'DV.- e 155f0ute (On oep1foalamtbrovlmg Aies bearli>' i, ive nry tUie. Tbes outil î.Aliln's loft @y@ s aAaonsudInai bsaeig sud am hisai bis ohesk sud ilots"0 jnits Sas pdl em sud vu.e trout PUa lsitsd(romt hseertbad.-couduoit. At Ibo. sud 0( the thln>'-toeureu94,vapi4diy add U tv"rly fomgit, Gos' ace vý ýas sait>' dis- Ogurd; sudi bis "rlght tiait vu casess front crmng Ipcontact vlîb-Alis'oruts. - Allen'hle et eanm vasgoné Juhsvl9q muid1 -bis rib&,sucis aroileu, Jothis condition tsey begau t<W thlrtyfitroind, wiib o eipid tilrty minoti.,itsa, pitiser bolagable, to Out, they agresi to dia,, tfler gsting la the. two rinslmninusa j Ilwuas atobers mode isi lil . j Serieu Acceident oi tise Erie Eiwayb exit 431 MULLU ,4xD 5WYBEAL l1100550. Tië të ldmbst Ixra m dsf florseyCity Iet'1'oelock yeslerdsy moring, met vitit a serions occident, a bout 2. 15 o'eioek a. go§ i.,etshope, on tise DOIS- rdn Division, and six ýmiles eout of Ner- towuibuy', rssaiting-4n tehsilimg of tse engits!, mmnd Ifury. toi the, dresasud tvo e ostre of lb. paungçrs.> It le tated iatthe pcati rs -train# consioîiug of' bal( a ,do4mnpuenget emrsp, tbriee bggoge cars, - jocomothve, vitb 1e exception of <?spn)car, vere unix, aoff 'je doliséqnncs of a brollsa rail,- erit vere bailybroksanop, The. Geo..tidridge,mosiding!atBonne. bina vu talioout fromntte ra ns demi. 'Who!b igrea, Geoo - Miyers, vas taou nont bsdfj, if poLftshilyomldcd, Two pswn - - ge ro~.rportsd lstjnred, but tlier cames contai nos, b. aacertslned. An extra luain výn astédeop nttPort Jbrius, and- tie pa- ssras'wrsbrought on, arrivlng in Noir York *aboit Si o'cloeh yemtsrday sfternoou. ÀA npof o!in wua sent to vont, -mmd tse troc tM d sud olqareai o!ftsé*roek j afw- ,osve bouts, Tite niâbt ex - dust mo 7 sdjal, nd iL 320 o et p.!M-1, cWps t o arrive fima thef ~t. --The. reporter .pp Ild to adrot, telegrapls reporter', t tise L <ok- depot,for tii. particmiars fté accident, sud wus.grnfly informe*- tai lisSnsw-s&bout il vwu thaitthe, train bai *tuo odthe.truanud the senler sud lOre. -mia voe.Iujred. At 4o'ciomyesterday track, viticit blooced op te rid etlb. vest sud.of tse tonmalsod the. loeal trains trait delsyed several hoors, O reatest'disoovery of the l9th Century 1l! - gyýptian O NaÉ iner #buave i senoest0!sMeicne grog daiad bijon hols*Wonugsosyprr"tîiiomen iutredaerd abs ssaseà o te lhmt suiai t#»sstIsu is oiti uu Inedlsts sd asii amiswoulonchmovtslch lu oeea ilosir u tuwwssvo ia uffliorg hos ts0%ue, gas Iflaion I. ~ Ilil ou 511 5asof wi e tirea4mty, n h ns jloup at gimait. icktoWil .tii. wattS. No Ottse vsitdo w.Sliosassilio hri-aid fi osol-tu, c, *lirror ute V.sIYPTIA N OI Las livesisirodedd "a mim; ~supersedadOttm liter as.eiuoi~pres» gote, laara. t restuently. oo iidbya rev o e.u * Na eusg# of ihhuusautui, or nocmlgahoveyer dc,- for Dpliseris and " "'iii. V.gsPsas i an Ili te 001 tair s5yr.ifflo y la .itns ir tfa wat loika s. etff fil.adarlà iiaMMM ivar'T.ullucli sud IVA"slit laJlaas lW« u rssa.. Bl-sites. vs.Wsis, Oiféus s do ealaireirs Cout, 1i,ts, Unr.maTitrslo hele.I ýliendschm. P.meclciia-cim.Dekscli. Teiohoeh F*mV.eri, ualMels«SIJolnua. 11oisetm. Ipral* ,s * Wassssde (l o , Sa al" Vle0 pyan saiterfug. sud saJili«" e tihe ma" awMatr- 5lusESfio r so*o Umo,« rnMue.,sir *U5rmud t*Wb r mo isae iss a1lit at i ha d ie ' .wslsus< Tb# y OQ lu UtIol»Muestreriulir lu, ncriy aIl faedrliu"o.'ssysa_ lfrd, esI réquires nse mea a, lo troaic.tim5 lIstg er>mbu t ugnl i v)ý iab ls 'igresa m Sy, unit laswnssaadta eoitgo sio usas'ftelrgredcuss, 14 ri vmg.tbtsU-el. ii gtpI Pl. iseîh 5utlepu'i suý1.ý _..as - avrrmsi 64 North 15. b Il 100 d" #Mata. . 16, 4ib i " 100' ]s ortb ' 8 FI U 100" dé le. , F 4 100 d" dé là MI dé *~ 100 4 the. lent tire Lot.adj'othet .Monck,(gOov- oMmmo-t roid,) and L tei L Lots hila nnm, or$ tut aSand 4 miles rom %nid Iod B.ly-Lèt il, St con,. 900 aies déiOnGli ahviver 1 84 d 1Z, North Wwa<'Bay. 1' Lot , Uhconemsion, 200 aura, vithinaS Il b Ua Eobiiaygcon Goveranit lo.d,ý and coveaiemtt6 t1CMhhîs, ios, &4. Elà DONq-WUtu-24 coîeStcon, 100 XANqVERS-Sonth 5-ise t on., 100 Farm for Sale' Or to Lot. within a ziUe of Q>bar n1 suaitOreliar tlii m n lilidof thécial nI Vlillaguof Li thtip mlterminus of the Port f Mo, ana NO MON EY REQUIRED For tIse troit ivo ),«",isle &Mount of rimL, (if 'iurm b. 1Jt o bo.xpod ois Inpro- Woilld bu exohanged for onitable 'Village propelty tn umhas. Àppiy to, ,~ ~LU Or P, KELLES, (if by latterprpe) CIIEAP STOYES OrThE bEST IX C'AXI SPA. ..a m- Hlotel cooklng StOvs. Agrieultural Purnaces that will pay for thomeaelvos inono year. Eavetroughs Put Up with iran hold-fauts. &~> New linings Put In. Old oyTons, Ropalring promptly attend- ed te. Ail kinds produco takon in exohange atL the OL» STAND. WH, BRI"AN. Farmtsfor Sale IooAe m Inthe To*nousipo evr 00baiaae4 nortfi-esst ir o o ,2 Con, ;,vithi tino lot: oftlse ToiLa lRuasof DARLIN(&TON, 90 ma eseI.red, s&bout 40 acres of wbtcb ara trou from e*tmmps. Comtertable Logflous.- nov fraine baras, 5LX8O-a7odvul, and à a Lui!. t' rdmu, orisrd0<80Ue..TItispro0peit>' vii bumoai tsepsud on lon mg eriso!psy- meut. ALSO Lot No. 12, li comcsassonM ARA, TWO HUNDRED ACRES About 10 aersm ulersd, lot hous a . T!aW s choies lot, end I lafatd on001somme»onr miles from thic entîre road. ALSO. 7 rp the rkst part tftbesSoutlt-balb o »0tllcoanetsio m; aradjoican Lte VILLAGE 09 BRECIIN, ,About one-lmlf el.»mra A. aportion 1me of 8tum;ss. TbssLot adjons te sentre boi. 100 M sci otia-laffIo* 10, lthntiisllthon- eeaeIonof sarâ, soine # or 10 sss.els, Leg ins, Le. J. nUiPERR, UNDËRTKIa LoI,7th Il "side,50 ' 19, $rd 66 feh, 100 14 l, $tha"66 aiy, 50 Ltî17, front I ' Soi fil ot 22, do Il do u 1,< Lt, l $Is Soiesillîs4, 00 Lot 4, ftli41 j: -,- LUt 0, Tlb do 1M0Id, Lt8a,'121hb' do 2m0di - Lot ï m d4 o 2w0di Lt ii, Tilà " Jo 20066 lotit1, ah " do 2100s KE 1j27 2 td" Whitby, .50 d Sevra vassiilhut.Inglot* for S'nltess, :d priva2tce meldeeesta'U '0 otai 0Iisdl Fo utirIforaton. 4poly tn, 1Wiltby, Maroh, 1965. Wiiitby 12 FÂIIMERS k. OWNERS 0P ST0CL TRE IRETFOED LIVE STOCÉ INSUR ANCE cOMpAY,ý HÂETRPORTD CY TUE 4e ltr fcletet OOo IlCEOAEDB u Thisglulareof C Issotiu a'he losonLI ErSTOCKo s, f1ot DEATE 1AND. THEFT, At inodairato Itates of Preminni based on sa Engslioh exporieme. of OVer jrëi'jY YARS. The P'Itneer tlompany of Amendea. BOUEF OFFICE.-Nio 2608 Main Street,' Hirtiord, Comml. g R2CROFFWIEg.-28 Waablnpgton Stre*et, Boston, Orai & Wmnas,Masna- geors; 106 Broadway, New Yorke Co<>ism& MoLax, Managers; 430 Watîsnt S.treet, .'ii ladelplîla F Y E A. Cousin, Managers ; 49 Managers. -t Appl7 toi Febrmmry£0, 18«7. Town LOTS LONS Be AND Ce ON adjoilnti nmev Builing ot LOWES & POWELL, The LOTS conta ntlsiny-seven anid onethird fatt front. on Brook Street, and 96 test 4 imehes decp teoa lamie, Il foct vide. ALSO ]et L. on flrock Street, betweeii ld S!illmnlp Miock mmd Bui',sijoineiop-21 <et 10 iueliî3m front, by 96 fetdeep toma lame. For business purposesj tusse properties are ebolce locams.o ,ALBO 2 Lot$-Yeoned opppolto te yeaidence of 4 LoLs-penoed, vert o! Lb. Methodls 12 I.tt-YenU8d, Icnown as the old '~rleket g o pOpoalto tbe r.aldeuce of Joaui 8 Lots-Yenlcedonortii of tho rosldem0e of B. Mclbnrney. 4 Lt sotittb01 te amsiende or- S ~ ~ ~ *Çà Loa-ce.,ieb !the rueme"o<J. 2 Leis-Coieri'tIcenti and John Streos, Wet o-sr l.lie of Lewis U1-00k. 4 Leo-Nor t OYWbe$tauIi (tI ll, i 1 Lot-Zest o bni.4of J. 0, lons. 6 leLt-Fe Bi rook Street, aortb o1 re.idae. lua rions psx flofo*n. Wlfbd soà on long ternie of psyment. Wbltby, fSet.Sth, 1640, M8 Farm for Sale, TESotb.aat lm re f éNo4, ,la «aneelisut *tory-mn..a-bilf bosase witi stm.fnnato, 'wodelr ge.A od mar r"ronotudw lIthuielooIe.s and TILL & BROTI 1i'(SUOC.FJSSOJ9S170 ;W14TILL) -1 a Caâbinet Make rs &U phol-, siterers, and de.alersin.,ai niture. HaýVe now on hand, the Iargest and most select Stock to be *ond in the Country, which they are selllg t rlc to suit the tinxeebeing determined tbut to beu zdéroold by amy bousoe"l thotrada. 0,ali and examine before purchssing elsewhere. A. choice se- leeVion o01Gîil Mlolding, (Àmerican male.) 3 ,I 4BROOK StÊET, WHITBY. NEW BeAKERY à à ;, w * H.MoCHESNEY, Would intimate to thie inhabitants of the Town of Whitby aud the County of Ontario, that he has opeaed tan establishment of the above description, in thé- premises for- merly OCCUpied by MRL R. SNOW. H-respcctfully solicits the orders of the public. 52 FALL ARRIVAL DIry tGoods &GI Ottricsq TUE BEST IN THE1 MARKETÃ" The Dry -Goods Department emhbracec; a aied and snperior assortment of evérything in the Dry Goods line Theb Grocery Departnhent is replete wvith hoice F'reh Groceries. WINES 'AN~D -LIQUORSq 0f the best qualiy always on band. Wbitby, October i?, 1866. - FARtQUHIARSON.l FRANCIS KELLER, INSURAtN,,CE 1AQENTI 10. 'Xw?' Rlopresonti the. follo-wingweknown Companies THE LIVERPOOL, AND LONDON AND GLOBE, CAPITAL ilOodO6Ot Tiff EDINBURGH LI'E AND LOAN ASSURAflCE 0*., CAPITAL 6M000#0 PRO'VINCIAL ,INSfIJRANOB Co, op (cAXiÂAyj BRITISH &MBitioAASSURANC]g Co.,, (0F TORONTO,) ,WESTERN I.NSURANCIE COMPAXY [FOY NGoLA1D.] LOCvJIDENTAL- DEAT FiI18URÂN>Cal , ENGLAND)J ?ERflBNAIMS AGEOCr,#Olt UiPROVCIAL PÉRNNENTBUILD)I$G ,& SAVigNGS SOCIETY, [Toronto] test wpr6vemeniti bond iiesusary by practicable tests aaüriDg the lut sjeson, hi been Added BaIrs Ohio Reaper and Mower combined, Cayaga Chief Roia or and Moier conbined, tbe Manning Single Reaper, the. (ayags Soniot' Mo*er.- .amy and ail of the aboieo MeiiifntIm'lte a tFriaL Tbey ai'.malufastndwitbeac of the IJe8t .lPIeria ormnl And can be guaranteed to the purchrrto gwve satisfaction upi À AIR1 TELAL OR NO, SALE. IRWK&PlESN Wbitb)y, .J9y4, -21 TH'E adjantages oflcred by titis Institution for acfquirînt 0 tiIéOUIilRAdTT 5.CAL BUS1ECE5S EBLYCATION arc maperlor to any Commercial Oollege in Briu tubh America. Tiie Brancies ta sight comprise c'rerytbing néecasry f'or the- Book Kcep- er and Business Man; te> include- la tiie mont complote arrangement of its lcind, being turniislicd wth t-wo B.AxKS, a- MEROlIAN'S UPOltllJM, and an EXOUANUFIP OFFICE, whieh(are opt every:day or te transaction oi Business. W» Classes ini TELEGRAPHINO every day-in PHONO- GRAPHYo semi-weekly. Ë~ or Montbly Vincliba, specimns of Warrîxo, "c, addross (enclosing titnp), MLJSGROVE & WIiIGIl. 24 TORONTO, . . H1ALLS CARItIAGE WORKSb" 163 KirigmSto West Tôrontoi X large ~rreyof Carriages on hanci. The proprie Trs01 tis flsablshmutpossessfacilities for manufactnring Caridages thiat enable them ta defy compitition, either in price, -style or finWau-, Cali and 8ee for your8elves. . 3 DIOLVENT ACOF 18ê4. Proitme or Cnaat,; Inluitii.Count> court Ccamty10144309jo >-o!fLthe Conty ofu To Wt: tarie. lh =tii ter o! JOHN BROWN, and IIE- O NMonda>', tle tu &Yi of Juie, nuit nt thle our of ton do'bok, sai. thiau- Coumrt, for a dJiscliarge nder the. muid art JOHN' BEOWl8J HECOR uRWx; i~XAGA Vognzino! rica; devot tctelm~, Ar- , lonuctold tuiai aud Lt- demalnents' Eefîlu, <ynl- üà Je Ain,.... Farmç; for Sale. B> EING teuemat part of Lbe Soli-liehlf of -. Uot No. 1%, in-the 6th conession, éon- taiuing aout "800sc0s tu!d talsueSutiéq.pute- Of Lot Ii> is muti.6I co lsion eotaitig 50 soea. Thora, i#a s ood <rame baril' auJ a <ramie bouse, on enaub orthe fmARMIt u-% ud water- ad 1!vmg sPrints. g0 TitIS Iadispc4 Forluloiuatiom, addrcs.Gao. Ballard, on Lot là , lu te front eo! Mb con., <frSnraood P.O.(rps) IYacheriugr, Nor. 20, 1866.i-S White Oak Lnber T BEnnigtned tbaa4imly'o a- compoe o uêamd-a-luf. ksu dhipaak; WAGON- TONOrJES4 MD' 00» APLIE TIKEER * AT BIS YILL, Slsu CON, Cn. $cOU, Jeb. 25, 1817.- l- .LJoli tityd 1.1 tindis14 UN ERA -flt aT Ind G:e»e 5ffA ie. to-,lre onllieral terme,. Whitby, Yëb. stIi, 1862. . :W- Photographie Gallèry'i fiWIIlKZsO)N:o BLIOCK," TIHF, É, =-or o! tlisa above Gallet> ol ]?ni t ii.slic tilit it ibs îibe Ic-ot ceuipleteluntise l'ravi tie, atid ho ta p'rspare to take . l>fctmrcsç, Lcuber la IPHOTOGR.&PH8, AMBEOTYi ?ES NELAINOTYPES, Or siîy otiier mode o! Il,. IyAtic Art" 0'Piu Loer Maann uap e ide GiWyM l asjost Addeld a newvstoek of! Give ltiing roomià acli, and ses i work foi nrlem ztiaun iQrALIT On it HEASE. le Au early cal la u olicited. W. IL.DOUGAL Whsitby, Itay 23, 1888. £ Farm'. for Sale Un Eaîf -W-hitby 1 within Sixmilesofthe Towng MT¶ gubecriber ofl1re stIio <amni Ialie W odô. 1 cules foir 'sale, iieiug COMmpoass<Of Loi Ko. ý17, on tue Jitt concession ofthei ¶'ownahip of Eaat, Whitbf, CflNTAININxG 10d ACRES, 90 of vhiclis are slndçr a good agio of! emitiva- tion; tbo, reiaisdcr- 1* obd-lamd. Tii. luif- provieusta arc goctal6,@i.etirÊll of a fr-Aus dvweliig, barns, shieds. stables,»MmdoIlron bailllie m utable for tiie tirui, antl U gà ,, order, the oreliard amdid arden are stok. vith thJe eioicest Apple aud otlur trfrnt rec& T sc mbscrlberim tuiglons tu give. np fargdoimj sud wili tharefora-el it enmoderato teris. -For teoia ppc., P~te.~1OL~ On the premi"il Or if by letter (pnbpmid,) te Wbitiiy P. O. Whithy Brags flgand,. T'N rota mnig çtiiamks fri st <avoriam rede m irons cf-intignati, g t&but tir. have ie 41oamoctien wl.nfeVer vit>. Irofesprprëemn'i Pend, and are prepnred te attend ail talls dâi !q-t th~a e ason, onthe xnOPt re.s<,mmblenl, *Application c ae ubu J.,.L'1D Or té I. BAKER, .-- Wlultby, ûJù,I li. Haîf a Million OP MONEY TO LENDf TU e tndeiivbats comrpl.t.dsnnlem :60 0,000 OF 'EIVATE YUNDS Irterst. Tie oDer eau havebis ova tuas to pay t*0 principaL a& mlopetfor 11M o! tbe Êg4iq- tat7iustitîion lu(Iendta tsnd imè,f6l st*l E E1~ nà mBRET, o<oa8t 1[0Yeu"s. 'r fo C XISOKcAG 0:> SiIver agd. Greuch aie* P. nXc? l'EI ANDI Alti' Lorin aVzise.fy, . -Duandea Street, une 2718M. PemPxsyn-Omo&-Mp5l &IL.H.Cocamyr; LL. IL, fV ýtanznty CrOira Atorney. '"wR. C. A. 10f Itanster, ollcitor lia C -toruey, &C., . W. H. îTfiýw VW' 44', Clmsrck Streat,ý J. Z. FARZEWEjsL - Rt. KctiEEgB. AmLritey.at 7v 5hetri. velancer, ».dilee0c--mimm. LYMAN, ENfGLUI, B ARUISTERt AT LAW, Sol! -JOHN 13ILLIS AWCHÂNCERY, & co1 IL . ZGUNNI, K. 1 TURGEON TO TRB cou IintetWhitby. '-'-<-1 'TILL. I e. blblNi150 ijt090155li15 re. th2? Wck0