Tlie lotVro0 40id>Qflthe Non*î<Gev- vs1ueç y oi4l,) and the. aUssi Lot. in --m-0 ,RYiltu 3sud 4gclil.frOM o&14 Id. »eaLsey-Lot 12, 4th oi. 205AMre. X. Pt,. 14, lot coUs or8 4 $15, Oei Iv..i - 8 "14, North Wes Bsy. 67 il i Ueéor ViieeBobos on Oovsrmnu$ Mod, ELD N-ein-, h th oC .es.oiI1 w-tes,,TR FTo footrAnt. (i BoIM-G ot d90fo t 4 1S loches10 îý'trctoaa,. 166,«Ie 1 Loi, y"t e AsptaIyaCn. ' 2 .oiingmi,pIew theld oU o 4 e LoiI u Wstis or t héMei s d tIsr 4t m sif otjo, il f..t u te o g k rLsio proiite th een Ksioilsn's 14Lt-ctl,a s h of Sltpu1 ulo c s soe ctloosî.#otloth eieu f .1,,,.il ioie. ts tdseo 4 Lot- .Fssnq5ê, etI o tieiodlstr J. iaoer; '4LoeFoswt or t eidmofrawsidenc f i 4 Lot-YA*ct oris cf tiai or Jld.nBons on Broko iiue hurdu. 'Village Ltiss, wst o t itit resl ferco '1. ?fuilc tu Vikilssr of parît» ofd i uir ls, filie Jots-plrtlsong istasmril 1111n. ALy $p. SOI 60 SIII qst f i,, 16 te%011.t 86 ligglhgSALLE.Y lst-trylmlfsdicre oistiihe-North ide10 or l)Undi.A S.tÃsusd sj.lnlng tise rai- Z,th o f L 1. oS Iiai he Id Or- 'Iror~" n s ou t f filuesbuildisig m 't u h Wituf W Mt.ijc "a Ii l ldng anti vrcmiltws knownu ansd 1 lan acre of lansdi otsahod.,, lIrd. ~wo biildssg Lsts, ot Neri m&0ietc uistio S treet, isd-13'ig blee tise isverms 85,usd andstih c riesldce oi -,1hUsrisqs, sTinseelotn are oest t 9 Crows" <of l>ussdssm itrmil, 5,54 ombrac y plevislif prospect off tiseLake, suid for 0ur f oeiu îtrytiroliiul. 4ti.-Sii bslflsnlln ot. oit y ONid Street, and six lot* , on sut troet, 9stweotb Disudi usas Mary itreets, iorinilus a block off titre sors*, This proporty will bu sold eltiter lit Luta,!or ec. bloc. iihbo-Towýn LTottii,5alan;9, Wesite o1 Amt 0rset Ps w ulitslire shitalted cosus<rtahle î;we,îi;gs, goot Fnos, Usrdeus, Prii Trses, &a.. sud uow tiiller s vetai ci $108,asstnaiiy Ms-sure.Iloullatd Ss ley, sre ls fi îs Whtots IsowlI show ti ;ifrnlsis to flinitg picsse TPiROII#.Ouie ttsrills payable 1.1 Jonuar > fl, ai tise balasnce Ilutitres sgasnti is 1,0îsU~to, theoteir. Inte ost six per cent, puy Àm uuly L S 0 , at- Wail nowss FAilli, Forth tj,17, Y0V1TU CON., of WHITB CONTA11ÇINUP90 ACRES8, tissit 55scis irsud and tiler s2Illl*tlO1 t, 'f T 15. (IM TM z sSUrfrzr NDNI1 Or0WmmSSTAAWEM) Ras n MWee ti.encreèillgreqùirernenta ofT4el, an4tbeIW»80W 500118, upetinréplits WU Ihé PwSt hu(P& mil.., ossUa, NiII..., 7*athniu, Boa& Preueff,k. Tlho CIbth in g D.eparmmonîte Nooexpenseshas beon- Bpared by the prpietor, Winbingibg this *x$osWie-brmacli or bis businmsto its préent uns'tvsled PoulsrltY A moiteik$oesve stok of b..t ditis ad nistesluls Iret onsa*ntly te baud. ' AUl garmnssmade. tb ord.s, Mid wltb prompttde onthé prmmibeu, îWbesea fLrit-" clatter snd sapWtior w0ku.i Are .nsplid. GROCERIES, HARDWARE, &BOOTS &SIIOES. A ftill Stock or Choice Fresb Grocenies, Hardware, and Boots AND SBUKS 1ta  doptia1 the cauh sytem, Sud the motto of quick returns and amati profito, Àciii ut this ettsbllsanebnt wMviiimslfy hoissekeepess, snd ready anoney pissobaci bow y nb ih sspplied wlth ecoomy sudadrantago. Corne of Kinund Simoos Strelso Oohawg, ogawa, IIsY 22, 1867, 20 Gm 19 The Cheapest Parasols in town. W~ The Cheapeat Dres Gooda in town. WF The é.heapest Cotton Gonds in towDi. or" The Cheapest Clotho and Tweeds intown SW» The Cheipest Groceries, Liquoçrs and Wines, are at T. H9. MCMILLÂN& Cols. TIYRNIP SEED. gW One Sack of Fresh Impoited Purplo Tnp. only 21),.'-ntA pi-r-poinuns T. H. M'"MTLLAN & CO. KNOWN FÂCTS! OLP îDNO. 1a GIsSN Ufrge and varied Stock of Rýepairsof aIl kinds.. e note the sddress, Pour per JAS.JQHNSTON ACCITKILÂTED ANID JMyz"y )NE MILLION E Head 0.Ree in Canada..-WELLXNE SUDf-ÂGIlNTS TIIROTJQIIUT TI BE FR01 le . HLA, - - Ispct L. FAIRBANKS, Jr., Agent, Whitby. . Ki Bega t-o announee biset hobas beau. eppointed 8 EA lNT, for WHITBY AND VI ITY3 AND) WILL KEEP +LWAYS «N BAND A PULL CK 1IN *GOLD AND SILLER C 'SI ALSO JUST RECEIVED, NEW GO OD -IN Ladies' Gem Binga,-Giold Droocses, Eisglish plated Biob es, oPus. besatquaflîy Jet Drooccles, sud Bar 11h,;., Gente tcarf Fins, antd guet Rtgo. gw' Au eariy inspection Jisoisted. IW' 112CR *WIITDT. FEBRUARY 0, 1807. >AisID fQKS C*a cretay-aiadian Board Pr. e Agencicis I XLLER, Agent, ()Shav£ Spring- Importations. 1867~ R. & Je"Ç MPELL. eo Beg to acquaint their customtIers anëd the Publie generally, that tbey bave just reeeived their SPRÃŽNG STOCK, whieh wilI be fouud nsually large and attractive, con- mF sistung of- fiswb Dress Gooas, Parasols, Prints, Shawls, Paetory Collons, Tiekingo, Kanîles, Shirting, and Milliuery (loode'lu Bon' .i nets, Hosiery, Tweeds, Rate, Gloves, GamberoQo, bb- . bons, -Clotho, Linon, Drils, and. z argo 'Stock of F Ready-mnade Clothing, in Mon and Boys' Coats, Pants & Veste, of their own M[anufacture. B5I Also a complete Stock of Groceries, I"à onm ,Hardware, (rockery and G lassmrare, &o, &o. All of which they à re determined to seli Chcap for CASH. ~.A. eall 18respectfuliy solicited. f the. l1t4 iOiIm ias.ldea or th#tW. ilamge hit uSm' uts;, d«flau o,'bat igr bd lsefitted sy thse la anà ti oe Thisit. F.ypos 15 9e rcutcdy ls la esîtcc. ils, wowcs casesc-f tmbeilu WHITBY& MANCHESTERL, APRIL 24,1&86CAPB.L (SgUO0.FSSqRS 70 WJI. fTILL) Cabinet makers tTpholsterers, arid deal- ers in alkias of Cabinet Furniture. Have now on hand, th1 largest and most select Stock to be found in the Couîntry, w ihPhy arc oelling at primesto suit tbe limes, bbg detcrsnined not to bc underjoid by an y bouse In the tradl. Cali and examine before purchasing elsewhere. A choice se- ction of Gilt Mouidinge, (Urkrian make>) I -3 4 BROOK STUEET, WHITY. [s tbe bst. Great inducements are now be- R oo IiR p *e ing offered. He bas just opened à asplendid lot of the celebrat- 2dLY1BSTER COTTONS, at redueced prices, also 500 suprîor Cotton Grain Bage. An endless variety of FLOWER, FIELD, S RE IV D AND GARDEN SEEDS. A complete stock of Hardware, includin g1 Fatmers Barveuting Tools, &,. SALT, PLAST.ER AND WA 10 00 flMLrT.XD TEKL LIME. DRLED HAMS & BACON. BAM RMEGAD C H O ICE O R O CE RIES, 3pse, ng Wholesale and Refait, at Lower EXTRA ~ -BLAmVK AND GRE EN TEÀS. Rates than everbefore, at YEOMAN GIBSON,X. Pan¶erdrclace tssln i Ain lu xwhanz'é Dnn't forRet old No. 1. I- '~.... ist<,Il w anud slicoiessî st.Itslig fil Fr. Ju .'.i J s . l.ADAWN Csj. and DISP LA lasurausas aasd ('encrai Agent, Whltby. y e UA M E N vblIb, Afil ld, 1847. 14 Of iraw u3ats, oetVllnry odri NV , ELLP1F F JYRCTON AThE! &e~ &C~ Ce14 AtL.ALLIN'S Ã11ITIONRATCES!LOWES POWELL. or-eà nsud Peddlers, A o endid assortment of La ÃŽes Press NEI P I~ G O) , uvlpffl .4 th *a.s~Mths Goods, Trim ings, Parasols, Ribbons, &e. I POII G G 0 ) LOW S & POWELL, cii.&PFORCÀS14 % o3 LVÂRIET, T9L &CIISAPNOSSO WE CÂN'PT DE BOAT. (WIE& FORTUE HS Au im ense stock of Se eh, Englisb,"od odanl"0 ce"sahawy Whltby sum MATCH 7ACTORY. and Canadian T -de, Ladies Mantle Clo ,(c .~P~8d or b. sstntaeou llbliu OWS &POWLL.beoeut motto AU who desire to get bargaius should give ns a Umesh. __~. cal1. Our STOCK, conisting of WlsfbyApUI, 147.2,000 yards f *Carpes in Tapestry, (all in adFnyD y G ds n WCA itopN oo, no, ep OES&OELCLOTING. GROCERIIES, &0. Traitoring t>o ,and by, Firat-elass H1a# beencarefully selcted i the best Fin- eWorkmon. g;Ush and Canadian Inarketa. Coton GOpods will b. fo und Véry, LWES & POWELL. mucéh beîter in quaity, and lower lu pnice, Ibm usu. In drese ~s i6iilluieImOrd*»Goods, w. show a- large variety, plain black audcl faney silkeg, w. ;Muu"urq to ord5 dt Ready-'niad lothin ,SiIkBeaver, eItî have smeof the best styles 10 b. fo6n u lb manth-nket, Shavis,- çUAan sd: Straw Tat&e. largest and p varied, stock- wo have Mantles, Bate, Bonnets, lRibbons, Flowers, &c., 10 suit ail vre W&GN, ever.shown our mers ly of teste aud style,- e IILKE. WE &PWELREADYnM ADE CLOT-HINO, INLZS$TTU. CE IE--as isua o-h bs.AND CLOTHING MADE TO' ORDER. afatlDM ýn ?ropField d Gardes Seeds, cf the. best4 and at e lowest pousile o ~of *Wox omn'~" ' cl ,Fielding & C- me e9l"là 0.-- 1 OWES B 7L[, 15 Loeo 1'tdZi 0W tand Broci Sà to WAW'y. BUGGIES & CA uIlAGES dlReduced Prieesg,«'t M;0 ODONOVANS cÂAýjIAGE- FACTORY4 A goodas-sortmeflt of Buggies, Carnages, &C, miade o the best material, will be -sold at a. small advance on cosV. Bank, of ýTpper Canada Bis taken in exe.hange for work. Whitby, Octo'ber 3, 1866. IIALL1s CAJIIIAGE WORLÇïse 163 Kigt. West Toronto, Alarge variety of Carrnages o1, baud. The proprietors of tlis A Establialimatt, poseusfilities for manufaci ngCarniages that enable thein to defy co>mpititî0fl, eithet 1 rie style or finish. (l and sec for yourselves. AGRICTLIIIIIL W OKS SýPECIAL NOTIGE!! 8ingle Reapers and Mowers, and -Reapers. and Mowers Combined. The subsenibers would all the attentioxâ of the Agiculînral com- munty to tubat Stock off Impleiuent, viscre viii b. found aImait eeV tiîg the. Pa- nme maly requis., sid e»PeciiuiiY ut.thii 5lo5011off the yesiy. te b t i oSf IREAPERS AND -MOWER fS, of sois-ral kindi, asud of the Latest Make. Te wicaiithe J-a t t pr emets fotind ueoe msry by pracicabi. tsstsd risîg t lts m ,bave - Balri's qhio pReaperauci Mower co'mbiued, Cayuga Obief.Uep.. or sud Mouai cotbined, tIse Msnning Blusie Reamc,_the Osynga iusilor move,-ot any sud Il af tise aW#OteMachifi nesa tsit 41 . .y StO flUifsPared wt1u are, Best M.lenW 4 Wlo#kiwaIp- Ansd cmu bc gansed tu tisesPurcisas 11er t tactd" a 14_ -rt4"u, ae BROWNtkPmRoî sIsere Io Mme vis-u im i n ur pffy t; " plisttÉ 01 thosn in thinsy bmoUlsmoc<t te r wels gv . wher,. JAS. R. GERIIE. Haif aMillion MONEY TO IJEND -1 T !Undosigned LU s ompleted aorsnge_. ineatd wbersby lai la paired to lenil 00 0,90-0 0 ipterest. Tii. b&rrwer cai u ive bis 'ivutI. ta puy tbi principal. 1 ans o agenit for t*s of ilb. bsrgcot mono tary insstitutionîs ilu ssdss, tlisa fond ilioney Pt SIX lPEU CENT 1NTEUEST, for trou s to 10Oyears. b-ASilver and Oreenbaoks bought aIld Sld. JAMES IJOLDE, I<'itary Plie. land] psurgue k&Ganerséiset, *4 ois, MeiwianXBleek, Brook Street, Whitty, I3ROOKUN bRUSES, OLARF k &VIOKERY, -Proprietoïe B.g MoSt respectfuIIy to Info;ýà tii. iubobt tgtuofthte ,outsty of Ontario, tint tbey Issit Iaeid the£avoe promise. ocpî ied Bondy Peorne, wlisch tiî.y bave noirly fa ' -i ed snd rTe>ovt.-d, and tbeym-are rprd secommodsât. tbe traveIlbingpul atocked wth the. beo i ,0orscTd an sttenllvo osttlr slWSYS inattendas. CLARK & VICKERY, B- okiin, 1Aprgi . T2DÈRT TILL ANI5 B I F W.]1 HTA . O wWis8orsGog J.RAME ATT(KIXEYl- B su rooG W Pat*lh1STEXI ebic, ho., &c -1. JB. l li L'est fce C.Porno nai" FOftrrwr8 01 o , e n fhtby. TD 4, Iu J.B.FA gfIiSTE T7.orsonos .7.. TRE TV)oWN LE Tisosudto ÂN of Xe4lÃ