs, relative Le'reliet, And ofe- . ýl'oéclà . fcniitg,.Iier bou&e aind lot for art>' adranccà. Wasau4 ara'sacLau tré calatase! AuoiOo iois-ditAir. '%Yihlis, secouiled!b< Và, "aaide'onal> iural s! Mn. Spearsg. tLia cusîil adjoîrnedoutil' net been fer Ibis eaerordinary Ilconi the IInstMolndayi n'pcenabos, irdeatsatcadtion,," I tiiuok tirere vomis! bave as--. et een ver>' litie aistruat isdePd, At eto le r Pickerng ceanift. fi tsa a IreoyalCÇartadiasa Bankails iconu. - -' - '_ý, ancernes!, ton lis itockaeis!ns une scanueres!' ' Saturda>', Nov. tus!, "18037, ail ovr ire ceunir>' and klnowa te sire pnb. dý nann. Msrbs at rree i 'li as perfeett>' respensible, but tire refusai' Mîua tlsLaaeii odat pr iieIe bis b>' sire'agents et tire Bank et cd. fir Moatreai -vu thir cane etftirerau. '1r Ierpeetèhtr eiino îe heo. Afterlit bail'continues! sonenl aliy, ia. Gcev und.! oirs, lraî'ing tire 'eoumdil te, yf, énoues! u ns! uen ifies!'b>' ý t1ins acion of a u otsé » bdoPêisod for' ptatale Li'aia.'c thre 'LJI e LBn t Monmoal, tire' certaimîl>'dIi cise-reai.! 'etrveeulots 16 td 7i ti e effer, -u, y eue-te d l utl-odStîr qcestota. , 1'. p>F but ire' rfuse! d itouti 'gls! Air."Xllçr mores dotii naccordarco vu' piactd ia tieir banda boerée todeitver Whtri'hie reportseteorînÀn.sî'a .:in Ta ai hegni tenders Ie onr agentsasut severai 'a.! Lu txpensi -,tiiotnae>'014.ise"neoaus, the or p ein s , T is b a ak vw au osea u x io n s t o m e t ritev ô g r sn t Iri % _ ord V r coi t héo trea ru er te p ar Ir tise wisbes et tire public tiraIit i, put .-an mle ilolloring parties for,,vurk portos-cao.! ; ,ru thre fiellero'insiend of oee1,r., amd is lunthae rnuars- tLe 14-..Frouz, $40;D. s! iucpt ira doors open eacir Ã"ay'tlll 6 o'cîoci< '11o8- Youst,'i$15.132 ; Tlrds. Thcaatpsuun, E y> IL aise accettedi bis ofier of' tire -lanrkli 5;.oir ;-rs 5.1; .s ursc Id Montresa asiplaces! fiils> tiaans dol '70-- Johan' 8atkan, $1 ;-WMnBus-ie,ftiti 4'2.50; A'4 Bmrk, $7.451; Lice. Il. Bus-k, j. 1 19 hant ef gels! la , iein r tistis hon.er, "trce .50; Ja, eudcs, $147.0,2; JtpiS g r tire>'teleogrmpired uo irnee oft tiriragents ';aiiar, $100; Juo!cpi Jistes, ,$2 U ';I,ïil s! ta give $5,000 la legat tendiles te car oit L. Jeras,$lu.' Sagenits. 'This 'sire .'tent of tirh ré~ l- sknes, tirab31lite 'er'orden w I lance thaï,tivas giron te te Royal CÃŽaua. il tirc eaurer te pli>";Bro*vIt ,l îrsi t Y, dian lBank, sans! wbenyoù 1coiasiser hirat , fr:ouAgi$anapns i treaitrat u aues!by srei ,eotl M. Ilnîstard noane,tiattie rere o--Ai 4ni' 1i efi tIreuas-res-tu înayJolit Sîsen. Eq;-%o deattal caution." wvinernet -Pt S., $fj:851, . to srrvcy ofloîs - 1a'JG if twe,'> aisirhe>'gay, but neoIrly AUl)ier I, t'ie4i con, an.! aida rond betwcen ti ns~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~bn £tnemâtrcsod Iui at y'Ye -ota C2 ins it natIre lst con.-Jairied. vaiisu>' visin me, trthail vas yeril Hille .lr u-umrs he lt'rer oïrder r -e AÃŽI4lI oidaodes!tItiAt h ir endeua1at. " 'titis mcasre tgpay'lDr. A rtnauroîg $2.553, -lii As u, tethefur(hcr asuistarace viricin- tire' ,rstn11tmia.attend laircèoua a'fuutllitagst lr Direetens amy tiere>'vsr ea'Iy ta reind! es- d-Critd by> thdicute Bil eire e li n M. Miltr r es, tuaItire eve- orden d-itiaiontheIomt le I-rteivali ia a h;trosinnr lte puny jrpsý(isdirsea' $12, W inimaioniratirin alane i tie fai ua.for kLecpiiù a fosainga ichauddisx veeks. ilmalien thut an>' eue in àrsB[ank iras! et' lin. iVirtisauvesl, tlttt tr.oretve'etrd r li tiririntention îe do so. This lime, a tiretreuitarer te pas>'W. Il. Bnrk, $44 b tehe-graarwas roceireti sa> ing,loir yefou i tone w os-k 'of 'a bridge bctvýeets lots,1 1waaî assistance corne siov ut aonce.' as,<i nda.!7, In Lie siAth où ridfli p, 1ymaLtera Canntlonger continue se thaeyL iîprýoaclucà,heeosas itetîurrlitt&-i as- ;"te iriir reî>'vasat nce ofn o$5.40 for 774 ;'eet et ofpak -furroshed e 6ae ;l tewbih arepl wa atonceson Urah YungandJolInt Jolniaton o feure. "Tanis ton' oifer-1 do nat, requin. -asl- e'se ilsao-ane..' aistatice." Tisoffer 1 certaini>' dis! net XMn. %We.ir'maresç, tonrlearai tegitrodoacc regard' air àtriemadly' affine! assistance, but a bY.iaar to rupeni b>' No. 284 et ibis CO"- t f lôohed apon il as-aat1reat, 7'batperirups poration.-Carried. - t h dis! not issirpret it rigirti>. I supposes! 1 'lie b>"'r- asrIu;lieeurcahtresà 'il- to, Menu Ibis zUThat ,aies&- tire ha'. and pairieS., suceat yur ceditbe imeditelyin- ln. Win irpresente.! Ihe petitio côf -T. creasesi mono open measari-o"ylh tlin e etaîiniri fr e igio 4 metig. e te eut dseredit on ycun bis.", Velrup! ' -I'l ubbardanotes, tiret tire reerc'or I vaos vreng. -but I heure, jou te juasge, destIaraanr ' tphéC prSiotîu Thnis Bank bIai been lit tire habit et kcep. $1239,StIinber,,jabous anditauru. tng conusderabie balancos ms tire[tank of MAi. %Weir' mores, dont the petition oh rMentreai, for vIricrtire>' par no insencat ITaon. Armstrong an.! otirera, 6e grainte.! lx ntiii it exceede Fifu>' Thons'uns Dollars , b>' IlttiBigthhe,tWeseyan Meiiodistsitabiro viaca ire>' puy 3 pur ceai., ud if an attireu c bcton iuil re tchaitr io tIaredunig sIe meti sie baancetall thn o nnths, provides! aLliaI Lire partiesT r tme urigbe ont teý alace f sienig th ireiaîht ireicponsibe.i, an>"<ý under Fifty T IbusaîttiDollars, nlieinlercst d<taimnages ustatied-wil l rir'~ ' is, te. W charges!. Tie, balance, ait5ibo . M. lnks~vs iattrmcro cre ulme tIr's telegnairwu reccives!,iras!, 0v. 1L r'caurcr to pay' (te. PUaslre âr$ , rJ ing taeheur>' drafts froisetire West, faleu 1V2 ltnvs et grarvel.,' ~ t Ibehov tirevaunai anrontaithoag terg r.lit ltermores,tlianthLie -rer oeiden aboAi th ireaianer te pa,'Js criit$2 téros sîiît a'balance thene. ,Yencon > ste ie r _&d Y iriair, le re iidne$,, eug,vIrober or eutiws correct ila w>' r tocsttisg dt'iftwod.ont oet Lroc kaf R inféenc tha tie tlegrnt as il liaotnesiile.Iiiae bcetonlots,,24 ars!25,, in aBis!netroa tniÏndlîité offéetassittance. lire -firth coucessioiu. Tircre vas net eue wvor4 sais! about dis- Air. Veir encres,, Lut tise' by.twv for FÉé 'ceaonuite>'ibils recirubte utnil nev, hnbutcloIgupuianpdairs!etrrag Ilu1Fr&eick-G (in Iras! tIe offen been made it vouls! net hgw sud Gteorge iîJéliuyt, pals'of: thé' oriïlîral 'AT beeu acceptes!, as j: vas roi acedesi slîaic or uanOn.es lt 2 tAil i Tire roait! up eluplîitt isanis iu, e» 10ireLltr c hcn., lue now ris! a second nali $900,000,ct viner 97,000 laioehed ap lse by.ltroivs rend! a second lime, gimiar lit goveroment, debestures; *50,000'in a.!onncténet1f. cf-tiseý' b~ an d begol tenders bearing te irtercst oas! sama woi rena' a tirtis-ct<acani ilasasedi. ' -T01 average, balanceof! *50,ý00!,:o' éeZe i on îuotion'o! Ms-. Hirbàrd, Lire cotancil lai tireBankof Montreat--iht 1,0 lýAi ssitAnsss, adjounoicd t'il saînui4y,tlrc Sotirof tlas pi ilg 'c etiug'tleé1Bank e'Mii*îill5. s tneai te taite otr bîlîs fan vbîcir in, redenrp. ',' Co lion v u ;Iressrgois eren> day;ý jet on' ieau1býrg. *50,000 thé>'. break i vnriîtoea aei 1t Tire Mintreai Orýe isaidoatn e me recluction o-et' atie . opasge on 1nlao.!Di viricir reqeines! fifteen dlj ntictlraïe"im letieo te tiarceconts, aird tirle adoption oef oitien'.arty 'tie 5aitenn cf conspulaoa-y prepay-tent. it <lui ~~. 81,., , ' ~gaves Lthe'florr snaa.e b eti la YoanmaL bd eran r of Lires. chanigea , pou e T; WOODSIDE, Oaël ùA ..eaaettr , stire postimauer Inai Roalsnrla :lsa Genorsai'. re-port lfor, 1865, the lut oeo-l.e oîrlpi tue agents jder thi £BtBBPIO< f tila St. Anàrevw 9. cie>', ois the. eY'lIIng 0 ro ~ speid thee astgft r! Thée evosissitge trane t llF~iiâ rt ofiçlîort laddresqsex, iu lem~ jw Suppcr zat idli pnsl7 .1clok,pr"1.ey Vis IPrr"deut oftloc Socie>', RiLJ4GTN, 4q., M. D., yull talc wcI s~iar lit7.,4i. nt, roea 0conta< ca a ho h4 qfmcguberf ef m t-ou#;iLtcu !id nt tih. 5txB)iS 0< 1fs*rs . IC 4. (,uiàl#ooI, Hainilton & <o.,, A. J'riiiikle, > at.quhs*rou à.Il. (ý4erÇje,a apdJohn Fer- itWl ILti ~. A.birt) thund J"j. illo, Oilubwit; AAlvuiidr lr kliu. "i. kkiwel, J aliia leie, Juis Lau.oit, M1 Iir,it;Vr:scr*ôrJois PI 'agle, d4s.. Toutag, oiine. Tw*rJleFrnw~Johti 1r- co e151!..E, l'ail oaj1UsOltuwk%) Geo. It4rait morio, ctiL.Csnpbcli, Dr. G«mian, IL. J; Mao-. SAi l ualim.,n. cliwxoîaen , 'sfiI urrccn lng reresuily iavk.'ed l WILLIAM CUWZL4. 'ht,,Nov. 2,16.t E BEST rCENTS- PER. GALLON,-, 4T E-RRIES D-RUG -STOgtgE. îROLVENI ACT OP 1864 il Ia. tter of JOHN KPARSONS, r, ýnGOftlc ig lrly'el e ~(,VMteottbgne oîtaiiit' rst ula e, ata "Sls!a'nieoteesae araulino' orrti et,' b,'i olia, aaîuen ortie tmov.oss'sfi, litnmherseeuvi llté - LONT 8T., TORD t-TQ, Iay, 28I of Janury, A.D., 1868, ied Jiinoil'tou ld of tm'Qvsséssnov s.! la are, uf .inutoipr 't o/Ail aaid sah- r, tho.ei aam sssiene.etOinut I pa~,slituâte, i>'iq oaud eIn latir. Tap -leni - STOI AsaluUn ristnme, Un, Arn LEpecal-- termirred te ssel Whitby, Oc ITC Over Coats 1 SBest Canadla Cotiton Warp î BLikets end -o larriein, direct fru -thte

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