Whitby Chronicle, 22 Nov 1866, p. 4

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18tssntu.d, Ino«nwAi thé 14oic iket ' çO"d' 0pamUilte t*lbduiesf 4". l't$ v odbnu e ftias resideuc o f John IoJr Stv-.1 0 ],.ts-Vn@ci, esm BreooStreet, uerth ef Ciok'po.i WhibIseBptBme,, itdse ~~.4t1 i~çn'el~ 4,4 I b oiris ae, 'Aigrîepas o WL s of Dogw fraile bt, iO-g»M vtrouand a chrif- t>'( vOginohs M, t 5go«. T ,preport>' wiI bu Mdl0i1.hup, alnoI on utermes 0t PA>" MenOlt. NALSO Lot 15'l, lth .enomsMNA#A is 01110lot,; an<le ltiiftivI >iiy Moule tsour uflso (roma tie ilautre road. Aht oîaInioltonofIaprinf',e . 100 ertw , o it 'M 0, intie Iltit con-' celégigo, isi ultra, Motoé bMor 10 oi',. jourdt Àne 1144, .ic A ppi>' toi i.lIHAN PERRYO Land (iircular. 161Sf eolataddWild lotl, and tmprov.d. FÂRMS FOR SALE9 At 1ev priôa. andi on long terme of polmeut. pain 't sisriii'vt wi s a siss -fol te. se tpsudit>' le mu20 or PoaWsl# 4wo«dL, M sa phialy qiwud u g baeeuvhea ilw W batt itr ievnm soe esfss . (hlit>l. o.ffl .siaite c -uàiý'M Drulaso. C s"Rbfý e@ bf sO18ud _, iL Moita.,b Nefl niacliels.SiiJoet«54,xNs k 0wojer« Eelas is olo dm vsiticmad, C4l.u.od us i. seaU' osuwCurie z hMirPlyonra ataiun& rcWtai nometitiMallah ital Eima> limmas striil ls ieu 51 s'insTh Dn sîfuiyîai k eIlalei goa las e li gSy o tai n nq Iofîl ntrédeav ie mosle 1i rsgussas sa -ts ir4 p l e vi =ri-4 iés. ise hW 19. Pl r'- 1aa.Nri 4 I;10itt120c1t.10 Qac1s00 RLN LE'S HOTEL. j ost 1, tit I l 0 16 169 2h1 6 ' 100 fiAT OO ~ , 13 il.î ts si, ub ' 100 ".I ME EI GL , ' Lt 1, B. 64 100 ' 8 Tisa luat tva Lots. udJohi-r tije Monck,.(Sur- orntiotroil.and isîssi tii iesr Loto lainssa, 4 tie a , t5atid 4 tile. tris id liouici lioy-l1ot 12, 401 ctri. 2»1foae.o, 1, 00,1nitiver 0g 91 , 6 66 1550 ' O Y IM U , M O5 IC Ei Il S14, Nertit Wo4 Bay. îÃ"7 'ltantue suii al tls rislsîuo te poussa O MEFIVIL>LE. -7R' ~R~RT Loit 7, 12th ien:se.si'IIs, 2(19» sureti, rithia 2 a r tultisi or, tue*Ilaecton (*overnasint Msl D.. A R O S WU13 7h ' Tsouitte 100 S W47, $rd " do .100 Lot il Thli100 dot, 'th s sps i S Lot 17, front 8 Soservil, 7, ,lot 'r,îh *1 omrilli, 100 Lt S, QUIa .o 2(00 -Lt 71bTh do 200 66 - os121hb ' do 200 66 r1"' Lot 9' 0h "I de si let lil i,8uL td go. di S EX 27'1,ad SWiits>' 50 sevoral vaI diable bulaiij'otis for hiulceoe, and privats roiidonoeu lu tha* Towus of Liud m n Ir osaysad Wiloîby. W JN BI TERSe tFr, nther sitorniâtion., ï iby arl, 5 5.Wilb Ar e mon eol h alla pleasant bayer. 984 @vso ekred te hie publi. Tue>' viii - - - iglaiue iae appotite, sa digestion, an ex. cllent purifier ettble Bloosi, a- slituuatiug toreen, ansi slijçbt altoratîlve, gond, for j ,,Bilieuxouss,-î,rsvenislg lvoers ansi con-ý taglous dscaeso,. tor Norvouo andi deli.' «tg ,LaIise tii.>' canot ito surpas.ed F7VEY ONZ SIIOULO USE T[1914 j (ivo tÈieîal *Triai Numerous eertitleaîe eau bel giron e(t tIiir OCua.>' 00.ACRSON'.' 9.,- 'WIUTBY, .W ir'sale bi .thé principal Wheoa"1 Douer., DrueLiMs, and t YI irst.clas lbo&4çn4 Olio8. ILE.L. MUNRtO & ce., j- Wbitby, 0. W., j Ocen.aI Agnts#lfor the aboie eoiehralsd S ittitm-t vW!om ail ordors showld b. adI. WhiLby,1ýJùJy Ut logo. US Ticèk jPeete'yejr Ur au.L EEIRY WUIE. JO rrepre, fiToronte. -F0JR' SALEV , OTNo,.1IN T[119 u, C )EQUMQ L n#4r tbMeuelw 14&d. Ur mff, fýo Pla') tht, 0k.eau Farrn forSl. For ýso ti o<.ur. tLtN. Xlnth5Ia Staeuson ait h. Tovuolilp ol RItie Wit,'. oept.b it 0 moroo.Thow ame are rail rasteroi, iaviug sbrtUInisCait tt rgi l a el - la-er y r ofl irn utieve, anst>' 10'cs U9979- -41 - -~LI5 TIMuib W<tblrysemy P ggy, Cutran *IDJê Ki~m.. cotir litei toîada or- SI. uilsa 81 5. Pasi:ngorsiu. mteNz r »_pjvsyfd thé OumGasat lOshawa fNe of echarg,. Z%âprou q.a"u'.u rtuioy ottaneiid tW end 'Pasreivrd wlîh dâatoim.Tio profrie- to Wt o e rsosbé for parcols or Owk$P, udf'bou d dpild fSrla 64- ~JII~P STIES -.i Ayr1o tr unacsta v-wi O - Nwlningi put flu old lwpa4ÉDUg promptly .attenct Alknsprodtioetaenl exohng te OL» STAND. baf(Srvat uur akrigIstSdo4 Igawh. o i uo.bae to eus let tihkofor put layona W'lE 81KMC9f,1ST1ýEETj OfSIAWA. 'Aprll lé-eh, io., 14 CARELtut, SMON kORNAMEINTAL ej fi y 0pri-o EtrShot, 8 doorisuth Wab>,Jun, 27, 18e6. 25 Mon'ey to Loan. OMM undrotI Thôuuansi Dollar. teLoin borrowers, Kt à Véry nmoerato rate of Intes'our. upn'et la a-igiMsusso a. MOIN 110D 4SON, [ucumbont, hoisai's' Wau LoIiti.q,,Wvlit- bliW,' o.L..Cnsrilyl> AdammGer. gouE.ZbkrOPrieOr Of tise Msntiear Waro- OU*'. e 1Ktudiey, E»q., Iforeils; Niel F441dr Es., Fort Perry; J "ph BEsdisr, Z% ',0 BOU90 . (ioria lfrsutzot ý.Wlc ~Mst 01; osssiusa4q..igon , oineq.ak voManhe n or, S ipur, , Yoq,,86 et,5 'Tylyou Ies., lioe .t oa1k. fli! sb.rl . çA T P O l W H T B ,Y lest . , 1 TI ore, erlforida stheh Tannery -,C. WA,LNî k Çe :WiiIby,Jflr,16.2 '-N-J'à,~ O#L waggo# Shêp WALKY frd4riato'mès. 'Wbttbr, Jas,,litt. 1,66 FJI!UL GROCIfjIENi Wines ad Liquos September 19, 18U6. FRNIS I<EL1.ýÉR- G~Z32! ~'Ti I. r 4 'j 2 I c lb pi THE:LIVERP'OOL, AND LONDON AN3>T,WXBE., CAPITAL $10,000,000. . THE EDINBUJRGHI LIFE AND LOAN'ASSURIANÃ"Co-. CAPITAL 050090o0, PROVINCIAL INSURANCE Co., 0O (CANADA,) BRITISH AMls RICA ASSURANCE d0o.i, (0F TOONTO,)> FJRE AND) NARiNE. - WESTERN INSURANCECUPYO NL Dj ACCIDENTAýL DEA.TII IN.SURAîýNEtd rE jNGLA&NDj ALSO AGENT POIU TUE:PMI!tIAt -PRmANENT BUILDING & SAVINGS- SOCIE TY, [Torontoj M» Ail clams of pro erty iûr.ured on renadnabi4 cm. I0 Mocy Loaned on Real estite. Prospectuses and luil 'infor mation 4>given ftreely An application. Also.agent lor Provincial Telcgraph ÇoSIIPguy. FRANCIS KELLER, Poatma ster, Oshawa C., W. I - MP132E1 W'pj~q~ £ j' ÂGRICITJJITJRAL W ORKS. -~bO: ~.- 'i SPECI1AL Shgle Reapersand .Mowors-r, and Reapers and Mowe,'s Cornbined. The subscribers would cali the attention of the Agricutiu'aI co'm- munity te their Stock of impiemenus, whcre vili bu bond Duhnost everyîbîng tbe Far- mer sua> require, snd especlallY at Ibis season oftise Year, te theur Stocek-of O f several kinds, and of the Latest Make. To which aill the La. test mrvmento fbond n ccessary by practicable teste during the lasi seasoti, hare b be en adled. BalE's Ohio Reaper and Mower combined, C0ayn a ChieÇ Reitp. or and Mower combined, the Manning Single RLaper, the Caysîi. uLber Mowcr.'Oo- any and IaIl of tbe above Machines, we Invite a trial. Tbey arc manufactureci wiîre, Die8t .laterial 4';fJorkma'N»8kiD And can be guaranteed te the purcls A PAIR TRIAL OU1 NO SALE. Vhitby July 4, tal - -i bu fiLve sauisrio n,~uplof BRLOWN & PATTERSON. I63jKi~-~MWest, Toronto. I8rge!wiety of Cwia haaf 0 heProphè~ters olthl8 4 Etablishmaut, posseu facilities for ten"ble the' to defy' cop~ton îçrzipȍ ye finih, ~4land uofAr î,ouredvou. TILL & BRO HER beg to inforrn customnr n h ulc 4fhatte 1h.'sae purchameh Stýekin-tîade and interestit n b busness carried on for the laut 84 years in WbVitby by their father, andi beg te glatS' eentînuance of tbe ps-GE tronage bestowesi upon the establià4naeni fpr 00 ixany years, VMW Sofas, .Bureaus, Lounges,, Bedsteads, Chests of Drawers, Look- .dOnr ing Bliclook Cases, Parlr snd Drasîring Itoom Chairis, Rocking hars, OfficetioiIjiI snd (iane.Seated Chairop Towcl and'Toilcî Stands, &c., sa great vaiftril, alid at gresti>' reduoed * ' - U gr UPHOLSTERY in ail its branches. Every article being F 2g t.nc made up.tnder their ovn jrsmtdi«st o tperintendence e au bc warsnted otet cbeut tua- ii teriat and w arcm'anhihî. '~ * Alt kinss of G uit Mouldngs and Pictume Primes mate E  e te order. An exaimination iii' tbe preaient barge andi splendid stock on hau1ns is repeet-, fuli' solicitesi. W WlVre Booms,, No. 4, B3îock street, andi No. 2, Volborne street. Whitby, o - , TILLay &6B1O06.ER,-lC JAS. BIN &C. o 1 da anoÃ"u-nc1, e .thnt they haive re .mov ,ed tete omdiu rikbiligkafwdorkouho I IEEL.MWHIOBIV 1RC 71 BET HIIY lmý--e- -'È ~~RU M~I ~L n~o- -. a ', m -u a IL mu Just te hand an assortment of Ladies, JMisses,-and Childrené:Sn m mer Sboes' Also iJome-inade Boots and Shoes, and shoes' of ai] kinds, Wholesale and RetaiL TwoIlundred Sides of $panish Sole Leather. Machine Need- les, Silk and Linnen Threads, Hard ,Ash,* Silk, and -Cotton Elas. tics. Alkinds of Shoemaker's Findings for sale cheap.- Whiby Ma 2 186. JAMES BAIN & CO.' whity? ayý , ýGg.17.ly BUGGIES &CARRIAGES m*O'DONOVAN'S CAUR1IAGE «FPAC TORY, A, good assortment of Buggies, ("aririages, &e., miade of the best ma-terial, will be sold at a small advance on cout. gBank of Upper Canada Bills taken fit exchange for work. Whitby, October 3, 1866. The Largcst, Best, ai,dpCheaest Stock of DRY' GOODS Ih N .ZTARIO, IS AT The-bulk cOf'which- h'ving'been purcliuued by MtIIn- J.urn Cùip- smi, ln the Britlsh Market, for cashî, duriug (tie receut mono>' panie, wliieb wIll Ie ecic cheap for cauh. gt %lOURi NJvW MILLl1NE R Y SH'O wROOMIS, Are now complete with ail the newest etyles i'n Bonnetas, Mantles;,,Flowers,,Feahers, &c.,&e!' - t, i5 I. l îretock o les Goods, Shawl,',Cottons, Linens, Carà. pet., leeavos, road . Clotho, SiIk Mixture Tw es, Puil l oîb &. and READY*mMADBmw, mCLOTHINOI Iii XKemoaud, -Boys, ;"made' p on the'; Prem'isM. The Taiôoring depw é et la i ns t eaby a -a scu t r.'. -~ THE - GWCERY 'fEPARTMENT- Fresh Stock of À O4LL VR.PEUT rLL7 OfI~r R. & J4 YAPBLL. Or aaay otles, ART.81 14U 06Ausri>' eajIS tol icited.; P W. Il DOUGALL l~m lie o rtylrag onbuine" utas ilWiby, sSvextelsdinw ovrsàperiod of aiy5spà In arsuoneuefng bisretircmejt touith a Volet buinesefh lie, baos jo jeu>ites Onq h biega, te recommens lais. Oua , leb,,o lie liamo (rsiiourred allIde1f, ntëeet and stook- lu triodes and vile wll cirrten tias bti esa icibitture usiar teas style sud àf re'W AND BiqTIIER, e ie an l s lto t .net4ILomrs. Bsth bava boehCscnueetè4 itls sud pusse..s thor eariea youtp, brstucb of thé trad. f ta, oo, inli Y , the Crter 5f theae osbe %-ih h baebtherbuaintgideflinuga COmmuysity'. Fer Ine rote aauots thei r rerk wrîli matoit tie', Outaer i11A srlaiive sud undwidda tteo ta0 râcbs fuIty i tpic mis iseebro. Whlîhy, ja>' I WI L AT Lt M uti sisociMuPie- bo,,t and latent 3utsie,QoU ressnb>sten.u- 4 ppliesslons imusit 4 mdaid ie eaut 1>', r bybettsr, <oat.mlsI> t0 Naop c founojiou*tetoîrih le, Wiltb Bruts Bolii 24 T ;Y R T AK n %LPQful 4d ~ andtsi e itc.-"11Plkepi constaut>' e 15"se to fifre on hfberaltess. - GEORQEOUEXACE ISAMIIOTII« PILK5XONa BIootp1 pnoter ofUîie abevoGallovy WOUl53 the Pueblie huit lttai uer lIa. mos$ ttioPrOviue, asii lie poae teksPietares lh, u mosde ottîe )y tteArt. a~wr4~a>'ollar~ ts"ç TS' MATERIALS. * N1utlinks for, pltf(Svers, am. ds Blandi, sudsare prsparqdlo attenul eulola Ers -l$ i>'- 3008esmn, Ou the n sisom êso"ible. bru... cOr te K. BAlCEI,-R "OSIIE Haif aMIl'.on MO1NEY TO',LIENI 0F PRIVATE FEND Ongei orts.eonity aa wàrteg Is btet. f.Ior nrOteI fast jO".nsU CN -NTZitiIT, w ikms boughtn4 .1, ii j JA mm--ny, oi,*,' -0eiiAdaa. GEORGE8 Il. DAR! ~ fl&EESTBPATTOEIE IJ , or', tnty Retris.trir, iY ansxamnre-u Ohance yoftutaioreffieBs>ron.i$ ROBERT 1. Wi1 e-ietnr,,% Bnildini, Bro X. M. JARTI 4j liti Oissweciy. <ilamben.- Tôtaet*ô. J. k. CoRDES) B lqtTEB k ATUIR~I Whtyn lTI'i' Loweuist 8t. . .EOA W- . I BLLINiq SGL!CITeS, aC, lI AS RLOVEiD higtLaw 0 1-L tbysJefo;, I1882. eDa CHARLES C. REI AT01NA T L&WV, 8 Je HAMSE GREENW A TTOICNEY-kT-LÂAW. S( JXCh"aee', Noýtai 'Publie a.WhiUbe il. W. RoBoum,ln Ê6~tots>asrylSDe.on Br"c ANBREW 10. igtriti .1hkgP"4TER4. <ATtRE Portor 2ti Deisssser, 18e <IFFICE-U ddrt R. MCCOOffice. A Wrhe oty, Jane', 1%8, .W L-ARtSE. AtTORNE, Poot P-O7nipiide -B Poi ou 1~9~ JOUIX JILLING; 4WCHANORYs *CINV JOteiPneAlbert, e , .Forznan's dors. £4o W. 1GeiYNN, . I 8UltUON O ifB cour' fERCIîÂNT TAlLeR, C ATKIEMON à BOWI B ARRISTERS. Kinq Street, a di AÏ IiVILLAGE, C. W., ýâgecfor Ysurlc snd Ont% PROLVINClIAL TELESDLAf 00I'NNECTNG WITiI ALL TfI lJpal CitfeosudiTovra» lusCsism ssIit4d States. gg(>n'sz in Whitby 2 dors Itugitr>' office, Orossic itrect. JAIL!>'>SIXTII 5>t7-IsTpX LICENSE» AUCT1JNBEEt- - :. ~ - NOTIýC'E! iarer ta oivo jFALLý IMPO', TATIION-8 1 l= 1 1- 1 1 Reprosents the following well-knowü càt4anieo 1 1

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