Whitby Chronicle, 11 Apr 1867, p. 2

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.enuemvorlnitg0 e tu10tIse papLe undes tbelr charge proper lisrueto.mand tralu- log -revardîng mei, dtécouritgliig indol- ence, peniobtssg vice, sud adaping thets «eeWas 10 lb.e ge andl capacity ai thels pupit.. Wittbon ce lo h., wocld il confets that. ah. standscd ahel are ainiing nt la le avace oe the actamiattainnieugu they casa secure, tbat ihe divcriîl of ts per, opplicatlon , bozaio. ianfineq, and nstntmrl cepaciay -aad dliposilon, logeaher wlLh the. groat difféence- ibal obialue ta7 equlpaena for -echool, amd inast eadaceý Ihero, preseming many influences ta regard and inipede tbeir worls, amit of abeir reacblug oaly a respectable average, ohere tbel Imiglia vith circunistances more uni- fonsuiy favoucable reacb,&a mach higher standard. Sonie of these hiadrances . eau readily h. removeal. la resta vitb parents ta oud their cbildcec more regniai te echool,,la propace aboni propcniy fot at- o.ndîce end encourage theni ta pqrsu. obeir studios. Tbe@atenton b the teachera are now' rlqtned t0 pay 10 tb. cmuses of wroum~tedme itb a vinw to the cemevaiocf corne of theai,nia, be expuead te aid in Ibis desirabie vok.- Lot na hope that tbey viii b.- himdly ce- ceivcd, by parents, ad rowarded b, an nJureserd imaqisct inth.eaîvaalagcs of the scbooi, se shuon lau- better itteadance on the pat-of the ptspils georali,. li sncb à ceaui, ail lovera of their kiss an d of their oountcy couid no& (ail te rejeice. ,Whie 1 heecfuill accord to the teucb. ersy,. gsseriliy, ni, comniendalon of ib.. spirit adal style Ia vhich' thutr vork ià don., 1 regret ibat I camnot express eqnsai smtlu- feisl ib heh. orli assigecal Iheinitule h doéne, osp.cially oitlsia the Ilut year. -l 14a baon<w ah. conimuniîy geisraly abat wiahin titis perlod 'th. comnion sebool bave been uuited te tise- granimar school, by th. action of ah. lie Boardse et smach union thse organizaîlon of tbe commoa, sehoola s.urovleed b, the uthorit, o(îhe Seard, mmd the pracaicai .ffe'cî of sncb re- vioion bas beca, la tho case oft' Io of *th. ire.common athools, au abrialgemont of lb. vork f ocimeri, doue lu thc schoîi,Ioand e011 requireal b, the programme to.bo doue init lcommun echrute In- the Province;f Ibstasbrldgtsuart c-xînding teouossriy one- Ibird of the vhoie courseor mudits. The tesson assgmed forc Ibilj, tiba irnilar atadies, viaL the addition of olhera, are furnîuhed alu the gramniar sehool tu wich tb. joutb have accesa. Tht..other astudies foras no para of a comnion echool course; tbey are, bowcver, esseouimi te s graninar - econi course 1 anal s aucliare compulser, upon ail oho seek ibe aliied srtudioss ai, e., is faii courue of elementary eduemtion cau- met be bad in lieo out of tbcee, of ah. cem- monsechoole of tho Town, canaaî b. bad ln ah. gramniar mîhool undor their proper dvslgnstio andia in their proper, place, or sepacatell from tome cf the-stibjeela of stndy, vbich are disinctîvl gramniar sobool subjêfts. lu la igha Ibus taocon- fomal nd whieb lthe publie amets elating th sehoound umthaonsoe'administer abese acta arée udemvorlng te' ee.p distincat1- W b, ebhoubi a <nl commua achbool confie noa b. tonna in our commnon achoohs,' me o"elilas la ah. adjolinx ons nnd villages sinilariy circnmsiasaced 1t -Wby aboulal abe comomomi scbcsuli of liroobin or Oshoa git. s course of education accocding to the programme aud ar uiachois eataside ah. progrsmmsne? or vhy aboulalw.. he tld thai the gramniar sobool le dolog communs sacool vork, andl doing la better taan l et(bor iwu dec forniel or cou4i nov b. dosein the CeUniiC a:bol@, '*hoil@ the Golorumeat -Inapecaor lm docouaclîîg snob a course setIiproper,Cave uthe exîcat- of urglag a sepacation beaveen the tvo clussaof sehoota vhece a uniouncovr ex- lita, ln4smuch s la i.tonnal t0 prove mis- oblironsta boali 1 Wouid it net be s Ibtlqstahimg, a airer tlig, a atricter ooin. Pitance oiahýbe b.'respective sehool lava, tu matamin aàcensMOn achool aecocding te II& ovn Sanoaions andl programme ;.end aio olinilatly aîgrimaur achool, each oc- eupyleg liao os aphereeachdolug Ia own vierh, .esuh adeilaicgpuplis tu ita classes as îtoymlibi bh.(oudslqnaiflcd ; no ceni. petýltou, no 'smrgnog ot ah.eue inao tb. other, ne laproper- fusion imb the eue ef *wcrk-pcoper tle be or. I a Ibis vs, ah. youth oet lb. osasmunlty wvolabe eduamed * IU~GUISI- ;. ""qM re&cwrN otit sud sa enamm op" . 4rmU or 'UV Ml wkVilbohn, à - pecpoeïo -sr1.ç114 1 tb1h àiudit.. è<or b a graminau sehoo - fi .Dot more advmutageous tb ',ihe advsoeed comuns chool ftpllis, ea ah>iV ppqslt, Tt 1ai tuacogsidoed deal,bie Oto.'t Ilototudioswhicb thol d rsot.rqu rIn 9order thuat h.emy gea those vhtch ahey d Onnot desire,, mnd (rom wviicia 1h. are lihely tb benefi ., Th.e lew 1the qoirnmeut Iaspecor, *are acted uoan * ter Matlhave-'been able t0 loa iin -thelr chools itargted lite Ours#, 'es a Peferboro, . "o 1,a& i h.w rAt both places ahbeai esd sqlJp rejecI b. to creste aanredeic~,émd a vider séparation 1betiun h. twqclas>pf achoole and ibefrr especnt Lrh,-iveu to the' extent of proviàigg a AjIMe mode of dissolylng a union: of sohool board,- Whlch wv mnang la former belta.,Tbeir mlin is, ini th.e(air ,Iterpretot ion of ihe echoot acte, ta, have a compléata,,Cumzoon 3 chool mccording- te th., comnscachool programieand a 'complet., $r4 mmar scbool sccordiag 10 tbe grassuar -school programme. An min whiiqhj. icnot but think, la wouid be oeil 'for omar uchool scîhortties hers 10 entertain &alto, sud tg secore by fuil and proper provision for traching &Il, th. subjects of slnd, prescîib. cd in ahoir proper place, sid cmlling 1he, papilsad work of the uchools bj right, Dames. Ta grieves me more than 1 con express t0 ancd mysoIelf;ba bes Xls old o&theàse points, placid ln opposition' o gentalemen wbosu I espeit, oh. are 'poréclng th. puli cdrmage as tbey coneelve cf t.- 1 cosld fDot î ow[storon"ci -,pin4n with thei on la simpfr edGnoatlqaal ,, la ahe absence of atuelIs Oand regulalonti te, govera the nmtter j bat ohen sncb lava mnd cegnlatîionsezist, omace s&IL boond te 10 compiy fully 'and fi.Iy 'tas- o svade or supersêdo theni F ar oi Ishwill iesrn soon cnongb boy to, evade and ses maide the 1mwounder whichl b. IlIve, vith- outa my prompaissg drame (rom theession of,ti4e lave, nnder ohich pheir edacation ts idateadid 10 be cmrcîed on: If Ith. thue that the infusion of a toand- moral tone at every stage of schooi worh t. of prisnary Importance, 11a Ibes becomes a serions queition, boy fsr tissaporpose ta suotaiacd tn the plan of condna'ting our publicecheiooli. Tt is mot inieaded la any *&ay, by lhe forcgoing remmrks, t10 disparage ah. pro. fesonal character of the tesehers, or the work don@.itheb.grmimr achooi ;or le courey the ides tbat a bmd sysIteni Io made wocse by the os, Ia vhiah It ilamdminis- toed, 1 oaid like 10 see abois gentle. men doing themmelves justice, and the cote. muaity a fair aud proper service by work- iag apon a soued systern. -If elîher of the assistats la that institution, vas engaged la- teaeluing ah. higher branches of a coni- mon school course, tanome stuation la w bich th. yoaah could Sain access tb 11, mi comime chool echolaru, the objections which I feel to ath. preeat @saseof Ihinga wouid be fally met :-We sboaid 'tbon bave a fuily equipped sebool of eie. euantacy edemton, nsudealt one of saperior edutation.-Ue eh thea l. cacried on (or il& owa purpoues, and tame. cordacawith las owa n lsio at ihis manner th. fullemtanmd besa @location daa be supplie cd wth. yonlh of ah. îown snd ueigbborhood, s geeermi elemneîry training for tbose wboss £ipe do.. Dot1 rui mradmit of more, or wlwo lans do mot eqrem e:a more' tatou. md exteud- ed training in higber. 6s4bcuctahe sanie sobjecta pnrsued tu, greater logth for1 aboie Who h&vg, the; 1lipelnd càpaclîty tle receire It, ecar oe.oqna.coiamnd1 plans for It e s.lae ,abe 41hI;-tey shouid ceceivo it, and lit, ail stages of la, struction: sncb s àcarri61 a tlenaon tu the disposition, jndgment, lstef and 'moral principie cf abe yonug,, ü shali tend toi adal s culilvaaed hearatete, n ttelligentammnd, aad give us me n udionien, viso shmlk - pli.1 their parts bouorably Il fe, ohether be.y be distinguished for hîg 'h AhIbp or no. Ta le a purpose uikt4. tsh. romrhs I, Digoattiemv cor thse ;tramoer et 'ta Pramee. Pruasis Ioiever, poee.aioof -the fortrese 0*1 bai -'f the utrougiat lan Emro1 and-obljecte a lsey laitier negu ah. aubjeet., The Frenh mein th., ise;traufe.l*l h. .arrie feeling'01 -MlI 4a"for th. i!.ateisadikaarusthe insu -of ah.e ord.' Censol' lare r p aI , y d o wm , analg olal 'b td ' a audalensea . greut am ah.tim fédera.victorýies., !y'1bS ~ ~ ~ W Oml trprr;oiperoelethat M jho*ti' r i s4 >i i#, ' e Ou h m . a h . v e r s e t e r « i s i o o tue. to the bonpon ms; vauï svise lm ii'th. mema-t au@i of th., t'aa t ep Cool for a »e"on, for <car of L *g f Hl- baving Io cali in< ý, ofthe doctoui' b mntered <ilito ae4t i v k( th.' duchy v~eIsla cu uinxr 'à sa -Forgî. vo Rel' LuzemcrguoW, cf L-Thsaoniewhat rmn:àr*h.be Pt, stept lu case, it, vili b. reeolieated wime tried aï ahe, otsic clÏwt àselspi, before HBon, Mr. matice.Wil +rricsist.sonad ,.dr bained amatrt d, ont. The lidmn bis ieles, "for a consider. sbde ' oai aniqnnlé W.tookcoinas po .u>i ân a i ld lb.@ evidînce ad 1h. Jadg's chreý-1h. ru hmbliogmg ncàxe of 1hlatter aîrossl nn,4ea nii 5q. factaMiloB sapostbe conduca tof, the Shcii We Wütlcecerertd, oev, omp6ihn h une of- Cou, *»À var- h.toec France mcd Preesia vouloal, ho 9a. ýoecint,- lavrs a general- Encepeau mat, and mhh the immeomeas-- manieuse anal rpipraioma for var taling place.on.ait idea n o oh.r releala than a goneral Burepeau cenflagaratien esc h. expecteal. ~OIL, lx WUrsr .-À correspondent rileites nithat oit hm eaussdiscoversol u eas- (lampbeiI's, mille on lot 24, Uahnou, eacmioa et the townahip of Wib.la là se us evi "agla-large quasaltea, asal 44a .goodtdeal cf exclasasoisl prevaàlis amoagl Iu ah. peuple of that seigbborhaod la cou. "soequce." Théelabr.paragraph appeaua initise Toronto Leaer of ah. Pah. Our resalers in thia localil, osal ecarcol, be lafermeal tisai theéidisoovery's ltas hoas, A quamai- ty of oi (oued! lts va, rom the promises of Mr. Cothe, of Brookhlua, îhrough a alsain, Ibsace 10 lise cr..h near th. milii, and ao tb. 0 excitemen'~T he st@ ory,, we regret, vas toc goitoa ho4e rne. You.UiS'aT8 smo'rff o.- Captata naln Adjisisot Jones, ef te.341h Baîtalion, bas bae nim us5sofficiali ispeeaioss cf lb. varlous Couaies of tbIs Baltalion, la order 10 aceraam heir cfficieiacy luncase of a sudales cati. Captais Dacaneil's Cotopany, (No. 4,) wou inspectea! on the Scal, andl Captai. Oameron's, (No, 1,) on ahe 8tabloas. The arme, cloting, anal accoutrement. 4re (fondalin good eider. The tara-onI of the men vasu aslrges it aboulit bave besu s bas ah. driii anal steadinese of the aiea vas ommeadahie. RiFLE Maccu.-Âtteus:iena tacalsal 10 the adrtisenient la anether colama, rom îhich î Ilmiib, loel at aboe. ihilibe a rifle match la Ibis lova on the ta ingb. It la tw be hopeal Ibat thia viii b. th. finit .of àatmrle. throughouh lb. Coaaiy. la ta bighlnecessary 10 keop Dp Langea pracaic#, and ah. frisaaof Vuluaeenlng coulal met do ah. cms.a greater service tisas b, ssistiag la tbe gealing op of inchi (menai, 00.ntesta. Latiromasosa EDuuà7ue.-See ripage foc commencement of lBer. Mr, MacIea- oan'a lecture on edaçation. -The îsubjectt àtaW abtyandloal. -But owhiee gtlng t"esà plua is bs.coalames oemuai nosa be un- denaiood sasendorang acii th. vieva of tle. reverenal lecanrer. . iI ifAB00to Paingluravzes,- We omiltealE le -bottelaut ve.k a aupper gises at Oshawa, on tise Tbucada, evening prorinse, la bonor cf Brothers Francis Keller anal Cetemnuofettaipiace, on ah. occulas of ihuir remoral front Oshawa, Asthe ie m sigme appropriate préenation0s ver@ malde. 1j ath. bffîbrea of ah. Crafa n a oshaatg 'th. guesta a s pleudial Pas-Mmeîer'e jevel1 te Brc. Keller, asal a haadsoaoe Mastter Maaoua aApron tw Bro. -Colemn.uTht. le s Il shoulal be amongit breîbrn o f"'§thef Fisld ANDUlUa siouT o 0VLivr.- On Ognday moraing à lice brokiesù$lualise takery et .Tc.stbou Keti, of P.trélLs, I. about as hénith. hehiiial-vu ass-ed to tb. gromal, -'Tie daughen 01 Mc, Kelal agad nespeelleely lonl-ece anal gis y.rpahihd Wî li lis anesbefore ah.y coud lie reud. Tho -rus 0< aie fsmiiy bard' seaetl. Th. eame 0< 1hï. Iîre la F. hev. uireps enssaa o h Moant Manalaclioustricem aysmpaab, am41- cemmtaerstion, m&A aisepil gave a short alunmarye of tise-case. Since thea, Mc. Reynotdu bs gene &boue tell ing cvrc mnubaviag leisare le lisbec te hlm, abat- the synopsis sa puiised vs m - -urate, anauat h basbua ttaer frai«tdge Wilion, deaying th.e e 01e lmng"age aimilar te shat iattciboîcal Io bu. Wu sioulal bu glad ta gît a gimpe at ihsat lutter, if acS exioas, anal îe freely ofas- 4-0 DOIeai i<aiporry.) s 'W. Gibb s, promoteted Gna svrii>it-Tii2sccordance ,rit:h the Miii o e10dr.., 2f 27aL0b,'1 tober, 1865, Boarde of (ficîos, iii as- Tor'nf àanl ondon, - on Mudy, the- 2emd. lestant. for ah.. xniuatioo otfscbh oflccra of the Votuaséer, force, iroagàb,.-' oua the Province, as.,cpaydesire tb b ,i their proficiesscy.la driiuddsiln tîdandlcrildbubBad Tfie Cérilicate- wbiibah.Board vil[be CL~A ,t.-FôiosùL*h omcecsi'uas abat bave proved 40 4hsBoa4dtheir, mbî4liay 10 lialea3ttaliisn at Iluttlion 'Diil. CLÂsS 2-F r 'such ofilcers uas sha c baie provual le the Board, tiseir abilit, ta dciii- aComipany a; COnipauy'à dcrilsud tgo comuitmada Company a, Batallua drii.c No chsarge foc aravcliug expeans wolîl WsIro ViOULDac ns ÈBEAUTîaIFU ?-ÂiI, niay possessa elear, uableisbed i, of alabitter abiteueat, bylite cf Chastel lmr's White Liqual Easmel. It is the moat perfect artaicleintauos, fer rcmoving the nie of the"ecolumi afor il$ publication., othîr cosmeaica, Conîsins mtbiog thatIW11 Onr noIes et the trial are Dnwi bfcie- , jjr h uil;bixvgtbe ti MI nd e led n rforingj* homIbopectecti, isêrmiesa. Foc aie, oaissale Coura 4analyberateal thé Sbeciff, orl1c m. àaalrsamil. bv Berger. ts & o. P. elP.. log oerchanges boyaui bis passadâge, 'andl for pormittiag his baihiffa analeupplo,. te aiyn"oodi for tîiniem iKbs"5sf- mt t. amI.. Thae Conrt explaineal the rge ef lai, and gave an empisatie wàrning>o the Sheriff, as ho the mature out hlm du 1 ; abat b. vas anavorablo for tabs mca. et is effice, anal abat neitbqcle oSteya Le7 a rigisb l7on pccnate at siles,,unden i%- eutiouss. W. final ah. leacned Jndge es, vrcl, commenaiag upu. ihat bo call<sl Nonrs-a.. cae-abat, as cogardeal ae Sbenifit a sa6"suspicions" ; that sahco+f la, oc teube heaite 10prodoce th. lista ;î t ah. mltements mmade le exunosate l Sherit! icru su a prety #tory," and t t "Il ial c m o in atise Sherfa mothn a to oa, he coulal net preduce the p&peis, beeam .Nonne mvu mia,." Rofers-ige ah. allegeal féres-gol cebpt, Mr. Jns4c Wilso, vutS ch severity, reniarkhaut aat ia il one vies itabad a disagreemble ka- ipect.. If il praseal taelie a (os-go in- s trumeai, la oas a ses-loua nmater. T1-ne ~the item wmss mmoaloe;bauthat nsàde itha crime etf orger, nneothb. lis. luWbeaher tt vas Nouse's signatureeor Do nt, the item vu an impropos-oee; tnd "if tbe instrument woc foona te hva Sbeen fas-geal, fi vohal lie bis< "Judgee) painfai daty te onder lb.eBifrit? Ut aethe custoalofetahe Caraner. Àsi mas a sciions considenation, anstti lie iCourt vu ss-rr, Ia b. coeocalto ploée 44 la, onsuscb s faoting. Coussacl hbeId "bave asumeal ah. reçpenibIit, tà'as lé matter, iasteal cf leaviug ah. Court ta "demi v'iîb ta; basa the Courtould lot ' criaIt front doiug its dut,, lot ah. anuos. "se»qeenees hio hat tbey may.I1 . .Nom aIltbaita, ada grema dueltmoloe1iv. aroideal publisusbag trainlindI, oalveo loanalath. Sheriff. W. festrnateil mli have acr soesa omblte, uJi dt ( provo auy graification te blâ, we mbaU putslmh theni at length, anal se sase hlm the 4,ts-u li cf bnîton-boliag peuple at sîceot cor-' nos, te tell them boy vcaagly1liteuems vau ceprte-the Jisdge'a lete c'r . Vrerbum rat s apieast( Hou> Ptasxaay.-r.Darwin Kentiiffers for sle, la ethor cohoms, the vateablo lova properl, owacd b, hq;u iiby. For residences and builinig purposesthero ta ne motoreleigible preperly vitabiqîbe tomits of abs corporation. The tlesnou paymoîaiev rieryliberal, exlcodi f g iver s perlod ecf aearhy (ens- yemre, ix per cent interestl.-Mc. Kent alsec oies-s focra*th. rainalil. (sirmcenpoied of the nort&sbaif of lt 17 las the 4th concession of Wiiby, BeOOs Putz.-kr. Allia a dvrtioesthe receipl,direcî frce iglamal, of 10,006 ccli wrbich h.oalertimscieeper rates than @*r 1belore. v- Nc. Geard. offene 10tooiiioompt HIrAM ma"YS it'bat ayiog, liscm lcg te madec. miats, Troy, N. Y. Se, their alhoclià, metle u ntei l in nlathia raper. 5Barra.WisiTss- us TUM Pu.uîxs.-À de- &Paictcnrm ahe -vit a ays Ilim tIe pust oiter an ahe plains bas bocensnetfn-. precealsateu eeeiny. Thunsanda of catils berme. saenu#, aal scoe fii(millas, hbaro perisheal niaS cou mad banger. The stations oa the avenlanal maillins have boee kepa sapplical oitb provisions ai grea coat anal labos-, theo mcinluman, Places nadeting tb. roada impammablo <ormites. la ah. sicidi, cf Salt akettCity htha br- niometer rangaut fs-un 33 degreca le 40 dligs-ecm bbov ow eofoi scierai dalssduring Mrcb.' C:4.. Ie congraînisie eus- frisait Mr. George Gardon, son et Wm. Gordon Etq., et Bayside, oa the successful mannen la whicli h. pasieal the militar abhoul, ani* obtainedu is second ciams certificate. United gBîates. STr. Loris, Aprii 8-A speci to lte Democratsasys liaI about5,400s iouxIno- dhana s-aur- ampeul about th . t«Htusiles trant Fort Sassit-i. Tise (row Wliood, Pa- gairs, Urosentres sud Siou b ave made penscea mnu;hemhelreshial joiiedin IcagileaOssisttftise wbitis.f'hocotfede- nation wyul ingo wtin agd licismtes, 'ri*e>' su>'tIse maltes i*pp occupicd thein only huisttisig grounul, ad ttat dcafl i;t iicritable as-d alsey pre~r1eit!s lubattle rutises-tissu iy stsriaMJb,. Ticcommnd- at tfFort Siniti d6ubla is biiity' lu iold lhc position, u a tlu tio;agislt ti f ncinfoncesitrnî do oIt ansive sian ho will cosue to ua rk's $l 'lie Hlena itrald notices thl(clof a ceusas-k b1,1 luis-eatcor lu tisaI vicinity iviicllttu>#up ltse lavu cquai ,tea.m tisuusnt g4i itiners. 'Tie towo of Dtic Sooeoplposite Viaks-bîrg wss sntd4inly insudateul a few days sitsce*% ania frosi ciglîtytaraeehuud-cl negrnoe' wa're dsowned'i. Tise peupla -of ViakAbsacg tstsneaoi ffdstik tuareliera tie peur acsistres,buit aould euh's-cadti sualis s iusd ablalurd tlampnas-sy plarsof satet>'. 'rie tovas as exalassivel>' ocaupiad by negnues. Nzw Yassac, prii 9. Tho Stephe-n'ie loing o uttisaFeulais,, lu titis ait>' tisougi tiais- 0. E. F. B. hina icsiet notises op. puai Il on boaii of ours- ssllanng cotints-j." Mos-e muney, ansd mos-e mesnus-c mantecu, puriculurly tic former. WA511sTsuuicu, Aprsil 9-Tic Sonate laIe liaiaternoon, -taiter su claies-ste Jebute raîified tua Ilusc;ian dianiaan treat>', 7 vetlus obiag iriithe negutire. The taretcen Us-al hiuuuatecn rosfecd lha bas- tit mesuitg and asecoal laInlusdson rivas- oh' pies- No. 4. The largp thcee-totr.brick building ce. Cepie u à s atcocy by the Bovmalv'iÎe Farniture maeufactcnlng CoMuaY, vitb 19s ceulenta, liicluding ýmaciner,, verk. mentit teolà, unflilaheul <siriture, k&., te-. geth.r wth ài pbgotenËïg, pslaîlug mlop, andl a lacg.'qnaastity cf vahuabie lumbet more deetrayeal b, ire cu Satucdmy eigbt. The 'office anal imrecowem oee sveal 'The fire is auppoaed te bar.ebeeun;,h. .00lypastialiy, issurol. Thiais tahe nice altasfoîré labu taer coeid îbere, aud bj tt 130' persona are lbnoou oie fj Imljpét aLafipresamea th~e Companyj vil relinilal atoncc. helal hiA7 aPnaais:n, gFïSrcte and ah. Prno$.' aia govecuacat lsackcê by the obole cf Gýermn, firml osbtaut.o1h. atràafer of the T>ncb, ta Franc. The Ringof iai-' lamnd bas wiibdcawm <rom aiay'fort ber mêgo ihations 'en the anject. The Frenchb Bm-r peror tuits thut bis propositions shàid, 1ha- carnleal outanal tb. Ircaty, onipleieal. Tbe ,national pride of' Fac a endcl voaundeal, ana a vil a aai-prusmain feeling baUseizéd, thé* coury. Mesantimie' ohite the dispute f. pendsvg, botab Prulia andt France are miaki'ng ïmulita-rprepuraics.1 This ethcaeaiaigtate 'ai affaira ta 'theI cause cf-the -finaneiÀsi-panie, vhica nDov ,exista iu London, 1Parisand'ual l lhe pria. cipi commes.cii centres ot Europe,. ,ý London, April 9, 2 p. m.-Tbe. liberal Para, ia ahe Houeai' or Commuaisba s plit on ahe cefo 'nri question., latis nov ahougha that the Derby goverment la sare. Dublin, April 9.-;Thtieis o f the Penian pnisoueru on tb. charge of bigh trea ocmmeaccd lbera yc.aaerday, but- wcre to-day pastpoued outil the 22rd iuat. The prisuer Maaaey bas aunacalQucan'. Dy.inw 1No. 141. Thora bas been te mach noise mmdc, lu and ouat'of the Conucli, rcapeccing tSis by.lam, No. 141, tISs u îdeeinil Ordut, la la, a comples. cep, of the document. betare tho catepayora of the owOOs80 lai ta oumble thasu the more aheroaghhy te nndurstnd the discui3sion of the subjeca, Wifercsitiis deuucdexpndien ta ps-o, vide tirthe inuannser li wlsich tise innis granaWuby tlais corporaton forn caiirs asd iuaiîroreîtlcsts oun Dundis, Broc-k sud îticliuuîl areets, aud pu tIse Basec-li, and in tise severai wactis m,îauid be ex- pandc.d. Tîsesefuce, the cor-poation ufthlie Town of WhIit)y cncIs uns fulloirs, 1. Tisat a cummiitea, composcd of a inesubes P. om cii s-Jar, shahl bc uppuint4 cul unnualli' bi't-lie ceunail, ahie muid cuumittce (aone ofthticisalvea ieing calir, mai) shah be kasaîn as the standing coins' onateea strects and improrements. 2. Tisa th. atorcsaid cosinîaise abll have lIhe auairc supervi:sion assil contrai of tlisa higimmys, sicewniks, Iillges aud ars.-Sîg,oest> und.ii, Breoa ndlRichmonud sas-cetaasd tkc Base El n oI>, anad tisa aie appropriation (rasastise taisn lundi, !nade Iy aise council fos-tise repaissasd isuprovuaments et raid Sas-ceas, 1sidealktt, crosasingm, &c., shahi be expcn.ded t.y sulul cousanittea fur thsat pus-posa. 3. ltItise members ut cadi mural shahl fus-nua conunittan. ant'shall bu kuovu ns wrard ceaisittecs, ahse mem'bers oethle standing .ite ta bechlir of this neSpeatiro me cosumibtea, Jual tIse eîPIoraitions ado by e council te cac-i of ltee ' v ws hitbc expenul- cd b>' the seid tva - mitee3 lu repais- iîîg and ilaxarovlu ' abs-elts anid side- staiki mithin lbh ai lotionsof aicdifet lise siaid wars, 4. ha ' ia l al b. bc t lasly of lihe treuunas- o lat corporation 'open an9 mccuuîit, tise Stansding ce iateo on4 streat Jianpnreunes'ts, sud alfa ith 1 c Cc f lise irs-J aîînuitteas tnforsid,1 plsa ng lise amounts greulod by the ce'- 1 cilfu th aietcf tlie before nszncd coul.1 isittees te aisair croula, assaute ta " eut of9 tiso masniea s i i asdx, fer, tisapus-posas inîtenuleu, ait ondes-i sugucal b>'fliceala-t mn-ouff asfti'etise t!u cotlittWes,- anal te cherge thoe ga miti aie pria, ut ail ssîutcsiai uscd ta tise aciuount ef fli.cernm- nsittetram mhijci lie ondes- amanates sud by is-hunisuai matoasli anýbccn assau. 5. Thasuet- an Icauser afusesaid.allhat la nu case pay ssii' rdar frej in ay uottise suld cemmiiaces asila excedo ln asouail tisa balance s4iceaiag ta t-lais-cradit.-, 6. '1itiaie stanuding counaittea, as-rlise dlierasît mas-Jcosasmiltees &hall uat att au, time expend mornies-o dims-lun r.uuey ort usaîcrial t-han thse auaouîaa cpportiossed tet t-bea bytho acuncil.' l 7. Tisai taeTreteurer i tIste fis-st meet- ing- ef t-hocounail, lai Bacioer n, uceci yari- sisa hiroug - ils wocsiiip 'tIse1 MaIyar la4'upon thlise lee>a staeiaczatm Slaowlsî tise ameoutisgrunleillue ech'ofet tise Rio , aid couuaiittecs villatheis- ex-, penatituco and smcd alias- inforaetiosnas; lie ssay deem necessec> for tho council le bu -l;s possasiasof. Towaeship Connaît ol VJslby. cor- ,,mae v rseeffve cisc..if *erioa.Caric, udcouait adjourueo *ei Unltcd>11onrd ut r nsmmnandt Cons TownHilorssaby i cav omp Tueida7 evecng pril 29, î18G75fottowtug auIw The regnlsr. monthl, meeting of h rt sous ,fe > Board look place on ,-Tucaday .veuning at. year 1861, as Thle chisiman, G-. H. Dartscil, 'Eîq., loIt 1864, she choir aa'eight o'clock,, andth ibolis- ink vere tbeother' iembers of the Board p'sto. ps-osent, Dr.,Guna, (ii#Yer,) Mtss-s. Acigcss e: iiasprc Bav, Yitom McalnclFraser, Ferry, Acenij nlupror ciegg ii m indsslfool. ' 'Vle ,in ThsýmIartea af lai metiôii bav.-beea Accea ut mi wh read altal uprorcal, the ehiairman laid b8 'r1aîî1ele doa (rom which- la appenreal >tha'. the-total oa the register etaImllah. schools oas >542,ý sud thie t 'otal iversge of ýupiIs, 390. Tbe reporïtîiàtea abat ia the nionti or blaicb, 1860, the -average aiteudaîsce ovu336, sheviug aherofure a Juil, aver-age of 54 morethinlait yéar. *The averesan îtenal. sce, per cent, for -ther pait,-aiauth, in set dows mt 2 -duciug February'la vt as 75; sie decroase, lu the bead imstter-Mlr. Kicbland'a- apinion, beiisg owing 10 lbe large number 'aic- wi.h meaica, The. average ataciendaco, per cent., fouir ae sachool, ilgivea thug :--Grammks- achool. 96; Heury, atreca--Third division, 75 j' second division, 74; Firat division, 60O; Jobnneainet,-69-; Anderaon as-es, 57. -The Tbe report coneludea with thiqbasement that the average tattendance in e cli achool lsbouldnot b. lois than 85 p'er cenI. aItE. Mut. MO.WA LECTURE,. The cbuiroesn rea -ca omnsunicaliou (rrom bimmal( tu abes Busral, wich the infor mation that the Rief. the Loae!Supes-in. tendent deiiveced au addrs -toas meeting, *hetd in abe Town ball, ontheIbm29sh ulio. ;1 Tha s cesoution vas cars-led uamîim>.usly rcaurnissg the taaubaof tho meeliug ta the Ref. Local Sapernutendent, for bis abl. lere, ad tasahi ho r~eaalu banal the smre an ahe chais-aea, viLl-a a iem au, its publicaition.- The chairmo'n aIse lufocrmeutthe Boardu thsat he had gauted no ordu-ri, dtcitlg the Aes aof ui-b l'3i tj0 189.0-35 Bisiliset ...... 73, 1 l 3,115,170 91u,, o0"f'e...1....7 1, m75 23--, W 1 1 'IeLt ...... 76, SI 2,7.48 AcreÀ? ...... 695 44,4v1 itititlih, .........,iu$s 8J2 .4.ie. t0 di)..........7a:,'ils 23O2C,72 Acits t-alp......dut .,2 Tbo contrast beimeca Now York SBle sud Cnada, os nffSded byaeeausia, laà ver,.favurabl. e $ n:I, Tith far leua oultolem. improvea l and,, and lese Vruofetiraplceentar fc armera taon OuI- fas- more fail oat,cps-issg obeat,psa noir,tarnipe, &0. 0f lniir-,ocon, s7C, sud puîatoes,tbe Nlii orkurs rther tille the laasd, uni ahe, are al,uo eutdowna5asdo. iîn- ocin-barle, lin the abo,0 table. But the burt., crap bas lied an -immenne in- creuse lu UpjacrCanada since 1861, and we bave uifle Joubtt isat aur ucxt Cenans eh how, $hat wOc nov rul e ar al l'.cn Nem Yack daes. Ai w qualiîy, Ie (cccl, ndmitaedi y.the Americans then-_ silice liaIire rtie athe heat harle, 10 b. had-on ahe continent. Th. higIser price paud-for-our barlc, fuiiy sateats ibis tact. On. ut the mosa graaifling featoires . the aboie campprisun b tb. tact Ibat ont lands yirld mus-e, per mes-e, tien tho.. of New Yock Siame. 0< (al hibeut New Yuork omwedl innme 29,000cres of ah. breadsb sawin luCanada Wcsî, but vs recped over 2,000,000 bualicla more thaa tba, dii.The average quanat, cf et sle ruised by ne lun'1861 ms Inly more than 31 nhela per acre-but Nw Yark enly aiveregeald 17 buebels per acre 1 f As vili hmuseacc br refes-ence te thec table, Nev YorIt reàpeal 19,053,19à baiels ef cati fruni 1, 100,565 acres soin, whist Onr Westtrn-farmurs, (rani 678,337 acres, took otf n least Ilan 21,220,874 bashels i Thi. (mci, cf lascif, speebe volume. for tb. fer- luit, ot Canadien sait. The ornait, uantity of turnips ralacallu -Nov; Yark'appeara àsingulr- eus-returas heing 18,206,850 bbsiscs k sainst 1,282-388.- TsLint ah. reors&l aill ,they indicate pretty clear. lY abat car (armera 'bave nathing le ene, in the Emàpire Bastle,, analsthat elîhers regards excellent saoit or good farming, we c 1an fsvos-ably compare With onr' ueighboru, -Tradé e CZÎc, acRuet MAKucÇAEUZTcv. Dr. OiG nuru'ponteut frai the cammittee an achool managé-ment, and, en motioni ahe Buard vena insu comiîtuse îheron-Mdr, Wilson la the chair. The report neconi- mendad the adoption of certain, forma for yackl, and meonîbil, sciaus repas-us. ACter a toim'word. ut explanatian (nom Dr;. «nn, that ther oae saietilgi coancîcal wiah tbe (os-ms, liant vonilreqàis- labh fus-tisr 'cunsuda-esl, tbbcoammîtta os-se, nepnse ps-ogrS-a, anal obiaitsod Ibave ta. ait agabun. Nus-OTCEOF MOTIO-BsttaAiltanAMSAD Mr. P.fcdoueil gave notice t'bat 'hoiefonial ntI b. next meeting -af Ibe, Board,' mure ah. (ollootng resolution : Whes-cu lais do. ais-ahi. tue Crnis in l the sebuais, a cous-se of commun ahuol studios, lu -accandesan wiîb ah.ý programme laid doua b, the Board of Public tnstrnction :-heafore, lin it rusolrad, that ah.eas-ganizalun nov- ln tas-c'. in the saboule, ho se for modified aw te fuhty acaumplisi ahi. objoct, the sume being iu compliie i lithb.ps-avisions et the achoul sets out Upper Canada. <* 1On motion cf Mc., Muedoneli secondeit b, Capttasin liom,, a reuniaa pasisal, dl- rcting ibmhes-etary te0 natif7 membece of tisÉ Boardu, ut heat ire. dayâ é'foe ah. assît mroai2g.10umovlug, hi. nesolu. tion, Ms-. Madielisaial that ho ioaa de. ho f afrunl meetbug, n der te discutae 1t o-*Iti~ f mui ianobau!dgiven nu. ilce, inaismo4h ai ie dosicei t mikiug'eai aie rou i be union, sud that auci os tho eibeq< s récealutiona. Mc Fn Frrecoualeal iy.Ms-. Ciegg, maveal Ihatthlb.teachesaoetJohn, Hensy, andl Anales-son 'sîneets sehu.ols, lie ecequsceal te, colle t a ra*ebili et $L,2.5, per quas-tar, on ai non-resideul pupils aateudiug'aheir respectivoe chuals, sait assra ah. number of pupils sud the ametnI coilecteal muntbî, le the Bourd, sud t-batah. résolution bc rétrospective. Mr, Frasern atucal hai thia qestion ldIsai bec ronglia up &mnie ime. mga, but uhat no action Wbcheentabea ou it. Is was mcli hnuvu ,thatms-ai non,. cesadeat pupila mtaeaded tie scbIoohse ,jana $Omo décison t'n the ubjeet mua neces- sac,, Tho coul0the7tbtoin aveîa1ed, peri ycac, pet. pipil, as near as miy ,,' $5 ut Municipal lax. anal l u u t'i igis at s t-home obo pailicipateal la theadrantages - ofet b scisocoshoalal pus onetàing for i Captais Rorc anggcfcd the collecaion et Iboe s-tqbili ta.adr4use,' )Y iliOisauds. ifallen Myttee C, April ti.- afacs-nuoou, a Tacculla Eàrthqn:tkeag ITytelessi. Ou Tharad>lb. teGui, lb. veather Wsa haro CIO anal unnvboliseely bot ; but,' as ii neral t h.ecase vjtisthe Sentis olnd ohici, ahditeibluîting for- nome lime, mths5 vwu tbongbî or 1*, l.sa ef ail vWai theiran, fes eoS waIt oilowed. Thabvofcaule, as' in' proyei t hle anumoronaSut apringi,, the iinalbas-not Joning the ps-alunI gon eralion been iriaitoal b, ueas-ahqisake; it osanov, isomever, te harvo'a ses-s ibie oxporieace of the pies. - amessom. About 6 P. ns. a sharp uoeb laating somo fifieen er- elghîea seconda, vibrateal thronsgh ah. loin, anal bieor. the tmct mas weil resîlieal va. foilooed by a second, longes- anal mecitmoeeviolenone.ms, [Isappenedal sathc mo ment ta -bu doms at the pies- af tbe Auats-ia 'Lludaageney, and noani, liait s'minute i>f*o the &bock vu ast eldonshore sus' the aes heave suad toani out ini lb. port ai ifsa suhmarine ex-' piosiosi bual laIton place, Little lime$ iowevrer, vos tufa for sprise. Io much lau is beaLsatino awrite the doubto tbrihi quivcrcd t-hbcoigb 'the town, amat radlin5 ibec drunlaca menp, mloe blocha of sélial slene bonuss ohimaed ai if îhey imal heen canal hanses., l'hé eccsof the agonayanal casly mli lb. sdjubafcg hlu. ingi,. inciodini 1h. cusitom ipose, the ilgb.. bouse ourne,anal lb. largeoit1 miii tisa (al, ÙUp la lb. loin enaire mreela sisi- anly cs-umbled, buring ahe ibaiblauga sy bondreda in th. vains. The fEne aId cash., the cathedrai, th~e gcvecnor's bleui, tise prison, the masques, final1I boitas. ail tise comslar residenccs. troue ur -lm .viii.-e -j' Coieps-vs-in ierci rnmises occtipicd 10Y y otIcl, sud the uodten ai coprage fro'm Armets IBu4's Lune, were sous lu essterly wiusd vus blo sud the wole itock. in -bet Exchange aJ anl; -offes, and aise provisio 1fo4an on thc Oppos&ite rîment; danger., lite carly on tIs ot, Iut Bome lime befître tic wt tII ir dial the- efforts of- fuiitle-Sa.tlwvetise Itp the ravages ait had ni ls s inally cxtingui.heý 5 ; thcengrini of tise tIre urns is insuredlin thc' MgauneeCompany Ceaireflad a large 4uai In Store, wlsich mare neo caceledl tingetting neuînly eut, liIi o"s iii bc tr isolly lu inaured- for a gm Tao0ýBLs in£ tasmil -The- emlming disticts ci iiw à disatrbed sste on ,*mon- the miterî. la seuions outbucak4bhaw ôlne cm onthe requis 4.%e'bece ardeiau nale ',àdy 1t' mcl siaull- il] fabud inseffiaiesîtoi rei otrages lime latel, l s.viciait, cf tb.h 0 sininallupas-tins. 'ethie' DUIZKELD.-CASTI fast., b, ahe. Bre. Mn. ManSe, Uxirilge WiiI &cils ta Cas-olineCastor 'April Sîi,- Keanaîb IMc, cf Dama-as-, British 4 51 Yeaca anal 2 mauds. 4 rears aut j 8 months. k DETT.S.-At Welan , ar s. Lydia Bette, celiet Sett, sgcd 74 yea-s. SI -erl, seableca -in 1h. lava -Sud. Pickerinag. lise fliit iast', noconnmp daughte ; of Sanel Soni, WhiibyIMOT - Wbilby, Peuiay....... Oaes.--- -- Oms ............. B.............. APoIlel.. nte........... Wood. Db......... oo ........... 4, i

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