Whitby Chronicle, 7 Nov 1867, p. 4

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si",' ausce' mu 18 veII- ;0 wt1NfuttlER5 E obuapot dons .1 itaïi4 eIC (My0(Touquto, 155h Aul oti ce '~V I4 buuîb Prone thsi suplcotio mot rCANADA Or ge Vrlimmuwut iaolug suw i eo t t h ~e s i oiion imio<d ou sa Act toQ0 suish#Ou IOrliita et te toia etWhithro lua té Cent>'à(outarlo. Wbity, Su" O«eo.6.8 jOIElitbrabyt veaa. hiassppimtlon wili ma@ LUUL7vaior Oit. Irkwf A tie ot omole hrofotiior l!SWnt jaoË adsdlto,for su AOC to fný u ato 5 A&ou o 'rry, te a"w ollt Ot ikt 0=1ICo t heLe e ad Liai 'ulsuslitait of te Township of esbthypAd for Lh. un&bling 51w ntid *.sishp coot04tor purul;s Ansd evu o 'IUarbor on Luake otarlo, litiien te Poiats imumd, adfur the porpou e flauprOVIu tue jlva lb.th Sougog Elvor. Whisb>', 105h August, 1-s«. tf-se Piano.mForte, Al he.tanucFI 50 tt, Mraîslur#oet WIthe ilaqrà ou .dS gr aitatbu uiL Wutj ia. th, 104. S TEE JaXiLy Boot ':& jShoe Pt WAREIIOUSE. Pt les] ~OLOTHING AND OLOTHINO ,MADETO ORDER. I Ilav igenged a firet-lss Cutter from Toronto, we eaun ar ranta a good fi ho favor us with 'theWir, orders. s.. ~ ~ ~ U I 38quTIIES 0F' s. s -on hand- at Liowest iates. Wbitby, Oct. st 18 07. »BZao tesunonce tW s friendi sud re- m ronio, htîlie la bok usinate làsold *tuid, viaire ho VIjII-bo Iound 9 wsis lu msd1- Doou S tet beu en sd cosg., oodisig to thb' uioat ppuevod vorlusuypriucop., s lloro"e.oinq ouuefully don#$,sud on tlii buit lnova uide priueus, . r AI) linds Bo o inliudh's smdgonelàt wuu. Cal Atthe olJ stand,. JOUX <KBITH. Whi!btby, J.s Sud, IsI. Iy-22 11 BylE u.1oagd bec te antnnes Chat hi lnT ie iupca dote liu tet orlit, IL lu lias WUltb amast.mStblu .sud haîviu midi largo additionis %cuto ln lormes sud v hioles, Liii>'&susnov puepred te supp> à ordero fortiver>' lut s uluurlur auuneu, ai, te inmiihe ,publie requiuoancaats puornpii>r uer>' respect. OOULTHARD & ABIMSTRON< Wlob., Jusit 12, 1667. MILLINERY 1 m M5 tuart op ste anuomuci SQtte Lu LU.dico of Oshawa sud Vicloît>', that sitei îîuw lu uiceipt of bau spuiugotook oMiliair aud lu puipirê te oniciul ociothudoll ln Lstraw and filtvork, ilit despitch. I. lus @, aisetoilcs h.i.îav éa i n l» IIAf1DZ>L lIgi te uotlf>r bis oustom-UOloholspui5etb. g aroo sAoi jih, i portion qf Liii STOCK of rilohli Menore J4&.BAIN & Co., id ias ha uccshvd csudbtulst-ILanc Ji sappw ic tvil conte' Mud M ie' Boots à Shooo, Tâ mi *1 uq vis,>'osudpuacu miiae éfor til veau, subd t pulcos ttiotaL adot (alt !teaeber te plai, IJuook stttre, - JOSEPIL A. 1DANI WôOod'.Yart F1. o' o ofo bandWa eb. liti bu yfO!roud, o thot o eS gtail hiandsut t esm 4otI târ-««d elu lher deilhvied Wbite Oak Lumi OP.sd Oro" &"-op bal(, sud 04»n1i bd bsapLsUhS>x2, "a $0404ko. , s.: uo,à QUUM" OF a u VVMGON TONG7Uý J For S'ale as ICÂI, ulw EtC f Sl. Il thors wiàhiiugte pur&tIu»s., oztBu0ildiog Lots -1 lelioimutlisI t ots, vl», lbetmoiti llm !~ ~ ~~'1 *eLcu oaafu Vislun utiano, I 1,tilt Cuu. ira., 200 Acrs. ~:I t 13lui " Mluor, 200" 11h "Tosorosigo 0 $r,8ad 100 si -upi' ilit " usbri.1ge, 200 Id X<19, sud " Bochp, - i10066 là Xsth "£uiiy, uO d L) Le tîh "Viraim 86 Lo froant " omaavhli prsccs. Lot 22, do, " de, yor 00111 > l otit,, " Seathic, 100 L1t 6 IIt do, 200 6,IL Lot12h de, »00 27 »9 $tO,.h ' do, 0 LoL1,'ti " do, 20 Xe! X5 97, Sd" Whltuy, 60 - m d valuihlo bnlldin t lotit, for si- rri~ fu«ft sinAppîy oo 1 mk;. ROI3T. E. ERRY.. Wlitby,mucrh, 1l'". W12b> SCoUd Land',! lRT, 19"1 4ie.uaidIrl.d ou.feueth of loi 'No 1, n h. Irs e om m twa Il ti «T XIING COjgNY, - App, te. Y. KELLER, 5V a- JJ OHN OARTERi g 'CaUi and inspect our éCOLUNG, FIELDING & A911 l3oos S SZz, w1 rUoTE(r1,N Fu PAIMRS a& OWNERS 0F ST TUE HARTFORD LIVE STOCK INSURANCE COMPA INCOUOEATED BYT TuE Leglslature Of Connecttg Wltli asporotat ar lster, g W $100,000 posho itodvhia Ithe îiiuuIa sncau-ha ThoisCyiompnl l owpoprs1.f su iis ou LI Vn7STOCagnvpcaioït houa licAs uLH£SO îuAD .îTHEa DAtmditH atiofPenluintHEFd o EnlAt oetuto Matesof J'emlFier bU1a The rioner Company of Amers, 11099£ OFFIcze-No 258 1Main Btr lltrtiord, (.onui. gaW BEANCU OYIFIOES.-6 Wséabln~ Stucot, Bosmon, SPRooar& W.oasauua1 Ie gîro; 106 JBroadway, New Youk, (os lLtAx, lias r»; 4W0 Walliut $tucot, I 'adoIplaP& B.A. Coatnix, Maisagcus; il Ss,1ii. trct, ichicugo, IIMIOU d& Su-ra ai Managous.Appi>' te, L. el. 'g eal iid lai Fobunsu>' 20, 1067 AoIMuwr u cOè ?x x1 BALTIMIORE OYSTEII Fruits, Cgoroceries, -Wine. & Liquor OHIPPEWÂ WHISR', AT C. 0. EASTWOOD'S, DuOck-89. WhaItbi Ceo. 'Ayers, * DUNDAS STR[EET. Wititby, 19, 1587. lT-2 Boier for Sale, ISmUROBSE FOWER-secend 11usd AppI> sthe WhItUh Y'euduy, cou tg, Farm.,for'.,Sale Or te Lut, WItwaI a milàe ]BEÂVETON. ASPIENDIfln CHANCEf 8 t (50 n <omsceolwerd>)ýbousudîi Li le«uh 1Ill1,11e <iel.veuton, tepro. 'vdtuils OU1Of port Ho4e, Jlwsy mu NO -MONEV REQ UIRlED, loi te frtt ove3jua, imoutit of relit (ffumb.hig)t*) obo ended on luiprore Weud à iabugaifersuitobie Villaie ptopuory lu Usitavo. Appil te, C. 0. KELLES, OrE#LNLEE, (if b>' lesterpaps) Ohaîgs. - UKDERTAKING! Kuaow aitl juen 1,y thon pueate that Ï eau end do SeU the OHEAPEST GOODS in the- COUNTY of ONTi sud wby? Becsiuse, adopting the Cash system, My motte is 'SMALL I>ROFITS &QUIOX CKRE-TUF - o -- N IL É ." A E ! r o n M Y S T C K 0 F A N Yo n $ islti)1 Dr 0-rotî,> assD WIl EtofALwAYS ON HAND A FtT OCK DP Ds ~RI0, NS.' Bego te annence tat'ho-bus been appointed SOLE AGENT, WIIITB3y AND- VICINI' - I1L - - J ~ ~ WhitbY, July 24,1867. - ~21 ran Ils DOW cmplete, and for beauty, style and cheapnes c surpassd. I In this My stock is very -large, and more attractive than us uel,fl aI ',OC. and parties lavoring me witli their patronage, iill flid it to their advanLta e GOODS coustantly ou baud, and donc n sthe shortest notices, Aise, a choice Collection of BltIDAL EQUIPM1ENTsitr mmed Wt order, iu the iatest Y tle. 1W»Dress Buttons sud Trimmings iu endlesi 'variety. 1, TATLORING DEPARTMIENT.- lothing made to order n1j l j~ ii the promises by rt.dlassworkmen, sd an immense socrcU o n cet Fa. R CL1 :~~~~tc ofon bl Ctthteslmonrm. A oFa.t uaaCt4j SPeeW lattention called te s lot of BOOTS 4ND 8110M. iu mens', aVRISMNT0 iiIMES FL SOK .? wcueu's, girls' aud misse'. Aiso. over Stiocs for dam! witer. Guoccraiar.Prns, lard, oP)rrm........lct oiSes Iato, 0 w a U , k . Insp etiO ni if u pe tfully i vited . Coati paid f« r W e as, lIai!. , lyo and Fact es, ( t -o u nd id,) fro . . .... . .. .... .S e c t " 1 lj . a W. Dis MiCi Bleached Cotton, from.......... ....iQ ts I cs.'ei <>5UAWA, Uer. 28, 1857. Qrup of Elne aad bMntm-Ieot 1irtfOIta odFaiDosefo ................$150 to $4,00 Red and White Fi'nl...........5t to S0ets. u out, BT qllankets, (Cauadian and English,) fromn........ $250 to $a,00 - le. 1tpflps& Jewelrv In fuoth ho ffes teargest stock. of oatinetteFl coh GE T THE I ES TEgligh, Seotc, and Catîadian Twecds, SîIk Mxtuîsi, heitun's 4; Witeyls, 7T, at greatly reduced prices. 'selle CIthing made toOr-der, ucot, 12 For fashionable Dry Goods and iClothing, serviceable itol BOOTS & SIIOES, aud fres h cseap Groeeries--GO TO,Ila liii .1r lidT 49 C C R N Donc rio£,,OCOBft ,~DURDAS ST., WIIITIIY. filmo 'Op subseriber bege to announco that bas uis t received a ýrlrrI TElctdaMsrtuneîîcof now Goods, -consistiug of- N r W-UÀ &".W0 0 D M T LCold and SiIver Watoh es, the fi Je n odBr119,Gl 5ÇlrGadpne Rings, sudche-Silveuwok S Pis ectCases, Thlniies, Locitetis, keris,&. 4 flue niaoorîmcent of Ft A Q U H SO N crllh andmui erlenu Clockti, eOuschaum Cignu H#ldeus, Briar Boos A R U A R O N e and otiter Pipes, steels pectacles. Reais fai knfs (= Peuenote the. address, A SPLENDID LOTI'O0F 5011 ot I8AWÀ, MAY 1867 J. . J1INS ANDR ESS GOO DS, Embraeirig-Mohairs and Mueolins, Shawvls, PitIop $kirts, BE& lIA(1TITTA~IT î -i &C', at cost. Cheap Factory Cottons,, Scotch -Tweeds, aned fine nn si, iAiiIrJa VO i~ Clotho, for gentiemens' Summler wear. RIATS'in endlessvariot. v, > 'The Crocery Departme--»ntlù" Embraces, a choice assortenent -of Ne w Fresh Teas, Sugars, Cif oe - ~ fees, &c.~, &e., CHEAP FOR AI.'uk ,~~ ,/~ Farmers produire taken in exehange for goods. Cle JOHIN FARQUHARS O f n SiI'vcr at par. Four per cent 011 for Bank Notes. TIC - KiLat at ^ÉE+ G ICXIIE . 382O- I5Î large variety 'of Carniages on haind. The proprietors ol thi's 8CIE * 1A L* -N 0 T I.C E FgEsablishmeut, possessfacilities for manufaeturing Carniages S EI b ~ tat enable them tedefy compitition, either ini price, style or- finiwai. Cali and see for our8elvee. 3Ra9esad o es a~ è T TflC 4 T lCI -and M owers Combned. Bu~ ~iu & URlRJA ES The séubseîib'ers wôuld eall the attenltion of the Agricultural menit>' Le thoir Stock oftlmpomuents, obuirhli b. feunti lmost-evMtlitî mou'rolrqaiire, sud especiaDl>'At Mh15sesen eofLthi year, to tol,.ii' O'DONOý uts, GE« WA Iloaratte hfrconflberi RKkVICKERY,- egmuit uoopgatliy SQ luf fa t th ieuiiatyor Outoule, id ni abu h prelac , l .1 'erowciïLe>.lise, p 'CuitonavtosdLi.'m Ikcd lesla lacbuthqllor s s attulvuslou alw"n in ste C.LARK d klA, Apri,& 806.?, TltNs, CUTS, FEV IL é0ae5 SCALDS, AND ALL EIIYP. TIONS 0P TUE OSINe. IMAD TIuE OLLOWING: iacuety couti'>' hut my gon,- Iszd àauu leg. j'O anufh Seoltas tise ilcaha Io ffnt iii>'..b Iia.tc; auj ha slonutLime iel: rcas 1conpleaiy. 1 itorgi>' uccommt.,d iI t otilttritgfionst euuptloit ofthe Lit.a, s] 0 seCu i povoJlaitim es«. -FRANSCIS OWEÇS, PIorCOXI C. W,1# 11sI te certif>' Olt tMay 1I apsio le o0 iîohiîa mou my aum, wlhtLook Icsh h!' leavlittho boue slm#.-xtbauc. 1 er iiadmje ot routaOiiugplis feu hrec s. ItCo liallied 1 Oouue>Y'& Pluaour Il te cou e0lu mv'yer 'horthun s. CAPTA&IILATKINS. Id b> JANES Il. OiER14, sud JUY NE, Draiggista, Whitby; W. T. ATKIN. sud MALK ROiBINï UN, othiva, sad JDrugghstsila theconuhy. oe Cii, 1967. 9o-S CST AND CUEAP-ET oetgt ruîui~îu.Ceîs~, ocated nt But-~ Tùil th e nsos i gAocà umlsibu*iuîsa, "mieol ih-e*tonetie ffmekuenci oftitie demth of lMr. IL Dt eLst bis , ndiipesd Of lu tacaul>'&l the jes of tii he,I. JIsreistheli W. 1 SOLI IIJr sexîotuy OMRo.j Wbjizby, u. 2 19- gl uow Isirn o à G, COMI) aPiNAN -- loge Iloom3, by 0 dons Fiorermii e n TTOIiY- Daudaes rad hoPuai t)fllcc. l. uou u C4auty CrownA port perry, O - toi uDr-44, Chair ..FA * BARRÙ -vyaior, ke. sf ii. Foc Otiit W.,Y Â uwL, LIVERY

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