'o A~ 1~bi1~,June 32t1aO7. ,Olt. JTUAIJ Mos-n 11. lIbupton, Eeq.~ eioag 10 Ince, Co. ombroinu * Louaîlu ; keel, Oo. 4. Dons. r&twmm, CJsnebragtv, 1unY.M ,.tlu, oua! llo hU;i, J - 1'. !r nr otitimon eklo)w.-D'oetor Beottiuit 411ie.. litowiî Lodgo~, IDiundruuml, '1 loreluasni pîo, Doa- i tcls. ltltoi uîvt, 7114., rilo oue 01)Y t~. Krry; J. 1'. or Olian.~Cre'o sAn.-Tr. w. Gtfte 1' Il.TMElias m ndih>' su tnt, tue6 tu rulniitets itý@lui. vre tiuau 2 YaIYpa- ar, atiring Tlibt. 88 _________andal Iaviig e-Ieinnof $0 b>' M0 ofr rMAY 'X '-Pi W IILLJEq SQ e)ulrs.osd .IN i B» >1 M ta i'oiulitly ILI 'e a pvoprlotor Io no X f9pahled tb do, and cxi. cute 4aiy ainonsit of wui'l ti incuy ho ordured MISTRO ner>' &vIroct d u u~r, c odd ttlni ner PL1Ir (AND A»tDENiý3TIIE1IdTO.>ý rvll,("rditoo ofhi 10e I uqt une notiflpd. JL t mec. ntthet ac vl h if.nderisigted,-ý lie .Towis or Wltby, coniy o! <Juif rlo oit Whdm4, the (Ord> tuirdi dap(r i uet bt 2ocloclr P. M,,for te(uip n a'xanu nation V' te ij.bsolveut, atd fti dise ordiarjng ufthe' à e isDfl Ate, g '.'e.s'liy. Daedt 0h Ji,18087. WÀNTE D, tQÂûAGE~NTS for the.O!T1l< I . F~ ( RI' UJTCAL TNUKN4c ai. JnrlAgoln$ uîid Iw.petor.- A flon. s 111iho ro!eVOà (iby uu'*lIpo Mill oap to li. mn1'lest., Kt 111001, Ptt Lost.. A mrimpIEX DOG, foxy Polor, eidan- 1 . wer* the aimeof o a.t J.qiy poruon roturnitig hiof tu.the owna willl bohemitably rewaoded, WhIlh75 Jouel 11, 1807. 2 =60OUZNT ACT, 04,1864. tn the materoj A %tu MoCULLOU01,-' rI4flEuuI3rslmne 1eoï ippointed >Ap- tob o led witlm t *o moutlia' jions, ti* diste. Dsmtd Whisiby, l11W June, 1807. JYAMES ITOIJEN, I8~2ln OrrîtuAA îsONUov. lNEO4NENT ACT 02 1964. Il S (>oedltorso!fthli ,un'Mlixl are noîl. J. lIedts i uae nt iraiè, lisrr'a ibot l' toisa Une i'lrkorlri bia n rkhanui, ont Wrd;'liauy, Lho twe,;ty-siuttiiday of juie 18137, aI 1wo, b'aou l l thésiteraoouf or tjic prnrpsiao ofr -' colvint statoiîtso of hissaji'alrsq, wsd of iuî,',slua an ombiUaOO, tu> isionu lie iîaay il mka an aasîgîs- ment, nuder tige shove cet. plockel'Jng, Csuuty' Of Quuari , 111h lâne, RIOBERtT VARDO, à . X41110$ SOUTUJ oNrrÀRlO RÉFORNI Convention!l «p RSANT 10 liceol plontitpisod )r dtgai JL 111101 ntin axtlug of' thsti) sfosiriçr lin pn the 2SthDAYOF lNAY, 16671 NOTICE 18 JIElIEBY GIVEN. 7rt-Tho t 6 Convention o! thie 1efnoîros thé, l(ldlssug wIll b. eld ii is'1'eows, hall,' Jirooklin, on TUlMltAYsthe 18i l ay osîi'Ju' isext, foi' thé nomination of Oidsoo. for tih. U0renseitastlon ot the Itldlnc, osnd that sîîch l4avent1on -ecusii o! two lbspreseutlives gf'om maotus soloi etin, la the respective Town.lulrau; Ove (rom oclu Word of the. tow f ,et W hltby find twelve from the Villageo! esav.~! letion cf Lls40ftittorthe *shooi egratbolis, Io bé h1ld oùMluida thue 171Jidoy o! ,iae next, attîaluou- sd îwi, oUolok In t<ho aitoruuooiu'- and foîr thé> 't. rdu la thé tow io! Whtîhy. fan itho Vill oi 01Ohu- ymp gi& Il Ir. 't aeVeuup.m., onîlu. opune day. ,gîs. oitL'ueMessirs. Wm. Dow litllîel, and Jisa.nC rlliol for lt,é VloIg 'Oo ihîwa; T I'sW ttold, J. IL. Grenwod and (,hmsc Dre l r te te ~n or Whihy ; Jaumn0. - or igst * litby' lYni ler4îu,'$0., motuif 'U Jr ohin Prysruu, 1.Thonsa Whithy; T. P. White. Johus t4onId, John, VhIIIrs .d Rhor (.aînli*ifor th,) town- nor o! 0'lkr, ho a Cpnnitteto arrange ti. po-,;silja idu d igit si uitofm builttees have power te adil f0 tueur luuambo&. S meetng# mey elot à ,tliirrl silogate té ne t s F.« o à icleoi l~ Ary, u b le f bea * JOHN- OAmpIE4Lt, ..E. FAREWELL, *StrayCçllsç Q'FEAYrD ",'lmomlicma$io! lb. b-n SOÃ"LTS TWO TEAI1$ OLDI blpW id hotlU o, w1 lt i9-wJt"8 ,Ard cycry and ail docrptioný of JOINER ~WOE. le kol» coo0fett ht ibWil boiù - a pou Uolo1Go oinpceu wkh a uyeO*tabiahnilit la hije Fth In, wolkina:uhlp ,und mole uf P"ICOO. r4r BLZ0INMe ASil POOR8U, bMOUL»- IN4 onetaty on kCK.s lilruae wulhur, 4ifOlanw fo4titlito#oto *80',tia rw1te"eu1 rOriFGo. ofiis klcion, wilI reoieir optuiu nd stucUed attention., viz. ,the Mfanu1aette 'of Cheose foi FOR 8111VIKU. plaint auW4 apeelillcalons tor bulillingsfarxll- ed, sud cotstnexa 5ven. 1 W'lilîovalc, 4th June, 1861. Smixs-23 WoColeii us CUSTOýL CARI)ING.- lloeiviing sppelal ttjton thi . ema ýnonn&r' the ca're of an exporuenced bans i t liraI- chwo Maine, ha ing ixmpr0ve4tl Bur Cylirnider, ATTACHE». lis CASHI, for ait nmilnilod qnontliy of <&OD ZOWHANTAULB ý WOOL.,* T. P. WJIITE, jWhlt~1,.n , 0i Sho- D EGS to nnnto to MA sfriendsi and pa- trons, Ihat lie la bock opgiulao.1ilia old sta nd. wlarolue wil 4 fotd lOWaYs litrÇ4df!- noge b treiui horms a ad caIlle, scxrdis'g te th.e méitsi aproý'od vearlury P utelolja, as Illnrme-luocng carefuliy dopxe, -mnd on the, le.b lcncwn ,lnii ricpa -0- Ail kirde of laeisnitîht ansd geneel- work. (2lîa theoolsi stanid. Wlîlîhy, «.uneo rd, 16017. lyr-22 34T1 BATA LION, Y.1, BATTALION ORDER. Thie Bat ' lien n tff npoot on, for the quar- tev ouding J anc Otth, 1807, yul take lise. me folliws . - No. 9, Brookli..........hne 1M. Nol%. 2 auid 8, Oelios w......... ' 18. No. 4, WhîiIby.............. lo. No. W itb ....21, No. 0 4suwo.......... 220. >% , 8Plrince Abert ........< 7 No ,Uxbnislge. . .........' 0 Tii. parada (o n bfortnsd ton Iiiîsoctisin st 7.1 M,. un .-Mllitrp, ln ssuuuuiicr iaarelbsig orden. <>11k-rs cummftiditig coi>ianitns wili $Co ha al[ arutaonenuts,.aistores, are fls store. liy orler o! LIEUT. COL. FAIRBANKS, ooma BgJattalo». C. A. JONES, Catptain. AD;VrÀi? & BDarnuaox f .b. 'ml]lhhb', ýJfine 2 , 1967. 2 PLAS TER. e~ CERTAIN CURE FOE 'AN 5fLfIAM>ALL E l'. T!UNS, 0F TUE RIIL BRAO THE POLLIOW1Nat - ane,,r C, W.,18. 1 hereli>' crtif>'thot uMy son, has a farfid k.14reulsg, so6uuacPoan hat t hegliqli o,an laid the hono quIt. laie. la opnininoduain îosll' 'Iibster î aid la &Xlort thai hcnu'sl 1lm01,1111y', y. I trocoly recomsaaad Jiut aI ssfu;i <omernptoo l .th Oina, as bave saen hiproyed luamil casas. ' - 1~uroxC. 'W.q. Thisa1-4 tsicertif>' tbai hst May Ixu1 c -kettlcWiia cf ouma on,' nmy erra5 vîuiclfok the fleebuo, leutrlng tii. hotu 'aiJmsasiba". sitlfiread- ibm iot esrtiating p obtusfor îhy.. wook*e. -i1ihonnl opp>hcI onaellys l'luelrli ai oassuc ed e4min aa ici, .uloK t t-à . Méltd AllES il. (JIZRIE, end jAllt BYRLI40 ,Dnnggiste, Whiltby; W.TATKIX. SON aud 'All JOBJSON Oauhe, Mdu hy iejleal e pcaunt>'. -do do 419.w2 #17 I Il il.44 4C6 89"M 4 a' e r i Mvertisifig and con- loas*rê Gr&n4Ubidéga 66 ddo'ISGoo do dedoo likP.t M G' I 800 ~~lUTL do do do. Pbak,.. 90&1lOI.......16 do ~ do do Saurîli, jo do "8doDUAfLNA0 n 4. 9 do do WityL4~ 0 do do Whiul, peo Mnl d' o' do ~oa..U g m iitteTY auL nt Ilard, ï4 grinti;by Coin '5 TownalofWhib .... Tcwm2uz si( Plerlen, 1à full .......1P2................ 27e0 cli Tè (?kjýor atW er, il-M Tcwnahij ~" Zdb%............ 48 Town etotby , illC.......... bo Ga T1,caaa1.rcri' leIcrilr, Uxbi'Ip, Wlbi, h 'Vilal0( s1Arýlu full t '010 JCa hi.ibys Munsalpal Mcoz~8 ~ 8qp 'Yowoslp o eaquencort . " a78 Bil )31p aldimotruted $94,260 0 t - " , Do ntures, YNo. 21 And 2qýa'.. -..$jSi 0 f3 J eudo -Nos. 0 7,8, su, e<ch4O 2000 0 " Von pna 1~~oi.rdef* 1élnqes, X~o. . 1.. M50 1. iaCoulity1)ebe>nt.WsY N. 1.50 " o do lo22. of) do I$o do N 000»5' -$71800 -o o l"2, 40 00 ire 1»uà iuuoe Coanny Pirt~ ~ ~ O Id bùdrlpî, Ordsu, Wo;d636 21 B ala os and Ezxp»nsoe, KNrrowA Brid1e.08122 42 Gra ling 2th'oaeemiou of l'ickernr. . 80 4alr nce',lb$trldggo. ,. .......1080 J. . b.e, materli ad iaiboji cugog llniJ...............,. 127 98 0f liiby, Zest Wisiîby; Towlîs Il Wblîby, Vlckgog, Jbeuci, Ublridgre, uioswa À04 songez....... 1211l Tho ndmTignoid Audi iqqf 6, e O ho o4ty ot nalfrti ir sitf ~ai jove le ei correct Abstraixt Le Reip'aÃŽni hiuîeofîhe idC r raio 1ralýioB0 ~pr th~ yar ondlnjSiot o Ddofnber, 16Q. -Dias per caur'l3ks Wbi~by, MCr23,186Q. ASSE ANO IA 7IITLW E. A A8E S AW ,_LI LIBIL! T- ES OsA#i: ln bhail o!Tr srer fro 1964.....$006 64_ lBo ihpýhonttadiu,. ..0.. 0_lc Ta uii'i of iltb *Avance- for selol gonise- mtuicipal llchiuo0f Aass,,,egt for 1560 neiMnuul. mntulan0................. O laliîlrpc asadRm, lScu- 'Bis'ry Mnbill' i .4 i.Cut ooafor 11100s.00gog. $ooLttand Ttiorair,..,....... .......900Q Govuumîu ort, ince roccclve'i, tecavér 2U pri'centcommisaion on 1..pn#it> Miatou 56,duo l',r~p*tn of 0fin*lratlèn 0o! CJnasl lJas. Trous. Brook, Mareas& Raina fScott,& horah. 1?2?7 tigee fr Wipto hÉ,' ind Decooiolbo?$Oieilà , Aoa soî,neludrB3.-Iaw 127 ....gb22 115. a' unîr a Oi'i',5Ypillowd .......r2439 45 jilcare.8$leitcuoa,~ili lis 5 > ,Am'ia 'aevdrunE . ispr'ocoutit of AJ.rnl$aso> r,,for Services, I1 ...860 76 a 00Q Wrieae rdr lon T uzaiecAi, sarlc, ,wor a;.,i Morgié froa A4 . Pttrso lslacedo * .-8188 9 cutaAcciu,186................... 1116 74 blortas-g-s fro do"497 (M 4 eoa.roplienF ienî fritl.dhntr8s uCntt>Deoures ... ...........$10800 QG oaol, and Couist Poe, î Funiraltare 1.eiuint î'si2 . Iuîuîflbegltuaroo,.............. 7200> 00 thtoreto, In ,and lieavertou Look-ule,.,, ... .400 00cRibad do under iylw18 1000 Do1 ---807 G 00 -osdc do............500 do Ba.lance shewlng excosa of LAsets over LIebilitIes. 412 Wl 47 807470 898040a 'rho nd.-.rigne4l Aniditors for the ycnr 1807, certify that thie aboyo b e Çorrect statpmnep of the ,ots andj Liabilihi o the tagi Corporation, on lat January, 1967, no far ane scrtaiixcd. -JOSEPH DICKEYr . 1101pEIVri 1. .LAWDE Wbî ay 23, 1867.tos lI tif 8urrogate Court of the Couuty of Ontario. IS <.T[Cg la hercty givon that Attise exPire- -tionof twonty dityn rom the dataelure- or, ppjles$ion VlIIba ined»'0 te.a, ns5oof' thue sioleConri, b Iia'iiAh"îPO bbPou, O! Ihe Town o! Wlliy, lu'the Oobnty or (Otario, j'rusiYri'e'ioks. l'arms.olt, and À ihel- mil)1a kbansr -*bo jcsldg et Ibe Town of Whit-I .lI thé lptu.l or OÃt&Ãulo the #nid Clisilu 1 resi'p erloks]Frres 5f>ue ng thé ipu63fot o0 Idrel, and lbi *MdW oma é o~,Inehfant graid-ohlld o!'i 1nu l'ePa- rame!, o Koto,luuntil.Kingcibu of Prao,~ si0 at, lod abo4r, demed. DafM Ibis eCh u dcof Jano, 186T. sY. V.IAM, io-22 D.afe BURKÇ# 4.a~sr, KIGST.. IE 1', O8i;iuw,&. À WI<8SECM DSTOCK #UGÀJI 0OE "Pu&o TICKETS "Tm EVROPE. OOEAN STEANSEIF GOK.'Y. c4xWAD AsNLIMIE.. B1ROVJK fST.,' WuIT'BY. lceS-aver Ihe à medlcas Hall. jeF Nitrons Oxide Gas oadminiqt.n4 for ex seiug teeth, *itnouut pain, or injury ho tiio LIST 0F - IJNCIAIILED LJETTERS Bcnxllning At lbe Wlttby L'oi.t 0~ on4the ut day of lune, o8ui 1~ AEGRteglsg 1INOLIi>.mnhrMie( ' s. ~ 0 50TLN, rIJAND5 n btlnBueJaes BrS.',hneo i"et#, $04 ever>' inf«to n oa %ne-aha(, Iwo MrC.aLii,, Pa - Ao rW ai asva~.Dnda easE izead ll g54JtAl IOg- 1%tuaa ,* wan P.R-lisofthe voela f0 salina&04 âita.- dion o! Btorhba con holpslioced, Jue Mi, 1047 '22 LiiieILim I ir. ,ieiue.A - Jemeeet T~UTP!P1SEED Lai ng's iprove,-,WIÃŽle logn. 1Whitby, AT R. FRA 3ïrn'b~,ie."Y Good H ývyf P4xr 12Jc. per yard-,ak v M.*-1. ,OHRANE'S. Good HIea'vy, lkctory Cottons, from 121 to l4cts. LadieJ and I a"lt i ra eitt . A large 'sortent of 11rm G&6diand Dresg Mualine, li- ra R1eady-Made Clothiug-cheap, e~t La4es'Sp$g' aud Suniiger.Jackets-aIt onbahld;-nt- 22 M LCCIAES H ejust received' a laige stOiCk 1 f0 HOise- Buâilding and Htieùtr1ishig I4rdwnýe 'with thopew 4m provemenits. ÀnDy"P"erson iIùding >1wi 1(do well io éall, as&théi'r eek-is--new"and"^compl-ete, -anrd at-pirçes-m lokw- as'uyirb e* the 4rade< ' 7 A l-e Stockof ans Ois;.lass,'& , Wo-hmsd lery Y 'f n'Âny À bMilk Panwth large 22 i LZIE AND Il I TO;TH RESID FUI ~liiIofi 2 theSlbserià be ',woll Uit 44on heCorner. DUNDÂS UQX WoH tTý /Coin 101th to80othA "isaAn!u lon o! Mit heid nft t4e l the liii dayc Tise chiali e-PI Mn,', 's "'8, ~ >4"-,- 1 1 1'. 1