Whitby Chronicle, 24 Jan 1867, p. 3

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TOWN 4 OOUM~ Xf-00 the t ib 1Li nt luaimte capt. lu, Gode%., 450 260ti7 j,, a, lUT. o.ea 0lm . ....... .. m .ans ...... . bo, ........ 4$. . - 1.4 . d s460c# ........... 000Oo.si .40TIE.a50, .31r13. '$4.nIl o .$4ja *T.80 rosi Ebaite, lVdumdyisat 28. .*4, Cam ,0 O*A .it 1.41ol * 80S@ air BOansdil! lo n y o the te n.n IL BATTLI, ' [FE WRoyTI 0; osai).a~k UiBrk ( égoa Waaan ix THE Jo*a- .s., ui - .ue v $004otiboard 'ditiona o tohli.Court or Cbamory, vith lhe rofolengvaslato, The spmbae-ror pursim ao ml. i, et t Sa gay "mnàdepoxieltepro. EIn. vltji InWteat hrin, viin for eks 'froi the daosie. a# Tb@. porobceer or parobhamre shah algn ou lirgeahfor thie cospition of tii. parcise Thi endors siAli bot b. booud t. produ.., sy tigi. duemiogs, nt r poweelon. Thé. par.hsar sor pnfrebsé.rsadsait t$aas tilleas.the m éd Tiomni..fienett bc,,lethi. tidi p 4r eh Maoli ot ealisfor $"y forther aix.,etthé mssooto nn.tt, snd tus*fila 0( the suld Jbeu,îtt. uithlda Bencett, îJosepl Lmw.r, as plsralm WI,»te., Th udda te b. prepsred by t1 VenJorts filcior, et the psr.bauiwexene.Oc psy. mneît or hh* purgi,.semouey, t ii. îirlia o4 INI entltied h0 a cesweygneudi O lot luo Furtîser particnlars nia;y b. had ronfi Samuol 4!mhoerana Vendor's Solloitor, sud Rubert 'J ilo. #quire. of the, Town or Wiitby, d 1~the undonigdmster of thîle Court et Dsted tuls lotis&Y01day Jnnary, 0. - GEO. Ia. DAlTNEL, Farmers' Inn, TO LET. I'V norlier svlIng mode up hi* mind à uiîk sVentu ro £At si.doc Golil di. glg, tfe rent tise welJ knowuiot 66 tM RS INN." Thie houa.e'la conir#enluy fnd vol l itemd up; the titi t.bil lngo, su'eds- salnr,(eroi.mv aîîd enclowid,, snd the 0 osIliote], oneto tii.s h,,s nticiss roâe îîWhily'. P*loustosion lmiuodlâioly. W1lItlýy, Jan. 22nd, 18e.én- PUJSUANT to isDara sud 11.4 Opr efor' iale of ti COourt of Chgaery,, maie in thse cauule of DARLING v.WÂI.LAOE, A04 wth the ppobation of! dec . .Dort- 511 i 1.ur ma.tr of the ».ad Cours at mi hyw,,,l l od by the. »I me.r as à,,, dh m u er, B i'ro t stroet, l a t ~ é s i TOWN 0F W.HITBY,- YridaytIi l5th of Job. nzto At the. hm'r or two oloek lu the. sfternoo the. lolowlug valuable PsnI lande lu tue TOWNSHIP 0F RBEMiI, TRIÂT M wTO04y) Lot num ni leteen, lu th#.tbtMeth con& wooilon, oteinlng two 'hundrsd gaoe, more or les., Vwili be sold jpon* or two- I*rolàa 41Mltpurthms. u & Lot if un- The odtmnso aeare théesanlin on- <itions e e1. i Curt o1lvau %, t91fV 1p1ng variations., 'Fb. purcbas.r shil, nt bie option e.tihe tmse of ae tu. s.d ,ute0the. l'edor, %kleIlolo adsmt Jg tw proportion PM f U 0end, or eeyou. Jsuudre4pounde of thes purobse. hio y, SIM shailpy the IXbaanc theeOOf with literest at savon per tet, rons the &ofM l, wtttmq o on th front thé day o! sleoi oiebsl psy down teth# Vsnlor or hie 8ol1e1tor, one bundred pud ofth# jsI4J.tcebm moue M te ern <rou tii.zý daf "sles.wthlatéesh Ptsysulb sunuslly Upon ful P"yMt of <il. mud pareha. pionq sud otmestOr guon Puarith iad enni otoué hnndi,A poofdi su hI$ th. V.udor the #nid mortgsgê, <b tuoaar sahab eutiled toe movysueeÃ"'the snid Thé. Veudor shallpot be"'qulr.d go produce %s ded, o in bigpossesion. sàd the <lids t th iirpente. oth. pur.les% For <nther pertil&Wla.u £ily te A"lm Gordon, Esaq., >Isnob.etsv, or te IsMUes K. Ourdon, Veudor'es'dllltoç, pgr tbu 4ud#rsld- ~IO .DAETNELL, r<Kitbitj. aino lift.ru W'Ty, 'n ~ à~.* VarrsmB4equat.îb. T l- 01 sld t'il 012 Fp~ Wbltby, J4fi, 1., lu thée tuatteof JORN RRWN bsi TMUE Creditor o! tii, ingolventsareg"netil JL tlist-tluoy (the Insolveuta,) hÈvj.in su eaW«Onent, of thoir ecatt.asdd ellbat .r tieaboe'. A tfo me theiid.rsiguod cIgntmed tiiý,, 4Im credhgors.) are requit ho fnrulsi me wlthin tvo mnontls <romn*t date w:h thefr cialuispedlfylng thue eeur tii.y hold, If *my, sud tbibi aie of It, ani 90"n,MAt1stils i. f..t> tjmviole atteuitem dersîms I the vouhîrs ile appoll G!As DA$dIMe lculila, lu the,, 1'o.p cf bro ln the. Coiuty ot Onutario, till# 1Jtb dsy qWheat IIF, SU BS'llIBpE lt W IL L PAT T] T ligliomt Cash prie. for 3,OOObus. IVHEA'I DflIVEnLD AT &et ar . . lined fied Id e on- dek por 'i. 'J -MORRIS'S MILL. [ggWbtb, ov ~DAVID 511111 E« btyNv 1 6. 44 Boiter. for SaUf Apply At Me Wlîlthy Fonndry, or to, JAS, LOGAN, Exq. 150 P l e rlov Wanted. .HEML0CIK W 0 0 Pt m iliVEb DAT rTUEs G. T. RAILWAY STATION, Fer furtiier lolormatdu, apply te the iuder S.lGIBBON Whitby, JÂu.2ý, 11f. ln N 0/TI15 BI %Ob>g .fe o au i non §,b$W.d (0 of Atuo%:hat)Srnon tl.erent Must b"maloe Aodetlsvzeetoreet thol' o&s,., lutii. Towu of PICTM, andnoM othervla. or .Ie.whers ; sud ail pormon bavlug juat cdaimi gtnAt the si Ftate are requested to premeut tlir aIaIis te theo ssd Escoators W lqui4a:lou. 3, B. WEEDI 8. F. W ZEDEN, l WALTER R0015. *. l.-î clainIs tat ors pont due wlll rt. qîreto b, psld up liteii. deyo ;r uary cit.y f a W. BOSS, Acting BEcnmotr.. Plctoni, Nov. (0,1 6,8-S NEW CARRIAGE AND Waggon Shop S Akt7EL WALKEY le Prepsr.d ho no (m aire ho order, ail klusdm Of BLEIGES, &o., IN LATU(.STYTLEs. 'z.ni -ay and rnpJ 3W'hroe.doorsgBut cfMr. Wi an' stors. Dundua Si, Wh.tbye Wbstby, Ja.Iflth. 1804 - Iamufor Sd TOWN El'OfPI$EN. mzb.abepp.rtny vWin 1* &ldOUI reem abl.ly 11er', is. Ami; 1F. o;, 0",ifs - .u. n, rtii p É tt(. ] »E. .DE A ~ IG 08RM45 mlat'o o 0fr= TUFÂmentWYO E-wm 'ds, b.l &u clvn pio te <Offer4 for sle by 1aaI twth Oru dstand,' XHit street, Oslajthe Ii. ol, 'oS hlli - meuse stock of ovor $69000 WoRTH 01? 000DOP C')NSISTI1ÇG O> Dry Goodul, Rendy-rnade Cloting, Boots and Aboefs, ât., cap#). Gloses, Plte, ekos - 1, L' , ke. - W~ Ais te Esate muet b. closeà n uP t once, iloods wîhi Ise siold ah a great useeriles.Do îîot torge.htu esil agadptruiliaeewhilI su oppVrtn. tîlty le sfforJed go got dOhoapoils, Atiotlon Baleery' Bturday, ArT2 1#1t IP. 14, »yAuetio on i l'snrulay, S) nhHre hiluruiiu, sulky aud cnttir. J4IIE51OPN N. E.-AII osrtiea Ilndebteu to the. *bore PEs. foin, oilier hfy nr.u., book scenîi, or otier- wleu.. mnuàt soel Ms.u"me ortitwith, or cot* wfli en.e Oxulva. Jan,. 801,,1847,. un-1 W rants, 011o, ~ Dye Stafs 1eyBurneriN and'Shade OIltspo !ý1puib. -B u - BYRNE, -Di"pnsing andtI Fawuiotn>4 MieLI tGfIELDING & e HÂVee4 ftleD TO ge DRY OODS &GOEIS ?thit ryo,. LIFE ASSURANCE OOIVPY. IESTAI1LIBUED 18W5. BO0NUS Y EAIR. ÈThé. net Divialon of Prof t eemlate<i s o as o a rst k s p l c # £ Parti.. effec1.lng umunea ov i»ts 1,.eutitird 1.0anilmmejîs:. Bonns. WI4ITBY JOHN AGNEW. Agent. ALBION ]HOTEL. EAST -idARZET SQUAIRE, TOIONlTO. Good 15tdbllnjg snd every mmumodaton, nt moderato charges. Bg IOARD 0SiaUR»Air 9 toronto, Dec. Io, 1loi.s, 0 T0E s u !b e i s lr s r b y b a g $ 0 n @U fy tb e Pmers, andi the . Public geierally, Thet tbey fhaie jiwi red a oeoeguuxet Tii. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ' onyfebarri il rewwhluh la housltedudoh baud for salé,i 'o an sd roteil. ý TUE 0 Â3ITÀ31w6 kCe Yanner mtb.rýellye Lve ov o delsi' la get. tin " nnosed dirlutorege, viiib hae alowu Oà 1aat B n d il GanaordlyFariner, III b. bpt FREE -0F CHARGE, p. DRIuw do.- MutWlhl tr, 015. Sn8 co ab""a A T REjDJCIED PRICES Mcclung, Fietding,& C WOOD, 'q 'Oc wooD* f f HAT H f BfOTI--R 200 Cords of liard WoJ neea nge. for Fis kre 8toteo, (rt othièr gonds,) which are offered êt redueC- ed'prices, with extra Hcf4vy Furniture. Those wishing to avail thenlselve8 &of the above, %vill please caIl at once. àIJS A T IEDIJED P RI1CE si Agènts. for the sale, of' and IRaymond'i celebrated SEWING 4 car ioad of the best LzùAll;'accôtints rnust bè settIpd f'ortbwitfi Waozer & Éole MAIIINES, pricesfr 1-ATC1T & BROTEH$,t mono - No. 4e B-o1.- stý.,Wib -t- -t w RtC 1860. '--.7 2!h ~lai4ei bg-to acquaint theireis. tmoad'tbe lbi g.noenly, tbs1trlb.yi4 dnru t t i d f C o f f I u i t b o o f f r g I ' t * o prilitià %r ~0ll~ * aeKo.. ntug-for - 6I0. 8o Cruhed A. No.3g 8rarfor 1i.00. 81grb& - - 00. 8bo, Ground . (g fo UnBet~ewtiiueor - -1,00o 71b&. Bost New.Layer Raisins for -i 141 1 ' 9 1,c urnt c OQ. p oePr ge agfr1 bo e to it Q0. Pue 04lat Whisky $i 10 per galion. * . P oqre ,D ld Bye y W hisky $1 ,10 p er l on 0h-100 BrandyVnr o180 40'pi Ien lA" TERM 8 STRLOTLY AK . T. if. MeMILLAN & COe ~. 4 'Dl il, ~ e ~J. j Grand Clearing. Sali TO MAKF 1É0oM ÉoÊ LOK"ES~4 oIL Are now offering to the public Firat-dila pi s, tbt a it siUHri fiee, but at greatly reduced prices, their stock 4is nFesally ac- knowledged to be the largest an4 begt AMortect in the Coisnty, eonuisting in part of- Drus. Gooda.oA.S.A, h1JL, C1okiag, 9ptlogi Tweeds. c'lx~ Poots andI Shooot General rcoié Çrook.ry, They are, as ever,-deètermined -to do a lead- intrde atIa % fly preaed in their New Premises, on the CRXÈ4 lm UBROO/K A i J) DSSRESio n hçnârab1è compétition, as they are determined to ýel anci zwt be imderold.. CLOTFIING madéto order, by firet-elass Whlntby, tomtWéry 10, 18'u7. L--OWES H1AMILTPON & ,O's. hein6 undes WI t, 'fI*' * I Oftha'tub,$ laloprncpi t4 suAed eleiibsyi *t.d sj urnlng opt th# bestiklain Imyln.e di", dteANZRDý,t 35 roprnto exc b.,Il gétmu iq fo ma Iii cle;uedy e f al 01work QTýAW£CANCUER' INF%3ÏARTçf $Park» Street &êmarinDut ot, a u w. i , rtain. eeE,1If - KNJPB. Ne* Tças, fld/PfiLTO.1~ 4~ (0~8. «Ij 0e4TBdJTrMA FOR5CHR-ST -,,-1 »res~ & OWE. Spcè flacon,1 ýWUtbre T j P , W 5 Uo fPs m u ar 7nov? = conuadle iGoodsý, T ïinm-ed Boü ô'ts& vrI READYioMAI09 C M4D~ tTP ON THE E AT R.&J.4 ceci v At It&J.( ýhiby, ýD c. 1l9, 1866., New Fr uit, AND RETAIL. B&IR ru K4'1j-BR REDUCED; SPRING GOODý$él . . k- ý- ý: e, Il - m POWÉLL. .1 Il 1 1 1 1 1 - 1 9 1 IL 1 1 -- 1 1 1 1- - 1 Il il 1 1 1 1- 1 i;ý -ý. . - A m

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