#;Mid 1» Itsed mde in c. pardon o<( ii M the groua m ' I'1 ip -smddataams-ra' o! b. urgeai oI - si l, suuiior iriihi, VOn cvêxod aeudan'd baé. th aoutf afflsta, l !uà oeor deeeeriý' e.de4iq Ms'44 b 4-attend'bis R is son4-Martin, 8 lests ol, iasol l'etly afiervotr6t i*it lim te' rpof lisfait«p ai sMoking ta ont' té. oCalebh .5 »À ameaded s trefur shat pfà 54 1 ab thé ps5cimeu t l er e' W, t4~ bout ÃŽ. sac!earog a noise ku bicenm a théb.tres, cooimeldd 4Proqbl a cOdai, ' 1 j piseb (onrktau go .t ., sà d dreutly s te uuipoed'aniush,' s5oubpy ,Th~e IorIý *itre lotit ide, betweic hbis nbi, puu# 1e. williy.,, cried " Ob, '.suter, olyuwl' sud dropî luto hlm armi Rali wu. carri lutoaie nd à urg1lai id wu aooo eciIed~ oril reevr cr .ustiiied, .*Tii. .e borror ts'uek aM biidr4cdfal and (o' hourg wcai ùdt fià atlie X 115Y'BURLMGIOK-At tYxhrdg@e1 W üiftby ltrues. 444Wktby, Novîmwbist1, 1807.1 '#ilsU a Whist . 11,0fia$100., ~Spreg........$1,6 ac 81.4. .73oo aidé. A .......... ... Ao à 2sO. liotttm 'fouir;........1i'sc14, .40. per.pal'. 'roWN8HIP O REACH,- Ltily oouied tsb1v,5Mr.~tpmrElot dQ*C*8A5I1Yêi,U".acel"ad, uand the = Mn;w thel5Of4i.busko( lcrdwoôd- 004t.Ic fraio edwelllng siabimu %tude, es"Ieont bars, Orohiar gonweÀflml til 14 a :' J oug ELUOifTT * -tLot Nos. 10& Ilt, Srd con. Pickering' ,W*urD%Mê i i5i e ehnoba ru foi plture. Ç.LARK'S GALLERY'? doo'I bel c'Il Ni for muabÃŽle r.:God1)buln. N~wStc& ades~ Muu., d Obil. BOOTS & ýSiOERS, llubbeaw, .q s~ov.'o es S Ous' 1;"-bislatgrge .d ai bei.n me nnlcctuired by ous'aeives, we bave &Il con- idenci ln asiestins It tg b. lime chespst sud best lu the ousty of Ontarlo. Cholos FsmllY GrOcerle., .Wlcus and L., quoi:0 of the best, Obluaý,, C'csy sud 2,g, s Gstahad lebut". lanet$rn. ~ Etraiibw.en l'aya. binumel4 citra on dn - ~ ~. D. ciçx. 44~~ 444144 poteo sar'iieg lu <>, sud wbla Tins. - - Il coroni. Vernioelli. .I Asfd ot ler traitta IR brmscy.4 I-e fles,~ sagis C ienp ced,. l Bath Brick@. Cocha. Wrappinç Psgpr. Writing J'at.or. FLAVQW4I E5SBNC~ brusait Wiudsa. Baa. lionoy. iner Aciortedi TableSo.. isan Ycney Toitut boapa. colrr Par White wite, aîo. for food. Vetil. <lnilo . 2 , BR4Uite, dSubes. Watverproos a Shn110- Bock 6 ' 4 M sBalTwiu Volored TwIne - $Ioe Ti44 L TroauV$tee.w*pd ..ter1. Xl<nkcrei, lu tbia. .ttkblo 8,uoked Herringpa ubokos. GIN- Dps,r?ýcr sis P4SOT IWS HIjlIUd liat, ]di? ui c, - tf,. --Bey&sa.Grc.n ldlE WnVM- DoFelw'danod Crue- Glass and Wooden Ware,, Whitby, Nov 13, 18G7~ No ,ON TErB- COONEK-. 41 ILLIIMlRY AND II1NTLE wîfjl 1bé opaned on' ÎÙËÂY the 5th day of N&*éniber, with 'a boéslci.f 4 ~ 4 4 4 ~ 14 44 4 4 1 t ' 44 44 J*~> 4;~t~4~j wqn1j~sp"annuncetha~their general ty Cottou kffMTý,c wos,, MAS A LAMGE LUT 01r Cum ooth Old OOlaq*a flI",sPOET >W B iVJE Th. f& ol'âFiw ln a 1hI@.fg vcu Iue doia iEu, Mroii~4<tr' FIGS, WALNUTS. 00 Bw g nib souruepnd des, su OLIVE OILY CR .WTÂNED à trat-elaa uisâoTeber of er- 4, T0W '8111' P Y !A8T ,WfITBY, *WK, GLENNET, Som*rt 0iU'WL P. 0., and'for Bal; 0 O N F WHIT Y 1maI adoinlbhel8iB (t he Tihe Unde nid lias bem atructid by TILUMA As EQ.,0(- rolitoto seI by 4 T11RE8DAYt BOER 21, M8E, ROYL H E WHITBYt About 4 cet0 .~ d <tn laid ont,,sirs W. e io tt,IIbc uold!'w bloca o!cli (lre ats r imao' a The oawbo o'tVSb'*s mcii yuiti Mô ame igo _4YO<bl* trns, lt oIia"sd which'n s.ortl 'becomo ou Itbe ýnw flou >fle.bws, Csrp. n il- p TR ~-u.4outhe~h 'Tc MOn 'Wlltby 0.4 !W ;1S Three-_ear ol«', ' DURHAI[ ULL FOR.SALE. 3:1Cliiler, of Iclkerhlg I- -furniaed. ÀPPIr to '.4ILLIAILIIRILON, jr. Lot 29, Sth cou. W * Àir bar P. 0. Tus~4the lOth p.~z 10 ni1 Lol 2 4. iB Ã"41, trffl, st i n. Sonth 0(<ù L j R. 7 thetti0e oilow .1 surps il.rown 1111, IZ, , -broel) Golding Cot, i yeas id; iirioi"I»os R~h'Iyeomrli I- t b Blc w a...,l 9-A109à Ml, w s tcw 0lJ.lCuv Country WbtbyC0. 9,18A r----GANAIDm W~ A lago variety and Pilot oths, suital cèoats, just arri'vé,d, ât4vi Btocl< Fit'r,ç4W-hitby; rvembe Grl The Mîlliiwry Room fa p ow ç 'en withi P.4,UISFASIUO1N& in ts'lnme&? nnets 9, B~k t&ak tFfDress Goodg;i Shaw, nïeus. B1an1ctsý Faét, riee.Oots, 1:wuda -À frosh 1 & o 1., alfa 4es'Iiné,con,1 4 4 4 t t Y udsrs 1140good orderi 011311010011, mmlllý 1