Whitby Chronicle, 17 Oct 1867, p. 2

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l 4>k4 60 VENT5 Z usàiy. October 7, I1$ 1ji teras iVglacelnIb 1o jrice. of- 'i'ii ~1ob, lii.svtoiful sentine1, lse ,ame oi duesr, OltJohn A.. Màooàe,: 'is voms dappet a iMmi- 115 h . hpower -a stpplllg Ibo msgioruoT.le teA l labis Cabinet, or ratiier 11*03, "bJuls.elr, sud bsot ln th,$ Controi oet b. Provlal <Goï;- ;sst.Tbf. Io a dootrino trasghit vijII dangr, "à Cet Iiss .rt&4!ul,vinee b.tamiol> eobulstodtéb tizyi. 'p.opi. cf uii~ ~bvlos f ~sirio s5ailernto. flu viesquestion bus boten-ah> di- uuued b> our Toronto cotslemperary1, vis la quetiUons ro th@ IsperisanSutproVes faost oloAri> in fortibIy the. gronndam. bsu of thé protensios of th*. Cainuet of tisé Domlnlosl Tb*. Gob-tud rigisti> ..eharaotze nsol ci 0attenopt, te uroot front tis@Locai governset iI.opower of bppolutlug thii. Maglle, in di eunpa-. ien." B Dt tbis, vilile »silg lise dân- Pr ls tw idsm.~aiad iii. neaeosis> for vigilance on th@. part of th#a people..-le oeil sa lotrodaotion go th#< sors lsmediste subi. -*ettiobandf tat; the maot tlsei th#. upMoit> for ortà,nfzed wsatebftluls lut thé Provila I eder Se, b. lua &position4 Itoumutaut ail attempta uspots h# pire. lege cof thé peopi', sud ait enpotcstbmonts ,*pm bà c.onsttution, visethor directil b> 1It ib uCbinet ither Dominio, nsdsr ir' 'J 6.3 ior wiv lti la lu oslq v*Itbis thé Presiar .1 suolodal gorerasestvho uolib. f. infieod tdlosrgterdilghti ofth ti.people. Biait Ithe. natter to *hish ve more 15inW Is loîe&r. tw direct attention., ilS<.,otUIW tonyvbm &Hailovr . th# Pro. tle.e, eiiould nov..'Io t uist tsir s »Owltiono ars tioroàgisly ngaiz.d, in, oider to b. prépared, for ilvotate. A in l neonou# tluoc more tissu mothér f. propraties saildWdiplnela tise rà.is of et orusevsméri neomsarython la >tthOntario. Thé vînt of orgaulsahîc sad Parti viteiinio bt thes th#.llit .imtiom tthébouoo-ie Commo+jnluth@se deWIo EcUtM'Brou. W49 a u id- witt*di lurgeo sjorit>. iu tb idi ng-so hvau laded us Io b. ibis 10o erasesud brercome &a ttempti st bribery sud oiber, lsdenencu e-tii. eotonu vasi 1t Ai 'for th* vat c f tii. propororginlus. îloswofthe RetuosA.ssolaton of thé Bs. gas~ Ionhe, iaAssolitléou'of but fto tavnebip -Pickering for instance- btes la tiirotgi worklig ordotii. sIen' t'ins We; i. -a>. so"boloid priadvan. ýttuv, netirtb&tauding tia deo.tlen'. o! 'jh4aý, and la' epits of ail fr. Gibb'#, jçsI ap.sss, sud thé spatts>'and traiter- lm oM o .tso me bu.eidero, Aie olàtioùo' on a u, In lsi iOsrf#ta 1 sé auitogoihér,' and uslib belp tme 'I O'The TowaÇOBsoAl. The.proceedingteat 'the' Tolwc(OUqI10, <. wo st Modk' venlug, wsre hésii Iively >&Pd moto, 1awaroàiag ,£basLnuai. W. tbefore gire tii.. .oewbat et Iengtb. Sfor thbi dificatiou or tti eipayoes. On Toe aFathers, It ii .be aesn, .vilsatly ýoe ivt1brov lish iitIbo (hmusbist 0 ~Efinai t ouns hIIo Cliironi e2do mot provo S'proper refletor. O0 ~4ta Tie'azate .w,*a srobais. before 'but our âl fU <MaSWuo doo thé "oditimg"9 'a o soit amouinsmdi,.Au ouZ> drfa f ta ct *f aeu bis dljolutod la- goberost snence s msîbe jolie(t o tise 1raderiof :tb sis& azelle, treubÃœie oer nausoçua A0006,qtiW blý4tisoioe*esur- W%11iv a, S d SnooM-.Weare Sied 'Uc notle 'ths tue pnpillot7'iii, sWoool mîttinttod l lnb, UàIV.roityý' of' Too ,'4 tiselut xszmhin>io. 'i1frt. gist et is 142i Ad oi :oj~té for isonore u la sebco. 1fr. Mitchloli talu.d, honoro, la Mitiésemtlcs, Bugligh; *ud hllo tory,.aund-vas second o!(Sbt1.ou. v Ëil i dnot compote for honsore lu Clasicu, anAd onsîla lFrui.Tise st.sdzng lavesy ,e.di t» vlis thél t u iose lla hi future Uni, rit> îen Tise Ouu.uu At onhemiaotbes colifono vilI be (bandf tie ep*a b. f à cislno' i ' eikfrthr tts to vu, for thé ueltibg of oi.sp sitote. Il me M tutiab.bus cugit alartar. Tise bceeptfno. et tisis challenge and a cos. panisun etth. -liste viilbe' of moro' roid prctcl nir St e AnY 9,o ledn, veni 0 o espstové; iia sumn> ethé cbsîleuge. -ttey Sidlute . ew ps,*e. .-lu othor cotumno vili b. found aunoùnu- ced for s«le, &oumevaluabla Leiccoter îseep, ~ad,&a short-bora thre-ear old 'bull,' be. lougiug tg tise Weil khuovu tlotough.bred prise stocek eofUr. wS. luffre>. tnOrtlng' luit th ise inr 114w,, 0f th. Roeyalimail-'lino, whilo rssinic ll001,u loup't rupids, noan Mdwardburg, slruck s ock,lnockIpg a*isole soder henr fonicsssl>a, The caplaln t bon rénisron $16e.'beach; 1Io s lostt tisaigigot of tbîçoario viii bc oued 1hhw aa Thse Roehaw rcoifitldd vils a schooner on tis"a anse dyad,hdas bobo lsd,up ftir repairs. voso%air six, -e-À m iuiro or'à fr. MTI? s Cououa.-r. IPpidgeo, 'a vWei, knowa meéhaî t ioorg, and s mon, -Who vas 'idell. troted, decasped hast vooeh 4,108 iuforgod 'ýàpaùte thésa auouat of upvsrdo of' 0,900 ;and bis ered wo;s *hile bewush ait hypg 09do4 Mmoalp,,lad te ubo dluovet aud espo. eue ofisolliy dia ; îOiui@ vuwoser orenstot rwer >c cliws oula nosde 'sh# worL ' Be'îrutdd' tbitth ble'ocncil 'gialnst bjeul .îq tii resnbeosof Iookis ID&fltbu, 4usns r- mi. Porty nid tiat if th#.'resohtiloun1 hsd'baen conflood to:ý,th@. eaoe'of theo eltl.f eoputils tiare *ould-be ne objec-' tionconisspart.,Wsblsregard sol tisa par lelar ofi 1r; ho(sir. ?eiry,> Wou Id ~bî nalcéd te support tb ciif.fmaglutrate. Buth'béOýuld note$tg thé"I'*<oîler 1fat' or the. resolution. ýAUit ne*r-thé saltnes om -pal, and ifnot tiey ugiiî to éo*,, &Bd -if toit to el bi o ues, thé' uaY W84le Mois to .xedaugq heuo', Auotbtîreron sore7.výoightyp VI"s ual a ptition b toÃŽe, Lrghoa6ssrto :edsiCothee' ltits or! tUlo tovu irwu nov la Circulatiu-on-sud ,o ublisb bo'-Wighit uAI tisaih.bu asprepare te gir9 a lfait consideratio.' If tIbe pra;erý cfe iiatposition7 vere oarriod ubrongi, tisc voiitd hé im tis oi1r. GeOrrie 0more. for hie spsciI stmltee.. .VU 'Op. ohsnged againin trte or foner. morjtçs tie, nas ienas the' liiia ef tise tovu, Mfr. fierrfrir'ued tat Ibo very irons, satue" shîclt ti r«evomention.4 vus thé ,beut ressnm vis>ls motion oiould Carr>. liiÏ, vus4 tus petion 10 ater thielimita e o,' ttn teugot' up, -batbocauseof~t. epro. lie a gratpity to rodace tise limite of tho tovu andicuorder 10 provent Il tise> aoilshow more'beoOumic.W mnpmn ivwre-doni, in tbi picoçeivýed I l i 1 resolution, perUapse i petillon ý,vould >b.e droppod; Xlirésolutioà for-su onquiry' ,Poutd do nohîbrs.' Itwvow"sidiply to Aind ont wbat Voré tise dote. porformcdsand' ubît thé, salaries pa. sud thse councitý wouid 4iý4,jqbsttbose dutiées vre aIl the botter by lookiug lototises. 'M. Dreperosid>tisai isecould 'Isot sois hou tue fuveit gati on or tise satter, as- po pe > )fr.G es .motion oudd Mr> féa,'d artise clii. conostîblo us ouoeued,41~ aW mevwlst tie creatleit pafd , ~b u b ,,di 0m m kov,',wisît cher fots ho recelvedi anti. oser>, ctur, marcher of the cosàeéi vas lu thse. $sîmeposition. , Tiée. ve1 ver,' ýCon7ràdletory "tonies tolA ýou tIbs boa#-; A., to tisé otisor part cftise motion e h. reptate4,ibat he av nobars in the 1Connaît main~g 'tsscosaqitd w vtistse duties ubicl tuait' officets pet fo'ed, sud viete tel roed~ ICtoob tb a" 0 sob or, fo l tldefor tisos.doits,. Stien. .ouï efforts woold b. made ho carry tise pe. îitionlW todoàCetise limiteacffithe tovu, snd' ise h.Iidrtuht lis ii. he tIa'petJilon would aucceede Tise farmins vithisi tst c0ârp6rntioâfetit tist-tbi,verso ovrtsxod sud tisai tboy'roccoiied no sdcqtate .bon.. J te taveu (or wisit Liey paid. 11istls- prussion vaStlit tise corporation paid 100o lange a sus for tii. detit*requirad. If isai vere talie:. vbwy dola,'inuvsldigation untiltS Dieov order of tiin 9 soken ut by tiiio ould lcaole heisteb. préparc'd for.tis chnge <o Lt vold iretens a 1kgsowiedgse f thé ,dutisol e b.perfonsmed. Mný4.Flen> considcred it athér a novol ides for ties to- o bao téoZoré'.a1ioýies'" opcn laf.lrsatiii'10 bi' çotàsisseê nov" ,Wift, h.sald, uctil tise numbor éf yul..' bo ateca '&~,~ss tiihoy would lie asie 10 fors se e 4apt1 ot. o usder.' s$od ti oatassougit: t.o l i s e tovut ' on %tuam seW iro iosidé lhu*e etiing. Pof 1Blair sud Rlieardsbn; où îbtise uni'Ï0 Co~haiseo sdulit; euct off isaif amile L9 q tisenortb ; sud *n'the.s,pti. btsob M o l' , ke4 to hav'*f.as , '1&'>Drsper-oorracedt 'r.ý'yl -,-ud' Wad îb<M.pérryslu-titd' tse-cas vison hé stated tisai t, ï Iva' prpiud 10 de.d or grammar aciiooligrouqd.- On Motion of Mr, Petilly ! Mr. BrJown, a resolution patu p.rrciug the oleet ,ominstte on drl idta" ar. ,aiuge torme, viii the Âgtiemlturiocdity for,% lausfor the use of the o.elt mer- ,ket ptopuriy, for a giros un s'.1ja., la rOply £0 Mi. Piiuip:au (c tise UOO b. paid t>y thse .siefey, lit, r7'AV rî4tf.raoory *zplanaticns lua "eordace tW facto berstolore pubîisbed. . 1 On motion a.1 Mr.'-Peirfrse0hdod! b 1o~~ ~~w >JrpOt acuiborsaed to acoopt iii.e of.r of ith. Wedec estaïso f 1O l ot., South of tis ariol epropegty,1 aI tiie prias ç0ydfntrpable in IVIyiatï!for for $200. tb On mWotion ; r ProonI .Mr. Brovut theecomuît!e c étroMb sud impV -é û vg JitArncod t4 ,tak, lb. n.ouuaary stepo for ecaigýjt pIiithe vo Mr. Pesrnyo seconded, by, Xi. Ieovllt, moied that -the commiettot ch'stroostesud- Iffprovemeas obf lnstra'cted ho farniai in fosnena o tisthacot cf lampesud pois, is'coodt .of coài out, tise COSC"o 004, oil foi =e c i a , t i e C o s t o ! l i g b t l n g s d l e a nl y ;g sauss i>;taI e scerthia visotbor tise ovuen. cf tise proporties. uhom osid ism'ps"'wouid b.o placed vouid fuanis tises, sud. vioisertie roperi> ovueri cf tir.- to*n, vithncrti pcie iit edeoir. ed lise imposition oftas ax for' procncring miAilgssi 'uidlum's.- 1Mr. Pearryin. stenscel!tisai portion o! tbo statule wvil gav& pover ta certain localies tu impose a specolitxz;;aid tisa Iibis Information bal! been assed for hefore, bat lied nuc been aupplied by tise committeei Lampe, 'h. saidle vould he au titizactionÃŽ 1thé betoua, especlslly lu tiese oteitrintora. Mri Draper sudd tut ulule dcirng te thnoir no otacle luauIbo*vs,' of proocuring tise Information,, ie oulA isot h.lp obnrv. Dinovr mueisnmoe thsetôutfi eedad éther 'm ;tter a ,o ! m ore im pruteo et iau la s p .- 'Whst thoé toua required monoeîlsam' lglisI lug vus thé en euragomnealof commercial, suad màaîufacturilig iutcnostd4 '"cure tises Aud theise ucol nd-foiiov. "lu iaying tii malter heforo tise coanil as lie did, it viossd reetty appean, lib<c n D.) cosid flot, iselp tîiigs,iat tbe reeve acis.d more i'asponlsntutate pleuig tise 46 iye htnangero tis io tlid ho tiese cuBA ntoroste of thé tovu. Wisst -tiso ovu vanted vu tise fostiting aud enconragemrnt o! tnade and mauucuesisc n ,as 'f ils population '-l&serY Iite-btod* h. sigitst ay--and tison tuwes. vould bo no difficuli,' about thse ligitiug purt. -Ho.be! d pe objection te Ooaameutiusg lise toun andipteuing stran- gars ; but tise too n ubw' opn0o, needed 'oomatbin et..o more tien tski2g isoel$,o goe could not Setp, lise sad, mniifug tisese obierratious lu pusaluf.go ve nUl, houer, oppesed to tise motion. .Mr. Ferry salA ihat ise lis$ speaiar viu mliske la tisa grcund hee d thken ou- tfil queoiiau, sud t uu"'be *ell <or a ma to mou vint lie vus taking ubout wh', e, sotgaiop ho speai. :"Il vusi natho muiid, h 'I o oeil, but thé ratapaters tbat tuA nyig: o do viuishis qustion- 4Is uestion vottioino ebetoro tii. coun.cii st ail. fë vs- ' ' r thise curvudhink ba l , vo' s, s euetmy vitis' 'regard 0e sethigind tia Ire toék ao intémuat 1imss. ,LeU't thse geuiteissubriàg op 1Woése"njc&o! euqour.1 aoig is snetrs leany, ' sutd tien ise'&tei Pses uo.Mr;'~, Pfýould be. Tis .o 'vwouiti eA Mnr,-Frr là,'to go iitsd 1fr. Dra" rTpidtaululesdeo 1 A tir eoueltb# spoke.tis'*te rieoltttion, . Mi thst tia.tblect blulfor '10ai.4l R.." Lasb, E. 'ýpenc@r, lit sud 2ad. obèitrilat 2v., H. psuwt, lit, aud 2nd ; B. 'Toma, -Sud. ,, Ba.Lfr,~. peii@r, lot aud 2od. MfrsosAged Rami O. fautsft,' li lonWi o2d ;' O. pester, 'Srd.- RainLam , Oý. Poitor, lot sud 2nd. Yealiu .ltir"RosaCo% usatdle or 20d. pùrpps#, Ueo.' Og1110, liÇbitpheu Batry, 2ud. Yoau itl gnrlpompes,'DadA i S.' Do,Ist; John Metcàifj, nd.ý Yeilng Fuiiy, draugit, on Aliand, lst, 'John 'ovden, LuA. ,BSddle or (Carnaigebotecolt et 18671, 1). Conuat. lut ésud -20d. Mdare ofiut e('1061, Siulochi, lot. Geb'eal pnrposeu, horso colt 0* 1807i Incb,. Sd mar@ ut'o"Sf liÈb ooper, l144 ,.8pben, 2ndp Wsn. Tipl~, S bdnuglit foroe olt of'l3867,' . Top son, lot, R. Houdon, 2nd. ' margl sr colt oh 1867, Thossa Wrrel, lit. Boarig o!1867,0I,.Dodge, jet, 8' Toms, 2usd. r Agfed Sou, Boisert Dodaf' lit- Sou Pgg'of 1867j-. lBDodge, lit à 2od. Facto,' ciceseJereUisLck lot sud Former,$ oiseus, arrei , m,0tD I.ck 2nd. ,101uBo.utter, B. Rovlaud, lt,lJ.Le, 2ud, Tis'Wet're,, ld, Six Cablagos, Chao, Boit, let, Thes. S._ Hler,, 2ud. Busisal (hions, Chas. Boit, Jet, loba flodg son? fnd. Best sud greatotee ariet,' o!fVegetibles,ý Ch"a. 110t,. lit. 12 Taabie- Appies, ljoba Dylihe, jr. lot, <onbit, 20 ',d ) .12 Wiuier Peins- Thos. Guy, lotsTisas. P#orq"mauf, 2&'u.d. ý- Varies,' cf Fruit, loba Duiskie, lot, D. Cïnasu,2od. Pair et GeIe, Themu . 'Por,. litsud 2nd. Pir ot DacilJunJiso, u4tJa. Itesi sud grestest ralsis,o!fPouis,,'go$. Fierions lit, Tios. S. fleur,, ad. Wiuter Apples, fL Dreu, lit sud 2ua. 'Urouiug Boots, à acres Tunalpi, bs., Atkio; itas, lbesaDrydon, 20d, "Hall acre o! 'ùCato ts', 'Jobsnfodgson, los lama miteol, indi lotis Dryden, Srd.-- - BaEltAuM A u!?saugoids, tomhodgo 'is, Richard Bari, Sent, 2usd, John l0,'ds. nome-onude Fàoisl, lobaAI. uoud, loit, Ur&. MiKensie, sud.- Hoeme-made fayPsd ie oli . lit, imi.aoelsPad wat, H au@,' Hem, 2ss,d- -Wooleu ,Coliit J.Lclt ee laîOklWtooLug ' Tw>li oe.made, D, Liai lot anA lud. Psir of Bàisae ro, m;MHul's loisus MW, joue ' gdà. lit, 'BuXreli.Mr u I "Plain "ntlag, DPli, t iiCr IétRaitnslit Itou4 lut, vioriedo, n.. *uu. ww; MS r. rM M. Smth; Tomstoes, D. Lick Bm. buo4tey on Morinoe, Miss, ML, A., KoCiel louA; Ca"e of MilItiuery, M., Dicie ;' Wiedcv Blinds, 'F. Vieuiianit;, &jnub,1 jao. Cobet -lRed Pepper, M:a'Spsidioig; Psinting-lu fudia fuk, Miss Farqubardn; 'Tboet Mtteý,Mrsn. Heflop ;_Pastoral dnau. inag, MWsoRate Wall'; Rutile Wine, Mr$. Box ýo!floue,,' Mn, Goodman 1,Cýaudlat Sirau Esat, Mins lcLeran; EsBroidery, Minai. Roue; i e v4A Yrn'Ciepeti, BlIts fKetchup, 1fro..Ellt Ipàceevng Frail Shofw. The. Fait exibition, wviiotcamne off ai Bronglsam, ois, Wednosday liat, vas, as vatisrtaein ôun pvouningmatdoua isot eohotsty tbrlioagsot ise, day. Tiseo aduntge o lie »rogosnichetnal hl and Adril héd visicis afforded soiÉtuais athplis roos sud oislter, sudinlavbich i e florai hall, fruit, grain, domose stmac. tares,ko.,g vare *oziiited, Wore Ûelt bl,' and rocoinatuendad tiseseehvea o ail. The PRIZE 1. 2 jean i.! ilFilly -lot C. le, ' ltAloi, 1acfe.' r.okails1,, isi jas, lij. DuVidoon, Sss ïioisu S akiio. C(ue jr olA Coin entine. lie .lâhss if. Soel l id o. fInide,$Ond l. ifoubnîv. i Ssntusa Font, loi P. S. itoYrsano, lad Wim. File., rd Jas. I. Danidqun. SliS 5f» 09 SADOLS0I on Es~ Two jr idEil.1, lotW'î in, mr, jr., lad A. Loup, fr4 M' tu.Couic. ()ie Ir 0 dFi,', lt- dèis, Joue.ic, 2tsdJolin Woit, Ont Joiîs Manriey' Queo od 'ouit, emîtire, lot C. a- îluowis, înd John (;uiit, oni irsis ot vorthy. Alpring Io!lai otAtie«Uotrv1à, î2d George 'Young, ara4 .6s. Wilio.-, sAVDIO foi0u. lot Wm. Webb gosid Join Dirkev, 0,-rd John 211d . d oucs, iOt..Piko,'.' Two r sid pl, 14t tThso%, C.lfnbuaad 16. MuthaIs rci JuisisCoilitio, Ssir. Vise >éâr nid Fl, 14SLitllets, 2usd Divid Wiliinsnis, gril Alex. Moockie. tinc jr oit colt, entire, loi Gan,. Midillotou lad. ,il, . W loldil. $8,iss rSlmn lro un0,.oiliG'é r o~~ru-iuriioc ucoas. Cow I.A.Joliii huler, îut Jois,î M, BSOI, nid Jqbl,bs,î'daeii Two yr ol id aier, lot Johin M. Bell, MidJoionMiller Ord A.SBal. Otto Y oldîlicift,,i ,oliîIilerftJohn 11, m- -1l - r,,i, MM...Iler, litr clliJ Milisir, huid J.,lsn et. Soll, Ond Uo. lliekiigý- Jottno tentls i(loi li JOI#lilsle111r, lu in.u Cou, lait o J&Ihio ur, 20d Cisor Wilson, Ont Wm. Weloqh. 'river oidifeiler,ltJolin llero, 2"itvu terWinu, rd t»s. LI. )itid- nus n roid ltur 14.1 olas Miller, 21, (1a.epe WftIoi nd l..-WilseonhIloif'cn ccli' sCilIeu. itlle litudJas. '1. »Avltaois,' :40,44 -lo,1t tto. à' 2.14 ,admAntu t. tîs n rt ,.1 l)svteioi, Yennîlugmont, GacUo. lMlcek.otoun Mut dUr1hVuug 2.4gei tuca lat John M îiler, ui.WllIe Mi lai JôlsiaMillor, sud Wiilie Mulot, rsI JaýMe Whitaon'itnt -lîam int, li 1,a. . elut0, Sai' îîrc Sns *tâ Johsn Miller,. 1 wu Limia li s)us Uler, luit Wffi. Co ïa, Omrt Wobb. Wi*ududaiitf l 'LawunuS $P"en, >O!,. rain TOUS, laiotCln Petctyj. Cuetrou îlALwis ito.5hat aines J. W MuGnugon. .2Qkl 'ootun yarn -lst lins. W m ,jor Sud, Mr%, D&Ïlit ,Barca .Dniait rktt, lot !y*i,Jophoes Wuistr. l iien Fn àlAng it 311" asV%.-ÉIh f Ji- . Smith, ard Mis E. Thouis, th>s Mr». Chn-. lisr.svader; Croiot vwork,' li MisoliGresu,, ud Misos nu, ' omeriii 'Srd ils E. Pottonon, Mb Mu4ls Oah ursisoelgil,' Embroiderl, lot Miss Green, lad Mn.. Cfiris. Ighssuan4n. Pone, ?ttting,. it Mbina IZ. Dixon., ' dZnJntArniln, 3On 'Miss B. Tisyiér tls Miss Grein. Batsed Bterlin Woot' lot Mis» C. OGilorîist, 2nd IUns. Dsvd ?ugh, SMd Misés ilur,'J. Magers. la ot 3 his. Wooi. li Mi. .Dixon, 2t)4 Misn .>-unlr On Mis* bi. J.' Davýidîon, "thiMin. J. bMcCrcizt...î <rnam esi uî Noedie .ork, lIx M im .Groo et id ' Mis cdon lnaSterling rd Mns. Thsou. BaÏnr. A rt'î " et 'T ion , l it ibis., *AA bigailo piull, 2ud M i n l I e . M t il l o u n ,M i u e a r M ou . re n i t Unavlin, lot MusaJe. o gan. lnd P. DsriéL. (>il4ooorodf'îhisisîog, lssA prize Mrs. J., Some Ciiiq of StsfesIB'rdn lot NoelsnWoli. 1 a - 1 Baskàt lot illss.Ab açil' Ucïuier,.2ud MiénLutMlle,rdli91Wfttlfy Unry th los s im, n teef.Do Mat, tst k'is '11 ilna, .2id 'Mnx..John BIOh. Iu latane rrans16 tUs. "htotnt,gisud Mn., liane Lin. ton. '&e'o 'rhi 41*ax fruit or fvers, lit tre. Isue fintosIttiWootess h{6oon, uNr . Z . I 1s ,ito no n . T a tti u g , Ii M iss A . KuÃ"#co, ld Mis M.-Sosev.o. TISé felloigoarticles oîtcred es oexîrsi vr -lblirocoulpcsdd - flir Wmn.tb, lni .irs. 'is'e -.Taylor. Y I' d M -'J.i gluv u don. ,arie,' Wonk bX, .sà Abidail' Lionid ZepIsyn.Plovers loeii isIs,'Ur' 111'Mrgre Coiguit., Fane,' Table Mat, MisB. it'îon., etiit' plovrs, Mne, C. Nigt>svauder. .LadiesoMcunsfngUs'n, , , W061011 skint i. r. C.Bog* 22nEdiW lIrs. John iol 0gisclid'A ltc,it Is'. .JoËln bloIgl. ý-Bonnet, km. PlIMitai. 1oittuen Wonk, lot Ui, J. Lintosoi Sud iaLzé tirrsnay, Jtidenbenry Wta'e- let, Mnr, Dl Boe tul imA lra . 8 . u-ken. PluiaI ' P-e',*0 Ais.£1lau'ola'. Wtuter RadiblJAi AP f'>. lr# i. IL quinie Vissegar bUns D aîît Mtlsgaslsp' berny VL issu.Uns. l lle'Tn 1as . Buton', Uest'soat, Dent' 1Miller. Morie tilîikota,' Assdnov'Uspp, ugmor i'eînn lut .5W aG-eo SuitJohis Gouldit.' lt/ltt Urapa, l2M sluDxo dhtMn,ohallr Wili- ontu.iI bireiti hIôoe, ttWlis alr 2 Zs i t h (t1t. W llIion, &nd T hmssî s iVn cIîn. t'aoi,lot si1 r oâ n, da iI ae,'. Tbe BKlolssg l1a ly, Ectlog Nci~ * r, teagl tcahanes iu frpis os te Cassadian, im opteisans oi lie25 c.a Tise aes lion. S,' te yield, ma,' be,1 mine& La et Madoc sging Dij Iode ef <i of visicis parloiri But 1' ne, Oerbui to-lie prop foi tîlir gi bote %iade tise, vil»Il matil rigltit oise tihe tbo, crsberh sus. rousi ai cr oLbear ýbi 1. 1 ý 1 ý»,

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