rÂL ýCAeADlAN BANK, Trîts.A WVIIITIIY BRA&Nelf. ro ARTHUJR CIALOr, >AILRONw ID n. da50 o Me0.ré.,o., Wim 1)lisbyoo m e Wy ile01C0of titepo dris .eriy .p te, wteiiils fL> rsÃ3ui 3,Itts, NJIr y 8ON 5cWX STÂUXIY OON- D >U 7Ei~tt olro y s Jillle, &o. lcel-olg elu AiratciuIidIr.gi. yu f 0 li t(o,- dic B pn. - . A;SISM. ~. l. OCII &-o, . L. li I to lulitito41y o'I&tytublo . jeItI. SI0x Ilit OJWC. l. AT L, CJT0IML, NOATOJPUBI, NE~ B ..am1orsiiby iitse*'t ur Moitai o thed -A r'IMUINKY 0.AT L&)I<NJbY CTURI.A ne, JO ST5UAL)O NU 14ICT(1 lu<Jiws. ultuahr>,BY.-J9Tr-St. oroa t or(!u. uCun.-lluui s otr J. 1<. (&ONu. rh> &o.,flit -ovorLowou dc 'owu llu re ltbykgt. W. o rukittq. 4 A&TTt)IINIeY.AT.L.&W, SOLICI'h'Oll 1IN , itluiiry, d&c., <toc., &oc Detdnds t8tt>tt. g itr e titeors Weaiboh' the puât Omilo. .51 am ers ttet N>,)t.ttt Pub>tl'ic, &,U., &o, l'aise uauun-rrJ -ViiiieTown e M I. CôamviuA4, LL. IL,, j W. liut ruJm.MNI -'Coity rownmAttî;riu>y,î ~ ' * X it. C. A. j0r*4 Ifi, Davseef4olloutor lui Clluncery, At- ltorne, der,, &c. g>!r OI;'C1'.NL't it u ýte litttimry ti* 4 Cuc MtIles, tti iy.1 i j P AItur W t, d,1-1. Atf iyA.L.w, 11, i ll A. , (Ot voyatteer, d&o. UMvi-~it-e tet, 'Northt Oe Lotoludfie, OUtIawtt,C. W. 4j LYUADCENGLIlIfI, L 1, il.. 'ir L W, 'a (jL) lt- > 40 AWCiIANUKlOli, &c ON " tU'ANCINU k >lce, pemisce A)bUrtî toedg>ors Otii I.. rl>.,I N , .t. IUREOI-;120'L'lE (3OUNL'Y OAOL, . .... ... -1-W .y rol SitiEltNV M. t). J 'r " mOe llrmt-$ o l'à . i $iîel5 ta >8 INT IfAILO-IL, liILIJ'K TREEhthtT, W iJ~~ils'f u ritS ltctatusE h TiîtoLtr4 t et'tttî. t ARCIIS~LIAIL AKESI, .1115. Asuigu for 'hrle ud ontiru, Notsry 0 ti . 1ROSS. AI~L IFF 81XTII DIVISuION COURT.- -LIUigNSUD 41JC'rI»NE Pl. Addrsu- JAMES LAMION. A TOUNIET AT JLW, >tULb(JITOUt IN itine t 5e ce durLo o. o! Mr. Raie, Cleork t Vh'ousit>' Court. ;W'Oppoxite #o.yat , 1-l --. --48 il, E. OPI)BIiL - ER OF TUE SEI 0 111 IIVENTI DIVISION VICTORIA U4ITEI's7. * IA 60o. (LaIe HURON BOUSz, josmm n IIuEiOvTubf, I>,repriutor. %by rs¶fl8sas'O IIstumted at rot Witib>, .T'qJeotttd ul. n tatt'tille l te ce- o 00f bnh Viwios florIr. Bmiroln, C. W,, I86p- ~ BRÃ" U O IUIÀ9 l iFfoTL li, ntakets teIl)4t o >ti» o wll1u 1ro:l s wiliti lt lîubost uoiwly îtrià il Iitîsîd reii»- luil ëulng, wt ç~Jst ~uou~~> ($uu4 5çsdlisig, oi:glosec1vards, asud nstitive 22 JoNMILLE. b ONO' ITL 864;~<> sj t~'Joroto9 W ItttUt>. IIIIDGtu1yo!F',. rksu les- proprt.tor.'l STAG3E HUE JAMELLAC 1 ï ,NC, EN;AIL GENT. Wlilthy, l4roprti t800 Sb s c Wo atd osi li t i, U ly.Erioî>co itîiiîloii l ru rsmn'.e>I r e gul d u tit Iccontat and and C iiTtir. Ae Mr, t;'ruljîrDru Slve.-. oMM1'ISiiiidSION 3itfr!? 0de. hi t o , i . I I I I , l o u ,h 0 0 . 2.ri m 'u M. '. P., T ). h. y. GLOBE ITMtVl'ili.IC t fir aoe l It i'o o tui, 'Joud ot h ohlc T i ott'ln i c o âvbitîlrIl>,.ime WIýLd osJud ri. tu il<rmfs d L>couvjîiJt> the litt 411ud bit, >, Sur u&t. Nli i. uIiji- 1,Lîîg ie.iitîcd o su r omptty 11 vottili ,it l itt li&e with ou e.I..m olgulmn, M. L. C'.,io nd.lever) 11isud , M. 1 L11 i X, Jji-lttui. Gt t [ra r 'rnwl rI, % W11k-. . do.1', '. .ml Po, SorrMy and ('. diîItioli'irn', 1( 1 îftt>l4 ; tti O>RNTARIO IOTEL. ô 0r l li abovowilt l w, ndotblsit Ij NIA Itte Rsmdp LtttoC but,XBTsou-îî,reu , hy tht 8.îtiu UtIhc , ........1J, , ... p slwsys b eut ! o> it'rdut>i itili hj.rel is Marly tutie t> tiiiVi>t t» r it>!>» i i» r »... i er ý ^it N11oeotelato amsat ' 110 iundOn thr met». iWe il xj. 'J». t: tuier'. o>xi »thfc»llit4 su cume.,yard . JILN S1cr, t£Irr uu WlilLbY..OAt -X4. 1R. (LATROÀ IIOTFL.) C DAWES - - - POPRIEOR udà eCs.ts1 riiiidhi 4 1)tJOc Che,!o b ipte pLso i lo Aof entéSC set uet biitnim'et',li ot 'atuO"e1601t in or -o tlé tteLri$4ge&"uIm.ý »t olho îîîeud wIiiut 1gave l it ir It cai iiitrii heet tu t he :1 tigitoi degrcee. lt '.îtu.,IJtt>1>01>0 tuité Contuors nie dis. le or pu pdlïà e'd %Vilo i n i h tlitltic thili Port or orotlior eo the. M<îti>dlioi>rd vemu al Lte Lestey ohînlhel' Fur( ieu tyligl .lt equixte o, , u iriesi bu troi t1t t wluiii tt Lie sat lie iq e rg.tJidliehsl Lu itc rCtfYî>iliecrp rgI htio etcame, ie poweo-r ut taniiimîg I)1» ,Qrto.t to i m'ary eClii- Or 4à JO] iitiiig t1iteon I1>itiiiiiinia ttte t'O>1i>tieh p to rjisefi PLt ne, ftmm ifs ilt J'liîohy (li>it élu duniwgt ill u post itttty tt»» h.l'oefr, ttrvwiit staoti tii to epiiol, ovri> Ar brie o î>o'rfod0c imie, atlnOrsd cîieL e4îsthy Df<~ tu içýd. GIz Oîtlrw'tth lis eittpnet tuti uiylilix ils mhrli, anid h Iyttoi tellpliéta-e-nl)ur,tg lieE i to na .eiUdity, t uit o,asuud îi loîtgtti totid 1taoQ à JoxAZiniPré1et gSoindlni7- thito est»i 40trrt t i ltiiroiiçoti gi, g il vî erv <Jep I,îig nittisbeud, là mni., cernvrvht fre, t lait -douiJ tigevibrà - Ceirr c ion u viiolii>ysutd l;'ads it o out T'±l1.el tvioe>, Ilim> ooUiiiiilg Iii;latuüo..u, smeteette itsieg $mab îîuwer lui the tuîdLioor Bop, doi tii uttbeg-1te.ordt ltgistjlu togroom,-, I.> whilà iin el.iw-euroly funtgl>iid, thlusgimv- eCt itig»frten uùd s-oJ1 isv iuu tle Ix 4#0j>te-Wliitby. eo~tMwiîj-uhm.gItiltwnrit iitmu tro ifiabtle toii fleur lâ levei or net, prnmitiitg n tsoWti, sirti iteitusnevwuIJ hbcitiho t» Ierttge n Ilttrtruiit-it rcet>iit tiulittour iegme 'flite rouîved L'bsorh' lti mrctolf Compositito.fsnd Oit hcct ~r-o rtore, laices itu >6Iron Cîtîti ' into. TJui cYtirily lit its slit»>o,-tlt. aoudt>i, eiI regciîsltit ireituerLurty, 1power, sec .1>1v. tîisioi>Jb,,ty ut ttlle lî41t ut hu it>lroiu-eiooi' O01,4,11111 whitli e ll . Jouit îî>hhtdioti>>gt lit eiutrst. litoti ttm>,e h'.m'ry U00tlnimnl>t Ursseaily ,.uCel 'it- lrtttOun,t ats estiot b li sp1etio wliit rumm its laetI i thtttt Irvu Jte ilurbouu. u ue reuetiomt or'a f imttrcmit tI Mofewecoturiimt'îîtloti» $,oumi' aagiut>dn i>t'c -~utite tie l.hlipiieh'urtn gorîls h'qitrre hu t)Ifm A la tîm iettor lmi tlîaulry ts4 a poiunt fur &cangatu u oh'tr. .1.( decide 111,0t14 but tl eliai t oh'tîtoJIwo Il'rtifNs oole tliti lo plspabteou oaesr--ctrior initlcst,d. Auiisbor eut ii> i.ylt e o iiroultnts4, il wittlth Lititopatuitcd lunprovcînceuîe, ore Tratuitigc lbcug mnsitih'uemret b>' xoîieirtion-tcm'rkmelem, l»roiigIt fotnder mmm>'perots;rs4>n 'iet>,a tsy tt>h;mlrt- ir>ii Itioit, lot tueto It ir t s',Trar, smnd wMm1 iii uft >AX-41th i.tyt[ 1'lttob oiniNoirmber iest. 1 initetto J't,Iltk tithos;sopoicîuoh' ri tru lerur fil' 0til> t s- e Muit. Illeptublie wbl i ý ut> ailie té)jutige ior N Yssil 1' ilteir saet ué)u 4tnt1 uipîîr-.!!;toetiir mîîr:r LAW,* F. itirit>' 00cr otior iuistruiiiots b>' extiii>g fur (), YirîT 'T'he trtrt or cl>i the irriuc't' iîîtmc' gtrut'eu t>i iiotudlit for 0dturititOy ut' ci>- A!1mifl u éîtrnetilit, btmottîglist et îtnd, ntliege-tice t cgLe iu it is >Iîia e!l'btîu ,itiiit] Ut>r.tts. q tutett'til 'IlIt S uligtibir li>nse&& >rrettttttiîr to! j al' e>Cotler ineiltio, wilieIodoi. fnot tttîik rîocMirte o> kns. piubitu, t»litéotttitîtç Mutulaucttreroilit,îuit Fuorii mi . o>> r11e ttie lt'r It>ritraitziioetttltrtocg Ottututitlmobtîtitoi rti tro t rsicion uuttor wSle'lî tliey givélo filseqoilvimîe.T'is iti ruucdc, éît>u bo dlr4!oiuged, id i, lt;it ituttrtttot!ii>t J'iut AprilIf lilte ti>MtC. /A gîti PVioton(ducs.ptotiat»>d t rt>-cd ot il ide anrt f .> t , s g re t it>it> ' , >ts gruitilttg solit<-tt. t> t lé,s it ipo 'Ifo<u 010u jrriiio Qof h' it ls etrttil tt ut i ii Fh;umlo, ttd smo Ac ol>t'q rmo ntm ir' iltteti de-J.IJ cille With ol ut»' fsmmtessor c..'mtt.oy. Evi' y hsru>>t ttt-eet).> thItta tm>t t L<>!tiI tl>rr»ngi> t.-mtts gh'oro tm't the. wttî lon'ii Jlis ,iîîg tokcu ttore J.itet o'-ieq ltt'riî>i LxiiJJtic>, t;it>u imy <,uii..-r itr»si>i.iJt tît>' rti'itletcie lthiLiut trym, 9Ilait duertt iîted Io ktceîlpOicursi>niutt'osswliîi( t h1litivml , Cot.tittt T55 icol t'y uruiiîgouItteL'ott >triioini ititn. J. . , IRAINE R, CILLEhJ. iv in ,C. W. ALBION 1-1Oi'EL1. i l' EAST MiARKbE'T SQUAREOi, -ToIIO)TO. LOSSJL8 lu. Lu>tdtic (1.id 'l> allaî, mudcmery sou>idtuts tnoîtt'rttc eit»rge0..AI1 ;>f WAILJ>61i PER DAY 1 -et' Aui Toroto, Uta. 10,1118,. _T_'IFsoi MOINEY l'O LOAN. u>,ltt ti1i if O 0NEiY t» i éf'inl -rg0uoîi lttronis, nOti>lt ce.p.dw l.per cnL iliter.-t. lstu YIJ hhtwNov.2q, 1ibOl'. 47 "OJILL.IA IMOUSE"ï ET 0 it 1I L L1IA.l ROBI. Il>SSJît. - - A;iT B lierrtb i prtrj.viOoIbi tiit i1. i >t, i tiabii ieu tr jireir', Wliie e Le w ili i iti»d îepur ' O, )t-t-u>r 1i r to> tie' wa>.-' .g. -.' ugins j'rimate miprnîrî ulits. etii i iîn»i if eluired. q'rsoir.es ait4 i hOtlerx wil i liîl ttîrilo se- ernttmodilti>u tand occry totteutieiult t u tiltoeiJr / ST4, Alan ouIbchoti>ni stoiioed uith tOit. Lreiuim tbl:r>h. ui St:tblihg, witlt attle tions oiiuttiy vii littnd., Onhii, nt>J rutt>. 24 Fai'ns for M'ale. MN PICKERING. B EI KO tlire tast ptart o!fteirit a !oh luOt No. 12, i hotu M11 ot'.-eluCru- tti, aot4FïtchO87sce s. - Attol 1sni 10Ihtehittit qu;rtc.- of T'ditNo. 15, hli the 01OIti cr»cS0ut, etitnhttittg ' tire'>, Ituclret pngoil frt'rie honi, and t>lI'rnne itoie, rOuten of o'thie ,>ii l>A 1->r»]w»ier- Od1b itiliir sprhttgs. f I' uteldipu. For l»Iorinuai(iu,, sacitîn(100-iao.lTuisd, omi Io ulit btruront oh' Coli ut., Greou'ood 1'ocmioNov. CO, 1260.St 4 Irth mttr F ndr -,andt. Ar')g l O>>.fot s flvic ut!. ' 3 al THE COLONIAL izg Acor ncy Associatiolm ego4 jiply oh' mOny bJend-olins riuctuixfud vitlutioo wnil b6ïz'umdes B~. J. U; CVHWMAN. secrctnry, Boux 74, Turonté min AGNW,, VltoWhitby. 10 lE PIOBSON iIousE, LIU UE K94ethÈ,P' opril<ir. 4J .o3,4. 'flic prornioere i4utimelttily GEORGE ROBSON. Ib1ay 189. 20 7AN!) 'CI!EPE'£T inîce la Jic mltd Bnslrf>* F detton ilm At tte IIX 1A ît thl OW IT t'mmsUtcL Lcite.)u o! tise deutlt et' 5Mr. Ml. 1). BII.&TToe43 l'Ili Sieîtllopoped ch'lt îîeurhy 01ii tue uîh'ieliiti lgletr il e , ilAC. ,wlio mimit demute titi. ni si d emnrglJ iet.1Lt'iti> oh' youttgr -dt.» ltoo iht Licttain là - kUovîselic, tifaoli tt> rsiea p giio tu a l'ilaoi Ai te ic~.~ l4 il b O(>K'4-Kilff l u1. A T 1 1 ts lu »tii tit, droi J. C, BJRYANT, BLJtttà .<'., N. Y. >iID STEIUT & t'iAtlhNG CItOiS, ['lE, à tOFI.-A'-rr & Cu., Agents for Conodit.1 lAME8 DAVIIStiN,laninger. ZKNCF ngttiust Lfl by FIlE are 1tt' .il tue Ilion t tarirraitis OsrînnnId 1'olh.t oittîtat rcJlrri..'tt..ct <l: u c U. tri, 1816i. YEO)MAN 1l'tIN Agent, Wiltiby. 18 1ilimpriorm egte ail tlhe attenttion uM »t;ljrs ai.,w»oocl ettteri., t a liew st 'wiig iM!>rliine,whielt iii wtlioiitil lo oh' mi Ieet t-er g»0 ip Ili '>i>n îtlg uioeîriecro, BAeOWN & PAirERSON, 9. C. CALDWELL EUINAIIY SURGEON, tmmnet rempt iliiy 'to¶ iitltimto thLie tl;;tt t> '> t* o>itiec rati>en i >, , t tîî>l Ite>h îo e I)y m> net ititegt- r.istîî tveot, .eoemd htOU.e bolomo bush.ie si. 2 itby I3rass Band, I~~~ ~~~ NrOriii1nlannat h'vcrs, are de- iditrre pritptro ttLendl iciii.dure t1. ih»ieoston, (jIi Uic0mum't rcnttottabie teni-. Api>rrtc an bclia atLu, or t S. AKER J. WOLFENDEX, Or ta . .le..-fi .-I, -. %Vbit'hy, J uil>'4, uGO.il. MILLINERY!1 m 191q sbmt hg unnnceïto thi. La- diesuo' ttIowi id Viei>lty, timat site1iii uuw i n r'ept, of'lier $tlrimtg Stockt of Mîlliier>', ontd i* orc-rà t.îuîu exe'ite cli ôrderi.-utmd !Ili tr>tw sud toit work, with dei.patlm. litiis S. also t.dcem isve Outo turu >.inc@e thtiul;s for îrnst tnm'or»l g.SIJICOOSTREET, 0OSUAWA. ApriilOc, 80 V.bite Oak Lumber-1 ,WAG& -TONGUES. o: ZGOOD- NÂLE TIMBERI 'Mywe rio Ytope-albelt 'gamnual lupe-tli ;Ahôlcewbco te womatng 4tln1 W'meva a eltouglut Qirait.'- . rriil doed ry up. , Pos)t tdu'k.beo the ît producu ift h'tîtiLlI' 4r~'dJc'h' ns, o redry b If no, banthlsu - -Irofil thîy bîit :saSittldtrtas Ail LLirely ontu ea geL LucetAi. Thrsuo upfle s§pônu-hdlto.b drtw autà tAgist rein F 1 !'pois Aqnaieus-don'laett nutrotdowu iltl, Aif yon'vu been catusiig clon n iko une iirsate por days otit scio>Lk. Nov do dry up, snd Shahl je 11É qrit' Mow sitoulel I uot llod lut nit9,' Alw lerLb mucli protmisiug. Tii, fact te, Juspiter, ï'ju dfr>i1 TOP frsstY-)vU meattoo Duucu ater, altegeiher, vlît dur 'mmlmt, Andi su wo're bro>!te linger longer won WC dit.o.- Si .a.m. to. fits oit> nt uttoko, tiur diel bo drink 1k-or, pnurt4,r, aie Ã"r rnmu'; Btoit i shto luiel one soriet oâ ît lTitutt iaeiY girls elteoced gamu l ler tnoul ti, hua>nl Lte tifilo, Ant iier dhd ilo. cogno Toclilrelî,or nn?'pnl.lic pince, Withtunt lier o mowiug gutrn t Tie lfotteeof httbi". troi'intiîtit &cilocitod ohiewil; gg illn. The Servtceo! latesi STATUD CfOQVlL I basaeiteen la one situation fort>' years, snud, lite a uquirrei la a cage, bave pro. greuaed by going te saine tour> every. dal; j ot I have ha>! nuy'liLîle ambitions, wiipi, temever, acrer ilaterfere>! viti thLe diue digPastiuu eh' My>'elgit Woçiock break. les: eý,tia. pocek >iIer, uiX p'cîectles, au>! iue uclock supper; ija>!eee,,,my 111e ra 10 h eluomao4'iLreim 0'devel> oh' 1reelice.s and autagenisîlo rolmu; la feet, ilbcoul>!net be catie>! a murmurng sbrcnt. I marrie>!a et an sd tboni>', ab Ma> d4 plarents ual>! tho, preper agi>ha>! tirrisé>! for me te sstule. Kttooiug iMy timidity anmd uuvortdliueau, lte>'took upoa theansolves thtee nus of h'ie ceuttahip. B>' titeir horeaigittlte>'stucuro>! me s- pricelu thc mii> dtnuglîter of' remnarteabl>' mii>! parente, woe vers oeIl te do, aaddited bat 0110 treasure ; ttuste carment etiw>' true tlove os a motaitcontradiction tote lId adage. Titese 1ev limes give an exatio ides eh' mu>' oole life, te write more votaid te posluivel>' repetitica, until, aiea 1 1 b.- came unsiortamnaîell forluonale; but, itefore procceed, I must jual mention taI our umnion misa just leisse>! iit itre. girls. I reattitl ac ari>'forgetteathem,bIesas teom i tte>'ocre se quiet. One mning-i'treumble as 1 write l- a letter onu itandod te me. ,I1borroea> m>' eldeut girls scissoru 10 5mmlp roua>! the seaI,efoi I amu 000 methedical 10 tesa u>. tiig. I rend. (be>!beuovenu 1 ml 'face flushe>! an>! w>'bands shoot, mu>'vite an>! dangitts crowde>! areun>! me, alarme>! ei .My' umwon ted agitation. I renin>! aloud, an>! tite> partotohofml excitement. It vas te inform me titat "&a public chait>', Le ohich itetd>!beau houerai>' secret.ry for mani'y yutts, propose>!, as lte>'veto pieased te' us>', te preseut ume, for My> ienmor, probit>' mnd t1etfqlneoi, itli n serouiçt cf pk4e il" Our Live' beats titrorlbe>! tuusultauui>'> Witotas a "service eh' plate 7" Sucli os amlconîfusion, titt1Ibelieve 1 vas to sud e haîf minutes to mi> m>'lime a i tse office, an>! I foun>! our ci>! parler' lbetiitg eut fer me it te etdofch' tisetet for te firtafirml 'bsîicved tlunt Imust have mtet olit soetedreadh'uI accidentl. I osa bc- v ildere>!, anti mulmere>! as ['vent, Il a ser- vice oh' piate Il, Our deaircu Iitlertc ha>! been satiafie>! olit lte poonu and!ladies cf cur decease> parents, an>! neyer for *a moenot entirttiîîc>! te munit distant ides of addlng to tiu to îoi,so that mve wrs per. fCoLlý' ii>uoceiit oeh tt a service oh' plate cansbutéofeh. W. soon kneow vitt il vas. I pas>. Mvr thte intervening delà betoea tite lettor an>!te presaeuîoeute agea>'an>! dialarbance cf Mu> systeai on thte dal titere- eor, aithie speeches of h'ie citairmîn an>! commuiteeo, au>! m>'reply.-Tite secretnr>' put eemethjalg tiovith ie, minutes par. perting te te a faitilsI report cf Ibat bit of eloquence, bat as te ml>' as'ing spebten hi I bave net even le ibis tii> beca owait enougit to eiieve. 1 reamea ber notting diatincti>'iouil 1 foun> myselh' roiling home ila a crriagem halif file>! otit p4citageu>t lite serv-iceocf plate V" SUpeinisi>'arrivai at homie> Mwfe an>! daugliteruutiens bruaghit te igitt thte mag- ni>! cect present, frt-a utoveras large as a teu tri>', tpon ohicit oasiuscrmbed, as neatl>' s 1 coul>! recellect, thte substance eà fth f it itd au n9,speech, eîtrîtutiag te Mo £11 l iteruoi n>!r te sua, (ber Mny wife amid dugitters hisse>! une, evideintl>' steiitbe>!At p ouesig locbh, aiter an>! Imusan>!>;1à etexa s-tee pot vent the round et admiration, Iben a cogIe'pel, -milk'jQg, sÙÉ&r.itin,'"and "tes-.poonu, -;deîtgitall>' tear,',royal paitern, - fid>leilid, n>! agalaIe, ve1rfe tçy ls le 1 auedadireand bub os- 1re uot sIoue iutir Adlmiraiîtin, for *bokng êrugh- thepanîerviudow.' as the glttering IreasieW wre tLoior tire. lIl-lublig"1btIo~ ' ver'tef>rified 's qit 'amOlI>';W. driWe wis intbuw Curtains 'In titeir faceu>saudt t1el tëuLe oL'buli îthe? of the ot l4îeg DUledia Oi, l'ANIfLY. tsaobelQtoinm>ehw'atdbts ~ sweeî-iepîtbe>!, (ergot lthe key, or ipoo sîricetl>' enjoined b>' ml careft ri fh u Ilu diucoua ,mrdd on n>' reutrn, th st tb ise c ul n boardi ocre ailt'openpibd et ite l t ns GPis 4 ocre 000 mincitfQ.ni.i as $10 pesitliê o' p mu> deatr kiud <Id wplber lis>!bande>! i> ilr ever tteo.cure ofmyvif., j» ilat I ha>!d i<l lied ne inlerregnu e f imacieorben>!te us-e brenit me lante t,ioçkiusg-up ,sysem After four meekioÉ cfiety, ad mnuehtL b tobeîyb, 0 w ere once' more sont- Tiisje ed nt dur ;m e.tbcçand 1a ue'on ste iap tht1(Iyappreelate>! the ib= of e br o home, ait>!resigue>! Lii. te>'. au>!1191211419 ttti "I flfof houschQgd, sfair vti asiit and soo relief. -At&tU,1 yvi. ook "corag- tof e deterine i-aâ teat imlighL simould Dot lue sià lf ail h igor>, on te' sidebogrd, uon vhoh à I ta> written citaractr was em.bIafoue>! viIi id .mun>'-iutiate $lourlise sm4, von4erfUilygils imagiue>! letteru. Everybod>' la th, bon-s., F-' however, 4ecipe red b Litat daeltond scile>! arteroerds looted 'upon mtues uomebeiy ton ead myho wva uopiebool. > Diuner aries '.cvre givon for lte -ol. aft5fnlý pul pose eh'sbhowing th it liver.iThe tet l poc, 00tecoffee-poto thte sgar-basin, lte va snilk-ewers, an>! sptoans,â ita ilite i noîr dePai pal>! te ttenm, b>' baviuig tes parties giron table t0 especial ljMlo brlng-;thum eut;jo tiat, ail tcwn ,W ltingu cousl>!sede.îhore, vas sose ietst it!. 8 attache>! teg teposse&aien cf a erviceof bu Wd vau My Dime aInt i engt , yp,r rsiderice, wuoea tforgotea,. thut ne one taight b. anlsLalten atn'ha fQrtùmtèý -n lnger.Post, one aigit eny-to bur.. =lr n~obtg lIçap Ibau la biâ il Athe M!1% ~î tte rt n0 f plate 1> Ial awMy>' wn boiter- rèUdcted linlthe f8406 'Of MY fauaily. I vint îo lova ,an axiomnurmiierabie mai lit te front -gale tnd te (tout <lotr were ocked lifter, me, and on mn>'waY tg îown 1 called on te carpenter te 'go inediatel iy att> seoute, tho bacit <ber nd ýihuoës olit extra beolté Aj 1 dcpeiîed Lb. oflicti 'ied4ierslu the, ion safé, itow I wluhed .- l a4 ýa spfe et hoen.for aMy'serviceo tf plate.ý 1 his briltiat ides wau cnaaacs4 arter tes' olit My wife and dauglitero, and IigitI, aPProm>dod f, andst carriedfmali. con., te be iuataatly ncted uptia, (tir ui i te-terrible presq4ut wautila omp sas!.depositor', At urOU4 lmoisit aieep. lTe noxt monriag I itnrte4 eomcwhat enriier tblino uuai? go tbnt I migit Ordû: thte wialied-for rou-uite,Determiue.>'t'O bave a gooli eue I disburaed -some fev Pound& a inte parchaae cf a mont respoin- iite.tlolaig ar ticle, one titat wouid bld dieC-auce te te meut expert îief. Au it wao mu>'Saturda>' bath' holiu!sy,- I arrived et homo vcry earty, cotgratulatieg myset! on mu>' aorubag'. purciese, sud the relief iL oould provo to pe on'd w>' axious famit>'. My pleauing reverie was brokien iutc> s I turne>! into w>' strect, »y te appearance otfsa mob round w>' dopr. 1 hurricd forward and wassogon la te millet of Leam, ohere I diseovrereci mu>'ion chesi uOpen ils ba6.k, vailiug lt deciion of the wranglbug paniers, ne to boy it was le ho go t t. hous6o,:.an4 place>! mbo position, sit vas cf great veigimiý, and mere ' ik.e aelesevt bsa a.,boz. 'Düring ilmis discussionï, t-ha>! te o belie iai!tof the. aturromndiog, mob. Gine felloma, oi- og-his e>'. it a a bslio a>ond rmig, ithaï, be vunder.> Volîer' te otld - cave iras going le lucit np bis old womtan- or hie sumeranin atitare iron cainlla;"au. etiter obaerving, "that it voubd lake. a prcolons uwa- of &poous sud forkt 6liiii » " 1Vot p plnmpy boL o' iteyitotca t" aaid a big boy te tieat oté peaker. 61Oht I tbe.>'hoebiowcd ;natep et a hammer vend openi the lt on Ocma or a jemula>' ith a serew V" rephied ho.. 1 actuatllylutrst eut lie os cci>! perspirs ion et tite cotd impudence ef h'ie Vaga- bonds, but I1iteld w>' Lemgue, s 1 aways ho>! a horror cf what Is calicd citai!. 1 hae t ast te consenut te receive lb. assistnce If some eofItis mquee' row, es thte otrmeit muet have loft iL lu LIme street witout sucit nid.,.After a grent dcii eh swearing, uoufilug-, and noise, tbe pondcr. eus cloisot Oas plnced into e receas lin bie passage, (ram the uci lumpossibitity oef geîting lu. Inti any of' the .upper FcOOMO without brbagbug tite housea.oat aur cars. Exitusuted and distracte4 b i te noise and melte. sBant dua teoOur l'ai not iu tite meut trarquit of' Moods, as it struck us att tha the necessary publie dispîs>'ofeh' ie trouitiesome chontuit inlform ahi, wo it utiglut or migit net conceru, itit I had in soolia s' cquired aometitiug htiti wies neoeser>' te take extra precaution ln locholîg ap. 'l'btas car. very aîîempt for securit>' iad ptaccd un iu a werse position titan before, as tite provekbug ijeu ciouet ws a cetopicte preclamatiante 10 *50i7oee emttcing ttoheous bere ta fia>! tce sur. vice at plnte. Agula tthe carpeaterwos 'bed'recourue te, titt teomigit continue te waiaîcoting oser te reeu, sao as-to dece i t ecys oh' tedusîruan, 'coat-an, breoor' ma, gins mcer-matu, and otiteruyvite muet pnu tlfroug thtie hall, and ho slrttck at thte siglît of our peridereus safe. Safe, indeed 1 litt fuli>' aud ituuppropriatouous of h'iis word 1 discovcred ItuaI ver>' norting, ns if mn> osil goulus dcliglited lu tormei me, for on uty desit 1 fouad one of h'ie lieriodicasi ifL b>' a careteus junior in mihicit I disccvcred an articlaeh'f burgiar>', iiiustrted mitit culs> ohicit ptainl sitowod thtîs ron u ti's or ire door>, itthortocoea- sidcrod imtjregnitle, coutf be ns enit>' Oened as n simple apple putdding, b>' tak. buJi onta large <ircniar stice, obit vitît lu cîtlcd a centrs bit>.a inte smne vs>' t Woes b bo. -lns Ireieut agiles mous, sia Edinsu f' eut'- vas ti ,vitcl ispen bit lt I OUtbribp-ot >! in ur hlsen. a pIbil ommn>!etsatciop.- Ou Sou, viile ber busbasd wma 84 oee8, lee, lling neyer Seoeher sgaino rand, td. 5h. wai',trao*4' iLOci ,as ouilu, sesrph <$orbsçr. moenu suse>! Le socerlaim ibofliywitsonrst mpspll Do a luesi, hasw create! a puolýq a.8affisl>. Tba-Wy wvasg scomplished, about 30 >emn ioher o e 'pchi>. aà g JI.-At the Tyroet 149 au aotion fer,- libel vaN si the Nertitern Vilg"' blgré> o r cfiiele06t îc City'ctif erÉ>'. , Joâga s ,Catholie presided, asd!in r>', ho use>! ut, <oiiovià g1 [r.M~Cins~n> fal his a&i ad-t e it uiof Iberl>'as ,tor historie deedu days gos se Judge, egree vith M bat tite dee>!s enelu Den il epduo tulesecuro nivAl libety' in tis lau>!; and appreciatlon of h' e moparol 'tites.e cveoU 'occurred; ut! Burke edmirab>" dés ;glerloos deliyerer' as4'm' éütioeuuý-*!tes, tb vb.h lier tiâtan à mw-" mater. linbbciIunv are ,partiug viti. ms-tu>'Ijnpgs ployr>.a.4>' -itether for licteçr 9! WBf» ýI witleb S-y;' batlise timpe uiy colIe 'oIén w., uhali »have ns oether.O'aegamard'et" ta b obicit is'e*entre>! lu s-freu presS" The Croos. tadutrious clausc-Th ie - ' Sharp felos-The Cheycrneu. flood Pasr irCot-lthe Pi-utes.' Imîdividuala oh' capciy- The Sacs. Hoîdlug te titeir pio>ge-The P.à wn eUso Si>' feIIev-Tbe Fexeis. A slaggisit race-Thie Jreeks. Aà fowl.weu'thed set-The lChickau" A 611th>' tribu- <offensive la varmvcWei" ther-4he Blacke lest. Meofh'letïeru-Tite %Wy>ton->!ctt A7 lquer dealer vas aruaijned -beffl Judge shiippe., tf Lut O.nilf, tait veeut, -and a.ltheugh bit ejolat l >4f, the la, veIre ncoions,îte vilsucu rom devin under the stilîful pianip à à t1los 4 lte defeondi couisel, à ati2 as 'Xu1tà a was demande!. lTe judge vcsél evidencej' u>!ht it t u&liys1 she vas about. - discliarge 'but," 5' ead IL usa>'appear imprlinenaî t i at me>' be lte ack cf preel amy fainil>'affaira beor>- the publ 1ic, viten nediatel>' belote-us,, t ibIs sitrt-paper ie7îoali>' dedisate> to da uiere ltee vlideie of h service cf piste," but 1 cat:s-fël> ' u- stC utbas f e dl!, dr ail titsitas te odc with tte, ubject, asthe .-Z! wcurd stuitih'y itelf il lirat ptepour> teck ea>a ' >' el>esi daugl u dut 'of yuu 'guli >' T!l ter an>! te uhver teapot;'Lte seond,-i thuPece eB Un Iii >Ile te meut poe tnanler, bol. saa>'thes caIlLe-pot and! uiik jug iltm "bIrIde, un>! T.rmuuM)e al! a share- cf te poomma au> !1; vas neotlong itefore i>' Unii>!4ýugblor a4 occasioin îe. Feilatsraids an.fter."i tatu ava>' ut. stigar.Wsin,' >ugr.touýs, British-cetioiriies, là su>! s'peenstiatomatch. T vt&te' rà f ttirý .sine> dt asetuntil kmy ci>! gbty si'c *lî01 eldesi sou coni>! decipher bis gr sbers r*bila&- chiractor, uo claboratly dispIa' for te creit' an>!bhýide"istiof ,($t4, b*ls< o rugut. -plate. lu tte ourue cf' ime> elde JOUS.g mon vwoul>! briug amunie for mi> eldeit degbter,l another voul>! meat perseveriugl>' briug bis Iliste as>! Vaotici dues i uh sMy second te>' titat w>' four-bande>! eriithagà à e cadire!>' tnocke>! ou th itad>. Titrtgit ail titis sîrauge finmucetion m>y *ife soint> auie1 lene amet, unaccouableý n. tjasI,tuahityog u calte>! tefere office heurs, sud made a ver>' conIase>!, garlie>! accouai ch' tis feelings aend bsis aar>',bicitheova-nte>! te star. Vritit Mu>'eldes tgirî. I rugit.>! op stairs tq My> vife, bu a tetetl i>' o talc; ta sk itel: te Iutrere. à $Wiy, yen hlm>! geose le' exebe, ime>! site, laagiig, tIl al' do YOD sup pose ho bast iteen bore for, atîmost ever>' uightfor lte luit'four ineuLts, for yen nus->'dupent! upea ILthe >id't ceme bure tef tale s-va>' Dur service tif plate?7 Qe doira sgaiu, 4e, aond n# iva tu , dinner titis evCnin3g." di>! se. Whoe' 1 retumnedti ledinner, semewbat ecuh'aae>!, 1 loua>! the bsth'ul yomtnggon- tlewanhelpiug s'iaitete otvr au, album, wtiittgoi>'otber 'two ,girls, irere et apioçit cf giggling thet I ha>! ne!e ohaem'ved bcfbte, Beforte . ear vas ont thte date gens. tîemaa ha>! mue iuthe -front parler, vitit a taie net st ail difl'eriag frout oh2 firai gen- tlonatsexceptinlails oljecl, vbch v as Mu> second daugitter. The motiter toot iL wt thte Bameasteaa>!iug coolueultat site ha> exhiited en lte .fistoccasion.- 19 &toulahting,"' sel>! 1T; " .bore bave oo been briagiag op these girls fer thte ,cmm~. fort oh' cur age, ad-- "6So lthe>'vili te," saidtmn>' if.; 1"go aiong, do, au>!plut tise Young maaa cnt ef bis miser>"'; an>!ýI di>! se> Aa bqýht lteeuyeang-pcn eire Fons ef tii> friencla, 1 coul>! nes but ho satisaile>- abtitougi I Confeus 1I (eh; 1er>' strange Là t Ieaiug mn>' oiil>!rf aluiobistirptmanuer. I muse>! as .1 vont t t ovn, ven>ering w.beiter Ilmoul>! fin>!, anotter -gentleman lu the parler roqairing me tu part viit ta> titir>! dugittr' "4Ne, ne, net so itýd as titit au> lute pet Wlu .cIl' or i8, I doi,'b oxactl>' rememaber oticit. If sncb e pro- posterons tbimmg vere Oc occur, I ubhieteI atout>! knockt te felltiv dowis.> Before I ha>! tatane>! mu>'ialt->ear's ie>!geru, I four->! tyacif iantte miduteh' manua-tasers, orange bîossouns, an>! riblions enouithte >!corate >aLord: Mnyïer' uto9w, iilat Myu>per vife vas' rasii about vitit a ver>' indistiact !des of vit j Ilion- LENJ)1 00 t ut s luuyrole-f tlre 1i4rrlqLmoito ýN CIIAUXJEI Greanbacke IulecliAgent, . - Proprters h'O, tlut t,s' lîste tdxuu icur.lt b>' att e tiiiiee, - pubie VhL' BartY KING. ittua, ehic ROTHE)lp mlition accînsmisel> à . t'l>tris u> LLIAm T11JIL. BANK. D. 20. Vint adi vid e>of Ir 11 pi dý lup Ca-tl1PItai th Jatter Afà fi ssntsun le 1 i vw IL