$W'MoaIIy tn1loi i u popl$ocd o.êetarltv. Ap- douth wlQ< $5e 0 ILON kSA BPON B GUM MOUIUIIn. 'c" . . neBuiPSOIC Toronto, Joliy£0,18!. U t1ONTY CFJWWN ATTORNEY POU ON- V Jtavio, U u(iliter and t Atoiney4t.14*4 Bo loi'T lsnory 1osV7 I'nltie, *. o sel igtel#W', New Biidlug, Dondon B UglITICR, ATTOMIEY, CONVETAII, B@*T, DOPUtY XêiBtVMUX»415îrtM4i- Iotat. OO I JARV It - £0909T . ORDoNâ IB A RITIRttt ATTORIRY AT.TLAW, Wblîbsit 0 W. . 1. FAIIAN SQ4OlT8 T£RAIT PUANDBLIC Is. h O.lssws, C. W. * W. If. I3I LIB . d eoLiCt'r?, . ,h , . TIkSuIIooVBI laLaw Ofioêto nht*tl3 LU. Ohiimhers,, gr one Door southe.1 the *histry o.~a IW Ifby, $81?. 2s"1862. CIIARLES C. RELLEI,- IL J. JIACDONEL1,. Jule,., &o., aWhiNOObv AOl No~~tdrrpl.Aéî. ce oancer, *. 0,#, itylc. ton.,Ilote ris'. 44k ANqDUIEW F. Repnlgi EON.- Bltît4TItî AND A'ft)RNZY-,&T-LAW j,, ibo ltCleauosry, &o. oF7i<ng-Dunua$ tract, 8 doors west of Whtby, la". 27, 1944. 251 ,tCIMIIAN& kCOCIIIANE. oon sw-vVO-OpieiTown CiI,,1VCrown AttornPly. [j MUg. C. A- JOITHII, ]Bimristertsolicitor lit Ulîuuceiy, Ate . ormeyq,à ce., &c. OFJIIY.Next dour to ti,.e egzlotry Orner WIiiiy.41 ly W. IH.MTfrOLE9 solieltor. d&a., au<., J. El. FAIIiIWI4Lt., LL. », R.Je~ B1. A., Attorlioy-at liawr'lct.I-bue, Con- teîn&o. ie. >l-Sisoo Atrect, Norths of h. o ot Offleo, >shsVal 0 W. 40 LYMANE¶L IL L11.0 BMIIUI9TER AT L&W, Sollitot lnu (bsu.. ]Bcry ovpyttcer, A(., &o. Ilsuos$t~optO8iO ti.Lof ie., 0Q1swa. 40 i>111-,'fANi 1Y, h 1 éoN"EANmi NOt -- 12 SilIt4ECN ')Tllvle (100114,Y OAOL A. i'AI itrée, 91143111ANT TAILOIL, 31100K 81IEET VILOIfASI USTON, TOWW CLEILK «TIIEA9UMI<t, WIIUTSY T ~~lit -ihouri 9Wtai1'aclik A&TIINIION k à -O$WgILL, AtitsTERlt'. Kin% racret, a8 ors East of B I 9rtit riet, Toronto. 45 ARUIBALD DARKISit )ItKl Ai VILTLAG E, C. W-, OFFICIAL Sliioefeork sud Ontario, Notsr rAf.pp«ixi!l )IVglbNCOURT.- T UB aboi Oteleteted at Port Whltby, pL - .à ItteS isP ln tr,.uîst90 le ><or Ibe se- L £0tuu,ofn ~ botii vistoti sud bosidaru. flots goiuq, witiz earei tuu tioe, ualviwyu bu <oud. Good sitablii. en$lceud vende, sud Atentive W M.BOYSTON baga (o 'uforin tie ln. haiat o oh !tiaI>'o<Vietorlsan,3 su-rndigOutie, htis huop0bed the. glote! ounWIlliam Street lat.1y ocuplea by Juvstt,asud tas lias i*ahd st filtsd.15 umh- .5 ta trot syevfin IhiSd oeryeonvc. ulen.. W neeî, Liqgors sud QGgsr of thse boat q4*flty.- SM' aà natlvo tiv elet* slwayl la o aubie. UXBRIDGE HOU-SEý lsAAà Cl FENTON, B TI* Fog ; n re p nc o r. ALBION HO TEL. JAMES BLACIK, . WsJTitl'serox THIOMAS TOTf XItDÂLE, Proprietoi. <RrIS Hlotel lies Itas been thorostgltly renoý- 1Vus o, t table ,ssd lbar alvitys stihplisdl ,wllh1 béua'et. <ood accoimmodâtiou for1prik. vat. borders sud gutesis. REVEaRE HOUS£, E. PLA14K, - - Proprietor. lot""ge sd <rom Wbtb7 oel dally. Eîel-y oattentiots puiS We gqlest.. Carifai sudatten- ACCO étant, LaÉÂi sud Geioeral Agenit, AND NoTARY PUBLIC. IM' Office loitPeter ,'trest, *ue doornuorth of Mr. tieails'.Drug atore. Wld satd liuîprovod Ferma lutise counties of trtarî. sund Iimeos for @sale. N B. Colleetlonu attendeS We sud prompt reaittauce. umade, -ligEnENCES ,.- lio. !.b llcPlton, M. L. C , llo7Johu glmaon, M. L. C.,flIon. Georgil Fravfor.i, M. L. (., M. C. Vasuron, FA tq.,. C., M. P. P., Angue Mori;on, Eq, M. .PIl. .Unnxford, Yiaq.. Il. 1P. Il., T. DMeConkel' Eoq. M.Il, P'., Johin Iom l'rry, F..q., WiJthy; sud à 5- Wor. Baorrioe eamlaiee, Vaadlan Peu, Lindoay, AlîS iVlltbY CnI10oîtloîu. 71 l PRINGLES HOTELI. (LAT£ WUUN*'$,) KING STRgET, OSHÀ W-. JAMES PR9INGLE, GLOBE IIOTEL rn LE abois wat ni uw,oId oatablled J.Itotel si! pu'enloeosliae aien îotireiiied by tseitisubc, ere bo vilii lways lbe i tu un <til,îsuuiroody lu allend persongly t3 tho vanta oft iii.gueula, S&a. Tbl, roliiaoeo haie besu eonveientiy sud cosnfotably ftted up 1 peinted, ipapered, &o.. wltlî oleteria oh' ofi valuho wauh sud overy modernItnproiceuitto niaie lthaïi'rsvlieî q Nfotice to Parmera ,and Others ly Proc?, by gallon or bartai; MONitnghWsî'sq 1lulvii, do. do.; laples'. £xtta Bectified Whgiska, Bd oboit Port. seorry sud Cogffao Brndy or thespack; w ith as hsi oi Lîqttoruasîd <3gari of tise liet brandi. AttentiveOuî!6rs, sud lorsoeut'o lire. A. ALEXÂ?AlDzfl. Brookilu, Jas.21tlt, 1 48, 4 ONTARIO ROTEM WHITBY. C. DAWES - -- PROPRTHOE, duperlor augommnodaîiouu. Caref'sl allen- tion tiste reqnsremsul. of travelers sud ootiers01 irasanlib îcadyl VICTORIA HOUSE, Pnasis UvauxrwH1737 drain lp a peut nluy blinis beofoe liter wiii PÀ"sdup tapiltk, evnforabriet terioS oof f l'd.,-ZallCrvarde reqeire W bueeubtnliy wnur.' A -Elit.ssp htseus- tofgeilier vii, isMMsPis4t sud uuyluldig etneui, adSFt e- t ea lt. re t. thée toile a éolidtit, à pou'.! sudsa lengthiau punliy of illao, euis on WtauoySquare pliaao uow msiufaet =e' Seut'd le introduoed, giviug a Vary decp basa ,oend eotteyîng more tissu double tits huma- tin 4 u ordiuenr ouu.jin boaid ïtthoieeat sud jioer luthlitoitd. Baer, tise *unLg-o riting lu flitegroc.ve, by wileii Itla1 kept O-eeus'ly flstonsd, blintair- log afres sud .o"id vibrationu, thli. Alsofire. ieuba varpieg,vitseîu ýitojt pianosrlabeW legs, 14 aivays boi sg elnlliy, whioîber ltea flourie looto!oruo, preveutnl u ayratiotg stre,ai oit as voul;i lie fiaible tW deisau luètru'upîîi'c>lhsgntolur Jeta Tisegroovod bar of' be oiteco osio. heoretoforc reforred te, piaccthe 16tis on<15 euttiy lun teé xtede,-î b, sousrd 'nosn il rebéltliin ugreates- paui>, rove, ioe.îii. sudS uoldiy otoue hIlintu iaIofthe iiros.eltd9 vlsleh lan'ogit eud tdiortiuerlus coMptiajots. M iesroonnu iwîore ofée oift ,si esau u cesetot blie i.tsad usht rasi flse t tisai rire» 1 y imjns ou le seproducs.tiosn of*a aveî tbard-toi.îesh n-mI gl'tSe li ths btter lis thsory 1 <lo or seoa,,atW tlecide upon ,tts;l li. c' ol ite two'formes lu pelpabis tW srery eer-4-cssrsuuai or uilenrod. A nusubenofiklos i Sue et 1,ttronnus, al vitit tlie-abee paeitied lsuj'rovolesnai, ti being' manufusturer uv exî.*enneel orkmeu5 meut ioi tue ToWp or W niruY, end viliie fin 10.4ez by ite 10"h 00 Novettibsi nue Ii te lte lm eee-of- ai .-wiilot- < f4 bisete - tiîir exceelcitee and isyprclea,rlsuper inity Ciletiit.er iumtuioctto b>' xamliulîtg for Tise beat Musiciens of h'Ie Province bave mien titoir oplisioti tIsat for "Sunrebiiity oh' con- stnnctlost, stnsssgtils efsolisi, sud elegasses ai baiîae oluis Ostyle o! Pliano itaidis U11usVÂLEso!' ThéIbeilbriiser hlies sgrent nufftbtr of 'Tet- montais, whilci lite Sors not ttisissisnecSloq tW publiel0A It e lstiture Manufacturera puli off On tlîo PtbliltielsrIninlrstrsuents tbroneh teeiuîoultuobtgilod front muictinsofor vhieb tf.gi" an eulialeuî.Tisie prscdee shouta b. di.acon ci . atd hInsJutrumsentl it.lftae fiset,, beai. A u £lPao.nt isteid fulascel oi Ihocs nrtlkutee ,a great mnay pensons gnstiiîg ss'.citlcotimtouleio kuow tnotlio o tie pritsipi, eof lie construction of' Pianto Fort",soni ore ceossequuutlly nu judges u de- cie vîtlo li aîyfinuceaor ecrtiuty. Eiery i»tusîlneli uultjt'todtW' tise inot thoroag i out,, befono levhsg (huwerkroons. liolsîist bin utore Firotl foiaiProvincial iliilitons tison any oter Masnfa«lungnsine my ruoideiseo ln tise Cut'tr y, 1 in deternined te ksrp lIse rsputatlon w hlch 1 hâuve»afnrtneî- lted 4>'tumuiug out thi est srtlien myllu.. il . . RAIREIR, W.IIITN W', C. W. blIlLLINER, &c. act . l;siiiiv lnrmo lu- s dies, and lise publie, tiit ihe 1%- pr;ejpr o eitie ail or- sud reisooa'e. lAios 'ani - g&ouîî imeot'. feit anS atreir bats elcaiteti, ho, aiso cali work lu sis on ltsesitotext-lio- NEW CARRIAGE AND. Waggon Shop S AmUF-L WALKLY Io proneS te menu- "ieel ta Worties, #11 i liti'oç o ARA GES & WAGGONS, raZpaiiig 'i«*tlj and promptly gar Thie oooreolFait; cfMn. Wol Lui ni store. DanS.. lit., Wi,.tby. Wilstby, Jan., lotis. 1890 DIVISION COURS FOR TUE, COIJNT Y 0F ONTARtIo. No. , WhW'y, .... AUil lot, 1907, 9, 2,fickenu . . .' 2nd, ' 8, Pni~ A bet. .MaistY , *z. RURNIIAM, Whilby, Mar. 13, 1007. dg# o ALEION HOT-lEL. zATMAâ T Sc qùtgI, ToJIONTo, TRE LIVERPOOI. & L"ïONDON, ...TA ..............$J,0~0 INVESED FUNUS,. 15,20.. ESTINATED ANNUAL RI..: FIJNDS INVESTED IN CA. NADA ., .......- 800,000 CANADA BoiC to rDisemoTII. T. B. A inVTIOeO!t, Ket., Chainmnen, (Proldont of' thé Ba,,ik aofM',utrei). Atx. , Soteow, E,,l., Dpt-kimn (Cliusn 4",îtrlo BMn .) ommrai O s, q, (Manager Outaro Banik.) X, . Hrima, Esq., (General Msnager BinE of mont#ca1.) O.Y V uta Eedent screty. 7l1 isumodt,'1 oiles grontsd on @Very detlpilon of' Property sItiihe lowest Viunu.- retiérate%. Loa..cs sdjust.d assoou as eatk*facWrlly provred. LF. or Nô extra tbarge <or Mltary serice lu u G 10110Arrth 0 beneftof Wifteor dren are v.ecnre ot or-un e friltoo * ire Aa..urar.ee POliCle and Ansnitie-4 r Tablo!, ,pociaily adapteS W tise cirust- st ance. of' aIll gtisI. A11 Informaition lu holt lpaitînsts cati ho oelantd î,t the -t>11100% Ofbt osnpeUY su Mon- tral ,,d tbroughoul Vsnsda. L.FAIRBANKI Jt. Ageibt.,Whitby. 'ý <)ftcs-in the PI-ovniniaiTecorntphi' Oliebu lldincgnusatheRecgistry 011e. 18 TRE COMMUIRCIAL 1119101 CAPITALd- $2,5OOooo STG. (ITLLT 8UBSCRIBED.) INVESTEI> OVIn SZ00,Ot-1>E. P041T PUN IN 1<CANADA, $50,- 000. 19 sud 20 COrulsili. LAudon, O0110e (dnrlng rec.lin g80, Grav.e VbarciStreet, BON & Vo., ,,onersl Agent*, , AT puto ain. OLsecretary Ofice i8$85 kà 887, st. Paul streft, Muuttrouf. L. FAIRBAXXS, Js. Agent, Whitby. Ogto-XuProiasîaPoiclgroph v11ee Bu- ildIng. near lte ilesclitry.Ofiee. T, OHISIIOL M ULIIGST(N, 1P. b. S, InépectGr of' Agenies.. l8 I UANUE tCOMP F IFE &ANII lESO -capital T ILO S R N, CaIt 0 olu ecn Insu etaBullings, Liverpool. C'à wADn Biu O meuon Bildings, Motrial. WillatnMemlbona , !arman, Tlî.c'riiii Young,s.rnidi'gnn, LtOÂLA110%0 MOsatraneoeh Morrià ; MEIiOSAL An Wm. Ãtbterlend, IL. D. stinviro âmes§IL $pie tle, reuq. Aci 310o MAarsGroett,sis Id. ioois. 1108ul t ecnet nud<ce i Agfet-A Fonho Buildings, 6 lt. lia le Tayler Agent, hitby. <>mro-ln Prrovlucisi Toernaph OBu- IlIdltg, Dnut thte Itegiany Office. . 1 0 R 1IL L'h A. ilits trane!iinrg psltihaï;fie l e- ite i tiiove pirmisl, wà 0l es' I iii attend poroît 40 WWa"luu or' 1sia guestl" l'rqu, S Trtvefl i Wniorles svii li nS aulple se- colle 9f-là îionî quev«criatben* plitt isir 04lir wil>nviibce baud ito6ised wlth lt olloiccprî J.i'aulorle, Clrna, ho, lxirge léiî, st iniSa, sud stîsbing, Wiî Attentiveo oecoutostly oundi. THE IROIBSON BO19SE, ~ DUNKDAOISTRLEET, WIXITBY> cte~ GItOitZ ILOISUN,'roprleWr. THEuboelisar begs-tu annonoctil 6 îabon Tlleaod lise building fouter>Iy Ek Wht se Scripture'lhlotel, vhichhaos beseon t'sed, reh'uiMsliled,saitSfitttsSop thrgughsq.te lu tise nted. opposite tif ti ot cik',nss let tie-cen. (ns of thse Town, The siiluYomuibt» galel At e otai and thas stas or Uxbldge anSd &vert"ufiaie a 0 ç~ROBSONF. Whltby,1Itallois,; MONIEY-WLAX: M*ON IDy ho, oeg/ugood a tis C'JL en 1lin !etaTKN IOLII 2.I2moii. - - TPONAN QO2fItUSS.tO1~ INSUIIANCI, h G Wititby, han., luth il )MAN =ISON, Agent Wbl<Y. M(ER CHÂN7 'VIRAL AE Canada Ageney Âsseiationi OP LOA DON, ENGLANp, Rfave a lauge supply or' money b ond oun m arodeSY.srmo, jrfeyisaWoc-nnao For to on .ne, IIU'CW, MA V:9110atorb WItlF)y. 10 WIESTERN INSUUA C- ieOMPANY OF0 IG <U, LnI rzD), For Pire, Life and Marine# CAPITAL, Ni,001,ff0f, STERLING. eurry onwsç-7 'W~aterloo Place, bondou; 77 Jiulg El18t* lwieter.. cBAdik-qJ, Toiison Bihieit, Esq., M. P', ior Oldhisn, lioforin Club, London, and tb,<, Grangeo, *msatosi, nior Manchiester. Ov-SLILALb l ANAOEFR.-Artliur 1?crtch lo,- 'l., M. A., formeîiy Fotlov nsud tnle- riais lvcctsrCr.ue,'» collaes, VambridJp". iIfend-OIRee for B. N, A.. Ontario KiL.li, isurelssMiseet> Toroisto. 1 larine likm from lait AApril Wta Ob Iovcm- ber, uceeptcd ut lowlit t ue.. SCOTT & DËGRÂS9Y, * MangeqB. W. A CAPT. R. TIIOIIAS, MIhN AGNEW, Whtitby, liards 14, 1860. cst CLARK kVICKERY, - Poreos Beg mo,î repeetty 10 l'sorn lte lsltltu,- tant% s ite0 <.bity or' Ontario, tolat titey lui, Ise.ed thte abois premite. iutoiy occupi ed by Bondy l'rrne, wWch elî Ilo hilo uwly filrils,1 ed ass<l renovateol, atti l tey are prep;'red ta ircornusodate the traveling public. T'le Bar stocked wils tise bei-t iiqtoro aisé.cigarq,, eud an atteutivaoxotier alweyss lu atteudusseco. propriutor* Brookin, Apni!, 1844e. 19.17 Greatoat disco1eê?y cfthe l9th' Century f! 1 Pain ]Weltelet I Ntholit taking Mcdl. EÇgyptian 0 i1, XBLIIIVE& PAIN INSTANTLY. <len libe lige scece r e i lcine flrultiesssrd Oa te elllachue ir :, lusies ntuatted tisast *fi1 l e h ex . suipi t isarais lu bost te. 'a spt5dîty byypsris (0Y iAt vif.. 740 lougage osceaies- ur u s ateaddes ah ie lm. lisefiate d alina tea dislachansgewhish ts ea- eei tue#bhsen whearcsuu<eriitj. Pa'il,,a) Mutorion lwccrsetsiag, Olueppeani uader liaç i senlist wuteelrenieS', and Ibtise m =Ihritt liaes cti. e% or ko tuev etise werht. Nuo on. sllewithaa teuWholfis, w-l la once-los i(art. viserevor ite 1ta.Y5"t1A N 1>1I. ha' t-ri iareoc la bois e tii e usttpiiiut i ler pru,-iu-tulis -t- uins l'lt>'iata,îiguni'lc, ose frequctll- cucul ly a (ew liie.. No ag ohu ilenohm or Nesalois, biseuen des- res nte lple.,l'u mfas hu ienefauteal b>' Ih.apipt,. pan $iMItîern ftMire Thr.'ot. l'gs-ptssuOiCa luthe unIr reIl ' reiLthlsireuxun iusexlalietuce, I iAIreliere uhe trorieoaet tleaalaces mw.- Fos1'einclte i arn ehe Ita.oulstaut curn.. Udru>ex. cuit.. Woiyula. lioru'uatd $mrusyicl'l rent. à Ilsîs 0ts srmsaiOIa aauiing sud isesiiug Pr 4tea. atts-fsllsîOi. AIes0, citîlals, Intel ent EGVIM'AN UIt. caexRhpitia-stm,. NoXC le.a. Ouit't l>lpleriia Mare Tise.», Chelem. Behs itdî's. l',cvsrlsv.. ticie-. OItacscte. Twoiso"he, Esse-ie, ffiu he. si. lstnailt s isr flei.. is, outltan 'Imapt1. aaMtt.P.aqts ,aSe l'rarspen bou t ita procuire a hotie or tise F4gs-t top ii 01, ofte tb laveitaintS, onitutmels uter May s u e' soi. ul.lonits.i i hitis e tc. aeee' 'r attaaumiten. âve equeth.îs-maeueUl 'îre ine stuaeled l4 tise aigibt teu isdwite waltsstg tetC igrl uI R iius oelk xttully lunttnly ail Cv. an'io Vers- nuits- appsaad.e. Ste requirure tnucon- ,assuruinusii, In. Suis, cabresseica.o lt tuas- l t iten litie-mailî w'l Ise gresteesefeut-. in s s'nitbd lcitsitn tno itjorionuuIutta'tlle>t, eetoiasslrasteais- -adyn uo. esu Ouen amiers- entaI nunitr ta rcqulred s» pçsstlce Ibe o esred aeu. ,Aul euneessDrstgçu.t IFrI'ameruti$atsbas h. oasi ilte te mars vtae ii tsy - PÇ Of' VgPli"Dili. lullut- l ofh' ome o eh'tisorm a nov be- by Dqgimse D&W i seediciue eVorta. .TAS. IL GERI. Farm for Sale. FI11E soustli-oimes )sOres of' Lot No.02", là rj tise Oth couiesioti eh' thse -Ar LV CbERÉDI gtonf-lolandlu, euS good Cei1itage, A goot beanllez ronng e ard viti thte ulougeeani hstt! <utrees,?.tige barre 14%"..largo reera>' aabliu, foirlicnos, etlesud sheep. luttge otrav hIoue. dOxlO a twdoeod vetlis. snd, cOlt batar e'tstonnl, on thc ranslaiu. litiyftwit root ceiisr, atspS*îr>' reahtilite for of lthe nost compact And lu elveiy nepea tono eh' tiese utsl deiIble pmeisa iti tise CotIt>'ý -Thée o, ntbes.!ier orsab>' ltter (prel a itu p - 1 >I-1 Wiltby-, arelu 13h, lui. 1 te lie gil, v-bogau ta uposk of h'ie au- pneu. Meen vorid a4d unedrtisly visitauts. We 't-lPe taiketi over Bi t (bous lilugi; oue after ,._d adnotner euibered soine gle visicis atiS chargi ed rosi borrne'r 1ta ises îrendy teld. But viil- 'amougat lie, rny oncle da tlili kept- coulin siflente;onet inatentive, for hb. WAS listesa- con w iug atiitt>' ud ils inteset, but sittiug: t'on bock lin is. 05i7 clirf. gsziug dreamill>' its luto lb. noid glow Oh' tisele0 au exprssien lug of pain. and, sadines. abading 'usupi> bapipy cotnac.. ittgDi liO0, nacle Edrard," I1sMid," Yen bave Srîet been bl haié he, Uuî io, Ien muat bave beal' aeeeu a gisost dung Your vaut.eiig.- Cellini Wisat buccaucrs bave lien seena tlu lis Sig Spaulis MXaiudieebodietiaplsw pcs o ulpaet b>' lisir .graves ithe. tise 10.17 burebyor'du, .ulgis or issi'ioiuedomtpee tua>'0ro!ed ride lu tise foroae -cf erusauyrbecanie, brou, of' courus, you bave beei' venyvisoere,, sud dirsè muet bave soya iemoîising of Itiai nd." ýfor th dé Ne, w>' Sear Maggie," said ml 'uncleiý,,veut! dé I have senu uohiuug of he ise San 51 a miention2."tbol déWall, but yen bave moeu a g/tet!"' réaci crisS ILi tise cuglur-viccu. of' the 'aYes, uncle, de ot cneuor slory," saiS bois Il eutreatiughy. oustei 1 bave îraveled," iho $aid, "isMf>y"rosir lifetime, sud lspt' ise, muet desolte tise el places; aud aitiseugis I bave liveS-at timeole Ive a ver>' eclitar>' -lue, I bave but oxr aîory te m te tell. Once anS Oce.ou in lu ulite, ou ti vas I evor coueciouly lunlise proecce of pcasit wisat I <sautS net understanui 1tabe a living so le belng, sud yet 5mev not ta be certaai 'au wvas apparition." reoem "Oh, oncle, tell o. jour $tory. Wbat Wiels i. il 2wbat depeude tapon it 7visai bap. gons puinod <nom il 1" *sunvil à & De net taiSaaii et sf.,' o isesaS -Meul déuohiig bappenod, notiig came of il b. git W'iy 1 ihoitî d bave meen auytiig is sîraugemoerci -uitraugor oven tisan te iseugist luur." tisse "6But," ve criedpdi d4 youen a e a e ine gist Isp nller, 'é 1 de nott mev," vas tise répI>' anS taý his voico vas solomu snd distinct, Il ut liste ot MWv soehniug Once uin>y lite, sud <nom as th tisai time I neyer iten careloely 'wbat anS il le <alleS la gisesl @tory.' (ean "éOh, tell o s a it ill."shako il Weitiss," SaosaiS. '£tyou sisali isear. in sp Yen ma>' judgs for yearaelvea wlseîier il amr la credlibie. I oui>' ev tisaI, tsoghis ilYeDn happened te 'ne min>'ypars ago, tlil- tisedi ,proin u n>'ml md !eas vivid-nev au moao vison it eccurred, and, IbI lise liuo,it oins- rein cd me a great Seul of' pain anS perplezit>'. clifi' 6"Wben I1v ' boet 80 yoara cIS, en my>' istri rebuta (nom Dqa, Ireceivod an inviltulltio esioll ta vieil au cl 'friend wvisehlSnet long iecac been. marir@,-and vise usliving vus ' isatise- h vite in a remet oe part of Cortavalp about drater 30 miles (rom baud's Eud,..foond a' He baS cume inta bis estate vesy ne windi cenîl>', ou tisedeaîsth su inoncle, asu as >eta tise>' ere a ycnuig cople, ad usimch ai- mn>'ea tacheS W o asisutisn, tise>' did001 feol tise«tise si vaut of-aecieîy, -cer bis lenelineas oftise' vide situation. . a in dé Tise ceuntry roud vas ohie ver>' ferge, wildesi deicripinn. Tise greunuS. pened anS ou a long rouge ofehclis, borâening tise andS ses. There voire fev babitatiens vtisin turni min>' miles, culy ' . eighborIng village er tise' two, vith is lherene's bis caiernd ber£ -oec1 anS tisera. Tise ceat isaehf vas l'anteecinai dangeoes tO alow o et' on> nu>'beauutseal puthiug, ont teasea. val.t "Siseindi alo ne appeared te, flua s isee as ' among diese drear>' rocks; and oet.en bave vueI I witcsed-ise m belote a eternési uiîing on uocki the bigb cliffi, or ikimming aleug tise dor- suda fu fac ehie vaten. Yols Me>' il imagine <o i that on aucis atuiiprecis vire nu-, atinti meno, sud inua>' s ale bavIrlaitson' g'raS eS tevisite silt!iog asve are ünov, aoond 5q tise fit. at Treuswen Gau l- ire ubicis I vs 1 wu id-tisaI part o(h' ie country' oftosu cote. diate pose5 ef duift vood, tis emouse, lu afl Ses»- probabiiity, ofd'eme unisappy vomi ."e"'i lingui "&Tremoven Orngo vas.an olifaebîoÊ: loto i ceuntr>' houssa visiei, vitisont isving the rible1 slgitstelpreteiestiof gnattdre&orhaei about ilgb g stu air cf cosufont sund soidit>'. 1 soidlty. incise inSee5, vas ver oeeuuny, cousidedjng lt lu liy bisais and eipoee io uti.it l'l 19 ifi Agon boliow of h'ie clies rlceIl OtO o gnce from tbepvor;it of tisa veston>'ygales leavel b>' a Plantation of stouteS oak tree, wiose 66 guanoS sun& wliboned branches ettes te' ovo tisein loug resistsoeuté ouu e flore. opSamilitoi Ty end loverfl- ugGng- tiuepe.pO-'wnu fsimsdhltbyû b4 Dg 'rueks vas st leut brokop up sund b. isonleutto tako i i. pss-laps J1oig arb.db iln al fvn,~cm s tisé odjtawmilned- ubarledtheusepirit uSd ly (roquent -baill torms. TèeadsanateS the loaly-i.bôre-wlà esbu' bec t, i grev~w .a oà tormu, andtiheise s',t lten vendored, iubis yoetis. 13. Ilat #o -d inu pon tise'asore-tb. great vavees fimay; thé sppsitiin did moa agnetu vo- doiga l'nontide,, aud mial andioam'luna e - me, neftisêr. diS 1 ever boa, of îtg reuiug tise aky. Wboa ail baS reIiied! appearauée îê obietes. 'Of lise shl0ip tlie ulgse, Iligffl4 ry hanten, aud visicis tisapour yonug. fellow-vas ltx4,- mi tan usuel, Ilureugi lise'plantation to.' tbiatg wu ever isoarti. A' feu; plau"s-sud dat. bat, bq»h <anA t ifeuclt , verk 'figure-béaSd, wtS use Dame of- tse veaus sti ath ie vinS. - I aest wseod ooîise beach, voie ail ti vas, -ed _m> destination. On tlsree aides ever isnovst oh' ils fte. It *ust-havo ebuilding verevindova eue openiog perisbeti-ou its isomevard voyaï e--tifaf arda tise;sa. 1 at Sevu ln my>' 5- frcm.itse-stuinations, iu oue of'Ibosfrigish. gmed ooatl sad liet.uodlte (lue Jucanie fui gales wihi baSl matie matsy hsumi- pttse wgit aves sosting agaiett esolat. sifas. I baS beaui sittiug thnusabout - t>' minutes, "ien it auddeul> occrnod TUEf Rieur Mai.-Tlte late Sir HeuryF s rtisaI bisolautero, 'mois I-baS placSd Smitis,.long M. P. for Colchester, vos end Is' table opposite tise îiudov mighith ie teries of h'ie olS ocisool; sudtamou< ihly- doceivesoms oappy voel, sud thise sctos of'referm, is areeclute 'op. saS te ber -Ssmroct ion. Tieseecposition te ail change gav'.Isia areputa. certainly a dseelatce oe. Wiîiutise lien for fll>' sud ebstiuacy vbich vas piot n, bsugiug 'eh tise valuo, vereoeiad borne eut b>'is sreal cisamghser. da ofa % of' tan'- a galRant ashp -viics- baS cainie a aveisgl i.pe Soin cai viosocroi b. usvr snce of' numeroos frieuds .sud oun- sking ivo t 1lb.thedreaStul tais, fnag. a ieavy.ioôing <armer for is .vote, ilS ne of' vrecs, figlire-seade 1and ti ien usa nerphîel itl> mestiorialabea'nog vituces (te e"i'S lvote for ye,,Sir Henry, a ualue tiloas nature ofh'is <santalcont. As oui>' youmc sueis a 1 01o11 '>- ' ý i tisougispased tisnongis m>' md I el'Pool ami 1 etortoti SirHeut>'; "tisiL ngoissed, tise. igii, sud *as beft lu Il the ver>' mante:reprousot yen.> r'Sarkoas. Thsis abatt o! vit ponetrated the~ farmteres Tisere 'vas ne Muon, Do ligist sisi coce an ti us a onS guavhoepromis- occauioual glimmer et a selita>' star hvoe- eo iseai>' clondu avopt across ths sky tise retiectien troin tisevisite mas t fue'OmeisaHeraU toila htis fltovie< a îurgiog bouesth men. I, trieS -te sten'. . o ;cab.in, a Pal;nes Iodi, s off tise ncemhrtable feelings visicisvassoaued for flue dollars by- a visita mai, pite ofh&' ysf, vonîd steel ou-en me.' I bèforè 'Siouire Johnson. Ou tise day of net nenvoas cor ever-imègliualiis, as-trial Joe madp 4is appeat'nce, and mandei. veli Sues' ýbut 1 coutl, fnot vîtstintiet ie noquielte amoisut for debti e oets, drear>'. influence efthtie place. Tkec anS- Setiauded a reMept ln feu. tint seund of tise vinS anS tise bolbv , IfWisy,- Joe il Ie unsecessry,> saiS roet se su as it tissndered againat tise tise tquire. înade luus' ars like ligndis oh' "olýs, e s aut >um receipt,.sartin.!h 1ia W ea see ittln&oe hu,fea .mil>' 'a 1 tell yen, Zoo, a receipt viii de you, 4ing, l'or t stbah' au leur, vison - 1ne, ged." meb consolons beticen tise panses cf il Berîtin, 'Squire Johnsont, Me. vsu$ bisîncnel of' a beavy sound eh' Snipping r> toe near and ton disbinct te bo cen. a' Whsh du ya vaut it (or, Joe?" SîSd vibthé tise nof h' ie ses, Tise -si'Ohis .0semedie andigo te beon di asîIsaid befèe, visblowiug farionas tison s'pose tbis a>', Well. jpe Seesasi - tise time -,but'tise sa-Ã"td etruckon Cleu 0oie a> -1abei?' Tisn es s e>' sn, net 'iont but tfkrouglb ail At q'Ne, Very, vel; ,diS yen pi>' 'am Boit same time a colS chili seemed te pgr. >'olisaeu' 'Oh, les, me psy 'cun! Welli tse rooeeusand aittul' I Sititiltl>' a'pese yeu"bov 'am receipt.' -T~ me a blimau fade. Tisaiface 1Ion ntiven bave te- go*wsy Sein, ion eait over -1911 id ut; blas and Seath.like, tisel esofIxeS haut 'arn p, 'Squire ,Johnson. gisatiy,antd tiseface bruiieS anS liS, r- yeî iluluted b>' on ard ligit tI The Kiug eh' Burmai issubeau depoiedi uS faeitvits berner, as I feit I vasiu endS hi brotsen, lb. itemapparent, <ogeula. preseisc o'tise auperuattanil. Yct 50>' r wvus tiseeof h'e iig's sonu, bave boom v ere .111 i ied i>' s epecls of h'ss. iie.-Thsere are frts îien ou 1-lie r#adfui sigisi. Il ýgave bhinn. m e asfr1dW Se ides eh aface ;ist b.dbeen, on-ds-e et-iohen and diefigured. M eye A Rzr.yioN oyTteî'uïW&tTrt,-We aise aîtraeted bÉ7 a ,litteittg8 objoci baS -suetsen nv-tn rst>' veà ia h ôppetureti te ho sûsiponidoti<nom tb. sud good ileigbing en'last ISti of lcian le y ascalet bandker-csef. "A secondi wlicis le'almsnot nprieSeuted iun th iioi. s tisird timevaw» tisai face presented >tutis. Ouae of lil'aOvd osEs vJu"etii zy v, su uaul îitîavy we are 16 baiv n iu a l ô W1" ng tianogia sud arcunS hi ',then it -'Tser. lesaiS te le asjrat-svlry ftor eau>' disappoa r edi.,,ise Ilsrihalisip 1i9 Louiusang,- c.oeW no Afwmousents'psâsd, duning lisicis Scubi by tbefact îbat tise emoisuusts of W otteni'pvelsl.-(e y e-the'officeare' na uresate b$Z60,006, 1Pei a imuri aïte o'get-up- sud fling the anneum, b>'tise -passage of thb* bankuipi rwiSe -~O. At finit I conuld 'AIs. set, vitis <ses, atteantuL- lesh naoblng ý but 'sI gazed ilnger -A ae rpsst elie-os. ubuarkèu, sa', ise. tse sca. lismeut i bie hSeMay drivesasiseep inu - uirouetilttvape, ~~ - ~ à t oue euS, sud bave h eecoaont a% île gnoudanStisit:graa.otlier as, four quartera of mutrnol%, fois tes abevc bise go d udt, g b1da- ,a pirof draietu, alestbeio is ire tsomete Botlt hie air' uits - dictlousîy,,aid sparuei. culisv ruîtliog sobsot, lIke tisat of SeSd reghllanÂiltys;ian ioig sont for a es dieturbed b>' tise bld.; - 4ack, expruesli bis uurprise-à t beiu*e.ll. I feitîiupoeljed l'ys nover aboie' ml e'n es'asu udeleaonap~pJ'~ilg ,mcit fi vas OS ' Owen c appear 4CR, - t- iasvandi ou@ Irvn osa emsu.n plelted, W. Il. DOUOIAL Within ttt of tise (uil tiowtoV, (lu tte pýruiniâ* B land 14END 1 af 10,r MO0baoks